How To Save Money Fast On a Low Income: Making Ends Meet | Hiatus (2024)

Saving money can seem like a challenge, yet alone doing it on a low income. That might seem impossible. When your monthly bills keep piling up, it can be easy to feel overwhelmed and start to worry about how you will manage to cover all your expenses and have money left over to save.

According to GOBankingRate’s survey of 1,000 people across the US, 38% of adults have less than $100 in their checking accounts and 36% have less than $100 in their savings. This might seem a bit troublesome, but it’s not to scare you.

With a few simple lifestyle changes, you can easily put away a few extra dollars each month. In this blog post, we’ll share 15 ways on how to save money fast on a low income.

1. Create a Budget

Setting a budget is a game-changer when it comes to saving money, no matter how much you make. A personal budget will allow you to keep track of where every hard earned penny is going. It happens too often that we spend money carelessly and don’t realize exactly how much we spend.

There are a few budget strategies you could use. The 70-20-10 budget rule is one solution where 70% of your income post-tax goes towards all your essentials. Twenty percent goes towards savings and investments, while the last 10% is for extra debt payment or donations.

Another budget method is to list all of your expenses and categorize them into necessary and unnecessary things. Rent, groceries, gas, car payments are just a few categories that should be included in a budget.

Whether you write it down in a notebook or use a budgeting app, budgets are sure to help you save money fast and improve your finances. An app like Hiatus allows you to create custom budgets based on your spending habits, which will help you avoid those common budgeting mistakes we all fall victim to.

How To Save Money Fast On a Low Income: Making Ends Meet | Hiatus (1)

2. Open a Savings Account

Whether it’s a high-yield savings account or one of its alternatives, putting money into some type of savings account can help you save money fast even with a limited income. You won’t be tempted to spend the money since it won’t be in plain sight in your house.Money in a savings account will earn interest and grow overtime.

A traditional savings account averages around a 0.42% APY (annual percentage yield), while a high-yield savings account can earn 5%-7%. Money in a savings account is protected by the government and it’ll always be accessible in the event of an emergency.

5. Pay Off Outstanding Debts

Whether it’s student loans, your mortgage, or just credit card debt, being able to clear up your outstanding debt will help in the long term. Yes, it’s not “saving” if you’re spending more money, but the interest you pay on debt adds up over time. Pro tip: pay off your debt with the highest interest rates first and then work your way down to lower interest debts.

6. Always Look For Deals

There are many ways to take advantage of discounts when living on a tight budget, including using coupons. Look for coupons online or in-store, and use them when purchasing things you need. Additionally, take advantage of sales to save money on clothing, household goods, and electronics. Check out different stores to compare prices and get the best deals. However, make sure the items you're buying are essential, and not just impulse buys. Consider joining local groups that offer discounted rates on services such as food, entertainment, and transportation.

How To Save Money Fast On a Low Income: Making Ends Meet | Hiatus (2)

7. Change Your Financial Institution

Nowadays, everything is about getting your attention for your service. The same goes for financial institutions. A majority of them will even incentivize you to switch from your bank to theirs. These places might juice up the perks for you to secure another customer under their belt.

8. Get A Side Job

If you’ve cut spending and you still feel like you’re not progressing, consider getting a side job. It’s the easiest way to increase your income and put more into savings. Freelance or part-time jobs that could boost your income are driving for Uber or Lyft, online tutoring, or even selling items online. Flexible options such as dog walking or cleaning houses will let you work your side hustle into your existing schedule.

How To Save Money Fast On a Low Income: Making Ends Meet | Hiatus (3)

9. Compare Different Rates On Insurance

It’s not set in stone that you have to keep the same insurance companies forever. In fact, it doesn’t hurt to look around every couple of years for different insurance plans. Some car insurance companies will offer you a better deal if you have a good driving record. You can also look into bundling both your car and homeowners insurance because you may be entitled to a better plan getting both insurances from the same company.

10. Spend Less Money On Food

One of those expenses that you can't hide from but you sure can stay on top of. People tend to downplay how much money they spend on food. Let’s face it, three meals a day can add up, especially if you’re one who often dines out and likes to socialize.

Some of us even get lazy when it comes to food and have get our food from meal delivery kits to cut down on time spent in the kitchen. That doesn't mean it'll cut down the food expenses. HelloFresh and BlueApron are just two to name and while the gourmet aspect seems nice, the cost may not be worth it.

Make a conscious effort to see how much money you’re spending on food monthly. Both preparing your meals and making coffee at home are great ways to save money fast on a low income. You’d be surprised but taking these steps can help slice the cost by half or even more!

How To Save Money Fast On a Low Income: Making Ends Meet | Hiatus (4)

11. Buy Second Hand Items or Shop At Thrift Stores

Shopping for goods at a thrift shop, online like the Facebook Marketplace or eBay can help you save on any purchase. Yes some of the things might be second hand, but that doesn’t mean it isn’t in good shape. Even if you’re tight on funds, these different places can uncover some good finds. Some people are even willing to give away things for free due to a relocation so the only expense you might have is picking that item up.

12. Find Cheaper Ways To Travel

Getting from point A to point B can be a huge expense. Instead of driving your car everywhere you go, invest in a bike or think about walking to places you can. This will cut down on gas costs and you can get in some exercise as well, two birds with one stone. Using public transportation is another cost-effective option instead of driving everywhere. If you happen to live closeby to a coworker, you can carpool with them to save both yourselves money on gas. Remember, the small sacrifices you make now will pay off in the long run.

How To Save Money Fast On a Low Income: Making Ends Meet | Hiatus (5)

13. Invest In Pre-Tax Savings Options

Take advantage of automatic contributions to boost your retirement savings. By setting up regular contributions to your employer-sponsored retirement plan, like a 401(k), you can use pre-tax dollars to fund your future. Not only will this help lower your taxable income but may also provide a valuable employer match program. Some employers will match your 401(k) contributions, effectively giving you free money towards your retirement goals. Keep in mind that most employer-match programs have a minimum contribution requirement to be eligible.

14. Become A Handyman

Learning how to save money fast on a low income could require some YouTube watching or WikiHow reading. Sooner or later, something in your house or car will need to get fixed. Nothing lasts forever. Having to pay a maintenance worker could cost a pretty penny for their services so learning how to do things yourself can help you save your money. If things aren’t clear, you could always ask a friend who might actually do that for a living.

How To Save Money Fast On a Low Income: Making Ends Meet | Hiatus (6)

15. Unplug Appliances

Energy bills are a major expense for many households. Cutting down on energy bills is a smart way to save. Don’t just switch off the lights or appliances when you’re not using them, but instead unplug them. Even if they’re off, they will still continue to draw power. You can also replace incandescent bulbs with energy-efficient LED Light bulbs. Using energy-efficient appliances like washing machines or fridges will also help lower your energy bill.

How To Save Money Fast On a Low Income: Making Ends Meet | Hiatus (7)

5. Pay Off Outstanding Debts

Whether it’s student loans, your mortgage, or just credit card debt, being able to clear up your outstanding debt will help in the long term. Yes, it’s not “saving” if you’re spending more money, but the interest you pay on debt adds up over time. Pro tip: pay off your debt with the highest interest rates first and then work your way down to lower interest debts.

6. Always Look For Deals

There are many ways to take advantage of discounts when living on a tight budget, including using coupons. Look for coupons online or in-store, and use them when purchasing things you need. Additionally, take advantage of sales to save money on clothing, household goods, and electronics. Check out different stores to compare prices and get the best deals. However, make sure the items you're buying are essential, and not just impulse buys. Consider joining local groups that offer discounted rates on services such as food, entertainment, and transportation.

How To Save Money Fast On a Low Income: Making Ends Meet | Hiatus (8)

7. Change Your Financial Institution

Nowadays, everything is about getting your attention for your service. The same goes for financial institutions. A majority of them will even incentivize you to switch from your bank to theirs. These places might juice up the perks for you to secure another customer under their belt.

8. Get A Side Job

If you’ve cut spending and you still feel like you’re not progressing, consider getting a side job. It’s the easiest way to increase your income and put more into savings. Freelance or part-time jobs that could boost your income are driving for Uber or Lyft, online tutoring, or even selling items online. Flexible options such as dog walking or cleaning houses will let you work your side hustle into your existing schedule.

How To Save Money Fast On a Low Income: Making Ends Meet | Hiatus (9)

9. Compare Different Rates On Insurance

It’s not set in stone that you have to keep the same insurance companies forever. In fact, it doesn’t hurt to look around every couple of years for different insurance plans. Some car insurance companies will offer you a better deal if you have a good driving record. You can also look into bundling both your car and homeowners insurance because you may be entitled to a better plan getting both insurances from the same company.

10. Spend Less Money On Food

One of those expenses that you can't hide from but you sure can stay on top of. People tend to downplay how much money they spend on food. Let’s face it, three meals a day can add up, especially if you’re one who often dines out and likes to socialize.

Some of us even get lazy when it comes to food and have get our food from meal delivery kits to cut down on time spent in the kitchen. That doesn't mean it'll cut down the food expenses. HelloFresh and BlueApron are just two to name and while the gourmet aspect seems nice, the cost may not be worth it.

Make a conscious effort to see how much money you’re spending on food monthly. Both preparing your meals and making coffee at home are great ways to save money fast on a low income. You’d be surprised but taking these steps can help slice the cost by half or even more!

How To Save Money Fast On a Low Income: Making Ends Meet | Hiatus (10)

11. Buy Second Hand Items or Shop At Thrift Stores

Shopping for goods at a thrift shop, online like the Facebook Marketplace or eBay can help you save on any purchase. Yes some of the things might be second hand, but that doesn’t mean it isn’t in good shape. Even if you’re tight on funds, these different places can uncover some good finds. Some people are even willing to give away things for free due to a relocation so the only expense you might have is picking that item up.

12. Find Cheaper Ways To Travel

Getting from point A to point B can be a huge expense. Instead of driving your car everywhere you go, invest in a bike or think about walking to places you can. This will cut down on gas costs and you can get in some exercise as well, two birds with one stone. Using public transportation is another cost-effective option instead of driving everywhere. If you happen to live closeby to a coworker, you can carpool with them to save both yourselves money on gas. Remember, the small sacrifices you make now will pay off in the long run.

How To Save Money Fast On a Low Income: Making Ends Meet | Hiatus (11)

13. Invest In Pre-Tax Savings Options

Take advantage of automatic contributions to boost your retirement savings. By setting up regular contributions to your employer-sponsored retirement plan, like a 401(k), you can use pre-tax dollars to fund your future. Not only will this help lower your taxable income but may also provide a valuable employer match program. Some employers will match your 401(k) contributions, effectively giving you free money towards your retirement goals. Keep in mind that most employer-match programs have a minimum contribution requirement to be eligible.

14. Become A Handyman

Learning how to save money fast on a low income could require some YouTube watching or WikiHow reading. Sooner or later, something in your house or car will need to get fixed. Nothing lasts forever. Having to pay a maintenance worker could cost a pretty penny for their services so learning how to do things yourself can help you save your money. If things aren’t clear, you could always ask a friend who might actually do that for a living.

How To Save Money Fast On a Low Income: Making Ends Meet | Hiatus (12)

15. Unplug Appliances

Energy bills are a major expense for many households. Cutting down on energy bills is a smart way to save. Don’t just switch off the lights or appliances when you’re not using them, but instead unplug them. Even if they’re off, they will still continue to draw power. You can also replace incandescent bulbs with energy-efficient LED Light bulbs. Using energy-efficient appliances like washing machines or fridges will also help lower your energy bill.

How To Save Money Fast On a Low Income: Making Ends Meet | Hiatus (13)

How To Save Money Fast On a Low Income: Making Ends Meet | Hiatus (2024)


How To Save Money Fast On a Low Income: Making Ends Meet | Hiatus? ›

Those will become part of your budget. The 50-30-20 rule recommends putting 50% of your money toward needs, 30% toward wants, and 20% toward savings. The savings category also includes money you will need to realize your future goals. Let's take a closer look at each category.

How to make ends meet on a low income? ›

Making Ends Meet: 12 Creative Ways Despite Your Income
  1. Rent a Cheaper House or Apartment. ...
  2. Get a Roommate or Live With Family. ...
  3. Buy a Cheaper Car. ...
  4. Shop Around for Cheaper Services. ...
  5. Create a Meal Plan Around the Week's Sales. ...
  6. Eat at Home or Bring a Lunch to Work. ...
  7. Work Out at Home. ...
  8. Maintain Your Car.

How to save $10,000 in a year? ›

6 steps to save $10,000 in a year
  1. Evaluate income and expenses. To make room for saving, you'll need a meticulous budget that outlines all your sources of income and all your expenditures. ...
  2. Make an actionable savings plan. ...
  3. Cut unnecessary expenses. ...
  4. Increase your income. ...
  5. Avoid new debt. ...
  6. Invest wisely.
Apr 2, 2024

What is the 50/30/20 rule? ›

Those will become part of your budget. The 50-30-20 rule recommends putting 50% of your money toward needs, 30% toward wants, and 20% toward savings. The savings category also includes money you will need to realize your future goals. Let's take a closer look at each category.

How to save money when you are poor? ›

Jaspreet Singh: 10 Ways To Save Money When You're Broke
  1. Quit Using Credit Cards. ...
  2. Cook More at Home. ...
  3. Plan Your Meals. ...
  4. Get Smarter About Free Stuff. ...
  5. Switch Your Provider. ...
  6. Visit Your Library. ...
  7. Look Into Refinancing Your Loans. ...
  8. See Which Perks You're Eligible For.
Oct 14, 2023

What is the $27.40 rule? ›

Instead of thinking about saving $10,000 in a year, try focusing on saving $27.40 per day – what's also known as the “27.40 rule” because $27.40 multiplied by 365 equals $10,001.

What happens if you save $100 dollars a month for 10 years? ›

How $100 a month can help make you wealthy
If you invest $100 a month for this many years......this is how much you'll end up with.
2 more rows
Oct 1, 2023

How can I save $1000 in 6 months? ›

How much do you need to save each week to reach $1,000 in six months? About $42 per week or $84 per paycheck if you get paid twice a month.

How to live on very little money? ›

These seven tips may be able to help.
  1. Understand your current financial habits. Not sure how to start spending less? ...
  2. Create an effective budget and stick to it. ...
  3. Look for ways to reduce spending. ...
  4. Set financial goals for future success. ...
  5. Save for emergencies or major purchases. ...
  6. Pay down debt. ...
  7. Stay aware of lifestyle creep.

What are 6 common budget mistakes you can t afford to make? ›

Neglecting Long-Term Goals: Focusing solely on short-term financial goals while neglecting long-term objectives is a common mistake. Whether it's saving for retirement, a home, or education, incorporating long-term goals into your budget is essential for building financial security.

What is zero cost budgeting? ›

The zero-based budgeting process is a strategic budgeting approach that mandates a fresh evaluation of all expenses during each budgeting cycle. Unlike traditional budgeting, where previous spending levels are typically adjusted, ZBB requires individuals or organizations to justify every expense from the ground up.

How much should rent be of income? ›

A popular standard for budgeting rent is to follow the 30% rule, where you spend a maximum of 30% of your monthly income before taxes (your gross income) on your rent. This has been a rule of thumb since 1981, when the government found that people who spent over 30% of their income on housing were "cost-burdened."

How much money should you have left over after bills? ›

As a result, it's recommended to have at least 20 percent of your income left after paying bills, which will allow you to save for a comfortable retirement. If your employer offers matching 401(k) contributions, take advantage so you can maximize your investment dollars.

How much should I be saving a month? ›

At least 20% of your income should go towards savings. Meanwhile, another 50% (maximum) should go toward necessities, while 30% goes toward discretionary items. This is called the 50/30/20 rule of thumb, and it provides a quick and easy way for you to budget your money.

What can I do if I can't make ends meet? ›

Here are some practical ways that you can make ends meet when you've lost your job or taken a pay cut.
  1. Assess your finances. ...
  2. Look for benefits. ...
  3. Consider a side hustle or part-time job. ...
  4. Cut back on expenses. ...
  5. Contact your lenders. ...
  6. Sell unused items. ...
  7. Seek financial help.
Jun 5, 2023

How do you target low income earners? ›

Focusing on your target group's experiences, especially online, can be a great way to improve customer relationships. Customer experiences can inform your business's actions in several ways. Low-income consumers care more about the overall value they get from a brand than the individual products they purchase.

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Author: Kareem Mueller DO

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Author information

Name: Kareem Mueller DO

Birthday: 1997-01-04

Address: Apt. 156 12935 Runolfsdottir Mission, Greenfort, MN 74384-6749

Phone: +16704982844747

Job: Corporate Administration Planner

Hobby: Mountain biking, Jewelry making, Stone skipping, Lacemaking, Knife making, Scrapbooking, Letterboxing

Introduction: My name is Kareem Mueller DO, I am a vivacious, super, thoughtful, excited, handsome, beautiful, combative person who loves writing and wants to share my knowledge and understanding with you.