How to Request SSL Certificates from a Windows Certificate Server (2024)

In an earlier article, I showed you how to build a fully-functional two-tier PKI environment. At the end of that piece, I left you with the most basic deployment. In a second article, I showed you how to set up certificate templates. I will use this article to show you how to perform the most common day-to-day operations: requesting certificates from a Windows Certification Authority.

I used “SSL” in the title because most people associate that label with certificates. For the rest of the article, I will use the more apt “PKI” label.

The PKI Certificate Request and Issuance Process

Fundamentally, the process of requesting and issuing PKI certificates does not depend on any particular vendor technology. It follows this pattern:

  1. A public and private key is generated to represent the identity.
  2. A“Certificate Signing Request” (CSR) is generated using the public key and some information about the identity.
  3. The certification authority uses information from the CSR, its own public key, authorization information, and a “signature” generated by its private key to issue a certificate.

How to Request SSL Certificates from a Windows Certificate Server (1)

The particulars of these steps vary among implementations. You might have some experience generating CSRs to send to third-party signers. You might also have some experience using web or MMC interfaces. All the real magic happens during the signing process, though. Implementations also vary on that, but they all create essentially the same final product.

I want you to focus on the issuance portion. You do not need to know in-depth details unless you intend to become a security expert. However, you do need to understand that certificate issuance follows a process. Sometimes, an issuer might automate that process. You may have encountered one while signing up for a commercial web certificate. Let’s Encrypt provides a high degree of automation. At the other end, “Extended Validation” certificates require a higher level of interaction. At the most extreme, one commercial issuer used to require face-to-face contact before issuing a certificate. Regardless of the degree, every authority defines and follows a process that determines whether or not it will issue.

In your own environment, you can utilize varying levels of automation. More automation means more convenience, but also greater chances for abuse. Less automation requires greater user and administrative effort but might increase security. I lean toward more automation, myself, but will help you to find your own suitable solutions.

Auto-Enroll Method

I am a devoted fan of auto-enrollment for certificates. You only need to set up a basic group policy object, tie it to the right places, and everything takes care of itself.

If you recall from the previous article on certificate templates, you control who has the ability to auto-enroll a certificate by setting security on the template. You use group policy to set the scope of who will attempt to enroll a certificate.

How to Request SSL Certificates from a Windows Certificate Server (2)

In the above graphic, the template’s policy allows all members of the default security group named “Domain Computers” to auto-enroll. Only the example “Certified Computers” OU links a group policy that allows auto-enrollment. Therefore, only members of theCertified Computers OU will receive the certificate. However, if Auto-Enroll is ever enabled for any other OU that contains members of the “Domain Computers” group, those members will receive certificates as well.

In summary, in order for auto-enroll to work, an object must:

  • Have the Autoenroll security permission on the certificate template
  • Fall within the scope of a group policy that enables it to auto-enroll certificates

You saw how to set certificate template security permissions in the previous article. We’ll go to the auto-enrollment policies next.

Auto-Enrollment Group Policies

The necessary policies exist atComputer or User ConfigurationPoliciesWindows SettingsSecurity SettingsPublic Key Policies. I am concerned with two policies: Certificate Services Client – Auto-Enrollment Settings and Certificate Services Client – Certificate Enrollment Policy.

First, Certificate Services Client – Auto-Enrollment Settings. To get going, you only need to setConfiguration Model toEnabled. The default enrollment policy uses Windows Authentication to pull certificate information from Active Directory. If you’ve followed my directions, then you have an Active-Directory-integrated certification authority and this will all simply work. You will need to perform additional configuration if you need other enrollment options (such as requesting certificates from non-domain accounts).

How to Request SSL Certificates from a Windows Certificate Server (3)

Second, Certificate Services Client – Certificate Enrollment Policy. You onlyneed to setConfiguration Model toEnabled. Choose other options as desired.

How to Request SSL Certificates from a Windows Certificate Server (4)

I think the first option explains itself. The second,Update certificates that use certificate templates, allow the certificate bearer to automatically request a replacement certificate when the certificate has updates. I showed you how to do that in the previous article.

Auto-Enrollment Security Implications

In general, you should not have many concerns with automatic certificate issuance. As followed so far, my directions keep everything under Active Directory’s control. However, you can enable auto-enrollment using other techniques, such as simple user/password verification via a URI. Anyone with local administrative powers can set local policies. Certificate templates can allow the requester to specify certificate subject names. Furthermore, some systems, like network access controls, sometimes simply require a particular certificate.

Think throughwho can request a certificate andwho will accept them when configuring auto-enrollment scopes.

MMC Enrollment Procedure

MMC enrollment provides a great deal of flexibility. You can request certificates for you, your computer, or another entity entirely. It works on every single version of Windows and Windows Server in support, as long as they have a GUI. Since you can connect the console to another computer, you can overcome the need for a GUI. The procedure takes some effort to explain, but don’t let that deter. Once you have the hang of it, you can get through the process quickly.

First, you need to access the necessary console.

Accessing Certificate MMCs on Recent Windows Versions

On Windows 10 or Windows Server 2016+, just open up the Start menu and start typing “certificate”. At some point, Cortana will figure out what you want and show you these options:

How to Request SSL Certificates from a Windows Certificate Server (5)

These options will work only for the local computer and the current user. If you want to target another computer, you can follow the upcoming steps.

Note: If you will use the console to request a certificateon behalf of another entity, it does not matter which console you start. The certificate template must allow exporting the private key for this mode to have any real use.

Accessing Specific Certificate MMCs Directly

On any version of Windows, you can quickly access the local computer and user certificates by calling their console snap-ins. You can begin from the Start menu, a Run dialog, or a command prompt. For the local computer, you must run the console using elevated credentials. Just enter the desired snap-in name and press Enter:

  • certlm.msc: Local machine certificates
  • certmgr.msc: Current user certificates

Note: If you will use the console to request a certificateon behalf of another entity, it does not matter which console you start. The certificate template must allow exporting the private key for this mode to have any real use.

Manually Add Specific Certificate Targets in MMC

You can manually add the necessary snap-in(s) from an empty MMC console.

  1. From the Start menu, any Run dialog, or a command prompt (elevated, if you need to use a different account to access the desired target), run mmc.exe.
    How to Request SSL Certificates from a Windows Certificate Server (6)
  2. From theFile menu, selectAdd/Remove Snap-in…
    How to Request SSL Certificates from a Windows Certificate Server (7)
  3. HighlightCertificates and clickAdd:
    How to Request SSL Certificates from a Windows Certificate Server (8)
  4. Choose the object type to certify. In this context,My user accountmeans the account currently running MMC. If you pick My user account, the wizard finishes here.
    How to Request SSL Certificates from a Windows Certificate Server (9)
  5. If you pickedService account orComputer accountin step 4, the wizard switches to the computer selection screen. If you choose any computer other than local, you will view that computer’s certificate stores and changes will save to those stores. If you chooseComputer account, the wizard finishes here.
    How to Request SSL Certificates from a Windows Certificate Server (10)
  6. If you selectedService accountin step 4, you will now have a list of service accounts to choose from.
    How to Request SSL Certificates from a Windows Certificate Server (11)
  7. If you want, you can repeat the above steps to connect one console to multiple targets:
    How to Request SSL Certificates from a Windows Certificate Server (12)
  8. Once you have the target(s) that you like, clickOK on theAdd or Remove Snap-ins window. You will return to the console and your target(s) will appear in the left pane’s tree view.

Using the Certificates MMC Snap-In to Request Certificates

Regardless of how you got here, certificate requests all work the same way. We operate in thePersonal branch, which translates to theMy store in other tools.

How to Request SSL Certificates from a Windows Certificate Server (13)

Requesting a Certificate Using Template Defaults

You can quickly enroll a certificate template with template defaults. This is essentially the manual corollary to auto-enroll. You could use this method to perform enrollment on behalf of another entity, provided that you the template allows you to override the subject name. For that, you must have selected a console that matches the basic certificate type (a user console can only request user certificates and a computer console can only request computer certificates). You must also use an account with Enroll permissions on the desired template. I recommend that you only use this method to request certificates for the local computer or your current user. Skip to the next section for a better way to request certificates for another entity.

To request a certificate using a template’s defaults:

  1. Right-clickCertificates and clickRequest New Certificate.
    How to Request SSL Certificates from a Windows Certificate Server (14)
  2. The first screen is informational. The next screen asks you for a certificate enrollment policy. Thus far, we only have the default policy. You would use theConfigured by you policy if you needed to connect without Active Directory. ClickNext.
    How to Request SSL Certificates from a Windows Certificate Server (15)
  3. You will see certificate templates that you haveEnroll permissions for and that match the scope of the console. In this screenshot, I used a computer selection, so it has computer certificates. If you expandDetails, it will show some of the current options set in the certificate. If you clickProperties, you can access property sheets to control various aspects of the certificate. I will go over some of those options in the next section. Remember that the certificate template to manually supply subject name information or it will ignore any such settings in your requests. ClickEnrollwhen you are ready. The certificate will appear in the list.
    How to Request SSL Certificates from a Windows Certificate Server (16)

Once you have a certificate in your list, double-click it or right-click it and clickOpen. Verify that the certificate looks as expected. If you requested the certificate for another entity, you will find theExport wizard on the certificate’sAll Tasks context menu.

Creating an Advanced Certificate Request

You can use MMC to create an advanced certificate request. Most importantly, this process works offline by creating a standard certificate signing request file (CSR). Since it does not check your permissions in real time, you have much greater flexibility. I recommend that you use this method when requesting certificates on behalf of another entity. Follow these steps:

  1. Right-clickCertificates, go toAll Tasks, thenAdvanced Operations, and clickCreate Custom Request.
    How to Request SSL Certificates from a Windows Certificate Server (17)
  2. The first screen is informational only. ClickNext. On the next screen, choose your enrollment policy. If you’ve followed my guide, you only have two (real) choices: the default Active Directory policy or a completely custom policy. You could also choose to create a new local policy, which I will not cover. If you pick the Active Directory policy, it will allow you to pick from all of its known templates, which you can customize if needed. If you choose toProceed without enrollment policy, you will start with an empty template and need to provide almost every detail. Make your selection and clickNext.
    How to Request SSL Certificates from a Windows Certificate Server (18)
  3. I took this screenshot after choosing the Active Directory enrollment policy. I then selected one base template. You can see that you also have options for the CSR format to use. If you chose to proceed without a policy, yourTemplate options areNo template (CNG key) orNo template (Legacy key). CNG (Certificate Next Generation) creates v3 certificates while the Legacy option generates v2 certificates. Practically, they mostly deal with how the private key is stored and accessed. Common Microsoft apps (like IIS) work with CNG.Legacy works with almost everything, so choose that if you need to guess.
    How to Request SSL Certificates from a Windows Certificate Server (19)
  4. On theCertificate Information screen, you will either see the template name that you chose orCustom request if you did not select an enrollment policy. To the right of that, near the edge of the dialog, click the down-pointing triangle next toDetails. If you selected a policy, that will show the defaults. If you did not, it will show empty information. Click theProperties button to access property sheets where you can specify certificate options. Look at the screenshot in step 3 in the previous section. I will show the details dialog in the next section. ClickNext when you have completed this screen.
  5. Choose the output file name and format. Most CAs will work with either type. Most prefer the default of Base64.
    How to Request SSL Certificates from a Windows Certificate Server (20)
  6. You can now process the request on your Certification Authority.

Configuring Advanced Certificate Options in a Request

As mentioned step 3 in the above directions on using MMC to request a default template and in step 4 of the advanced request, you can use thePropertiesbutton on theDetailssection to modify parts of the certificate request prior to submitting it to the CA. If you selected a template that requires you to supply information, you will see an additional link that opens this dialog. You should always take care to inspect such a certificate after issuance to ensure that the CA honored the changes.

I will not cover every single detail. We will look at a few common items.

  • General: These fields are cosmetic. They appear when you see the certificate in the list.
    How to Request SSL Certificates from a Windows Certificate Server (21)
  • Subject: This busy tab contains identity information about the certificate holder. If the template only allows Active Directory information, then the CA will not accept anything that you enter here. For each type on the left, you can add multiple values.Make certain that youAdd items so that they move to the right panes!Some of the more important parts:
    • Subject Namegroup: The fields in this group appear all combine to describe the certificate holder.
      • Common name: The primary identity of the certificate. Use a fully-qualified domain name for a computer or a full name for a user. Modern browsers no longer accept the value in the common name for authentication. Other tools still expect it. Always provide a value for this field to ensure the completeness of the subject group.
      • Country, Locality, Organization, etc.: Public CAs often require several of these other identity fields.
    • Alternative Name group: The fields in this group appear in the “Subject Alternate Name” (SAN) section of a certification. Browsers and some other tools will match entries in the SAN fields with the URL or other access points
      • DNS: Use this field to designate fully-qualifiedand short names that clients might use to access the certificate holder. Since web browsers no longer use the common name, enter all names that the owner might present during communications, including what you entered as the common name.Only use short names with LAN-scoped certificates. For instance, I might have a certificate with a common name of “” and give it an alternative DNS entry of “internalweb”. For load-balanced servers in a farm, I might have multiple DNS entries like “”, “”, etc.
      • IP Address (v4 and v6): If clients will access the certified system by IP address, you might want to add those IPs in these fields.

How to Request SSL Certificates from a Windows Certificate Server (22)

  • Extensions: The extensions govern how the bearer can use the issued certificate. Especially take note of theExtended Key Usage options.
    How to Request SSL Certificates from a Windows Certificate Server (23)
  • Private Key: You don’t have a huge amount of private key options. In particular, you may wish to make the private key exportable.
    How to Request SSL Certificates from a Windows Certificate Server (24)

The wizard will contain your options in the certificate request. The CA may choose to issue the certificate without accepting all of them.

Handling Certificate Signing Requests from a Linux System on a Microsoft Certification Authority

You can use a utility on a non-Windows system to create certificate requests. Linux systems frequently employ OpenSSL. These non-Microsoft tools generally do not know anything about templates, which the Windows Certification Authority requires. You could use the MMC tool on a Windows system to request a certificate on behalf of another. But, if you have a certificate signing request file, you can use the certreq.exe tool on a Windows system to specify a template during the request.

You can use OpenSSL to create CSRs fairly easily. Most of the one-line instructions that you will find today still generate basic requests that identify the system with the Common Name field. Modern browsers will reject such a certificate. So, generating a usable CSR takes a bit more work.

  1. Locate openssl.cnf on your Linux system (some potential locations: /etc/pki/tls, /etc/ssl). I recommend creating a backup copy. Open it in the text editor of your choice.
  2. Locate the[ req ] section. Find the following line, and remove the # that comments it out (or add it if it is not present):
    req_extensions = v3_req
  3. Locate the section named[ v3_req ]. Create one if you cannot find it. Add the following line:
    subjectAltName = @alt_names
  4. Create a section named[ alt_names ]. Use it to add at least the system’s Common Name. You can use it to add as many names as you like. It will also accept IP addresses. If you will host the system on an internal network, you can use short names as well. Remember that most public CAs will reject CSRs with single-level alternative names because it looks like you are trying to make a certificate for a top-level domain.
    [ alt_names ]DNS.1 = pkidemo.sironic.lifeDNS.2 = pkidemo # only works internallyDNS.3 = load-balanced-pkidemo.sironic.lifeIP.1 = =
  5. Make any other changes that you like. Remember that if the CA has a preset value for a setting, it will override. Save the file and exit your editor.
  6. Make sure that you’re in a directory that your current user account can write in and that you can transfer files out of. You could:
    mkdir ~/csrcd ~/csr
  7. Execute the following (feel free to research these options and change any to fit your needs):
    openssl req -new -newkey rsa:2048 -keyout demo.key -out demo.csr -nodes
  8. You will receive prompts for multiple identifier fields. If you explicitly set them in openssl.cnf, then it will present them as defaults and you can pressEnter to accept them. I recommend skipping the option to create a challenge password. That doesnot passphrase-protect the key. To do that, you first need to run openssl with the genpkey command, then pass the generated key file to theopenssl req command using thekey parameter instead ofnewkey/keyout. A ServerFault respondent explains the challenge password and key passphrase well, and includes an example.
  9. Move the key file to a properly secured location and set permissions accordingly. Remember that if anyone ever accesses this file, then your key, and therefore any certificate generated for it, is considered compromised. Donot transfer it off of its originating system! Example location: /etc/pki/tls/private.
  10. Transfer the CSR file to a Windows system using the tool of your choice.
  11. On the Windows system, ensure that you have logged on with an account that hasEnroll permissions for the template that you wish to use.
  12. Discover theName of the template. Do not use theDisplay Name (which is usually the Name, with spaces). You can uncover the name with PowerShell if you have the ADCSAdministration module loaded. Use Get-CATemplate:

    Alternatively, open up the Certification Authority snap-in and access template management. Find the template you want to use and open its properties sheet. Check theTemplate name field.
  13. On the Windows system where you transferred the file, run the following, substituting your file name and template name:
    certreq -submit -attrib "CertificateTemplate:SironicWebServerManual"
  14. The utility will ask you to browse to the request file. You may need to change the filter to select all files.
  15. You will next need to select the certification authority.
  16. The utility will show the CA’s response to your request. If it issues a certificate, it will prompt you to save it. Be aware that even though you can choose any extension you like, it will always create an x509 encoded certificate file.

At this point, you have your certificate and the request/signing process is complete. However, in the interest of convenience, follow these steps to convert the x509 certificate into PEM format (which most tools in Linux will prefer):

  1. Transfer the certificate file back to the Linux system.
  2. Run the following:
    openssl x509 -in pkidemo.crt -outform PEM -out pkidemo.pem
  3. Move the created file to its final location (such as /etc/pki/tls/certs).

This procedure has multiple variants. Check the documentation or help output for the commands.

Deprecated Web Enrollment Method

Once upon a time, Microsoft built an ASP page to facilitate certificate requests. They have not updated it for quite some time, and as I understand it, have no plans to update it in the future. It does still work, though, with some effort. One thing to be aware of: it canonly provide v2 (legacy) certificates. It was not updated to work with v3 (CNG). If a certificate template specifies the newer cryptography provider, web enrollment will not present it as an enrollable option. Certificates must use theLegacy Cryptographic Service Provider.

How to Request SSL Certificates from a Windows Certificate Server (30)

First, you must issue it a certificate. It responds on 80 and 443, but some features behave oddly on a port 80 connection. Installation of the Web Enrollment role creates the web site and enables it for 443, but leaves it without a certificate.

How to Request SSL Certificates from a Windows Certificate Server (31)

Follow the steps in the previous article to set up a web server certificate (requires Server Authentication extended key usage). Once you finish that, use one of the MMC methods above to request a certificate for the site. Remember to use its FQDN and optionally its NetBIOS names asDNSfields on theSubject tab. Then, follow these steps to assign it to the certificate server’s web site:

  1. Open Internet Information Services (IIS) Manager on the system running the Web Enrollment service or on any system that can connect to it.
  2. Highlight the server in the left pane. In the right pane, underIIS, double-clickServer Certificates.
    How to Request SSL Certificates from a Windows Certificate Server (32)
  3. The newly-issued certificate should appear here. Highlight it and click Enable automatic rebind of renewed certificate in the right pane.If it does not appear here, verify that it appears in MMC and reload this page. If it still does not appear, then you made a mistake during the certificate request or issuance process.
  4. In the left pane, drill down from the server name toSites, thenDefault Web Site. Right-clickDefault web site and click Edit Bindings. You can also find aBindings link in the far right pane.
    How to Request SSL Certificates from a Windows Certificate Server (33)
  5. Double-click thehttps line or highlight it and clickEdit… at the right.
    How to Request SSL Certificates from a Windows Certificate Server (34)
  6. UnderSSL certificate, choose the newly-issued certificate. ClickOK, thenClose to return to IIS Manager.
    How to Request SSL Certificates from a Windows Certificate Server (35)
  7. Drill down underDefault web siteand click onCertSrv. In the center pane, double-clickAuthentication.
    How to Request SSL Certificates from a Windows Certificate Server (36)
  8. In the center pane, highlightWindows Authentication. It should already beEnabled. In the right pane, clickProviders.
    How to Request SSL Certificates from a Windows Certificate Server (37)
  9. NTLM should appear in the provider list. If it does not, use the drop-down to select it, thenAdd to put it in the list. Use theUp button to move NTLM to the top of the list. Ensure that your dialog looks like the following screenshot, then clickOK.
    How to Request SSL Certificates from a Windows Certificate Server (38)

You can now access the site viahttps://yourcertserver.domain.tld/certsrv. You will need to supply valid credentials. It will display the start screen, where you can begin your journey.

Because of the v2 certificate limitation, I neither use nor recommend this site for certificate requests. However, it does provide a convenient access point for your domain’s certificate chain and CRL.

Alternative Request Methods

The methods that I displayed above are the easiest and most universally-applicable ways to request certificates. However, anything that generates a CSR may suffice. Some tools have interfaces that can communicate directly with your certificate server. Some examples:

  • certreq.exe: Microsoft provides a built-in command-line based tool for requesting certificates. You can use it to automate bulk requests without involving auto-enroll. Read up on its usage on
  • IIS Manager
  • Exchange Management Console

Other tools exist.

What’s Next

At this point, you can create PKI certificate templates and request them. With an Active Directory-integrated certificate system, all should work easily for you. However, if you were following the directions for the custom request, you ended up with a CSR. Passing a CSR to the certification authority requires different tools. In the next article, I will show how to perform routine operations from the Certification Authority side, such as accepting CSRs and revoking certificates.

How to Request SSL Certificates from a Windows Certificate Server (40)

How to Request SSL Certificates from a Windows Certificate Server (2024)


How to get an SSL certificate from Windows Server? ›

Installing SSL Certificate on Windows server

Connect to a Windows server. Go to the Start > Control Panel > Administrative Tools > open IIS Manager. In the Connections menu on the left pane, select the server name on which you intend to install the SSL certificate.

How do I request a certificate from Windows CA server? ›

Using a web browser, connect to https://<servername>/certsrv , where <servername> is the host name of the computer running the CA Web Enrollment role service. Select Request a certificate. Select Advanced certificate request. Select Create and submit a certificate request to this CA.

How to request SSL certificates from a Windows certificate server for Hyper V? ›

How to Request SSL Certificates from a Windows Certificate Server for Microsoft Hyper-V
  1. Step 1: Configure hostnames on the servers. ...
  2. Step 2: Generate certificates on the source server. ...
  3. Step 3: Check the generated certificates - Add a snap-in in MMC. ...
  4. Step 4: Save the snap-in in MMC. ...
  5. Step 5: View certificate (not trusted)
Feb 18, 2022

How do I create a certificate request in Windows Server? ›

Complete the following steps to create your CSR.
  1. Click Start > Run.
  2. Enter MMC and click OK.
  3. Go to File > Add/Remove Snap-in.
  4. Click Certificates, and select Add.
  5. Select Computer Account, and click Next.
  6. Select Local Computer and click Finish.
  7. Click OK to close the Snap-ins window.

How do I retrieve an SSL certificate from a server? ›

Download and save the SSL certificate of a hostname using Internet Explorer:
  1. Click the Security report button (a padlock) in an address bar.
  2. Click the View Certificate button.
  3. Go to the Details tab.
  4. Click the Copy to File… ...
  5. Click the Next button.
  6. Select the “Base-64 encoded X.
Feb 26, 2022

How do I copy a certificate from Windows server? ›

Export using IIS
  1. Go to Start >> Administrative Tools >> Internet Information Services (IIS) Manager.
  2. Select the server on which the certificate is installed.
  3. Choose the Server Certificates option on the central menu:
  4. Right-click on the needed certificate and select Export.

How to get CA certificate from server certificate? ›

Exporting the Root CA Certificate from the Active Directory (AD) Server
  1. In the AD server, launch the Certificate Authority application by Start | Run | certsrv. ...
  2. Right click the CA you created and select Properties.
  3. On the General tab, click View Certificate button.
  4. On the Details tab, select Copy to File.

Where is CA certificate stored in Windows Server? ›

When you add Certificate Services on a Windows server and configure a CA, a certificate database is created. By default, the database is contained in the %SystemRoot%\System32\Certlog folder, and the name is based on the CA name with an . edb extension.

Where is the certificate file in Windows CA? ›

File Name

box to specify a name and location to save your CSR file. The default directory is C:\Windows\System32. Click Finish when you are ready.

How to generate SSL certificate from server? ›

Detailed procedure
  1. Install OpenSSL. ...
  2. Creating the CA. ...
  3. generate the key for the server certificate. ...
  4. Certificate Signing Request erzeugen. ...
  5. Customise the OpenSSL configuration. ...
  6. Sign the Server Certificate. ...
  7. Install the certificate.

How do I get SSL certificate from domain? ›

How to Get an SSL Certificate
  1. Verify your website's information through ICANN Lookup.
  2. Generate the Certificate Signing Request (CSR).
  3. Submit your CSR to the Certificate authority to validate your domain.
  4. Install the certificate on your website.
Apr 3, 2024

How do I request a certificate in Windows? ›

Request a certificate using Certificate Manager
  1. certlm. msc – opens the Local Machine certificate store.
  2. mmc. msc – opens the Microsoft Management Console. Load the Certificate Manager snap-in. Go to File > Add/Remove Snap-In. Select Certificates. Select Add. When prompted, select Computer Account and select Next.
Apr 10, 2024

Where to find SSL certificate on Windows server? ›

If using a Windows Server, you can access the Certificate Store using the following steps:
  1. Open the MMC (Microsoft Management Console) by entering MMC on Command Prompt.
  2. Go to file, and then select Add/remove Snap-in.
  3. You will be shown a list of snap-ins. Choose Certificates from the list, then click Add.

How to generate a certificate from a CA server? ›

Adding server role and installing certificate
  1. Select Server Manager and click Add Role.
  2. Select Certification Authority under Role Services and click Next.
  3. Select Enterprise under Setup Type and click Next.
  4. Select Root CA under CA Type and click Next.
  5. Select SHA256 and click Next.
Jan 24, 2024

How do I export SSL certificate from Windows? ›

To export a certificate from the Windows certificate stores with the private key:
  1. Open the certificate management console for the local computer by running the following command. ...
  2. In the console tree, navigate to the certificate you want to export.
  3. Right-click the certificate, select All Tasks, and then select Export.
Feb 19, 2024

How do I get an SSL certificate? ›

To get a certificate, you must create a Certificate Signing Request (CSR) on your server. This process creates a private key and public key on your server. The CSR data file that you send to the SSL Certificate issuer (called a Certificate Authority or CA) contains the public key.

How do I find my SSL certificate path in Windows? ›

To view certificates for the current user
  1. Select Run from the Start menu, and then enter certmgr. msc. The Certificate Manager tool for the current user appears.
  2. To view your certificates, under Certificates - Current User in the left pane, expand the directory for the type of certificate you want to view.
Sep 15, 2021

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Article information

Author: Trent Wehner

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Views: 5484

Rating: 4.6 / 5 (56 voted)

Reviews: 95% of readers found this page helpful

Author information

Name: Trent Wehner

Birthday: 1993-03-14

Address: 872 Kevin Squares, New Codyville, AK 01785-0416

Phone: +18698800304764

Job: Senior Farming Developer

Hobby: Paintball, Calligraphy, Hunting, Flying disc, Lapidary, Rafting, Inline skating

Introduction: My name is Trent Wehner, I am a talented, brainy, zealous, light, funny, gleaming, attractive person who loves writing and wants to share my knowledge and understanding with you.