How to repay your student loan when you’re moving abroad: A guide (2024)

If you studied in the UK, you may well be one of the millions of former students with a loan from the Student Loans Company (SLC) that you need to repay.

For those who have a job in the UK, the process is straightforward: so long as your employers have the correct information, the money comes directly out of your paycheck. But things get considerably more complicated if you move overseas.

This article will tell you how UK student loan repayments work if you move away from the UK. The topics that will be covered are:

  • What will happen to your student loan when you move abroad
  • How much you have to pay back when you’re living and working abroad
  • If something happens to your student loan when you’ve been living abroad for 5 years
  • How you can repay your student loan when you’re living abroad

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How to repay your student loan when you’re moving abroad: A guide (1)

What happens to your student loan when you’re moving abroad?

The short answer to this is: not very much. It will still be there, still gaining interest, still awaiting repayment. You may have moved abroad, but you haven’t escaped your debts.

As this article will explain, though, you’ll need to keep on top of the paperwork.

Will your student loan be written off when you’re living abroad?

Sadly not. Your student loan won’t be cancelled just because you’re moving overseas. You’ll still have to pay it back.

If you don’t, the penalty is a “fixed monthly payment” that you have to pay instead of the normal monthly repayment amount. It’s likely to be far more than you’d have to pay otherwise¹⁺².

How much do you have to pay on your student loan when you’re working abroad?

When you’re living and working abroad you have to repay your student loan under the same conditions you would if you lived in the UK: if your salary is above a certain amount. In the UK, that amount is currently £18,935 if you started your course before 1 September 2012 (Plan 1), or £25,725 if you started it afterwards (Plan 2). For postgraduates, the limit is currently £21,000. ³ These amounts are for an annual salary.

As we’ll explain below, if you’re overseas, those figures may be a little different, because of the differing costs of living in countries around the world³.

You may not have to start repaying straight away when you move abroad. Check with an advisor, as you might be allowed a grace period as you sort everything out.

Just like in the UK, the amount you have to pay back is 9% of your earnings, above the repayment threshold mentioned earlier. You have to repay each month.

However, while that threshold is £18,935 (Plan 1) or £25,725 (Plan 2) in the UK, the threshold for the country you’re living in might be different. That’s because the SLC factors in the relative economic strength of each country.

In stronger economies like the USA or France, the figure will be the same as in the UK. In particularly expensive countries it may be higher: in Switzerland, for instance, it’s £26,510 (Plan 1) or £36,015 (Plan 2). On the other hand, if you move to a country where the cost of living is lower, the threshold will be lower as well. If you move to Uganda, for instance, you’ll pay back your loan on earnings above £7,575 (Plan 1) or £10,290 (Plan 2) ¹⁺².

How to repay your student loan when you’re moving abroad: A guide (2)

What happens with your student loan when you’ve been living abroad for 5 years?

Ignore any rumours to the contrary: nothing special happens after 5 years of living overseas. You still have to pay.

Of course, you may still get your debt written off eventually, but that depends on what sort of loan you have, and not whether you’re living in the UK or overseas. The debt is written off after 25 or 30 years, depending on when you started repaying. Or, if you took the loan before 1 September 2006, it’s written off when you turn 65 ³.

You only have to bother doing this if you’re going abroad for more than 3 months. Otherwise, you’ll still be in the British system and will just pick up where you left off when you return to the UK³.

How can you repay your student loan when you’re living abroad?

Here’s a step-by-step guide to how to keep up with your student loan overseas.

Step 1: Notify the SLC before you go.

It’s a good idea to get in touch with the Student Loans Company before you move abroad and tell them what you’re doing and how they can get in touch with you. The last thing you want is for them to be pursuing you because they think you’re trying to get away without paying.

Step 2: Fill in the Overseas Income Assessment Form.

The key difference with your student loan repayments while you’re abroad is that you repay them directly to the SLC, rather than via your employer and the monthly paycheck. Therefore, the SLC needs to see evidence from you regarding what you earn.

That’s where the Overseas Income Assessment Form comes in. Fill this out with details of your move abroad and your employment situation.

Alongside this form, you’ll need to provide evidence. If you’re going to be employed abroad, they’ll need to see⁴:

  • Copies of your last 3 months of payslips, or
  • A signed, dated copy of your contract - if you started in that job in the last 6 months.

If you’re self-employed, on the other hand, they’ll want⁴:

  • Copies of your financial accounts, as recent as you can, confirming your gross annual income. A pile of invoices isn’t acceptable for this. Or
  • A letter from your accountant confirming your gross annual income.

However, if this is still your first year of self-employment, you may well not have either of the above. In that case, they’ll make do with⁴:

  • Copies of your bank statements from the last 3 months, showing your name and the funds you use to support yourself, or
  • The “Third Party Declaration” on the Overseas Income Assessment Form. If you’re being supported by someone else while living abroad, that person should fill in this section of the form to confirm their financial support.

If you’re not employed, you’ll need to provide documents that prove what you’re doing other than working. This could include⁴:

  • Proof of government benefits you’ve received within the last year
  • Proof of support by a third party - fill in the form, as detailed above
  • Proof that you have enough savings to live on
  • Proof that you’re travelling, plus proof you can support yourself while doing so
  • A letter from the company you’re volunteering with, confirming that they’re supporting you
  • A letter from your place of further study, confirming you’ll be studying there. Or they can complete the Third Party Declaration.

It may be more or less straightforward for you to provide the requested documentation. Just try and satisfy all the conditions they ask for: so long as you’re sincerely trying to tell them what your income is, you should get there eventually.

Step 3: Keep them posted.

It might take a while, but once the SLC are satisfied, the system should work like clockwork: they’ll take the money from your account each month, and just send you the occasional friendly reminder that you are tens of thousands of pounds in debt.

However, they’ll probably ask you to confirm your income every year. So be on the lookout for post from the SLC as they request an update on your situation. You can even apply for a reassessment yourself, if your income level changes significantly⁵.

How can you repay the Student Loans Company from abroad?

On the Overseas Income Assessment Form, you’ll see that the SLC ask for your UK bank details. That’s so they can set up a Direct Debit, which is the easiest way for you to pay, as the money will come directly out of your account via a regular repayment schedule. There’s a catch, though: having to repay by direct debit, means you’ll need to use a UK bank account. Potentially not the ideal solution if you’re now earning money abroad, as this means you’ll have to pay fees to make an international payment and your money has to be exchanged back to British pounds.

The trick is just to make sure you have a steady stream of money flowing back into your UK account, even though you’re living and earning overseas. Wise could be the ideal solution here: it lets you make an international transfer at the real mid-market rate, and with only low, clearly stated fees each time.

Wise is a great way to save that little bit extra when you’re sending money back home. After all, when you’re still thousands upon thousands of pounds in debt from your student days, every little helps...

Sources used for this article:
1.Student loan repayment - Overseas thresholds Plan 1
2.Student loan repayment - Overseas thresholds Plan 2
3.Student loans - SLC guide to terms and conditions, 2019/2020 (page 7 + 13)
4.Evidence information sheet - Overseas Resident
5.Student loan, repaying from overseas
*All sources checked on June 5, 2019

*Please see terms of use and product availability for your region or visit Wise fees and pricing for the most up to date pricing and fee information.

This publication is provided for general information purposes and does not constitute legal, tax or other professional advice from Wise Payments Limited or its subsidiaries and its affiliates, and it is not intended as a substitute for obtaining advice from a financial advisor or any other professional.

We make no representations, warranties or guarantees, whether expressed or implied, that the content in the publication is accurate, complete or up to date.

How to repay your student loan when you’re moving abroad: A guide (2024)


How do I repay my student loan if I move abroad? ›

You will be asked to complete an 'Overseas Income Assessment Form', giving details of your income and employment status. The Student Loans Company will then send you a letter that: confirms whether repayments are due. if applicable, notes your monthly repayment amount.

What happens to my student loans if I move overseas? ›

Some student loan borrowers have moved abroad as a way to escape their student loans, but it's important to remember that your debt won't go away. The federal government offers more leniency than private lenders when it comes to missed payments and default.

Can you leave the country if you owe student loans? ›

Leaving the country with unpaid debt isn't a crime. But you'll need to create a plan to ensure you don't fall behind on repayments or go into default while living abroad. Here are four ways to stay on top of payments while traveling the globe.

What happens to loans if you leave the country? ›

Simply because you've left the country doesn't make the contract between you and your credit card issuer void. Your debts don't disappear and you still have an obligation to repay them. However, if your move abroad is genuine, just make sure to be communicative with your credit card issuer and/or debt collectors.

What happens if you take a loan and move to another country? ›

If you choose to move to a different country while you have debt in the U.S., nothing can stop you. However, you'll still be obligated to pay your debt no matter where you live. Your contract with the credit card companies and other creditors states that you must pay no matter the circ*mstances.

How to pay back student loans during residency? ›

Making Payments During Residency

Contact your loan servicer to discuss how any potential changes you make may impact the total cost of loan repayment. At any time, you may choose to make extra payments, larger payments, or pay the loan off early without a penalty.

Do student loans go away after 7 years? ›

Student loans don't go away after seven years. There is no program for loan forgiveness or cancellation after seven years. But if you recently checked your credit report and wondered, “why did my student loans disappear?” The answer is that you have defaulted student loans.

What happens if I don't pay my loan and leave the country? ›

Technically, nothing happens to your debt when you leave the country. It's still your debt, and your creditors and collectors will continue trying to get you to pay it back. Just as they would before, those efforts may include phone calls and letters.

Can you escape student loan debt? ›

Federal programs like Income-Driven Repayment (IDR) and Public Service Loan Forgiveness (PSLF) can reduce or eliminate federal student loan debt. Refinancing student loans may lower monthly payments and total interest paid. Deferment or forbearance options allow temporary suspension of federal loan payments.

Can you legally remove student loans? ›

If you have accurate positive or negative information on your credit reports, you typically can't get it removed. If you have inaccurate information about your student loans, you have the right to dispute it with the credit bureaus and potentially get it removed.

Can I apply for student loan forgiveness if I live abroad? ›

How long do you have to live abroad to not pay student loans? For federal student loans, you'd have to live abroad for at least 20 years before you'd be eligible for loan forgiveness. To qualify, you'd have to enroll in an income-driven repayment plan (PAYE, REPAYE, IBR, etc.) and complete the annual recertification.

Can you take a break from paying student loan? ›

Can I pause my student loan repayments? It's unlikely that you can pause your student loan repayments – the money you owe is taken directly from your salary pre-tax, so it's as if you never had it to begin with.

What happens to student loan repayments if you move abroad? ›

Yes you have to repay the student loan if you move abroad as the repayment is contractual. You're obligated to pay (though the repayment threshold depends on the cost of living in that country - if it's lower the threshold is lower) If we ignore the moral imperative to repay the contract.

What happens to my student loans if I move to another country? ›

Can You Move to Another Country With Student Debt? The federal government does not prohibit borrowers from moving abroad when they have student loans. No matter where you live, you can still make your payments. Private lenders also do not have restrictions on where you can live while paying off student loans.

Does your debt get wiped if you move abroad? ›

Leaving the country doesn't absolve you of your responsibility to pay your debts. If you stop making payments, your creditor could sue you and garnish your U.S.-based assets. Your credit history will also take a significant hit.

Can I defer my student loans if I study abroad? ›

“Deferment Only” means that U.S. students may defer making payments on existing federal student loan accounts while enrolled in an eligible program at a deferment only foreign university or college, but may not take out federal student loans for enrollment at the deferment-only foreign university or college.

Can student loan debt be transferred? ›

Whatever the reason, you might be wondering, “Can I transfer student loans to another person?” Yes, you can — just not via the U.S. Department of Education. To transfer student loans, you'll need to find someone willing to refinance with a private lender under their own name.

What happens if I don't pay student loans? ›

Missing payments can rack up penalties and fees, which can make your debt more expensive. Your credit score will take a hit. If you default on federal student loans, the government could garnish your wages, tax refund and even Social Security benefits.

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