How to pull data from an API (2024)

How to pull data from an API (1)

What is an API?

API (Application Programming Interface), is a software communication protocol that allows two applications to talk to each other. By exchanging data, one application would be able to access certain information from the other so certain tasks can be performed. When we pull our phone for weather data, a lot of data objects would hit your weather app from a server that stores all the weather information.

Most modern applications use APIs to connect with each other and exchange data. What if you want to pull data from an API endpoint? That means that you’ll need an app that would understand the API and the data behind it.

API data formats

There are mainly 3 types of data that and API returns. They’re JSON objects, CSV, and XML. Each format has its own particular strengths and weaknesses.

JSON objects

JSON is the most popular format for API calls. It consists of key-value pairs and arrays that look like the example below.

{"crust": "original","toppings": ["cheese","pepperoni", "garlic"],"status": "cooking"}

One core advantage of using JSON is speed. Since it is compact and more parsable, it runs faster than XML, another popular data interchange standard prior to JSON. It’s also very scalable and supports a larger number of data objects sent from the server. Though many would argue that it’s not as secure as XML or CSV format.


CSV is a data storage format that stores data values (plain text) in a list format separated by commas. It’s actually more compact and even faster than JSON, but it’s rarely used in a web development environment since it lacks a hierarchical structure. For what it lacks in scalability, it is more accessible due to its tabular format. A spreadsheet or relational database can easily access a CSV file while providing a variety of functional features in analytics and data manipulations.

How to pull data from an API (2)


XML, as previously mentioned, was the data exchange format for API prior to JSON. It’s a markup language that’s both human and machine readable. Though it’s not compact and optimized for read speed. It’s considered verbose and redundant when compared to JSON. Though XML is more suited for combining information sets from different systems such as metadata.

How to pull data from an API (3)

How to pull data from an API?

Solution 1: Pull API data manually on a browser

The most straightforward way of accessing data from an API endpoint is simply viewing it in the browser. As long as you’re connected to the internet, you should be able to preview most API’s data regardless of its format.

Updating the data however requires you manually refreshing the URL address and requesting new data points from the API endpoint. This may work well if you only want to download a few responses. When your API updates more frequently, viewing it on a web browser will not be effective.

How to pull data from an API (4)

Solution 2: Pull API data via Python

Python can be a powerful way to collect data from an API. Though it’s a programming language, it comes with many useful packages that support not only data collection but also data manipulation and storage.

To get started, you’ll need to install Python. Then you can import the required libraries such as “requests” and “JSON”. In the example below, you can print out the status of the API before pulling the data.

How to pull data from an API (5)

After reading the JSON objects, you may now normalize them into a relational table for further analysis.

How to pull data from an API (6)

Solution 3: Save API data automatically into a database

Another way of pulling data from an API is through a cloud database management software, such as Acho. Here you can use a pre-build API connector to systematically request an API endpoint and store the data in a database for future applications.

The main advantage of using this method is that you can pull and store the data automatically. The setup can be configured upfront, then there are minimum maintenance efforts needed afterward.

Now, we will use Acho as an example to demonstrate how to connect to your API with no coding.

1. Configure the API endpoint

An API endpoint can be complex. It requires a good understanding of its technical design to parse it into a system effectively. For example, your API looks like this

You can directly paste the URL endpoint into the URL input box. Alternatively, you can enter the parameters respectively. Then, you can click “Test” to see if the request is successful. If all the configurations are correct, you should see the results as shown below.

How to pull data from an API (7)

If you didn’t see any result from your API or a system warning shows up, you should check your API documentation again and make sure all configurations are filled out. Here are some common issues that APIs are failed to be connected:

  • Your API requires a specific authorization, such as Basic Auth or Bearer Token.➜ Specify it in the “Authorization” tab
  • Your API need to fill out something in headers. ➜ Specify it in the “Headers” tab
  • The result of API is a downloadable CSV file. ➜ Go to the “Data Format” tab and select “CSV”
  • Your API contains curl brackets, {}.➜ The value within the brackets are dynamic. You have to give a list of values to the system so that it can change the value inside the brackets. We will talk about it later in this article.

2. Create an API resource

After you confirm the API results, click “Create Resource” to build the API connection. The API resource will show up on your resource page.

How to pull data from an API (8)

If you want to make the API connector update automatically, you can go to the “Data Sync” tab in the setting and turn on the scheduler. The update mode allows you to determine how to update the table: append new data to the existing data (Incremental) or replace the existing data with new data (Full refresh).

How to pull data from an API (9)

3. Store data into a database

After data is pulled from the API and the initial sync is complete, it will be stored in a tabular database that will sync with the resource. When the API updates, the resource should update its content and your project table should reflect that update as well.

How to pull data from an API (10)

4. Transform the API data

Within the database, you can freely transform it into your desirable table format. Generally, API data is stored in a nested data format, such as JSON objects or arrays. You can use the “Flatten” action to flatten the data into a tabular format. Also, there’re a number of built-in SQL-based actions you can apply to this data pulled from the API.

How to pull data from an API (11)

5. Export the data to an application

Once your table is built, you can use it to power an application such as a dashboard, spreadsheet, or an embedded table on your website.

How to pull data from an API (12)

Click the “Export in Workflow” button and then it will bring you to Workflow. In Workflow, you can send the API data to any desired destinations.

How to pull data from an API (13)

6. Check and maintain the pipeline

After the connection has been made between your Acho data project and your destination application, you should check and maintain the pipeline to ensure that data is transferred timely with no delays or breakages.

How to pull data from an API (14)

How to send multiple requests at a time?

In the previous example, we only retrieve one ticker’s stock price. However, if you want to get more than one ticker’s data and allow you to retrieve one ticker’s data for each API call, you can use the “for loop” method in the “Multiple Requests” tab of the API connector.

First, build an API resource and get the list of values you want to loop. If your API provider doesn’t provide an API to get the list, you can upload a CSV file containing all the values you want to loop instead. In this case, we use the API connector to get all Nasdaq stock tickers and import the resource to a project.

How to pull data from an API (15)

Then, create another API resource. Fill {{ticker}} in the value of the “tickers” key. It tells the system that this value is dynamic.

How to pull data from an API (16)

Go to the "Multiple Requests" tab and specify the path to the list of tickers. You can choose a column in a project table and the system will loop the values in the column to replace the value in the curl bracket.

How to pull data from an API (17)

Now, you can see all Nasdaq stock prices.

How to pull data from an API (18)

How to authenticate your API connection?

Another powerful feature with Acho's API connector is the ability to authenticate your API connection in 3 different ways: Basic Auth, Bearer Token, and OAuth Client.

For Basic Auth, all you need to fill in is the set of credentials that contains the user name and password. For Bearer Token, it's simply a unique string of characters that you should receive from the API provider. OAuth is more advanced - you can basically configure your own OAuth client's credentials in a form.

How to pull data from an API (19)

How to clean data from an API?

If your data are still displayed in a JSON format or an array, you can follow the steps below to flatten your API data.

How to pull data from an API (20)

As you can see in the above image, the data we need is in the “result_data” columns and all values are stored in a single cell. Below are the full texts in the cell.

{ "AAPL":[ { "date":"2022-07-21", "volume":62986150, "high":155.57, "low":151.94, "adj_close":155.35, "close":155.35, "open":154.5 }, { "date":"2022-07-20", "volume":63805728, "high":153.72, "low":150.37, "adj_close":153.04, "close":153.04, "open":151.12 } ]}

The curl brackets, {}, represent a JSON object that contains key-value pairs in a format of {key:value}. The square brackets refer to an array of values.

{"AAPL": [JSON1, JSON2]}

This nested data structure is easy to save or retrieve data but not easy to view or analyze data. Thus, we want to flatten the nested data into a tabular format by applying the Flatten action. In this case, we should flatten the data three times.

First, click the Flatten action and choose “Flatten JSON”. Then, choose the “result_data” column and tell the system to retrieve data from the “AAPL” key.

How to pull data from an API (21)

You’ll see your data become several rows after the array is flattened. The number of rows depends on the number of values in the array.

How to pull data from an API (22)

Since data is still displayed in a JSON format, we should apply the flatten action again.

How to pull data from an API (23)

Here is the result:

How to pull data from an API (24)

Now your API data should be parsed and stored in a database now, you can perform analytics or use it to support an application. If there's a certain application that you need help setting up, feel free to contact us through the chatbox on the bottom right or by email.

How to turn APIs into an Application?

Once the data is cleaned and prepared. The data can now be productized into an interactive application for users. In the App Builder, simply drag the API project from the left panel into the canvas so you can now query against the API project table.

How to pull data from an API (25)

The next step is query the data and save it into a "data node". Once the data is "materialized" into a data node, you can now use it to build any interactive elements.

How to pull data from an API (26)

Now, you can pick an element such as a chart, or table to turn your API data node into a user-facing application!

How to pull data from an API (27)

Follow us on Twitter @team_acho for the latest product news.

Email us [email protected] for any questions you may have.

How to pull data from an API (2024)


How can I extract data from an API? ›

There's a structured way to access data from the endpoints as provided by the API. The protocols are confined and must be followed as per the tools that are used to make the API request. The tools that can be used for this purpose can be cURL, Postman, or an HTTP library of the programming language being incorporated.

How to collect data from APIs? ›

There are two ways to collect data with an API in R and Python. The first is to use a library that comes packaged with functions that call the API. This is by far the easiest since the library developers have already done all the heavy lifting involved in setting up calls to the API.

How can we fetch data from API? ›

With the Fetch API, you make a request by calling fetch() , which is available as a global function in both window and worker contexts. You pass it a Request object or a string containing the URL to fetch, along with an optional argument to configure the request.

How do I grab API data? ›

How to extract the API data
  1. Step 1: retrieve the API data URL.
  2. Step 2: create a new, blank Excel document.
  3. Step 3: paste the API data URL in the Excel document.
  4. Step 4: Enter the credentials.
  5. Step 5: load the API data in the Excel.
Oct 28, 2021

Can I scrape data from API? ›

Once you grasp the API's structure, you can manipulate parameters and retrieve the required data. One notable advantage of using APIs for scraping is that the data is typically returned in a structured JSON format, making it easier to handle and analyze.

How to extract JSON data from API? ›

JavaScript Logic:
  1. We use fetch() to make an API call to the specified apiUrl .
  2. Once the response is received, we check if it's ok. ...
  3. We then parse the JSON response and call the displayUserData() function to render the data on the webpage.

What does it mean to pull data from an API? ›

API is present on the server side and allows communication and sharing of information or data between two programs or softwares. To get a desired information from the server, you as the client would send a request, which is a combination of URL and HTTP methods.

How to create API to get data? ›

This section will guide you through the essential steps you need to take to set the groundwork for your API development journey.
  1. Defining the Objective of Your API. ...
  2. Planning Your API's Functionality. ...
  3. Establishing API Endpoints. ...
  4. Structuring Your API's Data. ...
  5. Implementing API Authentication. ...
  6. Testing Your API's Functionality.
Feb 26, 2024

How to connect API to database? ›

How Does an API Work with a Database?
  1. Establishing a Connection. To interact with a database, an application first needs to establish a connection. ...
  2. Sending Queries. Once the connection is established, the application can send queries to the database. ...
  3. Processing Results. ...
  4. Handling Errors.

How many ways can you fetch data from API? ›

The different ways of Fetching the data in a React application are given below:
  • Using React Hooks.
  • Using JavaScript Fetch API.
  • Using async/await.
  • Using Axios library.
  • Using React query.

How to connect to an API? ›

How to connect an app to an API
  1. Locate the API documentation for the apps you're trying to connect.
  2. Find the API key (if there is one).
  3. Follow the protocol listed (e.g., install dependencies) in the documentation.
  4. Use a command line to run the request and return the API response.

How can I fetch data from API faster? ›

Caching is one of the best ways to improve API performance. If you have requests that frequently produce the same response, a cached version of the response avoids excessive database queries. The easiest way to cache responses is to periodically expire it, or force it to expire when certain data updates happen.

How to extract data from API? ›

Now, we will use Acho as an example to demonstrate how to connect to your API with no coding.
  1. Configure the API endpoint. An API endpoint can be complex. ...
  2. Create an API resource. ...
  3. Store data into a database. ...
  4. Transform the API data. ...
  5. Export the data to an application. ...
  6. Check and maintain the pipeline.
Dec 17, 2023

How do I get something from an API? ›

The typical steps involved in using an API are:
  1. Look for an API that will meet your needs.
  2. Understand the API terms for using.
  3. Read the API documentation so you can test the API.
  4. Request an API key.
  5. Using the API documentation to make an API request.
  6. Interpret the API response to see if it meets your needs.
Nov 30, 2023

How to retrieve data from rest API? ›

To retrieve API data using a REST client, follow these steps:
  1. Choose a REST client tool or library suitable for your project's requirements and language.
  2. Set the HTTP method (usually GET for retrieving data) and provide the API endpoint URL.
  3. Configure any required headers, such as API keys or authentication tokens.
Jul 22, 2024

Can you connect an API to Excel? ›

The built-in PowerQuery functionality seems to be the actionable option to link API to Excel. It allows you to grab data and transform it on the go. However, the main drawback of PowerQuery is that it's only available for the Excel desktop app. If this is not an issue for you, you can go with it.

How to get data from API and store in database? ›

The integration begins by establishing a connection between the API and the database. After this, API requests or calls are sent from the web application or client to the API server. These requests specify the desired actions or operations, such as retrieving data, updating records, or performing specific tasks.

How to get data from API to SQL server? ›

Configure your API Connectivity for SQL Server
  1. Log into Connect Cloud, click Connections and click Add Connection.
  2. Select "API" from the Add Connection panel.
  3. Enter the necessary authentication properties to connect to your API. ...
  4. Click Create & Test.

How is data transferred via API? ›

APIs work by sharing data between applications, systems, and devices. This happens through a request and response cycle. The request is sent to the API, which retrieves the data and returns it to the user.

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Author: Catherine Tremblay

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Name: Catherine Tremblay

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Introduction: My name is Catherine Tremblay, I am a precious, perfect, tasty, enthusiastic, inexpensive, vast, kind person who loves writing and wants to share my knowledge and understanding with you.