How To Pick Dividend Stocks - Dividends Diversify (2024)

Table of Contents
Dividend Investing Strategy Dividend Stock Screener Information Sources Required To Evaluate Dividend Stocks How To Pick Dividend Stocks – Step 1: Develop a watch list How Do You Find Dividend Stocks? Analyzing A Dividend Stock How To Pick Dividend Stocks – Step 2: Look At The Forward Dividend Yield Dividend Growth Stock Screener – Step 3: Screen For The Historical Dividend Growth Rate How To Pick Dividend Stocks – Step 4: Identify the Number of Years Of Consecutive Dividend Increases How To Pick Dividend Stocks – Step 5: Find Out If The Company Has Stated Its Dividend Policy How To Pick Dividend Stocks – Step 6: Understand The Company’s Business Model Picking Dividend Stocks – Step 7: Review The Historical Revenue Trend Picking Dividend Stocks – Step 8: Investigate The Company’s Growth Strategy Picking Dividend Stocks – Step 9: Calculate the Dividend Payout Ratio Using Earnings Analyzing Dividend Stocks – Step 10: Calculate the Dividend Payout Ratio Using Cash Flow How To Evaluate Dividend Stocks – Step 11: Evaluate The Company’s Debt Levels And Credit Ratings How To Evaluate Dividend Stocks – Step 12: Evaluate Dividend Safety How To Evaluate Dividend Stocks – Step 13: Make A Dividend Growth Forecast How To Choose The Best Dividend Stocks – Step 14: Review The Stock Valuation Dividend Discount Model Morningstar Fair Value Price To Earnings Ratio How To Pick Dividend Stocks – Valuation Summary How To Pick Dividend Stocks – 14 Steps – Summary More About Analyzing And Selecting Dividend Stocks For Income I analyzed, selected, & own all of the dividend stocks mentioned in the article. FAQs


The purpose of this article is to explain how to pick dividend stocks as part of your dividend stock investing strategy.

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I use a process for selecting the best dividend stocks to buy and hold.

And, many of my dividend stocks are included in the Dividends Deluxe model portfolio right here at Dividends Diversify. Be sure to check it out.

Dividend Investing Strategy

A dividend investing strategy comes down to 3 primary activities.

  1. Knowing how to pick dividend stocks for your dividend stock portfolio
  2. Understanding how to manage a dividend stock portfolio
  3. Handling the dividends your portfolio produces

Today, we will focus on the first of those 3 areas: how to pick dividend stocks. Furthermore, to choose the best dividend stocks you must know how to analyze dividend stocks. The two concepts are closely related.

Disclosure: At no cost to you, I may get commissions for purchases made through links in this post.

Dividend Stock Screener

A dividend stock screener is effective at narrowing down the field of possible dividend stocks to invest in. But, further research is required to pick the best dividend stocks that meet your personal objectives.

There are many automated dividend stock screeners available for free on the internet. For a serious dividend stock investor. I love the screener in my Webull brokerage account app. Plus Webull is great for buying dividend stocks for free.

Dividend stock screeners require criteria to operate effectively. The selection criteria for dividend stocks are important.

This is true when using an automated dividend stock screener. Or, if you roll up your sleeves and do the work yourself.

But understanding and selecting the criteria is up to you. For example purposes, I will cover my selection criteria for understanding dividend stocks as we go through the 14 steps to picking dividend stocks.

Information Sources Required To Evaluate Dividend Stocks

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As we go through the dividend stock picking steps, you will see a fair amount of information is required. I find that the most valuable and comprehensive source for company-specific information is on its investor relations website.

A good investor relations website will include the following information:

  • Company background and business
  • Current stock price
  • Financial statements and annual reports
  • Investor presentations
  • News releases

This is plenty of information for picking the best dividend stocks.

In fact, a good investor presentation is very valuable for judging a company’s future prospects. Making judgments about the future is where dividend stock screeners fall short.

I round out my information sources with Yahoo Finance and Morningstar investment research. I always like to get a 2nd professional opinion.

How To Pick Dividend Stocks – Step 1: Develop a watch list

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First, you need a dividend stock watch list.

This is merely a shortlist of 5-10 companies you would like to own. There are several ways to identify consistent dividend-paying stocks for your investments. And develop your watch list from the stocks you identify.

How Do You Find Dividend Stocks?

Here are a few ways to find dividend stocks

1. Dividend Champions List – The Dividend Champions list is a monthly publication tracking companies with a history of consistently increasing their dividends.

The Dividend Champions list is produced in Microsoft Excel. Download it for free and do a few basic sorts on dividend yield and the number of years of annual dividend increases.

Doing this will produce a list of dividend-paying companies for your review. Take a few minutes and scan through the list you just sorted. Then, note down a few companies for yourwatch list that you are interested in.

2. Media outlets – CNBC or Kiplingers Personal Finance, just to name a couple, frequently discuss or write about dividend stocks. Keep your eyes and ears open for dividend stocks you think may be of interest to you.

3. Dividend stock screeners – Yahoo Finance has a dividend stock screener that I use periodically to generate ideas for my watch list. But again, you need to have a solid set of dividend stock selection criteria for it to be effective.

4. Dividend King and Dividend Aristocrat lists.

5. Simply Investing Report – This is a service that provides high-quality dividend stock recommendations. The Simply Investing Report provides top buys and undervalued stocks for your watch list. And, it is updated monthly.

ResourceMy review of the Simply Investing report

Analyzing A Dividend Stock

Now you have a dividend stock watch list with 5-10 stocks that you may like to invest in. Next, pick a stock on the list and move through Steps 2 through 14 on how to pick dividend stocks.

If at any point in the process, your dividend stock does not meet your selection criteria, stop and move to a different stock. Because making money from dividends means picking the right dividend stocks. And avoiding the rest.

As a dividend stock picker, these 14 steps work well for me. But, as I already mentioned, I also like to cross-check my conclusions.

Morningstar is my go-to resource for a second opinion.

How To Pick Dividend Stocks – Step 2: Look At The Forward Dividend Yield

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Forward dividend yield, oryield for short, is the company’s current annual dividend payment divided bythe current share price. It is expressedas a percentage.

I prefer dividend yields between 3 and 5%. Too far below 3% and the stock does not provide enough current income.

Much higher than a 5% dividend yield can indicate that the dividend will not be increased meaningfully in the future. Or, worst case, the dividend is at risk of being reduced.

Set your own yield requirements. 3 – 5% is just my rule of thumb. And, I don’t strictly follow it.

In fact, you will find stocks in the Dividends Deluxe model dividend portfolio with yields outside of this range for any number of reasons.

On the other hand, plenty of stocks in the model portfolio fall within this range. Dominion Resources is an example of just such a stock.

Selection criteria for dividend stocks: 3-5% dividend yield

Dividend Growth Stock Screener – Step 3: Screen For The Historical Dividend Growth Rate

History may not repeat itself. But, it is a good starting point for judging the future.

If a company doesn’t have a good track record of dividend growth, why will the future be any different? And how will we make a reliable and growing stream of dividend income?

So, I like to review the compound annual dividend growth rate over the past 1, 3, 5 and 7 years. This gives me a good idea of the most recent dividend growth and a reasonable amount of history.

I prefer annual dividend growth rates between 5-8%. The lower the current dividend yield, thehigher the dividend growth rate I require.

Faster dividend growth is great as long as the company has the earnings growth to support it. A company like Paychex is a high dividend growth stock.

Selection criteria for dividend stocks: 5-8% annual dividend growth

How To Pick Dividend Stocks – Step 4: Identify the Number of Years Of Consecutive Dividend Increases

By looking at the dividend history, determine how many years in a row the company has increased its dividend. Often times, a company will state it outright. The Dividend Champions spreadsheet also includes this metric.

A long track record of dividend growth is a good sign. I prefer companies with at least 10-years of annual dividend growth.

Companies that have increased their annual dividend for at least 25years are known as Dividend Aristocrats.

AT&T is a Dividend Aristocrat.

Furthermore, Dividend Kings have increased their annual dividend for atleast 50 years.

Procter & Gamble is a Dividend King.

Selection criteria for dividend stocks: Minimum 10 consecutive years of annual dividend growth

How To Pick Dividend Stocks – Step 5: Find Out If The Company Has Stated Its Dividend Policy

Sometimes a company will communicate its dividend policy.

A stated dividend policy is a great piece of information. It is very helpful in determining what future dividend growth may be.

And a clearly stated goal is more likely to be achieved and honored by the company.

For example, Altria’s dividend policy is to payout 80% of adjusted earnings per share in the form of dividends.

How To Pick Dividend Stocks – Step 6: Understand The Company’s Business Model

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One of the first rules of investing is to understand what you are investing in.

What does the company do? How do they make money? What business units do they operate and where? Are their products in decline or transition?

Sometimes a company’s business model is obvious. But other times it is not.

For example, McDonald’s doesn’t sell many hamburgers and fries. They are primarily in the business of franchising their brand.

Picking Dividend Stocks – Step 7: Review The Historical Revenue Trend

Determine if the company’s business model is healthy by looking at the last few years of annual revenues.

Dividend stocks with growing dividends have growing earnings. And growing earnings come partly from growing revenues.

Are the company’s revenues in decline? Then, determine what the company’s plans are for turning that around.

IBM has had a difficult time growing revenues. And, its starting to impact the company’s dividend growth. However, they frequently communicate the status of their growth initiatives.

Picking Dividend Stocks – Step 8: Investigate The Company’s Growth Strategy

Investor presentations are a great source of strategic and forward-looking information about a company’s revenue growth strategy. Scan them and look for key insights.

How does the company plan to grow revenue and earnings and by howmuch? Will they grow revenuesorganically or through acquisition? Dothey have a cost reduction plan in place to further increase profits beyondrevenue growth?

Genuine Parts dividend growth strategy is a great example.

They come right out and say their long term goals are to increase revenues 6-8% annually. And to increase earnings 7-10% annually. Then, they explain exactly how they plan to go about it.

Picking Dividend Stocks – Step 9: Calculate the Dividend Payout Ratio Using Earnings

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Earnings per share divided by dividends per share give you the dividend payout ratio based on earnings. It is expressed as a percentage.

A lower dividend payout percentage is a good sign. It indicates a company can maintain or evenincrease its dividend during difficult times.

Acceptable dividend payout ratios vary by industry. For real estate investment trusts like Realty Income (stock symbol: O), 90% or less is fine.

For a cyclical company like Cummins, 50% or less is acceptable. This allows them to ride out the ups and downs of the economy without needing to reduce the Cummins dividend.

Selection criteria for dividend stocks: Dividend payout ratio by industry varies

Analyzing Dividend Stocks – Step 10: Calculate the Dividend Payout Ratio Using Cash Flow

Dividends are real money paid to us in cash from a company’s cash flow, not accounting earnings.

Accounting earnings can be full of all kinds of adjustments. And can cloud the picture of a company’s dividend-paying capacity.

So, I like to look at annual dividend payments divided by free cashflow. It is also expressed as apercentage.

The percentage should be about the same or less than the dividendpayout ratio based on earnings. Cashflow can be volatile, so it’s okay to look at this metric over the past 2-3years.

Kraft-Heinz is an example of a company that did not have enough cash flow to pay its dividend. So, Kraft-Heinz reduced its dividend.

Selection criteria for dividend stocks: Dividends paid as a percentage of free cash flow less than or equal to the dividend payout ratio based on earnings.

How To Evaluate Dividend Stocks – Step 11: Evaluate The Company’s Debt Levels And Credit Ratings

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1. Credit rating. Most solid dividend-paying companies have investment-grade credit ratings.

Credit ratings are provided by the big rating agencies like Moody’s and S&P.

An AAA credit rating is the highest by S&P. Very few companies have an AAA credit rating.

Microsoft has an AAA credit rating.

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So does Johnson and Johnson. They are the last of a rare breed.

2. Debt to equity ratio. I do not want my dividend stocks loaded with debt.

A large amount of debt can jeopardize consistent dividend payments during difficult economic times. So, I look for a debt to equity ratio of 1 or less.

This shows a balanced approach to financing a business. And, is a fairly conservative capital structure.

Debt to equity of 1 or less is another dividend stock criterion I do not strictly follow. It’s just a starting point for further analysis.

If it’s higher than 1, I dig a little deeper to understand why.

For example, Southern is a stable company operating as a regulated utility. It produces large amounts of free cash flow.

Southern can support debt to equity greater than 1. In addition, it’s pretty standard for utilities like Southern to finance a large portion of their assets with debt.

Using both the credit rating and debt to equity ratio helps form ajudgment on a company’s financial position.

Selection criteria for dividend stocks: Investment grade credit rating

Selection criteria for dividend stocks: Debt to equity less than or equal to 1. Or, the financial means to justify a higher debt to equity ratio.

How To Evaluate Dividend Stocks – Step 12: Evaluate Dividend Safety

What type of dividend do we want? The answer to this question is easy. We want a safe dividend.

I only want to buy and hold dividend stocks where I feel the cash dividend is safe from a reduction in the future. Few things are worse to me than owning a company at the time they cut the dividend.

I’m not perfect. It happens. So, I just try to learn from it and move on.

I will almost always sell the company’s stock if management cuts the dividend on me.

Dividend safety is a subjective determination based on many of the factors discussed thus far:

  • Historical dividend track record
  • Dividend payout ratio
  • Free cash flow generation
  • Financial position
  • Business health and growth strategy

Selection criteria for dividend stocks: Judgement that dividend is safe from future reduction

How To Evaluate Dividend Stocks – Step 13: Make A Dividend Growth Forecast

My dividend growth forecast is another subjective determination based on factors already discussed. I base it on

  • Recent years historical dividend growth
  • Dividend payout ratio
  • Management’s stated dividend policy, if any
  • The company’s growth strategy

Having a dividend growth forecast allows me to do several important things.

First of all, I can compare future dividend increases against my forecast. Any large differences should be understandable.

Furthermore, a dividend growth forecast aids in assessing the value of the stock. I use it as part of the dividend discount model method. It is a means to value a dividend stock. More on the dividend stock valuation a little later.

Finally, understanding a company’s potential dividend growth allows me to forecast and plan for my future dividend income.

Selection criteria for dividend stocks: Expected future dividend growth in 5-8% range.

More than 8% is certainly acceptable. This assumes earnings and cash are there to support more rapid dividend growth.

How To Choose The Best Dividend Stocks – Step 14: Review The Stock Valuation

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Whether you choose to buy dividend stocks. Or, companies who choose not to pay dividends. Be sure to assess the value you are getting before investing.

Using valuation criteria for dividend stocks is tough. Because dividend stocks often trade at premium valuations. This especially true when it comes to the price-to-earnings ratio.

If an investor only buys dividend stocks when they are undervalued, they may not have many opportunities to invest money.

For this reason, it is good to have a dollar-cost averaging strategy when it comes to your potential dividend stock investments. Dollar-cost averaging means investing a fixed amount on a consistent and recurring basis.

That said, I do look at value and try to buy more at lower prices. And, avoid buying or adding to clearly overvalued dividend stocks.

I also like to look at the stock valuation in several different ways to get my arms around it. Let’s look at those ways now.

Dividend Discount Model

The dividend discount model is a means to discount back to present value the company’s future growing dividend payments. This is 1 reason I make a dividend growth forecast.

I like to see the current price of the stock less than or equal to the fair value estimate from the dividend discount model calculation.

Morningstar Fair Value

The investment analysis firm Morningstar provides fair value estimates for most dividend stocks.

Their fair value calculations are proprietary, but it comes down todiscounting the future cash flows of the business back to present value.

I like to see the price of the stock less than or equal to the fair value estimate from Morningstar.

You can check out Morningstar through this 14 day free trial offer.

Price To Earnings Ratio

The price of the stock dividedby current year projected earnings per share gives us the price to earningsratio. Or, PE ratio, for short.

I start with a target of 20 or less.And also compare the company’s price to earnings ratio to the overallstock market as measured by the S&P 500.

I like to see the stock trading at par or at a discount to the overallmarket. So often this is not the casebecause like I said, good dividend stocks usually trade at premium valuations.

If I waited for a PE ratio less than 20 times or less, I may have never bought some of my best performing dividend stocks.

How To Pick Dividend Stocks – Valuation Summary

So, as part of analyzing a dividend stock, I look at all the valuation measures and make a judgment call.

As long as the business fundamentals are sound and the dividend metricsare solid, I may overpay a little. Or, Imay decide to wait for a pullback in the stock price.

Selection criteria for dividend stocks: Stock price less than or equal to dividend discount model fair value and Morningstar fair value

Selection criteria for dividend stocks: A “reasonable” price to earnings ratio

As I said at the beginning, some judgements cannot be completely left to a dividend stock screener.

How To Pick Dividend Stocks – 14 Steps – Summary

How do you analyze a dividend stock? Here is my process.

  1. Develop a watch list
  2. Look at the forward dividend yield
  3. Calculate the historical dividend growth rate
  4. Identify the number of years of consecutivedividend increases
  5. Determine if the company has a stated dividend policy
  6. Understand the company’s business model
  7. Review the historical revenue trend
  8. Investigate the company’s growth strategy
  9. Calculate the dividend payout ratio using earnings
  10. Calculate the dividend payout ratio using cash flow
  11. Evaluate the company’s debt levels and credit ratings
  12. Evaluate dividend safety
  13. Make a dividend growth forecast
  14. Review the stock valuation

And don’t forget to get a second opinion to cross-check your work. I use services like the Simply Investing Report and Morningstar to do exactly that.

Finally, you are ready to buy stock. I keep my trading costs low by using the Webull app. It’s also full of stock analysis tools for dividend stock pickers like you and me.

On the other hand, does analyzing and picking dividend stocks seem like too much work? Well, it can be.

Then consider the passive route to dividend investing. There are plenty of excellent ETFs that focus on dividend stocks to choose from.

Many investors build their dividend stock investments in this way. So, you can too!

More About Analyzing And Selecting Dividend Stocks For Income

  • Investing in utility stocks for stable, growing passive income
  • Living off your dividends
  • The best dividend ETF
  • Investing in PepsiCo for dividends

Author Bio: Tom Scott founded the consulting and coaching firm Dividends Diversify, LLC. He leverages his expertise and decades of experience in goal setting, relocation assistance, and investing for long-term wealth to help clients reach their full potential.

I analyzed, selected, & own all of the dividend stocks mentioned in the article.


How To Pick Dividend Stocks - Dividends Diversify (2024)


How To Pick Dividend Stocks - Dividends Diversify? ›

The market often punishes such companies harshly, leading to significant declines in stock value. Instead, dividend stock investors should prioritize companies with a history of consistent earnings growth. These companies are typically more stable and reliable, providing a steady stream of income through dividends.

How to pick quality dividend stocks? ›

The market often punishes such companies harshly, leading to significant declines in stock value. Instead, dividend stock investors should prioritize companies with a history of consistent earnings growth. These companies are typically more stable and reliable, providing a steady stream of income through dividends.

How many different dividend stocks should I own? ›

As you start building a dividend portfolio yourself you'll realize that there is no one-size-fits-all answer as to how many dividend stocks you should own. But, it's fairly agreed upon that somewhere between 10-30 is a good range to shoot for.

How to build a diversified dividend portfolio? ›

Finding one company in each industry is the ideal way to protect a portfolio against adverse economic conditions. The logic is that when one sector may be struggling, another might be thriving. A simple way to diversify risk is to choose stocks with different size dividend yields. Yield correlates well to risk.

How to make $1,000 in dividends every month? ›

To have a perfect portfolio to generate $1000/month in dividends, one should have at least 30 stocks in at least 10 different sectors. No stock should not be more than 3.33% of your portfolio. If each stock generates around $400 in dividend income per year, 30 of each will generate $12,000 a year or $1000/month.

What are the 4 ratios to evaluate dividend stocks? ›

Investors who are focused on dividend-paying stocks should evaluate the quality of the dividends by analyzing the dividend payout ratio, dividend coverage ratio, free cash flow to equity (FCFE), and net debt to earnings before interest taxes depreciation and amortization (EBITDA) ratio.

What is the 4 percent rule for dividends? ›

The 4% rule is intended to supply a steady stream of income while maintaining an adequate account balance for future years. Assuming a reasonable rate of return on investment, the withdrawals will consist primarily of interest and dividends. Experts disagree on whether the 4% rule is the best option.

What is the ideal ratio for dividend per share? ›

Healthy. A range of 35% to 55% is considered healthy and appropriate from a dividend investor's point of view. A company that is likely to distribute roughly half of its earnings as dividends means that the company is well established and a leader in its industry.

What is the dividend stock strategy? ›

Putting your money into dividend stocks means prioritizing stable returns over those with more upside potential. Stocks with high growth potential tend to invest all their earnings back into the business. Those companies have the biggest chance of rising in value.

What would be a good dividend portfolio? ›

Hold between 20 and 60 stocks to reduce company-specific risk. Roughly equal-weight each position. Invest no more than 25% of your portfolio in any one sector. Target companies with Safe or Very Safe Dividend Safety Scores™

What are the safest high yield dividend stocks? ›

As the wider markets turn volatile, Coca-Cola (KO) and Kraft-Heinz (KHC) look like two safe dividend stocks worth buying. Incidentally, both of these stocks happen to be among the top 10 holdings for Berkshire Hathaway (BRK.B), which is led by the legendary Warren Buffett.

What is the frugal dividend portfolio? ›

The U.S. Frugal Dividend portfolio cooks up returns by starting with the roughly 500 stocks in the S&P 500 index and discards those that don't pay dividends. It then sifts out firms without relatively stable price histories by picking the 50 with the lowest volatilities over the prior 260 days.

How much to invest to get $4,000 a month in dividends? ›

But the truth is you can get a 9.5% yield today--and even more. But even at 9.5%, we're talking about a middle-class income of $4,000 per month on an investment of just a touch over $500K. Below, I'll reveal how to start building a portfolio that could get you an even bigger income stream than this today.

What is considered a good stock dividend? ›

What Is a Good Dividend Yield? Yields from 2% to 6% are generally considered to be a good dividend yield, but there are plenty of factors to consider when deciding if a stock's yield makes it a good investment. Your own investment goals should also play a big role in deciding what a good dividend yield is for you.

What is the difference between quality and ordinary dividends? ›

Ordinary dividends are taxed as ordinary income at your regular tax rate, while qualified dividends are taxed at a lower rate, similar to the long-term capital gains tax rate. To qualify for the lower tax rate on qualified dividends, the dividends must meet certain criteria set by the IRS.

What is the dividend quality score? ›

The Portfolio Insight algorithm calculates the Dividend Quality Score (DQS), a numerical score from 1 to 10, for each equity. A single grade from A+ to F is derived from the DQS. Stocks in the 95th percentile receive an 'A+,' while those below the 30th percentile are assigned an 'F. '

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Author: Moshe Kshlerin

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Name: Moshe Kshlerin

Birthday: 1994-01-25

Address: Suite 609 315 Lupita Unions, Ronnieburgh, MI 62697

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Introduction: My name is Moshe Kshlerin, I am a gleaming, attractive, outstanding, pleasant, delightful, outstanding, famous person who loves writing and wants to share my knowledge and understanding with you.