How To Pay For College With No Money Saved - Arrest Your Debt (2024)

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Have you found yourself in a position where you need to start paying for college, but you don’t have any money saved? Unfortunately, this is a norm for many Americans struggling to make ends meet. Luckily, there is a way to significantly reduce your college expenses to allow you to pay for college without going deep into debt!

However, the typical route in this situation is to apply for student loans and rack up tens of thousands of dollars in student loan debt. The debt stretches out over 30+ years, and these loans forever haunt us throughout adulthood.

The Student Loan Crisis

Here is a scary statistic: according to the US Department of Education, Americans owe 1.6 trillion dollars in student loans as of 2021. With that astronomical number, it’s no wonder we now consider huge student loan debt to be the “norm.”

It seems the problem is only going to get worse. Many Americans stick their heads in the sand and ignore the issues associated with student loan debt. Debt has become such a normal part of our lives that many of us feel there is no other alternative than to live with it.

Debt Is The New “Normal”

This “normal” is taught to us throughout our early years and by the lenders. First, we need a college degree that we can’t afford to move forward in this world. Then, after we get the degree, we get a job so we can buy things to impress people we don’t like.

Normal seems pretty depressing.

In addition, we are enticed by gimmicks that encourage us to go further into debt. For example, have you heard of the Public Service Loan Forgiveness Program? My husband works for a police department and knows several officers enticed by this program. This federal program grants loan forgiveness to government employees, a 501(c)(3), or other nonprofits that provide qualifying public service as its primary purpose.

Many public school teachers take out loans and expect this program to erase their student loan debt after ten years of public service. Now for a bit of a reality check.

According to the Education Data Initiative, the most recent reports of the Public Service Loan Forgiveness statistics are from April, May, and June of 2021. The data published states:

June 2021:

Claims Approved: 4,848

Claims Denied: 241,910

Loan Forgiveness Approval Rate: 2%

May 2021:

Claims Approved: 4,214

Claims Denied: 270,002

Loan Forgiveness Approval Rate: 1.6%

April 2021:

Claims Approved: 3,458

Claims Denied: 241,910

Loan Forgiveness Approval Rate: 1.4%

There are so many hoops to jump through for this program that most people who thought they qualified for loan forgiveness do not. The fine print in the program has prevented most people from seeking forgiveness to get the help they thought was coming their way.

How Much Does Tuition Actually Cost?

Let’s look at the current average tuition rates of some local universities to see how much you can expect to pay for in-state tuition and fees – not including room and board:

  • University of Southern California – $60,275 per year
  • University of Chicago $60,552 per year
  • Harvard University $54,002 per year
  • Stanford University $56,169 per year
  • University of Notre Dame $57,669 per year
  • Arizona State University $11,338 per year
  • Ohio State University $11,518 per year
  • Texas A&M University $12,783 per year
  • Florida State University $5,656 per year
  • Michigan State University $14,460 per year
  • University Of California Los Angeles $13,249 per year

*statistics current as of April 2022

As you can see from the above list, you can expect to pay anywhere from $5,656 a year to $60,552 each year for a 4-year degree at a university. Keep in mind that these are all in-state tuition rates. If you are attending from out of state, expect to pay about 3x these amounts.

These rates also do not include room and board or meal plans. You can see how easy it is to owe $100,000 or more in student loans upon graduation.

How We Saved A TON Of Money On Tuition

Now that I have given you all the doom and gloom statistics let’s look at an alternative. This is the route my husband took to get his degrees, and it’s one that saved my family a TON of money!

My husband attended a community college for two years and completed all his prerequisites out of high school. He met with a counselor and made sure that every class he took could transfer to a university. As a result, most of his classes transferred over upon graduation from the community college, and he only had to pay for two years of university tuition.

The Cost Of Community College

According to the Education Data Initiative, the average yearly cost of tuition and fees for a community college in the United States is only $3,400.

My husband attended Glendale Community College for his first two years to save money. In 2022, the tuition for 30 credits a year at Glendale Community College is $2,550. By going to a community college, he saved himself at least $14,900 in education expenses than if he had attended a university for $10,000 a year.

After two years at the community college, he transferred to Northern Arizona University (NAU). The tuition per year at NAU is $11,896. By going the community college route, he was able to get a four-year Bachelor’s degree for $28,892 (in today’s dollars) versus $47,584. His degree has one name on it – Northern Arizona University – even though he only studied there for two years.

Does A Name Really Matter?

Before you argue with me about the value of a degree from USC or another prestigious college, can you tell me the name of the school your doctor or surgeon attended? I’ll bet you can’t. You don’t know which university your doctor, surgeon, dentist, anesthesiologist, or other high-paid professional attended because it doesn’t matter.

You value your doctor for reasons other than what school they attended. Bedside manners, knowledge, and communication skills attract you to them, not that piece of paper on the wall. For this very reason, I do agree that college is important, but putting yourself into $100,000 worth of debt is a terrible route to take.

With all things being equal, if you don’t have a scholarship for a considerably reduced tuition rate, the community college path is the route to take. However, after you finish two years at the community college, this is not the time to transfer to the highest-priced private university in your area either. Instead, select a reasonably priced accredited public university for a good education.

You Still Need A Budget To Be Successful

You still need to budget your money to afford a college degree using my community college method. If you start with a community college, the average tuition is $3,347 a year. That comes out to $279 a month. About half the price of your average car payment!

If you later attend a University for an average of $9,970 a year, that would be $831 a month. The $831 may be a little steep for you, so let’s break it down differently.

If the first two years are only $279 a month, try to save $500. If you do this for two years, you would have saved $5,304 extra by the time you had to start paying for the university! ($500- $279 tuition = $221 extra each month x 24 months = $5,304)

If you use my above methodology, there is no way to rack up tons of student loan debt.

If you’re looking to increase your monthly cash flow, it may be time to start a side hustle.

More importantly, paying for college with cash is possible if you avoid the expensive university trap.

Other Great Ways To Save Money On Tuition

Here are some other great ways to reduce your college tuition expenses:

  • Apply for FAFSA – Free Application for Federal Student Aid
  • Apply for the Pell Grant
  • If you’re thinking about the military, look into an ROTC scholarship
  • Go to and make filling out scholarships a full-time job
  • Check out The Scholarship Lady, who specializes in connecting you to scholarship opportunities
  • Many Fortune 500 companies provide scholarships to students here
  • Several large banks provide scholarships as well. Check them out here
  • Fastweb, moolahSPOT, Scholly, Cappex, Chegg, Niche, and Scholarship Monkey connect people to scholarship money
  • Check your state for local grants here
  • Check with your current employer. I was surprised to find out that the local restaurant I worked at paid $500 a year for college tuition. Often employers will help pay for college if you look at your benefits package.

Avoid Student Loan Debt Like The Plague

Wherever you are in life right now, decide to do everything to avoid going into debt for a college degree. It certainly is possible to cash flow a college degree if you plan for it and do your research. Remember that the university’s name does not mean as much as you think it does.

If you currently have significant student loan debt, refinancing may be worth looking into.

Refinancing may save you thousands of dollars in the long run, depending on the balance of your loans and your interest rate. However, remember that refinancing usually comes with fees added to the loan, so make sure refinancing is worth it.

For more information on refinancing, check with a reputable company like Credible or Lending Tree.

I encourage you to think outside the box when it comes to college. The mainstream way of thinking will lead you down a dark path of debt and regret. Instead, look for other ways to receive a college education without paying for it for the rest of your life.

How To Pay For College With No Money Saved - Arrest Your Debt (2024)


How do you pay for college if you have nothing saved? ›

Some options to help with paying for college include applying for scholarships and grants, looking into work-study options, cutting costs and applying for loans. You can still look into saving for future education with 529 plans, which allow contributions through investments.

What is a way to pay for college without having to repay back the money? ›

A grant is money that you will not have to pay back. Unlike loans, grants are free money that can be used to pay for school. Grants usually come from the state, government or the college you are attending.

How to pay for college when loans aren t enough? ›

6 ways to find more money for college when federal student loans aren't enough
  1. Appeal for More Financial Aid. ...
  2. Apply for Scholarships. ...
  3. Look Into Tuition Payment Plans. ...
  4. Find a Part-time Job. ...
  5. Reduce Your Expenses. ...
  6. Explore Other Borrowing Options. ...
  7. The Bottom Line.
6 days ago

What if I don't have enough money for college? ›

Look for scholarship resources that are available from your state government or from statewide organizations with which you may have been involved. Research companies in your state that are related to your planned field of study. National scholarships can be more competitive, but don't let that keep you from applying.

How to pay for law school if you're poor? ›

Financial aid is available. The primary funding options are Scholarships and grants—the “free” money this is either funded by your law school or funded by private organizations, civic groups, etc.; Loans which can be federal loans or private/alternative/institutional loans.

Can you leave college without debt? ›

Can you pay off college without loans? Paying for college is hard but doable without taking out any student loan debt. You'll likely need to work hard and be creative if you don't have someone gifting you the money. You can do this by earning scholarships or applying for as many grants as you qualify for.

How do you go to college if you owe money? ›

Speak to your financial aid office about emergency loans

If your account is past due and your expected financial aid hasn't come through yet, talk to your financial aid office. You might qualify for an emergency loan through the school that will pay off your balance and let you register for classes.

How to get financial aid after losing it? ›

How to Get Back Your Financial Aid Eligibility
  1. Contact your school's financial aid office. Speak with someone about the reasons for your suspension and the steps you'll need to take to get back on track.
  2. Appeal the suspension. ...
  3. Improve your grades. ...
  4. Get out of default. ...
  5. Be patient.
Dec 3, 2022

Can I go back to college if I owe money? ›

If your student loans are in default, you won't be able to go back to school right away. First, you'll need to make the requisite back payments on each loan and work out a repayment plan with your lender. Once your loans are back in good standing, you'll be free to return to school.

Can FAFSA pay full tuition? ›

For most students, there will not be enough financial aid to cover the full cost of tuition, unless the parents borrow a Federal Parent PLUS loan. The financial aid will be based on financial need, which is usually less than the cost of attendance.

Why don t I qualify for financial aid? ›

Students must be in good academic standing to receive federal aid. The required GPA varies from school to school, but typically students need a 2.0 or higher. If your grades fall below the minimum GPA, you could lose eligibility for financial aid. See also: What GPA do you need to get a full scholarship?

How do people afford college without financial aid? ›

Paying as You Go

One of the best ways to pay for college out of pocket is simple: pay as you go. Pick up a part-time job and put the money you earn toward tuition and other expenses. It may be slow-going, and it will be a lot of work, but not having any debt at the end of your college career will be worth it.

How does anyone afford to go to college? ›

Most undergrads have help from parents to pay for college. Many also receive grants, borrow student loans, or work part time.

How many people don't go to college because of money? ›

51.04% of students drop out because they cannot pay for college (What to Become, 2021). Moreover, 55% of students struggle to financially support their education, which results in 79% of them delaying their graduation (ThinkImpact, 2021).

How to afford college without parents? ›

8 Steps If Your Parents Won't Help Pay for College
  1. Choose the right type of college for you. ...
  2. Fill out the FAFSA. ...
  3. Apply for scholarships and grants. ...
  4. Take out federal student loans. ...
  5. Find an income source that works with your schedule. ...
  6. Consider taking out private student loans to fill the gaps.

How can I afford to go to school and not work? ›

4 Ways You Can Afford to Go Back to School
  1. Apply for Scholarships for Going Back to School. Collapse All. ...
  2. Apply for Grants for Going Back to School. In addition to scholarships, grants can help students who want to return to school pay for their degrees. ...
  3. Get Student Loans for Going Back to School. ...
  4. Attend Community College.

How do I pay back college? ›

You can pick from repayment plans that base your monthly payment on your income or plans that give you a fixed monthly payment. Repayment plans based on your income are a smart choice to lower your payment (the Saving on a Valuable Education (SAVE) Plan is no more than 10% of your discretionary income).

What can you do if you have no money? ›

Whatever your situation, here are 13 fun things to do that don't cost money with friends and family:
  1. Go on a picnic. ...
  2. Go to no-cost museum and zoo days. ...
  3. Give geocaching a try. ...
  4. Leverage your chamber of commerce. ...
  5. Take a historical city tour. ...
  6. Visit a farmers market. ...
  7. Go camping. ...
  8. Do a photography challenge.
Feb 14, 2024

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Name: Allyn Kozey

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Introduction: My name is Allyn Kozey, I am a outstanding, colorful, adventurous, encouraging, zealous, tender, helpful person who loves writing and wants to share my knowledge and understanding with you.