How to overcome fear (2024)

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Unlock the psychology of fear and 10 steps to overcome it

Posted by: Team Tony

How to overcome fear (1)

Think about your biggest goal. Why haven’t you accomplished it yet? If you’re like most people, the answer is basic: fear. Fear is the limiting factor stopping you from working toward what you want. Fear distracts us and leads to excuses – but it doesn’t have to. Learning how to overcome fear is one of the most liberating pursuits you can undertake.

It’s easy to pretend fear isn’t influencing you and to make excuses as to why you haven’t achieved what you’re capable of. Instead of turning around and hiding from it, treat fear as a cue to take action, not an excuse. Look at your goal. If you let fear chase you away from achieving it, then you’ve effectively given in.

Fear of uncertainty, fear of failure and other common fears all stem from one area: the limiting beliefs holding you back. Ten steps will teach you how to conquer fear and move you closer to the life you want.

The psychology behind overcoming fear

Learning how to overcome fear and anxiety can be an intimidating prospect if you don’t understand the mechanisms behind them. Before you berate yourself for feeling afraid, recognize that fear is a normal evolutionary response. Although it may not feel like it in the moment, your body and brain are communicating with you. When you learn to read the signals, conquering fear comes naturally.

Tony Robbins has helped millions of people learn how to overcome fear and start creating lives they love. In his vast experience, fear goes beyond the physical signals we often feel in a scary situation. There are several types of fear that are much more insidious.

How to overcome fear (2)

Physical fear

When most of us think of fear, we think of physical threats, triggered by a known outside event – a loud noise, looking over the edge of a high place or standing in front of a crowd. Physical fear can even take the form of phobias – as many as 12% of adults experience a phobia at some point. Phobias are an extreme fear of a very specific situation, object or animal. Spiders, heights, public speaking and enclosed spaces are a few well-known phobias.

During a physical fear response you’ll feel your heart beat faster and your breathing quicken. You may feel a pit in your stomach, feel dizzy, sweat or get a dry mouth. Your muscles may feel more tense or weak. These are all results of your body’s “fight or flight” response. Without the fear response, you’d leave yourself wide open to danger. Yet in the modern world, fear can take many other forms – and some of them aren’t as obvious.


Think of anxiety like long-term fear. It’s typically focused on the future rather than the present. Anxiety disorders are on the rise in America: As much as 18% of the population is affected each year. Anxiety and stress can have long-lasting consequences: When you live in a state of stress, your body releases a chemical called cortisol. Too much cortisol can cause problems sleeping and focusing, weight gain and even affect your immune response.

For many of us, risks like taking the leap into a new career, letting ourselves be vulnerable in a relationship or even investing our hard-earned money can cause generalized anxiety, where you have difficulty falling asleep, can’t concentrate and replay the same scenarios in your head over and over. But what is the root cause of these thoughts? Tony has found there are several types of fear that can be deeply ingrained in the psyche.

Fear of uncertainty

At our core, all of our thoughts, decisions and behaviors are driven by Six Human Needs. For many of us, certainty is our most powerful need: We want to know what is coming next. And while we do need some certainty in our lives, we also need uncertainty and variety. A fear of uncertainty prevents us from getting out of our comfort zones. It tells us, “You might as well stay here, where it’s safe.” And it’s the real reason why many people feel stuck, unable to achieve their goals.

Fear of failure

Fear of failure is another common fear that stems from the human need for certainty, as well as the need for significance. We are wired to avoid pain and gain pleasure – and avoiding failure is surely an easy way to avoid pain. We want to feel significant, but failure makes us feel small and unimportant. Yet we’re also wired for growth, and as every successful person on the planet knows, failure leads to growth. You must shift your mindset on failure to think of it as a positive, not a negative.

How to overcome fear (3)

How to overcome fear

Conquering fear means harnessing the fear response and using it to your advantage. Learning how to conquer fear begins with finding your center. Here are dependable tips to overcome fear and anxiety so you can live life at its fullest.

1. Identify your fears

Learning how to overcome fear is much like any problem-solving challenge in that you must identify the challenge in order to overcome it. What is it you’re afraid of? Sit quietly for a few minutes and observe your thoughts, feelings and bodily sensations. Write down what comes up, and be as specific as you can. Consider embracing a daily mindfulness meditation practice to gain greater clarity on what drives you. As you find your center, you’ll feel empowered to confront your fears.

2. Recognize that fear can work to your advantage

Our emotions exist to tell us things. When you feel fear, your soul wants to tell you something – so listen. If you feel overcome by stress or distracted by a subtle-but-persistent anxiety, it’s likely a subconscious fear that needs your attention. Rather than avoiding it, overcoming fear requires leaning into your anxiety. View the fear as a piece of information instead of a threat to your survival. When you use anxiety to your advantage, it can’t ruin your life. In overcoming fear, it becomes your ally – a critical source of guidance to reach your full potential.

3. Sit with your fear

There are times for action and times for reflection. Acting too quickly to overcome your fear can lead to behaviors that do more harm than good, like reaching for a drink, indulging in comfort food or even repressing the feeling entirely. Next time you feel fearful, do nothing. Sit with your fear for a few minutes. Think about it. What is the root cause? Is it fear of uncertainty? Fear of failure? What is the story you tell yourself about why you can’t overcome this fear? A moment of reflection can have a great effect on overcoming fear in a way that is productive, deliberate and effective.

4. Create goals that are “musts”

Oftentimes the process of overcoming fear becomes stymied by uninspiring or elusive goals we set for ourselves. To turn this around, ask yourself: What does the life you desire and deserve look like? Is it just a “someday, maybe” plan or do you actively work toward it? Is it something that is attainable and you’re willing to commit to? The first step in overcoming fear is identifying whether or not you’re creating a compelling goal. If you accomplish this, will you feel fulfilled? Conversely, if you don’t accomplish this, will you be lost?

Dig deeper into your goal. What is your ideal outcome? Is it financial growth – more money in the bank? Maybe you want the financial independence to travel anytime, anywhere? Consider what your life will look like if you don’t achieve this outcome and compare it to what your life will look like if you do. Once you feel that your goal is essential, the fear of not making an effort eclipses the fear of failure – that’s when you’ll be inspired to act.

5. Recognize the excuses

Fear makes you put things off. “I’m really tired. I have other stuff to do. It’s a dumb idea anyway.” These excuses probably sound familiar, don’t they? You’ve probably said this out loud and to yourself. Think about it. Is there any truth to these statements, or are you constructing excuses to avoid potential failure? It’s much easier and less painful to make excuses than it is to put in the long hours and energy it will take to work toward your goal, but excuses and opting out will ultimately leave you feeling unfulfilled. If you want to find out how to conquer fear, you need to take a different, proactive approach.

Recognize when you are using excuses and figure out how to overcome them. Too tired? Adjust your schedule so you can get a better night’s sleep. Not enough time? Assess your priorities and find out where you can make time. And the next time an excuse comes to you, make the decision to not give in to the little voice telling you “No,” because it won’t help you grow in the long run.

6. Surround yourself with success

Tony says that “Proximity is power.” This is also known as the law of attraction, or the idea that, in essence, you become the people you surround yourself with. Tony puts it another way: “Whatever you hold in your mind on a consistent basis is exactly what you will experience in your life.” If you’ve turned your “shoulds” into “musts” and recognized all your excuses but still aren’t sure how to overcome fear and put your goals into action, it’s time to examine your focus.

People who are focused on overcoming fear and achieving their dreams surround themselves with others who have the same mindset. These are people who you not only look up to, but who will push you to achieve your goals. To overcome fear, you need to raise your standards – and allow others to hold you accountable.

7. Adopt a growth mindset

When you’re afraid, you tend to stay in one place. What if you make a mistake? What if you fail? You start to believe you can’t progress at all, that you’re incapable of it – the fear holds you back. One of the most powerful tips to overcome fear and anxiety is to adopt a growth mindset. It’s not about achieving your goals and being perfect every step of the way. No one is ever perfect all the time, so stop striving for that. It’s about getting comfortable with what you don’t know and continuing anyway – this is the foundation of a growth mindset.

As Tony says, “No matter how many mistakes you make or how slow your progress, you’re still way ahead of everyone who isn’t trying.” As you work to overcome fear, you will realize that there will be lots of trials and tribulations along the way. As soon as you’ve accepted that the path to success includes growth and change, you’ll be one step closer to attaining your goals.

8. Find valuable insight in pain

No one likes pain. Most of us go to great lengths to avoid it. But pain is a profound teacher. If you accept that your life and your efforts to achieve your goals will be painful at times, painful experiences become opportunities for growth. When you let go of pain as a threat to your survival, it loses its power and becomes another tool for overcoming fear.

Everyone experiences hardships in life. It doesn’t matter whether your setbacks are personal or professional – what matters are the lessons you take from those experiences and how you apply them to your future. Instead of letting a fear of uncertainty due to your past experiences dictate your decisions, actively choose to learn from those painful moments to be in control of your own life.

9. Visualize your goals

You’ve done the mental work: identifying the real reasons you’re holding yourself back and determining your must-haves in life. But overcoming fear requires that you practice these habits daily so they will lead to true action.

Tony says, “Identify your problems, but give your power and energy to solutions.” Goal visualization is one of these solutions. It’s used by some of the most successful athletes, actors and entrepreneurs, like Michael Phelps, Arnold Schwarzenegger, Will Smith and women’s soccer star Carli Lloyd, among others.

Goal visualization sets your focus – and where focus goes, energy flows. It can take the form of priming, meditation or imagery training. The important thing is that you see yourself succeeding and fully immerse yourself in your goal. You’ll condition your brain to believe that anything is possible – a key step to overcoming fear.

10. Accept that you’ll fail

What’s the number one fear people have when it comes to accomplishing their goals? That they’ll fail. But like pain, failure can teach us. In fact, failure is often a better teacher than success. If you accept from the onset that failure is an inevitable part of success, you’ll be less afraid of it. Failure can provide you with valuable learning experiences that will positively impact your future strategies.

Everyone fails. Successful business owners. World leaders. Prominent chefs. Artists and scientists and doctors. Our society shies away from talking about failure, and instead celebrates successes; this creates the false impression that to be truly successful you must never fail. But part of overcoming fear is recognizing that everyone on the planet – including those you know and admire – has encountered failure on their path to greatness. The quicker you realize your fear of failure is preventing you from making the decision to accomplish your dreams, the sooner you’ll be able to accept the possibility of failing and move on.

How you respond to fear is what sets you apart from the rest of the crowd. Break through your own barriers at Unleash the Power Within, where you’ll learn how to overcome fear and tap into your inner power.

How to overcome fear (2024)


How can we overcome the fear answer? ›

Face your fears

Avoiding fears only makes them worse. But, gradually exposing yourself to the thing you're scared of can help you maintain control and overcome your fear. If you face your fear you might find that it isn't as scary as you thought.

How can I overcome my fears easily? ›

Learning relaxation techniques can help you with the mental and physical feelings of fear. It can help just to drop your shoulders and breathe deeply. Or imagine yourself in a relaxing place. You could also try complementary therapies or exercise such as massage, t'ai chi, yoga, mindfulness techniques, or meditation.

How to answer questions without panicking? ›

Take a moment to gather your thoughts before responding, and don't be afraid to ask for clarification if needed. Approach the question methodically, drawing on relevant experiences and skills to formulate your answer. If you're unsure, it's okay to admit it and offer a thoughtful response based on your best judgment.

How to stop worrying about being good enough? ›

Tip 3 – Be Kind To Yourself

Self Compassion is said to be the key to true happiness and peace. Because, surprise surprise, telling yourself what a failure you are won't make you any more successful, and you simply don't deserve that. Telling yourself how worthless you are will not help you feel any more worthy.

How to train your brain to stop the fear response? ›

Neuroplasticity Exercises to Try at Home
  1. Meditation. Meditation is a great way to relax, reduce stress and anxiety, and improve mental clarity. ...
  2. Learning a New Skill. ...
  3. Changing your Thought Patterns. ...
  4. Physical Exercise. ...
  5. Studying Something New. ...
  6. Doing a Challenging Brain Activity. ...
  7. Working on Recall and Memory.
Jan 19, 2023

How to remove fear from subconscious mind? ›

Mindfulness techniques, such as meditation and deep breathing exercises, can help calm your mind and reduce feelings of fear and anxiety. Take time each day to practice mindfulness and focus on the present moment rather than worrying about the future.

How can I stop being so afraid? ›

How to Deal with Fear
  1. Talk to a trusted adult. If you're a bit lost on how to handle this whole situation, check in with an adult about how you're feeling. ...
  2. Limit your screen time. ...
  3. Remind yourself of ways to stay safe. ...
  4. Take some deep breaths. ...
  5. Keep having fun. ...
  6. Maintain healthy behaviors. ...
  7. Stick to a routine.

How to stop worrying so much? ›

Try these strategies to help overcome excessive worrying in a way that works for you, and be patient with yourself.
  1. Schedule your worry time. ...
  2. Practice mindfulness. ...
  3. Try a body scan to release tension. ...
  4. Practice gratitude to counterbalance worry. ...
  5. Limit your exposure to stressors. ...
  6. Share your worries with someone you trust.
Oct 19, 2023

How to stop fearing the worst? ›

If you're someone who tends to catastrophize when stressed or anxious, there are a few things that you can do to help.
  1. Make decisions in the morning. We often worry about the future at night. ...
  2. Teach your inner critic to be more compassionate. ...
  3. Make up a better story. ...
  4. Be kind to yourself.
Jul 18, 2022

How do I stop panic responses? ›

Ways to manage panic and anxiety
  1. practice calming breathing exercises.
  2. keep up your regular activities – try not to restrict yourself.
  3. try to work out if something is making you stressed – stress can make panic attacks worse.
  4. regular exercise – it helps manage stress, tension, and mood, and can improve your confidence.

How to get over fear of answering questions? ›

Here is the antidote to that anxiety around answering questions, especially after a big presentation. There are three components to addressing questions without dread: Reframe, structure your response and ask questions in return.

How do I not let fear control me? ›

When you commit to facing your fears, you're able to discover strategies to overcome them and find peace.
  1. Determine the source of your anxiety. ...
  2. Recognize that life happens for you. ...
  3. Stop the excuses. ...
  4. Turn your “shoulds” into “musts” ...
  5. Adopt a growth mindset. ...
  6. Learn that pain brings valuable insight. ...
  7. Practice self-care.

How do I build confidence and stop worrying? ›

Practice Positive Self-Talk

Here are a few examples of ways to challenge pessimistic self-talk and reframe your thoughts into a more positive way of thinking, increasing your self-confidence along the way: "I can't handle this" or "This is impossible" becomes "I can do this" or "All I have to do is try."

How do I get over my fear of not doing enough? ›

Mindfulness decreases rumination (including worrying about not doing enough). Because people who practice mindfulness tend to have clearer values and to be less judgmental, you may also find that you're less likely to judge yourself according to how much you've accomplished.

How to overcome the fear essay? ›

To overcome your fear, you have to become aware of them. You don't try to run or cower away and avoid them. Once we know about our fear then we can work on overcoming those fear. But without admitting it, there is no way to win that fear.

How do you overcome fear and be successful? ›

How do people overcome a fear of success?
  1. Explore the origins. You've acknowledged the fear. ...
  2. Note how it manifests. Consider how fear of success shows itself. ...
  3. Visualize success. Success is complicated. ...
  4. Manage stress and anxiety. Stress and anxiety may be contributing to your fears. ...
  5. Get professional help.
Sep 30, 2020

How to overcome fear speech? ›

Fear of public speaking: How can I overcome it?
  1. Know your topic. ...
  2. Get organized. ...
  3. Practice, and then practice some more. ...
  4. Challenge specific worries. ...
  5. Visualize your success. ...
  6. Do some deep breathing. ...
  7. Focus on your material, not on your audience. ...
  8. Don't fear a moment of silence.

How do we overcome fear in the Bible? ›

Philippians 4:6-8 (NIV)—Do not be anxious about anything, but in every situation, by prayer and petition, with thanksgiving, present your requests to God. And the peace of God, which transcends all understanding, will guard your hearts and your minds in Christ Jesus.

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Author: Gov. Deandrea McKenzie

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Author information

Name: Gov. Deandrea McKenzie

Birthday: 2001-01-17

Address: Suite 769 2454 Marsha Coves, Debbieton, MS 95002

Phone: +813077629322

Job: Real-Estate Executive

Hobby: Archery, Metal detecting, Kitesurfing, Genealogy, Kitesurfing, Calligraphy, Roller skating

Introduction: My name is Gov. Deandrea McKenzie, I am a spotless, clean, glamorous, sparkling, adventurous, nice, brainy person who loves writing and wants to share my knowledge and understanding with you.