How To Make Money With Chat GPT: Tips With Examples (2024)

Chat GPT is not just a chatbot tool but a robust platform that can help you generate income. Utilizing its various features and capabilities allows you to create new products, offer services, and enhance your existing business.

In this blog post, I’ll share tips and examples on how you can make money with Chat GPT, regardless of your industry or background.

Disclosure: The post contains affiliate links, which means that if you click on one of the product links and make a purchase, I’ll receive a small commission without anyadditional cost to you.


How to Get Access and Start Using Chat GPT

How To Make Money With Chat GPT: Tips With Examples (1)

Before you can start making money with Chat GPT, you’ll need to sign up for an account. This can be done by visiting the OpenAI website. Simply go to the ChatGPT website and sign up as a user.

Opening an account is easy, and you’ll just need to provide some basic information, such as your name, email address, and password, or just sign up using your Google account. Once you’ve created an account, you’ll be taken to the ChatGPT dashboard. From here, you can start exploring its powerful features.

How To Make Money With Chat GPT?

How To Make Money With Chat GPT: Tips With Examples (2)

To begin with, it’s important to understand that Chat GPT is not a passive income generator, nor is it a magic tool that can make money with the click of a button. Instead, it’s a powerful tool that can be leveraged to enhance your business workflow and marketing channels.

There are three main ways to make money with Chat GPT:

  1. Creating new products.
  2. Looking for Chat GPT jobs.
  3. Utilizing Chat GPT’s features for your business.

Let’s explore each of these methods in detail:

1. By creating new products.

Creating new products is one of the most effective ways to make money with Chat GPT. If you don’t know, there are lots of AI tools out there, especially most of the AI Copywriting tools out there, they use Open AI’s API to power their tools.

However, there’ll be a bit of a learning curve here if you’re not a developer to make this kind of product. To create new products using Chat GPT, you can:

  • Ask Chat GPT for ideas: You can prompt Chat GPT with a specific topic or question related to the product you want to create. It can generate ideas, concepts, or even specific features for your product.
  • Use Chat GPT and OpenAI’s API: You can use the OpenAI API to train and fine-tune Chat GPT on specific datasets related to your product. This can help generate more accurate and relevant ideas or suggestions.
  • Use no-code tools: Several no-code tools can help you create web apps or prototypes based on Chat GPT’s suggestions. These tools allow you to drag and drop different components and functionalities without any coding skills.
  • Iterate and refine: Once you have a prototype or MVP (Minimum viable product), you can test it with potential customers or users and gather feedback. You can then use Chat GPT again to generate new ideas or refine existing features based on the feedback received.

Using Chat GPT can help generate innovative and creative ideas for new products, and combining it with no-code tools like Bubble can help bring those ideas to life quickly and efficiently.


Chat GPT Product Ideas

Here are some ideas and examples to get you started:

1. Developing and selling chatbot applications

Chatbots are becoming increasingly popular in a wide range of industries, including customer service, e-commerce, and entertainment. You can help businesses improve their customer service, increase sales, and streamline operations by developing and selling chatbot applications.

For example, you can create a chatbot that helps customers with their shopping experience or assists with order tracking and delivery.

2. Creating and selling chatbot templates or pre-trained models

Many businesses and developers are looking for a head start in creating their own chatbot, and by selling templates and pre-trained models, you can help them save time and money.

For instance, you can create a chatbot template for a specific industry, such as healthcare or education, or a pre-trained model that can be customized to fit a business’s specific needs.

3. Developing voice assistants or smart speakers

With the rise of smart home technology, there’s a growing demand for voice assistants and smart speakers. You can tap into this lucrative market by developing and selling these products.

For example, you can create a voice assistant that helps users manage their daily tasks or a smart speaker that can control home appliances and entertainment systems.

4. Web APP Ideas Using Chat GPT or Open AI’s API

Here are some web app ideas for you generated by Chat GPT itself for your inspiration:

  • Meal planner: A web app that helps users plan their meals for the week by suggesting healthy and delicious recipes based on their dietary preferences.
  • Fitness tracker: A web app that tracks users’ fitness goals, workouts, and progress over time. It can provide personalized workout plans and suggest exercises based on users’ fitness levels.
  • Virtual interior designer: A web app that allows users to visualize their home interiors by uploading pictures of their rooms and experimenting with different furniture, decor, and color schemes.
  • Language learning platform: A web app that teaches users a new language through interactive lessons, quizzes, and games. It can also offer personalized feedback and support from native speakers.
  • Job search engine: A web app that aggregates job listings from various sources and allows users to filter them based on their qualifications, location, and salary expectations.
  • Virtual event planner: A web app that helps users plan and organize virtual events such as webinars, workshops, and conferences. It can offer features such as registration, ticketing, and live streaming.
  • Mental health tracker: A web app that helps users track their mental health by allowing them to log their moods, stress levels, and self-care activities. It can provide personalized suggestions for coping mechanisms and resources for seeking professional help.

With the help of Chat GPT, you have the opportunity to create cutting-edge products that make use of its advanced natural language processing abilities. These solutions can benefit both businesses and consumers, offering innovative and valuable features.

2. Offering Chat GPT based Services and jobs

Offering services and jobs related to Chat GPT is another way to make money with this tool. Here are some ideas and examples:

Offering training and consulting services

As businesses look to implement chatbots, they often require guidance and training to fully leverage the capabilities of Chat GPT. You can help businesses improve their customer service, increase sales, and streamline operations by offering training and consulting services.

For instance, you can provide training on creating and managing chatbots or offer consulting services to help businesses develop a chatbot strategy.

Providing data annotation services

Chatbots rely on large amounts of data to function, and companies often need help organizing and labeling that data to improve their chatbot’s performance.

By providing data annotation services, you can assist businesses in improving the accuracy and effectiveness of their chatbots.


For example, you can offer data annotation services to help businesses build chatbots that can understand and respond to natural language queries.

Offering chatbot development and integration services

Many businesses lack the technical expertise to develop and integrate chatbots into their operations. By offering chatbot development and integration services, you can help businesses create and deploy chatbots to improve customer service and streamline operations.

For instance, you can offer custom chatbot development services for specific industries or help businesses integrate chatbots with their existing systems.

By offering services and jobs related to Chat GPT, you can help businesses and individuals take full advantage of the capabilities of this powerful tool while also generating income for yourself.

3. By using Chat GPT’s features for your business.

You can leverage Chat GPT’s features, such as text completion, summarization, and translation, to enhance your business workflow and marketing channels. For instance, you can use Chat GPT to create engaging social media posts, automate customer support, or generate content for your website.

By leveraging these methods, you can tap into the potential of Chat GPT to make money and grow your business. Besides that, you can also start different side hustles using Chat GPT.

Now let’s dig a bit deeper and find some of the most common ways anybody can try to start making money using Chat GPT.


How to Use Chat GPT to Make Money

  • Writing content for your business: Chat GPT can help you write content for your business blog, email sequences, newsletters, YouTube scripts, Facebook Ads, and more. By using Chat GPT’s natural language processing capabilities, you can generate high-quality content quickly and efficiently.
  • Automating your business processes: Chat GPT can also help you automate your business processes, saving you time and increasing your efficiency. For instance, you can use Chat GPT to automate customer support by creating chatbots that can respond to common queries and issues.
  • Offering freelance services: Chat GPT can help you provide freelance services faster and more efficiently. For example, you can use Chat GPT to generate proposals, contracts, and invoices, saving you time and increasing your productivity.
  • Starting your own consultancy or training services: With your knowledge and experience in using Chat GPT, you can start your own consultancy or training services to help businesses and individuals make the most of this tool. You can provide training on how to use Chat GPT for content creation, automation, and more.
  • Creating and Selling Digital Products: With the help of Chat GPT, you can create and sell digital products such as e-books, online courses, and webinars. Chat GPT can help you generate ideas for content and automate the process of writing, making it easier and faster for you to create high-quality digital products.
  • Using it for Social Media Marketing: Chat GPT can help you create engaging social media content for your business. Whether it’s writing captions for your Instagram posts, crafting tweets for your Twitter account, or coming up with witty responses for your Facebook page, Chat GPT can help you save time and improve the quality of your social media marketing.
  • SEO and Digital Marketing: Chat GPT can assist you with your SEO and digital marketing campaigns by optimizing your website’s content for search engines. Chat GPT can help you improve your website’s ranking in search engine results pages by generating optimized headlines, meta descriptions, and blog post titles.
  • Email Marketing Campaigns: Chat GPT can also assist you with creating and automating your email marketing campaigns. It can help you increase engagement and conversions with your email list by generating personalized email sequences and automating the follow-up process.
  • Selling Chat GPT prompts for different industries, use cases, and niches: You can create and sell Chat GPT prompts for businesses and individuals who want to use the platform for specific purposes. For example, you can create prompts for SEO, digital marketing, Blogging and funnel strategies and copies, etc.
  • Starting your own blog, YouTube channel, or digital marketing agency: Finally, you can use Chat GPT to start your own blog, YouTube channel, or digital marketing agency. By leveraging the tool’s natural language processing capabilities, you can generate high-quality content quickly and efficiently, attracting more visitors to your website or channel and growing your business.

These are just a few examples of how you can use Chat GPT’s features to improve your business workflow and marketing channels. More creative ideas are out there to leverage Chat GPT to work for you.

Tips for Success with Chat GPT

However, even though Chat GPT can be a powerful tool, without proper assistance, it will not be able to bring the best output you want, and to make the most out of it, you’ll need to learn how to use it well. Here are some things you can do to address it.

1. Master the Art of Prompt Engineering:

As mentioned earlier, prompt engineering is crucial for getting the best results from Chat GPT. It is essential to learn how to give clear and specific instructions to the language model to get the output you desire.

You can start by using simple prompts and gradually increasing the complexity. Also, use relevant keywords and phrases to help the model understand the context better.

Why Prompt Engineering

How To Make Money With Chat GPT: Tips With Examples (3)

Prompt Engineering is a critical skill for businesses and individuals who want to leverage the power of AI and machine learning. Here are some reasons why:

  • High earning potential: As businesses increasingly adopt AI technology, skilled prompt engineers will be in high demand to improve customer engagement, increase sales, and streamline operations. This means there is a significant earning potential for prompt engineers.
  • Constant innovation: The field of natural language processing is continuously evolving, and new techniques and technologies are always emerging. This creates opportunities for prompt engineers to keep learning and improving their skills.
  • Shortage of experts: Due to the field’s relatively new nature, there is a shortage of prompt engineering experts. This presents an opportunity for professionals to establish themselves as thought leaders and experts in the field, with significant earning potential.

Apart from these reasons, Prompt Engineering might even help you land jobs in various companies. And if you’re not so sure if this might actually turn true, here’s a job opening for a prompt engineer at Anthropic and AI startup.

How To Make Money With Chat GPT: Tips With Examples (4)

This shows it’s already begun, and the prompt engineer’s role will be huge in the coming days. But where do we start learning Prompt Engineering? Let’s check it out.


How to learn Prompt Engineering

How To Make Money With Chat GPT: Tips With Examples (5)

To get started with prompt engineering, you can learn from a variety of sources, such as:

  • Online courses: Platforms like offer free courses in prompt engineering that you can access instantly.
  • Online tutorials: Look for tutorials and videos from experts in the field on YouTube and other websites.
  • Conferences and workshops: Attending natural language processing and machine learning events can provide opportunities to learn from experts, network with professionals, and stay up-to-date on the latest developments in the field.
  • Hands-on experience: The best way to learn prompt engineering is by working on personal projects and experimenting with different prompts. Keeping a journal of your learning will also help you track your progress.

Summarising it, prompt engineering is an emerging field with significant potential. By learning the fundamentals of natural language processing, machine learning, and AI and participating in conferences, workshops, and online courses, you can become an expert in prompt engineering and capitalize on the opportunities this field offers in the future.

2. Experiment with Different Prompts and Outputs:

Chat GPT can generate various types of outputs, such as articles, stories, poetry, and more. You can experiment with different prompts and outputs to find what works best for you.

For instance, you can generate product descriptions, social media posts, or email subject lines using Chat GPT. You can find what works best for your business by trying different prompts and outputs.

3. Use Chat GPT for SEO and Social Media Marketing:

Chat GPT can be an excellent tool for SEO and social media marketing. You can generate high-quality content quickly and use it to improve your website’s SEO or create engaging social media posts.

You can also use Chat GPT to generate email marketing campaigns, newsletters, and more. By leveraging the power of Chat GPT, you can create a strong online presence for your business.

Some Tips on Crafting Effective Prompts for Chat GPT

Be clear and specific

The language model can only generate text based on the information you give it in the prompt. Therefore, being clear and specific about what you want to write is important. Vague or ambiguous prompts may result in irrelevant or nonsensical responses.

For example, instead of using a prompt like “Write something about cars,” try using a more specific prompt like “Write a product description for a luxury sports car.”


1. Use natural language

The language model is designed to understand natural language, so it’s best to craft natural and conversational prompts. For example, instead of using a prompt like “Describe the features of this product,” try using a more natural prompt like “Can you tell me more about what this product can do?”

2. Experiment with different prompts

The more prompts you try, the better you’ll understand what works and what doesn’t. Experiment with different styles of prompts, such as open-ended questions, specific instructions, or even images or videos as prompts.

For example, instead of using a text-based prompt, you could try using an image of a scene and asking Chat GPT to write a short story about it.

3. Fine-tune your prompts

Fine-tuning can help the language model improve its responses to a specific topic or style of writing. To fine-tune your prompts, use specific terminology or phrases common in your industry or niche.

For example, if you’re in the tech industry, you could try using prompts that include technical jargon or specific product names to help Chat GPT better understand the context.

4. Edit and refine

After generating responses from Chat GPT, take the time to review and edit them for accuracy and relevance. You can also use the responses to refine your prompts and make them more effective in the future.

For example, if you notice that Chat GPT constantly misunderstands a certain type of prompt, you can adjust your wording or approach to make it clearer.

By following these tips, you can craft effective prompts for Chat GPT and get the most out of this powerful AI tool.



While Chat GPT is an incredible tool for natural language processing, it’s essential to recognize that it’s not a magic solution for generating passive income. You can make money with Chat GPT in several ways, and one of the most lucrative ones is prompt engineering.

With effective prompt engineering, you can unlock Chat GPT’s full potential and create content that engages your audience and drives revenue.

If you’re eager to leverage Chat GPT and monetize your content, don’t overlook the importance of prompt engineering. It could be the key to unlocking your success with Chat GPT.

Don’t miss out on valuable insights and tips for maximizing your potential with Chat GPT and other AI-related topics. Sign up for my newsletter to stay updated and informed.


Frequently Asked Questions:

A. Yes, there’s a free version of Chat GPT that I believe will be free forever. However, you can also use a paid version of Chat GPT called “Chat GPT pro” if you want additional benefits like uninterrupted service with unlimited user capacity and faster response time.

A. Chat GPT can do some tasks that involve natural language processing, like customer service, content generation, and language translation. But it’s important to remember that Chat GPT is just a tool. How it will affect the job market depends on how people use it.

It’s also worth noting that Chat GPT cannot do tasks that require common sense, creativity, or human judgment. So it will not be able to replace human workers in fields like creative writing, journalism

A. Chat GPT is not taking over Google. Chat GPT is a language model that generates human-like text. Google has been using natural language processing technology for years to improve search results and understand user queries.

And Chat GPT is also not as advanced as Google’s algorithms and machine learning models. Google is also constantly innovating and updating its search algorithms to provide accurate results for users. It is unlikely that Chat GPT will be able to match the level of sophistication of Google’s search algorithms.

A. Chat GPT can automate some tasks that use natural language processing, like writing code. But it’s not good enough to replace human programmers yet. Chat GPT can generate code snippets, but it doesn’t understand the context or scope of the project. And it can’t debug or test the code either. So we still need human programmers to review, test and implement the code.

A. Chat GPT can do some things that freelancers do, like write and translate. But it’s not likely that Chat GPT will replace freelancers anytime soon. This is because Chat GPT does not yet have all freelancers’ skills, like being creative and understanding the people who will read or see the writing.

A. Chat GPT is a machine-learning model that generates text based on a given prompt. It is not designed to provide factually correct information, but it can generate text based on patterns it has learned from data. It does not have the ability to verify the accuracy or truthfulness of the information it generates.

How To Make Money With Chat GPT: Tips With Examples (6)

Tumto Siram

Hi, I'm Tumto Siram - a digital entrepreneur and father of two. As a niche website builder and owner of a digital marketing agency, I'm passionate about helping others start and grow their content-driven businesses. With years of experience in the digital marketing space, I offer valuable insights and expertise to guide you on your journey to online success.

How To Make Money With Chat GPT: Tips With Examples (2024)


Are you allowed to use ChatGPT to make money? ›

As you can see in the video, OpenAI allows users of the ChatGPT service broad use rights, both personal and commercial. The critical limitations on use are that you can NOT: reverse engineer ChatGPT. use the Services in a way that infringes someone else's rights.

How do I use ChatGPT for best results? ›

So, to level up your prompts, here are some ChatGPT best practices to keep in mind when using the AI:
  1. Give ChatGPT an identity (“act as…”) and an intended audience.
  2. Offer and give specific context.
  3. Include helpful and relevant information upfront.
  4. Highlight what information to include.
Jul 9, 2024

How to make $1,000 per day? ›

How To Make $1,000 A Day
  1. Make Money Blogging.
  2. Create A Side Hustle Stack.
  3. Start An Ecommerce Business.
  4. Start A Service-Based Business.
  5. Retail Arbitrage.
  6. Passive Income Rentals.
  7. Use Geo-Arbitrage.
  8. Consulting.
Jul 18, 2024

How to use AI to make passive income? ›

Below, let's focus on both usages of AI for making money—generating previously unheard of business ideas, and complementing existing side hustles.
  1. Create An AI Chatbot. ...
  2. Use AI For Course Creation. ...
  3. Develop Your Own AI Product. ...
  4. AI Consulting. ...
  5. Use AI On Canva.
Apr 15, 2024

How to use ChatGPT wisely? ›

Here are some tips for maximizing the use of Chat GPT:
  1. Be specific: The more specific and detailed your question is, the better Chat GPT can understand what you are looking for and provide a relevant response.
  2. Use clear language: Try to use clear and concise language when asking your question. ...
  3. Use.
Jan 31, 2023

Can you sell things generated by ChatGPT? ›

According to OpenAI's Content Policy and Terms of Use, users of ChatGPT own all the output they create with the LLM, including text and images. Users are permitted to reuse, reprint, and sell ChatGPT-generated output, regardless of whether it was generated through a free plan, paid plan, or their API.

Can I use ChatGPT to write a book and sell it? ›

If you've been wondering: “Can I use ChatGPT to write a book and sell it?” The answer is…also yes. With some caveats. ChatGPT gets its information from material it finds on the internet. That means it might include copyrighted material in its answers, or infringe on intellectual property rights.

How to trick ChatGPT to answer any question? ›

DAN stands for "Do Anything Now", and is a prompt that can direct ChatGPT beyond their restrictions and answer any queries. For instance, whenever you ask a question, you can tell ChatGPT to generate two types of responses—one how the AI model would usually reply, and the other response as the DAN model.

How to write ChatGPT prompts to get the best results? ›

Basically, the technique is to issue a prompt, then tell the AI something like: "re-read this," and follow that up with the exact prompt passed earlier. You could refine or add to the prompt if you want, and see what happens. The idea is that re-reading forces the AI to rethink and clarify what it just read.

How to earn income through ChatGPT? ›

Another way to make money with ChatGPT is by creating blog posts. You can use ChatGPT to generate ideas for blog posts, write the posts themselves, and even optimize them for search engines. This can be a great way to generate passive income over time.

How to be a millionaire in next 3 years? ›

To become a millionaire, start saving early and invest your money to take advantage of the power of compounding interest. Savvy savers limit their spending so that they can put more money to work for them. Maximize your retirement contributions every year to earn tax-deferred or tax-free growth.

How to make the most of ChatGPT? ›

10 Tips to Use ChatGPT Effectively
  1. Provide Clear and Concise Instructions. ...
  2. Break Down Complex Problems into Smaller Ones. ...
  3. Feed with Examples. ...
  4. Experiment with Phrasing. ...
  5. Use System-level Instructions. ...
  6. Utilize User-like Behavior. ...
  7. Specify the Format. ...
  8. Iterate and Refine.

How to use ChatGPT to start a business? ›

How to start an online business with ChatGPT (In 5 steps)
  1. Step 1: Brainstorm business and product ideas.
  2. Step 2: Identify your target audience.
  3. Step 3: Generate high-conversion product descriptions.
  4. Step 4: Create content for your blog.
  5. Step 5: Promote your business with ads and social media.
Oct 6, 2023

How to make $50 a day? ›

How To Make $50 A Day
  1. Freelance Writing.
  2. Play Games For Money.
  3. Use Paid Survey Websites.
  4. Blogging.
  5. Work As A Food Delivery Courier.
  6. Rent Out Assets.
  7. Start An Online Business.
  8. Walk Dogs For Money.
Jul 25, 2024

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Author: Cheryll Lueilwitz

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Name: Cheryll Lueilwitz

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Introduction: My name is Cheryll Lueilwitz, I am a sparkling, clean, super, lucky, joyous, outstanding, lucky person who loves writing and wants to share my knowledge and understanding with you.