How To Live On One Income: 7 Strategies That Helped Me (2024)

How To Live On One Income: 7 Strategies That Helped Me (1)

Building multiple income streams is a brilliant way to have a financially stable life. However, in a situation where there’s only one source of income in a family, it becomes relatively difficult to thrive financially.

Nonetheless, once you know how to live on one income tactically, you would be able to pull through even if your financial situation doesn’t seem favorable at first.

Being able to sustain a family, achieve financial goals, and save money on one income, isn’t easy. But if you correctly apply the principles and strategies you can learn in this post, you can pull this off.

What Is Single Income?

While many people may have misconceptions about what a single income is, a single income simply means a single paycheck or a situation where a family has to survive on a single source of income.

For instance, if someone says that a family lives on a single income, that family earns a single paycheck rather than two paychecks coming from both the husband and the wife.

Is It Possible To Live Off One Income?

Living on one income could prove difficult, but it remains a feasible feat. Anyone can live off one income, provided the right strategies are being used to manage finance efficiently.

Living off one income can only become impossible when you lack the right tactics to leverage your income without getting entrapped in a financial crisis.

Benefits Of Living On One Income

Knowing how to live on one income comes with some benefits, especially when you are not earning a large chunk of money at the end of each month.

To start with, you must understand being able to live on a single income means you need to be acquainted with certain strategies or great tips that will enable you to manage your income without running into debt or damaging your financial status.

Being able to live on a single income; here are some of the benefits you’d experience afterward:

  • You’d be able to avoid unnecessary debt
  • You’d have control over your spending habits
  • You’d get used to planning your finance successfully
  • You’d get used to creating a budget and sticking to it
  • Knowing how to save money won’t be difficult
  • You’d be able to account for every cent that leaves your pocket
  • You’d be able to maintain your financial status without blowing things out of proportion

How To Live On One Income: 7 Strategies That Helped Me (2)

7 Strategies That Can Help You Live On One Income

Living on a single income in a two income world may prove challenging, yet it’s practicable. So many American families are surviving on one income, and they have been able to pull this off successfully because of the financial strategies they constantly apply to their income.

Here are 7 simple tactics you can leverage to live on one income:

1. Build An Emergency Fund

How To Live On One Income: 7 Strategies That Helped Me (3)

One of the significant problems you’d face while trying to sustain your financial status is emergency expenses. Imagine spending money on what you never planned for. That would be heartbreaking, especially when there isn’t enough money to go around. To avoid this issue, as someone living on one income, you must have an emergency fund.

So when budgeting your monthly income, you should include an emergency fund in the budget. It doesn’t have to be a lot of money, and you only need to constantly save a particular amount of money in the emergency fund for as long as possible.

There’s nothing to worry about if you don’t know how to build an emergency fund. I have written a comprehensive guide that will walk you through the basic and practical steps of building an emergency fund successfully.

2. Set A New Budget

How To Live On One Income: 7 Strategies That Helped Me (4)

Another thing a family living on one income can do to save their finance is set a new budget whenever their cash flow increases or decreases.

For instance, if you used to earn $10,000 every month, and unfortunately, your employer had to cut your paycheck to $8,500 due to some unavoidable reasons; this means you would have to create a new budget that suits your monthly cash flow.

The necessary adjustments you’d make to your budget are very important because it helps you not be caught off guard by your expenses. With a new budget in place, it means you are prepared to cover the month’s expenses as they come.

3. Start Cutting Costs Early

How To Live On One Income: 7 Strategies That Helped Me (5)

Knowing how to successfully live on one income would require you to cut costs early. What this means is, having realized how much you are to earn per month, you would have a better understanding of the spending cuts you need to make.

You should create a list of your monthly expenses for more clarity, and don’t leave anything out of the list. Once you have your list of monthly expenses, circle anything you know for sure you can do without.

This could mean canceling your gym classes, expensive cable TV packages, or even relocating to a less expensive apartment. The main idea is to cut down on your expenses by not spending a dime on what you don’t really need.

4. Pay Down Debt

One significant thing that can break your budget is the high-interest debt on credit cards. This can make it impossible or very difficult for you to live on a single income even if you have all the knowledge in the world on how to live on one income.

If you are looking forward to knowing how to live on one income with debt, you must understand that you can’t accumulate or keep debt forever. Make it one of your financial goals to pay down your debt.

Start by calculating whatever you are owing and figure out how long it would take for you to pay off completely. When creating your budget, you should include the debt you have to pay. This doesn’t mean you have to use all your money to pay the debt. Pay according to your financial capacity.

In fact, it’s advisable to pay off debt bit by bit, especially as someone living on a single income.

5. Consider Tax Withholding

Sometimes, financial experts advise families who don’t know how to live on one income to look at their income tax withholding to see if it can be adjusted.

By doing this, you can increase your allowances since less money would be taken from your paycheck every month.

However, in a situation where you aren’t sure if your withholding needs some adjustments, you should speak with an expert in tax withholding. Moreover, if withholding changes would impact your net income, make sure you adjust your budget.

6. Spend Time, Not Money

How To Live On One Income: 7 Strategies That Helped Me (6)

This is just a simple rule that can help you manage and save money. Whenever you have the impulse to go shopping or spend unnecessarily, look for something else to do. Get a hobby. Engage yourself in fun-filled activities that would take your mind off spending.

If you have kids, then that’s fantastic. Devote time to your kids when you are less busy. You’d find more fulfillment in spending time with your kids rather than spending money you didn’t plan for.

7. Devise Methods To Manage Your Finance

How To Live On One Income: 7 Strategies That Helped Me (7)

In some families, one person manages the family’s finance. However, in some cases, both partners are responsible for looking after the family’s finance. Nevertheless, irrespective of who’s handling the family’s income, the right strategies for managing money should be applied.

As someone who is clueless on how to live on one income, you are expected to devise simple methods or tricks to enable you and your family to thrive financially, even if you aren’t earning a lot of money.

Aside from cutting down your monthly expenses, you can get other thighs to sustain your finance, such as building an emergency fund and automating savings into a secure savings account.

Moreover, you can occasionally consult with a financial planner for more strategies to manage your income and reach your money goals.

Pros And Cons Of Living On One Income

Living on one income Is not the ideal way to attain a picture-perfect life because irrespective of the merits of a single income, there are still some disadvantages to it. This is why you must get acquainted with the main pros and cons of living on a single income.


  • Opportunity To Look After Children

When a family survives on one income, it means only one parent is working, while the other parent is opportune to remain at home. Hence, the parent who isn’t working can look after the kids.

So, for instance, if the husband is at work, the wife could be a stay-at-home mom, taking care of the children rather than hiring a nanny or babysitter.

  • Resourcefulness

The moment you know for sure that you only have one income to survive, you’d have no choice but to be resourceful with the income you have. You’d be compelled to make the most of your paycheck, rather than believing it’s too small to sustain you and your family for the month.

  • Ability To Determine Needs And Wants

Knowing how to live on one income will enable you to identify your needs and wants. That is, in the course of trying to manage your finance, you’d be able to discern what to spend money on and what to ignore. You’d be able to focus on what truly matters.

  • One Is Convinced To Make A Working Budget

Whether you earn a ton of money or not, it’s impossible to manage your income efficiently without a budget. You need a budget to determine when and how your hard-earned money would be spent.

So when it comes to living on one income, you’d be totally convinced to make a working budget without feeling pressured to do so. Otherwise, you won’t survive.


  • Foregoing Potential Income/Salary

The most common problem you’d have to face when living on a single income is forfeiting your spouse’s potential salary or income.

Originally, if you and your better half were both working paid jobs, two paychecks would be coming into the home every month. But if only one person is working, only one paycheck is being earned.

  • Disagreement With One’s Spouse

Couples tend to disagree a lot when there isn’t enough income coming into the home. You and your spouse may constantly have disagreements over overspending habits, investment, savings, and whatnot.

If you find yourself in this situation, you should speak with a professional. Perhaps a seasoned financial planner who would guide you on how to move your financial status to the next level.

  • Struggles In Making Ends Meet

As a low-income earner living on one paycheck, you sometimes struggle to pay bills. This is because there isn’t sufficient cash flow to cover all your typical expenses. That is why it’s important to increase your cash flow even as you learn how to live on one income.

Final Thoughts: Living On One Income

If your family has been living on two paychecks for a long time, it would be difficult to adjust to a one-income standard of living. Making all the necessary financial adjustments would be pretty tough because you aren’t used to that kind of living.

Notwithstanding, if at the time you started your family, you had been living on one income, you won’t have to worry about a lot of financial issues. The only thing you should be concerned about is how to continue scaling your finance and maintaining your standard of living as you live on one income.

Another key thing that can help you master how to live on one income is your willingness to not live above your means. Do not incur expenses you won’t be able to handle. Ensure your standard of living is within your financial capacity.

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How To Live On One Income: 7 Strategies That Helped Me (8)

How To Live On One Income: 7 Strategies That Helped Me (2024)


How To Live On One Income: 7 Strategies That Helped Me? ›

To budget for a single income, start with the take-home earnings you will live on and subtract essential expenses, such as a roof over your head, food, debt, and health insurance. Then look at wrangling your negotiable costs, such as owning one car vs. two or how much you budget for meals, to make ends meet.

How do people survive on one income? ›

To budget for a single income, start with the take-home earnings you will live on and subtract essential expenses, such as a roof over your head, food, debt, and health insurance. Then look at wrangling your negotiable costs, such as owning one car vs. two or how much you budget for meals, to make ends meet.

How can I live a good life on a low income? ›

Living on a squeezed income
  1. Understand your real financial situation. Find ways to boost your income.
  2. Save money on household bills. Help to pay for essential things.
  3. Help while you're working. Money and mental health.

How do I financially prepare to live alone? ›

Downsize housing; reduce utility use, cut cable, lower cell phone bills, and pause discretionary spending until your budget is balanced. Sticking to your well-planned budget diligently is key, especially in the first few months of living solo.

How much of your income should you save every month what strategies are most effective for saving money? ›

At least 20% of your income should go towards savings. Meanwhile, another 50% (maximum) should go toward necessities, while 30% goes toward discretionary items. This is called the 50/30/20 rule of thumb, and it provides a quick and easy way for you to budget your money.

Is $1,000 a month enough to survive? ›

Living on $1,000 per month sounds impossible. For many, it might be. But it can be done with some strategic planning, intentional action and the ability to compromise. You won't be able to do everything you want to do when living on only $1,000 per month, but you can make it work.

What single income is considered rich? ›

With a $500,000+ income, you are considered rich, wherever you live! According to the IRS, any household who makes over $500,000 a year in 2023 is considered a top 1% income earner. Of course, some parts of the country require a higher income level to be in the top 1% income, e.g. Connecticut at $580,000.

What is the 50 30 20 rule? ›

The 50-30-20 rule recommends putting 50% of your money toward needs, 30% toward wants, and 20% toward savings.

What is the minimum income for a good life? ›

A study from Purdue University and found that you need a minimum annual salary of $143,220 to be happy in California, citing "California's notoriously high cost of living."

How to live frugally on one income? ›

Living on a one-income budget
  1. Assess your financial situation. Start by understanding your current financial status. ...
  2. List fixed expenses. ...
  3. Track changing expenses. ...
  4. Differentiate needs vs. ...
  5. Set financial goals. ...
  6. Create an emergency savings fund. ...
  7. Allocate for savings. ...
  8. Start a debt repayment plan.

How much money do you need a month to live on your own? ›

The average monthly expenses for a single person will depend quite a bit on where you live, and if you're living alone for the first time, you might be surprised that most things cost more, not just your rent. The national average expenses for a single person living alone are around $3,500 per month.

How can a single person afford to live on their own? ›

1. Save money by cooking at home
  1. Get creative with your living space and furniture arrangements. ...
  2. Find a roommate that has the same schedule as you or the one who does not mind living with you. ...
  3. Use Sites like Spareroom to Find Roommates. ...
  4. Don't Buy Things that You Can Live Without.

How can I start living alone without money? ›

Let's explore some key steps to help you get started:
  1. Find low-cost or free land. ...
  2. Construct a cabin or tiny house. ...
  3. Grow your own food. ...
  4. Fish responsibly. ...
  5. Forage for edible plants. ...
  6. Collect and filter water. ...
  7. Generate energy through renewable means. ...
  8. Swap goods and services.

What is a good monthly retirement income? ›

Many retirees fall far short of that amount, but their savings may be supplemented with other forms of income. According to data from the BLS, average 2022 incomes after taxes were as follows for older households: 65-74 years: $63,187 per year or $5,266 per month. 75 and older: $47,928 per year or $3,994 per month.

Is saving $600 a month good? ›

But when it comes to what they need to be saving, it depends. So, if we're starting with a 30-year-old, they should be probably saving close to $580, $600, at least, a month. And that's if they're going to earn a high rate of return. So it depends on how aggressive and risky that they're looking to be.

Is saving $500 a month good? ›

The short answer to what happens if you invest $500 a month is that you'll almost certainly build wealth over time. In fact, if you keep investing that $500 every month for 40 years, you could become a millionaire.

What is a comfortable income for a single person? ›

An individual needs $96,500, on average, to live comfortably in a major U.S. city. That figure is even higher for families, who need to earn an average combined income of about $235,000 to support two adults and two children.

How much to live on one income? ›

But just how much does a single person in California need to make to live comfortably? A new study from Smart Asset determined that a person must make at least $ 89,190 to get by comfortably.

How much does one person need to make a year to survive? ›

Key Findings. On average, an individual needs $96,500 for sustainable comfort in a major U.S. city. This includes being able to pay off debt and invest for the future.

Is it possible to live alone financially? ›

But you can manage your living expenses by budgeting, setting up automatic payments, knowing when to say no to unnecessary spending, and controlling what you can (like your utility costs). With a little planning and mindfulness, you can make sure that your living expenses don't leave you in a financial bind.

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Name: Kieth Sipes

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Introduction: My name is Kieth Sipes, I am a zany, rich, courageous, powerful, faithful, jolly, excited person who loves writing and wants to share my knowledge and understanding with you.