How to Live a Rich Life (+Rules That Will Help You ACHIEVE It!) (2024)

Updated on: June 7, 2024

| Personal Finance

One our family road trips as a kid, my dad would tell us to stay in the car while he checked us into a motel. That’s because, to save money, he would get a motel room with 2 single beds—for a family of 6. Then, once he got the key, we would quietly go into the room, avoiding the lobby.

When we got up there, my dad would make “the phone call.”

Dad: “Hi, this is room 324,” he would say. “Could you bring some more towels to our room?”

Receptionist: “Yes, sir. How many do you need? 1? 2?”

Dad: “How about 4? And if you can send 2 cots, that would be great.”

Receptionist: “Sir, this room is booked for double occupancy only. We cannot—”

Dad: “Thank you!”

As a child, I thought this was normal. Only later did we realize how hilarious it was to squeeze 6 people into a room for 2. But without things like this (and little Ramit sleeping on a couch) it gets pretty expensive to take a big family on a trip.

Our family vacations were fun but simple: road trips to visit our family in LA. That was it!

Fast forward about 30 years. My wife, Cass, and I visited Mexico and stayed at one of my favorite hotels. We had an amazing time.

While we were there, we said, “This would be a great place to come back to with our friends.” So a few years later, we picked a date, and I emailed a few friends.

Here’s what the email said:

We want to spend time together! Here’s our plan:

We’re going for 5 days on these dates to Rosewood Mayakoba.

My vision is: 3 dinners together; the rest is total free time. You might lounge by the pool, you might work out, you might rent a boat—whatever you want.

I’ll handle planning the dinners. You just come!


And guess what? They did!

How to Live a Rich Life (+Rules That Will Help You ACHIEVE It!) (1)

We had incredible dinners, laughed all night, and made memories that Cass and I will never forget. It was wonderful to be in this magical place with good friends.

What do you notice about these two vacations?

Growing up, price was the main factor when planning vacations.

For our Mexico trip? Price had nothing to do with it. We built it around the things that are important to us:

  • Beautiful locations
  • Lasting memories with friends
  • Delicious food

These things are part of our Rich Life. We wanted to do it. Price was an afterthought.

There are many things like this that I spend extravagantly on. Some of my favorites:

  • Personal styling – I hired Next Level Wardrobe as my personal stylist for events and day-to-day outfits.

How to Live a Rich Life (+Rules That Will Help You ACHIEVE It!) (2)

  • Treating my parents to special experiences
  • Travel to amazing places like Rosewood Mayakoba

But there are plenty of things I don’t spend any money on at all. For example, you’ll never see me wearing an expensive watch!

Same goes for sports, organic meat, and cars. I’m not joking. I regularly enjoy tacos on the trunk of my 4-door Honda Accord, which I’ve had for 15+ years.

I talked about how having this car fits intomy version of a Rich Life in this article with CNBC.You may feel the same—or not.

How to Live a Rich Life (+Rules That Will Help You ACHIEVE It!) (3)

The point is, once you get the basics right and money is no longer the main factor, you can start designing your life around the things that are truly important to you.

You can designyourRich Life.

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What is a Rich Life?

So what is a Rich Life anyway? Is it wearing a Rolex and having a china closet? No!

A Rich Life is yourideallife—one where you look at your personal relationships,your finances,and your ordinary days and say, “Wow!”

That could be:

  • Picking up your kids every day from school
  • Buying a $1,000 cashmere sweater
  • Buying anything you want from Whole Foods without worrying about cost
  • Taking your family on an incredible Disney vacation that they’ll never forget

Your Rich Life is yours. Not your parents’, not your friends’. Not even mine. Yours.

It’s a life that is full. A life livedintentionally,proactively, andabundantly.

A Rich Life isn’t all about money. AtIWT, we see money as atoolfor designing, enhancing, and enjoying the life you’re meant to live.

One of the best ways to fund your Rich Life is byrunning your own business.Earnablegives you a complete system—all the exact strategies, frameworks, hands-on tactics, real-world examples, mindsets, done-for-you templates, word-for-word scripts, and hard-won breakthroughs to start and grow your own business.Click here to learn more.

So, what does yours look like? Watch the video below to learn more about what it truly means tolive a Rich Life.

The world wants you to be vanilla...

…but you don’t have to take the same path as everyone else. How would it look if you designed a Rich Life on your own terms? Take our quiz and find out:

Take the Quiz

Signs of a Truly Rich Life

Everyone has an opinion on how you should be living your life. It can be difficult to know what is and isn’t a Rich Life.

That’s why I’ve created these Rich Life Rules. Think of them as a compass, pointing you toward your genuine Rich Life.


Your Rich Life should fit you like a handmade glove

What it means:You might choose torent or own, travel for one month every year (or not at all), buy a new Tesla, or decorate your house beautifully.

Your Rich Life is yours—not mine, not your friends’, and not your parents’. No judgment.

Part of creating your Rich Life is the willingness to be unapologetically different.

Of course, if you share your life with someone else, such as your spouse or partner, it’s important to have those Rich Life conversations, whichI talked about in my interview withThe Guardian.

How to Live a Rich Life (+Rules That Will Help You ACHIEVE It!) (6)

Once money isn’t a primary constraint, you’ll have the freedom to design your own Rich Life, which will almost certainly be different from the average person’s. Embrace it. This is the fun part!

What it looks like: I love Japanese design and architecture. I even collect photos and examples of what I love.

When my wife, Cass, and I traveled to Japan, I wanted to visit the home of a Japanese couple. This is very uncommon, so I hired a firm to help us arrange it.

The couple were both architects, so they showed us their home. Then I showed them pictures I’d collected, and they explained the Japanese design philosophy behind them. I loved it!

We also took a mini-cruise on an amazing boat.

This trip would make no sense to others, but to me, it was incredibly meaningful.

A Rich Life puts you in control

What it means:Life is not a Disney movie. Nobody’s coming to rescue you!

The good news is that you cantake control of your financesand build your Rich Life — exactly the wayyouwant it.

What it looks like:When I first graduated from college, I turned down a job offer at Google to join a start-up.

Later, I turned down VC investment to run IWT, which was 100% bootstrapped, so I could maintain control. That is part of my Rich Life.


Getting started is more important than becoming an expert

What it means:Too many of us get overwhelmed thinking we need to do everything perfectly. You know what ends up happening?We do nothing at all!

This can be especially true when we’re designing our Rich Life. That’s why the easiest way to build your Rich Life is to take it one step at a time—and not worry about being perfect.

I call this the 85% Solution. I’d rather act and get it 85% right than do nothing. Think about it: 85% of the way is far better than 0%.

This applies to money too. Once your money system is good enough—or 85% of the way there—you can get on with your life and go do the things you really want to do.

What it looks like:I keep things simple:

  • I have a very simpleinvestmentportfolio.
  • I have a fewcredit cards.
  • I follow a simple fitness program.

If you keep things simple, it’s easier to get started and easier to keep going. Most importantly, it leaves you more time for the things you love.


It’s okay to make mistakes

What it means:The path to a Rich Life isn’t perfect.

You’ll make money mistakes and relationship mistakes. You may even change what a Rich Life looks like for you. And that’s totally fine.

Make your mistakes early, when the stakes are lower, and you can learn from them.

What it looks like:I made mistakes by investing in individual stocks early on. If you read Chapter 7 ofmy book, you know why this is a bad idea.

In my business,I’ve hired the wrong people. I haven’t managed properly. I’ve made bad strategic choices.

All normal!

I even have a failures folder set up in my email account. If I’m not sending 5-7 failures there a month, I know that I’m not trying enough. And if I’m not trying enough, I’m not learning enough.


Play offense, not defense

What it means:Too many of us play defense with our finances:

  • We wait until the end of the month, then look at our spending and shrug: “I guess I spent that much.”
  • We accept onerous fees.
  • We don’t question complicated advice because it’s given to us in a language we don’t understand.

Don’t do this. Go on offense with yourcredit cards, yourbanks, yourinvestments, and evenyour own money psychology.

What it looks like:First, I covered the basics with my money:

  • Automatic saving
  • Automatic investing
  • Basic guidelines, e.g., save + invest 20% of gross income

(I cover this in Chapters 4 and 5 ofmy book.)

Second, I went on offense for my own Rich Life vision. This included setting aside money for specific goals.

For example, one of our dreams is to have a beautiful 10th wedding anniversary celebration in India. We know the exact place, and we know exactly who we want to bring. We consciously save for that EVERY month.

And, by the way, if investing is something you’ve been playing defense with, check out at thisCNBC videowhere I explain why investing may be the key to you living your Rich Life.

If you like this post, you'd love my Ultimate Guide to Personal Finance

How to Live a Rich Life (+Rules That Will Help You ACHIEVE It!) (7)

It’s one of the best things I’ve published (and 100% free), just tell me where to send it:

How to Live a Rich Life (+Rules That Will Help You ACHIEVE It!) (8)


You don't have to wait until you retire to live a Rich Life

What it means:Your Rich Life doesn’t have to wait until you’re 65. You can start living it now.

Get specific. What could your “everyday” Rich Life look like? Maybe it’s…

  • Handing out full-size candy bars to kids for Halloween
  • Grocery shopping without considering the price
  • Buying a $100,000 car that you love every time you sit in it
  • Spontaneously extending your vacation by a day
  • Buying popcorn at the movies

The goal of a Rich Life is to enjoy today and every day after.Not to postpone joy for some far-off future date. No one wants to be a rich 95-year-old with regrets.

What it looks like:My wife and I take 4-6 week vacations at the end of every year.

In addition to the joys of traveling, we leave time for relaxing, reading, and setting our goals for the next year.

When I can’t decide which dish I like at a restaurant, I order both. Being able to say “yes” and try both makes me happy every time I do it.


Focus on the Big Wins

What it means:There are a fewBig Winsin life where—if you simply get them right—you almost never have to worry about the small things.

For example, learning how to negotiate your salary? Big Win. Tweaking the formatting on your resume? Small things.

If you can focus on the 5-10 Big Wins, rather than 50 little things, you can have an insurmountable edge in life.

What it looks like:Learn to tune the noise out:Cut back on lattes! The stock market is too high! Use a size 11.5 font on your resume!

Instead, focus on theBig Wins, like:

  • Start investing early
  • Land your Dream Job
  • Earn money on the side
  • Improve your credit
  • Cut costs mercilessly on the things you don’t care about

Do these things, and you’ll be ahead of 99% of other people—and you can order as many lattes as you want.


A Rich Life is generous

What it means:The truly rich have enough to give back. If you’re living a Rich Life you’re able to share your time, money, resources, or talents with the world.

What it looks like:I donate heavily to causes I care about.

I like to tip big. I always donate to friends’ fundraisers. I think being generous is a hallmark of a Rich Life. (Note: This doesn’t just mean donations. Volunteering is a wonderful way to give back!)

How to Build YOUR Rich Life

To liveyourunique Rich Life, you need to start with a vision. What does it look like? Where will you go? Who will you take with you?

I’ve designed a brand new free mini-course to help you do just that:How to Design Your Rich Life.

In 1 hour, you’ll create a vivid picture of your personal Rich Life so you can start living intentionally, focusing on the things you love, and ignoring the things you don’t.

Along the way, you’ll learn:

  • What is and is not a Rich Life?
  • How to map your Rich Life.
  • How to dial up your happiness.

When you’re done, your vision will be yours to guide you through the rest of your life.


What do I need to do to have a rich life?

To be really rich, adopt a conscious spending plan: prioritize your spending on what you love, save diligently, and invest smartly. But here’s the kicker: true wealth isn’t just about amassing money. It’s about personal growth, nurturing relationships, staying healthy, and making an impact. Getting rich and living a rich lifemeans making your money work for you in a way that aligns with your passions and goals. That’s the secret sauce.

How can I make my life richer?

To live a richer life, figure out what really lights you up—freedom, adventures, connections? Then, put your money, time, and energy right there. Remember, being rich isn’t just about the bank balance; it’s about growing every part of your life. Level up your skills, soak in new experiences, and invest in relationships that matter. Keep your health in check, because that’s your real wealth. And always, think abundance, not scarcity!

If you like this post, you'd love my Ultimate Guide to Habits

How to Live a Rich Life (+Rules That Will Help You ACHIEVE It!) (9)

It’s one of the best things I’ve published (and 100% free), just tell me where to send it:

How to Live a Rich Life (+Rules That Will Help You ACHIEVE It!) (10)

How to Live a Rich Life (+Rules That Will Help You ACHIEVE It!) (11)

Ramit Sethi

Host of Netflix’s “How to Get Rich”, NYT Bestselling Author & host of the hit I Will Teach You To Be Rich Podcast. For over 20 years, Ramit has been sharing proven strategies to help people like you take control of their money and live a Rich Life.

How to Live a Rich Life (+Rules That Will Help You ACHIEVE It!) (2024)


How can I live a good rich life? ›

To live a richer life, figure out what really lights you up—freedom, adventures, connections? Then, put your money, time, and energy right there. Remember, being rich isn't just about the bank balance; it's about growing every part of your life.

What do rich people do for living? ›

Wealthy people know that having multiple sources of income is key to becoming successful. They don't rely on one job or one business to make all of their money. Instead, they have multiple streams of income, whether it's investments, real estate, or starting a side business.

What is a rich lifestyle? ›

A rich life is about much more than the accumulation of wealth and possessions. It is about discovering the deeper aspects of oneself and cultivating a life based on purpose, fulfillment, authenticity, gratitude, compassion, wisdom and contentment.

What is the golden rule of wealth? ›

1. Earn More Than Your Spend. Regardless of how much money you make, if you never save any of it, you will never build up any substantial amount of wealth. It is not how much you make but how much you keep that matters.

What is the rule number 1 of money? ›

Warren Buffett once said, “The first rule of an investment is don't lose [money]. And the second rule of an investment is don't forget the first rule.

What is the 5 rule in money? ›

The 50/15/5 rule for spending and saving provides guidelines that could make budgeting a little easier. It allocates 50% of your income to essential expenses, 15% to retirement and 5% to short-term savings. The 50/15/5 rule could be a good approach for folks who want to prioritize saving.

How much money do you need to live a rich life? ›

What net worth is considered rich? The previous numbers looked at income, but what about net worth? An average net worth of $2.2 million is needed to be considered wealthy, according to Charles Schwab's 2023 Modern Wealth Survey, which asked 1,000 adults aged 21 to 75. Timing also matters, though.

What is a truly rich life? ›

Living a rich life is about happiness. It doesn't have to cost money, but it does require you to take charge of your time and make room for the things you love. So, go out there and do whatever makes you happy. Schedule it in, make it a priority, and enjoy every moment of it.

Do rich people live a happy life? ›

Using this data, which constituted over 1.7 million experience samples, Professor Killingsworth found that larger incomes “were robustly associated” with both greater happiness and greater life satisfaction. Further, there was no observed plateau in either happiness or life satisfaction at $75,000 or any other level.

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Author: Chrissy Homenick

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Author information

Name: Chrissy Homenick

Birthday: 2001-10-22

Address: 611 Kuhn Oval, Feltonbury, NY 02783-3818

Phone: +96619177651654

Job: Mining Representative

Hobby: amateur radio, Sculling, Knife making, Gardening, Watching movies, Gunsmithing, Video gaming

Introduction: My name is Chrissy Homenick, I am a tender, funny, determined, tender, glorious, fancy, enthusiastic person who loves writing and wants to share my knowledge and understanding with you.