How to Keep Your Family Monthly Grocery Bill Under $400 - Leggings 'N' Lattes (2024)

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by Amber

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A recent deep look into our finances, made the husband and myself realize that we were spending on average $1,500 every month on groceries for our family of 4. One thousand, five hundred dollars you all…every single month… on groceries! This is an insane chunk of money in our monthly budget that we realized could be utilized smarter. So we made a few changes and I am sharing How to Keep Your Family Monthly Grocery Bill Under $400. This gives us well over $12,000 a year from our budget to spend in other areas like additional savings or family vacation. That is a whole lot of dough.


This is the most important step to cutting that grocery budget. Adapt a thought process for every single meal before going to the grocery and make a detailed list. Meal planning is going to save you hundreds every month!

Here is how the past 30 days broke down for us:

  • Week 1: $91.29
  • Week 2: $88.33
  • Week 3: $124.24
  • Week 4: $88.18 plus a $10 pizza night!

Ibotta cash back received : $34.25

Month Total: $367.79

An example week is below so you can get an idea of what we are eating and what foods you can incorporate into your own meal planning!

  • Monday: Sausage Pepperoni Penne$0.87/serving
  • Tuesday: Spaghetti with ground beef- $1.32/serving
  • Wednesday: Chicken with cream of mushroom, rice and broccoli –$2.27/serving
  • Thursday: Fall-off-the-bone Crockpot Ribs with mashed potatoes and green beans. Yes, ribs! I kid you not. We stock up on BOGO days and keep a rack in the freezer for later. $3.28/serving
  • Friday: Bacon Wrapped Hot Dogs with side salad – $0.90/serving
  • Saturday: Pancakes with scrambled eggs and fruit – $1.26/serving
  • Sunday: Tater Tot Casserole$1.87/serving
  • Breakfast include cereal, oatmeal, and coffee.
  • Lunches include leftovers, protein shakes or peanut butter and jelly sandwiches.
  • Snacks include popcorn, apples, bananas, carrots, and almonds.

How to Keep Your Family Monthly Grocery Bill Under $400 - Leggings 'N' Lattes (1)


Plan all meals around what’s on sale that week at your grocery store. Before meal planning in depth, look at what is on sale to make the most out of your grocery budget. If chicken is a bargain, stock up on chicken. If broccoli is cheap, come up with meals that include broccoli. You don’t have to get crazy with stocking up! No need for a 5 year supply of canned soups in the basem*nt but certainly stock on certain items that are frequently used to last a couple months.

Here is a list of items that I am always on the look out for:

  • Shampoo and conditioners for the whole family.
  • Soaps
  • Laundry detergent
  • Popcorn (we love popcorn around here).
  • Almonds
  • Canned soups
  • Pet food and treats
  • Oatmeal


I am terrible at this coupon business. I cannot sit down every Sunday and clip all the coupons from the paper or search the internet for coupons to print. If you can- do it! Compare the coupons to what is on sale at the moment and plan. I may not physically clip coupons, however, I do use the store apps to clip the coupons to be saved on my store accounts. I frequent Meijers which has mPerks. You go through the app to click on the coupons you want and at the store just sign in with your phone number and pin and the coupons apply automatically. Every store has some sort of app nowadays so make sure you at least get some coupon deals this way. All those 20..50…75 cent coupons start to add up by the end of the year.

I went to the grocery today and got 4 family sized boxes of cereal for $1 each after sale price and mPerks coupons. That cereal will last all month for snacks and breakfast and only costs $1 per week. Bargain!

How to Keep Your Family Monthly Grocery Bill Under $400 - Leggings 'N' Lattes (2)


Pay attention when grocery shopping at the price tag of everything! Knowing the price of items will help you build smarter meal plans. You can still buy salmon that is on sale this week but cut costs by seasoning with something already in your pantry, adding an affordable vegetable side like broccoli and an affordable, yet filling side, like rice.

Knowing the price of items also helps you spot a great deal! There may be big sale stickers on something but that item could only be 10 cents off! Not a great deal! Make yourself more aware of pricing and after time and practice, you will have a solid idea of what every item in the grocery costs or should cost so you can stretch that dollar.

Here is a list of items that are frequently on my list because they are always affordable and a coupon and/or sale makes them even better:

  • Bananas
  • Apples
  • Bread
  • Eggs
  • Broccoli
  • Carrots
  • Ground turkey
  • Seasonal produce.


Small changes can make a big difference! Here are some changes than can save you money:

  • Stop eating out! We have never eaten out often but when we did once or twice a month it would cost us $50-$100 per meal to feed the family. Fast food is even at $20. Save eating out for special occasions like birthdays.
  • Pack lunches for the whole family. Pack school lunches and your own. My husband was getting in the bad habit of going to grab a soup or sandwich for lunch costing between $5-$10 a day! Instead, I make him a loaded salad or sandwich a couple times a week to curb that habit and make sure lunch foods are readily available for him to grab as he runs out the door in the morning.
  • Don’t buy drinks. Sodas, juices, bottles waters, etc. can be a huge monthly cost so stick to tap water.
  • Re-think the snack. Crackers, fruit snacks, chips, muffins…. all these snacks kids love aren’t typically healthy and can put your grocery bill through the roof. Cut back and grab nutritionally dense foods like a bananas, which is more filling than a fruit snack and supplies much needed nutrients. Plus, bananas are super affordable.
  • Buy store brand when possible. Store brands typically run much cheaper than brand names… sometimes even half the price!


There are various apps out there that give you cash back on groceries. I use Ibotta and love it. There are even weekly cash back offers on fresh produce. I just paid 88 cents on a pound of green beans that were on sale and got 25 cents cash back. The cash back I get from simply scanning my receipts saves a minimum of $20 a month. This was a great Ibotta cash back month with $34.25. You can cash out anything over $20 with gift cards or even get paid to your Paypal account.

Start using Ibotta today and put in my referral code bhrmcqv to join my team and get cash back for signing up!

How to Keep Your Family Monthly Grocery Bill Under $400 - Leggings 'N' Lattes (3)


Don’t throw food away… EVER! Maybe this can be put under habits to change but really be aware of the foods in your pantry and fridge that have an upcoming expiration date and plan a meal around those items. Waste is unnecessary! I am shrinking back a bit in my chair at the moment just talking about waste because I am guilty! This is an area I am working on and it takes practice and awareness. Bananas going bad? Make a banana bread. Sauce expiring? Make a chicken marinade for dinner with it. Food is money. Don’t throw away your money!


Keep your receipts, track expenses in an app or write a log of expenses in a notebook. Track your spending so you know how much of the budget is going towards food. This will help you meal plan more effectively in the future. You can go even further and track foods by categories so you can pinpoint exactly what you are spending money on! Maybe those boxed snacks are costing a bit much monthly and a plan to put more of that money into produce monthly can be executed.

At the end of the month, if grocery costs have been reasonable, treat the family to a pizza night or grab some steaks to grill up! I guess you could just pocket that extra savings too… but we all need to splurge a little on food and enjoy life!

Your family can follow suite and cut back that grocery monthly bill! Meal planning, buying sale items, coupons, knowing how much items cost, changing a few habits, using a cash back app, never tossing old food and tracking your spending is how you canHow to Keep Your Family Monthly Grocery Bill Under $400. I would love for you all to share some other tips, tricks, and ideas in the comments below!

*photography from Unsplash.

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5 years ago

Wow! Under $400 is incredible and seems like only in my dreams. We are a family of 4 and we eat out a lot but starting Sept we are going to make some changes to eating in more. This was perfect timing – now I can try your suggestions! Thanks!



Reply to Sandy

Eating out adds up so fast! You will see savings right away just from eating at home!


5 years ago

Such an inspiring post!! $400!! That is amazing!! We are a family of four and have a homestay and our grocery budget is 800! Defs going to look into your tips!! Thank you!




5 years ago

Reply to Laura Liira

Thanks Laura! Hopefully you can use some of these tips to save a little money for your own family.


5 years ago

This is a great post! I will soon have a family of four and meal planning can be such a hassle sometimes. I love these ideas and tips on not being so wasteful.


5 years ago

Such great tips! Lucky for me my husband does the grocery shopping….I am terrible at budgeting ha!


Courtney Byers

5 years ago

This is such amazing advice. Even with just my hubby and I, we struggle to keep our grocery bill low. I will have to use these tips because we are really focusing on saving right now.


How to Keep Your Family Monthly Grocery Bill Under $400 - Leggings 'N' Lattes (2024)


How to spend only $400 a month on groceries? ›

Here are some changes than can save you money:
  1. Stop eating out! We have never eaten out often but when we did once or twice a month it would cost us $50-$100 per meal to feed the family. ...
  2. Pack lunches for the whole family. ...
  3. Don't buy drinks. ...
  4. Re-think the snack. ...
  5. Buy store brand when possible.
Aug 14, 2018

What's a reasonable amount to spend on groceries per month? ›

According to the USDA guidelines, you might spend $979 a month on a thrifty plan, $1,028 on a low-cost plan, $1,252 on a moderate-cost plan and $1,604 on a liberal plan. The USDA guidelines can provide a starting point for a food budget, but they don't consider all the variables that can affect cost.

What is the average monthly grocery bill for a family of four? ›

Study finds that Californians spend the most on groceries in America
RankStateAvg. cost
6 more rows
Jan 10, 2024

What is the average grocery bill for a 3 person family? ›

Quick FAQ: What is the Average Grocery Cost Per Month in the United States? The average monthly grocery bill of a family of three in the US is $902. This assumes that the household consists of two adults and one child and follows the July 2023 Official USDA Moderate Food Plan.

Is $200 a month enough for groceries for one person? ›

* YES! It is possible to eat healthy for $200 a month. 30 Days on $200 shopping list is intended for one person.

How to save 200 a month on groceries? ›

How To Save $200 on Your Grocery Bill Every Month
  1. Plan Your Meals Around Savings. ...
  2. Join a Loyalty Rewards Program. ...
  3. Always Buy Generic. ...
  4. Swap Meat for Plant-Based Protein a Few Times a Week. ...
  5. Use a Cash-Back App.
Aug 1, 2023

What is a good grocery budget for one person? ›

The average food budget for a single person is between $250 and $300 a month, but that's just a guideline. If you can buy meals at a discount or visit family and eat with them, you might be able to spend less.

How much are clothes per month? ›

Clothing and Personal Upkeep

The average U.S. household spends $162 per month on clothing, according to the U.S. Department of Labor, and you'll probably want to include personal grooming costs as well as any dry cleaning in this budget category.

How much do most people spend on groceries a month? ›

Average monthly food spending: $779 (13% increase)

Food spending includes groceries and food away from home, which is any food that you pay someone else to prepare for you. Average food spending increased 13% from 2021 to 2022. On average, Americans spent $779 per month on food in 2022 and $9,343 over the full year.

What is a realistic grocery budget for 4 people? ›

This includes purchasing items from your local grocery store or supermarket. On average, a family of four can expect to spend anywhere between $500 to $1,000 per month on groceries, depending on factors such as dietary choices, quality of ingredients, and location.

How to keep grocery bill low? ›

17 ways to save money on groceries
  1. Make a meal plan.
  2. Shop alone if you can.
  3. Shop during the quietest days of the week.
  4. Swap expensive cuts of meat for cheaper options.
  5. Buy generic products.
  6. Avoid buying hygiene products at the grocery store.
  7. Stick to the store's perimeter.
  8. Pay with a grocery rewards card.
Oct 23, 2023

What is a realistic food budget for a family of 4? ›

The average family of four spends between $5,000.00 and $7,000.00 a year on food.

How much does a 2 person household spend on groceries? ›

According to the most recent data released from the Household Pulse Survey, American households spend an average of $270 on groceries a week. Broken down by household size: One person - $156.02. Two people - $220.82.

What is a realistic food budget for 2 adults? ›

It's well below what the U.S. Department of Agriculture recommends in its weekly grocery shopping spending guidelines for a household of two adults. The USDA's budget recommends spending at least $129.30 per week for two adults to meet daily nutritional needs.

How much does the average American family spend on food per month? ›

Average Cost of Groceries Per Month

The average household grocery cost per month is $475—which totals to $5,703 a year. And that number is likely to increase as overall food prices continue to go up. In fact, Americans spent 1.3% more on food at home (aka groceries) in December 2023 than they did in December 2022.

How can I spend less than 500 a month on groceries? ›

Buy in Bulk To Save Money on Groceries

Since you can often get a lower per-unit price on bulk products, sometimes buying in bulk is more cost-efficient. Staples like beans, rice, pasta, flour, and frozen vegetables are often much less expensive in large amounts. Just be sure you can properly store bulk products.

What is a normal grocery budget for 2 people? ›

According to a recent GOBankingRates article, average grocery costs range from $250 to $550 per person, per month.

What is a reasonable amount of money to spend on groceries per week? ›

The average family spends about $270 at the grocery store per week, but that number increases when children are taken into account. Families with kids spend an average of $331 a week on groceries or 41% more than families without kids.

How can I spend the least amount of money on groceries? ›

17 ways to save money on groceries
  1. Make a meal plan.
  2. Shop alone if you can.
  3. Shop during the quietest days of the week.
  4. Swap expensive cuts of meat for cheaper options.
  5. Buy generic products.
  6. Avoid buying hygiene products at the grocery store.
  7. Stick to the store's perimeter.
  8. Pay with a grocery rewards card.
Oct 23, 2023

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Author: Greg O'Connell

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Name: Greg O'Connell

Birthday: 1992-01-10

Address: Suite 517 2436 Jefferey Pass, Shanitaside, UT 27519

Phone: +2614651609714

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Hobby: Cooking, Gambling, Pottery, Shooting, Baseball, Singing, Snowboarding

Introduction: My name is Greg O'Connell, I am a delightful, colorful, talented, kind, lively, modern, tender person who loves writing and wants to share my knowledge and understanding with you.