How To Invest With a Robo-Advisor (2024)

A robo-advisor can help you automate the process of investing for retirement and other financial goals. The robo-advisor concept is simple, but for new investors the idea of letting a software algorithm choose your investments may seem somewhat unfamiliar. We’ll take a deep dive into the concept and tell you everything you need to know about robo-advisors.

What Is a Robo-Advisor?

A robo-advisor—also known as a robo, a roboadvisor or a robo-adviser—is a type of brokerage account that automates the process of investing. Most robos charge lower fees than conventionalfinancial advisorsbecause they invest your money in pre-baked portfolios made primarily of specially chosen, low-feeexchange-traded funds(ETFs). Some robo-advisors also offer access to other more customized investment options for advanced investors or those with larger account balances.

You can opt for either taxable brokerage accounts or tax-advantaged registered retirement accounts (RRSPs) with a robo-advisor. Most robos offer multiple types of registered accounts including RRSPs, TFSAs and RESPs—and they’ll help you choose the right account type based on your needs.

Many robo-advisors can help you save for different personal finance goals simultaneously by providing sub-portfolios with different asset allocations—think a growth-oriented allocation for your home down payment goal, and a more income-oriented allocation for your retirement goals. Increasingly, robo-advisors are also offering basic banking services, likecash management accountsand savings accounts.

Like conventional human financial advisors, robo-advisors are regulated by the Investment Industry Regulatory Organization of Canada (IIROC) and all financial advisors, including robo-advisors, must be registered with that organization, meaning they have a fiduciary responsibility to look out for your best interests when it comes to investment choices. Robo-advisors generally insure their accounts via the Canadian Investor Protection Fund (CIPF).

How Does a Robo-Advisor Work?

The “robo” in robo-advisor is a nod to the automated features that are at the heart of this type of investing platform. The automation begins as soon as you sign up, and the onboarding process generally begins with a questionnaire that’s designed to help the software that runs a robo-advisor understand your current finances, your financial goals and your risk tolerance.

If you indicated that you’d prefer to save for retirement, for example, the robo-advisor would likely recommend a RRSP, rather than a taxable account, with a portfolio of ETFs balanced for long-term growth. If you answered that you were looking to save for a home down payment, however, the robo might recommend a taxable account with a portfolio of ETFs balanced for short-term growth.

Some robo-advisors allow you to tweak your asset allocation. Continuing the example above, if this feature were available and your new robo-advisor recommended that your retirement portfolio comprise 80% stocks and 20% bonds, you might be allowed to adjust the allocation to 90% stocks and 10% bonds, adding a bit more risk to the mix.

Robo-Advisors Choose Your Investments

It’s important to understand that a core advantage of robo-advisors is that you generally do not choose the individual securities and ETFs that make up your portfolio. Robo-advisors pre-select low-cost index fund ETFs (and sometimes other investments, like mutual funds). These are mainly broad-market funds that invest in Canadian stocks, international stocks, bonds andreal estate investment trusts(REITs). You may also be able to choose themed portfolios, such as a socially-responsible investing portfolio.

Index fund ETFs charge very low fees and offer strongdiversification. Historically, lower cost index fund investments have been associated with better investment returns over time than higher-cost, actively managed funds.

Modern Portfolio Theory

Many robo-advisors useModern Portfolio Theory(MPT) to designtheir portfolios. MPT aims to optimize portfolios for returns while minimizing risk through diversification. Think of MPT as applying the “don’t put all of your eggs in one basket” mindset to your investment portfolio. By investing in a wide range of asset types, MPT increases the odds that when some of your investments are down, others will be up. This aims to keep your portfolio trending steadily upward, even during volatile times.

In addition to diversification, most robo-advisors provide automatic portfolio rebalancing and, increasingly, tax-loss harvesting. Portfolio rebalancing helps ensure you keep the right balance of investment types to reach your goals as market conditions change, and tax-loss harvesting can help decrease the amount you owe long term on capital gains taxes.

How Much Does a Robo-Advisor Cost?

Robo-advisors generally charge annual management fees of 0.25% to 0.50% of your assets under management (AUM), although some charge a fixed monthly subscription fee instead. Low fees compared to traditional financial advisors are considered one of the key advantages of robo-advisors.

Traditional financial advisors typicallycharge around 1.0% of AUM per year(fees may decrease for clients with larger balances). On an investment balance of $100,000, a 0.25% robo-advisor fee would amount to $250 a year—while a 1.0% fee would equal $1,000 a year.

Like your investment balance, fees compound over time and can cost you a significant portion of your long-term gains: Over 20 years, for example, a 1% advisory fee may cost you almost$30,000 morethan a 0.25% fee on a $100,000 starting balance.

Free Robo-Advisors Aren’t Always Free

A few robo-advisors claim that they charge zero management fees. Read the fine print, and you discover that some robo-advisors require you to keep a percentage of your portfolio in cash (which means they earn interest on that balance, not you) while other robo-advisors services are only free for balances less than $10,000.

Expense Ratio Fees

In addition to management fees, you’re generally on the hook for fees associated with the products in which your money is invested by the robo-advisor. ETFs may have much lowerexpense ratiosthan mutual funds, but you’ll still be paying them, one way or another.

Expense ratios for index fund ETFs average 0.21% but can run as low as 0.02%. That’s equal to $0.21 or $0.2 per $100 you invest a year. You won’t receive a bill for these charges, though. They are generally deducted from funds’ earnings or cash holdings and are automatically deducted from the rate of return.

Common Robo-Advisor Features

Many robo-advisors offer similar features. These include:

  • Automated investing:All robo-advisors let you schedule regular contributions into your diversified portfolio. The platform decides how to allocate your contributions in your portfolios. After completing your initial questionnaire, you are generally not involved in choosing investments.
  • Automatic rebalancing:Many robo-advisors provide automatic portfolio rebalancing. This means they adjust the percentage of investment types you hold based on market performance to keep them in line with your financial goals. Portfolio drift might happen if your stock values fell one year and their value occupied less of your portfolio than desired. Rebalancing keeps you on target to meet your goals and your portfolio in check. Some robos (Questwealth Portfolios, Wealthsimple and Nest Wealth) rebalance based on set drift percentages. Others (Justwealth, BMO Smartfolio, CI Direct Investing and RBC Investease)regularly rebalance portfolios automatically through monitoring.
  • Tax-loss harvesting:Some robo-advisors will optimize your portfolio for tax efficiency. For example, Wealthsimple and Just Wealthoffer tax-loss harvesting services where losing investments are sold in a tax-efficient way to offsetcapital gains taxes. This is done without charging an extra fee. Other robo-advisor platforms charge an extra fee for this service, which it calls “Tax Protection.”
  • Personalized financial planning:Some robo-advisors, like Questrade, offer financial planning services that can bepurchased a la carte. Others, like Nest Wealth and Wealthsimple, offer tiered management services based on how much you have invested or flat fees at various tiers. These services are included in the advisory fee you pay and can include dedicated financial advisors to create personalized plans and customize your wealth management in some cases.
  • Goal-based accounts:While robo-advisors almost universally offer access to taxable investment accounts and retirement accounts, most robo-advisors also allow you to create goal-based accounts.Wealthsimple, for example, offers the ability to save for your child’s education with an RESP. Most robos in Canada let you open other registered accounts such as a Tax-Free Savings Account (TFSA), so you can save money without paying income tax on the account’s growth. Leading robo-advisors will also allow you to invest for multiple goals at once through different account types.

Do You Need a Robo-Advisor or a Financial Advisor?

Robo-advisors aren’t for everyone. If your financial situation is complicated or you want to invest in more than index ETFs or a very limited selection of other securities, it might make more sense to work with a financial advisor. You might choose a conventional financial advisor if you:

  • Value customization:While some robo-advisors let you customize certain aspects of your portfolio, most place you in a preset portfolio designed for someone with your investing timeline and risk tolerance. Financial advisors may also use software to craft portfolios, but they offer much more tailored choices and a much wider array of investment options.
  • Want to trade:If you want to trade stocks or invest in individual stocks and bonds, you may want to use a financial advisor or a brokerage account in addition to a robo-advisor. Very few robo-advisors allow you to trade. If you want the ability to invest in individual stocks in addition to a prebuilt portfolio, consider a robo with a self-directed investment arm like BMO InvestorLine instead of, or in addition to, BMO Smartfolio.
  • Want a comprehensive financial plan:Robo-advisors excel at ETF-based portfolio construction. If you’d like advice for your entire financial life, including recommendations for products like insurance or estate planning services, you probably want a traditional financial advisor.
  • Have a complex financial situation:If you need help strategizing how to divide assets in a divorce, have a complicated tax situation, have large amounts of debt or want aid in planning for end of life costs, a conventional financial advisor is the right choice.

Keep in mind, even with a financial advisor, you may need to consult with other types of financial professionals. You may face situations where you could need access to a tax professional or an estate planning attorney. The more complex your finances, the more likely it is that you need an actual dedicated financial advisor or wealth planning team to help you stay on top of things.

The Bottom Line

A robo-advisor can be a good choice when you’re starting out and just looking for a simple way to begin growing your wealth. However, as your net worth improves and your situation becomes more complex, you might need to consider turning to a human financial advisor to help you navigate your financial future.

How To Invest With a Robo-Advisor (2024)


How can I invest with a robo-advisor? ›

Opening a robo-advisor account usually entails completing a short, risk-profiling questionnaire and evaluating your financial situation, time horizon, and personal investment goals. In many cases, you will have the opportunity to link your bank account directly for quick and easy funding of your robo-advisory account.

Is investing with robo-advisor worth it? ›

A robo-advisor can be a good choice when you're starting out and just looking for a simple way to begin growing your wealth. However, as your net worth improves and your situation becomes more complex, you might need to consider turning to a human financial advisor to help you navigate your financial future.

What are 2 cons negatives to using a robo-advisor? ›

The generic cons of Robo Advisors are that they don't offer many options for investor flexibility. They tend to not follow traditional advisory services, since there is a lack of human interaction.

What is the average return on a robo-advisor? ›

Learn how fees, enhanced features, and investment options can also be key considerations. Five-year returns from most robo-advisors range from 2%–5% per year. * And the performance of these automated investment services can vary based on asset allocation, market conditions, and other factors.

Which robo-advisor has the best returns? ›

Best Robo-Advisors of August 2024
  • Betterment. Best Robo-Advisor for Everyday Investors.
  • SoFi Automated Investing. Best Robo-Advisor for Low Fees.
  • Vanguard Digital Advisor. Best Robo-Advisor for Beginners.
  • Vanguard Personal Advisor Services. Best Robo-Advisor for High Balances.
  • Wealthfront.

Which bank has the best robo-advisor? ›

According to our research, Wealthfront is the best overall robo-advisor due to its vast customization options, fee-free stock investing, low-interest rate borrowing, dynamic tax-loss harvesting, and other key features.

Do rich people use robo-advisors? ›

According to Investopedia's Affluent Millennial Investing Survey, while 20% of respondents use robo-advisors, the majority still report a preference for human financial advisors.

Do robo-advisors outperform the S&P 500? ›

But depending on the asset class mix and the particular index funds selected, a robo-advisor may underperform or outperform a broad equity index like the S&P 500.

Should I put all my money in a robo-advisor? ›

It may seem like an easy decision to invest using a robo-advisor, but it's always a good idea to review the drawbacks. Remember, you don't get the human service you would with a financial advisor guiding you through your investments. And despite the low cost, you may end up paying more in fees in the end.

Should retirees use robo-advisors? ›

A robo-advisor can help ease the burden of managing your portfolio as you transition to retirement—and help you figure out how to tap your assets in tax-smart ways.

Why robo-advisors failed? ›

Robo advisors fall short of qualified human advisors in several ways. Among most platforms, the main service offered is portfolio management, which is a small part of what a qualified human advisor does. Here are the additional roles that many qualified human advisors take on.

Do robo-advisors beat the market? ›

This will vary significantly depending on the risk profile of the portfolio, broader market conditions, and the specific robo-advisor used. Some robo-advisor portfolios may outperform the S&P 500 in certain years or under specific conditions, while in others, they underperform.

Can robo-advisors lose money? ›

As with any form of investing, there's always a risk of losing money when using a robo-advisor. Markets can be unpredictable, and no form of investing is immune to potential losses.

How risky are robo-advisors? ›

While it's smart to be cautious when trusting others with your money, a robo-advisor may be just as safe as a human financial advisor. But investing always comes with the risk of losing money, and that's true whether you're investing on your own, hiring a financial advisor or using a robo-advisor.

Are robo-advisor fees worth it? ›

A key factor is how much the investment has to return before the robo-advisor services pay for themselves. As an example, if a robo-advisor charges 0.25% of assets under management, you break even if your portfolio averages at least 0.25% more in annual return than if the robo-advisor were not used.

Is it safe to invest with robo-advisor? ›

On the surface, robo-advising is just as safe as working with a human financial advisor. A robo-advisor's platform may include biases or errors that prevent it from achieving the best investment returns, but then again, humans are also subject to mistakes.

How much does it cost to put in a robo-advisor? ›

How much does a robo-advisor cost? While the costs vary from service-to-service, typically the cost of a robo-advisor has two major components: Management fee: This fee typically costs 0.25 percent to 0.5 percent of your assets on an annual basis, though fees may be lower or higher.

Are robo-advisors good for beginners? ›

Robo-advisors allow investors (both beginners and seasoned pros) to put their money to work in a diverse portfolio of stocks and bonds, which it usually does through exchange-traded funds, or ETFs. The exact funds vary by robo-advisor, with most choosing to offer passive, low-cost index funds.

Can robo-advisors make you money? ›

Initial data shows that robo advising is just as effective as securing returns as traditional investment services. What's more, robo advisors have generally lower fees than traditional investment firms and they allow you to handle your life without having to worry about your finances.

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