How To Invest For Kids: UGMA And UTMA Custodial Accounts - A Richer You (2024)

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Being a parent involves making decisions early on about what sort of future you dream about for your children and how you are going to help make that a reality. For some parents, this means starting their child in a sport as soon as they can walk in hopes of them being a star athlete. For others, education becomes rigorous early on in an effort to land a prestigious university degree.

How To Invest For Kids: UGMA And UTMA Custodial Accounts - A Richer You (1)

Some (hopefully most) parents have hopes that their children will grow up to be financially secure. This can stem from the parents maybe having had financial struggles and wanting better for their children, or out of gratitude for the impact a financial investment made by a parent or grandparent had on their own life. Making a financial investment in your child's future, even at a young age, can be a great way to set them up for success.

With so many investment options out there, doing research to determine what is best for you and your child is important. Whether you are wanting to save for your child to attend college, just want to surprise them with a lump sum of money as they enter adulthood, or even want to think way down the road and start saving for retirement as they start their first part-time job, there are a plethora of different investment and savings options.

How To Invest For Kids: UGMA And UTMA Custodial Accounts - A Richer You (3)One of the main options to start saving for your child's future is called a custodial account. These accounts are designed so that the minor (who is designated to benefit from these funds eventually) isn't able to access the account until a certain age – usually 18 or 21 (this varies from state to state and is referred to as the age of majority).

While it is definitely possible to access the funds before then, the custodian is required to approve any and all transactions. The assets legally belong to the minor but the custodian is solely responsible for protecting the assets until the child is old enough to do so themselves. A custodian could be a parent, grandparent, other relative, or really just about any legal adult.

The Uniform Transfer to Minors Act (UTMA) and Uniform Gift to Minors Act (UGMA) are what make it possible to open a custodial account at financial institutions. UGMA and UTMA accounts can be opened as essentially a typical savings account, but one the minor doesn't have access to without custodian approval, at your bank or credit union. If you're wanting to use the custodial account to make actual investments for the minor's future benefit, UGMA and UTMA accounts can also be opened at brokerages and mutual fund companies.

It's possible to open a custodial account without ever setting foot in a brick and mortar financial institution. Apps such as Stash allow for automatic investing for free the first month, then with a low monthly fee of just $1 after. They'll even give you $5 to invest just for signing up! If you have multiple kids, the monthly fee drops to $1 every 2 months for additional custodial accounts.

Stockpile is another great app that allows you to open a custodial account virtually. It's free to sign up, and while it does cost $0.99 per trade, there is no monthly fee for using Stockpile. Another bonus: you'll get $5 just for signing up!

While the minor technically owns the stocks purchased, the custodian is still the one responsible for all transactions and account activity. Stockpile actually encourages this in that the minor is able to initiate trades, but they must get approval from the custodian in order to be completed. When the minor reaches the legal age to take over access to the funds, Stockpile can help the minor transfer the assets into their very own account.

Opening a custodial account is just as easy as opening your own traditional financial account. After deciding where you'd like to open the account, you'll go through typical procedures to open an account with that company and will provide information for both yourself, as the custodian, and the minor. Be sure to also ask about filling out paperwork to assign a successor custodian should something ever happen to you. The apps mentioned above also make is super easy to open custodial accounts and provide clear instructions on their sites.

While opening a custodial account might be just like any other average bank or investment account, UGMA and UTMA accounts have their own sets of rules. Legally, all funds in a custodial account must be used for the benefit of the minor. Custodial account withdrawal rules dictate that custodians are forbidden from using the funds for anything other than to directly benefit the child.

Since assets legally belong to the minor once they are deposited to the UGMA or UTMA account, or as income generated from investments, the custodian is not able to take funds back at any point. As a custodian, it would be a good practice to keep careful record of exactly how any assets withdrawn are used in order to prove it benefited the minor should there ever be a question.

Custodial account taxes can be one of the more attractive characteristics of the account – if the account remains under $2,000. As all assets in the account legally belong to the minor, the first $1,050 isn't taxed and the next $1,050 is taxed at the minor's rate. Anything beyond that, however, will be taxed according to the parent's rate.

While custodial accounts can be a great way to invest or save money for your minor at a lower tax rate, there are some disadvantages to UGMA and UTMA accounts. First, all assets are legally accessible to the benefitting minor the minute they reach the age of majority. Custodians aren't able to take back any funds and must be able to prove that all funds are withdrawn to benefit the minor, so there's no “shuffling funds” right before the minor's birthday if the custodian doesn't feel the child is responsible enough to have legal access to a lump sum of money.

Another downfall of a custodial account can be its effect on your child's ability to get financial aid for college. When applying for financial aid, assets that belong to the student weigh heavier than the parents' assets in determining how much aid will be awarded. As all custodial account assets belong to the minor, this can lead to a reduction in how much financial aid the minor is able to receive for college.

If your main goal in saving for your child's future is to pay for college, a custodial account might not be the best option. Instead, consider a 529 account as an alternative. With a 529 account, the account owner (often a parent or legal guardian, or potentially a grandparent) remains in control of the account even after the minor is legally an adult, unlike a custodial account in which control automatically transfers when the minor reaches the age of majority.

How To Invest For Kids: UGMA And UTMA Custodial Accounts - A Richer You (5)

Additionally, 529 funds must be used to pay for college (or college-related spending). A custodial account has no stipulations on what the funds are used for, as long as it's for the benefit of the minor. As long as the funds in a 529 account are used appropriately, they aren't taxed upon withdrawal – a huge benefit of this account.

Another alternative to custodial accounts is a Roth IRA. Similar to a custodial account, the Roth IRA is opened in the name of the minor but is controlled by an adult until the child legally becomes an adult themselves, after which they take control of the account.

One downfall to opening a Roth IRA for your child is that the child must be old enough to earn their own money as contributions can only be made if the minor made money during the tax year. As long as the child is making money, contributions can be made up to as much as the child earned (or up to the Roth IRA annual limit, which is currently $5,500).

The adult in charge of the custodial Roth account makes investment decisions until the minor is old enough to take control of the account, and a huge benefit is that Roth IRA funds aren't taxed when withdrawn after 5 years. There is, however, an early withdrawal penalty for taking funds out of a Roth IRA before age 59 ½. This is waived, however, when the funds are used for specific higher education expenses, and funds in a Roth IRA don't factor into financial aid decisions. Both of these reasons make Roth IRAs a worthwhile college savings option. Additionally, up to $10,000 (as of 2018) can be withdrawn from a Roth IRA tax-free if directed toward the purchase of a first house. And finally, the fund can establish an amazing foundation for retirement – it's never too early to start.

Custodial accounts can be a great way to teach your child about managing money starting at a young age – without the risk of the child spending all the funds early and frivolously. A great way to encourage saving can be to match the funds your child saves or invests. Involving the benefiting minor in making appropriate decisions about investments can be a great learning experience as the child reaches teen years and gets closer to making their own financial investment decisions.

While there are clear benefits and downfalls to custodial accounts, UGMA and UTMA accounts are definitely options to seriously consider when looking for a way to start investing in a minor's future.

What money advice would you give to an 18 year old to help them live a successful, comfortable, and enjoyable life?


  1. How To Invest For Kids: UGMA And UTMA Custodial Accounts - A Richer You (6)

    Sandy Klocinskion June 11, 2018 at 10:37 am

    Avoid debt. The only debt you should take on is income producing debt from the purchase of assets. This means avoiding the trap of student loans, mortgages, car loans, as well as other types of debt. By doing this, you will be far ahead of all of your peers.


  2. How To Invest For Kids: UGMA And UTMA Custodial Accounts - A Richer You (8)

    Chelleon June 11, 2018 at 11:29 am

    What money advice would you give to an 18 year old?
    My advice is to start the habit of saving early, even if you start with a few dollars every time you get paid. If possible, direct deposit the savings into an account for saving only. In time, it will grow.


  3. How To Invest For Kids: UGMA And UTMA Custodial Accounts - A Richer You (9)

    Darcy Carmichaelon June 11, 2018 at 12:41 pm

    I would tell any and all 18 year olds to stay out of debt!


  4. How To Invest For Kids: UGMA And UTMA Custodial Accounts - A Richer You (10)

    David Willison June 11, 2018 at 5:36 pm

    Money advice I would you give to an 18 year old is to learn the difference between needs and wants when it comes to creating a budget.


  5. How To Invest For Kids: UGMA And UTMA Custodial Accounts - A Richer You (11)

    J.Harperon June 11, 2018 at 7:34 pm

    A one good investment is worth millions.


    • How To Invest For Kids: UGMA And UTMA Custodial Accounts - A Richer You (13)

      Robon June 11, 2018 at 8:45 pm

      Great tip! Thanks Milly.


  6. How To Invest For Kids: UGMA And UTMA Custodial Accounts - A Richer You (14)

    Toni Schlinsogon June 12, 2018 at 5:43 am

    Setup three different savings plans – one for long term retirement, one for short term needs, and one so you always have something to use to help out others less fortunate than you.


    • How To Invest For Kids: UGMA And UTMA Custodial Accounts - A Richer You (15)

      Robon June 12, 2018 at 7:39 am

      I love this tip! Thanks for sharing Toni.


  7. How To Invest For Kids: UGMA And UTMA Custodial Accounts - A Richer You (16)

    Sandra Wattson June 13, 2018 at 6:08 pm

    Don’t blow all your money in one place. Save for your future. I don’t really give money advice. LOL


  8. How To Invest For Kids: UGMA And UTMA Custodial Accounts - A Richer You (17)

    Vennesa Kellyon June 15, 2018 at 2:20 pm

    Don’t eat out so much. Make meals at home


  9. How To Invest For Kids: UGMA And UTMA Custodial Accounts - A Richer You (18)

    Shannon F.on June 15, 2018 at 6:22 pm

    Some advice for an 18 year old would be to set aside a portion of any money brought in strictly for savings, just the act of doing so helps build good budgeting habits, but ideally set aside 20-30% each time. Also, find a high interest savings account to put this money into as well as applying for any low interest credit card to pay the monthly expenses, while always paying the minimum due each month, so as to build your credit early. Do NOT apply for department store cards as these have some of the highest interest rates out there and learn about low-risk stocks or invest in a good financial advisor interested in your stability and future. ?


  10. How To Invest For Kids: UGMA And UTMA Custodial Accounts - A Richer You (19)

    Rhea Angleon June 17, 2018 at 1:25 pm

    I would tell an 18 year old to take free money. If your employer offers to match you dollar for dollar on a 401K plan, make the future investment for yourself at the maximum match. My past employer offered matching funds up to 3%, so I had 3% of my pay deducted to take their offer. Between the employer (there were annual bonuses too) and me, I racked up about $10K in the plan before I left their employment. About 7 years later it was worth $25K. The return was worth every penny of that 3%.


    • How To Invest For Kids: UGMA And UTMA Custodial Accounts - A Richer You (20)

      Robon June 18, 2018 at 6:29 am

      This is one of the best pieces of advice any employee could hear! Thanks for sharing.


  11. How To Invest For Kids: UGMA And UTMA Custodial Accounts - A Richer You (21)

    Kimberly Gutherzon June 17, 2018 at 3:53 pm

    Stay the course. Pay your dues upfront, then enjoy.


  12. How To Invest For Kids: UGMA And UTMA Custodial Accounts - A Richer You (22)

    Brandon Sparkson June 22, 2018 at 10:49 am

    I would advise them to Develop a basic budget right away.


  13. How To Invest For Kids: UGMA And UTMA Custodial Accounts - A Richer You (23)

    Cassandra Don June 22, 2018 at 10:54 am

    Start saving now.
    Focus and invest.
    Pay all of your bills.


  14. How To Invest For Kids: UGMA And UTMA Custodial Accounts - A Richer You (24)

    Holly Thomason June 23, 2018 at 4:31 pm

    Use credit wisely!


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How To Invest For Kids: UGMA And UTMA Custodial Accounts - A Richer You (2024)


Which is better, UGMA or UTMA? ›

UTMA accounts allow a wider range of assets, including physical property like real estate, while UGMA accounts only allow cash and financial investments. UTMA and UGMA accounts offer investment flexibility, no income or contribution limits, and potential tax savings.

What is one of the primary disadvantages of using a UGMA or UTMA accounts? ›

Cons. Greater impact on financial aid. Because they're held in the name of the child, UTMA/UGMA accounts hurt financial aid eligibility more than comparable 529 plans. Money becomes the child's at majority.

Should I open a UGMA for my child? ›

Why open a custodial account (UGMA/UTMA) A custodial account can be a great way to save on a child's behalf, or to give a financial gift. Otherwise known as an UGMA/UTMA account, there are no income or contribution limits—and no early-withdrawal penalties or restrictions on how the funds are used for the child.

Do I pay taxes on my child's UTMA account? ›

Because money placed in an UGMA/UTMA account is owned by the child, earnings are generally taxed at the child's—usually lower—tax rate, rather than the parent's rate. For some families, this savings can be significant. Up to $1,050 in earnings tax-free. The next $1,050 is taxable at the child's tax rate.

Can you take money out of UTMA UGMA? ›

A UGMA account is an irrevocable fund, meaning once you contribute to the account, you can't withdraw the money for another purpose or redistribute funds to a different beneficiary, like another child or yourself.

What happens to an UTMA account when the child turns 18? ›

Once the child reaches the age of majority, they can transfer or use the funds and close the UTMA account.

Is a 529 or UTMA better? ›

From a tax perspective, 529 plans are also generally better. Earnings in a 529 plan are tax-free as long as you use them for qualified education expenses. By contrast, the government taxes UTMA earnings above $2,100 like income from a trust or estate. This could mean a big tax bill.

What is better, 529 or custodial account? ›

Custodial accounts can have a heavy impact on financial aid. Because the money in a custodial account belongs to the child and not the parent, federal financial aid formulas consider 20% of the money available to pay for college. Compare this to 529 plans, which are given more favorable treatment for financial aid.

How much can you put into a UGMA? ›

Who should consider an UGMA/UTMA account? Anyone can contribute up to $18,000 per child each year free of gift-tax consequences ($36,000 for married couples). This amount is indexed for inflation and may increase over time. Because contributions are made with after-tax dollars, a deduction cannot be taken.

Who owns the assets in an UGMA account? ›

The donor irrevocably gifts the money to the trust. The money then belongs to the minor but is controlled by the custodian until the minor reaches the age of trust termination. The custodian has the fiduciary responsibility to manage the money in a prudent fashion for the benefit of the minor.

What states allow UGMA? ›

These accounts are offered under the Uniform Gifts to Minors Act (UGMA), and the Uniform Transfers to Minors Act (UTMA). As of 2022, all states offer UGMA accounts and 48 states offer UTMA accounts (Vermont and South Carolina do not offer these accounts).

At what age do you not pay capital gains? ›

Capital Gains Tax for People Over 65. For individuals over 65, capital gains tax applies at 0% for long-term gains on assets held over a year and 15% for short-term gains under a year. Despite age, the IRS determines tax based on asset sale profits, with no special breaks for those 65 and older.

What happens to a custodial account when the custodian dies? ›

If a donor acting as the custodian dies before the account terminates, the account value will be included in the donor's estate for estate tax purposes. If a minor dies before the age of majority, a custodial account is considered part of the minor's estate and is distributed according to state law.

Can a parent use the money in an UTMA account? ›

No, a parent cannot take money out of a UTMA account. The assets remain under the control of the custodian until the minor reaches the majority age. At that time, all remaining funds in the account are turned over to the beneficiary, free from further court supervision or management.

What is the difference between UTMA and UGMA age of majority? ›

The UTMA expanded the Uniform Gifts to Minors Act (UGMA), which only defined gifts as cash or securities. Under UTMA, patents, royalties, cash, stocks, bonds, real estate and art are included. The age of majority is different from the UTMA age of majority. The former is 18 for most states, while the latter is 21.

Is UTMA a good idea? ›

“UTMA and UGMA accounts will become the child's asset at the age of majority,” says Zimnoch. “This is not the greatest idea if [you] want to apply for financial aid [for college]. It's also not the greatest idea if you're not sure about how responsibly your children are going to spend money when they're [of] age.”

Does an UGMA or UTMA affect financial aid? ›

For example, real estate investments, UGMA/UTMA accounts, mutual fund assets, and 529 plans can reduce the amount of aid you're eligible for, while protected parent assets like 401(k) and Roth IRA accounts will not have any impact.

What is the limit on an UGMA account? ›

Who should consider an UGMA/UTMA account? Anyone can contribute up to $18,000 per child each year free of gift-tax consequences ($36,000 for married couples). This amount is indexed for inflation and may increase over time. Because contributions are made with after-tax dollars, a deduction cannot be taken.

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Name: Edmund Hettinger DC

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Introduction: My name is Edmund Hettinger DC, I am a adventurous, colorful, gifted, determined, precious, open, colorful person who loves writing and wants to share my knowledge and understanding with you.