How to Install & Setup React JS On Windows (2024)

Table of Contents
1. Prerequisite for Windows 2. Introduction to React.js 3. Introduction to Node.js and NPM on Windows 10 4. Download and Install Node.js 5. Installation of React Install React.js Using the Chocolatey Script Step 1: Prerequisites Step 2: Install Node.js and NPM Step 3: Install React.js Step 4: Verify Installation How to Test if React.js Installation is Properly Done? Step 1: Open a Command Prompt or Terminal Step 2: Check the React.js Version Step 3: Verify Output How to Use React.js? Step 1: Create a New React App Step 2: Navigate to the App Directory Step 3: Create a Simple React Component Step 4: Use the React Component in App Step 5: Run the React App How to Uninstall React.js from Windows? Step 1: Open the Command Prompt or PowerShell Step 2: Navigate to Your React Project Directory (if applicable) Step 3: Uninstall Node Modules Step 4: Remove Create-React-App (if installed globally) Step 5: Check and Remove Global Packages (Optional) Step 6: Delete Your React Project (if desired) Step 7: Check for Global Node Modules (Optional) Step 8: Remove Node.js and NPM (Optional) Troubleshooting Common Issues While Installing React in Windows (With Solution) 1. Node.js or NPM not recognized 2. Chocolatey Installation Error 3. npm install -g create-react-app fails 4.Port Already in Use (e.g., 3000) 5. Missing Dependencies for Node.js 6. create-react-app Command Not Found 7. Permissions Error 8. Antivirus Blocking Installation 9. Outdated npm or Node.js Versions Conclusion

In this tutorial, we will learn how to install React JS in Windows.

React is a library that helps us to build and create front-end interfaces for Single page applications and it utilizes the power of virtual DOM. usereducerin react will make you understand better about React hooks.

React was an in-house project of Facebook, and it was made open to the public in the year 2013. The adoption of ReactJS has seen an upward curve since its advantages have been realized. Various startups and established organizations are now adopting the technology and upgrading their technology stack. For information, check outFull Stack Developer courses.

1. Prerequisite for Windows

To install React on Windows, your system will require the minimum configuration as below:

  1. Windows XP, Windows 7 (32/64 bit) or higher
  2. Minimum 4 GB RAM and higher
  3. 10 GB available space on the hard disk
  4. At least one Internet Browser e.g. Chrome, Firefox, Microsoft Edge etc.
  5. Node.js
  6. Active internet connection minimum speed 512kbps and above.
  7. At least one installed code Editor to test and debug your code e.g.

2. Introduction to React.js

ReactJS is a library written in TypeScript. It utilises the syntax of the modern version of JavaScript as described by ES6 and its higher version.

Applications built using ReactJS use the Single reusability principle. This advocates the idea of building web pages and applications using components and unidirectional flow. In React we have the concept of states and the concept of immutability. Components have hierarchy in terms of Parent and Child components. A component in case of React can be thought of as a piece of code which is based on the principle of pure functions. We will look into the pure component later. First, let’s understand what a state is. For e.g. To become a member of a service, the user fills his information on the registration page. While filling the details there can be many states of the form, for e.g. When the form field is empty or when the form field has witnessed some error on some particular field, which needs to be corrected; or when after correction, the form data has been validated and is ready for submission. So, at a broad level, the registration form has been through various states. These states represent at which level the application is, in terms of interacting with the end-user. Each level of interaction for this form is represented by the state, from an empty form to being a fully filled form with a display of an error for certain fields and the validated form. In React, we have the component based on the pure function. A pure function can be memorised as a piece of code, which does one task and does it pretty well. For a certain input, it always returns the same output, so this means we are increasing predictability of the code. Since React.js follows a certain code pattern and principles in order to work, it lowers the curve of the knowledge gap; whether you are one-person or a team of developers working mutually. Additionally, integrating the best full-stack developer courses will enhance your proficiency in ReactJS and its principles.

3. Introduction to Node.js and NPM on Windows 10

To run ReactJS we will require Node.js on our system.Node.js is a server which will help us to run the React code. It is based on non-blocking input and output and the Chrome V8 JavaScript engine. The Node.js code is open source.

NPM which is an abbreviation of Node package manager, is supported by various developers around the world. It has various node modules, using which developers can host and publish their modules on the open-source community. It hosts modules in private and public visibility. A module carries code which exists to serve high or low level functionalities. In terms of code adoption and availability of various modules it gives an edge and tries to make the developer more productive.

We can plug in and plug out the module. Some modules are dependent on other modules; which is defined as dependency among modules.

While building an application, a developer can pick the module, tweak and remix it to suit the application needs, and can then release to the open-source community. So, instead of reinventing the wheel, it is like picking a wheel (npm module) from, giving it further momentum and giving it back to the open source community.

4. Download and Install Node.js

To install Node.js we need to go to the URL

How to Install & Setup React JS On Windows (1)

Depending upon our Windows OS version in terms of 32 Bit or 64 Bit, we can pick the installer and install that version.

In this tutorial I am using Windows 8, 64 Bit.

The Node.js installer includes NPM. It is best to install the even numbered version of NPM.

Depending upon your operating system, the home page will show the Download button and recommended LTS version.

After the download is complete we will go to the downloads folder and run the installer.

The installer will show the below Setup Wizard. Click next.

How to Install & Setup React JS On Windows (2)

The next screen will ask for the End-user License Agreement. Select the checkbox at the bottom right to provide your consent and click on Next to proceed with the installation.

How to Install & Setup React JS On Windows (3)

The installer will ask for Destination folder and the default path set by installation is C:\Program Files\nodejs\
Click on Next button

How to Install & Setup React JS On Windows (4)

How to Install & Setup React JS On Windows (5)

The above screen is an important step in the installation process. And if you see closely it also sets the environmental path variables to command prompt on Windows. To begin your journeyin web development,learn Web Development.

Click on Next to continue with the installation.

The Windows OS may ask you to allow Node.js installation and make changes.Click on Yes button.

How to Install & Setup React JS On Windows (6)

During the installation, if you have allowed for Chocolatey and required modules installation for C++ and Python, you will see the UI below in the command prompt. This installation requires 3 Gb of free disk space. In this tutorial this step is not required, so we are skipping this step by closing the window.

If you are interested in installing it, press Enter to continue.

How to Install & Setup React JS On Windows (7)

Once the installation is complete you need to verify the Node.js installation.

For this, we will use the command prompt.

To run command prompt

Press keys Win+R

And type cmd in the window below.

Next Click on Ok or Press Enter on the keyboard.

How to Install & Setup React JS On Windows (8)

5. Installation of React

After installation of Node.js, we need to install React. To check the Node.js version, open the Windows command prompt.

Press Win+R and type cmd.

In the command line, type

node -v to see its version.

We can also check for npm version, which is installed with Node.js, with the following command

npm -v

After running these commands, we can check the node version v14.15.1 and npm version 6.14.8

How to Install & Setup React JS On Windows (9)

As we have confirmed the Node.js installation we can proceed to the next steps.

While in the command prompt, we have navigated to a folder called Codefactory by following the command cd Codefactory

In this folder, we have created a folder calledreact-windowsby using the commandmkdir react-windows.

How to Install & Setup React JS On Windows (10)

After the folder react-windows has been created, we will change the directory to react-windows with the command

cd react-windows

ReactJS can be installed in various ways.

Now, we will type npm init. It will ask for the below configuration line by line.

Insert your input, followed by Enter keypress to proceed with the next configuration.

At the end of the configuration it will confirm for the inputs you have entered. If you are happy with the configuration data, type yes and enter to continue.

How to Install & Setup React JS On Windows (11)

The npm init will help us to create a package.json file.

How to Install & Setup React JS On Windows (12)

Now, the next step to install React requires us to go to the command prompt and type the following command in the react-windows directory.

npm install --save react

How to Install & Setup React JS On Windows (13)

How to Install & Setup React JS On Windows (14)

And after the above command npm install --save react-dom

How to Install & Setup React JS On Windows (15)

Behind the scene, these commands fetch the specified module from and download it in the local codebase.

Let's have a look at the react-windows folder. Here we can see some newly created directories in node_modules.

How to Install & Setup React JS On Windows (16)

So, in this tutorial, we have learned to install React and reactDOM.

But to see the ReactJS SPA (single page app) there is more work to be done in the above code.

As an alternative and fast approach we can do it via create-react-app

Let us move to Codefactory folder and with the command cd.. create another folder react-cli

Next, type the following command mkdir react-cli

How to Install & Setup React JS On Windows (17)

Now we will use create-react-app module and type the following command

Please note that my-fast-app is the name of your app. This is an example and you can be creative in choosing your own name.

npx create-react-app my-fast-app

If we see closely it will take care of the rest of the installation steps, and react, react-dom and other related modules are installed automatically.

This process is a little data intensive, so please be patient while the download and installation happens

How to Install & Setup React JS On Windows (18)

When the above step gets completed the command prompt displays the below output.

How to Install & Setup React JS On Windows (19)

Now, let us run our first react app, by navigating to my-fast-app directory as below

cd my-fast-app

And enter the next command as npm start

How to Install & Setup React JS On Windows (20)

The npm command will show the application in the browser. http://localhost:3000

And if you are running node.js for the first time using npm command, it will ask for permission to allow access and we need to allow access to run.

As we are using a code editor we can have a look at the directory structure and some of the important files, such as index.html in the public folder, in src folder the index.js and App.js. The src folder contains the react component which we can build further on this codebase.

index.js is the js invocation point for react app.This index.js is linked with the App.js, which is responsible for showing the content in the browser. That’s what we see on the demo page.

How to Install & Setup React JS On Windows (21)

Let’s edit the App.js by going to line 10 and adding the following code

Talk is cheap, show me the <code>Code</code>

Once you save the file by Ctrl+S

The code will be auto refreshed in the browser, after compiling.

How to Install & Setup React JS On Windows (22)

It will show us the following output.

So, now feel free to change messages and alter the page layout and structure for experimentation.

If you are familiar with CSS, you may also change the page style using App.css and tinker with the code as well.

How to Install & Setup React JS On Windows (23)

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Install React.js Using the Chocolatey Script

Chocolatey is a powerful package manager for Windows that simplifies the process of installing, updating, and managing software. It brings the convenience of package management similar to what is common in Linux environments to the Windows platform. By using Chocolatey, developers can automate the installation of various tools and libraries, including Node.js and React.js, reducing the manual effort involved in setting up a development environment.

Step 1: Prerequisites

Before proceeding with the react js setup in windows, it's essential to ensure Chocolatey is installed on your Windows machine. If it's not already installed, you can set it up with a single command in an elevated PowerShell session. This command adjusts the execution policy and downloads the necessary scripts for Chocolatey installation.

Set-ExecutionPolicy Bypass -Scope Process -Force; [System.Net.ServicePointManager]::SecurityProtocol = [System.Net.ServicePointManager]::SecurityProtocol -bor 3072; iex ((New-Object System.Net.WebClient).DownloadString(''))

Step 2: Install Node.js and NPM

React.js relies on Node.js and its package manager (NPM). Use Chocolatey to install them effortlessly:

choco install nodejs 

Step 3: Install React.js

With Node.js and NPM in place, the react js installation in windows becomes straightforward:

npm install -g create-react-app

Step 4: Verify Installation

Confirm the successful installation by running the following command:

create-react-app --version

This should display the installed version of create-react-app, ensuring that React.js is now ready for use on your Windows system.

We'veused the Chocolatey script to makethe installation process faster and simpler. It lowers the steps for manual setup and makes it efficient. This way of setting up React.js on Windows follows industry standards and is handy for developers.

How to Test if React.js Installation is Properly Done?

After successfully completing react installation in windows machine, it's crucial to ensure that the installation is error-free and that the framework functions as expected. Here's a simple yet effective method to test the proper installation of React.js.

Step 1: Open a Command Prompt or Terminal

Ensure you have an open command-line interface, such as Command Prompt or PowerShell on Windows or Terminal on macOS/Linux.

Step 2: Check the React.js Version

Run the following command to display the installed version of React:

npx create-react-app --version

This command usescreate-react-appto check the version. Sincecreate-react-appis a part of the React.js ecosystem, its version corresponds to the installed React.js version.

Step 3: Verify Output

The command will output the version number ofcreate-react-app. This version number is associated with the React.js installation. For example, the output might look like:


This indicates that React.js version5.0.1is successfully installed on your system.

By checking the version ofcreate-react-app, you can easily verify the React.js version on your Windows machine. This straightforward method provides confidence in the correctness of your React.js installation and ensuresyou'reequipped with the latest features and improvements.

How to Use React.js?

Now that React.js is successfully installed on your Windows machine, let's delve into how to use this powerful JavaScript library to build dynamic and interactive user interfaces. Below are essential steps, code snippets, and tips to kickstart your React.js development journey:

Step 1: Create a New React App

Initiate the creation of a new React app using the following command in your preferred command-line interface:

npx create-react-app my-react-app

Replace "my-react-app" with your desired project name.

Step 2: Navigate to the App Directory

Move into the newly created app directory:

cd my-react-app

Step 3: Create a Simple React Component

Begin by creating a basic React component. Open your preferred code editor and create a new file, e.g.,MyComponent.js. Define a functionalcomponentusing the following code:

// MyComponent.jsimport React from 'react';constMyComponent= () => { return ( <div> <h1>Hello, React!</h1> <p>This is my first React component.</p> </div> );};export defaultMyComponent;

Step 4: Use the React Component in App

Next, import and use the created component in your mainApp.jsfile:

// App.jsimport React from 'react';importMyComponentfrom'./MyComponent';constApp = () => { return ( <div><MyComponent/> </div> );};export default App;

Step 5: Run the React App

Initiate the development server to see your React app in action:

npm start

This command will start the development server, and you should see a message indicating that the app is running on a specific port (usually 3000).

Visithttp://localhost:3000in your browser to view the "Hello, react!" message rendered by your first React component.

Tips for React Development:

  1. Understanding Components:React applications are built using components. Components are reusable and self-contained pieces of UI. Understand the difference between functional and class components.
  2. JSX Syntax:JSX is a syntax extension for JavaScript recommended by React. It allows you to write HTML elements in your JavaScript code.
  3. State and Props:Learn about state and props. The state allows components to manage and maintain their data, while props enable the passing of data between components.
  4. ComponentLifecycle:Familiarize yourself with the React component lifecycle methods.
  5. React Hooks:Explore React Hooks likeuseStateanduseEffectfor functional components. They provide a way to use state and lifecycle features in functional components.
  6. Routing:For multi-page applications, consider using React Router to handle navigation between different views.

Remember, these steps and tips serve as a foundation for your React.js journey in theWeb Design and Development course.Continuously explore the React documentation and engage with the vibrant React community for more advanced concepts and best practices in building robust web applications.

How to Uninstall React.js from Windows?

Uninstalling React.js from your Windows machine involves a few straightforward steps. Follow this step-by-step guide to remove React.js and associated packages from your system.

Step 1: Open the Command Prompt or PowerShell

Open the Command Prompt or PowerShell on your Windows machine. You can do this by searching for "Command Prompt" or "PowerShell" in the Start menu.

Step 2: Navigate to Your React Project Directory (if applicable)

If you have an existing React project, navigate to its directory using thecdcommand. For example:

cd path\to\your\react\project

Step 3: Uninstall Node Modules

If you are within a React project, you need to uninstall the installed Node modules. Run the following command:

npm uninstall react react-dom

This command removes the React andReactDOMpackages from your project.

Step 4: Remove Create-React-App (if installed globally)

If you installedcreate-react-appglobally, uninstall it using the following command:

npm uninstall -g create-react-app

Step 5: Check and Remove Global Packages (Optional)

Check if there are other globally installed packages related to React and uninstall them if necessary:

npm list -g --depth=0npm uninstall -g <package_name>

Replace<package_name>with the names of any global packages related to React.

Step 6: Delete Your React Project (if desired)

If you want to remove the entire React project, including the project directory, use the following command:

rd /s /q path\to\your\react\projectReplacepath\to\your\react\projectwith the actual path to your React project.

Step 7: Check for Global Node Modules (Optional)

Check if there are any globally installed Node modules related to React. Navigate to the directory where Node.js is installed (usually inC:\Users\\AppData\Roaming\npm)and delete any React-related folders.

Step 8: Remove Node.js and NPM (Optional)

If you wish to uninstall Node.js and NPM altogether, you can do so through the "Add or Remove Programs" in theControl Panel.

By following these steps, you should successfully uninstall react on windows and associated packages from your Windows environment. Always exercise caution when removing global packages, as they may be used by other projects.

Remember:Uninstalling React doesn't erase your React projects. They'll remain safe and sound, ready to be reignited when you're ready to reunite with React in the future.

Troubleshooting Common Issues While Installing React in Windows (With Solution)

Even the smoothest React installation might encounter a few bumps in the Windows road. Let's address some common problems and provide solutions to ensure a smooth installation process.

1. Node.js or NPM not recognized

Solution:Ensure that Node.js and NPM are added to the system PATH. During Node.js installation, there is an option to add them to the PATH. If not done, manually add the paths to the system environment variables.

2. Chocolatey Installation Error

Solution:If you face issues installing Chocolatey, make sure you run the installation script in an elevated PowerShell session. Additionally, check for any network or firewall restrictions that might be hindering the installation.

3. npm install -g create-react-app fails

Solution:Try usingnpminstall -g create-react-appwith the--forceflag to override any potential conflicts. If the issue persists, check your internet connection and ensure that the npm registry is accessible.

4.Port Already in Use (e.g., 3000)

Solution:If you encounter an error stating that the default port (e.g., 3000) is already in use, terminate the process using the port or change the port in your React project'spackage.jsonfile.

5. Missing Dependencies for Node.js

Solution:Review the Node.js documentation for your specific Windows version. Ensure that all required dependencies, such as Visual C++ Redistributable, are installed.

6. create-react-app Command Not Found

Solution:If you are unable to runcreate-react-app, verify that your npm global installation path is in your system PATH. On Windows, it's usuallyC:\Users\<username>\AppData\Roaming\npm.

7. Permissions Error

Solution:Try running the installation command prompt or PowerShell with administrator privileges. This grants broader access to system resources.

8. Antivirus Blocking Installation

Solution:Some antivirus software may interfere with the installation process. Temporarily disable the antivirus or add exceptions for the installation directories.

9. Outdated npm or Node.js Versions

Solution:Ensure that you are using the latest versions of npm and Node.js. You can update npm using:

npm install -g npm@latest 

Additional Tips:

  • Clear Cache: Run npmcache clean --force to clear potentialnpmcache issues.
  • Reinstall React: If problems persist, try reinstalling React cleanly.
  • Seek Community Help: Don't hesitate to reach out to React's online communities for support. There's a wealth of knowledge and helpful members ready to assist.

By addressing these common issues systematically, you can troubleshoot and resolve any roadblocksencounteredduring the React.js installation process on your Windows machine.


Congratulations! You've successfully configured React.js on your Windows computer. Now, with this powerful library at your fingertips, the possibilities are endless. Build dynamic, interactive web interfaces, craft pixel-perfect user experiences, and join the thriving community of React developers pushing creativity forward.

Keep in mind that this is merely the start of your voyage. As you embark further into React, maintain these crucial lessons learned:

Practice consistently: Experiment, build small projects, and challenge yourself. The more you code, the more comfortable and adept you'll become.

Embrace the community: Utilize React's extensive documentation, online forums, and tutorials. There's a wealth of knowledge and support available to guide you on your way.

Stay curious and explore: Don't be afraid to try new things, learn new libraries, and push the limits of what you can create with React. The web is your canvas and react is your brush.

So, go forth and create! This thorough manual has been your trusty companion on your "how to install react js in windows" journey. Now, with your newfound skills and a touch of imagination, you can develop websites that resonate deeply, engage fully, and inspire greatly. Do reflect, that the prospects for web design are luminous, and with KnowledgeHut React js course as your guide and React as your tool, you are perfectly positioned to shape that future.

Bonus Tip: Bookmark this guide as your trusty React companion. Refer back to it whenever you need a refresher or a confidence boost. Remember, the React community is always here to support you, so don't hesitate to reach out for help along the way. Happy coding!

How to Install & Setup React JS On Windows (2024)
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Name: Prof. An Powlowski

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Introduction: My name is Prof. An Powlowski, I am a charming, helpful, attractive, good, graceful, thoughtful, vast person who loves writing and wants to share my knowledge and understanding with you.