How to increase blog traffic: the ultimate guide for 2024 (2024)

Are you looking for ways to increase blog traffic, and increase your blog’s reach and engagement?

If you answered yes to any of the above, this detailed guide is for you.

In this article, we’ll discuss the benefits of increasing blog traffic, provide statistics, and give you tips to create a blog post that gets noticed.

We’ll also discuss various blog marketing tools, how to get traffic for free, and how to increase traffic. We’ll also provide some free blog creators that you can use to get your blogging career started.

Before we get started, it’s important to keep in mind

Find topics related to your product or industry that people SEARCH for!


One of the most important steps for any blogger is to find the right research topics that their audience will care about.

It is essential to understand what your audience is looking for so that you can provide them with the content that they need.

To gain an understanding of my audience’s interests, I always start by conducting research on the type of topics they are interested in.

This research can include surveys, interviews, and reading articles written by people who are part of my target audience. By doing so, I can get an idea of what my audience cares about and the topics that they are curious about.

Additionally, I like to look through my website analytics to see what type of content is being viewed and shared by my audience. This gives me a great indication of the research topics that my audience care about for my blog.

What’s on this page

  • Benefits of increasing blog traffic
  • Blog traffic statistics
  • 13 Tips to create a blog post that gets noticed
  • 8 steps for increasing blog traffic quickly
  • Blog marketing tools
  • Blog Directories
  • Email marketing
  • Conclusion

Benefits of increasing blog traffic

One of the biggest benefits of increasing blog traffic is that it helps you reach more people. As more people visit your blog, you’ll be able to share your message with a wider audience. This can help you build relationships with potential customers, as well as spread awareness about your brand.

Increasing blog traffic also gives you the opportunity to generate income from your blog. As your blog traffic increases, so is the potential for you to monetize. You can start by selling ad space, and eventually move on to affiliate marketing and other forms of monetization.

Another benefit of increasing blog traffic is that it helps to boost your SEO rankings. As more people visit your blog, search engines will recognize it as a valuable source of information and will rank it higher in the search engine results pages (SERPs).

This will help your blog to be more visible and accessible to more people.

Blog traffic statistics

  • It is estimated that there are more than 600 million blogs existing globally.
  • The projected amount of bloggers in the United States is 32.7 million.
  • Almost half of the web is based on WordPress.
  • 77% of people habitually read blogs online.
  • It usually takes successful bloggers 4 hours to compose a single post.
  • On a daily basis, about 7 million blog posts are published. 67% of bloggers who post everyday state that they are successful.
  • Blog pieces that are over 3000 words obtain optimal outcomes.
  • 97% of bloggers make use of social media to enhance their results.
  • 61% of internet users in the US have made a purchase after reading a blog.

Finally, the average blog post is shared on social media around 24 times. This means that if you want to increase blog traffic, you should make sure to share your blog post on social media platforms like Facebook, Twitter, and Instagram.

13 Tips for creating a blog post that gets noticed

1. Come up with an interesting and unique title

The best advice about writing great titles, I got from Josh Avnery – is “write a title that will make you want to rush out and read it.

If you’re not interested in the title, nobody else will be either.”

It’s sage advice because the title is what you should start with – before you write the post. And if you’ve written a compelling title, you’ll be excited to write the post

2. Write a compelling introduction

The most important part of writing a compelling introduction is to capture the reader’s attention.

A good way to do this is to create an intriguing first sentence, which will make the reader want to know more.

You can also use a quote, statistic, or analogy to create a thought-provoking introduction. You should also make sure the introduction is clear and concise, and that it conveys the purpose and main theme of the work.

3. Use visuals like images and videos

Videos are an effective way to grab attention and engage viewers. They can be used to explain complex concepts in a short time or to feature interviews or case studies.

Videos can also be used to showcase products or services, add an entertaining element to your content, or tell a story.

Images are also a great way to add visual appeal to your content. Use visuals like images and videos to illustrate points, show off your product or service, and draw attention to particular sections of your content.

You can also use images to create memorable and eye-catching designs. When used correctly, visuals like images and videos can be a powerful tool to build engagement with your content.

4. Use keywords throughout your blog post

Incorporating keywords is an essential part of successful content marketing. Not only do keywords help search engines determine the relevance of your content to a particular search query, but they also help guide readers to the information they need.

When you incorporate keywords into your content, not only will it improve your search engine optimization, but it will also increase the chances of readers finding and engaging with your content.

Additionally, it’s important to include a variety of different keywords; don’t just focus on the same ones. Incorporating a variety of long-tail keywords and short-tail keywords will help ensure that your content is optimized for the most relevant search queries.

5. Create content that is valuable and engaging

Creating content that is valuable and engaging should be a priority for any business or organization.

It is an essential part of any successful marketing strategy, helping to build relationships with customers, increase website traffic, and boost sales.

It’s important to create content that is valuable and engaging to ensure that your customers are receiving the best experience possible.

The first step in creating content that is valuable and engaging is to understand your target audience and their needs.

Take the time to research and analyze your customer base to determine what type of content they would find valuable and engaging.

This will help you create content that resonates with them and encourages them to keep coming back for more. When creating content, it’s important to keep your audience in mind.

Make sure the content is relevant to their interests and needs, and make sure the content is easy to understand. Choose topics that are interesting and entertaining, and focus on creating content that is informative and helpful.

6. Use stories and examples

Stories and examples are powerful tools for any communicator. They can help to make a point, illustrate a concept, and even inspire action.

By using storytelling marketing, we can make our message more meaningful and impactful. Stories can be used to evoke emotion and illustrate a point.

Examples can also be powerful tools for communication. Examples can help to highlight a concept and make it more concrete. They can also help to make complex ideas more understandable.

7. Link to other blog posts and sources

One of the best ways to drive traffic to your blog and keep readers engaged is to link to other blog posts and sources.

Linking to relevant content can add value to your blog and provide readers with additional information. It also helps to show that you are knowledgeable and up-to-date on the topic you are writing about.

By linking to other blog posts and sources, you can create a network of readers and followers, as people may be more likely to visit your blog if you link to their content.

When linking to other blog posts and sources, it is important to make sure the content you are linking to is relevant and of high quality. This will ensure that readers have a positive experience and are more likely to come back to your blog. Additionally, you should always include a brief summary of the content you are linking to so readers know what to expect.

This will help them decide whether or not to click through and read the content.

8. Make sure to include a call to action

There is no denying the importance of having a call to action in any marketing strategy. A call to action is a statement that encourages a person to take action towards achieving their goal.

It is the one thing that will make a potential customer take the desired action and make a purchase. Thus, businesses must make sure to include a call to action in their marketing campaigns.

A call to action could be anything from a simple phrase like “Sign up now” or a more elaborate statement like “Join us and enjoy the best offers”. It could also be something as simple as a button or a link to a page with more details. Whatever the call to action is, it should be concise and to the point.

9. Use bullet points and numbered lists

Make sure your text is tidy and organized with numbered lists and bullet points.

Using bullet points and numbered lists is a great way to organize information in a way that is easy to read and comprehend.

They are commonly used for blogs, presentations, emails, and other documents, and can help make a document look more professional.

  • Bullet points and numbered lists can help break up a long text and make it easier for the reader to find what they are looking for.
  • Numbered lists are used to express a set of related points in an ordered manner. They are commonly used to show the steps in a process or to list items in order of priority.

10. Break up your blog post into smaller paragraphs

Breaking up your blog post into smaller paragraphs is essential to make it easier to read and understandable.

Not only does it make your content better, but also provides your readers with an easy way to navigate through your content.

Breaking up your blog post into smaller paragraphs allows your readers to quickly scan through your content and find the information they are looking for.

It also helps to keep readers engaged and interested in your content. When writing a blog post, make sure to break up your content into smaller, bite-sized pieces that are easy to digest.

This will help to keep readers from getting overwhelmed by long chunks of text. Your blog post should be broken into short, concise paragraphs that focus on one idea at a time. This will make your blog post more readable and also make it easier for readers to find the information they need.

11. Use headings and subheadings

Headings and subheadings are important parts of any document or piece of writing. They provide structure, organization, and clarity to the reader. By using headings and subheadings, one can easily break down a complex topic into more digestible chunks.

This makes the material easier to comprehend and allows the reader to quickly find the information they are looking for. Headings and subheadings also help the reader scan the text quickly to find the main points and then delve deeper into the supporting information.

This is especially useful in long documents as it allows readers to quickly find the information they need without having to read the entire document.

Additionally, headings and subheadings also make the text look more organized and professional. When it comes to writing, it is important to use headings and subheadings to help structure and organize the content. For example, if one is writing an essay, one should use headings and subheadings to divide the essay into different sections.

This helps to keep the different points, arguments, and evidence separate and organized.

12. Make sure to proofread and edit your blog post

Making sure to proofread and edit your blog post is essential to ensure that your content looks professional and polished. As a blogger, you want to make sure to proofread and edit your blog post to be sure that your readers get the most out of your content.

You want to be sure that your blog post is free of errors, and that you are presenting your ideas in the best way possible. This can be done by reading your blog post aloud, as this can help you catch any mistakes that you may have missed. You can also use a spell checker to make sure that you have not made any spelling or grammar mistakes. Another important step in proofreading and editing your blog post is to make sure that your content is well structured.

You want to make sure that your blog post is organized and easy to follow so that your readers can find the information they are looking for. You can also make sure to proofread and edit your blog post for clarity. This means that you should make sure that your writing is concise and that your ideas are easy to understand.

13. Invite readers to leave comments and ask questions

Do you want to be a part of the conversation? We invite readers to leave comments and ask questions to help us form a two-way dialogue.

We believe that comments, questions, and feedback are crucial to making our content more engaging and meaningful.

We believe that inviting readers to leave comments and ask questions is a great way to connect, deepen our understanding of readers’ interests, and tailor content to their needs.

8 steps for increasing blog traffic quickly

If you want to increase blog traffic quickly, one of the best ways to do so is to create content that is valuable and engaging. Also, it is advised to use SEO strategies and leverage influencers and social media.

The following steps will walk you through some quick and easy strategies that will help you increase your blog traffic instantly.

1. Use SEO strategy & tools to optimize your blog posts

SEO stands for “search engine optimization”. To optimize your blog posts for search engines, you’ll need to ensure that your content is easily discoverable for relevant keywords.

There are a few different SEO strategies you can use to optimize your blog posts, including:

Keyword research

You’ll want to start by conducting keyword research to discover what terms your audience is using to search for information. Then, you can use those terms within your blog posts to increase your blog’s discoverability.

There are somegreat keyword research toolsyou should be using to make your life easier:

  • Ubersuggest
  • Buzzsumo
  • Google Keyword Planner
  • Google Trends

Content structure

To optimize your blog posts for SEO, you’ll want to make sure your content has a good structure. Remember, blogging isn’t just about writing posts. It’s about creating engaging content that’s easily shareable and linkable.

Image selection

Another important aspect of optimizing your blog posts for SEO is image selection. Make sure that you’re using relevant images in your blog posts.

2. Leverage social media

Social media is an easy and effective way to gain more blog traffic. It’s important to share your blog posts on social media. You don’t have to promote your blog posts religiously, but you should share them on a semi-regular basis.

You can post your blog posts on:


Use Buffer’s guide to create the perfect Facebook post to drive good results. Then post it to your business page and share it on your page. Digital marketing on Facebook can be a bonanza for increasing blog traffic!


To promote your blog post on Instagram, start by sharing your featured image. Then over the following days and weeks, share other images from your post to draw attention to it. You can also use Instagram Stories to create teasers, highlight your content, and add pins and unique posts.

Try using themes and hashtags to increase visibility and reach the right audience. Additionally, make sure to network with other bloggers and comment on posts to build your following and drive more traffic to your blog.

Use a smart insights guide to create a memorable Instagram post and promote your blog.

How to increase blog traffic: the ultimate guide for 2024 (1)


Pinterest is a social network that encourages you to become interested in a visual way. Since you’ve already created a great image for your post (and maybe even more than one), now’s the time to pin it to Pinterest and drive more traffic to your blog.

Learn how to create the perfect Pinterest profile with this guide.

How to increase blog traffic: the ultimate guide for 2024 (2)


With 320 million monthly users, Twitter is a very effective platform on which to share your content. And since Twitter rolled out its tweet performance analytics, you can now track the number of impressions, shares, and mentions your tweets receive.

You can use Wishpond’s guide to help you use Twitter to drive more traffic to your blog.


StumbleUpon is the travel-the-web-in-serendipity social platform that finds and recommends content you’ll love, based on your preferences. It’s a great platform to discover new content and can be an excellent source of targeted traffic if you know how to use it correctly.

How to increase blog traffic: the ultimate guide for 2024 (3)


With over 36 million users and 7.93 million pageviews a month, Reddit is an important platform to be a part of. What’s especially unique about Reddit is its tight community of users who are known to band together for a good cause. Start promoting your blog posts on Reddit!


You can also share your blog posts on LinkedIn if you feel that it fits your target audience.

It’s a good idea to mix other non-blogging-related content with your blog posts. This will help you to diversify your social media posts and avoid seeming like you’re only promoting your blog all the time.

You can also promote your blog posts in groups, on forums, and on other social media platforms.

How to increase blog traffic: the ultimate guide for 2024 (4)

Other social networking platforms to consider for blog exposure:

In addition to the social media platforms we’ve all heard of, there are many smaller platforms that are attracting more community-based engagement.

Joining these sites and becoming a contributing member (this means listening and engaging with more than just your own content), will also help you drive more content to your blog and increase your readers and subscribers. Assuming of course that the subject you’re writing about is relevant to the community.


Sure you’ve heard of BuzzFeed. But did you also know that BuzzFeed has a community you can be a part of? That doesn’t mean that just because you’ve written a blog post you should submit it to BuzzFeed. What it does mean is that if you’ve written a humorous post, shared cool stuff you’ve come across, or written a post in which you share some entertainment or social news, the BuzzFeed community might just be the place for you to post.

How to increase blog traffic: the ultimate guide for 2024 (5)


GrowthHackers is the online community that suits growth hackers and marketers who are writing high-quality articles about growth hacking, marketing channels, user acquisition, engagement, product launches, and more.

How to increase blog traffic: the ultimate guide for 2024 (6)


Quora is an incredible platform where you can ask a question and get an answer from the likes of Sheryl Sandberg. Beyond listening to the questions that are being asked (which is important to do on every social platform you’re on) and learning a ton from the answers, you can also be the professional that’s providing valuable insight.

How to increase blog traffic: the ultimate guide for 2024 (7)

3. Write long-form content

Long-form content is a great way to increase your blog traffic. Long-form content means that your blog posts are at least 2,000 words in length.

Blog posts that are longer than 2,000 words tend to rank higher in search engines in most cases.

Try to cover all aspects and answer all questions related to your blog post title.

4. Post frequently

The most popular opinion on publishing frequency says that posting frequently is better for traffic because the more you post, the more frequently search engines index your content. But that’s not to say that you must post 3-5 times a week.

A blog is like a cake batter – consistency is important. So whether you decide that what’s right for your blog is posting every day, or whether you decide to post only once a week, make sure you’re consistent about the day and time your post goes out. Your readers will begin expecting a post from you at those times, it’s important not to let them down.

One suggestion that will help you stick to your publishing schedule is an editorial calendar. Decide the subject of the posts you’re covering as well as the date and any other information that will help you meet your deadline.

How to increase blog traffic: the ultimate guide for 2024 (8)

5. Leverage influencers

Influencers are people with thousands (if not millions) of followers on social media.

You can use influencer marketing to promote your blog posts to their followers and drive plenty of traffic to your blog.

How can I get influencers to share my blog posts?

You can:

  • Ask influencers to share your blog posts
  • Ask influencers to review your blog posts.
  • Offer to review the influencer’s content in exchange for a shout-out
  • Ask the influencer to guest post on your blog.
  • You can also guest post on the influencer’s blog in exchange for a shout-out

And of course, you can always pay influencers and get a campaign up and running

6. Perform Interviews

Find interesting experts to connect with and speak to about the subject you’re blogging about. By reaching out to experts you can help people gain more insight and understanding about a subject they’re interested in.

In addition, the people you’re interviewing will be happy to share the interview with their fans and followers on social media, which will help you tap into a new source of traffic to your blog.

How to increase blog traffic: the ultimate guide for 2024 (9)

7. Write Reviews

Whatever it is you write about, there are no doubt products, websites, books, and podcasts that are related. Seek them out. Review them. Whether it’s a positive or negative review, share it. If it’s a positive review, they’ll most likely be excited to share it.

If it’s not so positive, but fair and honest, and provides insight on how it could be made better. They may listen and you could get a respectful dialogue going. If they don’t, you have lost nothing. Your readers will respect and appreciate your insight.

How to increase blog traffic: the ultimate guide for 2024 (10)

8. Write guest posts

Guest posting works two ways – accepting guest posts to your blog and writing guest posts for other people’s blogs. What should you do? Both.

By reaching out and inviting other talented bloggers to write a post for your blog, you can offer your readers a fresh point of view while providing your guest blogger with exposure to your audience.

It’s a situation where everybody wins, as long as you have clear guidelines about your target audience and the type of post you’re looking for.

By guest blogging on other blogs, you hook up with other writers in your niche, get your name out there, and gain more exposure. When guest blogging, it’s important to make sure you know who the target audience is and what the guidelines are.

Be a good guest poster and share your post with your readers as well as some kind words about the blog you’ve been featured on.

How to increase blog traffic: the ultimate guide for 2024 (11)

There are a variety of blog marketing tools that can help you increase blog traffic quickly. These tools can help you create content that is optimized for SEO, promote your blog on social media, and measure the success of your blog.

Some of the most popular blog marketing tools include Google Analytics, SEMrush, BuzzSumo, CoSchedule, and Yoast SEO.

  • Google Analytics is a great tool for tracking the success of your blog.
  • SEMrush is a great tool for keyword research and SEO optimization.
  • BuzzSumo is a great tool for finding popular content and influencers.
  • CoSchedule is a great tool for automating social media posts.
  • Yoast SEO is a great tool for optimizing your blog post for search engine rankings.
If you’re looking for free blog creators, there are a few options available:

One of the most popular free blog creators is WordPress.

  • WordPress is a great platform for creating a free blog, as it is easy to use and offers a variety of features and customization options. Additionally, WordPress also offers a variety of free themes and plugins.

How to increase blog traffic: the ultimate guide for 2024 (12)

  • Another popular free blog creator is Blogger. Blogger is a great platform for creating a free blog, as it is easy to use and offers a variety of features and customization options.

How to increase blog traffic: the ultimate guide for 2024 (13)

Finally, there are also a variety of other free blog creators such as Wix, Weebly, and Squarespace. Each of these platforms offers a variety of features and customization options, as well as free themes and plugins.

Blog Directories

Another great way to increase blog traffic is blog directories. For example, if you’re looking for a list of blogs on the subject of home improvement, a blog directory will help you focus on blogs that talk about just that.

Here’s a list of the top directories on which you should register your blog:

  • Ontoplist is a free directory that lists websites, blogs, and articles in order to make its content more easily searchable.
  • Blog Catalog is a free directory that’s enticing in both its beauty and registration simplicity. An added bonus is the directory doubles up as a community where you can meet other serious bloggers and engage with their content.
  • BlogFlux features over 157,000 blogs and is completely free. It’s certainly worth signing up here.
  • FuelMyBlog is another great free blog directory that also has a spam-free community of bloggers you’ll love to converse with.
  • Best of the Web is a well-respected directory that’s been around since 1994. Though not free, there are different pricing options that can make sense if you maintain a blog for your small business.
  • Blog Search Engine offers affordable packages to help you get more eyeballs on your blog. Their easy-to-use setup and helpful tips will entice you to make the most of your subscription.
  • Bloggapedia is another attractive blog directory that allows readers to easily engage with great blogs and their latest posts. Bloggapedia prides itself on posting information that will excite, entertain, inform, and even make your life easier. So if your site fits into those categories, this could be the blog directory for you.
  • BloggingFusion is a directory of over 12,000 active blogs in over 60 categories. You can choose to submit either your blog or an article – the price varies accordingly.

Grow blog traffic using email marketing

Email marketing allows you to send newsletters, automated emails, and other forms of marketing to your subscribers, who have opted-in to receive emails from your blog.

It helps to build relationships with your readers and allows you to target them with relevant and interesting content.

With B2C or B2B email marketing, you can increase the visibility of your blog posts, while also providing readers with valuable information they won’t find anywhere else.

When it comes to email marketing for promoting blog posts, the first step is to create an email list of your subscribers.

1. Your Email List

Grow your email list and send out your content in the form of an email or better yet, incorporate it into a fun and info-packed newsletter.

2. Your Email Signature

You may have never thought about it this way, but your email signature is a blogger’s dream come true.

Sure, you send out lots of emails a day, but when your email signature has the power to update itself with your latest blog post in tow, lots more people are going to be reading your latest blog post.

Click for: blogger email signature examples


Increasing blog traffic can provide numerous benefits such as increased reach and engagement, the potential to generate income, and improved SEO rankings.

To increase blog traffic quickly, you should create content that is valuable and engaging, optimize your content for SEO, promote your blog posts on social media, and engage with your readers. Additionally, there are a variety of blog marketing tools and free blog creators that you can use to help you get started.

So what are you waiting for? Start boosting your blog traffic now!

How to increase blog traffic: the ultimate guide for 2024 (2024)
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Author: Horacio Brakus JD

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Author information

Name: Horacio Brakus JD

Birthday: 1999-08-21

Address: Apt. 524 43384 Minnie Prairie, South Edda, MA 62804

Phone: +5931039998219

Job: Sales Strategist

Hobby: Sculling, Kitesurfing, Orienteering, Painting, Computer programming, Creative writing, Scuba diving

Introduction: My name is Horacio Brakus JD, I am a lively, splendid, jolly, vivacious, vast, cheerful, agreeable person who loves writing and wants to share my knowledge and understanding with you.