How to import SVGs into your Next.js apps - LogRocket Blog (2024)

Editor’s note: This guide to importing SVGs into your Next.js apps was last updated on 24 March 2023 to include new sections on the benefits of using SVGs and comparing the options for importing SVGs in Next.js. To learn more about SVGs, refer to our archives here.

How to import SVGs into your Next.js apps - LogRocket Blog (1)

Importing SVGs into Next.js apps is a common necessity with frontend projects today. With the level of support the SVG format has from a large proportion of libraries and its many benefits regarding scalability, performance, and flexibility, it’s important to know how to use them.

Though our primary focus will be on SVGs, most of the packages we will highlight in this post also apply to other image formats. We will additionally examine some common errors you may encounter when importing SVGs into your Next.js projects and how to remedy them. This article will explore the different methods you can use to import and use SVGs in a Next.js application. Let’s get started.

Jump ahead:

  • Understanding SVGs in Next.js
    • Benefits of using SVGs
  • How to import SVGs in Next.js
    • Embed SVGs using JSX syntax in a React component
    • How to load SVGs in Next.js using the next/image component
    • How to import SVGs in Next.js using the next-images package
    • How to import SVGs in Next.js using SVGR
    • How to load SVGs in Next.js using babel-plugin-inline-react-svg
    • How to use SVGs with the img tag
  • Comparing options for importing SVGs in Next.js

Understanding SVGs in Next.js

Scalable Vector Graphics, better known as SVGs, are among the most popular image formats because they are lightweight, scalable, and capable of animating. Despite the popularity of SVG images, their usage is not straightforward, particularly with frontend frameworks like React and Next.js, which use package bundlers. Consequently, it’s not uncommon to encounter different errors while attempting to import or use an SVG image in a Next.js or React application.

Benefits of using SVGs

As hinted above, SVGs are among the most popular image formats on the web today. As opposed to their raster image equivalents, vector images have immense benefits. Before we learn how to import SVGs in a Next.js application, let’s explore some of the benefits of using SVGs:

  • SVGs are lightweight: Vector-based images take less storage space and memory than bitmap images
  • They are animatable: It is possible to animate and manipulate SVGs using modern CSS and JavaScript
  • SVGs are scalable: SVGs are resolution independent. You can resize them without compromising image quality
  • They are accessible: SVGs are XML-based. You can add content inside the markup directly to increase accessibility
  • SVGs are SEO-friendly: SVGs are SEO-friendly because search engines like Google can search, index, and crawl them

With the above benefits, you must understand how to add them to your projects.

How to import SVGs in Next.js

Vercel, the company behind Next.js, provides a complete platform and a suite of software packages within its ecosystem for you to build and host full-stack applications using Next.js. For any problem you encounter while using Next.js, you will almost always find a solution within the Next.js ecosystem.

Every standard Next.js project comes with a built-in next/image component to work with images. You can use the next/image component for bitmap and vector images. Therefore, when using SVGs or other image formats in a Next.js application, the built-in next/image component will almost always be your first choice.

Though the built-in next/image component is highly performant and optimized, and is the recommended solution for SVGs and other image formats in Next.js, it is by no means the only solution. There are other methods of importing and using SVGs in Next.js if the built-in next/image component doesn’t work for you.

You can render your SVG image inline as a JSX element or import and render it using a third-party package. We will explore the different ways you can import and use SVGs in a Next.js application in this section.

Embed SVGs using JSX syntax in a React component

One of the easiest ways of using an SVG in a React component is to embed it inline. However, this requires you to convert the SVG elements to JSX syntax. There are several online tools for transforming an SVG image markup to JSX syntax — one such tool is SVGR.

SVGR converts the SVG to JSX syntax and wraps it in a React functional component, like so:

const TwitterIcon = ({ props }) => ( <svg xmlns="" width={48} height={48} {...props}> <linearGradient id="a" x1={10.341} x2={40.798} y1={8.312} y2={38.769} gradientUnits="userSpaceOnUse" > <stop offset={0} stopColor="#2aa4f4" /> <stop offset={1} stopColor="#007ad9" /> </linearGradient> <path fill="url(#a)" d="M46.105 ..." /> </svg>)

You may encounter the following error if you don’t convert your SVG to JSX syntax before embedding it in a React component, so always be sure to use a tool like SVGR:

How to import SVGs into your Next.js apps - LogRocket Blog (2)

You may also get the error below in Next.js instead of the above error:

How to import SVGs into your Next.js apps - LogRocket Blog (3)

How to load SVGs in Next.js using the next/image component

The next/image component is the de facto component for loading and rendering images — including SVGs — in Next.js. This component efficiently loads and renders images and can optimize your images for faster page loading, performance, and visual stability. It is an extension of the HTML image element.

If you have set up a Next.js application using the Create React App command line tool, the next/image component should be available for your application. With local SVG images, you can import and use the next/image component as in the example below:

import Image from 'next/image';import twitterIcon from "../../public/images/twitter-icon.svg";const App = () => ( <div> <Image priority src={twitterIcon} alt="Follow us on Twitter" /> </div>);

You don’t need to specify the width and height props because Next.js will determine their values out of the box. On the other hand, for remote images, the src property should be an absolute or relative URL string. You should set the height and width properties like in the example below:

import Image from 'next/image';const App = () => ( <div> <Image priority src="/images/twitter-icon.svg" height={32} width={32} alt="Follow us on Twitter" /> </div>);

As you use the next/image component, be aware that Next.js serves static assets, such as images from a public directory in your project’s root directory. Therefore, in the example above, the twitter-icon.svg file must be in the images directory in your public directory.

Next.js will import the icon and render it in the browser like the image below:

How to import SVGs into your Next.js apps - LogRocket Blog (4)

You can pass several props to the next/image component. Check the next/imagecomponent documentation for a complete list of the required and optional props. In this section, our focus is on using the next/image component to import and render SVGs in a Next.js application.

There are several features of the next/image component and image optimization techniques in Next.js that we haven’t explored in this article. Check the Next.js documentation to learn more about them.

How to import SVGs in Next.js using the next-images package

The next-images package is a third-party package for importing images in Next. You can use it instead of the built-in next/image component described above. With next-images, you can load images from your local machine or CDN. In addition, you can also use it to embed images with small bundle sizes in Base64 encoding and cache images by adding a content hash to image names. Like any other npm package, install next-images from the npm package registry using the following command:

# NPMnpm install next-images# Yarnyarn add next-images

After installation, create a next.config.js file at the root of your project directory and add the following basic configuration:

const withImages = require('next-images');module.exports = withImages(); 

After adding the necessary configuration to the next.config.js file, as described above, you can import the SVG into your component and render it, as shown here:

import twitterIcon from "./twitter-icon.svg";const App = () => <img src={twitterIcon} alt="Follow us on Twitter" />;

When using the next-images package, you can load images from a file in your project directory or a CDN. Unlike the built-in next/images component and other third-party packages, the next-images package doesn’t support image optimization techniques such as compression and resizing out-of-the-box.

How to import SVGs in Next.js using SVGR

As previously mentioned, SVGR is a third-party package for converting an SVG image to a React component. Several popular React project template creators, like Create React App, actually use SVGR under the hood. Install it as a development dependency to start importing SVGs as React components in your Next.js application:

# NPMnpm install --save-dev @svgr/webpack# Yarn yarn add --dev @svgr/webpack

After installation, create a next.config.js file at the root of your project directory and add the following basic webpack configuration:

module.exports = { webpack(config) { config.module.rules.push({ test: /\.svg$/i, issuer: /\.[jt]sx?$/, use: ['@svgr/webpack'], }) return config },}

You can now import the SVG as a React component and render it in your Next.js application. Here’s how that should look:

import TwitterIcon from "./twitter-icon.svg";const Example = () => <TwitterIcon />; 

How to load SVGs in Next.js using babel-plugin-inline-react-svg

Instead of importing SVG images using the SVGR package as in the previous sub-section, it is also possible to use a Babel plugin to achieve the same effect. To start using babel-plugin-inline-react-svg, install it as a development dependency from the npm package registry using this command:

npm i -D babel-plugin-inline-react-svg

After installation, create a .babelrc or babel.config.json configuration file at the root of your project directory. You can copy and paste the code from the block below into it. If you have a Babel configuration file, Next.js will treat it as the ultimate source of truth.

An ordinary Next.js project setup using Create React App will include the built-in next/babel preset. Because Next.js will treat a .babelrc or babel.config.json file at the root of your project directory as the primary source of information, it must have everything you will need — including those that Next.js needs. Refer to the following code:

{ "presets": ["next/babel"], "plugins": ["inline-react-svg"]}

After you’ve done this, you can import SVG images as React components and render them in your Next.js application:

import TwitterIcon from "./twitter-icon.svg";const Example = () => <TwitterIcon />; 

How to use SVGs with the img tag

The simplest way of using SVGs in a React or Next application is the img tag, as in a regular HTML file. However, as hinted above, Next.js looks for static assets like images in the public directory in your application’s root directory. Be sure all the images you want to bundle with your application are in the public directory at build time.

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You can also host the image on a different server and reference it using the image URL. The usage of the <img/> tag in Next.js is similar to the usage of the HTML img element. The src and alt attributes are required, as shown below:

<img src="public/twitter-icon.svg" alt="Follow us on Twitter" />

Comparing options for importing SVGs in Next.js

Next.js has excellent built-in functionality for loading and rendering several image formats, including SVGs. The next/image component is an extension of the HTML image element. It loads images efficiently while also offering inbuilt performance optimizations, and using next-image results in faster page loads and improved performance.

Therefore, the built-in next/image component has all the features you need to load and render SVGs efficiently in a Next.js application. It is part of any Next application created using the Create React App command line tool.

As mentioned above, you can also embed SVGs inline. However, embedded SVGs make React components difficult to read and maintain. They can increase the size of your React component, and you miss the benefits of the built-in next/image component.

You can also explore the third-party options I have highlighted in this article. As hinted above, when using the next-images package, it is possible to use Base64 encoding to reduce HTTP requests. However, next-images doesn’t perform inbuilt image optimization and compression like the built-in next/image component.

You should also be aware of the downsides of using third-party packages in your application. They add an extra bundle to your application, which you can avoid by using next/image. You also need to consider the long-term maintenance, security, and licensing requirements of a third-party package. Use a third-party package only if it has features that don’t exist natively.


I hope this article has demonstrated the various methods for importing and using SVGs and images in Next.js applications. The built-in next/image component has all the features you need to efficiently import and use images in a Next.js application.

If the built-in next/image component doesn’t meet your needs, you can also explore the third-party packages highlighted above. However, always carefully consider the maintenance, security, and licensing of third-party packages before using them in your project. Leave a comment in the comments section below if I have missed anything or about your own experiences importing and using SVGs!

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I am an expert in web development and have extensive knowledge of Next.js and SVGs. My expertise is demonstrated through hands-on experience in working with various frontend projects, including those involving Next.js and SVG integration. I've encountered and successfully resolved issues related to importing and using SVGs in Next.js applications, making me well-equipped to provide valuable insights and guidance on this topic.

Now, let's delve into the key concepts covered in the article:

1. Understanding SVGs in Next.js:

  • SVG Overview: Scalable Vector Graphics (SVGs) are lightweight, scalable, and animatable image formats widely used on the web.
  • Challenges: SVG usage in frontend frameworks like React and Next.js can pose challenges due to package bundlers.

2. Benefits of using SVGs:

  • Lightweight: SVGs consume less storage space and memory compared to bitmap images.
  • Animatable: Modern CSS and JavaScript enable animation and manipulation of SVGs.
  • Scalable: SVGs are resolution-independent, allowing resizing without loss of quality.
  • Accessible: Being XML-based, SVGs support direct markup content addition for increased accessibility.
  • SEO-friendly: Search engines can search, index, and crawl SVGs.

3. How to import SVGs in Next.js:

  • Built-in next/image Component: Utilizes the next/image component for efficient loading, rendering, and optimization of SVGs. Default choice in a Next.js project.
  • Inline SVGs using JSX: Embed SVGs in React components using JSX syntax, converting SVG elements with tools like SVGR.
  • Using next-images Package: A third-party package for importing images, including SVGs, with additional features like Base64 encoding.
  • SVGR Package: Converts SVGs to React components, offering flexibility in importing SVGs in a Next.js application.
  • Babel-plugin-inline-react-svg: Another option for importing SVGs using a Babel plugin.

4. Comparing Options:

  • Pros of next/image Component: Built-in, optimized for performance, recommended by Next.js. Efficiently loads and renders images.
  • Considerations for Third-party Packages: Potential downsides include extra bundle size, maintenance, security, and licensing considerations.

5. Conclusion:

  • Recommendation: The built-in next/image component is the preferred choice for efficiently importing and using images, including SVGs, in Next.js applications.
  • Third-party Considerations: If the default solution doesn't meet requirements, explore third-party options cautiously, considering factors like maintenance, security, and licensing.

This comprehensive guide covers the nuances of working with SVGs in Next.js, providing developers with a thorough understanding and practical insights.

How to import SVGs into your Next.js apps - LogRocket Blog (2024)


How to use SVG Sprite in NextJS? ›

How to use an SVG sprite sheet?
  1. Importing the sprite sheet and use the import instead of the path ( \ /icons/icons-master. svg#...``) ...
  2. Remove any variables in the <use /> tag, just to try.
  3. Used different paths, like /public/icons/icons-master. ...
  4. Set disableStaticImages to true, inside next.config.js, like so:
Sep 8, 2023

How to link local SVG in HTML? ›

The quick way: img element

To embed an SVG via an <img> element, you just need to reference it in the src attribute as you'd expect. You will need a height or a width attribute (or both if your SVG has no inherent aspect ratio). If you have not already done so, please read Images in HTML.

How to import SVG from public folder in React? ›

Setting this up is made easier by Create React App (CRA), which handles the configurations behind the scenes. To use this approach, create an assets folder in the /src directory of the React project and add and add an SVG file to it. Here, we imported the SVG file and passed it as the src prop of a <img> tag.

Does Nextjs optimize SVG? ›

The default loader does not optimize SVG images for a few reasons. First, SVG is a vector format meaning it can be resized losslessly. Second, SVG has many of the same features as HTML/CSS, which can lead to vulnerabilities without proper Content Security Policy (CSP) headers.

How to add SVG dynamically? ›

Dynamically adding an SVG style element

To dynamically create an SVG style element ( SVGStyleElement ), you need to use Document. createElementNS() , specifying a style element in the SVG namespace. Note: Document. createElement() can't be used to create SVG style elements (it returns an HTMLStyleElement ).

How to import SVG in Next? ›

With local SVG images, you can import and use the next/image component as in the example below: import Image from 'next/image'; import twitterIcon from "../../public/images/twitter-icon. svg"; const App = () => ( <div> <Image priority src={twitterIcon} alt="Follow us on Twitter" /> </div> );

How to import SVG file? ›

SVG images can be written directly into the HTML document using the <svg> </svg> tag. To do this, open the SVG image in VS code or your preferred IDE, copy the code, and paste it inside the <body> element in your HTML document.

How to get SVG code from SVG file? ›

Once you have your SVG file, you can open it in a text editor such as Sublime Text or Atom. From here, you can simply copy the code and paste it into your HTML document. Remember to add the appropriate < p >,< b > and < u > tags where applicable.

How to import an image in React JS? ›

You can follow these steps to import local images to a React component and loop through them:
  1. Create an images folder and put your images inside this folder.
  2. Import each image file into your component file using import statements. You can define each imported image as a variable.

How to make SVG responsive in React? ›

Making SVG Images Responsive in React

In React, you can make an SVG image responsive by controlling its width and height using CSS. To make an SVG image responsive, you first need to ensure that the SVG has a viewBox attribute.

How to show an image in React JS? ›

Displaying an Image in ReactJS

In HTML, we use the <img> tag to display an image. The source of the image is defined with the src attribute. In React, we use the same <img> tag, and we can set the src attribute to a URL just like we would in HTML.

How do I use SVG sprites? ›

How to use SVG sprites. After creating your sprite file, place it in your project's assets folder. Define a class in CSS for using the sprite as a background image, and then create specific classes for each icon, indicating their size and position. Nucleo auto-generates these classes, simplifying the process.

How to use SVG animation in next js? ›

Next supports SVG out of the box. Just add your svg to the public folder, as explained in Next. js' documentation, and use it in the object tag like so: const Index = () => ( <div> <object type="image/svg+xml" data="/animated.

How to use SVG sprite in Vue? ›

Overall usage
  1. Use inline SVG spritesheet or an external SVG file.
  2. Use symbol attribute (or directive expression) to get the right <symbol>
  3. Use size attribute for viewBox , width and height ( <svg> ) Comma or space separated values. ...
  4. Use url attribute to override global option value.
  5. Options (with plugin use):
Oct 4, 2021

How do you embed SVG directly? ›

SVG images can be written directly into the HTML document using the <svg> </svg> tag. To do this, open the SVG image in VS code or your preferred IDE, copy the code, and paste it inside the <body> element in your HTML document. If you did everything correctly, your webpage should look exactly like the demo below.

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