How to Go Viral on Twitter (10 Easy Strategies) - RafflePress (2024)

Written By:How to Go Viral on Twitter (10 Easy Strategies) - RafflePress (1)Stacey Corrin

How to Go Viral on Twitter (10 Easy Strategies) - RafflePress (2)Stacey Corrin

Stacey has been writing about WordPress and digital marketing for over 10 years and on other topics for much longer. Alongside this, she's fascinated with web design, user experience, and SEO.

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Reviewed By:How to Go Viral on Twitter (10 Easy Strategies) - RafflePress (3)John Turner

How to Go Viral on Twitter (10 Easy Strategies) - RafflePress (4)John Turner

John Turner is the co-founder of RafflePress. He has over 20+ years of business and development experience and his plugins have been downloaded over 25 million times.

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Do you want to learn how to go viral on Twitter?

With the huge popularity of platforms like Instagram and TikTok, it’s easy to think marketing on Twitter is a waste of time. But the truth is, Twitter is far from dead. And with many accounts still going viral, it’s easy to see the potential it has to drive traffic and raise awareness for your business.

In this article, we’ll show you how to go viral on Twitter using strategies even beginners can get to grips with.

But first, what does it mean to go viral?

What Is a Viral Tweet?

A viral tweet is a post shared by a large number of people quickly. While there are no hard rules defining a viral tweet, it’s considered viral if it has hundreds of thousands of retweets, Twitter likes, and replies.

Tweets can go viral for many reasons. They could raise awareness of an issue, spark debates, or even be super-funny. The common theme among all of them, however, is that they prompt Twitter users to react in a way that spreads the word.

How to Go Viral on Twitter

So how do you get your tweets noticed? Let’s find out below our best strategies for going viral on Twitter.

  • 1. Host a Giveaway
  • 2. Ask for Retweets
  • 3. Perfectly Time Your Tweets
  • 4. Write Engaging Headlines
  • 5. Tweet More Links
  • 7. Use Hashtags to Go Viral on Twitter
  • 8. Tweet Newsworthy Topics
  • 9. Inject Humor into Your Tweets
  • 10. Tell a Personal Story
  • 11. Leave Space for Replies

1. Host a Giveaway

One of the best ways to make your tweets go viral is to run a Twitter giveaway. Not only do people go wild for freebies, but contests can also boost your reach to thousands of Twitter users in a short space of time too.

To run a giveaway on Twitter, give RafflePress a try. It’s a powerful WordPress plugin with all the tools you need to make viral Twitter contests.

How to Go Viral on Twitter (10 Easy Strategies) - RafflePress (5)

And if you combine the built-in social media giveaway templates with powerful refer-a-friend actions, you stand a real chance of reaching that all-important viral status.

How to Go Viral on Twitter (10 Easy Strategies) - RafflePress (6)

2. Ask for Retweets

If you’re new to Twitter, the best way to get noticed is to ask for engagement. There’s no need to be shy.

Asking for retweets tells your followers what you need from them, which makes it more likely they’ll follow through with the task.

How to Go Viral on Twitter (10 Easy Strategies) - RafflePress (7)

In fact, tweets that include the following words tend to be retweeted more than others:

  • Please
  • Retweet
  • Help
  • How to
  • Check out
  • Please retweet

So including them in your updates can boost their reach.

But there’s also another reason why asking people to retweet can work so well.

Let’s say your message looks like this:

“Here’s the complete beginner’s guide to going viral on Twitter. Please retweet!”

Every person sharing your tweet will be asking their followers to retweet, too, since it’s in the original tweet. So each retweet asks for another retweet, and before you know it, your update is being shared with thousands of Twitter users.

How to Go Viral on Twitter (10 Easy Strategies) - RafflePress (8)

3. Perfectly Time Your Tweets

The time of your Twitter updates plays a big part in their success too.

Imagine this: you’ve written a killer piece of content and sent out a tweet linking to it. But nothing happens. Not a single like or share.

What went wrong?

It wasn’t because your content wasn’t great or because you didn’t ask nicely for a retweet. It’s down to no one being around and your message getting buried in the feed.

The most active Twitter accounts follow thousands of people, so you need to find a way to get their attention when it matters. And the best way to do this is to tweet at the times they’re active.

You can master your timing by looking at your Twitter Analytics to see when your followers are around.

Go to Twitter Analytics » Tweets and hover over the columns on the graph to find the days when your tweets get the most impressions.

How to Go Viral on Twitter (10 Easy Strategies) - RafflePress (9)

But if you’d like a more detailed breakdown, OptinMonster researched the best times to post on Twitter and came up with the following results:

How to Go Viral on Twitter (10 Easy Strategies) - RafflePress (10)
  • 11 am to 1 pm EST on Monday or Thursday for B2B.
  • 12 pm or 1 pm Monday to Wednesday for B2C.

But none of that is helpful if you don’t give people a reason to engage, which we’ll tackle next.

4. Write Engaging Headlines

No-ones going to read your Tweet if you can’t grab their attention and stop them from scrolling past. This means they definitely won’t click through or share it either.

Take a look at the following tweet headlines and think about which one you’d rather click:

  1. How to get more Twitter shares
  2. How to Go Viral on Twitter Using 10 Easy Strategies

Example 1 tells you how to get more shares, while example 2 will show you exactly how to go viral with 10 tips.

As you can see, the more compelling you make the body of your tweets, the more chance you have of getting users to engage.

How to Go Viral on Twitter (10 Easy Strategies) - RafflePress (11)

A good rule of thumb is to use your article title as your tweet headline. This is because you’ve already spent time writing an enticing headline for your post. So a few tweaks can make it ready to use on Twitter too.

5. Tweet More Links

Another way to improve your chances of going viral on Twitter is to include more links in your updates.

Many studies have shown that news articles and instructional updates are the types of content people retweet the most. Therefore this means tweets linking to an online resource or news have a higher chance of being retweeted.

So it’s no surprise that research by Microsoft on the Conversational Aspects of Retweeting showed that 52% of samples included a URL.

How to Go Viral on Twitter (10 Easy Strategies) - RafflePress (12)

As a result, if you want a greater chance of going viral, include a link in your tweet.

7. Use Hashtags to Go Viral on Twitter

Hashtags are also pretty effective at improving the reach (and viral power) of your tweets.

The idea behind hashtags is that they group tweets together around a certain topic to make them easier to find. Then you can add them to your updates to get more people looking at and engaging with your content.

You can find trending hashtags on Twitter by taking a look at the trending section. And you can customize the view by location.

How to Go Viral on Twitter (10 Easy Strategies) - RafflePress (13)

Alternatively, you can choose a topic that makes sense to add to your updates. For example, if we’re tweeting about content marketing, we might include the hashtag #contentmarketing or #marketing.

But don’t make the mistake of including too many hashtags in your tweets. This can confuse users and put them off. 1-2 hashtags per tweet are the most you should use on Twitter.

How to Go Viral on Twitter (10 Easy Strategies) - RafflePress (14)

8. Tweet Newsworthy Topics

As we mentioned earlier, some of the most popular tweets that tend to go viral are newsworthy topics. News and current affairs are at the top of people’s minds, so they are more likely to generate interest because of their timely nature.

Take a look at the current news and see if you can use it in your own updates, especially if it’s relevant to your field of interest.

How to Go Viral on Twitter (10 Easy Strategies) - RafflePress (15)

For example, fintech businesses can share news about cryptocurrencies and finance that their followers would find interesting or helpful.

9. Inject Humor into Your Tweets

Using humor in your tweets can also be a great way to start a viral Twitter thread. In fact, some of the most viral tweets include an element of humor, and they don’t have to be super complex either.

How to Go Viral on Twitter (10 Easy Strategies) - RafflePress (16)

In this example, the account is run by a coder who knows the pain of appearing on page 2 of Google search results, something many like-minded people can relate to and see the funny side of.

How to Go Viral on Twitter (10 Easy Strategies) - RafflePress (17)

While this one uses a video to illustrate their point, resulting in a tweet with thousands of shares and hundreds of thousands of likes.

10. Tell a Personal Story

If you really want to write a viral tweet, you can’t go wrong by telling a personal story. Making your tweets more personal rather than entirely informational can produce better results.

Here are a few ways you can write personal stories to link to your own content:

  • A few years ago, I couldn’t find the right way to get in front of a new audience. So I created a way: [link]
  • I always struggled with writing the perfect tweet. Until I found discovered this hack: [link]
  • We found running giveaways on WordPress super hard. So we make this tool: [link]

When marketing coach Steve Slaunwhite used this approach, he found he got more than 2 and a half times as many clicks as other methods. He also got more likes and retweets too.

11. Leave Space for Replies

Even though the maximum character limit for Twitter has increased to 280, it’s still challenging to keep your tweets short. How else will you include everything you need to say?

But the truth is, the shorter your tweets are, the better. The best tweets are around 110 characters or less. This is because they leave room to include mentions, hashtags, and links.

How to Go Viral on Twitter (10 Easy Strategies) - RafflePress (18)

And as we’ve discovered in this article, including those elements can boost engagement, increase your reach and help your tweets go viral.

So there you have it. Today you’ve learned how to go viral on Twitter. All you need to do now is put it all together and start posting viral tweets.

But if you want even more tips for increasing engagement on Twitter, check this guide out.

And while you’re here, why not visit our YouTube channel? You can also follow us on Twitter and Facebook.

How to Go Viral on Twitter (10 Easy Strategies) - RafflePress (19)

Stacey CorrinWriter

Stacey has been writing about WordPress and digital marketing for over 10 years and on other topics for much longer. Alongside this, she's fascinated with web design, user experience, and SEO.

See Full Bio

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How to Go Viral on Twitter (10 Easy Strategies) - RafflePress (20)How to Go Viral on Twitter (10 Easy Strategies) - RafflePress (21)

Disclosure:Our content is reader-supported. This means if you click on some of our links, then we may earn a commission. We only recommend products that we believe will add value to our readers.

How to Go Viral on Twitter (10 Easy Strategies) - RafflePress (2024)


How to Go Viral on Twitter (10 Easy Strategies) - RafflePress? ›

Types of Twitter giveaways you can do

Retweet giveaways: a random prize draw for all the users that retweet your promotional post. You can also suggest users to become a followers before the draw. Reply giveaways: reward all those that reply to your giveaway tweet by entering them into a random prize draw.

How to make your tweet go viral? ›

Go viral on Twitter with easy tips and great tools
  1. Choose a topic that resonates with your audience.
  2. Craft a compelling message.
  3. Don't be afraid of being funny.
  4. Include visuals.
  5. Use hashtags.
  6. Tag influencers or brands.
  7. Include links.
  8. Time your tweet for maximum exposure.

How do you do a raffle on Twitter? ›

Types of Twitter giveaways you can do

Retweet giveaways: a random prize draw for all the users that retweet your promotional post. You can also suggest users to become a followers before the draw. Reply giveaways: reward all those that reply to your giveaway tweet by entering them into a random prize draw.

What makes you go viral on Twitter? ›

To see your tweets go viral, it's important to be relatable. Try to think of content that resonates with your followers and appeals to a wide range of people. Keep your language casual and use humor whenever possible. Share stories about yourself or your experiences that others can relate to.

How do you master the Twitter algorithm? ›

5 Tips to Beat Twitter (X)'s Algorithm
  1. Optimize Your Content. ...
  2. Focus on Real-Time Engagement. ...
  3. Encourage Meaningful Interactions. ...
  4. Diversify Your Tweets. ...
  5. Avoid Putting Links in Main Tweet. ...
  6. Analyze and Adapt.
Mar 20, 2024

How to write tweets that get attention? ›

How can you write Twitter posts that grab your audience's...
  1. Know your purpose.
  2. Write concisely. Be the first to add your personal experience.
  3. Write creatively. Be the first to add your personal experience.
  4. Write visually.
  5. Write strategically.
  6. Write authentically. ...
  7. Here's what else to consider.
Mar 15, 2024

How does RafflePress work? ›

How does RafflePress Work?
  1. Enter Giveaway. Website visitors must use their email to enter the giveaway. Benefit: Grow Your Email List.
  2. Viral Sharing. Visitors are incentivized to share the giveaway. Benefit: Increased Engagement.
  3. Supercharged Growth. Word-of-mouth helps you get more traffic, FASTER!

How do you pay to grow Twitter followers? ›

Bulkoid is the best site to buy Twitter followers. With their help, your profile can get more traction and reach worldwide followers more easily. From Bulkoid, you can buy Twitter followers starting at $5 for 100 followers. Customer satisfaction is Bulkoid's number one priority.

How do you write a raffle post? ›

How to Write a Post to Launch a Sweepstakes on Facebook
  1. Decide how to select the winners. ...
  2. Start with a Call to Action.
  3. Describe the prize first.
  4. State dates and duration.
  5. Explain the participation requirements clearly.
  6. Add an image.
  7. Don't forget the link to the Terms and Conditions.
  8. Encourage people to share the post.
Feb 13, 2023

How do you make a viral tweet with no followers? ›

Create eye-catching visuals

When designing your visuals, make sure they are clear and concise and explain the content of your tweet. Additionally, including relevant hashtags in the caption can help increase the visibility of your tweet and reach a wider audience.

What are the best hashtags to use on Twitter? ›

The 100 Best Hashtags
  • #music.
  • #beach.
  • #followforfollow.
  • #bestoftheday.
  • #sky.
  • #ootd.
  • #sunset.
  • #dogYou can't go wrong basing your post, contest or promotion on pets. Dog owners and dog lovers gush over adorable pup photos, helping your contest's shareability.

What is the best time to tweet? ›

At a glance: The best times to post on Twitter/X for each day of the week
  • Monday: 4 a.m., 11 a.m., and 4 p.m.
  • Tuesday: 9 a.m., 11 a.m., and 4. ...
  • Wednesday: 12 p.m., 3 p.m. and 4 p.m.
  • Thursday: 12 a.m., 10 a.m., and 11 a.m.
  • Friday: 12 a.m., 11 a.m., and 1 p.m.
  • Saturday: 8 p.m., 9 p.m., and 10 p.m.
Feb 26, 2024

How to trend on Twitter quickly? ›

To trend on Twitter, you need to utilize the power of hashtags effectively. Research trending hashtags within your niche or industry and incorporate them into your tweets where relevant. But remember, don't overdo it – using too many hashtags can make your tweets look spammy and turn off potential followers.

What is the best strategy for Twitter? ›

Let's dive in.
  1. Set Goals to Get the Most Out of Twitter. ...
  2. Review Your Analytics to Better Understand Your Audience & Content. ...
  3. Determine Your Best Times to Post & How Often You'll Tweet. ...
  4. Start Creating Content That Will Appeal to Your Target Audience. ...
  5. Use Keywords and Hashtags to Boost Discoverability.

Why do my tweets get no views? ›

The majority of your followers don't check Twitter on a daily basis. The ones that DO average just 60 seconds on the platform each day! The half-life of a Tweet is incredibly short, and it doesn't have much time to find its audience before it gets buried in the timeline.

How many views does it take to go viral on a tweet? ›

Twitter differs slightly from other social media platforms since tweets can go viral even with just a few likes and retweets. However, tweets that get tens of thousands of likes and retweets are often considered viral, and can reach millions of people in a short time.

Can any tweet go viral? ›

Moreover, it is important to note that in order to be classified as a viral tweet, a tweet must also capture a broader audience than just your own Twitter followers. Here is what a viral tweet would look like. You plan a giveaway to attract followers and make a post on Twitter.

How can I boost my tweets? ›

How to increase your reach
  1. Go to your profile. ...
  2. Find the post you'd like to promote.
  3. Click or tap the View post activity icon.
  4. Click or tap Promote your post.
  5. The first time you promote a post, provide the following information:

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Author: Golda Nolan II

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Views: 5767

Rating: 4.8 / 5 (78 voted)

Reviews: 85% of readers found this page helpful

Author information

Name: Golda Nolan II

Birthday: 1998-05-14

Address: Suite 369 9754 Roberts Pines, West Benitaburgh, NM 69180-7958

Phone: +522993866487

Job: Sales Executive

Hobby: Worldbuilding, Shopping, Quilting, Cooking, Homebrewing, Leather crafting, Pet

Introduction: My name is Golda Nolan II, I am a thoughtful, clever, cute, jolly, brave, powerful, splendid person who loves writing and wants to share my knowledge and understanding with you.