How to Get Rid of New Paint Smell With Natural Products (2024)


Cleaning How-Tos


Mary Marlowe Leverette

How to Get Rid of New Paint Smell With Natural Products (1)

Mary Marlowe Leverette

Mary Marlowe Leverette is one of the industry's most highly-regarded housekeeping and fabric care experts, sharing her knowledge on efficient housekeeping, laundry, and textile conservation. She is also a Master Gardener with over 40+ years of experience and 20+ years of writing experience. Mary is also a member of The Spruce Gardening and Plant Care Review Board.

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Updated on 07/02/24

Reviewed by

Deane Biermeier

How to Get Rid of New Paint Smell With Natural Products (2)

Reviewed byDeane Biermeier

Deane Biermeier is an expert contractor with nearly 30 years of experience in all types of home repair, maintenance, and remodeling. He is a certified lead carpenter and also holds a certification from the EPA. Deane is a member of The Spruce's Home Improvement Review Board.

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Fact checked by

Jillian Dara

How to Get Rid of New Paint Smell With Natural Products (3)

Fact checked byJillian Dara

Jillian is a freelance journalist with 10 years of editorial experience in the lifestyle genre. She is a writer and fact checker for TripSavvy, as well as a fact-checker for The Spruce.

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How to Get Rid of New Paint Smell With Natural Products (4)

In This Article

  • Duration of Fumes

  • Reducing Fumes

  • Prevention

  • FAQ

Lingering fumes can be irritating when painting a fresh coat of paint on the walls. The best way to get rid of the paint smell is to ventilate the room by opening windows and doors. Household supplies can also naturally absorb paint odors.

Here are tips to get rid of the paint smell with common, eco-friendly products.


Most paints, like water-based paints, are safe. Solvent-based or oil-based paints may cause more irritation to the eyes, skin, and respiratory tract than water-based paints. No evidence shows paint fumes harm those who are pregnant or the fetus, but such individuals are advised to limit their exposure to fresh paint fumes.

How Long Do Paint Fumes Last?

Fumes are usually noticeable with water-based paints for up to three to four days. It may be a few days longer, depending on the paint, like oil-based or solvent-based paints.

Rooms that have limited ventilation or intense sunlight streaming into the room can intensify fumes and may make them linger for months.


Use odor-removal methods as soon as you start painting. Tackle fumes from the start to stop them from overwhelming the room and lasting longer than they have to.

12 Natural Ways to Reduce Paint Smell

  1. Place Baking Soda Around the Room

    Baking sodaabsorbs odors in the laundry and refrigerator and can also capture paint fumes. Pour the powder into shallow bowls and place them all around the room.

    If the paint odor lingers, sprinkle some baking soda on the room's carpet and upholstered furniture and leave it overnight. Vacuum away the powder and the odors in the morning.


    Dispose of the baking soda by incrementally pouring it down the drain or garbage disposal to refresh your plumbing. Go slow; too much at once might have the opposite effect and gunk up the works.

    How to Get Rid of New Paint Smell With Natural Products (5)

  2. Put Onions in the Room

    It may be a toss-up on whether smelling the fumes or the onions is worse, but the vegetable's smell is more natural, and you may like the pungent aroma.

    Slice two medium onions and place the pieces in saucers around the room. Never use these for cooking when the job is over because they may have absorbed volatile organic compounds (VOCs).

    How to Get Rid of New Paint Smell With Natural Products (6)

  3. Use Activated Charcoal

    Activated charcoal is an excellent odor reducer. You can purchase it in small pouches or a crushed formula and place it in bowls around the room. Use the leftovers tomake sachetsto stick in smelly shoes.

    How to Get Rid of New Paint Smell With Natural Products (7)

  4. Leave Out Bowls of Lemon Water

    Water will absorb VOCs on its own, but adding some slices offresh lemon juicewill give off a clean citrus scent that is even more refreshing. Water takes a bit longer to absorb odors, so plan to leave the bowls of lemon water in the room overnight.

    How to Get Rid of New Paint Smell With Natural Products (8)

  5. Fill Bowls With Dry Coffee Grounds

    Bowls of dry coffee grounds can effectively absorb the paint fumes. And fortunately, many people love the smell of coffee. However, never use these coffee grounds after they've been used as an odor absorber; dispose of them when you're done.

    How to Get Rid of New Paint Smell With Natural Products (9)

  6. Sprinkle Natural Extracts or Essential Oils

    Two of the best natural extracts to eliminate paint odor and refresh the room's air are vanilla and peppermint.

    Place a few drops of the extract or essential oil on cotton balls and put them in small bowls or saucers scattered around the room. Some painting experts swear by adding a drop or two of the extracts directly to the paint can before starting the job to lessen the odor.

    How to Get Rid of New Paint Smell With Natural Products (10)

  7. Light Candles

    Light a few scented candles to eliminate paint odor. Preferably try soy-based candles since they burn cleaner and emit less smoke and soot than paraffin. Soy is also sustainable and renewable versus paraffin, a petroleum-based product.

    How to Get Rid of New Paint Smell With Natural Products (11)

  8. Try Bowls of Vinegar

    White vinegar is an odor neutralizer. Household vinegar (10%) has a higher acetic acid concentration than cooking vinegar (5%) and is more potent at combatting odors.

    Place bowls filled with vinegar throughout the room to remove the paint odor.

    How to Get Rid of New Paint Smell With Natural Products (12)

  9. Absorb Odors With Diatomaceous Earth

    Diatomaceous earth is a powdery substance made from fossilized algae, roughly 80% to 90% silica. This natural deodorant is easily found online or at home improvement stores.

    Lay out bowls of food-grade diatomaceous earth to absorb paint smells. Leave them out until the paint smell dissipates.

    How to Get Rid of New Paint Smell With Natural Products (13)

  10. Use an Air Purifier

    An air purifier will help trap paint fumes and other unpleasant scents like cigarette smoke. However, these smells will saturate the filter quickly and need replacing often. Ensure your air purifier has a HEPA (high-efficiency particulate air) filter to trap small particles and contaminants.

    How to Get Rid of New Paint Smell With Natural Products (14)

  11. Keep Your House Cool

    Heat elevates scent, so if you paint on a hot day, keep your house cool to reduce fumes. Turn on the air conditioner to lower the intensity of the scent.

    How to Get Rid of New Paint Smell With Natural Products (15)

  12. Choose Paint with Low VOC

    While it is not always possible, the best way to avoid heavy fumes is to select a healthy alternative paint, like one with low or zero VOCs. If you must use an oil-based paint or primer, choose those marked with low odor. There are also plant, milk, mineral, and clay paints.

    How to Get Rid of New Paint Smell With Natural Products (16)

Tips to Prevent Heavy Paint Fumes

  • Before you begin painting your house, check the weather forecast. Avoid days when the humidity is high. High humidity in the air slows the drying process, and paint emits the strongest odor while being applied and waiting to dry. The longer it takes to dry, the more chance soft materials (carpet, drapes, upholstery) will absorb the odors.
  • Let each coat of paint dry completely before applying the next layer of paint. Damp walls can trap fumes and slowly emit odor for a longer time.
  • As you paint, keep the lids on paint cans and cover paint trays and brushes with plastic wrap when not in use.
  • While painting one room, keep the doors and windows open to the outside if possible to allow the fumes to dissipate into the air. But keep the doors of the other rooms in your house closed to prevent the fumes from spreading. Use the same tips when stripping paint for a project.


  • How long does it take for the paint smell to go away?

    Fresh paint can take as little as 36 hours to up to a week to dissipate depending on the strength of the smell, how much was used, and the size of the room that was painted.

  • Does vinegar remove the paint smell?

    Yes, vinegar can help to remove paint smells. Due to its powerful strength, vinegar is a popular deodorizer as it neutralizes odor molecules by trapping them, which prevents them from spreading.

  • How long are paint smells harmful?

    Fresh paint smells can be harmful for a day until the paint dries. Those who are pregnant should not be near paint fumes until they are completely dry.

The Spruce uses only high-quality sources, including peer-reviewed studies, to support the facts within our articles. Read our editorial process to learn more about how we fact-check and keep our content accurate, reliable, and trustworthy.

  1. Paints for indoor use. National Capital Poison Center.

  2. What Are Volatile Organic Compounds? U.S. Environmental Protection Agency (EPA).

  3. Volatile organic compounds’ impact on indoor air quality. U.S. Environmental Protection Agency (EPA).

  4. Healthy Indoor Painting Practices.U.S. Enviromental Protection Agency (EPA).

How to Get Rid of New Paint Smell With Natural Products (2024)


How do you get rid of paint smell naturally? ›

How to get rid of paint fumes
  1. Keep the room well ventilated. Open windows, doors and keep a constant airflow circulating within the room. ...
  2. Baking soda. Baking soda is magic. ...
  3. Activated charcoal. Activated charcoal is another natural odour absorber. ...
  4. Keep your house cool. ...
  5. Low VOC. ...
  6. Air purifier. ...
  7. Onions. ...
  8. Candles.

How do you deodorize a newly painted room? ›

Simply place a few bowls of baking soda around the newly painted room overnight to remove the smell of paint. You can also sprinkle baking soda on carpets or furniture that has absorbed the paint's odour. Allow the baking soda to sit for several hours or overnight before vacuuming or wiping it away with a damp cloth.

Does vinegar get rid of paint smell? ›

White vinegar.

To remove paint smells, simmer vinegar in a pot for about an hour so some of the liquid can evaporate and fill the room. The smell of vinegar may not be much better than paint fumes, but it won't stick around for long. As the acid molecules bond with VOCs from the paint, both odors will be neutralized.

What can you put in paint to make it not smell? ›

To neutralize the strong smell of any type of paint, add one tablespoon of vanilla extract (a natural deodorizer) per gallon. It won't affect the color of the paint. 3. To help paint stick to metal surfaces, dampen a sponge with vinegar and rub it over the surface to be painted.

How long does it take for new paint smell to go away? ›

Like some new furniture, fresh paint has an initial off-gassing period of roughly 24 hours. But some paint smells can linger for about two weeks. That's why you'll want to be vigilant about limiting your exposure—and mitigating the odor—as much as possible during that time frame.

Does lemon get rid of paint smell? ›

Tip two. Other suggestions include using salt, lemon and vinegar, which all have properties for soaking up paint smells. The best approach is to fill bowls halfway up with water and then drop a few slices of lemon and/or a quarter cup of salt into each bowl. Leave them overnight and they will absorb the fumes.

How do you get the smell out of freshly painted walls? ›

7 Ways to Get Rid of Paint Smell Naturally
  1. Keep the Room Well Ventilated. Keeping the room well-ventilated represents one of the simplest, most effective methods to eliminate paint smell. ...
  2. Maintain a Cool Indoor Temperature. ...
  3. Baking Soda. ...
  4. Activated Charcoal. ...
  5. Air Purifier. ...
  6. Onions. ...
  7. Scented Candles.
Dec 13, 2023

How long are paint fumes harmful? ›

In general, paint fumes will remain toxic for up to a day after the paint is dried. This means being around stored paint, which doesn't really dry, or constantly using paint at work, can result in constant exposure.

Can I sleep in a freshly painted room? ›

Water-based paints take roughly four hours to dry. Oil-based paints take roughly 24 hours to dry and require ventilation to dry safely. Oil-based paint is generally going to be a higher-VOC option. Sleeping in a room after the low VOC paint is dry is a good guideline for healthy adults.

Will vinegar mess up paint? ›

Industrial vinegar is 15 times more potent than consumer vinegar, and using it at full strength isn't recommended for any application, including automotive. Don't allow the vinegar to dry on the paint; never apply products to the paint in direct sun or when the panel is hotter than 90 degrees Fahrenheit.

How to remove chemical fumes from a room? ›

Any time there's a high chemical release in your house, such as from painting, construction, or gluing, the first line of attack is to let the space air out. Ventilate the contaminated air out of your house. After a fresh paint, it may take a couple of days for the VOC off-gassing to diminish.

Does vinegar help with off-gassing? ›

You can use distilled white vinegar to remove toxic chemicals from the air. If your furniture still smells strong even after the off-gassing period, you might be able to use products like baking soda to give it a deep clean.

What absorbs the smell of paint? ›

Just placing a bowl full of baking soda in the painted space is enough to enjoy a room free from paint odor. Like charcoal, baking soda also has the property of absorbing bad odor. It is useful in eliminating even the strongest paint smell.

Does paint smell affect health? ›

Most paints are very safe. However, exposure to paint and its fumes has the potential to cause irritation of the skin, eyes, and throat. This can often go away through cleaning the affected area or going out into fresh air.

Do candles get rid of paint smell? ›

Candles. Although candles won't necessarily get rid of paint smell, they can help to mask the odour in the meantime. Scented candles are a great solution, just choose a scent you like and you're good to go.

How to get rid of sore throat from paint fumes? ›

In case of an allergic reaction, immediately leave the place for some fresh air and/or rinse irritated skin or eyes with water. If swelling occurs, apply cool compression and if you have an itchy throat, gargle with warm salt water to soothe it.

Does baking soda get rid of smells? ›

Since baking soda has alkaline properties, it's best at killing acidic odors, but the powder can eliminate many other types of odor as well. In fact, there are few odors baking soda can't combat. "Baking soda also absorbs oils and a lot of grease, thus killing their odors," says Cohoon.

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Name: Jeremiah Abshire

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