How to Get a Degree Without Debt (2024)

Updated: September 10, 2024

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In 2021, the average student loan debt in the U.S. was $37,693. As the cost of college continues to skyrocket, the prospect of obtaining a degree without accumulating substantial debt may seem daunting. However, graduating debt-free is within reach if you start planning early. With careful planning, informed decision-making and a comprehensive understanding of available resources, you can pursue your degree while managing your debt burden effectively. Below you will find strategies and tactics that can bring you closer to your goal of graduating without the burden of student debt.

How to Get a Degree Without Debt (1)

By the Numbers: Soaring Student Debt

Student debt is a significant concern in the United States. This financial burden can greatly impact a graduate's life choices, making it crucial to explore ways to minimize or eliminate this debt.

How to Get a Degree Without Debt (2)

How to Get a Degree Without Debt (3)

Approximately 43.6 million Americans carry student debt, accounting for one-sixth of the adult population.

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Outstanding student loan debt reached nearly $1.77 trillion in 2023, as per Federal Reserve data.

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Fifty-four percent of bachelor's degree recipients from public and private nonprofit four-year colleges and universities in the class of 2021 graduated with an average debt of $29,100.

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Despite having fewer borrowers, the 35 to 49 age group has the highest total loan debt at $535.2 billion.

How to Get a Degree Without Debt (7)

Women generally borrow more for their education. On average, women who earn their bachelor’s degree owe $2,700 more than men upon graduation.

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Women take approximately two years longer to pay off student loans than men, which may be attributed to factors such as the gender pay gap.

Ways to Pay for College Without Loans

Student loans are one of many options when considering how to pay for college. From using savings plans and choosing affordable schools to taking advantage of financial aid opportunities and earning income, you have a variety of available tools. Explore the following sources of funds and strategies before deciding to borrow money.

1. Start Saving Long Before College

Starting your financial planning for college early can make a significant difference in managing your education costs. Kick-start your savings as soon as possible and enroll in programs that allow you to earn college credits in high school.

Start a College Savings Plan

Starting a college savings plan early can significantly reduce the need for loans. Consider a 529 plan, a tax-advantaged savings plan designed for future education costs, offering benefits like tax-free growth and withdrawals for qualified expenses. As a student, you can contribute to your own plan, and once you become of legal age, you can take control of the 529 plan. You can also open a bank account and start saving from part-time work. Many banks offer youth accounts for those under 18.

Earn College Credit Early

You can lower the overall cost of a degree by earning college credit early. One way to achieve this is through dual enrollment courses, which let high school students take actual college courses and get college credit during high school. Another strategy is Prior Learning Assessments (PLAs), which provide college credits for knowledge and skills gained outside the classroom, such as work experience or self-study. Advanced Placement (AP) courses are a popular form of PLA, allowing high school students to take college-level courses and earn credits if they perform well on the AP test. Taking dual enrollment and PLAs together can potentially help you save thousands of dollars and graduate in less time once you reach college.

2. Look for Affordable Schools

The choice of school plays a significant role in managing your college expenses. There are various factors to consider when choosing a school, but if you want to graduate debt-free, it's important to consider affordability when making this decision. Here are some affordable school alternatives to consider to help keep your debt low.

In-State Public University

In-state public universities often offer lower tuition rates for state residents. This can be a cost-effective option for students who want a four-year degree without the high price tag of out-of-state or private universities. Researching and comparing the tuition rates and financial aid opportunities at different in-state public universities is important to find the best fit for your budget and educational goals.

Community College

Starting at a community college and later transferring to a four-year institution can significantly reduce overall college costs. Community colleges typically have much lower tuition rates than four-year colleges and universities. Students can often complete their general education requirements at a community college and then transfer those credits to a four-year institution to complete their degree.

Online College

Online programs can offer more flexibility and lower costs than traditional on-campus programs. They eliminate the need for commuting or relocating, which can save a significant amount of money. Many online programs offer asynchronous classes, allowing students to work part-time or full-time while earning their degree. Ensure the online program is accredited and that the credits will be recognized by employers or other educational institutions if you plan to transfer.

3. Explore Financial Aid Options

Financial aid is crucial in making college affordable and minimizing student loans. Various options exist, from scholarships and grants to work-study programs and military benefits. A key step in accessing these resources is filling out the Free Application for Federal Student Aid (FAFSA), which can qualify you for a wide range of financial aid options.

Scholarships and Grants

Scholarships and grants are invaluable sources of financial aid that don't require repayment, making them ideal for funding your education. Scholarships are often merit-based, rewarding academic or athletic achievements, while grants are primarily need-based. The federal government offers grants like the Pell Grant for students with substantial financial need. This need-based award is worth up to $7,395 for the 2023-24 school year. Grant money is also targeted at students with specific career plans or family circ*mstances.

In addition to grants from the government and states, billions of dollars in private scholarships are awarded to students each year. Private scholarships cover many causes, so you can likely find one that aligns with your situation. Organizations grant scholarships based on various qualifying conditions, including student majors, disabilities and residency. Scholarships are available for women, veterans, minorities and other specific groups, providing vital support for students seeking higher education.

How to Get a Degree Without Debt (9)


According to financial aid expert Mark Kantrowitz, former senior vice president and publisher of, winning a scholarship can be as much a matter of luck as it is of skill. To improve your chances of success, he advises applying for as many scholarships as possible. Seeking out smaller scholarships and essay contests can boost your odds.


Check out MoneyGeek’s scholarship resources to find scholarship and grant programs based on your specific needs.

  • Scholarships and Grants for Black Students
  • Scholarships and Grants for Hispanic Students
  • Scholarships and Grants for Asian Students
  • Scholarships and Grants for Native Americans
  • Scholarships and Grants for Students With Disabilities

Military Benefits

If you're a current or former member of the military or a dependent of one, you may be eligible for education benefits through the Department of Veterans Affairs (VA). If you served on active duty after the September 11, 2001, terror attacks and were honorably discharged, you may qualify for the Post-9/11 GI Bill. This benefit provides up to $26,381 for annual tuition plus money for housing and books. If your tour ended before 9/11/2001, you might qualify for the Montgomery GI Bill, which can give veterans as much as $50,000 or more for tuition over several years. These are just two of the many grants and education assistance programs available to veterans.

Tax Credits and Deductions

The U.S. government offers several education-related tax breaks through the IRS to support individuals pursuing a degree. Families with income levels below specific thresholds can benefit from various tax credits. The American Opportunity Tax Credit provides up to $2,500 per year for four years, available to individuals with adjusted gross incomes below $80,000 ($160,000 for couples). Smaller credits are available for higher-income individuals.

Additionally, the Lifetime Learning Credit offers up to $2,000 for those with modified adjusted gross income below $64,000 ($128,000 for couples). Unlike the American Opportunity Tax Credit, there's no limit on the number of times you can claim this credit, and it applies to undergraduate, graduate and professional degree courses. These tax breaks aim to encourage individuals to pursue higher education and ease the financial burden of college expenses.

Employer Tuition Reimbursem*nt

Whether you have already graduated, secured a job or remain on the job hunt, check with your employer or potential employer to see if it offers a tuition reimbursem*nt program. A tuition reimbursem*nt program presents an affordable way to further your education while you are working. With the job market becoming increasingly competitive, employers are using tuition reimbursem*nt as a means to attract and retain skilled employees. Employees typically seek approval before enrolling, pay upfront and receive reimbursem*nt after completing the course. Some employers may require a minimum grade to qualify for reimbursem*nt.

4. Earn Extra Money in College

Earning income while attending college can be a practical way to offset education costs and reduce the need for student loans. From on-campus jobs to part-time work or internships related to your field of study, there are various opportunities to earn while you learn. Balancing work and study requires good time management, but it can provide financial benefits and valuable work experience.

Work-Study Programs

Reduce your student loan debt by securing a federal work-study job through your school's financial aid office. These part-time positions, based on financial need, are available both on-campus and off-campus, often in community service roles with nonprofits or government agencies, paying the federal minimum wage. The benefits of work-study pay are twofold: it doesn't impact your financial aid eligibility like private-sector part-time jobs, and it accommodates student schedules, avoiding conflicts with classes. Applying early for a work-study position is also to your advantage because the number of work-study positions is limited.

Independent Part-Time Jobs

Waiting tables, lifeguarding and working retail are time-tested ways for students to pay down some of their college costs. Students who work can make up to $6,660 a year without affecting their financial aid eligibility. In other words, earning too much will reduce the amount of financial aid you receive. You'll have to gauge the costs and benefits of part-time work.


Internships are work-experience programs that allow you to gain practical experience in your field of study. They can be paid or unpaid, and some offer academic credit. Internships can be an excellent way to put classroom learning into practice in real-world scenarios.

However, some internships are unpaid, which won't help with immediate college costs, and they may require a significant time commitment, which can interfere with classes or study time. Despite these potential challenges, internships provide opportunities to network with professionals in your field, which can be beneficial when you're ready to start your career. Some internships may even lead to job offers after graduation.

Crowdfund Your Education

The growing popularity and acceptance of crowdfunding are giving cash-strapped students a new way to raise money for their tuition and educational costs. Typically conducted online, crowdfunding allows students to seek out small cash donations from many individual contributors. By pooling together these individual donations, students can amass large enough sums to pay for school costs. With an effective online pitch, you can persuade friends, family members and even strangers to contribute to your cause — in this case, your education.

How to Get a Degree Without Debt (10)


Numerous donation-based crowdfunding websites are available; however, it's essential to be cautious. Crowdfunding sites take cuts of up to 9%, and payment processing can add another 3%. Additionally, some popular crowdfunding platforms restrict student-funding campaigns.

Two of the main sites that permit student campaigns are GoFundMe and Indiegogo:

  • This site claims to have helped fundraisers bring in over $1 billion. Although GoFundMe no longer charges its 5% platform fee for U.S. users, it still collects a 2.9% payment processing fee plus $0.30 per donation.
  • Indiegogo charges a 5% fee and advises users to expect payment processing fees of 3%.

How to Get a Degree Without Debt (11)

Practical Strategies to Minimize College Costs

While exploring different ways to fund your college education is important, it's equally crucial to consider how you can manage and reduce your overall college costs. There are several strategies you can employ to keep your expenses in check. Remember, every dollar saved is a dollar less you need to borrow or earn.

    How to Get a Degree Without Debt (12)

    Buy Used Textbooks or Rent Them

    Textbooks can be a significant expense, with some costing over $200 each. For a four-year undergraduate degree with eight courses per school year, this could amount to a staggering $6,400 just for required reading. Consider buying used books or renting them from websites like Amazon, Chegg,, and BookFinder. Some colleges also have textbook exchange programs, where you can purchase used books from fellow students, further reducing the burden of textbook expenses.

    How to Get a Degree Without Debt (13)

    Buy Discounted Computers

    Some online colleges offer free or discounted laptops to incoming students, helping to alleviate this expense. Well-known manufacturers and retailers like Apple, Dell, HP, Lenovo and Microsoft also provide student discounts, although they may not be overly generous, and their terms can be difficult to understand. Remember to have your student ID or other proof of enrollment ready when making a purchase.

    How to Get a Degree Without Debt (14)

    Live at Home or in a City With a Low Cost of Living

    If your school is close to home, living with your parents might be an option. However, if you're going away, note that housing costs can vary widely. Consider exploring well-regarded state universities like the University of Florida, University of Illinois, University of Michigan, University of North Carolina and University of Wisconsin, as their college town locations often offer comparatively lower living costs. Use MoneyGeek's Cost of Living Calculator to compare expenses in hundreds of U.S. cities.

    How to Get a Degree Without Debt (15)

    Maximize Your Course Load

    Many colleges charge a flat tuition fee for full-time students, regardless of the number of courses. If you can handle the workload, taking more classes each semester can help you graduate earlier and save money. For example, if your college charges the same tuition for 12 and 18 credit hours, consider taking 18 credit hours if you can manage it.

    How to Get a Degree Without Debt (16)

    Manage Your Credit Card Spending

    It's easy to overspend with a credit card. If you decide to use a credit card during college, use it responsibly. Aim to pay off your balance in full each month to avoid interest charges. Also, consider getting a card that offers rewards like cash back or travel points to maximize benefits.

    How to Get a Degree Without Debt (17)

    Stick to Your Budget

    Creating and sticking to a budget is one of the most effective ways to control college costs. Determine your monthly income and expenses, including tuition, housing, food, books and entertainment. While budgeting is important, avoid becoming overly fixated on it during school to maintain focus on academic success. Use apps and online tools to track spending and stay on budget.

    How to Get a Degree Without Debt (18)

    Use Public Transportation

    If your school is in a city with good public transportation, consider using it instead of maintaining a car, which can be expensive. Owning a car, including payments, insurance, fuel and maintenance, can easily exceed $700 a month. In contrast, a monthly transit pass in many cities costs less than $100. Using public transportation can save over $20,000 throughout a four-year degree and is more sustainable and environmentally friendly. Many cities offer discounted or free transit passes for students.

    How to Get a Degree Without Debt (19)

    Cook Your Own Meals

    Eating out can quickly add up. Spending $10 on lunch every day can amount to $50 per week or $200 per month. Over a nine-month school year, that's $1,800 spent on lunches alone. Cooking your own meals can greatly reduce these costs. Spending $50 a week on groceries can cover all your meals and help you save hundreds or even thousands of dollars over your college career. Additionally, cooking can be a stress reliever and a valuable life skill. Consider meal prepping on weekends to save time during the week.

Colleges Offering Free Tuition

The number of schools offering free tuition has decreased over the years due to financial difficulties, but a few no-fee alternatives still exist. However, they tend to be highly selective. Keep in mind that while the tuition may be free, additional expenses such as room and board, books and fees may still apply, so it's crucial to consider the total cost of attendance.

School Name (Location)


Acceptance Rate

Alice Lloyd College (KY)

Offers free tuition to students from 108 counties in Central Appalachian service area. All students work at least 10 hours a week.


Antioch College (OH)

All Pell-eligible students receive full tuition scholarships. Students must maintain at least a 2.0 GPA.


Barclay College (KS)

Offers full-tuition scholarships to all full-time students who live on campus.


Berea College (KY)

No student pays tuition. The Tuition Promise Scholarship covers remaining tuition costs after other aid.


College of the Ozarks (MO)

Full-time students pay no tuition. Part-time students pay per credit hour.


United States Air Force Academy (CO)

No tuition or room and board are charged. After graduation, cadets are required to serve in the U.S. Air Force or U.S. Space Force for at least eight years.


United States Coast Guard Academy (CT)

Tuition and room and board are free. Postgraduate service for five years is required.


United States Merchant Marine Academy (NY)

Students don't pay tuition in exchange for service after graduation. The cost of textbooks, room and board and uniforms are also covered.


United States Military Academy (NY)

Tuition and room and board are covered for students. In addition to required military service after graduation, cadets must play on a sports team each semester.


United States Naval Academy (MD)

Enrollees receive free tuition and room and board by pledging to serve in the U.S. Navy for five years after graduation.


Source: EduRank

How to Get a Degree Without Debt (20)

Benefits of Graduating Debt-Free

Graduating from college without the burden of student loans can open up a world of opportunities. Without the cloud of debt and countless monthly payments hanging over your head, you can pave the way for a more financially prosperous life.

    How to Get a Degree Without Debt (21)

    Financial Freedom

    Graduating without student loans offers greater financial flexibility. You can allocate your income to meet your needs and wants without being tied down by monthly loan payments. This could mean being able to afford a nicer apartment, travel more or even just enjoy the peace of mind that comes with having a comfortable savings cushion. You can also start investing earlier, which can lead to significant wealth accumulation over time.

    How to Get a Degree Without Debt (22)

    Less Stress

    Debt is a large source of stress for many people. It can lead to feelings of anxiety and can even strain personal relationships. By graduating debt-free, you can avoid this stress and enjoy better mental health. This can also have positive effects on other areas of your life, including your physical health and your performance at work.

    How to Get a Degree Without Debt (23)

    Career Flexibility

    Without the burden of student loan payments, you have more freedom to pursue the career you want. You might choose to work in a field you're passionate about, even if it doesn't pay as much as other jobs. Or, you might decide to start your own business.

    How to Get a Degree Without Debt (24)

    Credit Score

    Student loans can affect your credit score, which can impact your financial well-being — from your ability to get a credit card to your ability to buy a home. If you graduate without student loans, you can potentially build a better credit score, which can open up opportunities for you and save you money on interest rates.

    How to Get a Degree Without Debt (25)

    Emergency Savings

    An essential aspect of financial planning is having an emergency fund, which acts as a safety net for unexpected expenses such as car repairs or medical bills, preventing the need to accumulate debt. Graduating debt-free allows you to build this fund more rapidly, providing you with greater financial security.

    How to Get a Degree Without Debt (26)

    Retirement Savings

    The sooner you start saving for retirement, the more time your money has to grow through compound interest. If you're not making student loan payments, you can start putting money into a retirement account right away. This can lead to a more comfortable retirement and might even allow you to retire earlier than you would otherwise be able to.

How to Get a Degree Without Debt (27)

Ask the experts:

Let me rephrase the question. How do you graduate with as little debt as possible?

How to Get a Degree Without Debt (28)

Publisher of

Going to an in-state public college is one of the best ways to graduate without debt. Of the students who graduate with no debt, almost all of them are going to colleges that cost less than $8,000 a year, and those are mostly two-year colleges. That's fine if you're trying to get a two-year vocational degree. But if your goal is a bachelor's degree, taking a detour through a two-year college may mean that you never reach your destination. If you're willing to serve in the U.S. Armed Forces, the military academies are a great way to get a free, high-quality education.

Frequently Asked Questions

Achieving a debt-free college graduation can be a complex journey, and you may have several questions about how to achieve this. Here are some of the most frequently asked questions about graduating without debt:

What does it mean to graduate debt-free?

Graduating debt-free means completing a college education without the burden of student loans. This can be achieved through a combination of scholarships, grants, personal or family savings, work-study programs or income from part-time work. It means the student has managed to cover their tuition, room and board, books and other college-related expenses without borrowing money that needs to be repaid after graduation.

Is it realistic to graduate debt-free?

Graduating debt-free is achievable, but it requires careful planning, dedication and a bit of luck. The feasibility of graduating without debt depends on several factors, including the cost of tuition, the availability of scholarships and grants, the student's personal or family savings and the student's ability to work part-time or during summers. Although tuition costs are rising, many students still manage to graduate with low or no debt by attending affordable schools, receiving substantial financial aid or working while studying.

Which majors have the least debt?

According to the Education Data Initiative, students graduating from International and Comparative Education with a bachelor's degree have the smallest median debt, totaling $9,530. At the associate's level, Biological and Physical Sciences have the smallest median debt, amounting to $7,590. However, the level of debt a student graduates with depends on the cost of the institution, the availability of financial aid and personal financial circ*mstances. For instance, students attending public in-state institutions typically have less debt than those attending private or out-of-state institutions.

Which major has the most debt?

Degrees in law and medicine often lead to the highest levels of debt. These programs are lengthy, often requiring many years of study beyond a bachelor's degree, and tuition costs are high. However, these degrees also tend to lead to high-paying careers, which can make the debt more manageable over time. Students considering these fields should understand the potential return on investment and plan their finances accordingly.

What is the most expensive career to study?

Medical careers are often the most expensive to pursue due to the extensive education required, including undergraduate studies, medical school and residency programs. Other high-cost fields of study include law, dentistry and veterinary medicine. While these careers require a significant upfront investment, they also tend to lead to high earning potential, which can help offset the cost of education over time. Students should carefully consider the long-term financial implications of pursuing these careers.

Expert Insight on Getting a Degree Without Debt

Mark Kantrowitz, a financial aid expert and former senior vice president and publisher of, offers his thoughts on navigating the college debt maze.

  1. Is it possible to graduate from college with no debt?
  2. Let me rephrase the question. How do you graduate with as little debt as possible?
  3. What about working? How much should the student contribute to the tab?
  4. How much debt is a reasonable amount to take on?
  5. So if I will earn $45,000 as a teacher, I should limit my loans to $45,000?
  6. Are there certain majors that lend themselves to larger or smaller debt loads?
  7. What's the most common mistake students and parents make when choosing a college?
  8. Textbook prices are shocking. Any advice for saving money on books?
  9. How do you teach students to control their spending while they're in school?

How to Get a Degree Without Debt (29)

Mark KantrowitzPublisher of

Additional Resources

  • AmeriCorps: AmeriCorps offers education awards that can be used to pay for college or to repay student loans in exchange for community service.
  • Cappex: Cappex provides tools for students to search for scholarships, colleges and financial aid opportunities.
  • CareerOneStop: CareerOneStop is a U.S. Department of Labor-sponsored website offering a variety of resources to explore careers, find education and training opportunities and access job search strategies and labor market data.
  • Chegg: Chegg offers a variety of resources for students, including textbook rentals and online tutoring services, helping reduce the cost of course materials and academic support.
  • College Affordability & Transparency Center: This site ranks colleges and universities by tuition costs and net prices in its effort to promote transparency.
  • College Greenlight: College Greenlight is a platform that supports first-generation and underrepresented students in their college search and scholarship applications.
  • College Scorecard: This website, provided by the U.S. Department of Education, offers data on colleges and universities, including costs, graduation rates and average debt incurred by students. It can help students make informed decisions about where to apply.
  • Fastweb: Similar to, Fastweb is another platform that connects students with scholarship opportunities tailored to their profile.
  • Federal Student Aid (FAFSA): The Free Application for Federal Student Aid (FAFSA) is a crucial resource for students seeking financial aid. It determines eligibility for federal grants, work-study programs and loans. Students can complete the FAFSA online at
  • This website provides a comprehensive overview of financial aid options, including scholarships, loans and savings plans.
  • National Association of Student Financial Aid Administrators (NASFAA): NASFAA provides resources and guidance on financial aid and college affordability.
  • National Student Clearinghouse: This nonprofit organization provides educational verification and financial aid services to students and educational institutions.
  • SALT: SALT is a free resource that provides financial literacy tools and advice for managing student loans and expenses.
  • This website helps students search for various scholarships based on their interests, academic achievements and other criteria. It's an excellent tool to find scholarships that can offset college costs.
  • This official U.S. Department of Education website provides comprehensive information on federal student aid programs, loan repayment options and financial planning tools.
  • TEACH Grant: The TEACH Grant is a federal program offering grants to aspiring teachers in high-need fields who commit to teaching in qualifying low-income schools.
  • U.S. Department of Education: The U.S. Department of Education is a federal agency providing information and resources on federal student aid, grants, loans, education data and initiatives to promote access to quality education.
  • Your college's financial aid office: Many colleges and universities have dedicated financial aid offices that can provide personalized guidance and resources to help students manage their college expenses effectively.

About Nathan Paulus

How to Get a Degree Without Debt (30)

Nathan Paulus is the Head of Content Marketing at MoneyGeek, with nearly 10 years of experience researching and creating content related to personal finance and financial literacy.

Paulus has a bachelor's degree in English from the University of St. Thomas, Houston. He enjoys helping people from all walks of life build stronger financial foundations.

How to Get a Degree Without Debt (2024)


Is it possible to graduate without debt? ›

Continuously look for and apply to scholarships and grants (aka free money). More than half of students who win $25,000 or more in scholarships graduate with no debt, compared with less than a third of students who don't win any private scholarships.

How to get a college degree without going into debt? ›

17 Ways to Go to College Debt-Free
  1. Attend a Public School as an In-State Student. ...
  2. Attend Community College. ...
  3. Attend Online College. ...
  4. Attend a No-Loan College. ...
  5. Save With a 529 Plan. ...
  6. Earn Scholarships. ...
  7. Earn Grants. ...
  8. Participate in a Work-Study Program.

Can you go to college without going into debt? ›

Paying for college is hard but doable without taking out any student loan debt. You'll likely need to work hard and be creative if you don't have someone gifting you the money. You can do this by earning scholarships or applying for as many grants as you qualify for.

Is it realistic to graduate debt-free? ›

Although tuition costs are rising, many students still manage to graduate with low or no debt by attending affordable schools, receiving substantial financial aid or working while studying.

What degree is the most in debt? ›

The top 10 majors with the greatest amount of debt were as follows:
  • Human Services, General ($28,586)
  • Education, General ($28,001)
  • Clinical, Counseling, and Applied Psychology ($27,439)
  • Literature ($26,987)
  • Natural Sciences ($26,912)
  • Physical Sciences ($26,635)
  • Music ($26,600)
Oct 18, 2023

How to pay for college when you're broke? ›

Tips for Paying for College
  1. Create a household budget. Most of us can find a few money wasters in our monthly budget if we're willing to be honest and 'fess up. ...
  2. Ask for assistance. ...
  3. Investigate transfer credits. ...
  4. Get extra credit. ...
  5. Tap into hidden benefits. ...
  6. Apply for scholarships. ...
  7. Consider financial aid.

How do people pay for college without loans? ›

In terms of financial assistance, scholarships are among the best ways to avoid student loans. There are millions of dollars in scholarships up for grabs every year for students wondering about the best ways to pay for a bachelor's degree (or higher), but they take dedication and a little extra work to obtain.

What is a debt-free degree program? ›

How are Debt-free degrees designed financially? These are designed such that the school scholarships or grants cover tuition over and above the employer contribution of $5250+. Most debt-free degrees are designed keeping in mind the employer's annual tuition assistance benefit limit, which is $5250 for most employers.

Which degrees have the most student debt? ›

Bachelor's Degree Debt by Major

Business Administration (Bachelor and Masters degrees) accounts for a large portion of the country's total student loan debt at 8%. The major with the largest weighted median student loan debt for a Bachelor's degree is Behavior Sciences at $42,822.

How to afford a degree? ›

Here are the six best ways to pay for college that might be relevant to you and your family.
  1. 529 College Savings Plans. ...
  2. Federal Financial Aid. ...
  3. Grants and Scholarships. ...
  4. Cash From Savings and Work. ...
  5. Work During School. ...
  6. Private Loans. ...
  7. Choosing a Cheaper College. ...
  8. Studying Abroad.

How much college debt is ok? ›

To make loan payments comfortably, you'll need to maintain a manageable debt-to-income ratio. For example, if your expected starting salary is $35,000 per year ($2,916 per month) a monthly student loan payment of 8 percent should be no more than $233.

How much debt is bad for college? ›

After students come up with a number for the amount they expect to borrow, they should ensure the loan amount, plus other expected debts such as rent and car payments, do not exceed 33% of their expected future income. You can calculate your average student loan payment per month using FinAid Calculators.

What is the average debt after 4 years of college? ›

The average student loan debt for bachelor's degree recipients was $29,400 for the 2021-22 school year, according to the College Board. Among all borrowers, the average balance is $38,787, according to 2023 data from Experian, one of the three national credit bureaus.

How rare is it to graduate college with no debt? ›

Key Takeaways. More than four in ten students at public four-year universities complete their bachelor's degree with zero debt. Nearly eight in ten students graduate with less than $30,000 in debt.

What percentage of students graduate without debt? ›

Key Takeaways. More than four in ten students at public four-year universities complete their bachelor's degree with zero debt. Nearly eight in ten students graduate with less than $30,000 in debt.

Can you graduate if you owe a balance? ›

Provided all requirements are completed by your planned graduation date, your degree will be awarded. HOWEVER, if you have a hold on your account your diploma will not be released.

How to graduate grad school debt-free? ›

There are ways to get through grad school debt-free, including research or teaching assistant positions, merit scholarships, one-year programs, working while going to school, attending a public school, finding niche programs, working before going to grad school, and finding a job with tuition reimbursem*nt programs.

Is it possible to have no debt? ›

Becoming debt-free doesn't happen overnight. A plan is typically required to pay down existing debt, a broad plan that should entail tracking expenses, creating a budget, reducing expenses where possible, giving your income a boost, monitoring your credit score, and building an emergency fund.

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Author: Zonia Mosciski DO

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Author information

Name: Zonia Mosciski DO

Birthday: 1996-05-16

Address: Suite 228 919 Deana Ford, Lake Meridithberg, NE 60017-4257

Phone: +2613987384138

Job: Chief Retail Officer

Hobby: Tai chi, Dowsing, Poi, Letterboxing, Watching movies, Video gaming, Singing

Introduction: My name is Zonia Mosciski DO, I am a enchanting, joyous, lovely, successful, hilarious, tender, outstanding person who loves writing and wants to share my knowledge and understanding with you.