How to Fix a 403 Forbidden Error on Your Site (2024)

Did you just try to access your site only to be hit by some message telling you something is “Forbidden” or that you don’t have permission to access something on your site? If so, you’ve likely run into the 403 Forbidden error.

Seeing an error on your site can be frustrating and deflating, which is why we’ve created this detailed guide to help you fix the 403 Forbidden error and get your site functioning again as quickly as possible.

Let’s get started without any further introduction because we’re sure you just want to fix your site!

What is the 403 Forbidden Error?

The 403 Forbidden error indicates that the server understands the request but can’t provide additional access. This means that the web page you’re trying to open in your browser is a resource that you’re not allowed to access.


Error Code403
Error TypeAuthentication error
Error VariationsForbidden – You don’t have permission to access / on this server
403 – Forbidden: Access is denied
Error 403 – Forbidden
403 – Forbidden Error – You are not allowed to access this address
403 Forbidden – nginx
Error CausesCorrupt .htaccess file
Incorrect file permissions
Plugin issues

Like many other common errors, the 403 Forbidden error is an HTTP status code that a web server uses to communicate with your web browser.

How to Fix a 403 Forbidden Error on Your Site (1)

Quick background on HTTP status codes – whenever you connect to a website with your browser, the web server responds with something called an HTTP header. This usually happens behind the scenes because everything is working normally (that’s a 200 status code, in case you were wondering).

However, if something goes wrong, the server will respond back with a different numbered HTTP status code. While these numbers are frustrating to encounter, they’re actually quite important because they help you diagnose exactly what’s going wrong on your site.

The 403 Forbidden error means that your web server understands the request that the client (i.e. your browser) is making, but the server will not fulfill it.

In more human-friendly terms, it basically means that your server knows exactly what you want to do, it just won’t let you do it because you don’t have the proper permissions for some reason. It’s kind of like you’re trying to get into a private event, but your name got accidentally removed from the guestlist for some reason.

Other HTTP status codes mean different things. We’ve written guides on fixing issues with:

  • 404 not found errors
  • 500 internal server errors
  • 502 bad gateway errors
  • 504 gateway timeout errors.

What Causes the 403 Forbidden Error?

The two most likely causes of the 403 Forbidden Error are:

  1. Corrupt .htaccess file
  2. Incorrect file permissions

It’s also possible that you’re seeing the error because of an issue with a plugin on your site. In this article, we’ll show you how to troubleshoot all of these potential issues.

403 Forbidden Error Variations

Like many other HTTP status codes, there are a lot of different variations for how this error code presents itself.

Here are some common variations that you might come across:

  • “Forbidden – You don’t have permission to access / on this server”
  • “403 – Forbidden: Access is denied”
  • “Error 403 – Forbidden”
  • “403 – Forbidden Error – You are not allowed to access this address”
  • “403 Forbidden – nginx”
  • “HTTP Error 403 – Forbidden – You do not have permission to access the document or program you requested”
  • “403 Forbidden – Access to this resource on the server is denied”
  • “403. That’s an error. Your client does not have permission to get URL / from this server”
  • “You are not authorized to view this page”
  • “It appears you don’t have permission to access this page.”

If you’re on an Nginx server, it will look like this below. Basically, if you see any mention of “forbidden” or “not allowed to access,” you’re probably dealing with a 403 Forbidden error.

How to Fix a 403 Forbidden Error on Your Site (2)

How to Fix a 403 Forbidden Error?

To help you fix the 403 Forbidden Error on your site, we’ll cover nine separate troubleshooting steps in detail:

1. Refresh the Page and Double Check the Address

Sometimes the simplest solutions are the only ones capable of solving complex problems.

So try to refresh the page you are not able to access. The 403 error is often temporary, so maybe you’ll get lucky.

We also recommend checking that the URL is spelled correctly. If the address you are trying to access is a directory and not a web page, there is a chance that you will encounter a 403 error. (example:

2. Clear Your Browser Cache

Another very handy solution is to clear your browser’s cache.

Cache is very useful to help us see a website faster, but sometimes some mismatch can happen between the real version of a page and its cached version.

Check below some tips on how to clear cache in various browsers:

  • How to Force Refresh a Single Page for All Browsers
  • How to Clear Browser Cache for Google Chrome
  • How to Clear Browser Cache for Mozilla Firefox
  • How to Clear Browser Cache for Safari
  • How to Clear Browser Cache for Internet Explorer
  • How to Clear Browser Cache for Microsoft Edge
  • How to Clear Browser Cache forOpera

3. Modify Your File Permissions

Each folder and file on your site’s server has its own unique file permissions that control who can:

  • Read – see the data in the file/view the contents of a folder.
  • Write – modify the file/add or delete files inside a folder
  • Execute – run the file and/or execute it as a script/access a folder and perform functions and commands.

These permissions are indicated by a 3-digit number, with each digit indicating the level of permission for each of the 3 categories above.

Normally, these permissions just “work” for your site.

However, if something gets messed up with the file permissions at your site, it can cause the 403 Forbidden error.

To view and modify your site’s file permissions, you’ll need to connect via FTP/SFTP. Here’s how to use SFTP if you’re hosting at Kinsta.

For the screenshots in the tutorial below, we’ll be using the free FileZilla FTP program.

The basic principles will apply to any FTP program, though – you’ll just need to apply them to a different interface.

Once you’re connected to your server, you can view a file or folder’s permissions by right-clicking on it:

How to Fix a 403 Forbidden Error on Your Site (3)

Of course, manually checking the permissions for each file or folder isn’t really an option.

Instead, you can automatically apply file permissions to all the files or folders inside of a folder.

According to the WordPress Codex, the ideal file permissions for WordPress are:

  • Files – 644 or 640
  • Directories – 755 or 750

One exception is that your wp-config.php file should be 440 or 400.

To set these permissions, right-click on the folder that contains your site (the folder name is public at Kinsta). Then, choose File Attributes:

How to Fix a 403 Forbidden Error on Your Site (4)

Enter 755 or 750 in the Numeric value box. Then, choose Recurse into subdirectories and Apply to directories only:

How to Fix a 403 Forbidden Error on Your Site (5)

Once you’ve applied the correct permissions for directories, you’ll repeat the process for files. Only this time:

  • Enter 644 or 640 in the Numeric value box
  • Choose Recurse into subdirectories
  • Choose Apply to files only
How to Fix a 403 Forbidden Error on Your Site (6)

To finish the process, you just need to manually adjust the permissions for your wp-config.php file to make them 440 or 400:

How to Fix a 403 Forbidden Error on Your Site (7)

If file permissions issues were causing the 403 Forbidden Error, your site should now start working again.

4. Delete and Restore the .htaccess File

Kinsta uses the NGINX web server, so this potential issue doesn’t apply if you’re hosting your site at Kinsta because Kinsta sites do not have a .htaccess file.

However, if you’re hosting elsewhere and your host uses the Apache web server, one common cause of the 403 Forbidden error is a problem in your site’s .htaccess file.

The .htaccess file is a basic configuration file used by the Apache web server. You can use it to set up redirects, restrict access to all or some of your site, etc.

Because it’s so powerful, even if a little mistake can cause a big issue, like the 403 Forbidden error.

Rather than trying to troubleshoot the .htaccess file itself, a simpler solution is to just force WordPress to generate a new, clean .htaccess file.

To do that:

  • Connect to your server via FTP
  • Find the .htaccess file in your root folder
  • Download a copy of the file to your computer (it’s always a good idea to have a backup just in case)
  • Delete the .htaccess file from your server after you have a safe backup copy on your local computer
How to Fix a 403 Forbidden Error on Your Site (8)

Now, you should be able to access your WordPress site if your .htaccess file was the issue.

To force WordPress to generate a new, clean .htaccess file:

  • Go to Settings → Permalinks in your dashboard
  • Click Save Changes at the bottom of the page (you do not need to make any changes – just click the button)
How to Fix a 403 Forbidden Error on Your Site (9)

And that’s it – WordPress will now generate a new .htaccess file for you.

5. Deactivate and then Reactivate Your Plugins

If neither your site’s file permissions nor .htaccess file are the problems, the next place to look is your WordPress plugins. It could be a bug in a plugin or a compatibility issue between different plugins.

No matter what the issue is, the easiest way to find the problematic plugin is with a little trial and error. Specifically, you’ll need to deactivate all of your plugins and then reactivate them one by one until you find the culprit.

If you can still access your dashboard, you can perform this process from the normal Plugins area.

If you cannot access your dashboard, you’ll instead need to connect to your WordPress site’s server via FTP/SFTP (here’s how to connect via SFTP at Kinsta).

Once you’re connected to your server via FTP:

  1. Browse to the wp-content folder
  2. Find the plugins folder inside of the wp-content folder
  3. Right-click on the plugins folder and choose Rename
  4. Change the name of the folder. You can name it anything different, but we recommend something like plugins-disabled to make it easy to remember.
How to Fix a 403 Forbidden Error on Your Site (10)

By renaming the folder, you’ve effectively disabled all the plugins at your site.

Now, try accessing your site again. If your site is working, you know that one of your plugins is causing the 403 Forbidden error.

To find the culprit, reactivate your plugins one-by-one until you find which plugin is causing the issue.

After changing the file name of the plugins folder, you should see a number of errors that say plugin file does not exist when you go to the Plugins area on your site:

How to Fix a 403 Forbidden Error on Your Site (11)

To fix this issue and regain the ability to manage your plugins, use your FTP program to change the name of the folder back to plugins. So, if you renamed it to plugins-disabled, just change it back to plugins.

Once you do that, you’ll see the full list of all your plugins again. Only now, they’ll all be deactivated:

How to Fix a 403 Forbidden Error on Your Site (12)

Use the Activate button to reactivate them one-by-one.

Once you find the plugin that’s causing the issue, you can either reach out to the plugin’s developer for help or choose an alternate plugin that accomplishes the same thing.

6. Deactivate CDN Temporarily

If you’re getting 403 forbidden errors on your assets (images, JavaScript, CSS), it could be a problem with your content delivery network (CDN).

In this case, we recommend temporarily disabling your CDN and then checking your site to see if the issue is resolved. If you’re a Kinsta client, click through to your WordPress site within the MyKinsta dashboard, select CDN in the sidebar menu and then click the Disable button.

How to Fix a 403 Forbidden Error on Your Site (13)

7. Check to See If Hotlink Protection Is Misconfigured

Hotlinking is when someone adds an image to their site, but the hosted link is still pointed to someone else’s site. To prevent this, some will set up what is called “hotlink protection” with their host or CDN provider.

When hotlink protection is enabled, it will typically return a 403 forbidden error. This is normal. However, if you’re seeing a 403 forbidden error on something you shouldn’t be, check to make sure hotlink protection is configured properly.

8. Disconnect From Your VPN

Another simple tip, but that can solve this problem.

Some sites block VPN users, which may be why the 403 Forbidden message is showing up for you.

To verify this, disconnect from the VPN and try connecting to the site in another way. Or try switching to a different server provided by your VPN service.

9. Reach Out to Your Hosting Provider

If none of the above solutions worked for you, then we recommend reaching out to your hosting provider. They can most likely help you pinpoint the issue and get you back up and running. If you’re a Kinsta client, open up a support ticket with our team. We are available 24/7.

10. Use the Sitechecker Website Crawler Tool

The Sitechecker Website SEO Checker is able to provide you with a detailed SEO audit report by providing solutions and checkers for your website. There is a website crawler, a site monitoring tool, and a rank tracker amongst other built-in tools.

How to Fix a 403 Forbidden Error on Your Site (14)

It’s important to constantly monitor your pages for 403 errors, and you can do this with Sitechecker. You can check your website not only for 403 errors but also for all other errors.


The 403 Forbidden error means that your server is working, but you no longer have permission to view all or some of your site for some reason.

The two most likely causes of this error are issues with your site’s file permissions or .htaccess file. Beyond that, some plugin issues might also cause the 403 Forbidden error. Or it could be that something is misconfigured with hotlink protection or your CDN.

By following the troubleshooting steps in this guide, you should be able to get your site back to working in no time.

How to Fix a 403 Forbidden Error on Your Site (15)

Brian Jackson

Brian has a huge passion for WordPress, has been using it for over a decade, and even develops a couple of premium plugins. Brian enjoys blogging, movies, and hiking. Connect with Brian on Twitter.

How to Fix a 403 Forbidden Error on Your Site (2024)


How to Fix a 403 Forbidden Error on Your Site? ›

The 403 Forbidden error means that your server thinks you do not have the required permission to access that particular page. This is usually caused by an issue with file permissions, but could be caused by another problem related to hosting or authentication.

Why am I suddenly getting a 403 Forbidden error? ›

The 403 Forbidden error means that your server thinks you do not have the required permission to access that particular page. This is usually caused by an issue with file permissions, but could be caused by another problem related to hosting or authentication.

Does 403 Forbidden mean I'm blocked? ›

A 403 Forbidden error is an HTTP (HyperText Transfer Protocol) status code that blocks you from accessing the page a user is trying to view. This error can deter visitors, reducing traffic and costing you potential customers. HTTP is the set of rules that govern how web pages get sent from one place to another.

How to get rid of 403 Forbidden on Chrome? ›

Clear your browser cookies and cache

Corrupted or outdated cookies and cache files can interfere with website access and trigger a 403 error. Clearing these files helps your browser establish a new connection.

What is error 403 access not allowed? ›

The 403 Forbidden error means that your server is working, but you no longer have permission to view all or some of your site for some reason. The two most likely causes of this error are issues with your site's file permissions or . htaccess file.

How to remove 403 Forbidden error? ›

Here are some ways to fix the 403 Forbidden error effectively:
  1. Clear your browser cache and cookies. The 403 Forbidden error can sometimes result from issues with your browser's cache and cookies. ...
  2. Scan for malware. ...
  3. Check the . ...
  4. Reset file and directory permissions. ...
  5. Disable CMS plugins. ...
  6. Update nameservers.
Dec 22, 2023

Can you bypass a 403 error? ›

This is another useful method, you can try to bypass 401 or 403 status code by adding symbols to find alternative paths. gives you 403? Try adding /%2e/ or /%252e/ to the path: admin and check results. You can also try other creative literals.

What is the root cause of 403 Forbidden error? ›

The “403 Forbidden” error can occur if your domain points to an incorrect IP address, denying you access even with valid credentials. To prevent this, ensure your domain points to your hosting provider's IP address.

How to fix error code 403? ›

To fix a 403 error, try resetting file permissions, restoring the .htaccess file, deactivating plugins, or contact your hosting provider for assistance.

Is Error 403 a ban? ›

The 403 error indicates that the website owner has set up rules that are blocking your IP address.

Why does a website keep saying 403 Forbidden? ›

The “403 Forbidden” error can occur if your domain points to an incorrect IP address, denying you access even with valid credentials. To prevent this, ensure your domain points to your hosting provider's IP address. Hostinger users can navigate to Plan Details on hPanel to find their website's IP address.

Why is Google giving me a 403 error? ›

If you get an error that says “403 access_denied,” it means you are not authorized to use Sign in with Google or to share some account data with the app. Some reasons for this include: The app is in test mode and the developer hasn't added you as a test user.

Can an IT firewall cause a 403 Forbidden error? ›

The 403 Forbidden error occurs when a request is made the server cannot allow. This is often due to a firewall ruleset that strictly prohibits this specific request, but other settings such as permissions may prevent access based on user rights.

Why am I getting a blocked forbidden or 403 error message? ›

A 403 Forbidden Error occurs when you do not have permission to access a web page or something else on a web server. It's usually a problem with the website itself. However, you can try refreshing the page, clearing your cache and cookies, and disconnecting from any VPN you might be using.

What is the cause of 403 Forbidden register? ›

A SIP 403 “Forbidden” error means that the server understands your request, but refuses to fulfill it. Most people encounter this error when their login credentials are wrong or missing, when the destination that they're calling is unavailable, or when they're registering too many devices too quickly.

What is the server status 403 Forbidden? ›

The HTTP 403 Forbidden client error response status code indicates that the server understood the request but refused to process it. This status is similar to 401 , except that for 403 Forbidden responses, authenticating or re-authenticating makes no difference.

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Name: Tyson Zemlak

Birthday: 1992-03-17

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Introduction: My name is Tyson Zemlak, I am a excited, light, sparkling, super, open, fair, magnificent person who loves writing and wants to share my knowledge and understanding with you.