How to Fetch API Data in React (2024)

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How to Fetch API Data in React (1)
Ijeoma Igboagu
How to Fetch API Data in React (2)

When developing applications, you often need to get data from an API. This lets you deliver dynamic and often-updated content within your application.

You'll want to retrieve this data as you may need to interact with external services, communicate with a distant server, or access a database.

In this article, I'll show you different methods of fetching data using React as an example.


  • Install Node.js
  • Ensure you have at least a basic understanding of React.js.
  • A text editor

What is an API?

API stands for Application Programming Interface. It enables the exchange of information and functionality between different systems, such as between a website and a server or between different software applications.

You can think of an API as being like a restaurant waiter. You don't go inside the kitchen to prepare your meal when you dine at a restaurant. Rather, you inform the waiter of your preferences, and they will take your order to the kitchen team. The kitchen team prepares the food and returns it to the waiter, who then delivers it to your table.

An API functions as a waiter for software applications. It is a set of rules that lets one program ask another for something it needs. It serves as a bridge for software apps to communicate and interact.

Why are APIs important in web development?

There are a few reasons why APIs are important in web development. Let's go over some of them below:

  • Web applications need APIs to get data from various sources, like databases or websites.
  • APIs are a scalable option for managing high data or request volumes.
  • Developers use APIs to leverage existing features and services. This saves them from reinventing the wheel.
  • They keep things safe by ensuring that only authorized individuals or programs can use them.
  • An API makes a website or mobile app more enjoyable to use by integrating data.

What is a Hypertext Transfer Protocol (HTTP) request?

When a web browser or a mobile app sends a message to a server, it's known as an HTTP request. A HTTP request involves asking the server for specific data or an action and getting a response. The server responds by interacting with web pages and services.

Using APIs in software development makes things more flexible and efficient. It also enhances security and enables different software systems to work well together.

Types of HTTP Requests

We use various HTTP request methods, such as get, post, put, and delete, to get and store data in our database. But the most common requests made are the get and post requests.

Let's discuss the meaning of these HTTP request methods:

  • GET: This method retrieves data from a specific endpoint. Think of it as asking for information.
  • POST: This method sends data to a specific endpoint. For example, you can send a message or submit a form. The information will be added to the database.
  • PUT: This method is used to update a record or data value at a designated endpoint. You're making changes to existing information.
  • DELETE: This method erases data from a specific endpoint. It's like discarding unnecessary things.

One widely adopted way of checking APIs is through the browser.

How to Fetch API Data in React (3)Getting a response from an API

To learn more ways to get data, check out this article: Getting Started with Application Programming Interfaces (APIs).

How to Fetch Data in React

There are various ways to fetch data in React. Before we begin, let’s start by writing some React boilerplate code or by creating a template in our editor.

Here's the command to do that:

npx create-react-app ./ or npx create-vite@latest ./

How to Fetch API Data in React (4)creating template for our project

After this, type the following command:

npm run dev

This will start the development server.

In the image above, you'll notice that I added a period (.) immediately following the command.

This is a convenient shorthand for creating the template within the current directory.

Different Ways to Fetch Data in React

1. Use the stale-while-revalidate (SWR) method

This method is used to fetch data from a server and is used in React. It manages any issues that may arise when obtaining the data and helps you manage its storage. SWR includes useState() and useEffect(), so there is no need to import them.

The advantages of SWR

  1. SWR speeds up your app's loading time by showing older data while fetching the latest information.
  2. It reduces the server burden by minimizing the number of requests.
  3. Even if there is a bad connection, or no connection at all, SWR can still display previously fetched data.
  4. SWR handles data acquisition and maintenance without the use of sophisticated coding.
  5. It knows what to do if something goes wrong while gathering data.
  6. You can change how SWR operates to better suit your app.
  7. It provides a consistent approach to collecting and saving data across your app.

How to use SWR to get data

  • In your application, create a file.
  • Then install the package SWR into your application with the following command:
npm i swr
  • Import useSWR, which is a hook that has both useState() and useEffect(), into your application.
  • Then define a constant variable on top called fetcher and assign it a function.

This function is capable of receiving any number of arguments, denoted by the ...args syntax.

The function looks like this:
const fetcher = (...args) => fetch(...args).then(res => res.json())

Here is how thenSwr.jsx should look like:

import useSWR from 'swr';// Import useSWR from swr package// created function to handle API requestconst fetcher = (...args) => fetch(...args).then((res) => res.json());const Swr = () => { const { data: countries, error, isValidating, } = useSWR('', fetcher); // Handles error and loading state if (error) return <div className='failed'>failed to load</div>; if (isValidating) return <div className="Loading">Loading...</div>; return ( <div> {countries &&, index) => ( <img key={index} src={country.flags.png} alt='flag' width={100} /> ))} </div> );};export default Swr;

Let's see what's going on in the above code:

  • The first thing we did was import the SWR library.
  • Next, we defined a function to handle the API request.
  • In return, we used the map() method to iterate through the list of nations.
  • We put a && line to ensure that if there are no issues and the data has been correctly received (meaning the countries variable is not null or undefined), it will proceed to map over the data and show an image element for each nation.
  • Finally, we exported the component to the application's root App.jsx or Index.jsx so it could be viewed in the browser.

Here's the result:

How to Fetch API Data in React (5)The result of using Swr

2. Use the JavaScript Fetch() method

The fetch() method is well-known for retrieving data from APIs. It is recognized as the simplest and most used approach.

The advantages of using the fetch() method

  1. The fetch() method makes it simple to get information from the internet using JavaScript.
  2. It lets you send extra details to the server, like who you are or what kind of data you want.
  3. It's designed to work well in most of the newer web browsers.
  4. The fetch() method supports different HTTP methods. These methods include get, post, put, and delete. They give you flexibility in interacting with APIs.
  5. The fetch() method is a native JavaScript method. You can use it without any external libraries or dependencies. This makes it lightweight and efficient.

How to use fetch() to get data

  • In your application, create a file.
  • Then import useState() for state management in React.
  • Next, import [useEffect](, as it will make the data from the API render.

Here is how the Fetch.jsx should look like:

import { useState, useEffect } from 'react';const Fetch = () => { const [photos, setPhotos] = useState([]); useEffect(() => { fetch('') .then((res) => { return res.json(); }) .then((data) => { console.log(data); setPhotos(data); }); }, []); return ( <div> { => ( <img key={} src={photo.url} alt={photo.title} width={100} /> ))} </div> );};export default Fetch;

Inside useEffect(), we fetch our data by sending a request with the API key. The response comes back in JSON (JavaScript Object Notation).

In the return statement, we process the received photos by utilizing a map() function to iterate through each item.

In our specific scenario, we are only interested in the photos. We render them in the browser by displaying them in the main file of the application, or root. The main file could be App.jsx or Index.js.

Here is how the App.jsx file looks:

How to Fetch API Data in React (6)The root of the application

And here's the result:

How to Fetch API Data in React (7)using fetch()

3. Use the React Query library

React Query, also known as TanStack Query, is useful for managing data in React applications. The difference between the two names is the version.

Using React Query is easy and makes handling data in your app feel almost automatic, like it's taking care of things for you. For instance, fetching, caching, synchronizing, and updating server states in your applications.

Advantages of the React Query method

  1. The data retrieved from APIs is cached by React Query. You can retrieve the same data from the cache again. This saves time by avoiding a new network request.
  2. The program can automatically re-fetch data when specific conditions are met. These conditions include regaining focus or a set time passing.
  3. React Query has optimistic updates that can update the UI. It shows the expected outcome of a mutation without server confirmation. A smoother user experience is achieved as a result.
  4. It is made to work with React, making use of its component-based architecture to enable smooth integration.
  5. React Query includes DevTools that offer insights into query, mutation, and caching state. These tools help with debugging and optimizing performance.

How to use React Query to get data

To begin, use this command to install the React-Query library (TanStack Query) into your application:

npm i @tanstack/react-query

To make things work, use QueryClientProvider from @tanstack/react-query.

Wrap your application, which is the Main.jsx component, with it and pass queryClient as a prop. It comes automatically from the initialized QueryClient.

Here is how the Main.jsx file should look like:

import React from 'react'import ReactDOM from 'react-dom/client'import App from './App.jsx'import './index.css'import { QueryClient, QueryClientProvider } from '@tanstack/react-query';const queryClient = new QueryClient();ReactDOM.createRoot(document.getElementById('root')).render( <React.StrictMode> <QueryClientProvider client={queryClient}> <App /> </QueryClientProvider> </React.StrictMode>)

Now that we have done this, we can fetch the data:

  • In your application, create a file.
  • Import the hook from @tanstack/react-query at the top of your file:
import { useQuery } from '@tanstack/react-query';
  • The useQuery hook is defined with two crucial parameters in object form. These parameters are queryFn and queryKey.
  • queryFn handles fetching data from the endpoint.
  • queryKey serves as the unique identifier for the data obtained.

As mentioned earlier, React Query simplifies and manages loading states and errors. You don't need a separate useState() hook.

import { useQuery } from '@tanstack/react-query';const Query = () => { const { data: comments, isLoading, error } = useQuery({ queryFn: () => fetch('').then( (res) => res.json() ), queryKey: ['comments'], }); // Show a loading message while data is fetching if (isLoading) { return <h2>Loading...</h2>; } // to handle error if (error) { return <div className="error">Error: error fetching</div> } return ( <div> <h1 className='title'>Email address of users</h1> { => ( <h2 key={} className="users"> {}. {} </h2> ))} </div> );};export default Query;

Here's the result:

How to Fetch API Data in React (8)The result from the endpoint

As previously mentioned, useQuery() manages the loading and error states as long as it's defined.

When your internet service is bad, the browser may show these conditions because it couldn't get the data.

Here's an example:

How to Fetch API Data in React (9)Loading and Error state

4. Use the Axios Library

Axios is a third library package that we can add to our program to retrieve information from an API. Because Axios is used in both web browsers and server-side JavaScript, it is useful for a wide range of tasks.

Advantages of the Axios Library

  1. Axios is simple and easy to understand. It's a clear and straightforward way to get data from an API.
  2. It's designed to work well in most of the newer web browsers.
  3. You don't have to add anything extra to your code to use Axios. It's ready to go as part of JavaScript.

How to use Axios Library to get data

  • In your application, create a file.
  • Install the package Axios into your application like this:
npm i axios
  • Import Axios library into your application.
  • Import useState(), which enables state management in React.
  • Then import [useEffect]( which facilitates the rendering of data from the API.

Here is what the Axios.jsx file should look like:

import { useEffect, useState } from 'react'import axios from 'axios'const Axios = () => { const [meals, setMeals] = useState([]) useEffect(() => { axios.get('') .then((res) => { setMeals(; }) }, []) return ( <div> { => ( <img key={meal.idMeal} src={meal.strMealThumb} alt={meal.strMeal} width={400}/> ))} </div>

Inside useEffect() we fetch our data by sending a request with the API key. The response comes back in JSON (JavaScript Object Notation).

We use a map() function in the return statement. The map() function helps us process the meals. It iterates through each piece of information.

In our specific scenario, we are only interested in the images of each meal.

To display them in the browser, we render them in the root of the application, which could be App.jsx or Index.js.

Here's the result:

How to Fetch API Data in React (10)using axios library (Result)

5. Use the useFetch custom hook from react-fetch-hook

A custom hook in React is a JavaScript function. It is reusable and leverages React's built-in hooks. The purpose is to encapsulate and share logic across multiple components. This promotes code modularity and maintainability.

A custom hook allows us to reuse the fetching logic in various components of our app.

In React, custom hooks are often named with a convention, such as useFetch. Typically, any custom hook follows a naming pattern that starts with the keyword use.

Advantages of a custom hook

  1. Custom hooks make the reusability of logic across multiple components easy.
  2. Custom hooks make the code readable, concise, and maintainable by abstracting complex logic.
  3. Custom hooks allow you to test code independently, ensuring they work as expected before using them in components.
  4. Custom hooks allow you to build bigger features with less code. They prevent complexity in your main code.

How to get data using a custom hook

  • Open the terminal in your application.
  • Type this command to install the required package.
npm install react-fetch-hook
  • Once the installation is complete, navigate to the start of your application's file. Add the following line to import the useFetch hook:
import useFetch from "react-fetch-hook";

Now, you can use the useFetch hook to interact with an API.

  1. Create variables to keep track of errors, loading states, and data by using destructuring.
  2. In your application, make API calls using the useFetch hook. Update the variables.

Code example:

import useFetch from "react-fetch-hook";const UseFetch = () => { const { data: posts, isLoading, error } = useFetch(''); // Show a loading message while data is fetching if (isLoading) { return <h2>Loading...</h2>; } // Handle error if (error) { return <div className="error">Error: error fetching</div>; } return ( <div> <h1 className='title'>Post of users</h1> { => ( <div key={} className="card"> <h2 className='users'>{post.title}</h2> <p>{post.body}</p> </div> ))} </div> );};

Here's the result:

How to Fetch API Data in React (11)Data called using the custom hook



This article talks about different ways and tools to fetch API data in React.Understanding these methods will assist you in creating advanced applications.

Utilizing React to construct dynamic applications and obtain data from APIs is vital. Many apps rely on data from APIs, so developers need to know the best and quickest ways to get that data.

Whether you're a beginner or experienced developer, every method has its benefits. These benefits can improve your programming skills. They can also help you create reliable apps that use data.

If you found this tutorial helpful, please share it with other developers. They may also find it interesting. You can also stay updated on my latest projects by following me on Twitter and LinkedIn.

Thank you for reading💖

















How to Fetch API Data in React (12)
Ijeoma Igboagu

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How to Fetch API Data in React (2024)


How to fetch the data from API in ReactJS? ›

Different Ways to Fetch Data in React
  1. Use the stale-while-revalidate (SWR) method. This method is used to fetch data from a server and is used in React. ...
  2. Use the JavaScript Fetch() method. ...
  3. Use the React Query library. ...
  4. Use the Axios Library. ...
  5. Use the useFetch custom hook from react-fetch-hook.
Dec 14, 2023

How do I fetch data from API using React query? ›

To get started, install react-query, set up a QueryClient, and wrap your app with QueryClientProvider. Use useQuery in your components with a unique key and a fetch function. The hook handles the rest, from loading states to caching and updating the data.

How do I fetch data from API in React table? ›

Fetching Data with React Query Hooks

React Query provides several hooks for fetching data, but the most commonly used one is useQuery. This hook is used to fetch data from an API and provide it to your React component. It also tracks the loading and error states, making it easier to provide feedback to the user.

How do I fetch data from API in react admin? ›

Whenever react-admin needs to communicate with your APIs, it does it through an object called the dataProvider . The dataProvider exposes a predefined interface that allows react-admin to query any API in a normalized way. For instance, to query the API for a single record, react-admin calls dataProvider.

How to fetch data from APIs? ›

With the Fetch API, you make a request by calling fetch() , which is available as a global function in both window and worker contexts. You pass it a Request object or a string containing the URL to fetch, along with an optional argument to configure the request.

How to fetch data from JSON API? ›

To fetch post JSON data using API, you need to follow these steps: fetch('', { method: 'POST', headers: { 'Content-Type': 'application/json' }, body: JSON. stringify({ key1: 'value1', key2: 'value2' }) }) . then(response => response.

How to fetch data from JSON in React? ›

Here's how you can do it:
  1. Make sure your datas. json file is located in the public directory or is accessible through the web server. ...
  2. Use fetch with the correct path to the JSON file. If the file is in the public folder, you can reference it with a path relative to the public directory.

How to extract data from API response? ›

# Extracting Variables from API Response
  1. Open the test case from which you want to extract variables.
  2. Go to the "Variable Extractor" sub-tab.
  3. In the JSON Path / XML Path / Utility Method column, you may provide. the JSON path of the API response if the response is in JSON format. ...
  4. in the Post Validation?

How do I fetch data from rapid API in react? ›

To fetch data in React using Fetch API, we just use the fetch method with the API endpoint's URL to retrieve data from the server.

How to fetch API using JavaScript? ›

Fetch API Syntax

First, you send a request to the desired URL using the fetch() method. Next, you handle the response with the . then() method. In this case, we're not doing anything with the code yet, but you could use this same code to parse HTML documents, send data over POST requests, and more.

How to fetch API in React JS functional component? ›

Fetching Data from APIs in React. js
  1. Set Up a New React. js Project.
  2. Create a Component for Fetching Data.
  3. Perform the API Request.
  4. Handle the API Response.
  5. Display the Data in the Component.
  6. Handle Loading and Error States.
Aug 2, 2023

How do I fetch an external API in react? ›

Making APIs in React with Fetch API

To make a request, you simply call the fetch() method, pass in the URL to fetch from, and then handle the response when it resolves. This is much simpler than working directly with XMLHttp Requests.

How do you fetch an object from API in react? ›

3) Using JavaScript Fetch API
  1. Create a React Application. npx create-react-app demo.
  2. Change your Project Directory. ...
  3. Access the API Endpoint. ...
  4. Import the useState() Hook and Set it to Hold Data. ...
  5. Create a FetchInfo() Callback Function to Fetch and Store Data. ...
  6. Output. ...
  7. Create a React Application. ...
  8. Change your Project Directory.

How to fetch data from API using POST method? ›

POST request using fetch API:

To do a POST request we need to specify additional parameters with the request such as method, headers, etc. In this example, we'll do a POST request on the same JSONPlaceholder and add a post in the posts.

How to fetch data from GET API in Angular? ›

Fetching Data from an API in Angular
  1. Step 1: Create a New Angular Project. ...
  2. Step 2: Create an Interface for Comments. ...
  3. Step 3: Create a Comment Service. ...
  4. Step 4: Create a Comment Component. ...
  5. Step 5: Display Comments in the Template. ...
  6. Step 6: Styling the Comment List. ...
  7. Step 7: Run the Application.
Sep 14, 2023

How do I fetch data from rapid API in React? ›

To fetch data in React using Fetch API, we just use the fetch method with the API endpoint's URL to retrieve data from the server.

How to connect API with React JS? ›

How to integrate API in ReactJS?
  1. Fetching data in ReactJS using JavaScript-fetch-API.
  2. Step 1: Create a ReactJS application.
  3. Step 2: Change your project directory.
  4. Step 3: Access the API endpoints.
  5. Step 4: Importing the useState ( ) hook function.
  6. Step 5: Create a fetchinfo ( ) callback function.
  7. Step 6: Displaying the output.
Dec 21, 2023

How to fetch login API in React JS? ›

3) Using JavaScript Fetch API
  1. Create a React Application.
  2. Change your Project Directory.
  3. Access the API Endpoint.
  4. Import the useState() Hook and Set it to Hold Data.
  5. Create a FetchInfo() Callback Function to Fetch and Store Data.
  6. Output.
  7. Create a React Application.
  8. Change your Project Directory.

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Author: Corie Satterfield

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Name: Corie Satterfield

Birthday: 1992-08-19

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Hobby: Table tennis, Soapmaking, Flower arranging, amateur radio, Rock climbing, scrapbook, Horseback riding

Introduction: My name is Corie Satterfield, I am a fancy, perfect, spotless, quaint, fantastic, funny, lucky person who loves writing and wants to share my knowledge and understanding with you.