How to Earn Money From Blogger Websites with Adsterra (2024)

When you earn money from Blogger, you either monetize your website traffic or sell something on your blog. This guide will review the fastest way to make money on Blogspot with minimum effort. But we will also list proven methods and tactics for getting income from your blog. Ultimately, you will be all set to choose the best tactics. Let’s start!


  • How fast can you earn money from Blogger?
  • Proven methods to earn money from Blogger
  • 1. Ad networks [with a real example]
  • Which ads can you put on a Blogger / Blogspot website?
  • How to get ad codes
  • Step-by-step instructions for putting ads on your Blogspot website
  • Placing ads via Blogspot themes
  • Placing ads on a separate blog post page
  • 2. Affiliate marketing
  • 3. Secret: Extra monetization of your social traffic
  • How much do publishers earn from Blogger?
  • Blogspot monetization FAQs
  • What to keep in mind while monetizing your Blogspot website
  • Conclusion

How fast can you earn money from Blogger?

Answering the question, “How can I make money on Blogspot,” you should consider three critical factors. Let’s list them.

Traffic volume

You get paid for every 1,000 ad views when monetizing a website with CPM-based ads. It only means that the more traffic you send, the higher your revenues will be.

Usually, you start earning very fast right after placing the advertising codes on a web page. We will give a detailed guide to generating such codes a bit later. Now you only need to remember that this is literally the easiest way to get passive income.

Traffic quality

Quality traffic can pay you off greatly, even with few website visitors. That’s because when you show advertisem*nts on the website, advertisers pay attention to clicks and conversions, not only views. If your website visitors click on ads and then follow advertising links, you will be paid higher.

Another important marker of quality traffic is the average time users spend on your website. The longer they stay, the more likely they will interact with ads or sponsored links you placed.

CPM networks like Adsterra will increase your payouts when users convert.
Send quality traffic and watch your revenues grow.


The country you send traffic from

Well, you know that. Traffic from countries where people buy expensive goods is paid higher. And typically, advertisers set high CPM rates for ad impressions from the US, the UK, Germany, Canada, and Australia. That was the only reality not so long ago.

Today, we see so many countries emerging. New markets bring new customers. India, Indonesia, South Africa, and Brazil are among the most lucrative for publishers.

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Proven methods to earn money from Blogger

In the following chapters, you will learn how to use the main methods to drive income from Blogspot sites. And one less obvious 🙂

1. Ad networks [with a real example]

Advertising networks offer you the easiest free way of generating passive income from the web content you write. Let’s see how it works and then practice with one of the highest-paying display ad networks!

  • You register on a CPM advertising network.
  • Then, you add your Blogspot blog by listing it as a traffic source where you will later put ads. Typically, it is necessary to provide a blog’s URL and enter its category (e.g., Sports or Books).
  • Next, you choose which ad types you want to place on your web pages and generate a Javascript code.
  • You then place this code on your Blogger page.
  • Advertisers or media buyers find your website while they set up the targeting. They decide on the price to pay for 1,000 ad impressions on your website, for one click, or a conversion.
  • Finally, advertisem*nts start showcasing on your pages, and you get paid.

Now let’s see how to easily register on an ad network and put ads on your web pages. Most bloggers know AdSense as a primary source of earnings. However, several AdSense alternatives welcome bloggers with any traffic volume and pay highly for ad impressions, clicks, and conversions. One of those is Adsterra, a friendly advertising network whose publishers earn over $50 million yearly.

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Which ads can you put on a Blogger / Blogspot website?

Blogger is very easy to set up and run, so placing ad codes is also a smooth process. On this platform, you can grow your business with the following Adsterra ad formats:

  • Social Bar or In-Page Push ads;
  • Native Banners;
  • Display Banners;
  • Popunders;
  • Direct Link.

Adsterra Smart Direct Link is the easiest way of getting profit from ads. You will only need to generate an ad code on your Adsterra account and place it anywhere on the website as a regular link. Most-used places are texts, buttons, images, etc. Find some secret monetization tactics in this Guide to Direct Link.

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How to get ad codes

Generating Adsterra codes is a universal set of actions that require less than five minutes. Let’s all of them one by one.

1. Please log in (or sign up) as a Publisher on

2. From the vertical menul on the left, choose the theWebsitestab. Click the ADD WEBSITE button.

How to Earn Money From Blogger Websites with Adsterra (1)


3. A new window will open. Here you need to fill out the fields and choose the ad format.

  • Add your website URL.
  • Choose your website category from the list (choose Other if you don’t see suitable categories).
  • Pick one Ad Unit (each ad code is unique).
  • See what filters you can tick to remove the unwanted types of ads.
  • Click the ADD green button.
How to Earn Money From Blogger Websites with Adsterra (2)

4. You’ll see a notification that your website is waiting for approval (Pending status). Approved sites are green-colored. Wait until Pending status changes to Approved.

5. After your website status changes to Approved, click All codes – Get code. Here it is! A piece of code and a short instruction on where to put it.

Copy the code to the clipboard.

How to Earn Money From Blogger Websites with Adsterra (3)
How to Earn Money From Blogger Websites with Adsterra (4)

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Step-by-step instructions for putting ads on your Blogspot website

There are two ways of adding ads to monetize a Blogger-based website or blog.

If you need an ad placement to appear on every page and be fixed to the page’s structure (e.g., a sidebar), you should put Adsterra codes inside the Blogspot theme.

** Please bear in mind that Popunder Ads are not attached to any UI element of the website, so you don’t have to look for a vacant place on the website.

The second way of showing adverts to your blog’s visitors is to place them on a blog post page. In this case, your audience will only meet ads when they open this page. It could be a homepage, for instance.

Let’s follow these simple steps right now.

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Placing ads via Blogspot themes

When you need advertising units to appear on every page, you should use your website theme settings. After you log in, on your left-hand menu, find and hit the Layout tab. You see how the skeleton of your website looks like, all of its blocks like header, footer, sidebars, etc.

How to Earn Money From Blogger Websites with Adsterra (5)

Click the Add a gadget section and choose HTML/JavaScript from the list.

Paste the code you generated at Adsterra into the Content field and click Save.

How to Earn Money From Blogger Websites with Adsterra (6)

After you add a gadget, you will see your new HTML/JavaScript element inside the website layout. Drag and drop your gadget if you want to place native or display banner somewhere else, like the website header or sidebar.

** Check the instructions you got while generating the code. If they recommend putting the format before the closing ‘</body>’ tag, you can’t just drag and drop your Blogger gadget to the web page header.

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Placing ads on a separate blog post page

Sometimes you need to put ads on specific web pages avoiding all the rest. This might be very helpful if you want to test a new format or leave some pages free of advertising (like those with privacy policy).

On Blogger, you can do it with just two steps:

1. Open the post where you want to show ads. Switch to HTML view by clicking the icon on the upper left corner.

How to Earn Money From Blogger Websites with Adsterra (7)

2. Paste the code snippet that you copied from your Adsterra account. Make sure you place the code according to Adsterra instructions. For instance, to add a popunder, you will need to find the tag on your HTML post and paste the core before this tag.

That’s it!

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2. Affiliate marketing

Affiliate marketing is another free way to earn with Blogger content. How exactly? You find brands ready to pay you for featuring their offers on your blog. Next, you place a referral (affiliate) link in the text. After users click this link and buy something, you get commissions.

That’s difficult, searching for someone willing to pay you for promo, right? It’s not if you register on an affiliate network. They have tons of offers.

Advantages of affiliate marketing:

  • Commissions can be very impressive
  • You don’t need any investment at the start
  • If you can create highly engaging content, you can become very successful
  • A whole load of products to promote; you can choose the most suitable for your blog

Risks of affiliate marketing

  • You have to create lots of high-quality reviews observing products
  • Your posts must be unique and convincing so that users want to click affiliate links
  • Payouts will come only when users buy something from your advertiser. However, some affiliate networks also pay for clicks and leads

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3. Secret: Extra monetization of your social traffic

And finally, let’s outline the least-known but bulletproof way to earn money from Blogger. Let’s call it the extra monetization method because it allows you to re-engage your social media traffic and make greater gains.

How to gain extra cash from your social traffic and a Blogspot website? Let’s imagine you have a Facebook, TikTok, YouTube, or similar account where you post content. Users come to watch your videos or to read news from you.

You can invite followers from social networks to visit your Blogger-based website, where you have shared some unique or extra details they won’t find on the social media account. You drive additional traffic to your website with ads or referral links. And earn more!

What if you want to avoid leading social traffic to your blog? No problem. Create a landing page or a separate Blogspot page and generate more advertising codes. It’s recommended to try Direct Link. It’s a simple URL to place anywhere. You can put a Direct Link to a piece of text or an image.

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How much do publishers earn from Blogger?

If you need the answer to this question, listening to those who make money is better. Adsterra publishers have gained a lot from their Blogspot and WordPress websites. Both these platforms are user-friendly and have in-built options for generating side revenues.

Waseem Afzal: How I Make $100 Daily on My Sports Blog With Popunder and Social Bar
Blog Monetization Case Study by Achile Anne: $1,200 in 2 Months

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Blogspot monetization FAQs

Can I earn money from Blogger?

Sure! Several lucrative ways exist to make money from Blogger or Blogspot. Placing advertising codes on your website is the easiest way to generate income. You can find user-friendly and high-paying ads on the Adsterra platform, whose publishers earn over $50M yearly.

How many views do you need to get paid on Blogger?

It is considered you must have at least 10,000 views per month to start earning money from Blogger. However, it primarily refers to monetization with CPM-based ad networks because they will pay you for every 1,000 ad impressions. Those advertising networks that take into account views, clicks, and conversions can return you profits with a smaller quantity of impressions. They typically deal with eCPM, which stands for “effective cost per thousand impressions.”

Is Google Blogger good for making money?

Of course, it is a credible platform with a positive reputation. Blogger-based websites (if optimized correctly) rank highly on Google and offer your readers friendly UX. Moreover, you can easily monetize Blogpost websites since the platform provides several options for putting advertising codes. Keep in mind that whichever platform you choose, it’s you who manage profits. So there will be no magic buttons to shower you with money. With persistence and zeal, you will make it!

Who pays more, Blogger or WordPress?

Let’s stop and clarify this question. It’s not the blogging platform that pays. It’s you who earns by posting great content on WP or Blogspot. So, you are free to choose a platform where you will be creating articles, news, photo galleries, and so on. We at Adsterra recommend trying WordPress, which offers many SEO tools and free themes. It is a bit more friendly when it comes to monetization.

What to keep in mind while monetizing your Blogspot website

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What to keep in mind while monetizing your Blogspot website

  • Please don’t oversaturate your web pages with ads. At first, it might seem the fastest way to profit, but in the end, your statistics could return massive churn rates.
  • Avoid placing more than one popunder ad code on the same page as they might conflict.
  • Having added a new placement, open the preview page to make sure the ads don’t overlap the content or navigation buttons. If they do, try to find a better placement. Poor UX might strongly affect your CPM.
  • When generating a new ad code, please, read a short instruction. At Adsterra, we recommend where exactly to put this ad.
  • Each ad code is unique. You can use it only for one placement on one page. To get, say, two banners, you will need to generate two ad codes. This is critical for the correct display of your statistics.
  • Some ad placements have advanced settings available on request. E.g., you can ask for changing your popunders frequency settings (how many times one user will meet ads within a given time).

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If you are looking for a way of instant earning, rely on Adsterra. One-minute approval, no limitation to your website traffic volume and rankings, and the fastest support can become the game-changing factors to your business growth.


PublishersTraffic MonetizationWebsite Monetization

How to Earn Money From Blogger Websites with Adsterra (2024)


How much does Adsterra pay for 1000 views on a website? ›

Your earnings per 1,000 views depend on many factors, such as niche, ad network, and traffic, but don't be afraid to aim as high as possible. So it can be $1 or less and with no limit, up to $5, $10, $20, etc, and each of these figures may be taken as a good result in their settings.

Can I use Adsterra on blogger? ›

Check our guide that will show you step-by-step how to monetize a Blogspot-based website or blog using Adsterra ad formats. You also can use these tips to make money with ads no matter where your business is at and whether you've already built a reputation or are just getting started with planting those seeds of trust.

Can I make money with Adsterra? ›

Adsterra lets you earn money from your blog traffic easily. With over 13,000 reputable advertisers on our network, you can be sure of getting constant advertisem*nts on your blog and earning a steady income.

How to increase Adsterra earnings? ›

How publishers can increase revenue from Adsterra 1000 impressions
  1. Grow traffic that converts. ...
  2. Get more Tier 1 and Tier 2 traffic but keep an eye on trends. ...
  3. Invest in social traffic. ...
  4. Refresh traffic and ad placements. ...
  5. Use ad formats that appeal to users.

How to get high CPM on Adsterra? ›

What to check
  1. Users stay on the website; they don't churn after 1-10 seconds.
  2. visitors don't leave the website before ads are loaded (see or the How Adsterra Counts Ad Impressions guide.)
  3. Your overall bounce rates are not higher than 70%.
  4. Your website does not show sudden spikes in bounce rate.
Aug 26, 2024

What is the minimum withdrawal from Adsterra? ›

Adsterra publishers can get payouts in local currency when hitting a minimum of $50 on their balance.

Does Adsterra pay for clicks? ›

Adsterra doesn't limit you to the amount of earnings offering eCPM (effective CPM) rates, which take into account all types of user engagement with ads: views, clicks, and conversions.

How often does Adsterra pay? ›

💡 We pay our publishers twice a month, on 1-2 and 16-17 of each month, from 9.00 am till 6.00 pm GMT. If these dates fall on weekends or holidays, the payments will be processed on the nearest business day.

What is the minimum deposit for Adsterra? ›

– Minimum deposit is only $100. – Traffic Estimator gives an estimate of volume and bids. – Three-level anti-fraud protection.

Who pays more AdSense or Adsterra? ›

Adsterra vs AdSense: Which Offers Better Revenue Potential? Both platforms boast strong revenue potential, but the choice depends on your audience and content. Adsterra's competitive rates may benefit certain niches, while AdSense's extensive advertiser network can be advantageous for others.

Can I monetize my Facebook page with Adsterra? ›

Once your account is set up, you can use Adsterra's video ad formats, such as pre-roll, mid-roll, and post-roll ads, to monetize your Facebook videos. You will then be able to track the performance of your ads and make adjustments as needed to optimize your revenue.

How much can you earn on a website with 1,000 views? ›

Roughly $0.2 – $2.5 per 1,000 views. Although it depends on many factors including the content of your site, location of your users, time on site and device breakdown. Use our AdSense revenue calculator above to find out how much you could earn with your website.

How much Google pays for 10,000 views on website? ›

If we talk about earning through Adsense then you might earn anywhere between 70$ to 100$ for 10k visitors per month(Though geo and website content play an important part in defining the CPC and CPM rates). And if we are talking about affiliate marketing then you might earn as high as $2000 using your 10k visitors.

How much does AdSense pay per 1000 views on website in USA? ›

The average amount of money someone makes per 1,000 views on AdSense can vary widely, depending on factors such as the type of content, the demographics of the audience, and the level of advertiser competition. However, on average, creators can earn anywhere from $0.10 to $5 per 1,000 views. Generally, it's $1.

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Author: Virgilio Hermann JD

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Author information

Name: Virgilio Hermann JD

Birthday: 1997-12-21

Address: 6946 Schoen Cove, Sipesshire, MO 55944

Phone: +3763365785260

Job: Accounting Engineer

Hobby: Web surfing, Rafting, Dowsing, Stand-up comedy, Ghost hunting, Swimming, Amateur radio

Introduction: My name is Virgilio Hermann JD, I am a fine, gifted, beautiful, encouraging, kind, talented, zealous person who loves writing and wants to share my knowledge and understanding with you.