How to disable 3DES and RC4 on Windows Server 2019? - Microsoft Q&A (2024)

Hello @Kartheen E ,

Thank you for posting here.

Could some let me know How to disable 3DES and RC4 on Windows Server 2019?
A: We can check all the ciphers on one machine by running the command.

Get-TlsCipherSuite >c:\cipher.txt

Or we can check only 3DES cipher or RC4 cipher by running commands below.

How to disable 3DES and RC4 on Windows Server 2019? - Microsoft Q&A (1)

How to disable 3DES and RC4 on Windows Server 2019? - Microsoft Q&A (2)

We can disable 3DES and RC4 ciphers by removing them from registry HKEY_LOCAL_MACHINE\SYSTEM\CurrentControlSet\Control\Cryptography\Configuration\Local\SSL\00010002 and then restart the server.

For example in my lab:
How to disable 3DES and RC4 on Windows Server 2019? - Microsoft Q&A (3)

I am sorry I can not find any patch for disabling these.

Should you have any question or concern, please feel free to let us know.

Best Regards,
Daisy Zhou

  1. How to disable 3DES and RC4 on Windows Server 2019? - Microsoft Q&A (4)

    Kartheen E 46Reputation points


    @Daisy Zhou

    I do not see 3DES or RC4 in my registry list. please see below. Is there any other method to disable 3DES and RC4?

    How to disable 3DES and RC4 on Windows Server 2019? - Microsoft Q&A (5)

    How to disable 3DES and RC4 on Windows Server 2019? - Microsoft Q&A (6)

    How to disable 3DES and RC4 on Windows Server 2019? - Microsoft Q&A (7)

  2. How to disable 3DES and RC4 on Windows Server 2019? - Microsoft Q&A (8)

    Daisy Zhou 12,841Reputation points Microsoft Employee


    Hello @Kartheen E ,
    Thank you for your update.
    Please pull down the scroll wheel on the right to find
    How to disable 3DES and RC4 on Windows Server 2019? - Microsoft Q&A (9)

    If you find it, you can remove it.

    And run Get-TlsCipherSuit -Name RC4 to check RC4.

    Best Regards,
    Daisy Zhou

  3. How to disable 3DES and RC4 on Windows Server 2019? - Microsoft Q&A (10)

    DPerry 1Reputation point


    The recommendations presented here confused me a bit and the way to remove a particular Cipher Suite does not appear to be in this thread, so I am adding this for (hopefully) more clarity.

    Performed on Server 2019.
    The registry key "HKEY_LOCAL_MACHINE\SYSTEM\CurrentControlSet\Control\Cryptography\Configuration\Local\SSL\00010002" shows the availabe cypher suites on the server. You can't remove them from there however.
    To remove a cypher suite, use the PowerShell command 'Disable-TlsCipherSuite -Name <name of the suite>'.

    For example;
    I see these suites in the registry, but don't want 'TLS_RSA_WITH_3DES_EDE_CBC_SHA'.

    How to disable 3DES and RC4 on Windows Server 2019? - Microsoft Q&A (11)]1

    To remove that suite I run; Disable-TlsCipherSuite -Name "TLS_RSA_WITH_3DES_EDE_CBC_SHA" in PowerShell.
    When I reopen the registry and look at that key again, I see that my undesired suite is now missing.

    How to disable 3DES and RC4 on Windows Server 2019? - Microsoft Q&A (12)

    A reboot may be needed, to make this change functional. I could not test that part.

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How to disable 3DES and RC4 on Windows Server 2019? - Microsoft Q&A (2024)


How to disable 3DES and RC4 on Windows Server 2016? ›

We can disable 3DES and RC4 ciphers by removing them from registry HKEY_LOCAL_MACHINE\SYSTEM\CurrentControlSet\Control\Cryptography\Configuration\Local\SSL\00010002 and then restart the server.

How do I remove legacy ciphers ssl2 SSL3 DES 3DES MD5 and RC4 on netscaler? ›

Configuration tab > System > Profiles > SSL Profle Tab > <profile name to be modified> > Edit. Select SSL Ciphers > Add > Select Cipher > uncheck SSL3, DES, MD5, RC4 Ciphers > Move the selected ones under configured. After moving list of Ciphers to Configured, select OK and save the configuration.

What happens if we disable RC4? ›

In this manner, any server or client that is talking to a client or server that must use RC4 can prevent a connection from occurring. Clients that deploy this setting will be unable to connect to sites that require RC4, and servers that deploy this setting will be unable to service clients that must use RC4.

How do I fix RC4 error? ›

If a website is configured to use RC4, an error may occur. The best solution is to move the site from RC4 to TLS 1.3 protocols. If you cannot completely disable RC4, add the TLS 1.3 protocol so that modern browsers don't trigger the err_ssl_version_or_cipher_mismatch error.

What can I use instead of RC4? ›

RC4 is also known to have several significant flaws in the way it constructs and uses keys. Therefore, most security professionals recommend using alternative symmetric algorithms. Two of the most commonly used ones are the Triple Data Encryption Standard (3DES) and the Advanced Encryption Standard (AES).

How to fix the remote service supports the use of the RC4 cipher? ›

The remote service supports the use of the RC4 cipher. Resolution: Reconfigure the affected application, if possible, to avoid use of RC4 ciphers. Consider using TLS 1.2 with AES-GCM suites subject to browser and web server support.

How do I find cipher suites in Windows Server? ›

If you go to a secure website or service using Chrome you can see which cipher suite was negotiated. Any HTTPS site will give you this information. At the top of the developer tools window, you will see a tab called security. Click it.

Is Triple DES the same as 3DES? ›

Both AES and 3DES, often known as triple-DES, are symmetric block ciphers. These are the current data encryption standards.

What is secret key in Triple DES? ›

Triple DES encryption process

It works by taking three 56-bit keys (K1, K2 and K3), and encrypting first with K1, decrypting next with K2 and encrypting a last time with K3. 3DES has two-key and three-key versions. In the two-key version, the same algorithm runs three times, but uses K1 for the first and last steps.

How do I turn off static key ciphers? ›

In summary to disable ssl-static-key-ciphers, you will need to remove RSA from the httpd configuration. To disable ssl-static-key-ciphers, you will need to add ! RSA to the httpd configuration.

Is RC4 encryption still used? ›

The RC4 cipher became the most widely used stream cypher due to its speed and simplicity and is used in common protocols such as Wired Equivalent Privacy and Secure Sockets Layer and Transport Layer Security (TLS).

Does RDP use RC4? ›

The built-in RDP security uses the RC4 cipher, which encrypts data of varying size with a 56-bit or a 128-bit key. The enhanced network security options include TLS/SSL (with optional server verification) and Network Level Authentication (NLA) using CredSSP.

Why is TLS_ECDHE_RSA_WITH_AES_256_CBC_SHA384 considered weak? ›

Shall I know why TLS_ECDHE_RSA_WITH_AES_256_CBC_SHA384 being treated as weak? When did it become weak? Thanks. Due to the difficulties in implementing CBC cipher suites, and the numerous known exploits against bugs in specific implementations, Qualys SSL Labs began marking all CBC cipher suites as WEAK in May 2019.

How do I disable weak ciphers in Windows registry? ›

To turn off encryption (disallow all cipher algorithms), change the DWORD value data of the Enabled value to 0xffffffff. Otherwise, change the DWORD value data to 0x0. The Hashes registry key under the SCHANNEL key is used to control the use of hashing algorithms such as SHA-1 and MD5.

How do you turn on ARC4? ›

To turn on RC4 support automatically, click the Download button. In the File Download dialog box, click Run or Open, and then follow the steps in the easy fix wizard. This wizard may be in English only. However, the automatic fix also works for other language versions of Windows.

Does TLS use RC4? ›

TLS supports several symmetric encryption options, including a scheme based on the RC4 stream cipher.

What is RC4 vulnerability? ›

Vulnerability Details

DESCRIPTION: The RC4 algorithm, as used in the TLS protocol and SSL protocol, could allow a remote attacker to obtain sensitive information. An attacker could exploit this vulnerability to remotely expose account credentials without requiring an active man-in-the-middle session.

What are the differences between RC4 and 3des ciphers? ›

(2013). The main difference between the two encryption implementations is that Triple DES utilizes the DES cipher three times during its encryption/decryption processes by utilizing three key combinations totaling 168 bits, each of the three keys being 56 bits long.

What is the purpose of RC4? ›

RC4 stands for Rivest Cipher 4. Ron Rivest invented RC4 in 1987, and it is a stream cipher. Because RC4 is a stream cipher, it encrypts data bytes by bits. Because of its speed and simplicity, RC4 is the most extensively used stream cipher of all the stream ciphers.

What is the weakness of RC4 and why is it vulnerable? ›

Biased outputs: RC4 produces keystreams that can be biased to different extents, which makes them vulnerable to distinguishing attacks.

What action can users take to overcome security flaws in RC4? ›

What action can users take to overcome security flaws in RC4? It is not possible to use RC4 securely. Use three rounds of encryption. Increase the key length.

Is RC4 a block or stream? ›

RC4 (also known as Rivest Cipher 4) is a form of stream cipher. It encrypts messages one byte at a time via an algorithm. Plenty of stream ciphers exist, but RC4 is among the most popular. It's simple to apply, and it works quickly, even on very large pieces of data.

Can RC4 be decrypted? ›

RC4 generate the pseudorandom key stream. Just as a stream cipher, it can be used for encryption by combining the plaintext using XOR while decryption is done in the same way as well.

Which cipher suites should be disabled? ›

If you must still support TLS 1.0, disable TLS 1.0 compression to avoid CRIME attacks. You should also disable weak ciphers such as DES and RC4. DES can be broken in a few hours and RC4 has been found to be weaker than previously thought. In the past, RC4 was advised as a way to mitigate BEAST attacks.

Why is TLS_ECDHE_RSA_WITH_AES_128_CBC_SHA256 considered weak? ›

TLS_ECDHE_RSA_WITH_AES_128_CBC_SHA256 and TLS_ECDHE_RSA_WITH_AES_256_CBC_SHA384 may show up as weak when you performed a SSL report test. This is due to known attacks toward OpenSSL implementation. Dataverse uses Windows implementation that is not based on OpenSSL and therefore is not vulnerable.

How do I disable Microsoft license? ›

In the admin center, go to the Billing > Your products page, and select the Products tab. Select the subscription from which you want to remove licenses. On the details page, select Remove licenses.

Does Microsoft check licenses? ›

Microsoft performs license compliance verifications with a limited number of customers each year, to verify customers' compliance to the terms and conditions of their respective agreements with Microsoft.

Why is 3DES deprecated? ›

A CVE released in 2016, CVE-2016-2183 disclosed a major security vulnerability in DES and 3DES encryption algorithms. This CVE, combined with the inadequate key size of DES and 3DES, NIST has deprecated DES and 3DES for new applications in 2017, and for all applications by the end of 2023.

What ciphers are vulnerable to sweet32? ›

THREAT: Legacy block ciphers having block size of 64 bits are vulnerable to a practical collision attack when used in CBC mode. protocol support cipher suites which use DES, 3DES, IDEA or RC2 as the symmetric encryption cipher are affected.

Why is RC4 not secure? ›

Because RC4 is a stream cipher, it is more malleable than common block ciphers. If not used together with a strong message authentication code (MAC), then encryption is vulnerable to a bit-flipping attack. The cipher is also vulnerable to a stream cipher attack if not implemented correctly.

What is the disadvantage of 3DES? ›

The 3DES cipher suffers from a fundamental weakness linked to its small (64-bit) blocksize, i.e. the size of plaintext that it can encrypt. In the common mode of operation CBC, each plaintext block is XORed with the previous ciphertext before encryption.

Can 3DES be cracked? ›

Triple DES using 3 different keys is still considered secure because there are no known attack which completely break its security to a point where it is feasible nowadays to crack it.

Is RC4 Symmetric or Asymmetric? ›

RC4 is a symmetric cryptosystem, invented in 1987 by MIT cryptographer Ronald Rivest, who went on to found RSA Security. The algorithm has several known flaws, but it is still widely used.

How long does it take to crack 3DES? ›

Thus, we recommend Present with 80-bit key and other cryptographic algorithms with 80-bit or shorter keys to be removed from ISO/IEC and other standards. 112-bit security of 3des can be broken in 8 years with RTX 3070 GPUs.

How many keys are used in Triple DES encryption? ›

Triple DES uses a "key bundle" that comprises three DES keys, K1, K2 and K3, each of 56 bits (excluding parity bits)... I.e., DES encrypt with K1, DES decrypt with K2, then DES encrypt with K3.

How do I turn off server authentication? ›

Right-click the provider policy, and select Properties. Select the Provider Pipeline tab. Select the Authentication check box to enable authentication. Clear the box to disable it.

How do I disable RC2 ciphers? ›

Disable export ciphers, NULL ciphers, RC2 and RC4

go to HKLM\SYSTEM\CurrentControlSet\Control\SecurityProviders\SCHANNEL\Ciphers\RC2 40/128 and set DWORD value Enabled to 0 .

Can I turn off multi factor authentication? ›

Go to Microsoft 365 admin center -> Users -> Active users -> Select the user -> Manage multifactor authentication -> Select the user -> Disable multi-factor authentication.

How do I disable static key ciphers? ›

In summary to disable ssl-static-key-ciphers, you will need to remove RSA from the httpd configuration. To disable ssl-static-key-ciphers, you will need to add ! RSA to the httpd configuration.

What does DISM command do? ›

Deployment Image Servicing and Management (DISM.exe) is a command-line tool that can be used to service and prepare Windows images, including those used for Windows PE, Windows Recovery Environment (Windows RE) and Windows Setup. DISM can be used to service a Windows image (. wim) or a virtual hard disk (.

How do I disable network features? ›

Go to Start > Control Panel > Network and Internet > Network and Sharing Center. In the left-hand column, click Manage network connections. A new window will open. Right-click Local Area Connection or Wireless Connection and select Disable.

How do you check what ciphers are enabled on Windows server? ›

If you go to a secure website or service using Chrome you can see which cipher suite was negotiated. Any HTTPS site will give you this information. At the top of the developer tools window, you will see a tab called security. Click it.

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Author: Van Hayes

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Name: Van Hayes

Birthday: 1994-06-07

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Job: National Farming Director

Hobby: Reading, Polo, Genealogy, amateur radio, Scouting, Stand-up comedy, Cryptography

Introduction: My name is Van Hayes, I am a thankful, friendly, smiling, calm, powerful, fine, enthusiastic person who loves writing and wants to share my knowledge and understanding with you.