How to Determine List Price? Essential Tips - Frederick Real Estate Online (2024)


Table of Contents

  • 🤔How to Determine List Price
  • Online Estimates of Home Values
  • Criticisms of Online Valuation Tools
  • Additional Problems With Online Home Valuations
  • The Market Determines Values
  • The Appraiser Doesn’t Determine a Home’s List Price
  • Buyers Determine What a Home is Worth
  • A Buyer’s Agent Knows an Overpriced Home
  • The Agent with the Highest List Price
  • How to be 100% Sure?
  • Conclusion

🤔How to Determine List Price

Q: How can I really determine what my home is worth? An online estimate website says my property is worth $350,000, but my agent says it’s worth only $300,000! I’m listed at $325,000, and my price is comparable to other similar listings. What’s your input on how to determine list price?

This is a great scenario to answer all the issues that come up when we talk to potential home sellers about how to determine a list price. One of the most important points we like to make about selling a home is that it is always best to get the home priced correctly from the start. Since it is a critical aspect of home selling success, let’s discuss how to determine a home’s value.

Online Estimates of Home Values

Online value estimators and virtual appraisals have limitations. There are several online valuation algorithms, but Zillow is the most well-known, with the most website traffic of all the similar websites. Zillow publishes statistics that disclose to the public that their estimate is limited and very generalized, even though they claim they are as accurate as any other valuation. They use mathematical algorithms based on public data.

Does anyone remember the class-action lawsuit against Zillow a few years ago? Buyers and sellers sued because of inaccurate “Zestimates”, believing that they had suffered financial loss for selling their homes for less than they were actually worth because of Zestimates.

Zillow Zestimates have been the topic of many blog posts and news articles. The Washington Post published an article in 2014 following an in-depth study by McEnearney Associates, of Washington D.C. They found that

“The Zestimate is within 5 percent of the actual sales price roughly half the time. As real estate agents, if we got within 5 percent of the value of a home that infrequently, we’d be out of business. So if consumers want to base their valuation of a home purchase or sale on what they find on the Internet, we suggest they take out a coin and flip it. Heads — that value is within 5 percent (high or low) of what the home is actually worth. Tails — that value could be 10 percent, 20 percent or more off target. ” ~David Howell, executive vice president and chief information officer at McEnearney Associates.

Criticisms of Online Valuation Tools

  • Transparency:Zillow’s Zestimate algorithm is a “black box”, meaning that it is not publicly known how the algorithm works. This makes it difficult for homeowners and real estate agents to understand how the Zestimate is arrived at, and to identify and correct any errors.
  • Bias: Online estimates have been accused of being biased against certain types of homes, such as those in minority neighborhoods. A study by the University of California, Berkeley found that Zestimates were lower for homes in minority neighborhoods than for similar homes in white neighborhoods.
  • Impact on home prices:Zestimates have been criticized for potentially impacting home prices. Some homeowners have reportedly used Zestimates to set their asking prices, which could lead to homes being overpriced. Additionally, some real estate agents have reportedly used Zestimates to convince sellers to list their homes at lower prices.

Additional Problems With Online Home Valuations

  • Online estimates are based on historical data, so they may not be accurate in rapidly changing markets.
  • Online estimates do not take into account the condition of the home, or any improvements that have been made.
  • In our experience, online estimates do not take into consideration the differences in neighborhoods. For instance, comparing a home on 5th Street in downtown Frederick, to a Home on 2nd Street. Even though they are 3 blocks away, the values of the homes are vastly different. An algorithm could not make that distinction…at least not yet.

The data can give us a general idea of a home’s value, but cannot be used as the sole basis in a discussion about how to determine list price. Any data is missing the local nuances that can only be applied by local neighborhood experts.

(These websites have lots of value for consumers, I’m not disparaging them in any way, they just don’t take the place of a local, trustworthy and experienced Realtor®)

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How to Determine List Price? Essential Tips - Frederick Real Estate Online (1)

The Market Determines Values

The real estate market determines the price of a home for sale. In very general terms, the market determines the value of a home through the interaction of supply and demand. When there are more buyers than sellers, the demand for homes is high and prices tend to go up. When there are more sellers than buyers, the demand for homes is low and prices tend to go down. We often use the terms buyer’s market and seller’s market.

There are a number of factors that can affect supply and demand, including:

  • Economic conditions:When the economy is strong, people are more likely to buy homes, which increases demand. When the economy is weak, people are less likely to buy homes, which decreases demand.
  • Interest rates: When interest rates are low, it is more affordable to borrow money to buy a home, which increases demand. When interest rates are high, it is less affordable to borrow money to buy a home, which decreases demand. We have just seen the effects of very low interest rates over the last several years, and now we are witnessing the effects of higher rates on demand. *If the inventory were not so low, we would see even more of a difference in the supply/demand effect.
  • New construction: Generally, when there is a lot of new construction, it increases the supply of homes, which can put downward pressure on prices. When there is less new construction, it decreases the supply of homes, which can put upward pressure on prices. *However, this has not been the case with new home construction through the pandemic, because the demand still outweighed the supply.
  • Demographics: The age and composition of the population can also affect demand for homes. For example, if there is a growing population of young families, there will be more demand for homes with more bedrooms, less demand for smaller homes.
  • Local Economics: If business is declining in an area, companies are moving to other location, or some other economic factors are causing people to move away from an area, this could put a downward pressure on home values.

The market value of a home is constantly fluctuating, as the factors that affect supply and demand are constantly changing. It is important to keep an eye on these factors when you are thinking about buying or selling a home. Here are some additional things to keep in mind about how the market determines the value of a home.

The Appraiser Doesn’t Determine a Home’s List Price

The market value of a home is not always the same as the appraised value. The appraised value is determined by a professional appraiser, who considers a variety of factors, including the location, size, condition, and recent sales of similar homes. Lenders typically require an appraisal before they will approve a mortgage loan. This is to ensure that the property is worth the amount of money that the borrower is borrowing.

A home appraisal can help you determine the fair market value of your home. This information can be helpful in setting a listing price that is likely to attract buyers, but alone, it is not always the full picture. It depends on what is happening in the local market.

An appraisal is based on recent sales. In a market where prices are escalating rapidly, sometimes an appraisal can be lower than what the market will bring. It is an accurate number of what has happened in the recent past, but not necessarily what is happening at the moment.

Even if you price your home in a comparable range with others on the market, this does not guaranteeyour home is properly priced for the market. The real evidence of what a home will sell for is in the recently sold homes, not in the homes that are currently listed.Although those list prices are important to take into consideration, they don’t tell us what the homes actually sell for.

If you are thinking about buying or selling a home, it is important to get an understanding of how the market determines the value of a home. This will help you make informed decisions about your real estate transaction.

Buyers Determine What a Home is Worth

This is sometimes an uncomfortable truth. What a buyer is willing to pay has the ultimate effect on what your home is worth. If you price your home based on anyone’s opinion, a Realtor, an appraiser, your own gut, or the competition… and you don’t get an offer from a buyer… your home is not worth that amount in the current market.

The willing buyer-willing seller principle is the idea that the price of a good or service is determined by the amount that a buyer is willing to pay and the amount that a seller is willing to accept. In the case of a home, the value of a home is determined by what a buyer is willing to pay for it.

If you overprice to have negotiating room, that strategy may cost you more in the long-run, depending on your local market conditions. Buying and selling real estate is not at all like buying and selling other commodities. It’s not like haggling over items at the flea market. There are many more issues that go into the negotiations when buying a home.

As well as the purchase price of the home, buyers and sellers may negotiate closing costs, repairs or improvements requested after the home inspection, the inclusion of certain appliances or furniture, the timeline for closing, contingencies such as home inspections or appraisals, and any potential concessions from the seller such as covering some of the buyer’s costs. It’s a complex transaction, and probably the most expensive item most people buy and sell int their lifetime.

A Buyer’s Agent Knows an Overpriced Home

Sellers should remember, buyers are looking at homes with a local buyer’s agent, who knows the values of homes in your area. The buyer is getting advice from their agent, and they will be aware if a home is overpriced.

Home buyers are looking at homes in a price range. As they view other homes in the same price range as an overpriced home, they will come to the conclusion that the list price is too much compared to similar homes. Overpricing a home is the best way to sell your competition’s home instead of your own.

Realtors have been helping people buy and sell homes for over 110 years. We have lots of statistics. One pertinent metric is this: For every 11 showings, a house that is correctly priced for the market will receive one offer. This is a generalization, of course. In a hot seller’s market like we have been experiencing, a well-priced home in great condition will receive multiple showings and multiple offers.

The house that is overpriced will sit on the market without showings or interest and the homeowner will get frustrated and blame the agent.

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The Agent with the Highest List Price

Sometimes seller’s will interview several agents and choose the one with the highest list price. In some markets that can be the best choice, in other markets it can be detrimental. Sellers will benefit if they can understand the local market and how a home is valued in their market.

It’s not in any agent’s best interest (not to mention the seller) to get a listing by promising a higher price than what they believe the market will bear. It happens, but it’s not very wise. When the seller experiences the market forces and the home doesn’t sell, it engenders a lack of trust in the agent.

Here is my favorite explanation: If I get someone to list a home for $10,000 more, I would make an extra $250 to $300 in commission, that is IF the house sells. In truth, I’m not willing to sour the relationship when the seller finds out, and they eventually will. Not for a promise of $300, that probably will not materialize.

“If I give you stellar service and you are happy, you’ll might tell 2 people about me. If I give you bad service, you’ll probably tell 10 people about it!”

Not worth it. At the Highland Group, any given year, 75% to 80% of our business comes from referrals and repeat clients. A good reputation is worth so much more than $300:)

How to be 100% Sure?

The only way be 100% sure of what your home is worth… is to sell it. I know…not what you wanted to hear. Some homes are very easy to find comparable sales: homes that are one of many in a neighborhood and of which there have been several sold in the recent 3 to 6 months. But for homes that don’t have close comparisons or that haven’t had many comparable homes sell in recent months, pricing the home correctly for the market takes local experience, and some savvy.

Your real estate agent should do a comparative market analysis (CMA) taking into account lots of local data…recent home sales, current listings, market trends, current supply and demand, and other factors. This is why you want to list with a local agent, not an agent who is not familiar with the market in your area.

The best way to position your home on the market is to think in terms of a range, from a top price to a lower price. Then you have to be flexible, listen to the feedback from other agents and their buyers, and adjust the price strategically. You don’t want to linger out on the market too long with an overpriced home.

“That’s why we say “selling or buying a home is a process, not an event.”

Sometimes a home that is truly unique will need to have an appraisal to derive a range for the list price. Even then, sellers must remember that a home is only worth what a buyer will pay for it. The best valuations still need to be tested in the market. Determining the right list price for a home is integral to the entire marketing strategy. It often takes more art than science. It takes experience.


Once you have a good understanding of the market value of your home, set a realistic price. Be prepared to negotiate with buyers. And finally, market your home effectively to reach as many potential buyers as possible.

Pricing your home correctly is essential to selling it quickly and for the best possible price. By following the tips in this blog post, you can increase your chances of success.

Does your agent have the experience or the resources of an experienced team to help you sell your biggest investment for the best price and in the least amount of time for your market?

If you’d like a CMA, Comparative Market Analysis, to find out what your home might be worth, no obligation,contact us, Chris Highland has more than 30+ years of experience in the Central Maryland area and is happy to help.

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Need A Real Estate Agent in Your City? We Can Refer a Great Agent!

Chris & Karen Highland
eXp Realty – 301-301-5119

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How to Determine List Price? Essential Tips - Frederick Real Estate Online (2024)


How to Determine List Price? Essential Tips - Frederick Real Estate Online? ›

Your real estate agent should do a comparative market analysis (CMA) taking into account lots of local data…recent home sales, current listings, market trends, current supply and demand, and other factors.

What is the best way to determine a list price for a residential property? ›

Professional home appraisals

While agents are key evaluators in the local market and the process of pricing a home, the most accurate way to price your home is to get a home appraisal. A home appraisal is performed by a licensed professional who specializes in this type of assessment.

How do you calculate list price in real estate? ›

The sale-to-list ratio is the final sale price (what a buyer pays for the home) divided by the last list price expressed as a percentage. If it's above 100%, the home sold for more than the list price. If it's less than 100%, the home sold for less than the list price.

What is the best determining factor for the listing price for a property? ›

Real estate agents use a combination of market analysis, comparable sales data, property condition assessment, and local market trends to determine the asking price for a property.

What is the most common method used by real estate agents to establish a list price for a home? ›

The sales comparison approach is commonly used in valuing single-family homes and land. Sometimes called the market data approach, it is an estimate of value derived by comparing a property with recently sold properties with similar characteristics.

How to decide on a list price? ›

The best way to position your home on the market is to think in terms of a range, from a top price to a lower price. Then you have to be flexible, listen to the feedback from other agents and their buyers, and adjust the price strategically. You don't want to linger on the market too long with an overpriced home.

How to figure out list price? ›

Calculate List Price from Discount and Sale Price. The list price is the sale price divided by the difference of 1 minus the result of discount divided by 100.

How is listing price determined? ›

How to calculate IPO Listing Price? The listing price is the price at which a company's shares will be traded when they are first listed on a stock exchange. The calculation is based on the company's share price, the number of shares being offered, and the demand for the shares.

What is the list price method? ›

The list price is determined by several factors, including market research to see what the market will bear and the cost of the product. The list price should cover all production and operating costs and provide an acceptable profit level for the company after allowing for anticipated trade discounts.

What is property price formula? ›

The estimated property value under each scenario is calculated by dividing net operating income (NOI) by an appropriate cap rate derived from analysis of comparable properties and market analysis.

What decreases property value the most? ›

6 Factors that Cause Property Value to Decrease
  1. Deferred Maintenance. ...
  2. Unideal Neighbors. ...
  3. Outdated Interior Features & Overpersonalization. ...
  4. Recalled or Uninsurable Items. ...
  5. The Property's Setting. ...
  6. Poor School Ratings.
Jun 17, 2024

What is used to help determine the listing price for a property? ›

How are prices determined for houses for sale in California? The process does not vary from state to state. The two methods most used are Appraisals by professional Appraisers you can hire. Or or Comparative market analysis real estate agents in your area present when you ask them to evaluate your property to sell.

How to set list price? ›

There are several methods to set list prices. Three of the most common are cost-based pricing, competitive pricing, and value-based pricing.

What is the secret to a fast sale of a property? ›

One of the most effective ways to sell your home fast is to price it competitively. If you price it too high, you detract prospective buyers and price out potential bidders. In addition, it may take longer to settle the negotiation process if prospective buyers want your price to come down.

What's the best time to post a listing on the MLS? ›

Aim for late-week days, like Thursday or Friday, to better align with buyer activities and real estate rhythms. This timing, coupled with an understanding of the automated alerts and processes set off by your listing, can enhance your property's visibility to potential buyers.

What is the first thing a seller must calculate before setting a price? ›

The basic calculation for finding a good sale price is to first tally up the total costs of production and then add a profit margin. In turn, there are numerous methods available for finding a good profit margin like planned-profit pricing or gross profit margin target.

What is the most commonly used method of determining cost for a residential property? ›

The cost approach is a real estate valuation method that estimates the price a buyer should pay for a piece of property is equal the cost to build an equivalent building. In the cost approach, the property's value is equal to the cost of land, plus total costs of construction, less depreciation.

Who determines the listing price for a property? ›

A seller will usually work with a realtor to determine the listing price keeping in mind that if the price is too high - most buyers won't give it a second thought. Setting the correct listing price makes for a much quicker sale, because it will attract more potential buyers to the property.

How do you determine the value of a residential property? ›

Under the cost approach method, the approximate value of a property is calculated by estimating the total cost incurred to replace (i.e. the replacement value), or “rebuild” the asset(s) from scratch. The included costs are items such as land costs, labor expenses, and construction expenditures.

What is the most accurate real estate price estimate? ›

15 Most Accurate Home Value Estimator Sites
  1. Zillow Zestimate. Zillow's Zestimate tool is perhaps one of the most well-known home value estimators. ...
  2. Redfin Estimate. ...
  3. Trulia. ...
  4. ...
  5. Eppraisal. ...
  6. HomeGain. ...
  7. Chase Home Value Estimator. ...
  8. RE/MAX.

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Author: Rev. Leonie Wyman

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Name: Rev. Leonie Wyman

Birthday: 1993-07-01

Address: Suite 763 6272 Lang Bypass, New Xochitlport, VT 72704-3308

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Job: Banking Officer

Hobby: Sailing, Gaming, Basketball, Calligraphy, Mycology, Astronomy, Juggling

Introduction: My name is Rev. Leonie Wyman, I am a colorful, tasty, splendid, fair, witty, gorgeous, splendid person who loves writing and wants to share my knowledge and understanding with you.