How to detect cryptocurrency miners? By traffic forensics! (2024)

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Article preview Digital Investigation Abstract Introduction Section snippets Related work Mining background Traffic monitoring Catalog of mining pools Conclusion Acknowledgement References (50) Joule Bitcoin: perils of an unregulated global p2p currency Zombiecoin: powering next-generation botnets with bitcoin Russian nuclear scientists arrested for ’bitcoin mining plot’ Bitcoin - open source P2P money Hashrate Distribution an Estimation of Hashrate Distribution Amongst the Largest Mining Pools Bitfury - Pool - btc.Com Cryptocurrency Gold Rush on the Dark Web Nemea: a framework for network traffic analysis Cisco Systems NetFlow Services Export Version 9, RFC 3954 Specification of the IP Flow Information Export (IPFIX) Protocol, RFC 7011 Bitcoin (BTC) — CryptoCurrency Market Capitalizations Getblocktemplate - Fundamentals, BIP 22, Bitcoin Project Getblocktemplate - Pooled Mining, BIP 23, Bitcoin Project Detecting Crypto Currency Mining in Corporate Ethereum top 25 miners by blocks Majority is not enough: bitcoin mining is vulnerable Pirát Ve Služebním Bytě Těžil Kryptoměny, Sněmovnu Zaskočil Účet Za Elektřinu. Byla Mi Zima, Hájí Se! Bitcoin: an innovative alternative digital currency Hastings Sci. Technol. Law J. The Rise of Cryptocurrency Miners Ransomware: emergence of the cyber-extortion menace Student Uses University Computers to Mine Dogecoin Flow monitoring explained: from packet capture to data analysis with netflow and ipfix IEEE Commun. Surv. Tutorials Botcoin: monetizing stolen cycles Cited by (9) A TOU-IBT Pricing Strategy to Manage the Cryptocurrency Micro-Miners Do Dark Web andCryptocurrencies Empower Cybercriminals? Detection of illicit cryptomining using network metadata Synergy of blockchain technology and data mining techniques for anomaly detection Demystifying cryptocurrency mining attacks: A semi-supervised learning approach based on digital forensics and dynamic network characteristics Recommended articles (6) FAQs

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Digital Investigation

Volume 31,

December 2019

, 100884

Author links open overlay panel


Cryptocurrencies set a new trend for a financial interaction between people. In order to successfully meet this use-case, cryptocurrencies combine various advanced information technologies (e.g., blockchain as a replicated database, asymmetrical ciphers and hashes guaranteeing integrity properties, peer-to-peer networking providing fault-tolerant service). Mining process not only introduces new cryptocurrency units, but it has become a business how to generate revenue in real life. This paper aims at different approaches how to detect cryptocurrency mining within corporate networks (where it should not be present). Mining activity is often a sign of malware presence or unauthorized exploitation of company resources. The article provides an in-depth overview of pooled mining process including deployment and operational details. Two detection methods and their implementations are available for network administrators, law enforcement agents and the general public interested in cryptocurrency mining forensics.


The motivation behind cryptocurrency is to introduce an alternative currency that is not controlled by a government (e.g., the central bank). Trustworthiness of such electronic cryptocurrency lies in the utilization of cryptographical algorithms to verify transactions and fair emission of new units into circulation. Dark web marketplaces utilize cryptocurrencies for their: a) nearly instant and free-of-charge payments; b) easily obtainable and changeable addresses; c) hard to trace transactions (thanks to their peer-to-peer nature). Several studies (Raeesi, 2015) (Grinberg, 2012), (Johnson, 2014) investigate Bitcoin as the key component of any digital black marketplace because cryptocurrencies generally allow criminals to circumvent law enforcement agencies (LEAs) and regulators.

Of all cryptocurrencies, Bitcoin (Nakamoto, 2008), (, 2018) had become popular when it gained momentum at the end of 2013 after its exchange price skyrocketed. The current (at the July 2019) total number of Bitcoins (approx. 17.8 million) accounts for more than 202 billion USD (, 2017). Bitcoin is a peer-to-peer network with the distributed infrastructure of users and miners. A miner verifies ongoing transactions for a reward (either transaction fee or newly emitted Bitcoins). The reward is paid to the first miner who proves transaction by spending its computation power on this process. Other proof-of-work1 cryptocurrencies also adopted the same mining concept. Anyone can join the solo mining process but the probability of earning a reward is low and the risk of wasted computational power without any profit too high. Therefore, miners form so-called mining pools. When the pool earns a reward, it is distributed by the pool operator among miners according to their contribution.

Apart from alternatives to Bitcoin (e.g., Litecoin, Ethereum, generally referred as altcoins), the cryptocurrency universe also contains tokens. Tokens (comparing to coins) represent digital asset or utility that leverages another's coin blockchain for being accounted. New tokens are generally not mined but distributed by their authors/owners. In the frame of this paper, we will focus only on the mining process behind coins and refer to them as “cryptocurrencies” interchangeably.

Any organization should be aware of running mining software on its hardware in its network due to at least two reasons: a) the mining activity is often caused by malware, therefore, the mining activity is an indicator of a compromise; b) the energy (e.g., electricity, cooling, CPU and GPU power) spent on mining is paid by the hosting organization, but the recipient of the reward is a malicious actor. Ali etal. (2015a) informs about various types of cryptocurrency malware dedicated to undercover mining on devices, desktops, and servers but also platforms like webcams, smartphones or network attached storages. Universities (Hern, 2014) or technological centers (Nield, 2018), (, 2018) are typical examples of energy exploitation because they offer free computational resources (i.e., servers, network) to academics, researchers and students. Nevertheless, it is possible to start a mining operation in any organization (e.g., subsidized accommodation for Czech members of parliament, see (Frouzová and Zelenka, 2018)).

The malicious actor might exploit these assets resulting in an increased energy bill, depleted resources, endangered work processes, services and other users. For instance, Bitcoin mining has a severe impact on electricity comparable to the energy consumption of Ireland (O'Dwyer and Malone, 2014) in 2014. Another report (de Vries, 2018) provides a more in-depth analysis of how to estimate Bitcoin's hunger for energy concluding that it may reach 7.67GW (comparable with Austria) during 2018.

In this paper, we focus on the detection of devices participating in the mining pools. Cryptocurrency mining is the only option how users may obtain freshly minted currency units. Moreover, mining is still the prevailing form of how to earn cryptorcurrencies with the existing equipment.

We propose two approaches for cryptocurrency miners detection in the network:

The first approach employs a mix of passive and active traffic monitoring. The passive monitoring is based on the analysis of IP flow records, while the active monitoring is based on probing. The detection method as a whole slowly learns a list of mining servers which subsequently reduces the need for the active monitoring. Since anyone can set up own mining pool or even mining server, the resulting list of publicly known mining servers cannot be considered complete. However, it may be employed as a baseline for miner detection by any network operator.

The second approach can be described as a catalog of mining pools. We have created a publicly available web application that stores metadata about existing mining pools. Any user may query our system to check whether a given FQDN,2 IP address or port number is a part of known pool configuration.

Fig.1 illustrates a stake-holder (i.e., administrator or LEA operative as network analyst) and modus operandi of above-mentioned approaches (i.e., NetFlow probe capable of cryptocurrency miners detection+the pool catalog validating existing mining servers and optionally feeding probe).

The contribution of this article involves: a) an overview of the current cryptocurrency mining technology; b) two detection methods to detect network traffic related with cryptocurrency mining; c) open-access data samples; and d) publicly available service cataloging mining servers.

The rest of the paper is organized as follows. Section 2 informs about related work on cryptocurrency mining. Section 3 brings details about currently used mining architecture and involved protocols. Section 4 describes passive/active traffic monitoring (the first approach how to detect miners), which also includes its validation and verification. Section 5 explains the implementation and operation of the mining server catalog (the second approach). The article is summarized in Section 6, which also outlines our future work.

Section snippets

Related work

This section summarizes knowledge from the selected articles relevant to cryptocurrency mining. We try to motivate miners detection in a frame of known cryptocurrency issues and research of others.

We consider Courtois etal. (Courtois etal., 1310) work as a great introductory source explaining Bitcoin mining. Despite focusing on Bitcoin mining process improvement, authors provide theoretical background explaining bindings between employed cryptography and cryptocurrency mining. Moreover, this

Mining background

This section provides a theoretical background (mostly based on Bitcoin use-case). However, explanation of the whole mining process for all cryptocurrencies is far beyond the scope of this article. Hence, only parts relevant to the miner detection are described. The first subsection lays out the basic theory for any cryptocurrency operation. The second subsection familiarizes the reader with the state-of-the-art of cryptocurrency mining software and hardware. The third subsection provides a

Traffic monitoring

Network traffic monitoring provides data for network management, accounting as well as security. In our work, we assume basic network monitoring based on flows. The flow is a set of packets sharing the same key (in most cases, source and destination IP address, source and destination port, protocol). The flows are measured at the observation points and the measured data per each flow are exported to the collector by a flow export protocol (e.g., NetFlow v5). For further details on flow

Catalog of mining pools

We were also looking for a more lightweight solution suitable even for small corporate networks lacking capacities to install dedicated probes performing our active/passive traffic monitoring employing machine learning. We want to offer conclusive detection results with a minimum set of input information.

Network administrator and law enforcement agent (i.e., our main actors for mining detection use-case) shall have basic NetFlow records of investigated device/network segment. These records


In this paper, we provided an in-depth analysis of cryptocurrency mining operation. We designed and implemented passive-active flow monitoring and sMaSheD catalog to detect mining devices within the network. We tested the feasibility of these approaches on real-life data as well as published data-sets utilized in this article under open access policy. We conclude that catalog and passive-active approach are complementary - catalog is more focused on maintaining current information about mining


This article has been supported by the Ministry of Education, Youth and Sports from the National Programme of Sustainability (NPU II) project IT4Innovations excellence in science (no. LQ1602). Authors also want to acknowledge work done by Jakub Kelečeni, Erik Šabík, and Martin Cagaš, the students of Brno University of Technology.

References (50)

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  • P.A.B. Claise et al.

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    (September 2013)

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    Bitcoin (BTC) — CryptoCurrency Market Capitalizations


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  • N. Hampton et al.

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  • D.Y. Huang et al.

    Botcoin: monetizing stolen cycles

  • Cited by (9)

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    © 2019 Elsevier Ltd. All rights reserved.

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