How To Deal With a Bad Boss That Is Making Your Life Miserable (2024)

You can't choose your boss, but you can choose how you react to a bad one.

It can happen to anyone: you start a new job only to quickly discover that your boss is not the great supervisor you were hoping they would be. Unfortunately, the business world has no shortage of bad bosses whose attitudes and behaviors often cause misery for those they supervise.

  • What can you do when you're confronted with a bad supervisor?

  • Do you know how to deal with a bad boss in a way that can improve your work situation?

In this guide, we'll explore some of the ways you can identify a bad boss and offer some invaluable tips to help you learn how to deal with that situation.

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What are some of the signs that you might be working for a bad boss?

One of the most important things you can do to learn how to deal with a mean boss, a crazy boss, or just a generally bad supervisor is to learn how to quickly identify them. Fortunately, there are some clear signs that can help you identify problematic supervisors before you end up dealing with a serious workplace situation. Here are some of the most common signs that you can look for:

  • Your boss is a micromanager who spends most of the day looking over your shoulder and directing every little thing tht you do. This can be a sign of insecurity, control issues, or a serious lack of trust – any of which can contribute to a truly toxic workplace environment.

  • Your supervisor takes credit for the team's achievements. Great bosses know the importance of crediting their team members to create better team morale and cohesion. If your boss is grabbing all the credit for themselves, there's a problem.

  • Some team members seem to get preferential treatment. Supervisors who play favorites in the workplace are almost always bad bosses and can seriously harm a team's ability to work in an effective and productive manner.

  • Bosses who are quick to get angry or frustrated also tend to qualify as bad bosses. These supervisors often react poorly to questions, feedback, or even suggestions from their team.

  • Your supervisor frequently violates your personal time to use your talents outside of your normal work hours. Good supervisors know better than to break those work-life boundaries.

  • The boss is constantly negative. Good managers and leaders understand the importance of focusing on positive efforts and results. Bad bosses often emphasize the negative while ignoring the positive. If your supervisor rarely praises results but is quick to criticize shortcomings, they're probably a bad boss.

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How to deal with a bad boss: key tips and strategies

Regardless of why your boss might be less than ideal, you need to determine the best way to deal with them, especially if leaving your current position isn't an option – which it often isn't. Below are some tips on how to deal with a bad supervisor, evaluate your situation, and get the support you need to be productive while maintaining your sanity and mental health.

Begin with an honest assessment of the situation

The first thing you should do is take an honest look at yourself to determine whether you're contributing to the problem. Are there things you can work on that might help improve the relationship with your boss? For example, perhaps you could be more efficient, more adept at meeting deadlines, and so on. If you're not meeting your potential at work, chances are that you know it. However, if you're doing everything you can, then chances are the problem doesn't lie with you.

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Understand your supervisor's issues and communication style

The more skilled you are in emotional intelligence and how to get along with others, the better positioned you'll be to deal with tough situations like a difficult boss. Take note of how your boss works, identify their pet peeves and management style, and try to meet them on their side of the fence when it comes to work and communication style. Doing so could make your life a lot easier.

Related reading: Relationship Building: How to Build Good Relationships at Work

Create a written record

If your boss is always criticizing what you have or haven't done or complains you're not meeting deadlines, be sure to keep a detailed written record of all of your work. You might also consider scheduling a daily meetup for five minutes or so to discuss what you've accomplished and to ensure you understand your manager's priorities for the day. This can help keep you both accountable and could even help keep your boss in check. Just be sure to document everything in case you need that evidence later.

Don't waste your energy on thinking about your bad boss

If you find that you're often upset or thinking about your boss, consider paying yourself a dollar each time you do it and save the money for a rainy day. This trick will help you become aware of how much time you're wasting thinking about your bad boss – time you could be using for more productive and enjoyable endeavors! It will also allow you to learn how to shift your thoughts every time you think of that bad supervisor so those bad work situations don't consume you.

Know you did nothing wrong

At the end of the day, some relationships simply don't work. It takes two to tango and only one to back out of the dance for the dance to fail. Do the best you can and focus on your work until a better scenario comes along. Just make sure you don't fall into the trap of blaming yourself for someone else's bad attitude and behavior.

Take the high road

Force yourself to act like an adult, even if your boss doesn't. Do not badmouth them or engage in workplace gossip. The reality is those things won't help the situation. If you find you do need to speak to someone within the company because your work is suffering as a result of your supervisor's behavior, do so professionally and discreetly.

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Speak to someone in Human Resources

There are times when you definitely want to discuss the situation with others in the company. This is especially true if the behavior of your manager borders on harassment or makes you feel unsafe or uncomfortable. In those situations, you should always speak to your boss' supervisor or someone in human resources. HR might even be able to advise you on how to deal with your bad boss to improve the situation.

Speak to someone higher up in the organization who can help

You'll need to use good judgment as to when to take this approach and decide whether it might backfire on you. If you choose this approach, it's best to start by saying, "I'm having a difficult time dealing with X and am looking for some guidance or suggestions as to how to improve the situation," instead of pointing the finger and blaming them. Saying, "My manager is wrong and difficult and making my life miserable," probably won't get the results you're seeking.

Refer to a career or personal coach or your mentor

It can also be helpful to speak with a career coach or mentor. They'll not only let you vent but may be able to offer advice and guidance on how to deal with a bad boss. Mentors and other experts have typically experienced bad bosses from time to time and will often have invaluable lessons they learned from those situations. You can conduct an online search for career coaches to find someone local, as well as coaches who conduct sessions via phone or online.

Related reading: How to Advance Your Career (plus 10 Insightful Tips)

How to deal with a bad boss: see the situation as a learning opportunity

It's also important to consider the fact that learning how to deal with a bad boss can be a learning experience. Nobody ever takes a job knowing that they'll be working for a bad boss, of course – but learning from that experience can help you throughout the rest of your career. You'll learn how to deal with similar situations in the future and may also learn how to avoid being a bad boss if you ever aspire to a position in management or leadership.

Do you already know how to deal with a bad boss but still have no choice other than to look for a new job? Make sure your resume is ready for that job search by getting a free resume review.

This article was originally written by Ronda Suder. It has been updated by Ken Chase.

Recommended Reading:

  • How We Helped This Professional Who Was Stuck In His Toxic Job

  • How to Spot a Toxic Workplace — Before You Take the Job

  • Yelling, Lying, and Rude Comments: Workplace Bullying Horror Stories

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How To Deal With a Bad Boss That Is Making Your Life Miserable (2024)


How To Deal With a Bad Boss That Is Making Your Life Miserable? ›

If your boss feels insecure about someone's ability, he will likely target that certain person. Your boss might not want his position to be taken by someone else, therefore he will only pick on someone who threatens his position.

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Five ways to deal with a toxic boss
  1. Establish boundaries and understand your boss' pressures. ...
  2. Provide upward feedback on leadership style. ...
  3. Transfer out of your position with grace. ...
  4. Quit and scout out a better boss. ...
  5. Reach out for help and reassess your options.
Jun 18, 2024

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Here are nine tips and steps you can take to help you manage difficult situations and encounters with your boss:
  1. Analyze the situation. ...
  2. Identify your boss's inspiration. ...
  3. Adapt to their style. ...
  4. Set boundaries. ...
  5. Act like a leader. ...
  6. Anticipate needs. ...
  7. Use relationship therapy tips. ...
  8. Set goals.
Sep 27, 2023

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A 6 Step Plan to Recover From a Toxic Boss
  1. Remind yourself of your value. ...
  2. Keep in touch with the colleagues and team members you are leaving behind. ...
  3. Take the high road. ...
  4. Make a plan. ...
  5. Find a variety of mentors. ...
  6. Above all, allow yourself to recover!

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How To Talk About A Bad Manager to HR
  1. Talk to Your Manager First. It's important to talk to your manager first about the issue to give them a chance to solve it successfully. ...
  2. Schedule a Time to HR. ...
  3. Have a Verbal Conversation. ...
  4. Remain Calm. ...
  5. Have Evidence. ...
  6. Problems Don't Resolve. ...
  7. Harassment.
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7 tips to deal with gaslighting at work
  1. Identify the behavior. The first step is pinpointing what's happening and recognizing patterns. ...
  2. Avoid confronting the gaslighter. ...
  3. Rely on a support network. ...
  4. Document, document, document. ...
  5. Distance yourself when you can. ...
  6. Practice self-care. ...
  7. Consider leaving your job.
Apr 3, 2023

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10 Signs Your Boss Wants You to Quit
  1. You don't get new, different or challenging assignments anymore.
  2. You don't receive support for your professional growth.
  3. Your boss avoids you.
  4. Your daily tasks are micromanaged.
  5. You're excluded from meetings and conversations.
  6. Your benefits or job title changed.

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If your boss feels insecure about someone's ability, he will likely target that certain person. Your boss might not want his position to be taken by someone else, therefore he will only pick on someone who threatens his position.

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How to Deal With a Rude Manager
  1. Ask why. Perhaps the boss has had a bad day, but it's possible that they really are cross with you. ...
  2. Be positive. The temptation when someone is being rude is to respond in kind, but that's not advisable with your boss. ...
  3. Learn and adapt – to a point. ...
  4. Seek extra help.

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You should probably consider leaving your job if you are completely opposed to your boss's approach on a moral level. If the problem isn't quite as severe, like a communication issue, you might be able to find a way to deal with your frustrating manager, Garrett said.

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As is the case within personal relationships, work-induced trauma and PTSD are often the result of an imbalance of power, in which one person—like a boss or coworker—has more of if not all of the power, while the other person is or feels powerless.

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If you came from a toxic workplace, you may be experiencing emotional workplace trauma / toxic workplace PTSD. This is a real ailment that employers and employees alike struggle with every day.

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Navigating A Tough Position: What To Do If Your Boss Dislikes You
  • Ask if you're the problem. No offense, but it's possible. ...
  • Communicate. Evergreen advice. ...
  • Be Willing to Adapt. Once you've got the feedback from your boss, act on it. ...
  • Plan Your Next Steps. Sometimes, despite your best efforts, things don't improve.
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How to deal with a difficult boss: 10 tips
  1. Make sure you're actually dealing with a “bad boss” ...
  2. Identify your boss' motivation. ...
  3. Don't let it affect your work. ...
  4. Stay one step ahead. ...
  5. Set boundaries. ...
  6. Stop assuming they know everything. ...
  7. Act as the leader. ...
  8. Identify triggers.
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An employee that has been subject to any type of job discrimination or mistreatment may also file an EEOC complaint. The EEOC, or Equal Employment Opportunity Commission, accepts complaints filed in person or by mail with the nearest office.

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5 Effective Tactics to Handle a Toxic Boss
  1. Do Not Take Their Treatment Personally.
  2. Find Allies and Support.
  3. Take Time Off to Recharge.
  4. Document, Document, Document.
  5. Be Your Own Advocate.
Nov 15, 2023

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Stay calm and objective as you outline the facts as you know them, explain the negative impact of their behavior and how it made other people feel, and make it clear how you want them to modify their behavior. Our article, Bad Behavior at Work , explores this in more detail. Listen.

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Document instances where your boss has behaved poorly, and contact trusted coworkers to learn if they've had similar experiences. Assemble a professional report with documentation and factual paperwork to support your claim. Provide your findings to HR, and look for alternate jobs in the meantime.

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5 Effective Tactics to Handle a Toxic Boss
  1. Do Not Take Their Treatment Personally.
  2. Find Allies and Support.
  3. Take Time Off to Recharge.
  4. Document, Document, Document.
  5. Be Your Own Advocate.
Nov 15, 2023

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How to identify a bad boss — 8 clear signs of toxic management.
  1. Bad bosses take credit for your work. ...
  2. They rule by fear, creating a toxic work environment. ...
  3. Their behaviour is grandiose & self-important. ...
  4. They have a strong sense of denial. ...
  5. They use double-standards. ...
  6. They're overly political, & use favouritism.

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Name: Rubie Ullrich

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Introduction: My name is Rubie Ullrich, I am a enthusiastic, perfect, tender, vivacious, talented, famous, delightful person who loves writing and wants to share my knowledge and understanding with you.