How to Create a Reliable Retirement Budget: Plan for Evolving Spending | NewRetirement (2024)

Your retirement budget determines how much you will really need to have saved for a secure retirement. It is very important to get this right. While accurately estimating your expenses for the rest of your life is a daunting prospect, the right tools and advice can make it easy.
How to Create a Reliable Retirement Budget: Plan for Evolving Spending | NewRetirement (1) Your retirement budget will evolve…

Detailed Retirement Budgeting is Important

Budgeting can sometimes feel negative. It can feel like you are depriving yourself the things you want to do. However, a retirement budget isn’t about depriving yourself, it is about making sure you have prioritized what is really important and insures that you won’t run out of money in the future.

Many financial advisors over simplify retirement budgeting. They suggest that retired people will spend approximately 20% less per year in retirement. And, that may be true if you were to average your spending over the 20-30 retirement years.

However, in many cases that rule of thumb is completely incorrect and this system of budgeting does not consider that retirees need access to different amounts of their savings at different times in their lives. A detailed retirement budget will help determine the optimal asset allocation and withdrawal strategies so that you have access to money when you need it.

Retirees expect that their budget will change once they retire, but they may under-estimate just how much expenses will evolve, and in what spending categories. Overall, your spending is likely to decline once your retire, but spending may increase for part of the time and not all areas of your expenses will see the same changes.

Here are tips for creating a reliable and detailed retirement budget:

Start with the 3 Big Budget Busters

There are three categories of a retirement budget that are far more costly than the others:

  1. Housing
  2. Medical
  3. Transportation

And, these are three areas where you might see very different spending levels throughout your remaining years.

1. Housing

When it comes to one of your biggest expenses (housing), there could be some good news for your financial plan later in life. Housing is expensive, but you generally need less of it as you age.

  • If you own your own home, you could see your average housing costs drop by the time you retire if you’re able to pay off your mortgage.
  • You could also move into a smaller home or into an area with lower property taxes that could reduce your overall housing expenses.
  • However, housing expense can also increase if retirees decide to move into senior housing.
  • A reverse mortgage is also a way that you may reduce your housing cost or generate cash flow if you have enough home equity and can qualify based on your age and financial factors.

Tips for Your Retirement Plan: Planning ahead for where you want to live can help you better calculate what your housing expenses will be in retirement. Housing is the most valuable asset for most households.As such, you may want to consider using it to help fund your retirement.

When you use the NewRetirement Retirement Planner, you can see what happens if or when you pay off your mortgage, downsize or get a reverse mortgage. The system automatically calculates your mortgage pay off and you can model any other scenario.

2. Out of Pocket Medical Costs

Healthcare is getting more expensive and you need it more as you age. According to the Fidelity Retiree Health Care Cost Estimate, an average retired couple age 65 in 2019 may need approximately $285,000 saved (after tax) to cover health care expenses in retirement (not including any long term care expense).

So, how do you plan? When will those hundreds of thousands be spent? To start, think about different phases of your life:

Early Retirement: If you retire before you are eligible for Medicare at age 65, you need to be prepared for hefty premiums. Here are 9 ways to prepare for early retirement health costs.Once you have estimated these costs, they can be entered into the NewRetirement Retirement Planner for more accurate projections.

Out of Pocket Medicare Expenses: Medicare is not free. You have premiums, co pays, deductibles, co insurance and more. The Retirement Planner will estimate your out of pocket Medicare costs based on where you live, your health status, the type of coverage you choose and more.

Long Term Care: About 70% of of people who turn age 65 will need some type of long term care in their lifetime, according to the U.S. Department of Health and Human Services, but few are prepared to pay for that care. The Department also estimates that the average cost of long term care is $225 a day or $6,844 per month for a semi-private room in a nursing home. This really adds up quickly and few can really afford these costs. Insurance may be a good way to insure that you are taken care of (at least for some period of time).

You can use the Retirement Planner to help you explore different ways of covering long term care costs. You may also want to explore the pros and cons of long term care insurance.

3. Retirement Spending on Transportation

Transportation is typically the second largest expense for most families, according to the Federal Highway Administration.

Once you leave the workplace permanently, you could end up saving a lot on daily transportation needs, especially if you were spending a lot to commute to and from your job. If you end up driving less, you’ll not only save your gas money, but you could also end up saving money on your insurance and maintenance, significantly reducing your transportation expenses.

Consider Stages of Retirement and How They’ll Impact Your Retirement Budget

Your retirement is probably going to last 20 or 30 years. Have your expenses been the same in the last 20 years? Probably not. Similarly, your expenses are going to evolve throughout the next 20 years.

But, once you have accounted how your retirement budget will change for the big three categories, you can better adjust your retirement spending in the other categories. Furthermore, your spending probably won’t be a roller coaster.You can think of retirement in three stages.Each stage has fairly predictable spending needs and levels.

Phase 1 – Early Retirement: The first stage of retirement, especially these days, is generally characterized as a time of adventure and experiences. Many retirees start retirement with travel, hobbies or helping grandchildren (or their own aging parents). These activities can be expensive. For example, you may still have dependent children or be paying for college.

And, once you retirement you’ll have more free time and relative health, there are a lot of opportunities for spending money. While some experts recommend that retirees budget for spending 20 percent more in this phase, we think that you should assess your own projected spending.

Phase 2 – Middle Retirement: While you may still be enjoying adventures in middle retirement, many people find that they simply spend more time with friends and family and stay a little closer to home.In this phase, your retirement spending may be at its lowest levels — especially if you choose to downsize.

Phase 3 – LaterRetirement: No matter how healthy you are and how well you age, there is no denying that health care expenses ramp as you get older. In fact, healthcare costs grow so much that this last phase of retirement is usually the most expensive phase of life.

Out of pocket medical spending and long term care costs absolutely sky rocket.

The NewRetirement Planner allows you to set different levels of spending for different time periods for more accurate retirement projections. Set different spending levels yearly or for every five or 10 years — whatever time period makes sense for you.

Get Even More Detailed with Your Retirement Budget

It can be difficult to think about total spending for different phases in retirement. Many people find it easier to plan for each budget category. The NewRetirement Planner allows you to do this and it has many benefits.

More Detailed: With 13 expense categories and more than 75 subcategories, detailed budgeting makes it easier to think through your expenses and create a stronger plan.

Changes to Any Category: Document changes to any individual expense instead of your total expenses – it’s a more manageable way to plan your future.

Better Tax Handling: Add tax deductible status to each expense item to enable better tax planning.

Best Case / Worst Case Spending: When budgeting, it can be useful to break out your spending into needs and wants. Your needs are things that you must spend money on to get by: groceries, utilities, transportation, health care, and housing. Your wants are things that are nice-to-haves — but not necessary to survival — travel, hobbies, entertainment, etc…

Documenting what you must spend vs. what you would like to spend cab help define your:

  • Ideal asset allocation
  • Retirement income / withdrawal strategies

Factor Inflation

Most people underestimate the impact inflation will have on their retirement budget. Even at relatively low rates, inflation is a real thief of buying power over time.

Inflation planning should be a significant concern when crafting a budget.

You should assess the health of your retirement finances at various rates of inflation. (Don’t just trust the default values seen in many simple retirement calculators.)

You should know what will happen to your finances if inflation rises at 2% or 10%. The NewRetirement retirement planner gives you full control over inflation rates.In fact, this tool lets you set optimistic and pessimistic inflation values for general spending, housing and medical costs (these categories typically rise at different rates).Try different scenarios to see if your quality of life is safe.

Learn more about protecting your retirement budget from inflation.

Compare Retirement Spending with Income and Withdrawals

One of the best — and easiest — steps you can take for a better retirement is creating a written retirement plan and updating it regularly.

This simple task is proven to insure better financial outcomes and reduce ongoing stress.

Creating a detailed retirement budget — determining what you want to spend is only half of the equation. You also need to think carefully about your retirement income and make sure that what you earn matches what you want to spend.

A powerful retirement calculator can do all the work for you. The Retirement Planner is an easy to use but very detailed and sophisticated tool. You input your information and the system performs hundreds of different calculations and provides charts to help you understand your financial situation. Don’t like your results?The Planner let’s you add more information, change your assumptions and keep playing with your data until you find a plan that lets you have the happy retirement you want to have!

Do You Need to Reduce Spending? Can You Spend More?

Once you have created a budget including a detailed plan for spending and income, you can see if you have budgeted too conservatively or extravagantly.

You can find a lot of advice about cutting retirement expenses. However, there is a good chance that you don’t need to.

A recentstudypublished in theJournal of Financial Planning, researchers found that retirees in the top quintile of financial wealth were spending nowhere near an amount that would place them in danger of running out of money. In fact, the average financial assets of wealthy retirees increased during this period. Beyond the wealthiest, the study also found that retirees in the third and fourth quintiles alsospent less than their income.

Keep Updating Your Retirement Budget

Budgeting for retirement is not a one and done exercise. You need to reconcile your spending, income and withdrawals at least quarterly. You should also keep tabs on inflation and your rates of return to make sure that all is going according to plan.And, if it is not, then make adjustments.

The Retirement Planner securely saves your information so it is to make ongoing adjustments and changes for a secure and happy retirement.

How to Create a Reliable Retirement Budget: Plan for Evolving Spending | NewRetirement (2024)


What is a good budget for retirees? ›

The rule of thumb is that you can expect your expenses to be 70% to 80% of what they were before you retired. So if you spent $1,000 each month before you retired, you could expect to spend about $700 to $800 each month in retirement. Now, this is just a rule of thumb.

What are the first steps of retirement planning? ›

Saving Matters!
  • Start saving, keep saving, and stick to.
  • Know your retirement needs. ...
  • Contribute to your employer's retirement.
  • Learn about your employer's pension plan. ...
  • Consider basic investment principles. ...
  • Don't touch your retirement savings. ...
  • Ask your employer to start a plan. ...
  • Put money into an Individual Retirement.

What is a good method to estimate your annual retirement expenses? ›

Although getting exact figures might not be possible, projecting costs for healthcare, housing and lifestyle can help you create a realistic savings goal during your career. Financial experts say you can expect to spend between 55% and 80% of your annual employment income each year in retirement.

How to make your own retirement plan? ›

5 steps for retirement planning
  1. Know when to start retirement planning.
  2. Figure out how much money you need to retire.
  3. Prioritize your financial goals.
  4. Choose the best retirement plan for you.
  5. Select your retirement investments.
Jun 20, 2024

What is the 4 rule for retirement spending? ›

The 4% rule says people should withdraw 4% of their retirement funds in the first year after retiring and take that dollar amount, adjusted for inflation, every year after. The rule seeks to establish a steady and safe income stream that will meet a retiree's current and future financial needs.

Which is the biggest expense for most retirees? ›

Housing—which includes mortgage, rent, property tax, insurance, maintenance and repair costs—is the largest expense for retirees. More specifically, the average retiree household pays an average of $17,472 per year ($1,456 per month) on housing expenses, representing almost 35% of annual expenditures.

How to write a retirement plan? ›

The process of creating a retirement plan includes identifying your income sources, adding up your expenses, putting a savings plan into effect, and managing your assets. By estimating your future cash flows, you can judge whether your retirement income goal is realistic.

What is the spending pattern for retirement? ›

On average, people ages 65 and older spend only about $3,000 less than their total income each year. People ages 65 and older had an average income of $55,335 in 2021. Average annual expenses for people ages 65 and older totaled $52,141 in 2021.

What is the golden rule of retirement planning? ›

Assuming you retire at 70, you have at least 20 years to expand your investments. 2 decades, to invest for your next 2 decades. Embrace the 30X thumb rule: Save 30X your annual expenses for retirement.

What is the 3 rule in retirement? ›

In some cases, it can decline for months or even years. As a result, some retirees like to use a 3 percent rule instead to reduce their risk further. A 3 percent withdrawal rate works better with larger portfolios. For instance, using the above numbers, a 3 percent rule would mean withdrawing just $22,500 per year.

What is the $1000 a month rule for retirement? ›

According to the $1,000 per month rule, retirees can receive $1,000 per month if they withdraw 5% annually for every $240,000 they have set aside. For example, if you aim to take out $2,000 per month, you'll need to set aside $480,000. For $3,000 per month, you would need to save $720,000, and so on.

How do I create a retirement budget? ›

Write down and tally all of your essential monthly expenses, add up your expected retirement income streams, including social security. Subtract your expenses from your total amount of monthly retirement dollars. Don't forget to include an estimate on what you will need to spend on healthcare.

What is the best formula for retirement? ›

Experts recommend saving 10% to 15% of your pretax income for retirement. When you enter a number in the monthly contribution field, the calculator will automatically translate that to a percentage of your income and display that figure below this field.

What is a typical retirement budget? ›

According to the Bureau of Labor Statistics (BLS), the average income of someone 65 and older in 2021 was $55,335, and the average expenses were $52,141, or $4,345 per month.

What is the biggest expense in retirement? ›

Housing. Housing—which includes mortgage, rent, property tax, insurance, maintenance and repair costs—is the largest expense for retirees. More specifically, the average retiree household pays an average of $17,472 per year ($1,456 per month) on housing expenses, representing almost 35% of annual expenditures.

Is $4000 a month good for retirement? ›

With $4,000 in monthly costs, your retirement funding challenge calls for $48,000 annually. The 4% safe withdrawal guideline proposes that retirement savings can safely produce 4% income per year, adjusted upwards annually for inflation, with little risk of depletion over a 30-year retirement.

What is a reasonable monthly retirement income? ›

Average Monthly Retirement Income

According to data from the BLS, average 2022 incomes after taxes were as follows for older households: 65-74 years: $63,187 per year or $5,266 per month. 75 and older: $47,928 per year or $3,994 per month.

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