How to Create a Multiple Income Streams as an Artist (2024)

As an artist, creating multiple income streams can help you not only make a living from your art but also diversify your revenue streams. The art market can be unpredictable, so it's important to have different sources of income to ensure your financial stability.

In this blog I will share different ways you can create multiple income streams as an artist and also some ways to do this is by creating a passive income stream.

Passive income is money that you earn without actively working for it. You do the work upfront, and then you continue to earn money from it over time without doing much additional work.

Now let’s start to dive into different income streams:


This is the most obvious way to make money as an artist. You can try selling your work through your own website. This gives you complete control over the process, and allows you to build your own brand and following.

If you don't already have a website, platforms like Squarespace ( and Wix ( make it easy to create one.

Another great platform for creating your own website is Shopify ( It's a popular choice for artists and small business owners, and offers a wide range of features and customization options.

Alternatively, you can try showcasing your work on online marketplaces like Etsy, Artfinder, or Saatchi Art. These platforms are designed specifically for artists and creatives, and allow you to connect with potential buyers from all over the world. Plus, they handle all of the logistics (like shipping and payments) for you!

If you prefer a more traditional approach, you can try reaching out to galleries in your area.


Another way to make money as an artist is by creating and selling prints of your artwork. This is a great option if you have a popular piece that you think would sell well as a reproduction.

One option is to use print-on-demand websites like Society6 or Redbubble. These sites allow you to upload your artwork and have it printed on a variety of products, including prints, canvas, pillows, phone cases, and more. You don't have to worry about printing, shipping, or inventory - the website takes care of all of that for you. Plus, they have a built-in audience of customers who are looking for unique and interesting art.

Another option is to sell prints directly through your own website. You can either have them printed yourself and ship them out, or use a print-on-demand service that integrates with your site. This gives you more control over the process and allows you to build your own brand and following.

When it comes to pricing your prints, you'll want to keep in mind that they should be more affordable than your original artwork. That being said, you don't want to price them too low, as that can devalue your work. Look at other artists selling prints of similar size and quality to get an idea of what the market is like.

Overall, selling prints can be a great way to reach a wider audience and generate some extra income as an artist. Just remember to stay true to your style and create artwork that you're proud of - that's what will keep your fans coming back for more!

And here are a few print-on-demand services that integrate with your own website:


If you're an experienced artist looking to share your knowledge and make some extra money, offering online consultations for beginners can be a great option.

There are a few different ways you can approach this. One is to offer one-on-one consultations over video chat. This allows you to connect with students from all over the world and give them personalized feedback and advice on their artwork. You can charge an hourly rate for your time, or offer packages for multiple sessions.

Another option is to create online courses or tutorials that students can access on their own time. This can be a more passive way to generate income, as you can create the content once and sell it multiple times. You can use platforms like Udemy or Teachable to host your courses, or sell them directly through your own website.

When it comes to pricing your consultations or courses, you'll want to do some research and see what other artists are charging for similar services. You'll also want to consider your own level of experience and expertise, as well as the amount of time and effort it takes to create the content.

Overall, offering online consultations for beginners can be a rewarding way to share your love of art and help others improve their skills. Just be sure to stay organized and set clear expectations with your students, so that everyone is on the same page.

Here are some platforms that you can use to host your online courses or tutorials:

And here are some video chat platforms that you can use to conduct one-on-one consultations:

Of course, you can also conduct consultations through other video chat platforms that you prefer or that your clients are comfortable using. Just be sure to communicate clearly with your clients about how the consultations will be conducted and what they need to do to prepare.

This Downloadable Guide combines personal insights with practical tips that have worked for both myself and other artists.It focuses on strategies that are effective in today's art marketand will show your simple but powerful methods to draw people to your art.

This guide is perfect for artists who are ready to learn how to make money from their art.


If you're passionate about art and enjoy teaching others, offering art classes or tutorials can be a rewarding way to share your skills and make some extra money.

There are many different ways you can approach this. If you prefer in-person teaching, you can offer workshops or classes at local art centers, community centers, or your own studio. You can also offer private lessons to individuals or small groups.

If you prefer to teach online, there are many platforms you can use to reach a wider audience. YouTube is a great place to start, as you can create and share tutorials for free. This can be a great way to build an audience and establish yourself as an expert in your field.

Another option is to offer online classes or tutorials through platforms like Skillshare or Udemy. These platforms allow you to create and sell your own courses to students all over the world. You can also participate in revenue-sharing programs, which means you earn a percentage of the revenue generated by your courses.

When it comes to pricing your classes or courses, you'll want to do some research and see what other artists are charging for similar services. You'll also want to consider your own level of experience and expertise, as well as the amount of time and effort it takes to create the content.

Overall, teaching art techniques can be a fulfilling and lucrative way to share your passion and help others improve their skills. Just be sure to stay organized, communicate clearly with your students, and continue to develop your own skills and expertise over time.

Here are some platforms I mentioned:


Selling art-related products can be a fun and creative way to make some extra money while also sharing your passion for art. There are a lot of different products you can create and sell, depending on your interests and skills.

One option is to create and sell your own line of art supplies, like paintbrushes, sketchbooks, or paints. You can sell these products through your own website or through online marketplaces like Etsy or Amazon Handmade. By offering unique and high-quality products, you can stand out from the competition and build a loyal customer base.

Another option is to create and sell art prints featuring your own artwork. You can sell these prints through online marketplaces like Etsy, Society6, or Redbubble. This can be a great way to reach a wider audience and make your artwork more accessible to people who may not be able to afford an original piece.

Ultimately, the key to success in selling art-related products is to create something that is unique, high-quality, and appeals to your target audience.

Here are platforms I mentioned:


Offering commission work is a fantastic way to earn money as an artist while also being able to use your creativity to bring someone's vision to life. By creating custom pieces for individuals or businesses, you can showcase your unique style and artistic talent.

If you're interested in offering commission work, it's important to establish clear communication with your clients and make sure you understand their needs and preferences. This will help you create a piece that truly meets their expectations and satisfies their vision.

To learn more about offering commission work as an artist, I also have another article available that serves as a guide for artists. It covers important topics such as how to understand client’s needs, how to communicate with clients, and how to handle common issues that may arise during the commission process.

You can find the article here: Art Commissions Guide: Everything Artists Need to Know About Commissioned Artwork

By reading this guide, you'll gain valuable insights and tips that can help you succeed in offering commission work.


As an artist, you have unique skills and knowledge that others may want to learn. By teaching art classes or workshops, you can share your expertise and help aspiring artists improve their techniques and abilities.

Whether you choose to teach in-person classes or create online courses, there are many platforms available that make it easy to get started. You can use websites like Udemy, Teachable, or Skillshare to create and market your courses to a wide audience.

Teaching art classes or workshops can also be a fulfilling experience, as you get to witness your students' progress and growth over time. You may even discover new insights and techniques through the process of teaching and interacting with your students.

If you're interested in teaching art classes or workshops, start by brainstorming what you could teach and what platforms you could use. Think about your own strengths and skills as an artist, and consider what kind of audience would benefit most from your teachings.

And remember, teaching art classes or workshops is just one of the many ways you can monetize your artistic talents. If you're interested in exploring other options, such as selling your artwork or offering commission work, be sure to check out the other articles and resources available on this site.


Licensing your artwork means that you give permission to a company to use your artwork on their products in exchange for a fee or royalty. This can be a great way to get your artwork in front of a wider audience and generate income without having to create new artwork. For example, your artwork could be used on textiles like fabric or wallpaper, stationery like greeting cards or notebooks, or home decor like prints or wall art.

To get started with licensing your artwork, you can reach out to companies that you think would be a good fit for your art style and see if they have any licensing opportunities available. If you're interested in licensing your artwork, it's important to do your research and find a platform that aligns with your artistic vision and goals. Art licensing can be a competitive field, but with dedication and persistence, it can be a great way to generate income while also expanding your artistic reach.


Selling merchandise featuring your artwork - not only is it a great way to make some money, but it's also an awesome way to share your unique style with the world. Just imagine, people walking around with your designs on their t-shirts, sipping coffee from mugs adorned with your art, and carrying their groceries in tote bags featuring your illustrations. It's pretty cool, right?

And the best part is, it's super easy to get started! Websites like Redbubble and Society6 offer an easy platform for you to create and sell your designs on a variety of merchandise. You simply upload your artwork, choose the products you want to sell, set your prices, and voila! You're in business.

Plus, these websites handle all the printing, shipping, and customer service for you, so all you have to worry about is creating your designs and promoting your shop. It's a hassle-free way to start selling your art without the need for any upfront costs.


Art fairs and exhibitions can be a great way to connect with potential buyers and generate income. You can sell your artwork directly to customers and also network with other artists and galleries. Participating in art fairs and exhibitions also allows you to receive valuable feedback from potential buyers and other artists. This feedback can help you improve your techniques and style, as well as gain insight into what people are looking for in the art world.


Patreon is a crowdfunding platform that allows artists to receive recurring financial support from their fans. By setting up a page on Patreon, you can offer exclusive content and rewards to your supporters in exchange for their contributions. This allows you to focus on creating your art without worrying about financial stress.

Patreon is a great way to build a community around your art and connect with your fans on a more personal level. You can share behind-the-scenes glimpses into your creative process, offer early access to new work, and even host Q&A sessions or live streams exclusively for your supporters.

The best part about Patreon is that it allows you to receive ongoing support from your fans, rather than relying on one-time sales. This means you can focus on creating your best work without worrying about how you'll pay the bills.

To learn more about Patreon and how it works, check out their website at


There are many opportunities for writers to write about art, from contributing to art blogs and magazines to starting their own art blog or podcast. By sharing your insights and opinions on different art forms, styles, and techniques, you can help others appreciate and understand art on a deeper level.

If you're interested in writing for art blogs or magazines, you can start by researching publications that cover topics related to your interests and expertise. You can then pitch your ideas to the editors and see if they're interested in featuring your work.

Alternatively, you can start your own art blog or podcast, where you have complete creative control over the content you produce. You can share your thoughts on different artists, art forms, and exhibitions, and even interview other artists and experts in the field.

The great thing about writing about art is that you can do it from anywhere, at any time. Whether you're at home, at a coffee shop, or even at an art museum, you can always find inspiration for your next piece.

Plus, writing about art is a great way to hone your writing skills and develop your voice as a writer. By sharing your unique perspective on art, you can attract a loyal following of readers and listeners who appreciate your work.

So, if you're passionate about art and love to write, why not combine the two and create a source of income from it? The possibilities are endless, and the world of art is waiting for your insights and opinions.


Did you know that you can sell digital downloads of your artwork and art-related products online? It's a great way to generate income and share your creative talents with the world.

Digital downloads can include a wide variety of products, from high-quality scans of your original artwork to digital brushes, textures, and other tools that artists can use to enhance their own creations. You can sell your digital downloads through your own website, or online marketplaces like Etsy.

Selling digital downloads is a great option for artists who want to make their work more accessible to a wider audience. By offering digital versions of your artwork and products, you can reach people all over the world and provide them with a unique and convenient way to enjoy your work.

Another great thing about selling digital downloads is that it requires no physical inventory or shipping, so it's a low-cost and low-risk way to start earning income from your art. All you need is a computer, an internet connection, and your artistic talent.

So, if you're looking for a new way to monetize your art, consider selling digital downloads. It's a fun and creative way to share your work with the world and earn income at the same time.


Did you know that as an artist, you can create e-books to teach others your art and techniques while earning passive income? Selling e-books is a great way to reach a wider audience and share your knowledge with aspiring artists around the world.

Whether you're an expert in watercolor, oil painting, or digital art, you can create an e-book that teaches others your unique approach and techniques. You can include step-by-step tutorials, helpful tips, and even personal stories and insights that showcase your artistic process and style.

The best part about selling e-books is that once you create them, they can continue to generate income for you over time. You can sell them through your website, social media platforms, or even on popular e-book marketplaces like Amazon Kindle Direct Publishing.


Artists can offer their art pieces for rent to individuals, businesses or organizations. This can be a great way to generate recurring income while also increasing the exposure of their art. To get started with art rentals, you can promote your services on your website or social media platforms. You can also reach out to local businesses or organizations to offer your art for rent. This can be a great way to generate recurring income while also increasing the exposure of your art.

Art rentals allow customers to enjoy your art in their homes or office spaces without committing to a full purchase. This can be especially appealing to businesses that want to add art to their spaces but don't want to make a large investment upfront.

As an artist, you can set the rental fees and terms for your art pieces. You can also offer different packages for short-term or long-term rentals to cater to different customers' needs.

Renting out your art pieces can also increase the exposure of your art and potentially lead to future sales or commissions. By showcasing your art in various settings, you can attract new customers and build a wider audience for your work.


As an artist, have you ever considered participating in art auctions? Art auctions can be a great way to generate higher sales and gain exposure in the art world.

Art collectors attend auctions with the intention of buying unique and valuable art pieces. By participating in an art auction, you have the opportunity to showcase your art to a wider audience and attract potential buyers who are interested in investing in your work.

Auctions are also a great way to create buzz around your art and build a reputation in the art world. Winning an auction can establish you as a respected and sought-after artist, which can lead to more sales and commissions in the future.

To participate in an art auction, you can work with galleries or auction houses that specialize in your art style or medium. You can also do your research and find online art auction platforms that cater to your niche.


By offering appraisal and consultation services, you can leverage your expertise and knowledge in a specific area of art to help others make informed decisions about their art pieces. You can offer to evaluate and provide insights on the value, authenticity, condition, and potential of art pieces.

This can be a great way to generate income by charging a fee for your time and expertise. Moreover, it can be a fulfilling experience to share your passion and knowledge about art with others who share your interests.

To get started, you can promote your services on your website, social media, or through word-of-mouth. You can also network with galleries, auction houses, and art collectors to build your client base and establish your reputation.

By offering art appraisals and consultations, you can not only generate income but also build your professional network and establish yourself as an authority in your area of expertise.


I know how tough it can be to make a living solely through your artwork, which is why I want to encourage you to think outside of the box and consider creating multiple income streams.

But here's the thing - it's not just about making money. It's about doing what you love and staying true to your artistic vision. By finding ways to monetize your passion, you can build a successful career as an artist while staying true to your values. Don't try to force yourself into a certain income stream just because you think it'll be profitable.

Stay true to your artistic vision and create income streams that align with your passions. That way, you'll not only be earning a living, but you'll also be enjoying the process and staying true to yourself.

Personally I highly recommend that you start by selling your products on your own website. Why? Because you'll have complete control over how much you get paid and how your products are delivered. That means you can maximize your earnings potential and have the flexibility to run things the way you want.

Now, I won't lie to you, creating passive income products takes some serious time and effort. It's not a quick fix that will instantly solve all your financial problems. But if you put in the time, strategy, and effort, it will definitely be worth it in the end.

My advice to you is to start with one passive income stream at a time and really focus on getting everything set up and running smoothly before moving on to the next thing.

And don't forget to invest plenty of time into creating content and promoting your work on social media so you can get more eyes on your products. Trust me, it's all about putting in the work and being patient, but the rewards will come.

So, to all my fellow artists out there, let's embrace our creativity and find ways to make a living doing what we love. It's not always easy, but it's definitely worth it.

How to Create a Multiple Income Streams as an Artist (2024)


How to Create a Multiple Income Streams as an Artist? ›

The Artist's Roadmap to Multiple Streams of Income focuses on a modern approach for the technology-driven world. Organized into four easy-to-understand parts, this book covers topics from the mindset and tools an artist needs, to marketing your art on social media, licensing your work, and getting jobs in the industry.

What is the artist's roadmap to multiple streams of income? ›

The Artist's Roadmap to Multiple Streams of Income focuses on a modern approach for the technology-driven world. Organized into four easy-to-understand parts, this book covers topics from the mindset and tools an artist needs, to marketing your art on social media, licensing your work, and getting jobs in the industry.

What is passive income for artists? ›

Putting your artwork on products like T-shirts, mugs, and bags is a great passive income idea for artists and designers alike. Expect to do some work upfront, but after that, you can sit back and wait for your business to generate revenue.

How much does 1 million streams pay an artist? ›

In other words, if you reach 1 million streams, you will receive about $3,000 to $4,000 in royalties throughout your digital distribution.

How do artists get paid for streams? ›

Whenever a song is streamed or performed, the copyright owner (often a composer, author, or artist) receives streaming royalties – fees paid throughout the copyright term, typically lasting 70 years. The payment frequency also depends on the contract, although streaming payouts are usually distributed monthly.

Is it realistic to make money as an artist? ›

The answer is yes. As an artist there are many avenues that you can explore to monetize your talent, allow yourself to be your own boss and spend your days doing what you love. Picture this: Waking up every morning without dreading the day ahead because you are in charge of your day and what you do with it.

What are three ways art can be used to generate income? ›

There are many ways to start getting paid for your art. You can sell prints of your original work online via websites like Etsy or Society6. You can also put your art on products and get paid by creating a print-on-demand shop, or by licensing your art to a manufacturer.

How do artists fund themselves? ›

Governments (at all levels), non-profits, and businesses that recognize the value of the arts can and do provide funding to artists in various disciplines. They can be competitive, but there are resources to help potential applicants learn grant-writing skills and find available funding.

How to start multiple income streams? ›

What are the best ways to generate multiple streams of income? Investing in rental properties, buying stock market investments, or selling products or services online are all ways to create multiple income streams. In order to create additional sources of income, you should assess your skills and interests.

How many income streams is ideal? ›

There's no one-size-fits-all answer to how many streams of income you should have. It depends on the lifestyle you want and the skills you have. But 65% of millionaires have at least three streams of income, and that's an achievable number for most people.

Is having multiple streams of income worth it? ›

Having multiple income streams allows you to flex up or down on certain streams depending on the economy or your audience. Working on multiple things means you are strengthening multiple skill sets and elevating your super strengths, which means you are constantly increasing your value!

How many streams of income do you need to be rich? ›

According to a report from the IRS, the average millionaire has not one, not two, but seven different sources of income. That's right – seven streams of money flowing into their bank accounts, building their net worth and securing their financial future. Why are multiple income streams so powerful?

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Author: Patricia Veum II

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Name: Patricia Veum II

Birthday: 1994-12-16

Address: 2064 Little Summit, Goldieton, MS 97651-0862

Phone: +6873952696715

Job: Principal Officer

Hobby: Rafting, Cabaret, Candle making, Jigsaw puzzles, Inline skating, Magic, Graffiti

Introduction: My name is Patricia Veum II, I am a vast, combative, smiling, famous, inexpensive, zealous, sparkling person who loves writing and wants to share my knowledge and understanding with you.