How To Confirm A Bitcoin Transaction Quickly & For Free (2024) - Athena Alpha (2024)

Sending Bitcoins is pretty straight forward, but due to the way Bitcoin works it’s important to know how to confirm a Bitcoin transaction. If you don’t, it’s possible for someone to scam you out of whatever it is you’re trading for bitcoins.

Maybe you’re panicking because you’ve transferred 1 BTC and it says “confirmed” but it’s still not showing up in your wallet. Maybe you’re not sure what the difference between 1 confirmation and 10 confirmations is. Don’t worry – we’ve got you covered! But first, something most other experts forget to tell people.


An Important Privacy Note

In the next section we’re going to take you through looking at a Block Explorer. These do exactly what’s on the tin and let you explore the Blockchain. With it you can view every Bitcoin transaction there has even been. Before we get to that part though, we just wanted to make you aware of how doing this can hurt your Bitcoin Privacy.

Looking up Bitcoin addresses or transaction IDs on a public block explorer website will link thatBitcoin Addressesor Transaction with your IP Address which, in turn, can be linked to your real world identity. Full Bitcoin Nodes likeUmbrelandmyNodemake it easy to run your own block explorer, which is what we encourage you to use if you can.

If you don’t have your own Full Bitcoin Node and have to use apublic block explorer that’s perfectly fine, but make sure to mask your IP by connecting to them viaTor, or at least use aVPN. With that out of the way, let’s get into how to do this!

How To Confirm A Bitcoin Transaction

Step 1: Find Your Transaction ID

How To Confirm A Bitcoin Transaction Quickly & For Free (2024) - Athena Alpha (1)

Every Bitcoin Transaction has a Transaction ID or TXID which is usually displayed to you after the transaction has been broadcast. It’s location is different for different Bitcoin Wallets, but for this example we’re using Sparrow Wallet.

To get the Transaction ID of any pending or confirmed transaction, simple Right Click it and click on Copy Transaction ID.

Step 2: Open A Block Explorer & Enter Your Transaction ID

How To Confirm A Bitcoin Transaction Quickly & For Free (2024) - Athena Alpha (2)

Once you have your Transaction ID, open up any Block Explorer. As discussed, be mindful that entering in an address or transaction ID into a public block explorer will likely link that to your IP Address forever. We strongly recommend doing this in a Tor enabled browser.

Open in a Tor enabled browser and Paste your Transaction ID into the top right hand corner Search Box.

Step 3: Check Confirmations

How To Confirm A Bitcoin Transaction Quickly & For Free (2024) - Athena Alpha (3)

Once your transaction is displayed it will tell you how many Confirmations it has. If the status says “X Confirmations” and is Green, then it has been mined into a Bitcoin Block on the Blockchain and it’s considered confirmed.

If the status says “Unconfirmed” and is Red, then it’s still waiting for a miner to pick it up and bundle it into an upcoming block. This doesn’t mean there’s anything wrong with the transaction, it just means it hasn’t been mined yet and you will need to wait a bit longer.

If you are conducting a trade with someone, always wait until the transaction has at least 1 Confirmation before giving them your goods or services (see more below).

How Many Confirmations Does A Bitcoin Transaction Need?

While a transaction is sitting in the Bitcoin Mempool, its status will show up as an “Unconfirmed” transaction and be red.

How To Confirm A Bitcoin Transaction Quickly & For Free (2024) - Athena Alpha (4)

As soon as your transaction gets mined into the latest block it will show up as having “1 Confirmation”. This means it’s now locked into the Bitcoin Blockchain forever and considered spent. As each new block is mined, it gets stacked on top of the earlier one and your transaction will then get buried in blocks going deeper and deeper with more confirmations.

So how long does it take to confirm a Bitcoin transaction? 10 minutes… on average. That “on average” part is where things get a bit tricky though. In order to mine a new block, Miners need to solve the challenge through the Proof-of-Work (PoW) system. This is a completely random process and as such, there’s no set time to it. Onaverageit’s 10 minutes, but it can also take 5 minutesor even 122 minutes(the longest mined block ever).

Most agree that once a transaction has 1 Confirmation it’s “confirmed” and safe. Once it has 6 Confirmations it’s considered very safe and irreversible. Thus Bitcoin transaction times can vary depending on who you ask from 10 minutes to an hour.

We recommend waiting for 1-3 confirmations when dealing with small to medium trades and waiting for at least 6 confirmations when dealing with large amounts.

Bitcoin Proof Of Work: Everything You Should Know (2022)

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How To Speed Up A Bitcoin Transactions

Unfortunately the only way to make your Bitcoin transaction get confirmed faster is to jack up the fee rate. No one likes paying fees, but at least with Bitcoin 100% of those fees you pay are going directly to theBitcoin Minersthat are providing you with a critical and useful service.

But what if you don’t want to pay $5 for your transaction? Or maybe you don’t want to wait the 10 minute to 1 hour it takes to have your transaction confirmed in 6 blocks? A lot of people throw shade at Bitcoin for its expensive or slow transactions, but you don’t have to go use some other sh*tcoin to get lightning fast transactions anymore. Just use the Lightning Network!

While the Lightning Network is only a few years old, it’s more than capable of transferring almost any payment (in native bitcoins) essentially for free and instantly. You can send $100 for $0.0001 or you can send $0.0001! All transactions happen instantly and the fees are measured in sats as they’re that small.

If you’ve just got a Lightning Wallet setup and want to make a test payment, we’d love your support and already accept Lightning Payments via ourSupport Uspage! You can alsoSubscribe With Bitcoin(or Lightning) toAthena Alpha Protoo.

Bitcoin Transaction Fees

Bitcoin transaction fees are what’s paid to Bitcoin Miners so they will include your transaction in the next block they mine.

While most banks or other institutions have set fees that you can’t choose or change, with Bitcoin mining fees you get to set the fee for every transaction.

The higher the fee, the better chance the transaction has to be included in the next mined block and the faster your transaction is confirmed. A fee of at least 1 sat/vB (Satoshi per virtual byte) is recommended so the transaction doesn’t get stuck.

Transaction fees are completelyunrelatedto how many bitcoins you send. You can send billions of dollars for a few cents!

Transaction fees are critical for the security of the Bitcoin network.If there were no (or near free) mining fees then it would be trivial for bad actors to create millions of spam transactions that would clog up the network.

Somebody's having fun spamming the zcash blockchain and tripling its size to over 100 GB. Rough estimate is that this attack is costing them ~$10 a day in transaction fees.

— Jameson Lopp (@lopp) October 5, 2022

Mining fees also provide a financial incentive to miners. This incentivizes them to commit more and more mining power to the Bitcoin network. The higher this hash rate is, the more secure the network becomes because it means an attacker has to match this higher hash rate in order to take over the network.

The more secure Bitcoin becomes, the more users it attracts which then leads to more transactions and more fees that help to incentivize miners. This self re-enforcing circle is what helps Bitcoin grow. Fees will also enable the miners to remain profitable and engaged once the block reward subsidy runs out in around 2140.

How To Confirm A Bitcoin Transaction Quickly & For Free (2024) - Athena Alpha (5)

Every transaction on the Blockchain also has the fee information that was paid for it to be mined included in it. It’s quite often you see people (or companies) overpaying by huge margins. In fact for most of 2022 you could easily get your transaction confirmed in minutes with a fee rate of just 1 sat/vB. In 2023 this increased significantly to around 100 sat/vB due to the new craze of ordinals and inscriptions.

Again, this is why it’s important to learnHow Bitcoin Works. If you don’t, you can end up flushing perfectly good sats down the toilet every time you do any transaction for years!

How To Track A Bitcoin Transaction

As the Blockchain is completely transparent and open, anyone can lookup any transaction or address. Once you’ve found a bitcoin transactions details as outlined above, you can then track it either back or forward in time. Tracing Bitcoin transactions can get confusing quite quickly, but it simply involves following the inputs and outputs for each transaction.

How To Confirm A Bitcoin Transaction Quickly & For Free (2024) - Athena Alpha (6)

If you want to go back in time, click on the left most arrow in the Flow diagram. This will show you the transaction that happened before. Then you can click on the left most arrow in the Flow diagram for that transaction and keep going further and further back in time.


How Long Does Bitcoin Take To Send?

Bitcoin transactions are generally considered completed once they have been confirmed in 1-6 blocks. As each block on average takes 10 minutes to be confirmed into a new block by theBitcoin Miningprocess, this means your transaction will take anywhere from 0-60 minutes on average to be completed.

Read more: How Long Does Bitcoin Take To Send?

What Happens If You Send Bitcoin To An Ethereum Address?

There are many, many Differences Between Bitcoin And Ethereum. One of the main ones is that their address look and are completely different.

Bitcoin: bc1qelem0ann687r2e9jax542lja7q8cu8s35h96pc
Ethereum: 0x485083d8e24991698F3F6DaC03c219118c451C9d

As such, any modern wallet will instantly reject an Ethereum address if you try and enter it. If it’s accepted (somehow) then the transaction should fail resulting in your funds being returned to your account. There is a possibility that the funds get lost though, so always double check your address before clicking “Send”.

How To Speed Up Bitcoin Transactions?

Due to theBitcoin Miningprocess, you have no control over when the next block will be mined as the time it takes for a block to be mined is completely random. Onaverageit’s 10 minutes, but it can also take 5 minutesor even 122 minutes(the longest mined block ever).

The only thing you can do to speed up your transaction is ensure the fee you set is enough to put your transaction in the next block, however long that will take to mine.

How Do I Confirm An Unconfirmed Bitcoin Transaction?

A Bitcoin transaction is only considered “Confirmed” once it’s been mined into a valid Bitcoin Block. There is nothing you personally can do to “confirm” an Unconfirmed transaction (beyond ensuring the fee paid is appropriately high), you simply just have to wait for it to be mined into the next block by Bitcoin Miners. This on average takes 10 minutes.

My Bitcoin Transaction Is Confirmed But Not Received

Many programs or platforms require a transaction to have 3-6 confirmations before they will consider it deep enough in the Bitcoin Blockchain to be safe. This means if your transaction has just been mined into the latest block, it can be “confirmed” but also not considered “received” by certain wallets.

Simply wait until more block are mined on top of your transaction and its confirmation number will grow. Check back again when it’s at 6 Confirmations and you should see that it’s now considered Received.

Want to get serious about safely and privately using Bitcoin? You need to subscribe now.

How To Confirm A Bitcoin Transaction Quickly & For Free (2024) - Athena Alpha (2024)


How To Confirm A Bitcoin Transaction Quickly & For Free (2024) - Athena Alpha? ›

Guaranteed Speed – guarantees a 75% chance of confirmation within 1 hour and a 98% chance within 4 hours, regardless of the standard transaction fee. Transparent Fees – Their acceleration fee is based on the current value of Bitcoin and the size of your transaction.

How can I confirm my Bitcoin transaction faster? ›

Guaranteed Speed – guarantees a 75% chance of confirmation within 1 hour and a 98% chance within 4 hours, regardless of the standard transaction fee. Transparent Fees – Their acceleration fee is based on the current value of Bitcoin and the size of your transaction.

How do I confirm a Bitcoin transaction? ›

After sending your coins from one address (exchange or wallet) to another, you would receive a transaction ID (or TxID) from your exchange/wallet. This TxID represents a unique “fingerprint” of your transaction and allows your transaction to be tracked. Make sure you save the TxID.

How do you speed up an unconfirmed Bitcoin transaction? ›

You can use the accelerate feature to accelerate your pending transaction by paying a higher fee. Depending on how it was sent, the accelerate feature will either use RBF or CPFP to speed up your transaction.

How to confirm a blockchain unconfirmed transaction? ›

Typically, a transaction takes between five minutes and three hours to get confirmed. This is normal, and confirmation time depends mostly on current network traffic. You can check the status of your transaction on any blockchain explorer by looking up the transaction ID, sending address, or receiving address.

Can a Bitcoin transaction take days to confirm? ›

In most cases, Bitcoin transactions need 1 to 1.5 hours to complete. Bitcoin transactions will usually be confirmed with one confirmation within 10 minutes. If several hours have passed without your Bitcoin transaction being confirmed, just wait.

How long does it take for a Bitcoin transaction to be verified? ›

In most cases, a Bitcoin transaction is confirmed within one hour. Most people call a transaction successful with a minimum of six confirmations. Another five blocks must be mined on top of the block that contains the transaction. On average, a new block is mined every ten minutes.

Why does Bitcoin take so long to confirm? ›

This is because it is affected by factors such as the total network activity, hashrate and transaction fees. If the Bitcoin network is congested, there will be a backlog of transactions in the mempool. This would result users paying more in transaction fees to get transactions to go through faster.

How do I verify a Bitcoin transfer? ›

Bitcoin's blockchain can be accessed at Here, you'll be able to enter your Bitcoin TxID, or your exchange or wallet address, to track your transactions. You will see a summary of information about the transaction, including the number of confirmations it has.

Why won't my Bitcoin transaction confirm? ›

Network Congestion

The average number of Bitcoin transactions per block falls to around 2000. Sometimes, miners can be unable to handle a higher number of transactions per block than this, which might make your transaction wait in a queue, ending up with an extended confirmation time (a few minutes to hours).

How long can a Bitcoin transaction be unconfirmed? ›

Transactions can sometimes be completed in minutes while remaining unconfirmed for more than 24 hours on other occasions. Experiencing a delay in confirmation of a Bitcoin transaction can induce some anxiety, but it's a normal thing to expect on a blockchain network.

What would be the fastest time required for a transaction without verification in Bitcoin? ›

The fastest time in which you can send or receive bitcoin without any verification is instantaneous. As soon as you send/receive the bitcoin, it will get reflected either in the receiver's account in seconds after the transaction.

How fast can Bitcoin process transactions? ›

Understanding Bitcoin transaction time is crucial for any trader. While Bitcoin's transaction speed can vary, it generally takes around 10-60 minutes to get completed. However, factors like network congestion, transaction fees, and many others can influence it.

How to accelerate BTC confirmation? ›

The Top 10 Best Bitcoin Accelerators
  1. This paid service gives a 75% assurance of confirmation within 1 hour and 98% within 4 hours, regardless of the transaction fee. ...
  2. ViaBTC. ViaBTC offers free and paid services. ...
  3. BitAccelerate. ...
  4. ConfirmTX. ...
  5. 360 BTC Accelerator. ...
  6. BTC Nitro. ...
  7. BTC Afterburner App. ...
  8. BTC TX Accelerator.

Who confirms Bitcoin transactions? ›

A confirmation represents the acceptance of a new block (containing several transactions) by the blockchain network. Once a miner has successfully added a new block to the blockchain, one 'confirmation' has occurred. This means that the transactions within the block are verified and are now part of the blockchain.

How to check pending Bitcoin transaction? ›

You can also check on the status of a transaction by going to the transaction page in your wallet and reviewing the pending section. a blockchain or block explorer, which is an analytics platform for observing transactions and wallet addresses on the blockchain.

Why is my Bitcoin confirmation taking so long? ›

It is normal for bitcoin transactions to be delayed from time to time, especially when the network is experiencing high traffic or a transaction has been sent with low fees. Bitcoin transactions are considered confirmed when a bitcoin miner includes your transaction in a block.

How long does Bitcoin payment confirmation take? ›

What is the average Bitcoin confirmation time? Bitcoin blocks, containing all the most recent transactions, are added to the blockchain every 10 minutes. That means in theory, your transaction will receive its first confirmation within 10 minutes of the request being sent.

Why is my Bitcoin verification taking so long? ›

Issue: Low-quality or illegible document scans or photos can hinder the verification process. Solution: Make sure your document scans or photos are clear, well-lit, and in focus. Ensure that all details on your identification documents are visible.

What is the longest confirmation time for Bitcoin? ›

The record for the longest time a bitcoin transaction has remained unconfirmed is around 14 days. However, it's important to note that this is an extreme case, and most bitcoin transactions get confirmed withing minutes or hours.

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Author: Kareem Mueller DO

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Name: Kareem Mueller DO

Birthday: 1997-01-04

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Introduction: My name is Kareem Mueller DO, I am a vivacious, super, thoughtful, excited, handsome, beautiful, combative person who loves writing and wants to share my knowledge and understanding with you.