How to choose your new finance system | The Access Group (2024)

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Choosing a new financial management system can be overwhelming; it's a significant change and should be handled with careful due diligence.

If you are looking for a new finance system, then this is the article for you. We guide you from the early research stage all the way to deciding which vendors to focus on. You will be given helpful tips and insights for determining the scope of your project and interacting with key internal stakeholders.

We’ve also included ahandy finance system downloadable checklistto help you on your way.

Download checklist

11 minutes

Written by James Ramage, Finance technology expert

Information on this page

  1. Why choosing your new finance system is important
  2. The guide to choosing your new finance system
  3. 9 common mistakes people make choose a new finance system
  4. Switching finance system resources
  5. Choosing Access Financials as your new finance system

Why choosing a new finance system is important

Choosing a new finance system is important for many reasons. First, it can provide more reliable financial reporting, enabling businesses to have more accurate insight into their financial health.

Additionally, it can also allow businesses to streamline processes like purchasing and invoicing, helping to improve cash flow and operational efficiency. Furthermore, an up-to-date finance system will allow businesses to take advantage of the latest technology, allowing them to access data anywhere with cloud-based technology.

Lastly, with an efficient finance system, businesses can gain better visibility into their budget, allowing them to make smarter decisions and allocate resources more effectively. Overall, selecting a robust finance system is key to any business's long-term success.

Choosing a new finance system for your business is a significant project and as such requires comprehensive project management. Before deciding on a new finance system, you need to outline your project goals and assess your current resources to determine if the new finance system you’re considering is the best option for your business.

This can be a stressful experience, after all, it is a significant change and one that you want to get right but if you are new to the world of project management where do you start?

Many people think that switching finance systems is all about the implementation project but actually a successful switch is often much more about the choice process than actually putting in software.

Choosing the right finance system will have significant implications, not just for the finance team but for the wider business and these will last for years so getting it right is super-important.

So whether you are new to project management or you have done this before, having a methodical approach will pay massive dividends when you come to make your decision.

We’re giving you some tips to help you run the choice process and spot the sort of things that you need to think about.

The guide: Choosing your new finance system

  • Set the scope
  • Look to automate processes
  • Ask your team
  • Speak to the wider business
  • Create a long list of finance systems
  • Refine your shortlist
  • Get some references
  • 9 common mistakes people make choosing new financial management software

Set the scope for your new finance system

Before you even start to look at possible candidates for your new finance system you need to set the scope. This means speaking with your key stakeholders about what you are and aren’t going to consider.

For example, you may only be looking at a core financial system to replace an old and tired piece of technology.

Or you may want to look at an entire financial suite fromaccountingtoexpenses, fromproject accountingtopurchase orders.

In practice, we find that looking at the wider picture and understanding how the finance system will interact with other systems is key to a successful switch.

Confining the scope of the choice process to simply an accounting system could lead to your organisation missing out on some valuable benefits of integration.

It is really important that you set the scope from the start because projects have a tendency to take on a life of their own with people adding in requirements and deliverables as they go along, leading to a project overrun and an overspend.

By all means, add in extra things but do so in extra phases that will be looked at after you have completed the main project.

So for the early part of the choice process, you need to focus on producing a requirements list. This is simply a list of all the things that you would like to see in your new finance system. You could categorise some as ‘must-haves’ and some might just be ‘nice-to-have’, but producing a list in this way will give you a clear sight of what you are looking for from a system provider.

Choose a finance system to automate processes

One of the biggest benefits of a new financial system is that it can automate or even totally eliminate processes that have become very manual and very unwieldy. So a good starting point is to find the jobs that you do on a daily basis that just take too much time.

Identifying your pain points in this way then leads you to start to produce a requirements list. An illustration of this would be where you are doing manual bank recs. This could lead you to say that you want a finance system that has automated bank feeds and matching so that your people only need to deal with unusual transactions.

Don’t get sucked into the trap of trying to replicate your existing processes though. Make sure that you look as far as possible to eliminate work rather than simply transfer it to your new finance system.

Ask your finance team

Next, go to your team.

Ask them what things take ages to do? What things need more attention than others and what things would really transform the way they do their work.

We can promise you that they will come up with things you haven’t even thought of and they will probably have some very good ideas about how tasks can be eliminated using new technology.

You may also find that some of your team have worked on really good finance systems in previous companies that might be useful for your long list.

Speak to the wider business

So you have worked out what your finance department needs but what about the wider business. Remember that finance has to become much more about adding value to your organisation than simply crunching numbers so speaking with the wider business will give you more ideas about features that can be added to your requirements list.

You may also find that other departments are also looking at projects to revitalise their systems so there could be synergy. It will also stop you from specifying that your finance system must connect to an HR or CRM system that another department is about to replace!

It’s also helpful to speak with your IT and compliance people to find out some of the more technical requirements so that you can ensure your final pick will be suitable for your data security environment.

By the time you have spoken with your key stakeholders, you should be developing a good idea of what you need and your requirements list should be growing nicely.

Create a long list of finance systems

Now we move to the point where you look outwards to the market and you’ll want to produce a long-list.

This is a list of all the finance systems that could be useful for you.
At this point, you are not ruling anything out but more having a look at the market to see what is available.

The good part about this is that you may find features of systems that you haven’t thought of and that you may want to add to your list.

Refine your shortlist

Now you have a long list and a set of requirements, it is time to compare the latter against the former.

At this point, we’d suggest setting up your marking scheme. For example, you may decide that cost is a key differentiator, that shortlist systems must meet all of your must-have requirements and then that you’ll score each based on certain criteria.

But it is important to decide how you will choose before you refine your shortlist to stop bias creeping in.

You may be surprised at how many you cull initially because they simply can’t deliver your must-have requirements so the first pass at producing a shortlist can be quite quick, but you will get to a point where all the remaining systems look superficially like they can do the job.

You can then match against your nice-to-haves which should reduce your shortlist further.

You want to get to a point where you have around three or so finance systems that you will test.

You can then arrange to have demonstrations to make sure that your desk research has been accurate.

Get some references

In the same way as you’d do a bit of a background check on a potential recruit, you need to check the background of a finance system.

Make sure that you get some references from companies that have already adopted their system and then follow these up with their finance team to see if the hype matches up to the reality.

These companies don't have to be in the same sector as you, but it is helpful if they use the system in the same way. So for example, if you are an advertising agency that charges by project, you could look at builders, architects or even software companies who charge in the same way.

These ‘reference sites’ are invaluable as they allow you to ask the customer’s project team specific questions about the system, the project and how they have found support for their new system.

You can ask how it works in practice and if they have any tips that might be useful but make it clear they can refuse to answer anything that they feel uncomfortable about and steer clear of asking any commercially sensitive questions.

9 common mistakes people make choosing a new financial management system

Financial software has been around long enough now that there is a good history of projects that have been less than successful.

The good news is that these projects provide valuable learning experiences for us as we look to choose our own systems.

So, what mistakes do people commonly make?

  1. They are seduced by looks - We have all been guilty of buying something because it looks nice rather than because it works well, so don't be seduced by a good looking finance system, make sure you choose based on facts.
  2. They don’t speak with reference sites- Make sure you speak with existing customers to find out how they’ve found the finance system in real-life and what issues they had on the project so you can learn from their practical experience.
  3. They forget to factor in growth - People often choose finance systems based on what they need now, forgetting that in a busy company they may need much more functionality in the future. So choose a system based on what you will need in the future too.
  4. They ignore security - Data security is really important, both from a company strategic point of view but also in respect of GDPR. Make sure you choose a finance system that is secure.
  5. They don’t worry about connectivity - Integration of systems is one of the best things about modern systems so make sure you choose something that has great connectivity with a marketplace of apps and an easy to use API.
  6. They don’t check out the support - Support is one of those things that you don't value until you need it. Make sure you check that your software partner provides support after the project as well as during it.
  7. They forget about internal resources - Putting in a new financial system takes a lot of hard work and effort so make sure you are properly resourced internally so that you can make your project a success.
  8. They don’t allocate a budget - Unbelievably many companies don't allocate enough budget to their software project (or indeed, any budget at all). You don’t get something for nothing so make sure your team is properly resourced.
  9. They don’t include the wider business - Make sure that you speak with heads of departments and senior managers to find out what they need.

Switching finance system resources

If you are at the start of your switching journey then we’ve produced aswitching financial systems hub specially designed to make it easy to navigate your way through your project. To help you plan and execute a faultless financial system switch, the switching hub includes, blogs, videos, podcasts as well as

  • a free comprehensiveguide to switching finance systems to give you all the information you need
  • a freeExcel worksheet that will give you a handy checklist to manage your system choice.

Good luck with your finance system switch!If you need any support thenget in touchwith our friendly team who can guide you through switching.

Choose Access Financials as your new finance system

Ourfinancial management software, is designed to give you greater financial control and visibility.

The software is available in different bundles, tailored for different business needs:

  • scalable businesses
  • advanced accounting businesses
  • project-based businesses.

You can also customise the finance system to suit your needs by adding features such as accounting,reporting,invoicingand much more!

Watch the video below for further details and book a demo to see Access Financials in live action.

We chose Access because it seemed like such a straightforward product. We really liked the flexibility that it offered us.

Adrienne ClarkFinance Director at Countrywide

Book a demo of Access Financials

See the software in action

How to choose your new finance system | The Access Group (2024)


How to choose your new finance system | The Access Group? ›

The financial system refers to the network of institutions, such as banks, insurance companies, markets, and stock exchanges. The primary function of the financial system is to distribute savings from individuals and businesses to productive investments, allocate capital efficiently, and manage risks.

How do I start a finance group? ›

How to start a finance business in 6 steps
  1. Create a business plan.
  2. Select a business structure.
  3. Obtain business financing or capital.
  4. Set up accounting and bookkeeping services.
  5. Source specific finance equipment.
  6. Register your finance business.

What are the needs of financial system? ›

The financial system refers to the network of institutions, such as banks, insurance companies, markets, and stock exchanges. The primary function of the financial system is to distribute savings from individuals and businesses to productive investments, allocate capital efficiently, and manage risks.

Who is the best financial group? ›

How we make money
  • Top financial advisor firms.
  • Vanguard.
  • Charles Schwab.
  • Fidelity Investments.
  • Facet.
  • J.P. Morgan Private Client Advisor.
  • Edward Jones.
  • Alternative option: Robo-advisors.

How to set up a finance team? ›

Building your startup's finance team
  1. Hire specialists as you mature.
  2. Don't worry about scaling your finance team too early.
  3. Hire a mix of ambition levels.
  4. Plan early for international growth and hiring.
  5. Invest in payroll expertise if you're building a remote team.
  6. Implement a smart finance stack to reduce headcount needs.

How do I start my own investment group? ›

How to Start an Investment Group in 6 Simple Steps
  1. Find the right partners for your group. ...
  2. Formalize the group with an operating agreement and an LLC. ...
  3. Align your group early and often on goals and responsibilities. ...
  4. Pool capital in a business bank account. ...
  5. Find a deal and take action. ...
  6. Repeat!
Jun 22, 2022

What do finance groups do? ›

Some of the services that the FIG offers include mergers and acquisitions, recapitalization, capital raising, financial restructuring, corporate valuations, expert financial opinions, and other advisory services.

What does a financial group do? ›

A FIG refers to a financial institutions group. It is an ensemble of financial professionals who provide expertise and advisory services to clients, and the clients are typically financial institutions.

What is financing group? ›

Financing Group means the members of the DWG, Bond Counsel, the Financial Advisor, the Underwriter, counsel to the Underwriter, and any other party engaged by the District to assist in the offer, placement, and sale of the bonds or municipal securities described in an Offering Document.

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Name: Arline Emard IV

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Introduction: My name is Arline Emard IV, I am a cheerful, gorgeous, colorful, joyous, excited, super, inquisitive person who loves writing and wants to share my knowledge and understanding with you.