How to choose the best VPN protocol in 2024 - Surfshark (2024)

How to choose the best VPN protocol in 2024 - Surfshark (1)

Often referred to as tunneling protocols, VPN (Virtual Private Network) protocols are rules that ensure the VPN works smoothly, safely, and reliably. There is a wide variety of VPN protocols — we’ll review how they compare.

What is a VPN protocol?

A VPN protocol is a set of instructions that determines how data and traffic are encrypted and routed between your computer and the VPN server. The VPN software on your device uses the protocols to establish and maintain a secure connection to the VPN server.

Table of contents

    VPN protocol comparison

    Here’s a quick comparison table, but bear in mind that whether a VPN protocol will be stable (read as: will not cause connectivity issues), depends on the VPN provider’s server configuration as well.

    VPN protocol



    Encryption algorithm


    Good for

    OpenVPN TCP

    Very secure (no known vulnerabilities)

    Very fast


    Easy with a VPN, difficult on its own

    Router compatibility, any and everyday use

    OpenVPN UDP

    Very secure (no known vulnerabilities)

    Very fast


    Easy with a VPN, difficult on its own

    Router compatibility, any and everyday use


    Very secure (no known vulnerabilities)

    Very fast


    Easy with a VPN, difficult on its own

    Short-distance connections, mobile networks, and everyday use





    Easy on Windows

    Good for increasing privacy while browsing


    Very secure (no known vulnerabilities)

    Very fast



    Everyday use


    Not secure

    Very fast

    MPEE 128 bit

    Very easy

    Outdated and not advised to use due to known issues





    Easy on Windows

    Connecting Windows devices


    Very secure (no known vulnerabilities)

    Very fast


    Client setup

    Everyday use

    VPN protocol comparison table

    Lets define some of the categories that aren’t as straightforward:

    Security — the results for each protocol are a combination of different metrics, like encryption strength, data integrity (ensuring that data is not tampered with during transmission), and vulnerability to known attacks.

    Speed — VPN protocol speed was measured by considering what goes into data transmission and how it affects speed (encryption, latency, bandwidth, compression, etc.).

    For example, stronger encryption (e.g., AES-256) generally slows down the connection more than lighter encryption (e.g., AES-128 in PPTP). OpenVPN uses compression, which adds up to how quickly the data transmission happens.

    Setup — some protocols are easy to set up because all they require is a VPN app, while others can be set up manually without a proprietary app and require more know-how (like OpenVPN). The results were based on how easy it would be for a person to set up and use a VPN protocol.

    A deep dive into VPN security protocols

    When looking deeper into VPN protocols, it’s important to know that a VPN protocol combines “lesser” protocols to create a secure and private communication channel. Each “lesser” protocol has a specific job, like encrypting data, setting up the connection, or ensuring data integrity.

    We’ve prepared a pros and cons table for each industry-standard VPN protocol, so let’s take a closer look at what makes ‘em shine:




    No known vulnerabilities

    Maybe not as fast due to bulky code

    Top-tier encryption and authentication

    Software setup may seem challenging


    OpenVPN is an open-source VPN system that comes both as software and a protocol for VPN services. Its encryption and verification processes are based on the TLS (Transport Layer Security) methodologies.

    It is usually paired with the very secure AES-256-GCM encryption algorithm. The open-source nature of this protocol allows specialists worldwide to check it for security gaps and other issues.

    OpenVPN is quite hard to set up manually, but that’s not an issue if you use a VPN service like Surfshark it’s all done for you in advance.

    OpenVPN TCP vs. UDP: what are they?

    Both TCP and UDP are different transport layer protocols that OpenVPN uses to establish a VPN connection.

    TCP (Transmission Control Protocol) — the data is sent in a sequence, and each data packet is given an identifier. If the packet is lost or sent in the wrong order, the receiver indicates that the data packet needs to be resent. Because of that, TCP tends to be the more stable of the two.

    UDP (User Datagram Protocol) — the data is sent in a stream, and the packets aren’t assigned an identifier. The packets are only checked if they arrive uncorrupted. UDP has almost no error correction and “doesn’t care” for lost packets. Because of that, it’s faster, and more users tend to use it, but disconnects happen more frequently.

    We recommend trying them both and using the one that provides a smoother connection.




    Very fast

    Speed may vary depending on the distance between your device and the server

    Stable connection

    Works well on mobile networks

    Internet Key Exchange version 2 (IKEv2) is the authentication protocol used with the IPSec (Internet Protocol Security) VPN protocol. Since IPSec operates in the background on the system’s kernel, it allows IKEv2 to be very fast.

    IKEv2 is implemented on most operating systems, so you can easily use it instead of the slower OpenVPN.

    How to choose the best VPN protocol in 2024 - Surfshark (2)




    Relatively secure


    L2TP does not encrypt itself

    L2TP doesn’t offer authentication


    Layer 2 Tunneling Protocol (L2TP) is a tunneling protocol that does not provide security on its own and uses IPSec for encryption. L2TP encapsulates data twice, which slows down the connection speed.

    How to choose the best VPN protocol in 2024 - Surfshark (3)





    Prone to DPI (Deep Packet Inspection) because it doesn’t offer obfuscation

    Only 4,000 lines of code


    Exceptional speed


    Easy to set up

    WireGuard delivers a connection speed faster than IKEv2 and OpenVPN yet only uses 4,000 lines of code (to compare, OpenVPN clocks in at around 70,000). Its lightweight code allows easier auditing and, in theory, improves stability.

    While it doesn’t have years of experience and testing like OpenVPN, WireGuard offers top-tier security and encryption standards at an unmatched speed due to its simplicity. Implemented on major platforms, like Linux, macOS, Windows, Android, etc.

    *WireGuard is a registered trademark of Jason A. Donenfeld.




    Easy setup

    Not as secure as other alternatives


    Known to be exploited

    Severely outdated

    Easily blocked by firewalls

    Point-to-Point Tunneling Protocol (PPTP) is an obsolete tunneling protocol that no VPN service should ever use. It only supports encryption ciphers up to 128 bits and is vulnerable to exploits like:

    How to choose the best VPN protocol in 2024 - Surfshark (4)




    Easily bypasses firewalls

    Code was never audited

    Can use industry-standard encryption

    Difficult to make compatible with operating systems apart from Windows

    Connections are stable even where network connectivity is unstable/unreliable

    Code isn’t open-sourced — unavailable for VPN developers to tinker with

    Easy setup on Windows OS

    Secure Socket Tunneling Protocol (SSTP) is a tunneling protocol that can send PPP (Point-to-Point Protocol) traffic. SSTP can run over port 443, which is often left open in firewalls, allowing the user to bypass them.

    SSTP does have its drawbacks: there’s a lack of compatibility with other operating systems besides Windows and Linux, and its code remains unaudited, which may lead some to speculate about security risks.

    How to choose the best VPN protocol in 2024 - Surfshark (5)




    Fast, stable, and secure

    Relatively new — hasn’t had much time for testing

    Comes with additional features to protocols like OpenVPN


    SoftEther is an open-source multi-protocol VPN client and server software. It adds advanced functionality features — GUI (Graphical User Interface) Management and RPC (Remote Procedure Calls) over HTTPS (Hypertext Transport Protocol).

    SoftEther was built for fast throughput, which, at least in theory, makes it faster than OpenVPN’s TCP mode. However, it hasn’t been around that long, so it’s not as tested as OpenVPN.

    What’s more, the SoftEther protocol utilizes a tunneling process based on the Secure Socket Layer (SSL). This means you’ll see similarities between how SSTP and SoftEther protocols “construct their tunnel.”

    How to choose the best VPN protocol in 2024 - Surfshark (6)

    What about Shadowsocks?

    Commonly misunderstood, Shadowsocks is not a VPN protocol but a tunnel proxy based on the SOCKS5 protocol. It’s an open-source project specifically designed to bypass the Great Firewall of China. However, it’s not the most graceful setup to implement and run.

    Why choosing a different VPN protocol matters

    Simply connecting to a VPN server might be enough for you. As long as it works, there’s no need to worry about which VPN protocol you’re using, right? But the default setting isn’t always the best option. Here’s what the experts at NetBlocks say about it:

    The underlying protocol a VPN uses affects latency, performance, and reliability of the encrypted tunnel. Tracking connectivity around the world, we see that not all protocols are equal, so consumers should get familiar with the options,” says Alp Toker, founder and director of an independent internet monitoring organization NetBlocks.

    Common VPN protocol misconceptions

    VPN protocols determine your connection speed: only partially, as there are many other factors that impact your connection speed.

    VPN protocols determine your connection security: they do, and they don’t. The encryption algorithms do most of the “securing” by encrypting your data.

    You may wonder, what makes VPN protocols important, then?

    Protocols help VPN services build and configure their networks on an existing digital foundation.

    It is possible to develop and use your own protocols, but it would require appropriate know-how and a lot of time and resources. Most VPN providers use trusted and audited open-source protocols that support multiple operating systems. With that out of the way, let’s see how industry-standard protocols compare.

    Which VPN protocol should I choose?

    How to choose the best VPN protocol in 2024 - Surfshark (7)

    WireGuard and IKEv2/IPSec lead the way as the two best VPN protocols in the industry today. OpenVPN is a close third as it delivers similar results but is more difficult to work with. However, many routers are OpenVPN-compatible, so it’s handy if you want to set up a VPN on your home network.

    Truthfully, “best” is a strong word, and it’s impossible to pick one protocol that’s the best for every situation. Your decision should depend on your specific VPN needs and how you plan to use it.

    Which VPN protocol is the most secure?

    Just like with the “best” category, there’s no such thing as “the most secure” VPN protocol. SoftEther, WireGuard, SSTP, IKEv2, and OpenVPN all achieve similar levels of security — and they’re really secure. All are trusted by names such as Surfshark and NordVPN, as well as many others in the industry.

    But even with secure protocols, what matters the most is how a provider builds and configures their VPN network. You probably shouldn’t trust a free VPN, even if it runs WireGuard! Free VPNs are often associated with selling user data, or worse — infecting devices with adware.

    Which VPN protocol is the fastest?

    How to choose the best VPN protocol in 2024 - Surfshark (8)

    Contrary to popular belief, VPN protocols don’t have a dramatic impact on your connection speed. Here’s what really matters:

    • The speed of your internet connection;
    • Your device compatibility and quality;
    • VPN server load and throughput;
    • The distance between you and the VPN server.

    Which VPN protocol is the most stable?

    OpenVPN TCP tends to be the most stable protocol, especially when dealing with unreliable networks. Still, it comes at the price of speed. TCP takes a bit longer than UDP to relay every bit of information.

    Which VPN protocol is best for streaming?

    Don’t you love it when your favorite show starts buffering midway through? Yeah, me neither. You can avoid it by using fast and stable VPN protocols such as WireGuard and IKEv2/IPsec — both are great for streaming content safely and without buffering.

    Disclaimer: Please note that using Surfshark services for any illegal activities is strictly forbidden and violates our Terms of Service. Make sure that any use of Surfshark services for your particular activities conforms to all relevant laws and regulations, including those of any service providers and websites you access using Surfshark.

    Which VPN protocol is best for gaming?

    When playing games online, your performance depends not only on your skill but also on your connection speed.

    If you are planning on gaming with a VPN, to make sure you experience the lowest speed-drop, choose WireGuard as your primary VPN protocol. It’s the fastest option available today, which makes it the best choice for gaming.

    Why WireGuard, OpenVPN, and IKEv2 are the best VPN protocols

    Most protocols outside of WireGuard, OpenVPN, and IKEv2 are either outdated or full of vulnerabilities. There’s no good reason to use any other VPN protocol besides these three.

    To be honest, one protocol is enough to provide a good VPN service, but due to the differences in compatibility for routers and different operating systems, we provide all three.

    Experience VPN protocols in action

    After this deep dive, you know everything about VPN protocols a VPN user might need. The most important thing is to pick one that best suits your needs. We recommend using WireGuard or IKEv2 for general use and OpenVPN if you need to set up a VPN on your router. Good news, Surfshark offers all three!

    Put theory into practice

    Try the best VPN protocol for you

    Get Surfshark

    How to choose the best VPN protocol in 2024 - Surfshark (9)


    What protocol should I use for a VPN?

    Most VPNs will automatically choose the most suitable protocol for your connection, so you don’t have to worry about making this decision. Still, it’s always best to test them yourself.

    What type of VPN is best?

    The best VPN is a reliable service that doesn’t log your online activity and has the resources to keep up with the newest security innovations.

    What is the latest VPN protocol?

    WireGuard is the latest VPN protocol. It’s also well-regarded for being fast and secure.

    Is UDP good for a VPN?

    Yes. UDP is one of the best protocols for a VPN as it’s stable, reliable, and offers good speeds.

    What are the three most common VPN protocols?

    WireGuard, OpenVPN, and IKEv2/IPSEC are three of the best VPN protocols available today. That’s why they’re also the most popular among premium VPN providers.

    How to choose the best VPN protocol in 2024 - Surfshark (2024)


    How to choose the best VPN protocol in 2024 - Surfshark? ›

    Here are the key security features to look for when choosing a VPN

    A virtual private network (VPN) service provides a proxy server to help users bypass Internet censorship such as geo-blocking and users who want to protect their communications against data profiling or MitM attacks on hostile networks. › wiki › VPN_service
    provider: Encryption — AES-256 for OpenVPN and IKEv2, ChaCha20 for WireGuard; Modern VPN protocols — outdated protocols can have security flaws, so choose a VPN with modern protocols. WireGuard, OpenVPN, IKEv2 are among the best.

    What is the best protocol for Surfshark VPN? ›

    How do I know which Surfshark VPN protocol is the best for me?
    • WireGuard® is good all around, especially when speed is the issue.
    • IKEv2 is on par with WireGuard® and is really good with mobile.
    • OpenVPN usually works best for routers.

    What is the best VPN protocol in 2024? ›

    The Best VPN Services of 2024
    • Hotspot Shield - Best VPN for Netflix.
    • Norton Secure VPN - Best VPN With Dynamic IP Addresses.
    • IPVanish - Best Customer Support.
    • ExpressVPN - Best Encryption.
    • CyberGhost - Best VPN for Mac.
    • Proton VPN - Best VPN for Work.
    • UltraVPN - Best for Day-to-day Use.
    Jul 10, 2024

    How to choose the best VPN protocol? ›

    The best VPN protocol for you depends on a number of factors, including what device you're using, how much balance between security and speed you want, what type of activities you're doing online, and more. OpenVPN and WireGuard are generally considered the best VPN protocols for day-to-day use.

    Which is better, OpenVPN or IKEv2? ›

    IKEv2 and OpenVPN are both solid choices when it comes to speed, security, and reliability. IKEv2 has the edge when it comes to speed and is a better choice for mobile devices due to its stability. However, OpenVPN is the stronger option if security is the top priority, and it still offers a fast connection.

    What is the best way to use Surfshark VPN? ›

    Download the Surfshark app from the App Store. Install the app and open it. Use your credentials to log in to your Surfshark account. Tap Quick-connect to connect to the fastest server or manually choose from the list of available servers.

    What is the most advanced VPN protocol? ›

    IKEv2 – Internet Key Exchange

    Based on the IPSec framework, IKEv2 is the most recent and advanced VPN protocol.

    What protocol does always on VPN use? ›

    IKEv2 VPN protocol support

    What is the No 1 fastest VPN in the world? ›

    The 3 fastest VPNs at a glance
    • Surfshark – The fastest VPN I've tested. Surfshark is the fastest VPN I've ever tested – period. ...
    • NordVPN – The best fast VPN overall. NordVPN is my top-rated VPN, and it's also seriously fast. ...
    • Proton VPN – The best fast VPN for privacy.
    Jul 11, 2024

    Which is the strongest VPN to use? ›

    What is the best VPN in 2024?
    • ExpressVPN holds the CNET Editors' Choice Award for best overall VPN. ...
    • Surfshark is a great choice for folks seeking practical privacy features on a budget. ...
    • NordVPN is an excellent feature-packed VPN.
    3 days ago

    What is the least secure VPN protocol? ›

    Point-to-point Tunneling Protocol (PPTP) is the oldest and least secure VPN protocol. Due to its weak encryption and known security vulnerabilities, PPTP is considered obsolete and isn't typically used by reputable VPN providers.

    How to choose the right VPN? ›

    6 things to consider when choosing a VPN
    1. A free VPN is, in fact, not free. ...
    2. Security experience of the vendor. ...
    3. All reviews are not independent. ...
    4. VPN provider's home country matters. ...
    5. Check your VPN's privacy policy. ...
    6. Thousands of servers may be a security risk.

    What are the 3 most common VPN protocols? ›

    The most common VPN protocols are OpenVPN, WireGuard, L2TP/IPsec, IKEv2/IPsec, PPTP and SSTP. These protocols offer different trade-offs between security, speed and compatibility, so the best option will depend on your specific needs.

    Which is better IKEv2 or WireGuard Surfshark? ›

    OpenVPN provides strong security, WireGuard offers faster speeds, and IKEv2 is known for its stability. By understanding the differences between these protocols, you can choose the one that best suits your needs for a secure and reliable VPN connection.

    Should I use IKEv2 or IPsec? ›

    So in the IKEv2 vs. IPsec dispute, there is no winner. These technologies are the most efficient when combined. IKEv2 handles your data security, while IPsec is responsible for its movement through the encrypted tunnel.

    Which VPN is the most secure VPN? ›

    ExpressVPN has claimed the top spot in our secure VPN rankings. The service is a battle-tested option that invests heavily in the security of its users, with a proprietary protocol, frequent audits, and groundbreaking research into DNS leaks. Check out our latest VPN test results for more insights.

    Is Surfshark OpenVPN UDP or TCP? ›

    In fact, you can choose which mode to use with Surfshark! Why? Because TCP sends and receives data packages all while keeping the computer equivalent of direct eye contact with the recipient. On the other hand, UDP is faster as it sort of just labels the packages and chucks them at the recipient.

    Which VPN protocol is best UDP or TCP? ›

    UDP (user datagram protocol)

    The advantage is that UDP is much faster than TCP, especially over long distances, and is also more data-efficient. The downside is that if the receiver is overwhelmed or if there is an outage, the data will simply be lost.

    Is IKEv2 good for streaming? ›

    IKEv2 is suitable for streaming because of its fast connection speeds and ability to maintain a stable connection.

    What is the stealth protocol for Surfshark? ›

    Surfshark uses several methods to ensure that you can become essentially invisible each time you establish a VPN connection.
    • Obfuscated VPN servers. ...
    • Industry-leading encryption. ...
    • Secure VPN protocols. ...
    • Dynamic MultiHop for extra privacy. ...
    • Private DNS & leak protection. ...
    • No-activity-logs policy.

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    Author: Lakeisha Bayer VM

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    Author information

    Name: Lakeisha Bayer VM

    Birthday: 1997-10-17

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    Hobby: Skimboarding, Photography, Roller skating, Knife making, Paintball, Embroidery, Gunsmithing

    Introduction: My name is Lakeisha Bayer VM, I am a brainy, kind, enchanting, healthy, lovely, clean, witty person who loves writing and wants to share my knowledge and understanding with you.