How to Choose a Framework Vue React or Angular in 2024 (2024)

Choosing the right framework can significantly transform the process and product relationship of your programming endeavors. Given the constantly shifting technology landscape, reaching an informed decision regarding the best among the leading frameworks viz., Vue, React, and Angular is indispensable. This whitepaper intends to compare these popular frameworks on different platforms, explore their capabilities, their relevance in today's tech market, and their application among some of the most successful companies like Netflix.

Choosing the right framework can significantly transform the process and product relationship of your programming endeavors. Given the constantly shifting technology landscape, reaching an informed decision regarding the best among the leading frameworks Vue, React, and Angular is indispensable. This whitepaper intends to compare these popular frameworks on different platforms, explore their capabilities, their relevance in today's tech market, and their application among some of the most successful companies like Netflix and others.

Which is Better: Vue, React, or Angular?

When one compares Vue, React, and Angular, it is clear that each has unique strengths that appeal to different development needs.

Vue: Is known for its simplicity and ease of integration, is an excellent choice for developers to develop and launch applications quickly. Although the framework is lightweight, it is powerful enough to handle even the most complex applications easily. Therefore, if you are a new developer or a professional who wants a less complex experience, then Vue is the right framework for you.

React: It is also known as a Facebook product, has received immense popularity because it has a robust ecosystem and architecture flexibility. It is excellent to build dynamic user interfaces because it comes with a virtual DOM that automatically creates a reactivity user experience, hence excellent performance. React also has a component-based architecture, which ensures that your software is scalable and maintainable. It is perfect if you want a robust UI with a community that will back you.

Angular: Despite some criticisms, is preferred for its architecture because it is excellent for enterprise developers. It has every development kit that you might want, such as routing solutions, state management, forms, and more, hence perfect for complicated applications . Therefore, if you want a maintainable and consistent framework, then Angular is the right choice for you.

Unfortunately, there is no "correct" framework choice, as everything depends on your desired requirements. Vue is excellent for speed and ease of application, while React is perfect if you want a community-backed platform. Angular is perfect for apps as "best" only aligns with enterprise-level apps.

Should I Learn React, Angular, or Vue in 2024?

Deciding which framework to learn in 2024 should be influenced by your career objectives, the types of projects you want to work on, and market demand:

React continues to dominate the market with its extensive library ecosystem and strong corporate backing, making it a valuable skill in both freelance and corporate job markets.

Angular remains a staple in large corporations, particularly those that value strong architectural guidelines and comprehensive development practices, suggesting its continued relevance for those in or aiming for enterprise environments.

Vue is rapidly gaining popularity and is especially prevalent among startups and tech companies looking to build efficient, high-performance web applications quickly. Learning Vue could be particularly beneficial for those looking to join smaller teams or projects with innovative uses of technology.

Is Angular Still Relevant in 2024?

Angular remains extremely relevant, especially in terms of enterprise applications. Angular framework is a robust system with a full arsenal of tools for working on large projects that require rigorous structure and subsequent maintenance for many years. In addition, thanks to TypeScript, Angular provides a uniformity and set of tooling that makes developers more productive while involving large development teams more easy to maintain.

What is Replacing Angular?

Angular, once the go-to framework for developing scalable and robust applications, is seeing competition from more modern frameworks that offer enhanced flexibility and development speed. React and Vue are particularly notable for their modular architecture and more straightforward data management techniques, which contrast with Angular's more rigid structure.

React has been adopted by numerous large-scale platforms due to its powerful JSX syntax and efficient update rendering, making it ideal for complex applications that require dynamic content. Vue, on the other hand, is gaining traction for its simplicity and progressive framework, allowing developers to adopt it incrementally as their application grows.

Moreover, newer technologies and frameworks like Svelte and Next.js are also entering the scene, appealing to developers looking for even more optimized rendering and state management without the overhead of older, larger frameworks.

Does Vue Have a Future?

Vue has not only a future but a bright one at that. It continues to grow both in usage and community support, driven by its straightforward approach and flexibility that appeals to both beginners and seasoned developers. Vue's component-based architecture, similar to React but simpler, makes it particularly attractive for rapid development and prototyping while still being robust enough for full-scale application development.

The framework has seen consistent updates, with Vue 3 enhancing its performance and introducing features like the Composition API, which offers better reusability and organization. These improvements ensure that Vue remains competitive and relevant in the ever-evolving front-end landscape.

Why is Angular Losing Popularity?

Several factors contribute to Angular's decline in popularity. First, its steep learning curve can be a significant barrier, especially for new developers. Angular's comprehensive nature, while beneficial for large-scale applications, means that it requires a more considerable initial investment in time and learning compared to its counterparts.

Second, the rise of more flexible and easier-to-learn frameworks like React and Vue makes Angular less appealing for smaller projects or for those looking to quickly adapt to project needs without full-scale framework constraints. Additionally, Angular's performance, while solid, has been outpaced by the likes of React and Vue, which offer faster rendering times and more efficient update mechanisms.

Why People Use Vue Instead of React?

In short, there are several pragmatic reasons to pick Vue over React. For example, Vue's learning curve is considerably less than that of React; thus, it can be overwhelming for some new recruits or those switching from other technologies.

In addition, Vue can be effortlessly integrated with other web technologies, making it ideal for projects that require mixing new and well-known web development strategies. Finally, it is simpler and organized in terms of developers who look for simplicity and readability in their code.

Moreover, there are no additional dependencies in Vue, such as React is Redux for state management, which can speed up a project's life cycle.

What is faster: Vue, React, and Angular?

Performance is a critical factor when selecting a framework because it impacts the user experience and, most likely, the ease with which the project can expand. Performance can influence speed and other critical factors.

Vue: Vue is a reactive and lightweight platform with minimal overhead, resulting in faster loading, and quicker update. It is designed for simple to moderate complexity, making it a suitable choice if speed is of the essence.

React: It boasts a flawless and lightning-speed function, primarily owing to the virtual DOM stuff; it eliminates updates on the primary DOM, which is a significant bottleneck in active, dynamic applications. Thus, speed is minimized, and performance is enhanced in larger complex works that require adequate state management.

Angular: However, Angular may be slower than Vue and React in initial stages, likely owing to the platform's size and complexity as a fully-fledged, packed framework. In conclusion, Angular is the best fit for you and your team if you have complex, large-scale enterprise apps that need to be quickly delivered.

Learning Curve and Resources Availability

The ease of learning a new technology and the resources available can significantly affect adoption rates:

Vue: Vue boasts a gentle learning curve, attributed to its simple design and comprehensive documentation. It's straightforward for developers familiar with HTML and JavaScript, making it a popular choice for those new to modern web frameworks.

React: React has a steeper learning curve due to its JSX syntax and comprehensive ecosystem. However, it compensates with an extensive array of learning resources, tutorials, and community support, which makes it easier to scale the learning curve.

Angular: Angular is considered the most challenging to learn among the three, due to its complexity and breadth of features like dependency injection, modules, and services. Nevertheless, Angular's strong documentation and wide community support can help ease the learning process.

Case Studies of Successful Projects

Analyzing successful projects can provide insights into how well each framework performs under real-world conditions:

Vue: Alibaba, Xiaomi, and Adobe have used Vue to create fast and lightweight applications that benefit from its straightforward integration and excellent performance.

React: Facebook, Instagram, and Airbnb use React to handle large-scale applications with dynamic data requirements, benefiting from its efficient rendering and scalable architecture.

Angular: Enterprises like Microsoft Office, Forbes, and Delta Airlines leverage Angular for its strong architectural practices and powerful tooling, suitable for complex business applications and workflows.

Does Netflix Use Angular, Vue, or React?

Netflix uses multiple technologies to handle its vast range of services and features, but it is notably recognized for its use of React, especially on the front end. React's ability to handle complex state management and provide dynamic updates efficiently makes it ideal for the interactive experiences Netflix delivers to millions of users worldwide. This speaks volumes about React's capabilities in handling large-scale applications, which are not only performance-sensitive but also require constant updates and high availability.

Integration with Other Technologies

The ability to easily integrate with other tools and technologies is vital in the modern world of web development:

Vue: Vue's ecosystem is flexible, and it is easy to integrate with various libraries and tools. Since Vue relies on a non-opinionated structure, developers can create their stack, and it integrates easily with state management tool Vuex and Vue Router for routing.

React: React can be integrated with a great variety of other frameworks and libraries. Examples of popular integrees are state management tool Redux and Gatsby for static site generation. The possibilities of integration make React an ideal candidate for various development projects.

Angular: Angular is integrated within its own platform and has a smaller range of options to combine it with. Nevertheless, it is highly integrated and well-aligned with TypeScript. Additionally, other parts of the Angular platform can be integrated with the main library as a UI component library Angular Material. An example of Angular's integration with reactive programming is its integration with RxJS.

Impact on Development Speed and Costs

The choice of a web development framework can significantly impact the development speed and the overall costs of the project:

Development speed: Vue and React have been praised for their simplicity and speed for new projects. Vue has a simple syntax and a simple component structure for new developers, making them quickly productive. Due to its wide range of tools and greater ecosystem support, React enables rapid prototyping for developers.

Costs: The extended capabilities of Angular may come with additional costs of long learning curve and complexity at the setup stage. However, it might result in more predictable outcomes and reduced costs of regular maintenance of the software. In the case of Vue and React, simple and easy integrations might reduce costs for small and medium projects.

Future Trends of Frameworks

To be well in time, a developer should be apprised with the future horizons concerning these technologies. Here are a few future trends likely to shape the future of frameworks:

Modularity and Microservices: The future seems to be highly revolving around microservices architecture in which modular components play a central role. Thus, frameworks such as React, observed to be a component-based, is likely to dominate the market.

Web Assembly and Performance: With the integration of WebAssembly and likewise technologies destined to boost the performance of the browser, the same is also set to modify how web frameworks operate.

Serverless and JAMstack: Serverless architectures and JAMstack technologies shall likewise influence frameworks that are accustomed to interacting with several APIs and run on top of serverless architecture. Hence, Vue and React are likely to emerge winners.

Community Size and Engagement

The framework with a large and engaged community speaks volumes about its reliability and future sustainability:

Vue: Although a small community compared to React, the Vue community is highly engaged and growing rapidly, while open-source developers continue to release multiple plugins and resources to date.

React: There is the React community that is evident as the largest, highly active with Facebook its parent company and a high-level corporate framework that utilizes and invests heavily in resources and tutorials.

Angular: The Angular community is backed by Google and considered most reliable. Not only is documentation extensive, but it is also designed to support thousands of web entities reliant on the framework for their daily operations.


Understanding the future path of a framework can assist in selecting the best one. However, when considering factors such as community support, future trends like modularity, microservices, and performance, Vue and React stand a better chance. Nonetheless, decisions based on cost and development time cannot be overlooked. Among the three frameworks, Vue and React are well-suited for rapid development, while Angular is best for structured enterprise environments. Hence, the best framework is the one that most closely aligns with the project's expectations, team skills, and financial constraints, working within budget and space.

How to Choose a Framework Vue React or Angular in 2024 (2024)


How to Choose a Framework Vue React or Angular in 2024? ›

Unfortunately, there is no "correct" framework choice, as everything depends on your desired requirements. Vue is excellent for speed and ease of application, while React is perfect if you want a community-backed platform. Angular is perfect for apps as "best" only aligns with enterprise-level apps.

Should I learn Vue or React in 2024? ›

However, Vue. js shines when it comes to how easy it is for developers to learn, and how fast, efficient, and lightweight it makes the applications. One of the biggest differentiators here is mobile development. If you plan to create mobile apps that work on both iOS and Android, then React is a far better choice.

Should I learn Angular or React in 2024? ›

Angular might be preferable for enterprises with complex applications due to its strong conventions and integrated tools. React, with its more lightweight nature, is often favoured for smaller projects, allowing developers to choose additional libraries as needed.

Which frontend framework to use in 2024? ›

React stands out as the go-to frontend framework, and for good reasons. Its widespread adoption and outplaying all other frameworks in many job listings make React the all-around winner in the frontend development space. The framework's community makes it a safe bet for those entering the field.

What should I choose React or Angular or Vue? ›

The primary aim of Angular is to build large-scale, complex applications requiring a robust framework; React is ideal for developing SPAs, and high-performance and flexible apps, whereas Vue is ideal for smaller to medium-sized applications.

Is React worth learning in 2024? ›

Yes, React is worth learning in 2024. It is a tool that is still very popular and useful for businesses. React helps companies build websites and apps that are good and easy to use. This is important for keeping customers happy.

Is vue.js still popular in 2024? ›

The use of JavaScript frameworks has become very important in today's modern web development, as it is important to identify the best one that will help to develop efficient and manageable applications. When it comes to 2024, two frameworks, Vue. and React, will still be in demand.

When to choose Angular over React? ›

js is mostly used to build interactive UI components with frequently variable data, whereas Angular. js is used to build complex enterprise apps like progressive web apps and single-page apps. While comparing Angular JS vs React JS, Angular JS is used to build single-page applications using HTML and TypeScript.

Is it worth switching from Angular to React? ›

Challenges of Migrating from Angular to React

While migrating from Angular to React has numerous advantages, you should be aware that it also comes with certain risks and difficulties. It is always recommended to hire a React development company if you're looking for a smooth migration.

Which is the best future in React and Angular? ›

React outperforms Angular with high-performing apps. The digest cycle in Angular applications makes a codebase structure easier, which ensures faster rendering and server-side performance and speed. However, React has a virtual DOM, rendering updates faster and ensures speedier performance.

Which framework should I learn in 2024? ›

The top backend frameworks for 2024 based on popularity are: Laravel - It's a PHP framework known for its speed. Django - A Python framework that's great for scaling up. Spring Boot - It's for Java and Spring developers who want to build applications quickly.

Which frontend framework is best for future? ›

Top frontend frameworks to use in 2024
  • React is a popular frontend framework developed by Facebook. ...
  • Angular is a powerful front-end framework developed by Google. ...
  • Vue. ...
  • jQuery is a popular frontend library developed by John Resig. ...
  • Preact is a fast and lightweight frontend library developed by Jason Miller.

Which backend to learn in 2024? ›

JavaScript is the most popular backend language in 2024. It is used by over 97% of websites, and it is also the language of choice for many popular frameworks, such as Node. js and Express. js.

Why choose Angular over Vue? ›

Considering all the advantages and quirks of AngularJs vs. Vue performance, Angular is the best choice for dynamic projects that use most of the framework's features. Vue. js would be better for small projects and other applications that prefer faster speed over greater functionality.

Should I learn Angular or React first? ›

Is Angular easier than React? In comparison to Angular, React is faster and easier to learn. Angular has a steeper learning curve due to several in-built functionalities, so it takes more time initially. React has a shorter learning curve due to its simple structure, use of plain JavaScript, and small package size.

What is better than React? ›

Svelte offers more abstractions compared to React, as well as more speed. The additional abstractions are what create more concise code. Svelte also compiles to native JavaScript, rather than shipping with the large React runtime.

Which programming language should I learn in 2024? ›

Best Programming Languages to Learn For Your Career Goals

Front-end web development: JavaScript, TypeScript, CSS. Back-end web development: JavaScript, TypeScript, Python, Go, Ruby, Scala. Mobile development: Swift, Java, C#

Will vue.js overtake React? ›

🔶 App Performance and Speed

Comparing Vue vs React performance based on different parameters, we can conclude that both frameworks offer decent performance. But Vue is faster than React due to its Virtual DOM that only lets the essential components render during data sharing or communication.

What is the future of Vue? ›

The Future of VueJS Native Development

VueJS has a slew of exciting developments on the horizon: TypeScript Support: Enhanced support for TypeScript improves code reliability and maintenance. Performance Optimizations: Plans to make apps faster and more efficient, which is crucial for a great user experience.

Will React be used in the future? ›

What is the future of React JS? React JS has a promising future with ongoing developments like Concurrent Mode, improved state management, and better developer tooling, making it more efficient and capable for web and mobile app development.

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