How to build your own private, Ethereum testnet with eth-kurtosis | Kurtosis Docs (2024)


If you'd prefer to dive into the code example, visit the repository here.

If you'd prefer not to run it on your local machine, try it out on the Kurtosis playground


A testnet is an incredibly valuable tool for any web3 developer, no matter if you’re building a dApp or working on protocol-level changes. It comes as no surprise then that Ethereum has multiple public testnets in addition to a plethora of tools for local development networks (e.g. Ganache, Hardhat, Foundry Anvil).

However, there are cases where an engineer may need to develop or test functionality that: modifies the protocol itself (execution or consensus layers), necessitates a certain scale, or interacts with another blockchain entirely (e.g. L2s/rollups, bridges, or multi-chain relayers). In these cases, a fully functioning private testnet is required - one where the user has full control over every aspect of the network and its ancillary services.


We will review the details on when and how a full, private testnet can be useful in another article.

This guide will walk you through how to build your very own fully functioning, private Ethereum testnet using eth-kurtosis components. In fact, the artifact you’ll end up with at the end of this tutorial will be a special type of environment definition that works at any scale you desire, is completely reproducible for CI workflows, and is modular - meaning you can add or remove other services to your network as you wish.

What you will do:

  1. Create a local Kurtosis package template
  2. Import required dependencies
  3. Define how your private Ethereum testnet should look like. This example will leverage the Lighthouse CL client and Geth EL client to build a single, full node over Docker with eth-kurtosis.
  4. Launch the private testnet locally over Docker
  5. Learn about some advanced workflows you can do with eth-kurtosis.

What you will need beforehand to get started:

  • Install
  • Install Kurtosis (or upgrade to latest if you already have it)
  • A Github account to leverage the template repository

1. Set up an empty Kurtosis package

To begin, create and cd into a directory to hold your files:

mkdir my-testnet && cd my-testnet 

Next, create a file called network_params.yaml in that folder with the following contents:

preregistered_validator_keys_mnemonic: 'giant issue aisle success illegal bike spike
question tent bar rely arctic volcano long crawl hungry vocal artwork sniff fantasy
very lucky have athlete'
num_validator_keys_per_node: 64
network_id: '3151908'
deposit_contract_address: '0x4242424242424242424242424242424242424242'
seconds_per_slot: 12
genesis_delay: 10
capella_fork_epoch: 2
deneb_fork_epoch: 500

The contents above will be used to define the specific parameters with which to start the network with.

Now, create a kurtosis.yml file in the same folder with the following:


Awesome. You have just created the beginnings of your first Kurtosis package! This package will form the backbone of the environment definition you will use to instantiate and deploy your private testnet. A Kurtosis package is completely reproducible, modular, and will work locally (Docker, Minikube, k3s, etc) or in the cloud, on backends like EC2 or Kubernetes.

2. Import dependencies

Now that you have a local project to house your definition and some parameters to start the network with, its time to actually build the network. First, create a Starlark file called and add the following three lines:

import yaml

geth = import_module("")
lighthouse = import_module("")
with open("./network_params.yaml") as stream:
network_params = yaml.safe_load(stream)

In the first two lines, you're using Locators to import in and files from Github, making them available to use in your testnet definition. These files themselves are environment definitions that can be used to bootstrap and start up a Geth execution layer client and a Lighthouse consensus layer client as part of your testnet - which is exactly what you will do next.


Feel free to check out the and to understand how they work. At a high level, the definition instructs Kurtosis to generate genesis data, set up pre-funded accounts, and then launches the client using the client container images.

Finally, we are converting the local network_params.yaml file into a format that can be used in your environment definition using yaml.safe_load(). This is then saved into a variable called network_params which you will use later on.

3. Define how your testnet gets built

Now that you have all the necessary dependencies, you can start writing the function that will instantiate the network. Within your file, add the following 3 new lines:

def run(plan):
final_genesis_timestamp = geth.generate_genesis_timestamp()
el_genesis_data = geth.generate_el_genesis_data(plan, final_genesis_timestamp, network_params)

What you've just done here is define a function using run(plan) to house all of the methods you will use for instantiating the network. Within this method, you will call the generate_genesis_timestamp() function, from the you imported earlier, to generate an abitrary timestamp for the genesis of your network. This is important for time-based forks that you may want to use later on. Next, you will generate some genesis data for the execution layer using generate_el_genesis_data which was imported from as well. Under the hood, the genesis data is being generated using the Ethereum Foundation's ethereum-genesis-generator.

You can already see the benefit of composable environment definitions: you don't need to deal with nor understand how the genesis data is being generated. You can rely on the framework built and used by the Ethereum Foundation for your testnet's genesis data.

With some execution layer genesis data in hand, you will now bootstrap the node! Go ahead and add the next 3 lines to your file inside the same def run(plan) function so that your final result looks like:

import yaml

geth = import_module("")
lighthouse = import_module("")
with open("./network_params.yaml") as stream:
network_params = yaml.safe_load(stream)

def run(plan):
# Generate genesis, note EL and the CL needs the same timestamp to ensure that timestamp based forking works
final_genesis_timestamp = geth.generate_genesis_timestamp()
el_genesis_data = geth.generate_el_genesis_data(plan, final_genesis_timestamp, network_params)

# Run the nodes
el_context =, network_params, el_genesis_data), network_params, el_genesis_data, final_genesis_timestamp, el_context)


Here, the Geth client is launched using the run() function in and then returns all the relevant information about the client to el_context, including the Ethereum Node Record. This information, alongside the network parameters, genesis data, and the genesis timestamp, are then passed in as arguments in the next command: which bootstraps the Lighthouse consensus layer client.

And that is it! In these short few lines, you now have an environment definition that spins up a full stacking Ethereum node with Geth and Lighthouse over Docker on your local machine.

4. Run your new testnet!

Finally, time to give it a spin! Go back to your terminal and from within the my-testnet directory, run:

kurtosis run .

Kurtosis will interpret the environment definition you just wrote, validate that everything will work, and then execute the instructions to instantiate your Ethereum node inside an enclave, which is just a sandbox environment that will house your node. Kurtosis will handle the importing of the and files from Github. The output you'll get at the end should look like this:

Starlark code successfully run. No output was returned.
INFO[2023-08-04T16:07:28+02:00] ==========================================================
INFO[2023-08-04T16:07:28+02:00] || Created enclave: tranquil-woodland ||
INFO[2023-08-04T16:07:28+02:00] ==========================================================
Name: tranquil-woodland
UUID: ac3877184757
Creation Time: Fri, 04 Aug 2023 16:06:57 CEST

========================================= Files Artifacts =========================================
8a1de99b7224 1-lighthouse-eth-0-63
271f6e53a7e1 cl-genesis-data
6c116cfcc7d1 el-genesis-data
7549ddc4135a genesis-generation-config-cl
d266370395ef genesis-generation-config-el
d204de12687e geth-prefunded-keys
a069f55dc147 prysm-password

========================================== User Services ==========================================
UUID Name Ports Status
cb04101e98fd cl-client-0 http: 4000/tcp -> RUNNING
metrics: 5054/tcp ->
tcp-discovery: 9000/tcp ->
udp-discovery: 9000/udp ->
f377be0f55f8 cl-client-0-validator http: 5042/tcp -> RUNNING
metrics: 5064/tcp ->
19b325f68893 el-client-0 engine-rpc: 8551/tcp -> RUNNING
rpc: 8545/tcp ->
tcp-discovery: 30303/tcp ->
udp-discovery: 30303/udp ->
ws: 8546/tcp ->
a9608eaf4942 prelaunch-data-generator-cl-genesis-data <none> RUNNING
a1e33f5b7141 prelaunch-data-generator-cl-validator-keystore <none> STOPPED
971aaffb412d prelaunch-data-generator-el-genesis-data <none> RUNNING

You'll now see in the User Services section all the ports that you will use to connect to and interact with your local node, including the RPC URL. Your port numbers may differ from the one above.

Congratulations! You now have a full Ethereum staking node for all your private testnet needs.

5. Advanced Workflows

You may already know what you want to do with the private testnet you've just spun up, and that's great! We hope this was helpful in getting you started and to show you just how easy it was to write your own testnet definition using Kurtosis.

Otherwise, we've got some neat ideas for what you can do next. If you need a hand with any of the below, feel free to let us know in our Github Discussions where we and members of our community can help!

  • Deploy your node in a Kubernetes cluster for collaborative work and scale it out to multiple nodes! Check out our docs for how to do so here.
  • Simulate MEV workflows by importing the MEV Package into your testnet definition. The MEV package deploys and configures the Flashbots suite of products to your local Ethereum testnet and includes: MEV-Boost, MEV-Flood, and MEV-relay, and any required dependencies (postgres & redis). Here's a full example of this set up here.
  • Connect other infrastructure (oracles, relayers, etc) to the network by adding more to your file! Remember, this is an environment definition and you can import any pre-existing packages that you may find useful. Here are a few examples
  • Deploy your dApp onto the local network! Hardhat can be used to do so by using the given RPC URL & the network_id defined in the network_params.yaml you wrote at the beginning. In your case, the network_id should be: 3151908. A more thorough example of this workflow can also be found here.

We're currently building out more components of eth-kurtosis, which serves as an index of plug-and-play components for Ethereum private testnets. We're building support for more clients - so let us know if there's something you would love to see added to the index!


To recap, in this guide you:

  • Created a working directory locally for your Kurtosis package
  • Wrote a very short environment definition,, which imported the client launchers for your node, generated the necessary starting state, and then launched them!

You also saw first-hand how the composability aspect of Kurtosis environment definitions were used to abstract away a lot of the complexities that come with bootstrapping your own node. And because this is entirely reproducible, your team can use this as a private blockchain for validating and testing changes for your application.

We hope this guide was helpful and we'd love to hear from you. Please don't hesitate to share with us what went well, and what didn't, using kurtosis feedback from the CLI to file an issue in our Github or post your question in our Github Discussions.

Thank you!

How to build your own private, Ethereum testnet with eth-kurtosis | Kurtosis Docs (2024)


How to build your own private, Ethereum testnet with eth-kurtosis | Kurtosis Docs? ›

Sepolia is the recommended testnet for Ethereum developers as it has ongoing support from the Ethereum foundation.

How to setup your own private Ethereum network? ›

Below is the step-by-step guide to setting up a private Ethereum network.
  1. Step 1: Install Geth on Your System. ...
  2. Step 2: Create a Folder For Private Ethereum. ...
  3. Step 3: Create a Genesis Block. ...
  4. Step 4: Execute genesis file. ...
  5. Step 5: Initialize the private network. ...
  6. Step 6: Create an Externally owned account(EOA)
Apr 24, 2023

How to get free ETH for testnet? ›

How to use Alchemy Faucets
  1. Select your faucet. Choose a testnet that best fits your development needs. ...
  2. Sign in with your Alchemy account. To request funds, simply sign into your Alchemy account, enter your wallet address, and hit “Send Me ETH” or “Send Me MATIC”.
  3. Get funds every 24 hours.

What is the most used Ethereum testnet? ›

Sepolia is the recommended testnet for Ethereum developers as it has ongoing support from the Ethereum foundation.

Is testnet ether worth anything? ›

It is often nearly a replica of the main blockchain environment and architecture, known as the mainnet, where the actual transactions occur and real crypto assets have value. However, the crucial difference is that the assets on a testnet are purely for testing; they have no real-world value.

How to build a private blockchain network? ›

How to Create a Private Blockchain Platform?
  1. Step 1: Understand Your Business Goals. ...
  2. Step 2: Hiring Blockchain Developers. ...
  3. Step 3: Building a Private Chain. ...
  4. Step 4: Planning for the Required Decentralized Apps. ...
  5. Step 5: Start Prototyping. ...
  6. Step 6: Creating the Backend Part. ...
  7. Step 7: Deployment of Apps to Your Blockchain.
Apr 1, 2024

How do I get my Ethereum private key? ›

Log into your wallet via web-browser. Navigate to Settings - Wallets & Addresses and select Ethereum. Read the warning message and click Show button to view your private key.

Can I sell testnet Ethereum? ›

ETH on these testnets is a dummy balance and cannot be withdrawn or sent to mainnet. This also means that anyone attempting to sell you testnet ETH is trying to scam you: ETH on testnets has no value and is mainly for developers to test out new dapps and features.

How do you make an Ethereum testnet wallet? ›

Click the ··· icon in the Wallet tab of the app.
  1. Click Create a new wallet.
  2. Select Simple Wallet.
  3. Select the currency. ...
  4. Name the wallet (1), tap Show advanced options (2).
  5. Enable Testnet (1) and tap CREATE (2).
Aug 22, 2024

How to get free Ethereum instantly? ›

Some of the best ways to earn Ethereum for free include visiting an Ethereum faucet, completing small tasks like filling out surveys, joining play-to-earn crypto games, or participating in crypto airdrops. Once you have ETH, you can earn even more by staking it or depositing it in a crypto interest account.

What is the newest ETH testnet? ›

The Holešky testnet is the newest Ethereum testnet. It was launched in September 2023 and is intended to replace the Goerli testnet as the primary testnet for staking, infrastructure, and protocol development.

Where can I get testnet Ethereum? ›

You can obtain a small amount of free test coins from the following websites:

How do you get Ethereum testnet tokens? ›

Arbitrum uses ETH to confirm transactions on the Arbitrum network. To get test tokens for the Arbitrum testnet, you first need to use a faucet to obtain Sepolia testnet ETH. Then you can migrate those tokens to the Arbitrum Testnet using the Arbitrum bridge.

How to get free testnet? ›

Get ETH from the faucet

On the Sepolia testnet chain page, scroll down to the 'Faucet' section. Click 'Connect' and choose the wallet you would like to connect with. Make sure you use the same wallet you intend to be using to develop your app on the testnet. Once selected, click 'Get 0.01 ETH'.

Which token do you need to do the testnet? ›

You'll typically need to get test versions of the blockchain's native token (e.g. ETH) and the app's native token. (Note: to mint testnet funds you'll often need ETH).

How to get holesky ETH? ›

Step-by-Step Guide
  1. Enter your wallet address. First, enter your wallet address.
  2. Complete the captcha. To verify that you're a real person and not a bot, you'll need to complete the captcha.
  3. Share the request ID on Twitter. ...
  4. Wait for your request to be processed. ...
  5. Receive your tokens.

How do you create a network in Ethereum? ›

Local Ethereum Network
  1. Prereq : Install Geth. For windows : ...
  2. Prereq : create /projects. ...
  3. Create local_ethereum_blockchain folder. ...
  4. Create the genesis block config. ...
  5. Initialise an Ethereum node. ...
  6. Start that Ethereum node. ...
  7. Initialise another Ethereum node. ...
  8. Start the 2nd Ethereum node.

Can I run my own Ethereum node? ›

To run an Ethereum RPC node, you'll need a computer with sufficient processing power and storage capacity. You can use either Windows, Mac, or Linux operating systems. For a full Ethereum node, the minimum requirement is 8 GB of RAM and at least 1 TB of free disk space.

How do you make a private transaction on Ethereum? ›

This tutorial will teach you how to use this endpoint to protect your transactions.
  1. 3 Steps to Send a Private Transaction.
  2. Create free Alchemy account.
  3. Create an Alchemy App.
  4. Make sendPrivateTransaction call via the Alchemy SDK.

Can I create my own ETH address? ›

Anyone can create an Ethereum account for free.

You just need to install a crypto wallet app. Wallets create and manage your Ethereum account. They can send transactions, check your balances and connect you to other apps built on Ethereum.

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