How to Build a Crypto Trading Bot (2024)

Are you thinking of building a crypto bot that would help you automate the cryptocurrency trading process? You’ve come to the right place, as in this article I will be talking about creating crypto trading bots.

In this article

  • Cryptocurrency Market Latest Trends
  • How to build a crypto trading bot
  • Gathering important ideas: A few relevant apps to study
  • Key considerations to remember when developing a crypto trading platform or bot
  • Frequently asked questions

Cryptocurrency Market Latest Trends

In the wake of Bitcoin acceptance as ‘digital gold’, the cryptocurrency may have higher demand from investors,Coindesk reportsin April 2024.

Trading in cryptocurrencies is particularly addictive because the market is highly volatile. Bitcoin price has been showing considerable movements lately. While investors who are in for the long term might not worry about taking advantage of such fluctuations, cryptocurrency traders can make huge amounts of money from such volatility.

The problem with any commodity in the global marketplace is traders cannot be at their station 24 hours a day, 7 days a week. The solution to this problem is the trading bot. Such bots help to automate the process and thereby relieve pressure on companies and traders.

If you’re looking to create your own trading bot and need assistance, you can partner with DevTeam.Space. We are a vetted community of expert software developers with deep expertise in building solutions for automated trading. Tell us briefly about your project and get a complimentary discovery call from a tech account manager with relevant experience.

How do crypto bots work?

Trading bots are software programs that use API’s to interact with financial exchanges. They actively monitor exchanges around the clock and will react in accordance to whatever predetermined criteria they have been programmed with.

To give a basic example, if a trading bot has been told to buy a commodity once the price hits $1 or lower, and sell once it hits $2, it will act in accordance with these limits, hopefully making a profit.

A cryptocurrency trading bot operates on these exact principles to facilitate the buying and selling of bitcoin and other cryptocurrencies.

Different bot trading strategies

Crypto trading bots rely on algorithmic trading in order to run and process complex mathematical formulas and automate and accelerate the trading process.

So, how do you do algorithmic trading?

Trend Following Strategy

This is the simplest trading strategy in which the bot responds to direct market changes. Trend following doesn’t require complex algorithms that need to factor in such things as predictive analysis etc., and so are very simple.

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The arbitrage model involves cryptocurrencybots exploiting the difference in prices between the numerous cryptocurrency exchanges throughout the world.

Since there is no one centralized exchange to determine the price of a cryptocurrency — a role that with fiat money is filled by the central banks — for this reason, prices vary from exchange to exchange.

South Korean exchanges, for example, have historically had a higher price than U.S. ones,so offering good potential profits for anyone trading between the two.

Trading bots help traders take advantage of this differential by allowing them to trigger trades when certain price differentials are met.

Market Making

The market-making strategy allows traders to buy and sell high volumes of currency and profit from the spread. In order to be able to trade such volumes, market-making traders rely on trading bots.

For a complete list of the main types of trading strategies, you can read this list.

List of the best cryptocurrency trading bots:

Finally, let’s tackle the most important question — how to build a trading bot.

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How to build a crypto trading bot

How to Build a Crypto Trading Bot (1)

Do it alone: Download an exisiting open-source bot

There are several ways that you can build a crypto trading bot. The cheapest and easiest approach is simply to find an open-source crypto bot that you can download and use straight away. This requires only a minimal amount of technical knowledge and helps to keep costs and development time to a minimum.

However, in order to build in your own features, continue development, and fix any bugs/security issues, etc., you will need to retain at least one expert software programmer. Since the bot has already been developed, the downside is that this approach often makes it harder to build in your unique features or adapt its trading algorithm.

Best open source crypto bots:

Start from scratch: Get a great dev team together and start coding

Cryptocurrency trading software development can be both a personally and financially rewarding thing for those people who are able to be successful at it. The most important part of this approach is ensuring you have a team that is filled with passion and dedication, as well as all the relevant skills and experience, of course.

The most basic trading bot can be built in a matter of weeks. One such example is the arbitrage crypto trading bot built by Carlo Revelli. His bot allowed for the trade between two exchanges, Etherdelta and Bittrex, and was created using his “own python etherscan API wrapper and pythereum to create the transactions and etherscan to publish them”.

You can read more about how he created his bot in his article How to make your own trading bot.

To create a more sophisticated trading bot, which can trade on multiple exchanges, will naturally take more time. More time will also be needed for creating the algorithm and ensuring that there are no obvious security flaws that can be exploited by hackers.

Key steps to creating a trading bot from scratch

1. Decide on the programming language you will use

It is a good idea to select a familiar programming script to write your bot with. Python, JavaScript, Perl, and C are the most commonly used languages for crypto bot development. The advantage of using such well-known programming languages is the ability to easily bring in other developers to help write/fix the code should you need to. Finding a reliable Python trading bot tutorial, for example, can make things much easier for you.

2. Getting hold of your APIs

Before you begin coding you will also need to get hold of the APIs that allow your bot to access whichever exchanges you want your bot to trade on. The good news is that all of the main cryptocurrency exchanges offer APIs to allow access to their currency data.

API links for main currency exchanges:

3. Create accounts with all the exchanges you will use

Account creation is a relatively straightforward task. Please keep in mind that different exchanges have different procedures for setting up new accounts. Some exchanges require personal information to be vetted and approved while others allow for anonymous trading. Vetting takes more time, so factor this in when project planning.

4. Pick a bot trading model

Trend following, Arbitrage or Market Making etc.? Keep in mind that more complex trading models will require more development time.

5. Architecture

Your bot’s architecture will have massive implications as to how it functions and performs. Key to how a bot operates is deciding on the algorithms it will use to interpret data. Algorithmic trading is a massive industry that makes billions of dollars each year in profits.

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For any algorithm, the mathematical model on which it is based must be solid. If it is not then it is likely that the bot will either prove to be unreliable or will end up losing money. You can read more on the topic of mathematical modeling via this link.

Part of the process involves clearly defining the type of data you want your algorithm to interpret. For more complex trading models you will need your bot to be able to identify such things as market inefficiencies, etc. This means it will need to be able toanalyze historical trends as part of its function.

All of these things need to be considered before you get down to create a trading bot.

6. Creation

Once you have outlined your bot’s architecture you can get coding. Naturally, this will be the most time-consuming part of the process. If you have a team of developers working on different parts of the bot then it is vital to make sure that you have good project management and communications procedures in place.

Start by opening a group chat on Slack or a similar program where every member of the team can talk to one another. Hold weekly meetings to make sure each and every member knows where the project is and what problems have been encountered etc.

7. Testing

Testing has two key functions. Firstly, it is to make sure your bot functions as it should and is able to cope with the kind of data fluctuations that will be thrown at it. Factors such as risk vs. reward and modeling errors such as ‘overfitting‘ should all be evaluated at this stage.

The second function is in fine-tuning performance. Keep in mind that what I mean by performance is optimizing the kind of behavior that you want your bot to exhibit.

By increasing the level of risk that the bot factors in, for example, you increase the chance of higher returns but also decrease the effectiveness of your bot to respond to high levels of price fluctuation, etc.

8. Live Deployment

Once you have ironed out any issues, you are now ready to set your new auto cryptocurrency trading bot loose on the markets. While you might dream of making instant fortunes remember that no platform in history has ever been launched without experiencing teething problems.

A good trading bot is an evolutionary thing. The more you put into its development, the more you will get out. Constant monitoring of your bot’s performance is definitely recommended, at least for the first few months. After that, you should be confident enough to let your bot get on with it without much need for supervision.

Cut out the hard work: Pay an outsource development team to create your trading bot

If your company wants to ensure a smooth and easy project development then the best way is to hire a professional development team to do the hard stuff for you. A good dev team is likely to get the project completed in a much faster time and ensure that the bot is the best it can be.

Since a cryptocurrency trading bot will most likely be handling large sums of either yours or your client’s money, reliability is hugely important. Currency markets are built on trust so your bot will need to be 100% reliable for it to be successful.

If you have the budget, do yourself a favor and outsource the project to a great development company.

A word of warning

While I hope this guide has provided you with a good understanding of cryptocurrency bots and the process of creating one, I feel that I should add a few words of warning regarding trading cryptocurrency in this way.

Assuming that you have built yourself a world-class trading bot that has no security or reliability issues, traders still need to be aware of the dangers posed by trading in the cryptocurrency markets.

To start with, cryptocurrencies are still relatively new, meaning the market is largely unregulated. Prices are prone to massive fluctuations, which as I said, does offer the chance to make enormous profits, but inversely also could result in huge losses. Don’t invest money you cannot afford to lose.

A much better idea, now that you have created such a great trading bot, would be to charge others for the pleasure of using your bot so that you can be assured of making money, and without having to take any risks either. Whatever you decide, good luck in creating a great crypto trading bot.

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Gathering important ideas: A few relevant apps to study

It helps if you study a few relevant apps and get a few ideas. You can gather some important ideas before you undertake the software development project. E.g., you can analyze the features that these apps offer.

Study the following apps:

1. 3Commas

3Commas offers a smart trading terminal and auto trading bots. It supports a wide number of cryptocurrency exchanges. This includes popular exchanges like Binance, Bitfinex, BitMEX, Coinbase Pro, Bybit, OKX, Bitstamp, etc.

3Commas supports various trading algorithms, furthermore, it helps in portfolio management. This app supports paper trading. Apart from automated bots, 3Commas offers public APIs. Developers can integrate them with their apps using the API keys provided by 3Commas.

2. Bitsgap

You can review Bitsgap, a cryptocurrency trading platform. It supports all popular exchanges in the crypto market like KuCoin, Binance, Coinbase Pro, Gemini, etc. Bitsgap calls itself a platform for traders with any experience.

The company helps you to incorporate automation in your trading strategy. It offers cutting-edge automation tools such as smart orders, trading bots, and portfolio management tools. You can also reach it via Discord, Telegram, Instagram, Facebook, and other channels.

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3. Gunbot

Among the trading bots in the cryptocurrency market, Gunbot is a prominent one. It supports all popular cryptocurrency exchanges.

As other such platforms do, Gunbot helps you to analyze historical data. You can understand market conditions better with the help of market data, furthermore, Gunbot helps you to manage your trading. It helps you to with technical analysis.

You can analyze the effectiveness of your own strategies better with a platform like Gunbot. This platform provides the required trading tools so that you understand profitability in real-time. You can then rebalance your portfolio accordingly.

4. Cryptohopper: A prominent choice for managing arbitrage, backtesting, etc.

Cryptohopper is among the more popular crypto trading bots. Whether you want to backtest your trading or manage all your exchange accounts, this platform can help. Automation apart, Cryptohopper helps you to understand the technical indicators.

Cryptohopper helps you to judge when you can take profit. It helps you in rebalancing your portfolio, managing your stop-loss orders, and any other relevant functionality. Cryptohopper supports all key cryptocurrency exchanges.

You might prefer trading pairs involving Bitcoin (BTC), Ethereum (ETH), or Ripple (XRP). Customizable platforms like Cryptohopper can help you to manage their preferences well.

5. HaasBot: Another famous one among Bitcoin trading bots

HaasOnline, also known as HaasBot, is another famous crypto trading bot. HaasOnline offers more though! You can also use it as a tool to develop and deploy such bots.

HaasBot supports backtesting, notifications, reporting, paper trading, etc. This offers you a feature-rich trading bot.

On the other hand, you can quickly develop a custom trading bot using the framework offered by HaasOnline. It offers scripts, templates, and relevant tools for that. You can include support for the exchanges you want.

HaasOnline supports on-premises deployment, which will help your data privacy requirements. You can also opt for HaasOnline cloud, where you don’t need to manage the IT infrastructure. You can focus on software development efforts.

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Key considerations to remember when developing a crypto trading platform or bot

We talked about the key steps involved in creating a crypto trading platform or bot. You also need to keep several considerations in mind. We now talk about them, which are as follows:

1. Creating a robust development approach

You need a sound approach when you undertake a software development project, and that’s true for developing a crypto trading bot too. Your development approach should cover the following:

  • Identifying the appropriate technology stack to use;
  • Choosing the right set of open-source tools and frameworks;
  • Identifying the appropriate cloud platform;
  • Formulating the right application security solutions;
  • Deciding on the testing and DevOps tools to use.

2. Preparing a comprehensive project plan

Success in this project requires effective planning. Your project planning needs to cover various aspects, e.g.:

  • Managing the business and non-functional requirements;
  • Choosing the right SDLC methodology;
  • Creating the project schedule;
  • Planning key aspects like risk management, communications management, quality management, etc.
  • Hiring and onboarding the right developers;
  • Metrics and measurements;
  • Stakeholder management.

3. Hiring the right developers

Hiring the right people is important in any software development project. You need to do that in this project too. The first step is to choose the right hiring platform.

You can hire freelance developers on a freelancing platform. However, managing a project with part-time freelancers can be hard. You might not get enough effort from freelancers. They might leave your project in the middle, and you will need to hire replacement developers.

Choosing a software development company might help when you undertake a complex project. Developing a crypto trading bot involves complexities since this involves niche skills. Software development companies provide full-time developers. They also provide replacement developers if the original developer leaves the project mid-way.

You need to interview the shortlisted candidates. Look for the appropriate skills, which would depend on your project requirements. You might need developers with the following skills:

  • Thorough knowledge in programming languages like Java, Python, JavaScript, etc.;
  • Good knowledge of relevant tools, frameworks, libraries, etc.;
  • Expertise in appropriate cutting-edge technologies like “Machine Learning” (ML), etc.;
  • Sound knowledge of cloud computing platforms;
  • Good knowledge of popular relational database management systems (RDBMSs), NoSQL databases, etc.;
  • In-depth knowledge of RESTful API development;
  • Deep experience in developing scalable applications;
  • Sound knowledge of building secure applications.

4. Forming an effective team

We talked about the technical skills, however, forming an effective team is important too. You need developers with the following competencies for this:

  • Problem-solving;
  • Communication;
  • Collaboration;
  • Passion for excellent;
  • Commitment to the project objectives.

Form a team that fosters collaboration and delivering tangible values to clients. You might need to form a “Scrum team” since the “Scrum” technique facilitates teamwork.

Focus on following the appropriate processes for this project. This includes project status reporting, resolving issues, etc. Remember to include code review in your project schedule, which helps to detect defects earlier.

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Frequently Asked Questions

What is a crypto trading bot?

It is a software application that allows automated trading in cryptocurrencies. The most simple crypto trading bots simply buy and sell currencies according to preset pricing changes while the advanced bots use artificial intelligence to improve their trades to maximize profits.

How do you code a crypto trading bot?

  • Define programming language
  • Define APIs
  • Set up infrastructure
  • Define trading bot strategy and architecture
  • Onboard developers
  • Outline sprints
  • Start building

What is the best trading bot for Cryptocurrency?

Cryptohopper is a great cryptotrading bot.

How to Build a Crypto Trading Bot (2024)


How to build your own crypto trading bot? ›

  1. Step 1: Programming Language. To write your bot, it is a good idea to choose a language that you are comfortable with. ...
  2. Step 2: Integrate Crypto Exchanges. ...
  3. Step 3: Create Accounts on these Exchanges. ...
  4. Step 4: Choose Type of Bot. ...
  5. Step 5: Confirm the Algorithm. ...
  6. Step 6: Encoding. ...
  7. Step 7: Product Testing. ...
  8. Step 8: Live Deployment.

What is the best strategy for crypto trading bot? ›

Bollinger band strategy is the most commonly used technical analysis that offers unique insights into price and volatility. In addition, it determines the overbought and oversold levels and is an indispensable tool for monitoring breakouts. It identifies entry and exit points for a trade.

Has anyone made a successful trading bot? ›

It depends on the bot! Some lower-risk crypto trading bots boast a 99% success rate, while others execute higher-risk strategies and have a lower success rate. The main thing most investors need to consider is whether the bot they're looking at can execute their specific investment strategy successfully.

How difficult is it to build a trading bot? ›

Monitoring and Optimization

It's important to note that building a trading bot can be a complex process. It requires technical expertise, knowledge of the market, and experience in trading. Therefore, it's essential to have a clear understanding of the process before you start building your own bot.

How to build a trading bot step by step? ›

How to Build a Custom Trading Bot for Automated Trading
  1. Step 1: Define your objectives. ...
  2. Choose the right technical partner. ...
  3. Trading Bot Development & Testing. ...
  4. Backtest Your Strategy and Implement Risk Management. ...
  5. Regular Monitoring and Iterative Improvements.
Oct 16, 2023

Can a crypto trading bot really generate money? ›

The profitability of a trading bot depends on various factors, such as market conditions, the bot's strategy, and the trader's risk appetite. In a bullish market, where prices are consistently rising, trading bots can generate impressive profits by executing trades at the right time.

What is the easiest crypto trading bot? ›

Our Trading Platforms of Choice:
PlatformPriceExperience level
ShrimpyThree plans — Free, Standard ($15 a month), Plus ($39 a month)Beginner to Intermediate
CoinruleFour Plans — Free, Hobbyist package ($29.99 a month), Trader package ($59.99 a month), or Pro packageBeginner to Advanced
5 more rows

Which AI tool is best for crypto trading? ›

Now, let's explore the five best AI crypto trading bots that have gained popularity among traders:
  1. 3Commas. 3Commas is a renowned platform that offers a comprehensive suite of trading tools and strategies. ...
  2. Cryptohopper. ...
  3. Kryll. ...
  4. Pionex. ...
  5. Zignaly.
Mar 21, 2024

How to make a profitable bot? ›

The first step in creating a profitable crypto trading bot is to have a solid understanding of market dynamics. This includes knowledge of different cryptocurrencies, their price movements, market trends, and indicators. Successful bots are built upon robust trading strategies that are grounded in market analysis.

Why do trading bots fail? ›

A smart auto trade bot can also fail because of technical glitches. Unstable connectivity, hardware crashes, and exchange outages can all disrupt a bot's trading. Even a brief disruption could allow major market movements during downtime. And complex bot strategies often rely on real-time market data.

Can a trading bot make you a millionaire? ›

Misconception: Some believe that using trading bots guarantees instant wealth. Reality: Success requires time, strategy, and understanding market dynamics.

What do I need to create a trading bot? ›

How to Build a Trading Bot?
  1. 1 Selecting a programming language. ...
  2. 2 Choose your trading platform and the asset you want to trade. ...
  3. 3 Selecting the server to build your trading bot. ...
  4. 4 Define your strategy. ...
  5. 5 Integrate with the exchange API. ...
  6. 6 Backtesting your trading bot. ...
  7. 7 Optimizing your trading bot. ...
  8. 8 Forward testing.
Sep 22, 2023

Who can build me a trading bot? ›

Hire the Best Trading bot Experts
  • creedyguy. Level 2. 4.9 (487) View Profile. ...
  • tabrejalam. 5.0 (334) View Profile. ...
  • mohamedegyforex. 5.0 (858) View Profile. ...
  • hiubriss. Top Rated. 5.0 (2k+) ...
  • eahabyahia. Level 2. 5.0 (213) ...
  • the_fx_veteran. Level 2. 4.9 (185) ...
  • henrytrading. Level 1. 4.9 (279) ...
  • kurtisbulock. Level 2. 4.9 (109)

How to create your own algorithm for trading? ›

To develop algorithmic trading techniques, you need to follow these steps and customise each step according to your requirements.
  1. Step 1: Create a Platform. ...
  2. Step 2: Visualise Your Trading Strategy. ...
  3. Step 3: Define the Time Frame and Other Ratios. ...
  4. Step 4: Test the Algorithm Strategies.

Are crypto bots illegal? ›

Are Trading Bots Legitimate? One reason that trading bot scams can thrive in cryptocurrency, forex, and other marketplaces is that the use of trading bots is entirely legal.

How much does it cost to make a trading bot? ›

The cost of developing a lucrative crypto trading bot in 2024 can vary depending on the aforementioned factors. However, based on industry standards and considering the complexity of a typical bot, the estimated cost range can be as follows: A simple bot with basic features: $5,000 — $20,000.

How much do crypto bots cost? ›

Our Trading Platforms of Choice:
ShrimpyThree plans — Free, Standard ($15 a month), Plus ($39 a month)
CoinruleFour Plans — Free, Hobbyist package ($29.99 a month), Trader package ($59.99 a month), or Pro package
CoinigyTwo plans — $18.66 monthly subscription, and a $99.99 monthly subscription
5 more rows

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Name: Barbera Armstrong

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Introduction: My name is Barbera Armstrong, I am a lovely, delightful, cooperative, funny, enchanting, vivacious, tender person who loves writing and wants to share my knowledge and understanding with you.