How to Become a Millionaire: Simple Tips for Building Wealth (2024)

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A step-by-step guide to growing & managing your money

Co-authored byPriya Malani

Last Updated: February 25, 2024Approved

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A great many people aspire to become a millionaire, but not so many people are pushing themselves hard enough to reach that particular goal. In a world where being a billionaire is now the new target for the rich, becoming a millionaire is a real possibility for many an average Joe, and it mostly comes down to good management, sensible thinking, and occasional calculated risks.

Things You Should Know

  • Set goals for yourself, like starting your own business and earning $1 million by 30. Then, seek business advice from mentors or read millionaires’ books.
  • Save money by living below your means and buying only the things you need. Put the rest of your money in a savings account and invest it in stocks and funds.
  • Start a business by identifying what customers need and want. Keep your start-up costs low by renting an existing office and monitoring your cash flow.

Part 1

Part 1 of 3:

Preparing for Success

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  1. 1

    Set yourself concrete goals. Good preparation is an absolute necessity when it comes to endeavors as big as becoming a millionaire. And it all starts with giving yourself concrete, measurable goals that you can keep your eyes on.[1]

    • Perhaps you want to reach millionaire status by a certain age, like 30.
    • Or perhaps your first goal is just to be out of debt within two years.
    • Break bigger goals into more actionable smaller goals. For example, if one of your goals is to have a growing business in a year, start with the goal of fleshing out a business model within the first month.
  2. 2

    Get a good education. Although there are a number of examples of millionaires and billionaires who never completed college, statistics show a link between education and wealth. The higher your level of education, the more opportunities are unlocked for you, and the higher the chance that you will become a millionaire.[2]


  3. 3

    Take care of your health. Making money and making good decisions that create more money in your life require that you are in good shape. Keep fit, eat well, and take good care of your body. It is your health that will provide you with the energy and resources needed to keep going on the commitment to becoming a millionaire.

  4. 4

    Be tenacious. Success requires the ability to keep getting up after failures. There will be plenty of failures as you try to find the best ways to make a million or more. This isn't about the safety net of an average salary and the boss's orders being met each day. To become a millionaire, you have to be prepared to make decisions that won't always succeed but if the risks aren't taken, then the potential for success won't be realized either.[3]

  5. 5

    Check your self-confidence. If it's low, now is the time to build it up. High self-esteem and good self-confidence are essential traits to help you on your way. However, don't let this delay you. You can fake it until you make it and the more you practice being confident, the sooner it becomes a part of who you are.[4]

  6. 6

    Read the advice of those who've made it. Benefitting from the wisdom of the successful can never hurt, but be careful not to get caught up in the planning and preparing stage. The most important step is taking action. However, do spend some time reading other millionaires' advice. Some suitable books to read include:

    • Thomas J Stanley, The Millionaire Next Door (2004) and Stop Acting Rich... and Start Living Like a Real Millionaire (2009)
    • Alexander Green, The Gone Fishin' Portfolio.
  7. 7

    Find a mentor who has walked the walk and seek advice. Surround yourself with already-made millionaires. They can be found in several places, there's even a private online club where you can have a millionaire mentor personally show you how to make money in many areas online.

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Part 2

Part 2 of 3:

Managing Your Money

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  1. 1

    Stop spending and be thrifty. This is a key element of becoming a millionaire. Either you have the money in savings or you're spending it on things. You can't have both if you're aiming to become a millionaire. Most millionaires (a net worth of $1 million to $10 million) are living a very frugal and cost-effective life, without hyper-expenditure.[5] This includes:

    • Live beneath your means. A good rule of thumb for your living situation is to spend no more than one-third of your monthly salary on rent.
    • Buy quality clothing but don't pay ridiculous prices. A suit under $400 will do you just fine.
    • Wear inexpensive watches, jewelry, and accessories.
    • Don't collect things.
    • Drive a reliable but affordable car of an ordinary brand.
    • Avoid prestige and luxury brands.
    • Stop comparing yourself to others and trying to keep up with them through spending.
  2. 2

    Familiarize yourself with savings. If you're used to maxing out the credit card and not saving much, you're going to find it hard to become a millionaire at any stage in your lifetime. Begin by opening a savings account purely for keeping aside money and add to it regularly. This should be different from your everyday bank account that you use to draw bill payments from and it should preferably be one that has a higher interest rate than the usual savings account options which are available through brick and mortar banks.[6]

    • A savings account is one of the many places where you can set your money up to work for you. Your initial deposit of money grows whether you make additional deposits by interest. Learn the different types of accounts, including accounts like IRAs.
    • Saving money requires self-discipline. Spend time working on any bad habits that take away from your self-discipline. Focus on what you can accomplish by saving rather than showing off to others through conspicuous consumption and instant gratification.
    • Try to open a savings account with an online bank instead of a bank that has a physical location since digital banks usually have better savings interest rates.[7]
  3. 3

    Invest in stocks. If you're gung-ho for individual stocks, buy stocks of the companies whose products and services you use or purchase. One of the best ways to invest in individual stocks is through an investment club; you may want to consider forming one with your friends. However, whatever way you choose to buy stocks, get really sound and good financial advice first. Do your due diligence on that financial advisor - check their reputation and record of accomplishment first.[8]

    • Blue chip investments may be slower and less exciting than other stocks but in the long-run, they're sounder.
  4. 4

    Buy mutual funds. Mutual funds are an investment in other investments. When you own a mutual fund, you own the securities (stocks, bonds, cash) within the mutual. With mutual funds, you are pooling your money with other investors and diversifying your investment.

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Part 3

Part 3 of 3:

Getting Into Business

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  1. 1

    Look at what people need, not necessarily at what you want when deciding on a business. There will always be things people need and they need them to be done well. Things like garbage disposal, energy creation, providing products to the health and dying industries, etc. In addition, the certainty of customers should not be overlooked lightly. Choose a business that provides what people really need and be prepared to put in the effort to make your products and services either the best, the most price efficient or unique.[9]

  2. 2

    Have a frugal startup. There is much talk about "looking the part". There isn't much point looking the part if it cost an arm and a leg to get it and you lack clients to pay for it. Get yourself a fabulous suit that is worn every day and makes you feel confident and ready to meet people but be very careful with your office fit-out and other business elements.[10] Here are some ideas to help you initially:

    • Consider renting offices that someone else furnishes, cleans and that get shared around. Spend only the time needed in them, to cut costs.
    • If you do have your own offices, rent furniture or buy it cheap at auction.
    • Lease anything that needs to be constantly updated, computers being number one in this group.
    • Keep staff expenses under strict control from the beginning.
    • Fly economy. Or use Skype and other online forms of virtual conferencing and avoid flying at all.
    • Be eco-aware and turn off unused items all the time. Save the planet and your bottom line.
  3. 3

    Monitor cash flow with an eagle eye in your start-up business. This is one time in life where obsession is a good quality. Every cent counts and if it's not in your savings or being churned back into your business, it's in someone else's pocket.[11]

    • Don't neglect the viability of your business. Always pay attention to what isn't working and remedy it at the earliest possible opportunity.
    • Don't neglect the mundane but essential parts of running a business, like timesheets, tax, petty cash, invoicing, etc. Do them with clockwork regularity or employ someone who is capable to deal with these things.
    • Deal with bad debt as soon as it rears its head. It isn't going away, so the earlier you face it, the better.
  4. 4

    Find your business sweet spot. There are only three pieces to this. First, know the strengths that are unique to you, or at least where you can add unique value. Then find a market, a group of people, who want what you have to offer. Finally, you have to make sure those people will pay money for what you have to offer.

  5. 5

    Define your brand. A brand is nothing more than a belief system that people have about you and your business. People will want to do business with somebody or some company they believe will solve a specific problem they have. You must be seen as the solution to that problem.

  6. 6

    Create your business model. Your business model must be either high fidelity or high convenience. If it's high fidelity you will have fewer customers who will pay a lot. You need 100 customers at $10,000 each to make $1 million. If it's high convenience you will have many customers paying you small amounts. You need 100,000 customers paying you $10 each to make $1 million.

  7. 7

    Decide on your exit strategy. The simplest way to make $1 million is to create a business, an asset that you can sell. People will often pay two times the annual earnings for a business. That means a $500,000 a year business can be sold for $1 million. That breaks down to having a business that makes roughly $40,000 per month.

  8. 8

    Make more profits from existing customers. The fastest way to increase your income is to sell more products and services to your existing customers. Find ways to add even more value, and offer the products and services to your existing customer base.

  9. 9

    Build systems and scale up. This a key entire secret to a massively accelerating your income growth. If you create a product that sells for $100, and you know that $50 spent on advertising consistently produces one sale, you have a winning model, as long as you've picked a large market. Scale up.

  10. 10

    Hire great people. One of the biggest ways to go from a $60,000 a year income to a multi-million dollar business is by hiring great people. This is why all the large corporations focus on team-building and leadership. It is the only way to have a great team is to be a great leader.

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      • Read. The more you know the more you will perceive to be possible, the more you can make.


      • Don't become so focused on making money that you forget to live!


        Helpful1Not Helpful0

      • Help others. Learn to be a caring individual that makes the world better for people around yourself. It will lead to more positivity coming your way. Also, donating to charities can come back to you in the form of tax deductions.


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      Show More Tips

      Tips from our Readers How to Become a Millionaire: Simple Tips for Building Wealth (27)

      The advice in this section is based on the lived experiences of wikiHow readers like you. If you have a helpful tip you’d like to share on wikiHow, please submit it in the field below.

      • Try using your spare money for assets that place money in your pocket. For instance, invest in vending machines, laundromats, and real estate. Then, you can use your assets to buy more assets.
      • Do your best to be political. Political leverage matters. The power of having connections with the right people can help you in the long run.

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      • Keep riches and wealth in perspective i.e. don't kill the goose that lays the golden egg. In other words, avoid neglecting the source of the wealth e.g. decent health.


        Helpful5Not Helpful0

      • Only saving money is not enough to become a millionaire.


        Helpful5Not Helpful1

      • Outside of saving your money, there is no guarantee that you will make money through stocks. You should be wary of anyone who tells you otherwise.


        Helpful5Not Helpful0

      • The internet is full of scams. Do not invest any money in them even if they appear legitimate.


        Helpful6Not Helpful0


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      About This Article

      How to Become a Millionaire: Simple Tips for Building Wealth (39)

      Co-authored by:

      Priya Malani

      Financial Advisor & Founding Partner, Stash Wealth

      This article was co-authored by Priya Malani. Priya Malani is a Financial Advisor and the Founding Partner of Stash Wealth, a financial planning and investment management firm for HENRYs™ (High Earners, Not Rich Yet). She has over 15 years of wealth management and financial advising experience. Priya's work with Stash Wealth has been featured in Fortune, Wall Street Journal, and CNBC as well as entertainment and lifestyle brands such as the NYPost, Bustle, SiriusXM, and Refinery29. She earned a BA in Economics from Agnes Scott College in 2004. This article has been viewed 2,109,716 times.

      28 votes - 74%

      Co-authors: 188

      Updated: February 25, 2024


      Categories: Wealth

      Article SummaryX

      To become a millionaire, do well in school and pursue higher education since having a degree will open more opportunities for you. Also, try to be more thrifty with your money so you can save more by wearing inexpensive clothes, living in a reasonably priced home, and not buying luxury items. Look at what kinds of services and products people need the most, and try to build a business around one of them. When you start your business, be frugal and don't worry about being flashy to impress investors or clients just yet. If you want to learn more about how to make money by investing in stocks and mutual funds, keep reading the article!

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      • How to Become a Millionaire: Simple Tips for Building Wealth (40)

        Davey Jones

        Oct 3, 2017

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      How to Become a Millionaire: Simple Tips for Building Wealth (2024)


      What is the simplest way to become a millionaire? ›

      How To Get Rich
      1. Start saving early.
      2. Avoid unnecessary spending and debt.
      3. Save 15% or more of every paycheck.
      4. Increase the money that you earn.
      5. Resist the desire to spend more as you make more money.
      6. Work with a financial professional with the expertise and experience to keep you on track.

      What is the number 1 key to building wealth? ›

      While get-rich-quick schemes sometimes may be enticing, the tried-and-true way to build wealth is through regular saving and investing—and patiently allowing that money to grow over time. It's fine to start small. The important thing is to start and to start early. Earn money and then save and invest it smartly.

      How to be a millionaire in 7 steps? ›

      How to Become a Millionaire
      1. 8 Tips to Becoming a Millionaire. ...
      2. Stay away from debt. ...
      3. Invest early and consistently. ...
      4. Make savings a priority. ...
      5. Increase your income to reach your goal faster. ...
      6. Cut unnecessary expenses. ...
      7. Keep your millionaire goal front and center. ...
      8. Work with an investment professional.
      Feb 1, 2024

      How can I get rich and build wealth? ›

      Here's a look at some steps that you might take as part of a wealth-building strategy.
      1. Understand net worth. ...
      2. Set financial goals. ...
      3. Earn income. ...
      4. Save money automatically. ...
      5. Spend money consciously. ...
      6. Pay off high-interest debt. ...
      7. Build an emergency fund. ...
      8. Invest your savings.

      How to be rich quickly? ›

      1. Invest. The goal of investing is to buy assets that may provide financial growth over time. ...
      2. Take advantage of compound interest. ...
      3. Create a plan and follow it. ...
      4. Start a business. ...
      5. Cut spending. ...
      6. Try taxing yourself. ...
      7. Consider additional education. ...
      8. Take calculated risks.
      Mar 1, 2024

      How to start from nothing and become rich? ›

      10 Steps How To Build Wealth From Nothing Starting Today
      1. Educate yourself about money.
      2. Get a regular income source.
      3. Create a budget.
      4. Have enough insurance (but don't over-insure)
      5. Practice extreme savings from your income.
      6. Build an emergency fund.
      7. Improve your skill set.
      8. Explore passive income ideas.

      What builds wealth the fastest? ›

      One of the key ways to build wealth fast -- and over the long term -- is to earn passive income. And one of the best ways to generate passive income is to own one (or several) rental properties.

      What is the secret to wealth is simple? ›

      The secret to wealth is simple: Find a way to do more for others than anyone else does. Become more valuable. Do more.

      How to build wealth when you're broke? ›

      8 Steps to Help You Build Wealth
      1. Start by making a plan.
      2. Make a budget and stick to it.
      3. Build your emergency fund.
      4. Automate your financial life.
      5. Manage your debt.
      6. Max out your retirement savings.
      7. Stay diversified.
      8. Up your earnings.
      Jul 18, 2023

      How to get rich with a normal job? ›

      Start by understanding basic math, finding a job with unlimited earning potential, and living below your means. Save enough for your first investment, buy a home with rental income, and stay disciplined. Finally, know when to sell and focus on building wealth in a smart and sustainable way.

      How to become a trillionaire? ›

      The path to becoming a trillionaire is very difficult — for both individual and macroeconomic reasons. Unless there is a big wave of hyperinflation, significant obstacles stand in the way of anyone trying to reach a trillion dollars in net wealth. Some of it has to do with human nature.

      How to become automatic millionaire? ›

      Summary. Pay yourself first automatically. By investing 10% of your salary and income, you will increase your odds to nearly 100% of becoming a millionaire at retirement. He recommends using the pre-tax option to make it easier to get 10% into savings.

      How to increase assets? ›

      Ways to increase your net worth include building your savings, paying off your debts, cutting down on your expenses and looking for ways to increase your income. Start by calculating your current net worth for a clear view of where you are now, and think about where you want to be.

      How to grow financially? ›

      7 steps to financial stability
      1. Invest in yourself. Having further education, more knowledge, and required skills for work can support your career advancement. ...
      2. Make money from what you like. ...
      3. Set saving and expense budgets. ...
      4. Spend wisely. ...
      5. Set emergency fund. ...
      6. Pay off debts. ...
      7. Plan for retirement.

      How to be a millionaire in 1 year? ›

      “Beyond entrepreneurship, no conventional career path — even medicine, law, or engineering — generates a million-dollar income for a newcomer in only a year.” So, aside from a lucky crypto investment or a windfall of some sort, Kellzi said becoming a millionaire is highly improbable.

      How can I be a millionaire in 5 years? ›

      Here are seven proven steps to get you wealthy in five years:
      1. Build your financial literacy skills. ...
      2. Take control of your finances. ...
      3. Get in the wealthy mindset. ...
      4. Create a budget and live within your means. ...
      5. Step 5: Save to invest. ...
      6. Create multiple income sources. ...
      7. Surround yourself with other wealthy people.
      Mar 21, 2024

      How do millionaires start? ›

      Entrepreneurial Spirit: Many millionaires are business owners or self-employed individuals who have taken control of their financial destiny through entrepreneurship. Education And Hard Work: Education, hard work and dedication to a career are key factors in accumulating wealth over time.

      Do 90% of millionaires make over $100,000 a year? ›

      Choose the right career

      And one crucial detail to note: Millionaire status doesn't equal a sky-high salary. “Only 31% averaged $100,000 a year over the course of their career,” the study found, “and one-third never made six figures in any single working year of their career.”

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      Author: Annamae Dooley

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      Views: 5829

      Rating: 4.4 / 5 (45 voted)

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      Author information

      Name: Annamae Dooley

      Birthday: 2001-07-26

      Address: 9687 Tambra Meadow, Bradleyhaven, TN 53219

      Phone: +9316045904039

      Job: Future Coordinator

      Hobby: Archery, Couponing, Poi, Kite flying, Knitting, Rappelling, Baseball

      Introduction: My name is Annamae Dooley, I am a witty, quaint, lovely, clever, rich, sparkling, powerful person who loves writing and wants to share my knowledge and understanding with you.