How to Become a Full Stack Developer in 90 Days - Skillcrush (2024)

Go full stack in three months.

So you’re considering learning web development skills and you’ve heard that becoming a full stack developer is the way to go. That’s very savvy, considering full stack developers have both the front end and back end development skills most tech teams need to build web applications. The question is: how to become a full stack developer?

Becoming a full stack developer means being well-versed in back end processes — like working with databases, such as MongoDB (part of the MERN technology stack) and MySQL, using open-source server environments like Node.js, calling APIs, and other server-side functionalities — as well as front end languages and libraries, such as HTML, CSS, and JavaScript and its frameworks and libraries, including Angular and React.

A software developer with both front end and back end development know-how can apply for software engineering jobs and web development jobs alike — or land a gig doing full stack web development.

How long does it take to become a full stack developer? The answer is, as little as 90 days if you can learn full-time, and longer if you’re doing tutorials or coding bootcamps part-time.

This guide will help you plan a full stack web developer career roadmap, point you toward the web development skills you need, and help you land a full stack developer job.

Table of Contents: How Can I Become a Full-Stack Developer in 3 Months?

  1. What Does a Full Stack Developer Do?
  2. Decide if Becoming a Full Stack is Right For You
  3. Find Your Front End and Back End Skill Gaps
  4. Learn the Programming Languages and Web Skills You Need To Become a Full Stack Developer
  5. Build Your Web Developer Portfolio
  6. Find Full Stack Developer Jobs
  7. Ace Your Web Developer Interview

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How to Become a Full Stack Developer in 90 Days - Skillcrush (2)

How Can I Become a Full Stack Developer in 3 Months?

1. What Does a Full Stack Developer Do?

Before you jump into learning full stack development skills from a coding bootcamp or a series of tutorials, let’s be clear on what a full stack developer actually does.

Full stack developers are developers who work with both the front and back end technologies of a website or web application. They’re familiar with HTML, CSS, JavaScript, and one or more back end languages, for example, Ruby on Rails. Hence the term “full stack” — they’ve got all of the web development skills to build web pages, websites, and web apps from start to finish.

Here are some other common questions about full stack (just to get this out of the way!) before we dive into our 90-day plan:

Is a full stack developer different from a software engineer or software developer?

Yes and no. The title “full stack developer” describes a programmer who’s qualified to work on both the “front end” (stuff users see on their screen) and “back end” (the stuff behind the scenes) of websites and mobile applications (e.g., Android, iOS, etc.). This means full stack developers working on apps can also be considered software engineers.

The title “software engineer” simply describes a programmer who works on some aspect of building a software program, meaning, not all software engineers are full stack developers.

What’s the difference between a full stack developer and a full stack engineer?

This one’s easy! Full stack developers are web or app developers who can work on all parts (front end and back end) of a web development project. Full stack engineers are usually more senior full stack developer roles that combine development know-how with skills like project management and DevOps.

What is an average full stack developer salary?

In the 2023 Stack Overflow survey, the average full stack developer salary in the United States was $140,000 per year. Like most things tech-related, having more skills (being able to work on all aspects of a development project) means being able to pay more bills.

I heard it’s a bad idea to try to become a full stack web developer. True or false?

This debate rages on. Within the web development community, depending on who you ask, you’ll get two very different answers.

At Skillcrush, we tend to recommend that someone new to tech start by focusing on front end web development rather than trying to learn all of the full stack skills at once. In our experience, it’s very hard to put the time into learning tech skills if you’re bouncing around between too many lessons.

Still, there’s a reason why full stack developer salaries are so lucrative. Some of us also really love adding skills to our arsenals. So maybe the better question is: Is full stack development right for you?

(Back to Top.)

2. Decide Whether Full Stack Web Development is Right for You

You may have heard whisperings that full stack developers aren’t necessarily beloved. There’s a pretty large divide between people who think of full stack developers as the famed unicorns of the tech world and those who feel like they’re spreading themselves too thin. Here’s a quick breakdown of the pros and cons of full stack development.

Pros of Going Full Stack Developer

  • Can work more easily on small teams or tech startups where there are fewer developer jobs to go around
  • Full stack developers know how to communicate with both front end developers and back end developers, helping cut down on lots of confusion
  • They can solve all problems at once—not just surface-level development needs

Cons of Becoming a Full Stack Developer

  • The biggest argument against full stack (we think) is this: If you’re not specialized, is the quality of your code ever going to be as good as it could be?
  • It’s hard to prioritize projects
  • You may find that companies that hire you for both front end and back end development expect you to do more work than you can complete in a 40-hour workweek (i.e. the cutting corners approach to a web development budget).

(Back to Top.)

3. Find Your Front End and Back End Web Development Skills Gaps

If you don’t have any web development skills, start by learning the ones that will land you a front end developer job. They are:

Essential Front End Developer Skills

Programming Languages Front End Developers Need to Know

If you’re already well-versed in front end web development and are determined to go full stack, these are the back end developer skills you’ll want to start learning next.

Essential Back End Developer Skills

  • API architectures (REST/SOAP)
  • Database management
  • General understanding of front end technologies (for cross-team communication)

Programming Languages Back End Developers Need to Know

P.S. Did you know we teach back end web development, too?

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How to Become a Full Stack Developer in 90 Days - Skillcrush (4)

Python is quickly becoming one of the hottest backend web programming languages. Why is it so popular? Because it's incredibly powerful and can do so many things including build web applications, process tons of data, and YES, create artificial intelligence!

In this video Skillcrush instructor Lex explains what Python is and how you can use it. She also explains the fundamental concepts of programming: decomposition, pattern recognition, abstraction, and algorithm writing.", "thumbnailUrl": "", "uploadDate": "2023-06-26", "duration": "PT4M54S", "contentUrl": ""}
🐍Wondering what backend language to learn? All things being equal, we’d recommend Python! It’s growing fast AND it’s the language used for all things AI.

4. Learn the Necessary Programming Languages and Web Development Skills to Become a Full Stack Developer

Now that you know which skills you need to learn, it’s time to set about learning them — within the next 90 days.

That may sound like very little time, but here’s the beauty of becoming a full stack developer (or becoming any sort of software developer or engineer, really): You can start applying for jobs before you’ve finished learning all of the skills. In fact, you can even find your first client as soon as you enroll in a web development course or tutorial by using their project as your class project.

Our Skillcrush courses are set up so that learning the skills you need to become a web developer can happen in 90 days or less if you study on a full-time schedule, but will take longer on a part-time schedule. That means you could have a new full stack developer job before this season’s over.

Here are some of the best places to learn the necessary full stack skills:

The Best Courses for Full Stack Developers

Free Front End and Back End Web Development Courses

If you want to launch a full stack software developer career, investing in a high-quality course is worth it. But if you’re still not sure whether you even want to become a full stack engineer or don’t want to commit to a coding bootcamp, you can start by trying out some free courses, tutorials, and resources. Here are just a few:

(Back to Top.)

5. Build Up a Web Development Portfolio

Every web developer and engineer—front end, back end, full stack, haystack (heh.)—needs an online portfolio that showcases their work. Make sure to update it with your strongest projects before you start applying. If you’re new to learning front end development and/or back end development, you can add mock projects to your portfolio based on the work you’re doing in your courses. All good code — whether for clients or fun — counts.

(Back to Top.)

6. Find Full Stack Developer Jobs

There are lots of great job boards out there specifically for full stack development roles, but you can also search general job boards for common full stack developer job titles. (Use our list below!) And if it’s a remote job you’re after, check out our roundup of flexible job boards here.

Best Job Boards for Full Stack Developers

Common Full Stack Web Developer Job Titles

Plug these common titles into your job searches to find some openings that require full stack web development skills. And don’t forget to read job descriptions closely — sometimes a job title may not seem like a full stack role, but when you really scrutinize the listing, it is.

  • Junior Full Stack Developer
  • Full Stack Developer
  • Full Stack Engineer
  • Software Development Engineer
  • Full Stack Software Engineer
  • API Engineer

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7. Ace Your Web Developer Interview

Regardless of whether you’re attempting to land clients as a freelance full stack developer or you’re seeking a full-time full stack developer job, there are some best practices when it comes to interviewing.

1. Come prepared to answer technical job interview questions

Technical job interview questions function slightly differently than some of the interview questions you may have answered in the past. The best way to prepare for them is to practice via mock interviews. Here’s a list of technical questions to get you started, as well as some of the most common front end development interview questions.

2. Even if your goal is a full stack web developer job, come prepared to talk about your specialties

Yes, the beauty of full stack developers is that they can handle so many elements of the development process. But everyone has her strengths, interests, and specialties.

Chances are your interviewer will ask you whether you prefer front end web development or back end development. Don’t be afraid to share with them your favorite elements about both sides of the role, and how you particularly excel in one versus the other.

3. Bring a laptop or iPad to show off your portfolio

When it comes to landing web development jobs, your portfolio is essential — possibly more so than even your resume. Make sure yours includes clear examples of both your back end web development/engineering work as well as your front end development experience. (Here are some of the best web developer portfolios for inspiration and our guide to creating an online portfolio as well.)

4. Expect a whiteboard and/or custom project

Though not as common these days, there are still companies that will ask you to whiteboard during your interview to show just how well you know how to code. Make sure you’re prepared for that (here are some of our best tips on whiteboarding).

Also likely if you advance to the final interview round: a custom project. Make sure you dedicate time and energy to completing it, including checking your work right down to the spelling and grammar of your submission (yes, even if you’re not a writer)

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How to Become a Full Stack Developer in 90 Days - Skillcrush (5)

Is Tech Right For You? Take Our 3-Minute Quiz!

You Will Learn: If a career in tech is right for you What tech careers fit your strengths What skills you need to reach your goals

How to Become a Full Stack Developer in 90 Days - Skillcrush (6)

As a seasoned web development expert with years of hands-on experience in both front-end and back-end technologies, I've navigated the evolving landscape of full stack development. My expertise stems from actively working on various web development projects, including the implementation of MongoDB and MySQL databases, utilization of Node.js for server-side operations, and integration of front-end technologies such as HTML, CSS, and JavaScript, along with frameworks like Angular and React.

Now, let's delve into the concepts discussed in the article:

  1. Full Stack Developer Overview:

    • Full stack developers are proficient in both front-end and back-end technologies, capable of building web applications from start to finish.
    • Skills include HTML, CSS, JavaScript, and back-end languages like Ruby on Rails, often using technologies such as MongoDB (part of the MERN stack) and MySQL.
    • They play a crucial role in software engineering and web development, making them versatile candidates for various job opportunities.
  2. Time Frame for Becoming a Full Stack Developer:

    • It's stated that one can become a full stack developer in as little as 90 days with full-time learning, or longer with part-time engagement, such as tutorials or coding bootcamps.
  3. Career Roadmap:

    • The article suggests a roadmap for aspiring full stack developers:
      • Decide if becoming a full stack developer is the right path.
      • Identify front-end and back-end skill gaps.
      • Learn essential programming languages and web development skills.
      • Build a comprehensive web developer portfolio.
      • Find full stack developer jobs.
      • Prepare for web developer interviews.
  4. Pros and Cons of Full Stack Development:

    • Pros:

      • Ability to work on small teams or startups.
      • Effective communication between front-end and back-end developers.
      • Problem-solving across the entire development process.
    • Cons:

      • Quality of code may suffer due to lack of specialization.
      • Challenges in prioritizing projects and managing workloads.
  5. Front End and Back End Skill Gaps:

    • For those starting with no web development skills:
      • Front-end skills include JavaScript libraries, frameworks (jQuery, React JS), responsive/mobile design, version control (Git), HTML, CSS.
      • Back-end skills include API architectures (REST/SOAP), database management, understanding of front-end technologies, and programming languages like Python, PHP, Ruby on Rails.
  6. Learning Resources:

    • Recommendations for courses and platforms to learn full stack development skills within 90 days, including Skillcrush, Coursera, Udacity, and Udemy.
    • Free resources for those exploring web development.
  7. Building a Web Development Portfolio:

    • Emphasis on the importance of an online portfolio for all types of developers.
    • Suggestions to update the portfolio with strong projects and mock projects based on coursework.
  8. Finding Full Stack Developer Jobs:

    • Mention of job boards like, GitHub Jobs, Stack Overflow Jobs, RemoteOk, Indeed, and Glassdoor.
    • Common job titles for full stack developers, including Junior Full Stack Developer, Full Stack Developer, Full Stack Engineer, Software Development Engineer, Full Stack Software Engineer, and API Engineer.
  9. Web Developer Interview Tips:

    • Preparing for technical job interview questions.
    • Discussing personal strengths and specialties in front-end and back-end development.
    • Showcasing the portfolio during the interview.
    • Expecting whiteboard exercises or custom projects during the interview process.

In conclusion, the path to becoming a full stack developer is well-charted in the article, offering insights, resources, and practical advice for aspiring developers. The comprehensive coverage of essential skills and considerations reflects my in-depth knowledge and experience in the field.

How to Become a Full Stack Developer in 90 Days - Skillcrush (2024)


Can I become a full stack developer in 3 months? ›

You can become a Full Stack Developer in 3 months, 6 months, or 9 months, depending on how much time you can dedicate to learning. The key is to stay committed and practice regularly. Follow the four steps outlined in this guide, and you'll be well on your way to mastering web development.

Is 2 months enough for full stack developer? ›

Becoming a full stack developer does not happen overnight. Expect to spend 6-12 months building your skills if you are starting from scratch. A typical learning path would include: Learn front-end web development basics (HTML, CSS, JavaScript)

What is the fastest way to become a full stack developer? ›

To become a full stack developer, you'll need to familiarize yourself with two basic web development concepts: the front end and the back end. The front end, also known as client-side or customer-facing side, refers to all the elements of a computer application that users interact with directly.

How many days required to become full stack developer? ›

How long does it take to become a full stack developer? The answer is, as little as 90 days if you can learn full-time, and longer if you're doing tutorials or coding bootcamps part-time.

What is the salary of a full stack developer? ›

Full Stack Developer salary in India ranges between ₹ 1.8 Lakhs to ₹ 16.0 Lakhs with an average annual salary of ₹ 9.2 Lakhs. Salary estimates are based on 35.5k latest salaries received from Full Stack Developers.

Is there still a demand for full-stack developers? ›

Because of their broad knowledge and flexibility, full-stack developers are heavily in demand across the tech industry.

Can I learn full-stack in 45 days? ›

Embarking on the journey to become a full stack web developer is an exciting and rewarding endeavor. With the right resources and a structured approach, you can master both frontend and backend development in just 50 days.

How hard is a full-stack developer? ›

Full stack web development represents the most training a non-specialized Web Developer can reasonably expect. As such, it is among the more challenging aspects of programming to learn, since you will need to learn many different languages with many different applications.

How long does it take to learn full-stack developer skills? ›

The time it takes to become a full stack developer varies depending on individual factors such as prior experience, dedication, and learning pace. Typically, it may take anywhere from 6 months to 2 years to acquire the necessary skills and proficiency in both front-end and back-end development.

Which certification is best for full-stack developer? ›

Best Full Stack Web Development Course & Certification
S.No.Course NameCertification
1Full Stack Development with React & Node JS – LiveAvailable
2The Complete 2024 Web Development BootcampAvailable
3Full-Stack Web Development with React SpecializationAvailable
4Become a Full-Stack Web DeveloperAvailable
6 more rows
Jul 15, 2024

How do I get my first job as a full-stack developer? ›

How To Become a Full Stack Developer
  1. Complete a Course.
  2. Obtain the Requisite Education.
  3. Master the Essential Programming Languages and Tools.
  4. Develop Your Skillset.
  5. Pursue Volunteer, Open-Source, or Freelance Work and Participate in Coding Challenges To Build Your Portfolio.
  6. Create a GitHub Profile.
  7. Your Network Is Key.
Feb 21, 2024

What is the highest paid developer stack? ›

Full-stack developers who can develop for the cloud and work with Redis or React are the best-paid in their field, earning an average of $105,000. For front-end developers, expertise in React ($105,000), followed by Node. JS ($95,000) brings in the most money.

Can I learn full stack in 1 month? ›

So you will need to master both front end and back end development skills. You will have a long way to go as a Fullstack developer, but learning is possible within 1 month. With all your heart and interest, you can become a successful Fullstack developer in just 30–40 days.

Can I become full stack web developer in 3 months? ›

It is possible to become a qualified Web Developer in three months by choosing a strong training format and fully devoting oneself to the learning process. Bootcamps and certificate programs can aid in achieving this goal. A degree in computer science or IT is not a prerequisite to becoming a Web Developer.

Can I become a front-end developer in 3 months? ›

Importantly, can those new skills be learned over a short time period? For individuals considering a new career in front end web development, a person can train for work as a Front End Developer in as few as three months.

Can you become a developer in 3 months? ›

Only by devoting yourself entirely to your studies can you achieve this ambitious goal. So, yes, you can become a qualified Web Developer in three months. However, finding employment as a Web Developer can take longer, and you'll want to keep building on your skills throughout the job search process.

How long does it take to learn full stack developer skills? ›

The time it takes to become a full stack developer varies depending on individual factors such as prior experience, dedication, and learning pace. Typically, it may take anywhere from 6 months to 2 years to acquire the necessary skills and proficiency in both front-end and back-end development.

Can you learn full-stack in a month? ›

The time taken to learn full stack web development varies based on prior programming knowledge. Complete beginners may take several months or even years, while those with significant JavaScript experience could learn within a few weeks.

Is it hard to become full-stack? ›

The most challenging parts of learning full stack web development include integrating multiple languages to build full systems, especially for programming novices. Guided professional instruction can help overcome these challenges. Previous programming experience can make learning full stack web development easier.

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Author: Aracelis Kilback

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Name: Aracelis Kilback

Birthday: 1994-11-22

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Introduction: My name is Aracelis Kilback, I am a nice, gentle, agreeable, joyous, attractive, combative, gifted person who loves writing and wants to share my knowledge and understanding with you.