How to Become a Freelance Writer with No Experience (2024)

Freelance writing is a great gig. With the right clients and skills, you can work as much as you want, wherever you want, whenever you want. Plus, you don’t necessarily need special training or a degree to get started.

That said, jumping into the world of freelance writing without any experience can seem daunting — which is why we’ve put together this guide. We’ll show you seven ways to get started and share top tips to set you up for a successful freelance writing career.

What exactly is freelance writing?

Freelance writing is the work done by a self-employed person (aka a freelancer) who writes articles, white papers, blogs, and other content for one or more clients.

Clients hire freelance writers to create content on a wide range of topics. Some freelancers stick to certain niche topics or fields where they have lots of knowledge or experience. Others choose to work as generalist writers, turning their hand to various topics across different industries. Each has its pros and cons.

Topic expert vs. generalist writers

Generalist writers may have access to a broader client base and range of opportunities — but competition for gigs can be fierce, and the pay can be lower. Plus, generalist writers need to be highly adaptable and able to research new topics well.

Topic experts, on the other hand, have a narrower focus and can often command higher rates due to their specialized knowledge. However, they’re dependent on their niche, which could be subject to rapid industry changes and a smaller client base, making it potentially harder to find work. (We’ll look at how to define your niche later on.)

Before starting as a freelance writer, take some time to decide which route is right for you. Do you already have a strong background (i.e., a degree or professional experience) in a particular field? Or are you more interested in writing about lots of different topics, with the flexibility and variety that offers?

What do you need to become a freelance writer?

One of the reasons freelance writing is such an attractive career is that you don’t necessarily need specific training to become one.

At a minimum, this is all you need to get started in freelance writing:

  • A good command of the language you’re writing in
  • Willingness to learn about new topics (if you aim to be a generalist writer)
  • Motivation to reach out to clients
  • A computer/laptop and internet connection

An important skill you’ll also need — especially when starting out — is resilience. Out of all the applications and pitches you make, you’ll likely receive a positive response from only a small percentage of clients at first.

This will improve as you get better at tailoring your applications, writing proposals, and portfolio to potential clients. Just remember: It’s important not to get disheartened by rejections. Each rejection is a learning opportunity; analyze what went wrong and brainstorm ways to improve for next time.

How to Become a Freelance Writer with No Experience (1)

Pro Tip

Want to know what to keep in mind while building your writing career? Check out our guide featuring advice on handling rejection, maintaining client relationships, assembling your portfolio, establishing a consistent work schedule, and more.

7 ways to start freelance writing with no experience

To help you land your first paid writing gig, we’ve put together the following seven tips.

1. Find your niche

Finding your niche can set you apart, make use of your existing knowledge, and offer an entry into the writing world.

It’s not essential, though, and there are many great generalist writers out there.

However, existing knowledge of a particular field can instill confidence in potential clients — meaning they’re more willing to take a risk on a freelancer with little to no professional writing experience.

Here’s how you can identify your niche and market yourself as someone with topic expertise:

  • Assess your knowledge and expertise. Consider your background, education, and any specialized knowledge you possess. Do you have a degree or other formal training in a certain field? Or, do you have several years’ experience in an industry? This area can be your niche!
  • Showcase your background. Make sure your LinkedIn profile, resume/CV, and freelance profile (more on this later) are up to date with relevant degrees, certifications, training, work experience, and skills.
  • Build industry connections. Reach out to your network, attend industry events, and join relevant online communities, making sure to communicate your availability for writing work. Building these connections helps you position yourself as someone with expertise in your field who also works as a writer. (We’ll go into more detail on networking below.)

2. Start writing samples

Having writing samples available for potential clients is often key to securing work. Samples can showcase your topical knowledge and writing skills and help clients assess your writing style.

But when you don’t have any writing experience, it can feel like a catch-22: You need experience to have samples, and you need samples to get experience.

A good way to start building a portfolio of samples is to use writing prompts and write articles for imaginary clients. This will help you build up work to share when you pitch article ideas to prospective clients or apply for writing gigs. Plus, it also gets you used to writing on different topics and angles.

Here are a few other ways to build a portfolio of samples:

  • Write about your hobbies, experiences, and general interests. As you’re building your portfolio, writing about topics you care about can make the process simpler, quicker, and more enjoyable. You could, for example, craft articles explaining your love of fencing, your recent adventures traveling around Italy, or your opinions on the latest iPhone — the sky’s the limit.
  • Create case studies. Identify a problem in your niche, or pull on success stories from your previous work experience. Describe the problem, your approach or solution, and the results achieved. Case studies provide concrete examples of your work and demonstrate your ability to deliver results for clients. It’s also a great exercise to formulate complex ideas into written form.
  • Write articles on hypothetical topics or scenarios. Use these samples to demonstrate your writing style, ability to engage readers, and understanding of industry trends and issues. Be creative and showcase your versatility by exploring different formats, such as listicles, opinion pieces, or product reviews. For example, you could create an article that explores how AI has impacted your industry, cover upcoming trends in sustainability within your niche, or create a listicle of your favorite apps for productivity.

Adapt existing work. Maybe you’ve written content for personal projects, academic assignments, or as part of previous jobs. Take these and adapt them into writing samples for your portfolio. Update and polish the content to make sure it meets professional standards and reflects your current writing skills.

Check out our list of 30-day writing challenges for more ideas that can help you create samples (and sharpen your writing skills).

3. Launch a blog

You can also take things a step further by launching a blog.

This is a great opportunity to showcase your knowledge and opinions about a topic you’d like to write about professionally. And for aspiring generalists, blogs provide a “playground” where you can write about whatever you want, in whatever format you choose — listicles, product reviews, etc.

Either way, a blog is a fantastic way to build your portfolio, and it’s easy to share with prospective clients. Plus, blogging can be profitable. If you get enough followers, you might consider monetizing your work through ads.

There are many affordable and easy-to-use website-building packages, so anyone can create a professional-looking blog. Here are some website builders and blog sites to check out:

  • Squarespace helps you build an attractive, modern portfolio.
  • is a free online portfolio builder specifically for writers.
  • Medium is a popular blogging platform built for writers.
  • Substack is a platform with free & paid subscription options for readers.

How to Become a Freelance Writer with No Experience (2)

Pro Tip

Aim to post a new piece to your blog consistently (e.g., once per week) to build a robust portfolio over time. This will also show prospective clients that you are committed to writing.

If starting a blog feels a bit daunting, you can publish writing on your LinkedIn or social media profile. Just ensure you post regularly — such as twice a week — to build a steady portfolio and demonstrate your dedication to writing.

4. Join freelancing platforms

Platforms such as Upwork, Fiverr, and are great places to get started as a freelance writer. They act like big pools of potential clients and jobs, making it easy to pitch for and find work.

How to Become a Freelance Writer with No Experience (3)

Pro Tip

We share tons more platforms in our list of places to find freelance writing jobs.

Many freelancing sites let you give and receive feedback, negotiate your rates, and dispute payment issues. Some also offer payment protection and handle contracts directly on the site. This can save you time drafting and chasing invoices. Plus, it helps you more easily build credibility as a freelancer who delivers work on time and to brief.

Additionally, some platforms offer premium options that let you see what other freelancers have charged for their work. This can give you an idea of how to price your writing — invaluable when you’re just starting. (Tip: It can be a good idea to quote slightly lower rates until you’ve built up a solid portfolio and completed a few freelance writing assignments.)

A word of warning: Be careful of very low-paying jobs on freelance writing platforms and gigs advertised by content mills. These generally mean you have to sacrifice the quality of your writing in order to produce a high volume of work.

How to set up your profile

Each platform will have its own system for registering as a freelancer. For example, Upwork requires you to go through an application process, with minimum experience requirements, to be approved. Fiverr and don’t require this, letting you quickly set up a profile in a matter of hours.

To get started on any freelance platform, you’ll typically need the following:

  • A profile picture. Choose a professional-looking photo that reflects your personality and approachability. A professional, corporate headshot isn’t necessary. Just ensure your photo has a neutral background, doesn’t include other people, and shows your face clearly (a photo from the waist or chest up is generally a good idea).
  • A resume/CV or LinkedIn profile. Upload your resume/CV or copy over information to your profile. Some platforms, including Upwork, let you connect with your LinkedIn profile to seamlessly upload your work history, experience, and other relevant information.
  • A portfolio. Add some of your samples to your profile — whether by uploading PDFs or Word documents or providing links to samples you’ve shared online, such as through your blog. Ensure any documents you upload are neatly formatted, with clear titles and headings, and free of grammar or spelling mistakes.
  • An introduction. Write a brief and engaging introduction that introduces yourself, highlights your experience, and explains why clients should choose you as their writer.
  • Your rates. Include the pay rates you’ve decided on. Upwork, for example, lets you create separate profiles for different types of work. For instance, if you want to create a generalist profile and an industry-specific one, you can set different rates and highlight different samples and experiences for each. (Tip: It’s common to negotiate rates for specific projects, so setting your rate a little higher to start is a good idea.)
  • Your availability. Have an idea of how much work you’ll be able to take on and make a note of upcoming holidays for at least the next three months. This sets clear expectations for prospective clients and helps you find work that aligns with your lifestyle. If you’re agreeing to work on a fixed-term project, make sure you communicate your availability for the entirety of it. Also, be sure to update your availability regularly.
  • Your contact info. Add a professional email or phone if the platform doesn’t offer in-built messaging. This makes it easy for clients to reach out to you with inquiries or project requests.

(Optional) Testimonials. If you have testimonials from previous clients, employers, or colleagues who can speak to your professional experience — and especially your writing or communication skills — these are great to add. As you build your freelance writing experience, request testimonials from clients and add these in, too.

How to Become a Freelance Writer with No Experience (4)

Pro Tip

Look at the top freelancers’ profiles and take notes — how do they present themselves? What are their rates? What do their clients like about them? This will give you ideas and insights on how to market yourself.

5. Network, network, network

According to some studies, up to 85% of jobs are filled through networking. Using your connections is just as important in the freelance writing world as any other.
Reaching out to any of your contacts who work as freelance writers is a great way to find new opportunities. A more experienced writer can point you to valuable resources they’ve used in the past and give you feedback on your portfolio. They may even pass clients off to you if they’ve got too much on their plate. Just be mindful of their time and resources — not everyone will be willing or able to share tips, and that’s okay.

Here are some additional ways to build a strong network and find work:

  • Use your existing network of contacts in your industry or related fields. Let them know about your freelance writing services. Referrals from people you know can be a great way to land your first clients.
  • Join online communities, forums, and social media groups relevant to your industry or niche. Participate in discussions, share valuable insights, and establish yourself as a knowledgeable resource. Freelance writing communities are also great places to get advice, learn about the mechanics of freelance writing, and connect with other writers.

How to Become a Freelance Writer with No Experience (5)

Pro Tip

In just a few minutes of Facebook, LinkedIn, X (Twitter), or Instagram searching, you'll find thousands of useful groups, job boards, connections, and resources. For example, follow profiles like FreelanceWritingJobs or hashtags like #freelancewriting on X (Twitter). Add some content marketers and writers to your social network and get a feel for the content they’re putting out. Then, if you see a post for work that you think would be a good fit, you can reach out.

  • Look for industry events, conferences, or networking meetups where you can meet potential clients (and other writers) face-to-face. Use these opportunities to network, exchange business cards, and discuss how your writing services can help their businesses succeed. Check out our guide to find events, conferences, and communities to start networking.

6. Cold pitch larger sites & startups

Another way to get started as a freelance writer is to reach out to organizations you’ve never worked with before and pitch your writing services, even when they aren’t advertising any freelance writing positions.

This is known as cold pitching. Although it might seem more intimidating than using a freelance marketplace, don't worry — you have nothing to lose if you’re turned down.

How to cold pitch

Cold pitching can be challenging, but with persistence, research, and a well-crafted pitch, you can successfully land exciting freelance writing gigs.

  • Find your target(s). Start by checking out Inc.’s 5000 list and Wellfound, and look for companies that align with your niche, expertise, and writing style. Make a list of all the platforms, publications, and websites you’d like to reach out to. Just check that they accept freelance submissions first!
  • Understand their needs. Study the content your target(s) publish, their audience, and tone. See if you can come up with an idea based on this — maybe there’s an obvious gap and opportunity to cover a specific topic that aligns with their content strategy.
  • Find the right contact. Look for the right person to reach out to — this could be an editor, content manager, or a specific department in the company. The company’s LinkedIn, website, or social media profiles can be an excellent way to find the right contact.
  • Craft your pitch. Write a personalized pitch highlighting your experience, expertise, and why you’re a good fit for the publication. Keep it concise, clear, and engaging. Mention any relevant samples of your work, and attach them to the email or link to your blog. Here’s a helpful resource on how to craft your cold pitch.
  • Create a strong subject line. You want to grab the company’s attention and clearly state the purpose of your email in your subject line. Still, be professional, keep it short, personalize where possible, highlight your value, and avoid spammy tactics. For example: “ Freelance Writer Available to Elevate Your Content Strategy.” If you’re targeting a particular niche, mention this in your subject line — e.g., “Freelance Writer with Tech Expertise Available to Elevate Your Content Strategy.”
  • Follow up. If you don’t hear back within a week or two, send a polite follow-up email. You might write something like this:

Dear [Name],

I hope you’re well. I wanted to follow up on the pitch I sent last week regarding [topic/idea/services].

If you’ve had a chance to review my proposal, I'd love to hear your thoughts or any feedback you may have.

Thank you for your time and consideration. Looking forward to potentially collaborating with you.

Best regards,

[Your Name]

How to Become a Freelance Writer with No Experience (6)

Pro Tip

Keep track of your pitches in a spreadsheet. Add company names, contact info, and pitch status. At a glance, you can see which pitches you’ve sent, if you’ve followed up, and the responses you’ve received.

7. Find a writing agency to support you

One of the most difficult parts of a freelance writing career is finding work. With an agency like Eleven, client outreach is largely handled for you. The only conversations you need to participate in are those related to the content you’ve been asked to write. You don’t have to waste valuable time bidding for work or pitching content ideas.

Another great thing about working through a writing agency is that you’ll collaborate with experienced editors who can help you improve your writing skills over time. Even if you’re confident in your ability to write a good essay, professional writing requires you to adapt to writing style guides, briefs, and specific formatting. Editors can help you get it right and provide valuable tips to fast-track your learning as you’re starting your freelance writing career.

How to Become a Freelance Writer with No Experience (7)

Pro Tip

When working with an agency, it’s a good idea to highlight your topic expertise (if you have any) in your application. Research the types of clients the agency works with, too. Your background just might be the perfect fit for one of their projects!

On the other hand, if you’re an aspiring generalist writer, make sure to share samples that showcase your variety and adaptability.

Final thoughts

Freelance writing is an exciting career with opportunities to write on various interesting topics or dive deep into your chosen niche. Thankfully, getting started with no writing experience is possible with some work and dedication.

Start by crafting sample pieces for a portfolio, consider launching a blog, and set up a profile on one of the many available freelancing platforms. Also, network with fellow writers, industry professionals, and company contacts. You’ll then be ready to start reaching out to clients, apply for writing jobs, and/or work with a writing agency that can support your career goals.

How to Become a Freelance Writer with No Experience (2024)


Can I do freelance writing with no experience? ›

It's not essential, though, and there are many great generalist writers out there. However, existing knowledge of a particular field can instill confidence in potential clients — meaning they're more willing to take a risk on a freelancer with little to no professional writing experience.

How to start freelance writing as a beginner? ›

How to start your freelance writing career in 6 easy steps
  1. Choose your freelance writing specialty. ...
  2. Set up a website or blog. ...
  3. Write great sample work. ...
  4. Pitch yourself everywhere. ...
  5. Check writing job boards. ...
  6. Collect testimonials from your clients.

How much do beginner freelance writers make? ›

For a general rule of thumb, according to research by We Are Indy, here's how much you can charge per word based on how much writing experience you have under your belt: Entry Level: $0.03 to $0.06 per word. Intermediate:$0.07 to $0.12 per word. Experienced: $0.13 to $0.20 per word.

Can you start freelancing with no experience? ›

Whether you're a seasoned professional or just starting your career, you can become a freelancer. Beginners can learn a skill and then take on smaller projects to build their portfolios. Many clients look to hire beginners because it fits their budget or they're willing to provide training.

Which content writing pays the most? ›

Freelance Writing Niches: 8 High-Paying Topics
  1. Finance / Personal Finance. If you can write about financial topics, well, this is where the money is. ...
  2. Cryptocurrency / Blockchain. ...
  3. Technology Writing. ...
  4. Digital Marketing. ...
  5. SaaS (Software-as-a-Service) ...
  6. Alternative Health / CBD Products. ...
  7. Education. ...
  8. Real Estate.
Jan 4, 2024

What is the easiest type of freelance writing? ›

The best entry-level freelance writing jobs for beginners
  1. Rewrite local small-business websites. ...
  2. Find abandoned business blogs. ...
  3. Write business emails. ...
  4. Create a newsletter or brochure. ...
  5. Report articles for local news media. ...
  6. Write for local magazines. ...
  7. Turn your former employer into a client. ...
  8. Write for local marketing agencies.

Can I make $1000 a month freelance writing? ›

If you're serious about making a career change, there's no faster way to make money online than freelance writing. The best part is that if you do it right, you can blow past the $1K a month mark in no time. Freelance writing offers much, much greater earning potential.

How do I start freelance writing as a side hustle? ›

How to Start a Freelance Writing Side Hustle
  1. Choose Your Niche. ...
  2. Do Your Research. ...
  3. Brush Up Your Skills. ...
  4. Update Your Résumé ...
  5. Write Some Samples. ...
  6. Produce a Portfolio. ...
  7. Promote Yourself. ...
  8. Don't Forget the Day Job.
Nov 22, 2023

What is an example of freelance writing? ›

There are a variety of types of writing for a freelance writer including academic writing, business writing, ghostwriting, marketing and sales copy writing, news writing, public relations writing, social commentary writing, and website writing.

How much do you charge for a 500 word article? ›

When determining how much to charge for a 500 word article, you should consider various factors: Experience: Beginners can charge between $3 to $25, while more experienced writers may charge $30 to $150 or even more, depending on their expertise and research level.

How much should I charge for a 1000 word article? ›

The low-end range for a 1000-word research article is $75, while an experienced writer may charge $250 or more. Blog. The low-end range for a 1000-word blog post is $50, while an experienced writer may charge closer to $300 or more.

How much to charge for white paper? ›

However, our research shows that in 2021 the “average” cost for a white paper is around $4,500. Writers with specific professional knowledge and experience more often charge from $5,500 to $7,000. From a budgeting perspective, you need to look to spend roughly $500 per page.

What is the easiest skill for freelancing? ›

Here are some essential freelance skills:
  • Communication Skills.
  • Time Management.
  • Technical Proficiency.
  • Adaptability.
  • Self-discipline and Motivation.
  • Business and Marketing Skills.
  • Problem-solving Abilities.
  • Networking Skills.
Feb 27, 2023

How do I get my first job as a freelancer? ›

Finding freelance jobs can go three ways: you contact a potential client directly to offer your services, a client reaches out to you to request your services, or you use a job board to find open listings. Using a job board to find freelance work is where things can get dicey.

Which freelancing work is best for beginners? ›

Freelance Jobs for Beginners
  1. Freelance Writer. With the expansion of the World Wide Web, opportunities for freelance writers have also grown exponentially. ...
  2. Blogger. ...
  3. Editor/Proofreader. ...
  4. Transcriptionist. ...
  5. Online Teacher. ...
  6. Graphic Designer. ...
  7. Virtual Assistant (VA) ...
  8. Photographer.
Dec 16, 2023

Can you be a freelance copywriter with no experience? ›

Pursuing a freelance copywriting career without formal experience is entirely possible if you possess the essential writing skills and a strong passion for the craft. A formal degree is not a prerequisite.

Is it hard to find work as a freelance writer? ›

It's highly competitive to get in at the great-paying magazines, or to land the lucrative copywriting gigs. Some clients are flaky and end up stiffing you. Some clients are boundary-pushers and want to suck up all your time. You'll need to find a way to differentiate your writing services and stand out from the crowd.

How can I become a content writer with no experience? ›

How to Become a Content Writer?
  1. Step 1: Create a Portfolio. ...
  2. Step 2: Begin Generating Social Proof. ...
  3. Step 3: Establish Authority by Blogging. ...
  4. Step 4: Develop a Pitch. ...
  5. Step 5: Start on Websites for Freelancers. ...
  6. Step 6: Create Your Linkedin Profile. ...
  7. Step 7: Apply to Firms That Have Openings.

Can you get a technical writing job with no experience? ›

To become a technical writer with no experience, you need to take courses and certifications to learn writing skills. Courses may be in-person or online, but they are necessary for someone who wants to build their experience.

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Author: Aracelis Kilback

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Views: 5577

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Reviews: 83% of readers found this page helpful

Author information

Name: Aracelis Kilback

Birthday: 1994-11-22

Address: Apt. 895 30151 Green Plain, Lake Mariela, RI 98141

Phone: +5992291857476

Job: Legal Officer

Hobby: LARPing, role-playing games, Slacklining, Reading, Inline skating, Brazilian jiu-jitsu, Dance

Introduction: My name is Aracelis Kilback, I am a nice, gentle, agreeable, joyous, attractive, combative, gifted person who loves writing and wants to share my knowledge and understanding with you.