How to Avoid Work-From-Home Job Scams | FlexJobs (2024)

How to Avoid Work-From-Home Job Scams | FlexJobs (1)

You’ve updated your resume, polished your LinkedIn profile, and practiced answers to common interview questions. You’re almost job search-ready. But before reviewing job listings and responding to recruiters, it’s vital to familiarize yourself with common job scams.

After all, the Better Business Bureau reports that an estimated 14 million job seekers are confronted with job scams annually. But arming yourself with information is one of the smartest ways to avoid work-from-home scams and land a legitimate remote job.


FlexJobs is the longtime leader in helping job seekers find the highest-quality remote, work-from-home, hybrid, and flexible jobs. You can sign up for premium-level access to our database of hand-screened job listings, as well as job search and career webinars, and many other great resources! Learn today how FlexJobs can empower your job search!

What Are Job Scams?

Before we jump in, let’s define the basics of a job scam. A job scam is a false work offer designed to mislead job seekers. Scammers seek personal information that you might be less protective of during a job search.

For example, you might have anticipated having to give a social security number (SSN) to a prospective employer, so you hand it over to a scammer. A request for your social security number would send up red flags during your daily tasks but seems less threatening in the middle of a job search.

Posing as recruiters and company representatives, job scams show up as fake job postings, mimicking reputable organizations or using fake company names that appear authentic until you start your research. Scammers sometimes add a layer of credibility by using stolen identities or compromised LinkedIn accounts to post fake job listings.

Recognizing these warning signs and taking protective measures, such as thoroughly researching companies and being aware of red flags before applying, is crucial to prevent yourself from falling victim to job scams.

10 Common Remote Job Scams

It’s no secret that the remote job market has evolved. Unfortunately, so have work-from-home job scams. Explore the most common ways scammers prey on hopeful job seekers.

1. LinkedIn Job Scams

It seems like you should be able to let your guard down on LinkedIn, as it’s a professional networking site. Unfortunately, that’s not the case. Even large sites like LinkedIn can be used by scammers. LinkedIn scams often involve fake job postings with enticing job offers and attractive salaries that lure unsuspecting job seekers in. Once scammers make contact, they request sensitive personal information, such as social security numbers or bank account details.

2. Indeed Job Scams

Job boards that aren’t vetted are fertile ground for scammers. Indeed scams are fake listings to coax personal details from you. If you realize something is too good to be true, you’ve protected your identity but wasted time and effort. Victims of Indeed scams might even participate in fake interviews, adding to the deception and potentially resulting in downloading a virus to your computer.

3. Social Media Job Scams

You might feel safer in your digital world on various social media platforms, but you should stay vigilant. Scammers use Facebook, LinkedIn, Twitter, and Instagram to create fake profiles, groups, or pages posing as employers or recruiters. Exercise caution if you explore jobs on social media. Watch for red flags, such as unsolicited contact from unknown recruitersand requests for sensitive personal or financial information.

4. Email Job Scams

Take time to thoroughly verify unsolicited job offers you receive via email—especially if they’re full of questionable promises. These emails often include dangerous links that have viruses or are part of phishing scams. Don’t give out sensitive information. Thoroughly research the company in a different tab, and don’t download anything or click on links. Instead, head to the company’s website and apply directly if you believe they’re offering legit online jobs.

5. Text Message and DM Job Scams

Unanticipated job pitches that slip into your direct messages or text inbox can be sophisticated scams artfully crafted to swipe your sensitive data. They may include a link to an application or a request for more information, but don’t fall prey. Do your due diligence by looking the company up on LinkedIn or looking through the list of employees on the website. Don’t hesitate to contact the company to verify whether or not you’ve been contacted by a real employee. Most of all, never give out personal information through texts or private messages.

6. Job Placement Job Scams

Scammers sometimes offer services to place you in nonexistent positions, usually for an upfront fee, leaving you jobless and out of cash at a time when you probably can’t afford it. Always research the company and never pay for job placement services. Trust your instincts and look for legitimate, reputable agencies with a track record of success.

7. Classified Ads Job Scams

Have you seen job openings posted on Craigslist and other classified ad sites? Con artists frequently use classified ads to advertise phony jobs, exploiting the limited verification processes inherent in these platforms. You’ll find postings for envelope-stuffing jobs from home, but more giant corporations generally utilize more formal recruiting avenues.

8. Recruiter Job Scams

Getting recruited without having to apply is a dream come true, right? After all, that eliminates half of the job search struggle. Knowing this, fake recruiter scams focus on snagging your information or money. Take a moment to fact-check a recruiter’s contact. Ask how they found you and what stood out. Take the time to verify who they are and how they reached out to you. Remember, legitimate recruiters won’t ask for sensitive data upfront.

9. Paying for Training Job Scams

A classic scam involves asking you to pay for mandatory training for a job that doesn’t exist. Scammers often offer a guaranteed job at the end of the training, but it’s all a ploy to take your money. Always research the company offering training and never pay for any training. Trust your instincts and remember that legitimate companies won’t ask for payment for mandatory training.

10. Government Job Scams

Scams involving supposed “government roles” target those seeking stable employment with seemingly authoritative organizations. Be wary of any job requiring payment for exams, certifications, or other fees. Legitimate government jobs will not require upfront payment and should be verified on official government websites.

For more details on common job scams, check out 16 Common Job Search Scams and How to Protect Yourself.

How to Know if a Job Is a Scam: 15 Signs of an Online Job Scam

It’s nearly impossible to list all the work-at-home scams at any given time. And unfortunately, there’s no master job scammer list or list of fake recruitment agencies. Instead of trying to memorize every new trick that pops up, familiarize yourself with common signs of an online job scam.

1.Asking for Personal Information (SSN)

An upfront request for sensitive personal information is a glaring warning sign. Legitimate job offers only require you to provide your social security number or other confidential data after formal offers are made and the onboarding process has begun. If a recruiter asks for this information upfront, tell them you don’t share it before onboarding. It’s unlikely you’ll hear from them again after they find out you aren’t easily scammed.

2. Asking for Financial Information

Legitimate employers don’t require your financial details during the application stage. Job offers that request credit card information or bank account numbers aren’t legitimate. If you’re working in an economics role, you might be required to complete a credit check, but this should occur in the final stages of the hiring process and is generally completed by a verifiable company separate from your prospective employer.

3. Chatting Through Messaging Systems

A legitimate employer will likely conduct interviews via video,like Zoom. Even if a recruiter initially makes contact via LinkedIn, your conversation should soon move to a more professional email format to start the official hiring process. If they insist on using messaging systems or unprofessional channels like WhatsApp or Telegram, it’s a signal that you need to move on.

4. Company Lacks Credibility

A sketchy online presence or lack thereof is reason for suspicion. If you need help finding information about the company online or their website looks unprofessional or incomplete, it’s likely a scam. Additionally, if they don’t have a physical address or phone number on their website, that’s a significant red flag.

5. Emails Come From Unofficial Domains

One of the quickest ways to spot a scammer is by looking at the email’s origin. Official communication should come from verified company emails, not a generic account. Look for some form of the recipient’s name and then a domain that matches the official company website.

6. Asking for Money for Training

Reputable employers will invest in your development, not charge you for it. If a job offer requires you to pay for training materials or courses, it’s likely an employment scam. If a company suggests that you need certification, such as a food handler’s permit or realtor’s license, it’s not immediately a red flag. You should, however, be able to verify the cost and requirements independently. If not, it’s likely a scam.

7. High Pay for Entry-Level Job

Outlandish salary promises for minimal qualifications are a classic bait-and-switch technique. If a job offer sounds too good to be true, it probably is. Always research the average salary for similar positions, and be wary of any significantly higher offers without a valid reason.

8.Grammatical Errors and Typos

A single misspelled word or an extra space isn’t cause for concern. But it’s time to step back and reconsider when a job description is filled with typos, incorrect verb tenses, and other glaring grammar errors. Professional listings are well-written and double-checked.

9.Vague Job Descriptions

Legitimate postings will have clear expectations and requirements. If the job description is vague and lacks details or responsibilities, it could be a sign of a scam. Scammers often try to appeal to as many people as possible with generic job descriptions to get personal information or payment from unsuspecting applicants.

10. Job Offer Without an Interview

It would be great to skip straight to the job offer. Actually, no, not really. The interview is a professional standard that allows you and the hiring manager to gauge how well your skills and interests align with the position. A job offer without an interview doesn’t align with standard hiring practices and should most likely be declined.

11. Easy Job Interview

A lackluster interview could mean the job needs to be more legitimate. A reputable company will take the time to interview candidates and understand their skills and qualifications thoroughly. If the interviewer seems uninterested or unprepared, it could be a sign that the job isn’t real.

12. Offered Job on the Spot

Tying into that tip, be wary of any impromptu job offers. Keep in mind that legitimate job openings likely have multiple candidates. Honest hiring managers want to review all of their options before deciding. As exciting as it may seem to receive an instant offer without going through the hiring process, be cautious and do some digging. Stick with reputable companies that follow standard hiring practices.

13. No Verifiable Address/Contact Information

Do you need help figuring out how to contact a company? Sure, in today’s world, many companies put more effort into their digital presence than their physical one, but even so, authentic companies have verifiable contact details available where clients and business partners can reach them.

14.Asks for Wire Transfers

No. Just no. No credible reason exists for a company to ask you to wire money or deposit a check. This is a common tactic used by scammers to steal personal information or money from unsuspecting job seekers. Never send money or accept money from a potential employer.

15.Too Good to Be True

If the opportunity seems unbelievable, trust your gut—it probably is. While high-paying jobs with minimal experience required do exist, any highly lucrative job posting requiring little to no effort is often too good to be true. Knowing your market value before you launch your job search ensures you can see the scams coming and block those emails before they go any further.

5 Ways to Research Employers

Now that you know what to watch for, you can confirm postings for legitimate online jobs.

1. Review the Company Website

A genuine business will have a substantial online footprint with precise details about its operations. Take advantage of the contact details and ask questions through email, phone, or online chat support. Check for reviews from previous employees or clients, and review the company’s LinkedIn profile to ensure it matches the website’s branding and tone. Look through some of the profiles for a few high-level employees—at least a few of them should have an active LinkedIn presence.

2. Browse Social Media

Legitimate companies maintain up-to-date social media profiles. Look closely at the posting dates and content. The posts could be a red flag if they’re impersonal or sporadic. Also, check for engagement from followers and employees. While legitimate companies generally have a presence on at least one or two social media platforms, the lack of a profile on a specific platform isn’t a cause for concern. For example, a children’s toy company might put their efforts into Facebook, rather than Twitter.

3. Research Company on Google

A quick internet search can uncover details concerning an employer’s reputation. Check for news articles, press releases, and customer reviews. You can also use tools like Google Maps to verify the company’s address if it has brick-and-mortar offices.

4. Read Employee Reviews

Platforms like Glassdoor and LinkedIn can offer firsthand perspectives from people who’ve worked at the company. Remember that one bad review isn’t a clear cause for concern. Instead, look for common themes and patterns across multiple reviews. Also, check the company’s responses to negative feedback.

5. Utilize Your Network

Put your network to use. Ask who might have experience with a company, either as an employee or customer. If you don’t have an extensive network, now is a great time to start building one. Reach out to alumni networks or industry groups. You can also use LinkedIn to connect with current or past employees and ask for their honest opinions and experiences.

Avoiding Work-From-Home Job Scams

Distinguishing reality from scams in the digital job market is vital. Without the ability to walk into a store or an office, you have to rely on other sources and clues to help you uncover red flags, employment scams, and hackers attempting to steal your information.

It’s unrealistic to think that job scammers will fade away, but you have ways to protect yourself with a safer job search. A reputable job site like FlexJobs can help you find legit online jobs faster, easier, and more safely. We prescreen every job and company before posting them to our site. Our trained research team weeds out the apparent scams and the more sophisticated ones, along with commission-only jobs, low-quality positions, “business opportunities,” and other junk, so our members are guaranteed a quality job search experience.

How to Avoid Work-From-Home Job Scams | FlexJobs (2024)


How can I work from home without being scammed? ›

If you're looking for an online job, follow these steps to avoid falling for a scam:
  1. Pay attention to the warning signs. Beware of listings offering large salaries for "easy" work, and stay away from messaging app interviews. ...
  2. Get as much information as possible. ...
  3. Protect your finances. ...
  4. Protect your identity.

How do I protect myself from job scams? ›

Keep private information private: Avoid job listings that ask you to share personal information or to send money. Scammers often ask for money to pay for running a credit check, setting up direct deposit, paying for training or purchasing equipment for work from home jobs. Don't give any money!

What are 3 things you can do to avoid online scams? ›

8 things you can do to avoid being scammed
  • Don't trust unexpected contact. ...
  • Do your research. ...
  • Resist demands to act quickly. ...
  • Keep your computer virus protection up to date. ...
  • Never open attachments or click on links in emails if words or images make you feel unsure about the sender.

How to avoid fake job postings? ›

Here are 5 tips to identify phishing scams:
  1. Be cautious of generic emails. Scammers try to cast a wide net by including little or no specific information. ...
  2. Incorrect domain names or email addresses. ...
  3. Offer of employment without physical interviews. ...
  4. Request for financial information or payments. ...
  5. The “perfect” job.

How can you tell if a work from home job is real? ›

How to tell if a work from home job is a scam
  1. The job is too good to be true.
  2. There is little information on the company.
  3. A second contact cannot confirm the legitimacy of the job offer .
  4. There are warnings online.
  5. The employer is overly eager to hire.
  6. You have to pay to work.
  7. The employer communicates poorly.
Jul 30, 2024

How do I not get scammed when looking for a remote job? ›

Before you accept a job offer:
  1. Look up the company online. Search the name of the employer plus words like “scam,” “review,” or “complaint.” What do others say? ...
  2. Don't share personal information. ...
  3. Don't pay for a job opportunity. ...
  4. Never trust a “cleared” check.
Sep 15, 2023

How do I outsmart an online scammer? ›

  1. Do not make any decisions in the moment. ...
  2. Hang up if you are feeling pressured. ...
  3. Do not share any personal or financial information (your social security number, checking account information, etc.). ...
  4. Ask for their name and the name of the business/organization. ...
  5. Ask for additional information to be mailed to you.

How to check if a job is legit? ›

Check the company's LinkedIn profile and job sites like Glassdoor to verify it's a real company. If the company has poor reviews from past employees (or doesn't have a Glassdoor profile at all), it's better to stay away.

How do I make sure I don't get scammed? ›

Never send money to someone you don't know or trust. And remember - your bank or the police will never ask for your PIN or password or ask you to transfer funds for fraud reasons. If anyone comes to your door, make sure you check their ID. Don't let anyone in if you don't want to.

What are 3 excuses a scammer uses? ›

Scammers often come up with various reasons, such as emergencies, medical expenses, or travel costs. Never send money to someone you've only met online.

How do you protect yourself from online scams? ›

There are a few general tips to protect yourself from becoming a victim of a scam. Never give out personal information. This can be used to steal your identity and access accounts. Always check the credentials of any company or legal professional you're unsure about.

How do I know if I am talking to a scammer? ›

You might be dealing with an online scammer if they request sensitive personal information, money, or insist on speaking on a chat app of their choice. You might be dealing with an online scammer if they request sensitive personal information, money, or insist on speaking on a chat app of their choice.

How to apply for jobs online without getting scammed? ›

How to Avoid Job Search Scams
  1. Research the Employer Online Before Applying. ...
  2. Verify Postings Found on Networking and Job Sites. ...
  3. Don't Provide Bank Account Information Until You're Hired. ...
  4. Confirm the Employer's Identity. ...
  5. Never Send Money to Anyone You Meet Online, Especially Via Wire Transfer.
Dec 7, 2023

Is Indeed safe to use? ›

Indeed seeks to use reasonable security measures to help protect against unauthorized access, disclosure, and destruction and accidental loss of Personal Data under Indeed's control, although no method of transmission over the Internet, or method of electronic storage, is 100% secure.

How to check if an interview is legit? ›

A fake interview process will often leave you with more questions than answers. If transparency is lacking, exercise extreme caution. Legitimate employers will be upfront about the job duties, salary, and benefits. They will also provide clear timelines for the hiring process and address any concerns you may have.

How can I make legit money working from home? ›

How To Make Money From Home
  1. Room Rentals. If you have a spare bedroom or basem*nt you rarely use, for example, you can rent it out on a platform, such as Airbnb or Vrbo. ...
  2. Online Tutoring. ...
  3. Virtual Assisting. ...
  4. Freelance Writing. ...
  5. Transcribing. ...
  6. Social Media Management. ...
  7. Online Surveys. ...
  8. In-Home Daycare.
Feb 19, 2024

Can your employer spy on you working from home? ›

Conclusion: Your Boss Can Legally Monitor Any Activity on a Work Computer or a Work Network. As you now know, your boss can monitor almost anything you do during the day - whether you're working remotely or have returned to the office.

Which site is real for work from home? ›

Indeed. Indeed is a vast job search engine that provides opportunities for individuals searching for work-from-home jobs in India. It also offers listings for international gigs, making it a top choice for people looking for remote work.

How can I make $1000 working from home? ›

Job ideas for how to make an extra $1000 a month
  1. Freelance writing.
  2. Virtual assistant.
  3. Online English tutor.
  4. Data entry.
  5. Proofreading.
  6. Blogging.
  7. Social media manager.
  8. Resume writer.
Apr 9, 2024

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Author: Edwin Metz

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Name: Edwin Metz

Birthday: 1997-04-16

Address: 51593 Leanne Light, Kuphalmouth, DE 50012-5183

Phone: +639107620957

Job: Corporate Banking Technician

Hobby: Reading, scrapbook, role-playing games, Fishing, Fishing, Scuba diving, Beekeeping

Introduction: My name is Edwin Metz, I am a fair, energetic, helpful, brave, outstanding, nice, helpful person who loves writing and wants to share my knowledge and understanding with you.