How To Avoid The Three Worst Blunders Entrepreneurs Make In Pitching Investors (2024)

Part of the series “Leading Entrepreneurial Success Today”

Know the fundamentals for pitching investors

Photo: iStock

Every once in a while, you meet someone who not only knows a tremendous amount about a critical business issue or topic, but also spends hundreds of hours each year sharing as openly and generously as possible what she knows, to help others. Judy Robinett is that kind of giver and expert—an entrepreneurial funding adviser who is also a passionate connector and high-level networker dedicated to helping women elevate their startups and get the funding and business support they need to thrive.

Robinett, dubbed “the woman with the Platinum Rolodex,” has been a CEO, angel investor, and adviser to venture capital firms and startup accelerators. Her first book, How To Be a Power Connector, helps readers leverage their networks into profitable opportunity builders. Her latest book out this month is Crack the Funding Code: How Investors Think and What They Need to Hear to Fund Your Startup.

Crack the Funding Code demystifies the world of angel investing, venture capital and corporate funding and lays out a strategic pathway for entrepreneurs to secure funding in the most effective way.

Here’s what Robinett shares:

Kathy Caprino: Judy, what are the top three mistakes or challenges you see new entrepreneurs experience in getting the funding they need for their new ventures?

Judy Robinett: Most entrepreneurs find the world of corporate investment difficult to understand, much less navigate. Even though corporate funding sources like angels, VCs, and family offices, are actively looking for great businesses in which to invest, they still fund only 1-3% of startupsin any given year. Not because the businesses aren’t solid, but because most entrepreneurs simply don’t know where to look for funding, or how to present their businesses in the best way.

I believe three things separate entrepreneurs whose ideas and businesses get funded from those who don’t.

Information: The number of funding sources is growing—today it includes venture capital firms (VCs), micro or seed-stage VCs, angel investors, super angels, angel syndicates, family offices, equity crowdfunding, online angel/investor “matchmaking” sites, P2P online platforms, grants to startups from corporations as well as state and local governments, accelerators, incubators, and even direct-to-investor blockchain-based fundraising.

Different categories of investors are active at different stages of the funding cycle, and they have specific requirements and guidelines for the kinds of businesses they sponsor. Entrepreneurs need to understand the differences between investors while being able to deliver the universal basics of a solid business plan, a great pitch, and a deal that works for all parties.

Access:The number one way investors find deals is through referrals from people they know, like, and trust. Unless you already know who your potential investors are (or you know someone who knows them), you’re unlikely to get a chance to tell them about your business.

My first book was all about the power of building a robust network, and that skill is even more important when it comes to accessing investor dollars. Your personal connections are the most valuable currency you can have. You need to build a quality network of business connections, and then use them to reach the investors you need.

Expertise:Very few entrepreneurs start a business because they are great at fundraising—or even that great at the mechanics of running a company. Most people start a business because they have an idea for a great product or service. However, without a strong business to offer that product or service, the idea will go nowhere—and without outside funding, the business usually will be doomed to stay small. That’s why smart entrepreneurs look for expertise to help them (1) build the business, (2) run the business, and (3) market the business to the right sources of funding to match its current needs.

I believe that great entrepreneurs should plan their outside funding campaign while they are building their businesses, so they can be more strategic and, ultimately, more effective in finding the funding they will need to grow.

Caprino: What should entrepreneurs do specifically to overcome those challenges?

Robinett: First is to educate themselves as to the process of funding. The great news is that there are lots of online resources that will help them understand who has money and what investors are looking for. Sites like GUST, the Angel Capital Association, the Angel Investor Forum, National Venture Capital Association, and many more, offer free educational material for entrepreneurs.

Entrepreneurs should start looking for potential funding resources early and often. Pick the brains of other entrepreneurs in your area or industry; find out where they went for funding, how successful they were, and (if they’ll tell you) how much equity in the company they had to give up in order to get the money.

I also recommend that entrepreneurs go to local “pitch” competitions to see other businesses that are looking for money and how they present themselves to potential investors.

Second, they should start building their network of potential investors as soon as they start writing a business plan. Almost every large city in the U.S. has some kind of angel investment group: check out their websites, see if you know any of the investors, and see if they’ll have lunch with you. Get used to talking to people about your business and letting them know you are looking for funding. Realize that anyone in your network—family and friends, professional connections—is a potential investor, or may lead you to a potential investor.

Third, they need to prepare themselves and their businesses thoroughly before they fundraise. Investors are going to expect to see a workable business plan, clear financials, and a great pitch that outlines the goal of the business, the composition and size of its target market, and how and when it will reach its financial goals.

Remember, investors are looking for an excuse to say “no” to your proposal, so you need to make sure every element of your proposal is clear, clean, and compelling. Be willing to invest as much time and resources into fundraising as you do into any other vital aspect of your business.

Caprino: In a Forbes interview I conducted some years ago with the then head of American Express OPEN Susan Sobbotton the key differences between men and women in entrepreneurship, she observed several critical differences in how women and men approached their ventures, including that women:

  • Were not as comfortable in their ability to scale and grow their business
  • Felt a lack of comfort in owning the "numbers"
  • Starting the business not as much for the purpose of "making great money" but more from doing work that matters to them
  • Feeling less comfortable in their ability to make it a great success

What have you found regarding the differences between women and men and funding?

Robinett: Unfortunately, women still have a long way to go when it comes to getting their share of funding. Even though in 2017 and 2018 women were starting more than 1,800 businesses every day on average, those seeking equity funding were turned down most of the time. According to Pitchbook (a company that tracks capital investment), in 2018 only 9.8% of VC transactions in the U.S. went to companies with a female founder on its team. Luckily, angel investors are somewhat more likely to fund female-led companies: The American Angel Association reports that in 2017 21% of companies that received angel funding had a female CEO.

However, there are a few bright spots. More women are becoming angel investors, and there are more and more angel groups, syndicates, and other investment consortia (Golden Seeds, Springboard Enterprises, Portfolia, Pipeline Angels, and Plum Alley, to name a few) that are focused on funding women-led businesses.

And crowdfunding is a place where being a woman is actually a benefit—recent academic studies indicate that women-led fundraising campaigns on Kickstarter were more likely to be funded because women were perceived as more “trustworthy.”

That said, women who are looking for funding should network actively and see if they can get in front of one of the women-supportive angel groups. In many other cases, they should realize that it’s likely they will be the only female in the room, and they will need to make a strong case for themselves and the opportunity their business represents.

They will need to demonstrate familiarity with their numbers, as well as immense certainty that the business will be successful. And it might not hurt to throw in the fact that companies with women on their executive teams are more profitable.

Caprino: What are thefive most important steps entrepreneurs should take to secure important funding?

Robinett: Here are the most critical steps:

#1. Create a plan for fundraising

Do your research on potential investors in your industry and area. Network—build strong connections that will help you reach the funders you need.

#2: Have a clear business plan and financials (P&L, balance sheet, and cash flow statement)

Put together a great pitch and practice, practice, practice.

#3: When you get in front of investors, realize that every “yes” was usually preceded by a lot of “no’s”

Ask for feedback from every investor so you can get better every time.

#4. Evaluate investors as thoroughly as they are evaluating you

You’re going to be spending years with these people, so you’d better know, like, and trust them.

#5: Before signing any deal, check it thoroughly

Make sure you’re comfortable with what you are giving in exchange for the funding you will receive.

Caprino: What's the one thing they should NEVER do?

Robinett: Take on the wrong investor or the wrong deal because they are desperate for cash. That’s why it’s critical to plan your fundraising as carefully as you plan your business.

Caprino: What about the fears so many entrepreneurs have about moving out of corporate life into entrepreneurship? What do you tell them?

Robinett: Nowadays entrepreneurship is easier than ever: what starts out as a side business can grow into a billion-dollar company if you have a great idea and a great plan to back it up.

There are multiple ways to test your idea and to test the appetite for investment—for example, crowdfunding is becoming a larger and larger avenue for companies to raise capital. Preparation is everything. The key to success is to research your market, test your product or service, go slow, come up with a great plan, research investors, and be realistic if not pessimistic in terms of how long you’ll need to get your business up and running.

Caprino: Any other final thoughts and suggestions?

Robinett: There’s nothing more exciting than landing your first customer or closing your first investor. But as any successful entrepreneur can tell you, that’s when the real work begins: fulfilling orders, expanding the business, meeting sales benchmarks, adding people to your team, and so on. The work ends only when you either close the business or (hopefully) sell it for a large profit so you can do it all again—and use the lessons you learned to be even more successful the next time.

For more information, visit

For hands-on coaching and consulting help from Kathy Caprino to build greater leadership and career success, visit and tune into her podcast Finding Brave.

Gallery: Six Startup Secrets From Ashton Kutcher And Guy Oseary

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How To Avoid The Three Worst Blunders Entrepreneurs Make In Pitching Investors (2024)


What are the three most important tips to remember when making a pitch to investors? ›

Here are the main criteria that investors will expect:
  • Your idea—no idea, no pitch, and another 'no' on your (probably) long list.
  • Your USP—unless you've invented something investors want to know how you're different.
  • Financial projections—DocSend research says granular data is a common demand today.

What are common mistakes entrepreneurs make when pitching their companies? ›

Here are 10 common mistakes entrepreneurs make when pitching to investors and how to correct them.
  • Not preparing an executive summary. ...
  • Not knowing the audience. ...
  • Not delivering the pitch. ...
  • Not knowing the competition. ...
  • Not controlling the meeting. ...
  • Not preparing a demo. ...
  • Not waiting to discuss valuation. ...
  • Not having an exit strategy.
Mar 16, 2023

How to pitch a company to investors? ›

What To Cover During Your Investor Pitch
  1. Start With Your Elevator Pitch. ...
  2. Tell A Compelling Story. ...
  3. Don't Leave Out The Details. ...
  4. Be Clear On How Much Investment You Need, And How You'll Use It. ...
  5. Go Big On The Market Potential. ...
  6. Accurately Describe The Competitive Landscape. ...
  7. Discuss Potential Risks To Your Business.
Nov 15, 2021

What not to include in a business pitch? ›

5 Things You Should Never Include in a Startup Pitch Deck
  • Too Much Text. Much like the guy who won't stop talking at that networking event, having too much text in a pitch deck will really put people off. ...
  • Too Many Slides. ...
  • No narrative or story. ...
  • No mention of your competitors. ...
  • Unrealistic claims and predictions.

What are the 3 things that are most important in pitching? ›

The three factors that are most important in pitching—velocity, command, and health—will be covered in this essay.

What are the 3 rules about a pitch? ›

Here are the three rules you need to know:
  • All good pitches have a hook that gets around a negative response.
  • Pitch each person when they are most likely to listen.
  • Don't pretend to be something you're not.
Nov 19, 2014

What do investors look for in a pitch deck? ›

Wrapping Up What Investors Want To See In Pitch Decks

These essential slides, including the problem, solution, market opportunity, traction, team, and funding ask, provide a strong foundation.

What should an investor pitch have? ›

Your pitch deck should include 10 elements: the problem, your solution, key product features, market fit, competitive landscape, revenue and operating models, your traction, your projections, your team, and your funding request.

What does pitching to investors mean? ›

Pitching in business refers to presenting business ideas to another party. For example, you may pitch your startup business to potential investors or your products to potential customers.

What are 5 key elements of a pitch? ›

5 key elements of the perfect sales P-I-T-C-H
  • P- Problem solver (Show how you have a solution that works) ...
  • I- Inspire an action (Have an end goal in mind that you're leading them to) ...
  • T- Tailor it to the audience. ...
  • C- Concise (be quick and to the point) ...
  • H- Heart (Be passionate!)

What makes a bad pitch? ›

A bad business pitch is one that does not convince the listener to invest in the product or idea being presented. This can be due to a number of factors, such as the pitch being too long, confusing, or boring.

What makes the perfect business pitch? ›

In this type of pitch, it's important to ensure that you convey just enough key information that will grab attention and make the investors want to learn more. A successful pitch involves knowing your products or services and target audience inside and out so that you'll have confidence when delivering the idea.

What are 3 things every investor should know? ›

Three Things Every Investor Should Know
  • There's No Such Thing as Average.
  • Volatility Is the Toll We Pay to Invest.
  • All About Time in the Market.
Nov 17, 2023

What 3 things should you consider when investing? ›

Understand risk, diversification, and asset allocation. Minimize investment costs. Learn classic strategies, be disciplined, and think like an owner or lender.

What are the two 2 most important factors investors look for in a pitch? ›

And finally, often the investors say, that two most critical things they are looking for in a pitch are (1) unique idea and (2) passionate and experienced team. All the rest can be supported and brought in by investor.

What 3 factors should you think about before investing? ›

To help better prepare you and potentially reduce your risk, here are some things to consider before investing.
  • Set clear financial goals. Before investing, consider creating a plan. ...
  • Review your timeframe and comfort with risk. ...
  • Research the market. ...
  • Check your emotions. ...
  • Consider where to invest your money.

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Name: Sen. Ignacio Ratke

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Introduction: My name is Sen. Ignacio Ratke, I am a adventurous, zealous, outstanding, agreeable, precious, excited, gifted person who loves writing and wants to share my knowledge and understanding with you.