How to Audition for Netflix without an Agent (LEGIT auditions) (2024)

How to Audition for Netflix Without an Agent (LEGIT Auditions)


By the end of this article, you'll know exactly how to audition for Netflix without an agent, plus specific, actionable steps you can take to start getting access to those auditions quickly. We'll cover:

  • Where to find legit Netflix casting calls online: A lot of auditions you'll find on Google are scams or fake. We'll cut through all the B.S. with direct links to real Netflix audition opportunities.
  • Other strategies to access Netflix auditions (especially for larger roles): Most Netflix casting calls you'll find online are for smaller roles, but there are a few special tricks you can use to find auditions for MAJOR acting roles on Netflix without an agent (seasoned, full-time working actors use these tricks when they are in-between agents and need to find Netflix auditions on their own)
  • How to be taken seriously by Netflix casting directors, even if you're new: Knowing where and how to access these auditions means nothing if your submission isn'ttaken seriously, so we'll wrap by covering some MUST's that will help you stand out from other actorsand get noticed by Netflix casting directors

No fluff in this guide, just real, actionable advice. Ready to get started auditioning for Netflix?

Free Resource: List of 76 Actor Types + How to Find Yours in 10 Minutes

How to Audition for Netflix without an Agent (LEGIT auditions) (1)

​Before we dive into the steps, there are three things to consider about auditioning for



  1. Netflix is very open to working with new actors.One of the great things about Netflix is their willingness to work with people who have unfamiliar names and faces (in other words, actors who arebrand new). This means most production companies working under Netflix are more open to casting actors with limited credits and experience (compared with production companies who work with major networks like Fox or HBO).
  2. Auditions for Netflix are not done in-house. They hire outside production companies who do the casting and shooting of their shows, which means there is no one you can go directly to at Netflix with questions about how to find auditions.Don't try emailing or calling them with questions about how to get in their shows; their customer service won't be able to help you.
  3. ​Netflix is a great place to work asan actor. Most actors who book jobs on Netflix shows are paid well and treated fairly, since almost all Netflix productions are done through SAG-AFTRA. This means you should definitely consider trying to get into some of their productions because Netflix is a great way to start growing your career!​

How to Audition for Netflix Without an Agent

So how do you audition for Netflix?

Well, the biggest issue is figuring out where to find casting calls for Netflix. Most websites don't publicly post Netflix auditions because Netflix' breakdowns are hidden on a website called

Breakdown Services, Ltc.

, which is only accessible to licensed agents and managers.

In other words, if you don't have an agent, you'll never get Netflix auditions.JUST KIDDING!

There are six ways to access Netflix auditions if you don't have an agent:

  1. Use LEGIT online casting websites.There are lots of scams and fake auditions online, but a few key websitesregularly post legitimate casting calls for Netflix shows.Although they're frequently for lower budget (i.e.less popular) shows, that shouldn't matter too much if you're still in the process of buildingyour resume and reel.Here are some web pages where you'llfind legitimate Netflix Auditions:
    1. Legit Netflix Auditions on "Backstage"–Legitimate auditions for smaller Netflix productions. Getbooked in one of these and you'll be able to much more easily get booked in a bigger Netflix production next time around!
    2. Legit Netflix Reality Show Auditions– Even though reality TV is not considered "straight" or "legit" acting, it's still a great way to get a Netflix credit on your resume (and make a lot of money to boot). This could be your ticket to much bigger Netflix acting work down the line!
    3. Additional Legit Netflix Auditions on "Backstage"– While this page doesn't have access to huge productions, many of these auditions are for smaller speaking roles and can be a great way to access auditions for real Netflix shows.
    4. Legit Netflix Auditions on "Project Casting"– Another online casting website that occasionally lists legitimate Netflix auditions. This has more auditions you probably won't find on Backstage.
    5. Legit Netflix Auditions on "Auditions Free"– Auditions Free is a website that sometimes has fake auditions, but if you comb through the fake scams, you'll occasionally find legitimate Netflix Auditions here.
    6. Legit Netflix Auditions on "Actor's Access" – Just visit theirL.A. or N.Y.C.casting callpages. You may have to scroll a bit because they list a wide array of auditions, but some of them are for Netflix.
  2. Get special access to MAJOR Netflix auditions (for larger roles).This advanced strategy is typically used by full-time working actors to generate consistent auditions when they are in-between agents.If you're willing to put in a bit of work, you can start gettingdirectly invited to audition for high-level Netflix productions, even if you don't have an extensive resume or reel.You'll connectwith casting directors who will directly invite you to audition for major Netflix projects they're working on. The nice thing about this method is thatyou'll have a leg up on allthe other actors auditioning because the casting director already knows you!
    1. Free Step-by-Step GuideExplaining this Strategy:Download the3Strategies to Get Casting Directors to Invite You to Netflix Auditions, which includesword-for-word emailtemplates and a tutorial on how to get almost any Netflix casting director to invite you to an audition.
  3. Network with people at events or by doing background work.You can go to film festivals, shows, showcases, industry expos, and other industry events to meet people. Find out whether they're involved in Netflix shows or ask if they know anyone who works with Netflix, such as casting directors, writers, or producers.Always have a specific list of people you'd like to meet (such as the main casting directors from Netflixfound at the bottom of this article). That way, as you speak with people, you can ask if they know anyone on your list.You can also use sites like4 Star CastingorCentral Castingto findbackground work on Netflix showsand then befriend people on set. Later, you can use those friendships to get offers for speaking roles.
  4. Volunteer:Many Netflix casting calls need readers for auditions. You can volunteer your time to read for free, whichcan be a great way to learn how the casting process works and make a good impression on the casting director. You can also volunteer for other events to meet people, such as assisting at Netflix film festivals, helping up-and-coming Netflix directors on set, and much more.
  5. Make sure your Special Skills are up to date in your online resumes.Did you know lots of casting directors search Actor's Access for actors with specific skillsets? If you can play piano, do an accent, or fight,make sure your skills are listed because occasionally you'll be called into Netflix auditionssimply because they found you via a keyword search of yourspecial skills. I recommend you check out myUltimate Guide to Acting Resume Special Skills.
  6. Make calls and get in directories.If you're based in a smaller city, it's actually not too difficult to get into a casting director's directory of actors they contact directly for auditions. Netflix sometimes utilizes small, independent casting offices when shooting on-location in small towns, so keeping top of mind with your local casting call office can sometimes get you a major opportunity.Just do a bit of googling to find your local casting offices and then send them your headshot, resume, and a few clips showing your acting ability.
    1. Related: What are Headshots?
  7. Sign with an agentand ask them to submit you directly.Notice this was not in the first six! I had to include it though because it's one of the best ways to start getting consistent auditions for major Netflix casting calls.Scroll down on this page to learn how to get a greatagent (even if you're still new and don't have credits/footage yet).

If you follow the above points consistently (especially #2 and #7), your chances of getting access to major Netflix auditions will skyrocket!

Want more actionable, step-by-step advice to quickly advance your acting career? Check out my book called my book called Get Caston Amazon.

Now that we've talked about how tofindNetflix casting calls, it's also important to cover how to actually get taken seriously by Netflix's casting directors.

How to be Taken Seriously for Netflix Auditions

​Here are a few things you can do to get casting directors to notice you and take your audition seriously, especially if you don't have a lot of credits yet:

  1. Build up at least 3-5 screen acting credits from indie productions.Not having any speaking credits on your resume for screen (short films, web series, etc.)will always make it more difficult to get called in for roles, especially high-level roles like those in Netflix shows. If you perform for free in some smaller productions like student films, those credits will grow over time, giving casting directors more reasons to trust you.
  2. Ensure your marketing materials are professional.You MUST have afantastic headshot (), professionally formatted resume (here are 3 free, professionalresume templates), and some sort offootage or reel showing your acting ability. Without those three primary marketing materials it will be more difficult for you to get invited to Netflix auditions (no matter how often you submit yourself). You should also consider putting together a website to showcase your work and make you look established, (although this is not a requirement).
  3. Submit a PROFESSIONAL self-tape for each audition. If your background is distracting or your sound is too echoey, casting directors won't take your submission seriously. I highly recommend buying a simple, collapsible 5x7 white backdropand very basic 2-point lighting kit. You can also use a simple smartphone tripodto hold your phone in place while you record. These basic pieces of equipment cost less than $100 altogether and willmake a HUGE difference in how seriously casting directors take your submissions and auditions.
    1. Note:In this video,I walk you through how to set up a professional self-tape studio. Ieven offer tips on how to get good-quality sound without needing to pay for an expensive microphone.
  4. Be hyper specific about the kinds of roles you're right for.This is WAY more important than most actors think. If you're clear on your Types, you're much more likely to find roles you have a shot at booking, and you're much more likely to stand out and be remembered by the casting director because you're just a "natural fit" for the character. It's also WAY easier to ask casting directors to invite you to major auditionssince they'll know how to "place you."

The 76 Actor Types
Find Your Types in Just 10 Minutes.

When you're clear onyour Types, EVERYTHING becomes easier. You'll bookhigher-paying jobs,get anagent/manager faster,startbuilding a followingand evenget called in out of the blueby casting directors who want YOU... over all other actors.

This free guide/tool shows you how to shortcut the process offinding your Types from

months tominutes.

​Here's what's included:

  • A little-known hack to use Google to help findyour Types FAST– this trick takes less than 10 minutes and will help you uncover EXACTLY how the industry sees you
  • An in-depth list of over 76 Types that casting directors are actively looking for, plus how to know which ones apply to you
  • The 2biggest mistakes actors make when discovering their Types, and how to avoid making them yourself

How to Audition for Netflix without an Agent (LEGIT auditions) (3)

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How to Audition for Netflix without an Agent (LEGIT auditions) (4)

​Imagine starting to get auditions for real, paid speaking rolesin just 5 days... without spending money on headshots, reel footage and never-ending workshops.

Kickstart Your Acting Careershows you how to start getting auditions for real, paid speaking roles so you can build your resume and reelas quickly aspossible.

​It's built specifically for actors who don't have connections, experience, credits, or footage yet.

  • You can take the coursefrom anywhere in the worldand at your own pace, since it's a pre-recorded program.
  • You'll receive each video lesson over 5 days, along with action steps to take for each lesson.
  • You'll get lifetime access, meaning if you can't watch the videos right away, you can come back anytime you want.

Kickstart Your Acting Careerboils everything you need to know down toJUSTthe 5 exact steps necessaryto start getting at least 1-2 auditions per week for legit, paid speaking roles in indie productions, so you can start building your resume as quickly as possible.

How to Audition for Netflix without an Agent (LEGIT auditions) (5)

Martin Bentsen (author of this guide)is an actor marketing coach who uses strategic thinking to help actors book more work. He’s helpedover 14,000 actors with their careers andactor headshotssince 2009 and his photography studioCity Headshotsis ranked #1 on Yelp. He’s spoken atNYU, The New England Theater Conference,The Actor’s Green Room, and other venues.

Want to book more acting work by thinkingstrategically? Start with his free

Actor’s Toolkit

to create new opportunities right away, or visit his website at


Additional Q&A

​​Which Netflix Shows are Currently Casting?

If you're looking how to audition for Netflix or where to find Netflix casting calls,

here are some Netflix shows that are currently casting


That link will take you to a website where you can submit yourself online!

Alternatively, you can check out

Casting About

, which provides in-depth, detailed, and up-to-date information on all current auditions for TV shows and streaming shows. It's an amazing resource!

In general, there is no one-size-fits-all approach. Netflix hires many production companies and each has a slightly different casting process, which means there is no one specific way to get audition opportunities. Netflix uses casting websites, agent submissions, social media, and even in-person meetings. Additionally, since Netflix rarely requires well-known actors for their projects, it means almost all actors have a fair shot at getting auditions with them!

​How Casting Directors Cast for Netflix Shows

​Most casting directors follow a straightforward process when casting:

  1. Ideally, they already know some actors:Most casting directors keep a rolodex of their favorite actors. If they know someone they like and think could be right for a certain role, they'll reach out directly andinvite the actor to audition. Usually they'll fill in about 10-20 slots out of their 30-40 available audition slotsin this fashion.
  2. Post the casting call:Next, they go online and post a breakdown, saying they’re looking for someone to play a specific role. They give some of the basics, including a physical description and general outline of the character’s personality so that applicants who aren’t a fit hopefully disqualify themselves before even submitting.
  3. Wait for responses:They can get 3,000-5,000submissions within the first few days of posting if they post the project onActor's Accessor another major online submissions website because so many actors are looking for work. If they just post toBreakdown Services(onlyagentscan access this), they'll still get 2,000-3,000 submissions.
  4. Narrow them down as fast as possible:They often ask their assistant to quickly sift through all the actors who submitted by looking at headshotsandresumesto narrow disqualify those who are unprofessional and do not have what they are looking for.
  5. Look at reels and cover letters of the top 100-200 people:The final 100-200 people they’re left with will typically have theircover lettersread (if they are shorter than 2-3 brief paragraphs), and they’ll have theirreelsand/or websites checked. At this point, the casting director wants to ensure that the actors they’re going to audition meet certain criteria, such as beinghighly talentedandhaving a brand that fits the characterthey’re auditioning for.
  6. Invite the top 50-100 actors to submit a self-tape:They'll now ask the actors to send footage in that will give them an idea of whether the actor is qualified to come in for an actual audition. After watching theseself-tapes, the top contenders are invited to fill in the remaining 10-20 audition slots.

​Who are the top Netflix casting directors?

Some of the top casting directors for Netflix include:

  • David Rapaport
  • Lyndsey Baldasare
  • Elizabeth Barnes
  • Jennifer Euston
  • Barbara Fiorentino
  • Allison Jones
  • Amber Horn
  • Lara Mayfield
  • ​Julie Schubert​

Want to connect with these casting directors and have them start inviting you to auditions most other actors don't even hear about?

Download my free step by step guide: 3Strategies to Get Casting Directors to Invite You to Netflix Auditions (includes word-for-word email templates and a tutorial on how to become friends with any Netflix casting director – even if you've never met).

​How to Audition for Netflix as a Kid?

Most of the information in this article still applies, except you have one major benefit going for you: Most casting directors don't expect your resume to have many credits. They also don't expect you to have much footage.

This means it's typically easier to get auditions for Netflix as a 12 or 13 year old (or younger). Once you start getting older than that, it becomes slowly more and more difficult.

Further Reading:

If you enjoyed this article about how to audition for Netflix, you might be interested in some of these:​

  • How to Become an Actor: The Ultimate Guide
  • How to Find Auditions: The Ultimate Guide
  • How to Prepare for an Audition: The Ultimate Guide
  • ​Commercial Headshots vs. Legit Headshots
  • Actor Unions: The Ultimate Guide

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How to Audition for Netflix without an Agent (LEGIT auditions) (2024)
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Name: Greg O'Connell

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Introduction: My name is Greg O'Connell, I am a delightful, colorful, talented, kind, lively, modern, tender person who loves writing and wants to share my knowledge and understanding with you.