How to Attract Money: 6 Ways to Manifest Wealth | Mind Power (2024)

Want to learn how to attract money? In this post, I’ll show you how to use your imagination, harness the power of beliefs, and program your subconscious mind to achieve financial success. I’ll teach you how to think successful thoughts and create a success vibration. Plus, I’ll share three key insights about your subconscious mind.

For each tip below, you will have a specific task and exercise to practice. This way, you will not just understand it intellectually, but you will feel the energy and vibration of money and abundance.

Ready to transform your financial future?

Let’s get started.

How to Attract Money: 6 Ways to Manifest Wealth | Mind Power (1)

Prefer to watch a video? Here’s John Kehoe sharing his thoughts and strategies on how to attract money. Below is the transcript if you prefer to read.

Table of Content

  1. 1. Build Your Desire for Financial Success
  2. 2. Harness the Power of Your Imagination
  3. 3. Create Empowering Beliefs
  4. 4. Imprint Powerful Beliefs Into the Subconscious
  5. 5. Think of Successful Thoughts
  6. 6. Harness the Powers of the Subconscious
  7. Conclusion

1. Build Your Desire for Financial Success

One of the most important principles you can understand about success is to build your desire for financial independence and success upon all the good it will bring to other people, not just to focus on yourself.

I have a saying, and that is my success helps many people, and my failure helps no one.

When you think about all the financial abundance that you’re going to create in your life, think about how it’s going to help your family, your community, and other people. You see, the subconscious resonates very powerfully with goals that align with our highest values. So, that’s the first point: build into your desire for success how it’s going to help others.

Financial success means different things to different people. Maybe for you, it means making millions of dollars, and building your small company into a medium-sized company or even a large company.

Or maybe you’re going through hard times right now, and financial success means finding a job and paying the bills.

It doesn’t matter why you want to attract money. What is important to understand is: whatever you put your mind to, you can achieve. Your mind is the key to your success.

How to Attract Money: 6 Ways to Manifest Wealth | Mind Power (2)

2. Harness the Power of Your Imagination

The second step to attracting money is harnessing the power of your imagination.

When the will and the imagination are opposed, the imagination always wins.

You might want to be successful and work really hard to be financially independent. But if in your mind, you see yourself being stuck, not getting ahead, or even worse, falling behind and getting deeper into debt, then you’re unlikely to succeed.

But when you can get your will and imagination working together, extraordinary things can happen.

Why Is Imagination So Powerful?

Very simple. Any thought that is repeated over and over again will take an imprint into the subconscious. Once it’s in the subconscious, it begins attracting to you the people, circ*mstances, and situations that match the images you have within.

Your mind thinks thoughts, but you control the mind. You must understand that you are not your mind. You are much greater and beyond your mind.

The mind is a storyteller. The mind has stories about every aspect of our lives, including our financial situation. If the stories are inspiring and encourage us to achieve success, this is wonderful. But often, our stories are limiting and hold us back, telling us defeated stories.

What you want to do is to strengthen and to get your imagination working for you.

Visualizing Success

Imagine exactly what it is that you want to happen to you. What does a financially successful life look like to you? How much money would you like to make in the next year or the next five years? Begin imagining that.

When you build up a vibration of success, focus on more than just financial success. Add other aspects of your life as well: your health, relationships, family, interesting trips, a fun and interesting life, and what about spirituality? Imagine having all the things you desire and living it in your imagination as if it’s really happening to you.

Often people say to me: “Well, John, I can’t do that because I don’t see how it’s going to happen. I don’t see how I’m going to attract money or have all these things.”

You see, that’s the problem. You don’t see it in your mind. You’re waiting to see things happen to you before you begin to imagine them. You have to imagine it first. Using your imagination is the most important practice that you can do to achieve success.

Now, Your Turn

Make a list of the five most important things that make up a successful life. Imagine it for five minutes, losing yourself in the image of it really happening to you, and all the things that are happening as a result.

How to Attract Money: 6 Ways to Manifest Wealth | Mind Power (3)

3. Create Empowering Beliefs

The third step in creating financial success for yourself is to create empowering, successful beliefs that resonate within you.

Being financially successful doesn’t happen magically. It happens because we make it happen, and it all starts with creating powerful, successful beliefs that resonate within us day and night.

No matter what your present situation is now, you can believe that you will succeed. You can create that belief within yourself because beliefs are choices. When you choose successful, empowering beliefs, they will work for you day and night.

Choosing beliefs is a skill set and something that we must do at each stage of our lives. We must examine the beliefs that we have. Are they serving us or are they not? If they are not powerful beliefs that serve us, then we have to change them. If they are limiting, we have to change them.

A Story About Belief

A few years ago, I was on tour with my business manager, and we rented a house for a short period. It was Easter, and I decided to hide several presents for her. When she woke up, I said, “I think the Easter bunny has been here.” She started looking and found three presents. Then we sat down for breakfast. During breakfast, I said, “Too bad you didn’t find the good ones.” She asked, “How many are there?” I said, “Ten.”

“Ten?” She said, “Well, forget breakfast,” and started searching all over the house. She found all ten. If I had not told her there were ten, she would have settled for the three and missed the most important ones, the best ones.

That’s exactly what’s happening in our lives. We’re missing opportunities. We think that what’s happening now in our lives is reality and all that we can expect. Just because you can’t see the opportunities doesn’t mean they aren’t there.

Don’t ever think to yourself that there are no opportunities. You can believe better than that. Create for yourself powerful beliefs. Believe that there are many opportunities for you to be successful. When you believe that, not hope or wish but believe it, they will start to reveal themselves to you. First you believe it then you see it.

The World Is Full of Opportunities

Every generation seems to think that the generation that came earlier had it easier. “Oh, if only I had invested in real estate 20 years ago, or been in the stock market 20 years ago, I’d be so much more successful, and all the good ideas have come and gone. There’s no way to make money nowadays.” If you believe this, it will hold you back.

I’m going to share with you an indisputable fact.

Some people are not born yet who will one day make great fortunes in real estate.

Some people are not born yet who will build companies that will employ thousands of employees and be incredibly successful.

Some people are not born yet who will be great filmmakers, great artists, social media stars, business leaders, social activists, and spiritual leaders who will transform society with their ideas and actions.

And they aren’t even born yet. Don’t you have a head start? There are many opportunities for you to be successful, but you have to believe it to activate it.

Now, Your Turn

Repeat for five minutes this affirmation: “There are many opportunities for me to be financially successful, and when I believe it, they will reveal themselves to me.” By saying this affirmation over and over again, it will remind you of the importance of beliefs and will prime the subconscious to begin to reveal these opportunities to you.

How to Attract Money: 6 Ways to Manifest Wealth | Mind Power (4)

4. Imprint Powerful Beliefs Into the Subconscious

The fourth step to attracting financial success is to imprint powerful beliefs into the subconscious.

I was living in a cabin in British Columbia with no running water, no electricity, and no means of getting ahead. But I was studying the powers of the mind and was convinced that the subconscious was the key to my success if only I could reach it.

I had yet to develop the Mind Power training, so all my knowledge was conceptual.

It was a great concept that our thoughts create and influence the reality that happens to us, but I couldn’t demonstrate it in my life. I wasn’t happy about this. I said to myself, “Either this works or it doesn’t, and if it works, I want to see it working in my life.”

So I invented a new technique called imprinting. I began to imprint into my mind that I have unlimited power at my disposal.

What Is Imprinting?

The imprinting technique uses a combination of affirmations and contemplations. It’s a hybrid technique. Sometimes I would affirm to myself over and over again that I have unlimited power at my disposal. I would do it for five minutes, just affirming over and over again, “I have unlimited power at my disposal.”

On other days, I would contemplate it. This was a really important part of the technique. I would contemplate that I have unlimited power at my disposal. When I contemplated it, I would think to myself, “Is this true? If it’s true, then how does it work?”

I would think, “Well, thoughts are real forces, and I get to choose my thoughts, so it does have unlimited power. Thoughts are vibrations of energy, and they interact with the energy web of all reality, attracting the people, circ*mstances, and events that match the images we have within because we are connected to everything.”

My understanding and study of quantum physics helped me understand the logic of it.

Every day, I would do the imprinting technique. I would either affirm to myself, “I have unlimited power at my disposal,” or I would contemplate it. Some days when I did this, I would come out of the exercise feeling inspired and enthused, feeling the truth of it. Other times, it was very cold and mechanical, almost like I was fooling myself and lying to myself.

But here’s the key: I did it every day, whether I felt like it or not. I was committed to this system of imprinting into my subconscious.

The Power of Imprinting

I’ll never forget one night. A couple of months after doing this technique every day, I woke up in the middle of the night with the flaming reality that I had unlimited power at my disposal. I knew it, I owned it, it was mine because it had been imprinted into the subconscious.

Within a year of doing this technique, I had created my Mind Power training and was touring the world teaching thousands of people this system. I had become financially successful just like you will become financially successful when you take on these practices.

You might say, “It sounds too simple and too easy. Does it really work? Can one really attract money?”

Let me ask you a question: What’s 6 times 6? Instantly, you know it’s 36. How about 8 times 10? Instantly, you know it’s 80. What about 9 times 9? Instantly, you know it’s 81.

How do you know that? How do you know it faster than you can punch it into your calculator?

You know it through numerous repetitions. Think back to when you were at school: one times seven is seven, two times seven is fourteen, three times seven is twenty-one. Through numerous repetitions, you have imprinted it into the subconscious, and now you own it. It’s yours, you never have to do it again.

Imagine what’s going to happen when you take this same technique, and add contemplation, and imprint powerful success beliefs directly into your subconscious. You’re going to have so much success with this.

Now, Your Turn

Your exercise for today is to imprint “I have unlimited power at my disposal.” Repeat this every day, for five minutes, and then write down all your insights.

How to Attract Money: 6 Ways to Manifest Wealth | Mind Power (5)

5. Think of Successful Thoughts

The fifth step to attracting money is to think successful thoughts.

Too often, we focus on what we don’t have in our life, totally forgetting all the things we do have. It has taken many successes for you to get where you are now. You have been remarkably successful in your life, even though you may currently have challenges.

Never forget the success you have achieved.

Acknowledge yourself for the successes you have achieved because acknowledging is a success vibration. And so is gratitude. When you can get into the habit of giving thanks for the simple, everyday pleasures of life, this creates a success vibration.

Every day, we have amazing little ordinary things that give us pleasure. It might be the sound of our children playing, a stimulating conversation with a friend, a movie you watch, or a book you read. These simple, everyday pleasures are sources of joy and momentary success in our lives.

Too often, we ignore them. We’re too busy or we’re focused on what isn’t happening to us. We have to change this because the power and magic of gratitude is that whatever you give thanks for, more will come to you. If you give thanks for your health, more health will come to you. If you give thanks for whatever money is coming in, more money will come. So give thanks for what you do have.

There’s an old saying that nothing succeeds like success, and it’s true. Success attracts more success. If you can get rid of fear, worry, and despair and replace them with success and gratitude, you can do anything.

Now, Your Turn

Make an acknowledgment list of at least 10 or 15 things that make you feel really good and successful about who and what you are.

These can be simple things like being a good driver, a conscientious parent or dressing smartly. Also, include in that list all the things you are grateful for in your life. Read this list daily and feel gratitude and success every day.

How to Attract Money: 6 Ways to Manifest Wealth | Mind Power (6)

6. Harness the Powers of the Subconscious

The sixth step to financial success is to harness the powers of the subconscious.

I once asked a friend what he knew about his subconscious, and his answer was very revealing. He said, “My relationship with my subconscious is much the same as my relationship with my liver. I know I have one, but I don’t really interact with it in any way.”

Most of us are aware that we have a subconscious, but we don’t know how to interact with it and, more importantly, how to get it working for us.

There are three interesting features I want you to know about the subconscious:

1. The Subconscious Is Real

It’s not a figment of our imagination. It’s not Santa Claus. It’s not some new-age concept. We have a second mind operating inside us right now that we’re consciously unaware of, and it’s having an impact on our lives.

The subconscious runs inner programs that interact with the energy web of all reality, attracting to us the people, circ*mstances, events, and synchronicities that match the images we have within. We have a real opportunity to work with our subconscious to get the things we desire in our lives.

2. You Reach the Subconscious Through Repetition

The subconscious is very receptive to instructions. Any image, request, or phrase that you repeat over and over again will take an imprint into the subconscious. It will then begin to attract all the things we’re projecting. It’s not magic. It works because we are connected to everything.

3. We Are Connected to Everything

It’s hard to understand this at first, but it matches perfectly with what religions have taught us for thousands of years. Religions have always taught us that we are all one and connected. This is exactly what quantum physics teaches us as well. We are all connected; we are all one.

Understanding this, it makes perfect sense why. When you instruct the subconscious through repetition and imprints it enters the subconscious, and then it attracts those things to you. It’s not magic. It’s the way things are supposed to work.

Unfortunately, we have never had the conscious and subconscious minds working together. This has to change and it will change as you begin working with your subconscious mind.


In this post, I have given you several techniques to help you be financially successful, but we’re just scratching the surface.

I would like to invite you to spend six weeks with me. I have created a six-week online program. In this program, each week I instruct you on exactly what you have to do to get the conscious and subconscious minds working together.

In the first week, we talk about the conscious mind. I show you how to get control of the conscious mind, how to weed out the negatives and I teach you powerful contemplation and concentration techniques. At the end of the session, I give you 15 to 20 minutes of exercises to do each day. The exercises in between the weekly sessions are the really important part. This is where you will be able to demonstrate for yourself how it works.

Each week builds on the one before it. In the second week, we create thought forms and learn how to imprint them into the subconscious to attract the things you want. You have all these ideas and things you want to happen to you, and I want to show you how to do them.

I would like to be your personal coach for six weeks, and give you a life changing experience.

Are you willing to spend 15 to 20 minutes doing exercises every day for six weeks to harness the powers of your subconscious? Are you that special type of person willing to do whatever is necessary to create your financial success?

If you are, register today.

How to Attract Money: 6 Ways to Manifest Wealth | Mind Power (2024)
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Name: Lilliana Bartoletti

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Introduction: My name is Lilliana Bartoletti, I am a adventurous, pleasant, shiny, beautiful, handsome, zealous, tasty person who loves writing and wants to share my knowledge and understanding with you.