How often should you rotate your encryption keys? (2024)

Last updated on Feb 29, 2024

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What are encryption keys?


Why rotate encryption keys?


How often to rotate encryption keys?


How to choose a rotation strategy?


How to implement key rotation?


Here’s what else to consider

Encryption keys are essential for protecting your data in the cloud, but they also need to be managed and rotated regularly to prevent unauthorized access, compromise, or loss. In this article, you will learn what encryption keys are, why they need to be rotated, how often you should do it, and what factors to consider when choosing a rotation strategy.

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  • Pushparaju Thangavel Senior Cloud Architect @AWS | Senior Leader Apprentice @University of Exeter

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  • Shivani Joshi Senior Cloud and DevOps Engineer @Autodesk | Ex-KPMG | Exceptional Performance Award-Autodesk | Super Employee…

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  • Wan Azlan Wan Mansor Cloud Architect at YTL Cement Group

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How often should you rotate your encryption keys? (8) How often should you rotate your encryption keys? (9) How often should you rotate your encryption keys? (10)

1 What are encryption keys?

Encryption keys are strings of bits that are used to encrypt and decrypt data in the cloud. They can be symmetric or asymmetric, depending on whether they use the same key for both operations or different keys for each. Encryption keys can be generated by software, hardware, or cloud service providers, and they can be stored in various locations, such as on-premise, in the cloud, or in a hybrid model.

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  • Wan Azlan Wan Mansor Cloud Architect at YTL Cement Group

    Encryption keys in the cloud are like secret codes that lock and unlock your data. Think of them as keys to a safe, only those with the right key can access the contents. Without the key, even if someone gains access to the data, it's just gibberish.


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  • Nurgul Ozturk 𝙳𝚎𝚟𝙾𝚙𝚜 𝙴𝚗𝚐𝚒𝚗𝚎𝚎𝚛 | 𝙲𝚕𝚘𝚞𝚍 𝙴𝚗𝚐𝚒𝚗𝚎𝚎𝚛 |

    To protect data in the cloud, encryption and decryption procedures require encryption keys. They serve as secret codes to convert plaintext into encrypted text and vice versa. They are produced using cryptographic methods. Encryption keys are essential for protecting private data in cloud computing settings, protecting data privacy, compliance, and security against unwanted access.Data integrity and security in the cloud depend on the effective administration and storage of encryption keys.


    How often should you rotate your encryption keys? (28) How often should you rotate your encryption keys? (29) 7

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  • Desmond Durrant PMP | CISSP | CCSE | CISO | CCIE | MCSA | MCSE AZ 300 | CKA | AZ 500 | AZ 301 | AZ 900 | AZ104

    An encryption key is a piece of data utilized in cryptography to transform plaintext into ciphertext (encryption) and vice versa (decryption). Its complexity defines the difficulty of the decryption process for unauthorized parties.There are two types of encryption keys: Symmetric, where the same key is used for encryption and decryption, offering high speed but potential vulnerability if the key is exposed; and Asymmetric, involving a pair of keys – a public key for encryption and a private key for decryption, providing enhanced security at the cost of computational efficiency.The strength of an encryption key is largely determined by its length, measured in bits. Longer keys offer greater security but require more processing power.


    How often should you rotate your encryption keys? (38) 2


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  • Arun Kumar Singh Cloud Enthusiastic|AWS solution architect Professional|AWS 3X|Azure 2X|Cloud Architecture|Cloud Talks

    The cloud provider generates, manages, and stores the keys used to encrypt and decrypt data. Bring Your Own Key (BYOK): The customer generates and manages encryption keys, but the cloud provider has access to the keys and can use them to encrypt and decrypt data.


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  • Abdulhamid Sonaike AWS Certified Developer Associate || Cloud Enthusiast

    Guarding your cloud data? Encryption keys are the secret passwords, like symmetric twins or asymmetric pairs, scrambling and uns scrambling information. Generate them yourself or rely on providers, storing them securely on-premise, in the cloud, or both!


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2 Why rotate encryption keys?

Rotating encryption keys periodically is an important security practice, as it limits the exposure of data to a single key and reduces the risk of data breaches or leaks. Additionally, it reduces the impact of key compromise, as the attacker would only have access to a subset of data encrypted with the old key. Moreover, it helps ensure compliance with regulations and standards that require key rotation, such as PCI DSS, HIPAA, or GDPR. Lastly, it prevents key degradation which occurs when keys are used too frequently or for too long, making them more vulnerable to attacks.

  • Pushparaju Thangavel Senior Cloud Architect @AWS | Senior Leader Apprentice @University of Exeter

    Rotating encryption keys in the cloud is a security best practice that helps mitigate the risk associated with potential key compromises or unauthorized access. Here are some reasons - Mitigating Compromise: Over time, the risk of a cryptographic key being compromised increases due to factors such as evolving attack techniques, vulnerabilities, or changes in personnel- Compliance Requirements: Many industry regulations and compliance standards mandate the regular rotation of encryption keys.- Protecting Against Threats: Even trusted insiders can pose a threat to security. Key rotation reduces the window of opportunity for malicious insiders to exploit encryption keys for unauthorized access or data theft.


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  • Akhilesh Mishra Senior DevOps Engineer| Medium writer with 8K followers | Mentor at Topmate | GCP | AWS | Terraform | Python | Kubernetes| Linux | Help people switch to DevOps

    In today's digital age, data is more precious than gold, and an army of hackers is constantly on the lookout for your digital treasure.We make every effort to keep hackers at bay by implementing multiple security measures. Additionally, we encrypt the data using encryption keys to render it unreadable.If encryption keys are left unattended for an extended period, there's a chance someone will eventually gain access to them or manage to break the encryption by running complex algorithms.To mitigate the risk of encryption keys falling into the wrong hands, it is highly recommended to rotate the keys frequently. Most compliance regulations mandate key rotation every 30, 60, or 90 days at most.


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  • Desmond Durrant PMP | CISSP | CCSE | CISO | CCIE | MCSA | MCSE AZ 300 | CKA | AZ 500 | AZ 301 | AZ 900 | AZ104

    The frequency of rotating encryption keys depends on various factors, including the type of data and its sensitivity.Key Rotation:Key rotation involves changing the encryption keys used to protect sensitive data. It’s a crucial practice to enhance security and mitigate risks.Here are some important considerations regarding key rotation:Key Management:Implement an external key manager to create, store, and rotate keys on certified devices. Avoid storing keys on the file system.Ensure that non-current keys are retired within a reasonable timeframe to avoid operational burdens.Re-encryption:Re-encryption is the process of re-encrypting existing data using a new key.It should occur once a new key is generated for specific application.


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  • Arun Kumar Singh Cloud Enthusiastic|AWS solution architect Professional|AWS 3X|Azure 2X|Cloud Architecture|Cloud Talks

    For symmetric encryption, periodically and automatically rotating keys is a recommended security practice. Some industry standards, such as Payment Card Industry Data Security Standard (PCI DSS), require the regular rotation of keys.


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  • Abdulhamid Sonaike AWS Certified Developer Associate || Cloud Enthusiast

    Keep your data safe by periodically changing its locks! Rotating encryption keys minimizes damage from breaches and complies with regulations, while also preventing your "digital locks" from wearing out and becoming easy to crack.


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3 How often to rotate encryption keys?

The frequency of rotating encryption keys is dependent on the type and sensitivity of data, the encryption algorithm and mode, the key length and strength, the storage location and method, the access control and audit policies, and the threat landscape and risk assessment. Generally, symmetric keys should be rotated more frequently than asymmetric keys as they are more prone to degradation and compromise. It is recommended to rotate encryption keys at least once a year, or more often if required by regulations or standards. Additionally, encryption keys should be rotated if there is suspicion or evidence of key compromise, loss, or theft; a change in personnel, roles, or permissions that affect key access or usage; or a change in the encryption algorithm, mode, or configuration that affects key performance or security.

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  • Shivani Joshi Senior Cloud and DevOps Engineer @Autodesk | Ex-KPMG | Exceptional Performance Award-Autodesk | Super Employee Award-KPMG |

    There isn't a universal solution. Implement a key rotation strategy that strikes a balance between security and usefulness for your organization after carefully evaluating your unique demands.For many firms, the normal duration is between six months and two years, which balances security and administrative complexity.


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  • Tobias Backes Google Cloud Solution Architect ☁️ | T-Systems Google Powerhouse 🚀 | Digital Enthusiast 💻💡

    There's no one-size-fits-all answer. Carefully assess your specific needs and implement a key rotation strategy that balances security and practicality for your organization.6 months to 2 years is a typical range for many organizations, balancing security and administrative burden.


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  • Desmond Durrant PMP | CISSP | CCSE | CISO | CCIE | MCSA | MCSE AZ 300 | CKA | AZ 500 | AZ 301 | AZ 900 | AZ104

    To meet various compliance requirements and reduce the risk of your most sensitive data getting compromised you may want to consider changing the encryption key used to protect this data. Thales refers to this changing of encryption keys as “Key rotation” or “Rekey”. Although encryption provides a high level of data security, it is possible that given enough time and resources, a skilled attacker could compromise an encryption key. The best way to limit the effect of this attack is to rotate the keys used to encrypt your data. Key rotation should be included as a regular part of key lifecycle management process.Important things to consider on the topic of key rotation areKey Management – not be a maintenance burden to operations team.


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  • Arun Kumar Singh Cloud Enthusiastic|AWS solution architect Professional|AWS 3X|Azure 2X|Cloud Architecture|Cloud Talks

    The rotation schedule can be based on either the key's age or the number or volume of messages encrypted with a key version. Some security regulations require periodic, automatic key rotation. Automatic key rotation at a defined period, such as every 90 days, increases security with minimal administrative complexity.


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  • Abdulhamid Sonaike AWS Certified Developer Associate || Cloud Enthusiast

    Guard your data like a prized secret! Rotate encryption keys based on sensitivity, algorithm, and risk, with symmetric keys needing more frequent changes. Aim for yearly cycles, but adjust for regulations or concerns. Remember, fresh locks are key to foiling breaches and keeping your sensitive information safe.


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4 How to choose a rotation strategy?

When choosing a rotation strategy for your encryption keys, you need to consider the balance between security benefits and operational costs. This includes the availability and reliability of your key management system and cloud service provider, as key rotation can cause downtime or errors if not done properly. Additionally, the compatibility and interoperability of your encryption keys and cloud applications should be taken into account, as key rotation can affect the functionality or performance of your cloud workloads. It's also important to consider the scalability and automation of your key rotation process, as it may become more complex and time-consuming as data and keys grow in volume and variety. Lastly, auditability and traceability of your key rotation process is essential, as it may require documentation and verification to ensure compliance and accountability.

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  • Abdulhamid Sonaike AWS Certified Developer Associate || Cloud Enthusiast

    Encryption keys, the guardians of your cloud data, need regular rotation - like changing locks - to minimize breach risk and comply with regulations. While frequency depends on data sensitivity, a yearly rotation is recommended, with adjustments based on specific needs and risks. Remember, secure data is happy data!


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  • Marcos Lanes IT Infrastructure Analyst | Cloud | AWS | Ansible | Docker | DevOps | Security

    The ideal frequency for rotating encryption keys depends on several factors, such as:Key type:Data-at-rest encryption keys: typically rotated every 3 to 5 years.Data-in-transit encryption keys: typically rotated every 1 to 2 years.Authentication encryption keys: typically rotated every 6 months to 1 year.Data sensitivity level:Highly sensitive data: requires more frequent rotation.Less sensitive data: may have less frequent rotation.Threats and risks:If there is a high risk of attack: rotation should be more frequent.If the risk of attack is low: rotation can be less frequent.


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  • Desmond Durrant PMP | CISSP | CCSE | CISO | CCIE | MCSA | MCSE AZ 300 | CKA | AZ 500 | AZ 301 | AZ 900 | AZ104

    Data encryption is a process converts or transforms information into scrambled data to hide data from malicious actors. The message is automatically unscrambled for the intended recipient of the message. Various encryption algorithms are mathematically based and generally involve complex calculations.There are several types of encryption modes, with each serving a particular purpose. The most well-known data encryption example of how your personal information is secured on Facebook or other social media sites. Other processes protect your cell phone password or hide credentials on a computer through PC or Mac keys.Encryption keys are an integral part of data encryption. They add a unique element to this conversion process.


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  • General recommendations for key rotation are:(1) NIST - The National Institute of Standards and Technology recommends rotating keys at least every year, with shorter intervals for highly sensitive data. (2) Cloud Providers - Many cloud providers offer automatic key rotation with customizable schedules such as 30 days, 45 days, 90 days, 365 days, etc., (3) Best practices - Many suggest it is best practice to rotate the keys every 3 - 6 months. especially for high-value data.


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  • ROHIT KUMAR MISHRA Lead Consultant - Genpact | Cloud Migration Engineer | 26x Multi-Cloud | 4x MCT

    Identify and understand any regulatory requirements or compliance standards applicable to your industry.Research and consider industry best practices. Perform a risk assessment to understand the potential impact of a key compromise. Assess the likelihood of a breach and the consequences.Consider the strength of the cryptographic algorithms used. Evaluate the operational impact of key rotation on systems and services.Establish clear organizational policies regarding key rotation. Regularly reassess your rotation strategy to adapt to evolving security threats, changes in regulations, and advancements in technology.Before implementing a rotation strategy, test and validate the process in a controlled environment.



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5 How to implement key rotation?

Implementing key rotation for your encryption keys requires careful planning and testing before executing. You should begin by identifying and inventorying your encryption keys and their attributes, such as type, length, algorithm, mode, location, storage, access, usage, and expiration. It is also important to define and document a key rotation policy and procedure that includes the frequency, triggers, roles, responsibilities, and steps of key rotation. After generating and distributing new encryption keys using a secure and random method and storing them in a safe location, you should encrypt your data with the new encryption keys and decrypt your data with the old ones. Finally, delete or archive the old encryption keys and update your key inventory and audit logs.

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  • Arun Kumar Singh Cloud Enthusiastic|AWS solution architect Professional|AWS 3X|Azure 2X|Cloud Architecture|Cloud Talks

    Each time you want to encrypt data in AWS, you first generate a unique data-key. You then encrypt your data with this key. This key is not the key that is rotated!Then you take this key, and you encrypt it with a key from KMS. Now if you want to decrypt this data, you must first get the decrypted data key, and to decrypt this data key, you will need the KMS key.


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  • Indrajeet Parmar

    Rotate for SecurityWhat: Digital guardians protecting sensitive data (passwords, finances, etc.)Why Rotate: Reduces risk if a key is compromisedHow Often:Data-at-rest: 3-5 yearsData-in-transit: 1-2 yearsHighly sensitive: More frequent (6 months)Choose Strategy:Time-based: Rotate after a set timeEvent-based: Rotate after specific eventsHybrid: Combine both for flexibilityImplement:Automated tools: Easiest optionManual rotation: Careful planning neededKey rotation is key to data security, but combine it with other practices for optimal protection.


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  • Nishanta Banik Experienced Cloud DevOps/SRE Professional | Driving Growth and Success

    To implement key rotation:Schedule Regular Rotation: Define a schedule to update keys.Generate New Keys: Create new keys before expiration.Update Applications: Update applications to use new keys.Test New Keys: Ensure new keys work properly.Deploy Changes: Deploy changes across systems.Monitor: Monitor key rotation process for errors.Document: Document key rotation procedures.Automate: Automate key rotation where possible.Audit: Regularly audit key rotation process.Train Staff: Train staff on key rotation procedures.


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  • ROHIT KUMAR MISHRA Lead Consultant - Genpact | Cloud Migration Engineer | 26x Multi-Cloud | 4x MCT

    Establish a clear key rotation policy that outlines the frequency of key rotation, the types of keys to be rotated & the procedures to be followed.Plan the key rotation process carefully, considering potential impacts on systems and services. Communicate the key rotation plan to relevant stakeholders, including system administrators, developers, and security teams.Ensure that systems are prepared for key rotation. Initiate the key rotation process. This involves replacing the old keys with the new ones in a controlled and secure manner. Use the key management system to facilitate the rotation process.Update applications & systems to use the new keys. Conduct thorough testing to validate that the new keys are functioning as expected.



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  • Preparation:Identify and inventory encryption keys, noting key attributes.Policy and Procedure:Define key rotation policy with frequency, triggers, roles, and steps.Generate New Keys:Securely generate and distribute new keys; store them safely.Encrypt with New, Decrypt with Old:Ensure data accessibility by encrypting with new keys and decrypting with old ones.Key Management:Delete/archieve old keys, update inventory, and maintain detailed audit logs.

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6 Here’s what else to consider

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  • Nagaraj (Raj) Malkar Cloud engineering | Devops | Architect | Passion for enterprise transformation | SMU Cox MBA

    Documentation of key rotation policies is one critical step which needs to be considered and enforced akin to certificate upgrades. This should be mandated and strictly enforced based on security posture and operational overheads.


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  • Nishanta Banik Experienced Cloud DevOps/SRE Professional | Driving Growth and Success

    Best practices for Implement Key Rotation:Automate Rotation: Use tools like AWS KMS to automate key rotation.Schedule Regular Rotation: Set up schedules for key rotation.Track Key Lifecycle: Monitor key usage and expiration dates.Access Controls: Restrict access to key rotation operations.Audit Logs: Maintain audit logs for key rotation activities.Testing: Test key rotation processes regularly.Documentation: Document key rotation procedures and policies.Training: Train personnel on key rotation best practices.Encryption: Ensure data encryption during key rotation.Compliance: Align key rotation practices with compliance standards.

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How often should you rotate your encryption keys? (2024)


How often should you rotate your encryption keys? ›

It is recommended to rotate encryption keys at least once a year, or more often if required by regulations or standards.

How often should you rotate encryption keys? ›

Automatic key rotation at a defined period, such as every 90 days, increases security with minimal administrative complexity. You should also manually rotate a key if you suspect that it has been compromised, or when security guidelines require you to migrate an application to a stronger key algorithm.

How often does Azure rotate encryption keys? ›

You can set a rotation policy to configure rotation for each individual key and optionally rotate keys on demand. Our recommendation is to rotate encryption keys at least every two years to meet cryptographic best practices.

How often should signing keys be rotated? ›

M3AAWG's recommendation for most senders is to rotate keys every 6 months as a best practice. Lower-risk senders (i.e. low volume, infrequent senders, local and regional brands) should rotate keys at least once per year if every 6 months is not achievable.

What is key rotation in encryption? ›

Definitions: Changing the key, i.e., replacing it by a new key. The places that use the key or keys derived from it (e.g., authorized keys derived from an identity key, legitimate copies of the identity key, or certificates granted for a key) typically need to be correspondingly updated.

How often should access keys be rotated? ›

Engineers must rotate their access keys and AWS management console password every 90 days.

How often should passwords be rotated? ›

If a password is compromised, its effectiveness diminishes over time due to rotation. Reducing Exposure: Static, unchanged passwords provide a larger opportunity for unauthorized access. Rotating passwords on a frequent schedule, e.g., every 30-90 days, helps limit this exposure.

How often should I rotate API keys? ›

As a best practice, you should rotate API keys at least every 90 days. If you have a strong automated process for rotating keys, you could rotate much more often than that.

What is the best practice for key rotation? ›

The best practice is to rotate your keys regularly. Choose a rotation interval between one and 12 months for your root key based on your security needs. After you set a rotation policy for a root key, the clock starts immediately based on the initial creation date for the key.

How often should you rotate SSH keys? ›

Rotate keys: Companies should establish a regular schedule for rotating SSH keys to limit the exposure time if a key is compromised. This can be done on a quarterly or yearly basis, depending on the organization's security requirements.

How often should you rotate your DKIM keys? ›

DKIM keys should be rotated at least every six months. Doing so reduces the risk of active keys being compromised, either by attackers cracking or stealing them. Frequent rotations also standardize the rotation process.

What is the risk of not rotating encryption keys? ›

Rotating encryption keys periodically is an important security practice, as it limits the exposure of data to a single key and reduces the risk of data breaches or leaks. Additionally, it reduces the impact of key compromise, as the attacker would only have access to a subset of data encrypted with the old key.

Why rotate signing keys? ›

Key rotation is an indispensable practice of data security that involves regularly changing cryptographic keys used for encryption and decryption of data. By enforcing a limited amount of data to be encrypted with the same key, rotating cryptographic keys reduces consequences from the same key being compromised.

When should vault keys be rotated? ›

To configure rotation you can use key rotation policy, which can be defined on each individual key. Our recommendation is to rotate encryption keys at least every two years to meet cryptographic best practices.

How often are encryption keys automatically rotated by Snowflake? ›

Encryption key rotation

All Snowflake-managed keys are automatically rotated by Snowflake when they are more than 30 days old. Active keys are retired, and new keys are created.

What is network key rotation interval? ›

Group Key Rotation Interval (a.k.a. Key Rotation) is a WPA security feature that automatically refreshes (renews) the encryption key to prevent "guessing". The default value is 3600 seconds (1 hour) and generally the ideal interval.

How often are SSH keys rotated? ›

Rotate keys: Companies should establish a regular schedule for rotating SSH keys to limit the exposure time if a key is compromised. This can be done on a quarterly or yearly basis, depending on the organization's security requirements.

When should cryptographic keys be changed? ›

The occasional need to change a key state based on unexpected circ*mstances
  1. Whether the key or associated data or encrypted key is suspected of compromise.
  2. Change in vendor support of product or need to replace product.
  3. Technological advances that make it possible to attack where it was previously infeasible.

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Author: Gregorio Kreiger

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Name: Gregorio Kreiger

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Introduction: My name is Gregorio Kreiger, I am a tender, brainy, enthusiastic, combative, agreeable, gentle, gentle person who loves writing and wants to share my knowledge and understanding with you.