How Much Should I Spend On Insurance Per Month? (2024)

In Singapore, we all know that simply relying on government initiatives such as MedishieldLife or Dependent Protection Schemes to fully cover their insurance needs is just not enough. This is why many people take onadditional private insurance policies.

If you are thinking of how much will you need to spend to getadequate insurance coverage in general, we will suggest to keep it between a low budget of 3% to a high 10% of your monthly income depending on your financial circ*mstances and your preferred product mix.

For example, it is impossible toonly budget 4% of your income on a $1,000,000 whole life insurance coverage at 35 years old if you are only earning $2,500 per month. Instead, you should considergetting aterm life insurance.

Other factors, including your personal financial situation, the type of insurance you need, and the level of coverage you require. Here are a 4 types of essential life insurance coverage you will need for consideration

This article is for general information only it is not an advise nor does it take into account the specific investment objectives, financial situation or needs of any particular person. Read ourGeneral Disclaimer

The4 types ofcoverage you need

  • Private Hospitalisation Coverage
  • Death Coverage
  • Disability Coverage
  • Critical Illness Coverage

1. Private HospitalisationCoverage

It is a well-known fact that the cost of hospitalisation in Singapore isn’t cheap and regardless of the fact that every Singaporean and PR are covered by medishield life, it has been acknowledged that simply relying on it is not exactlygoing to get you comprehensive healthcare protection. For example, medishield life does not provide pre and post hospitalisation treatment and there is a cap to how much you can claim on each surgery or per day stay in the hospital.

To avoid being stuck with an unexpected financial burden, private hospitalisation insurance also known as “integrated shield plans” should be the first insurance policy you should purchase. It is good to know that those with Medisaveare able to use it to fund their integrated shield plan to cover for the majority of their hospitalisation bills, and when purchased with the necessary riders (payable by cash) will help foot up to 95% of hospital bills depending on the planthey chose and the type of hospital they want to be treated at.

Premiumin cash for the upgraded hospitalisation plan should cost anywhere between$20 to $100per month if you are 35 years old depending on your ward and hospital preference.

2.Death Coverage

According to Life Insurance Association Singapore,you should aim to have approximately 11 times your annual earnings for death cover. While this figure varies from person to person, a morerealistic measure will be to factor in youroutstanding mortgage liabilities plus the total monthly expenses you are contributing to your family until your youngest child reaches 30 years old.

So for example, ifyou have a 5 years old child, a 300,000 mortgage liability and your total family expenditure is $3000 per mth, you will need:

300,000 + (3000 x 12 x 25) = $1,200,000 Death Coverage.

So what if you are single or have no dependents and/or have no mortgages to pay for? Unless you have the intention to take on these commitments in the future, it is unlikelyyou will require any death coverage for now.

However, it is never too early to start planning if you have the means, moreover the younger you start, the cheaper your premium will be and the higher the chance of getting favourable coverage conditions. For a 35 years old male, a death and disability term insurance coverage of 1,000,000 till the age of 65 should not cost you more than $100/mth.

3.Disability Coverage

Being disabled may result in your inability to earn an incometo sustain the financial needs of your family and your own. Unless you wish to be a financial burden to your whole family, disability coverage is a must.

The coverage for total and permanent disability (TPD) should ideally be higher than your death coverage. This is because, on top of your dependents’ expenses, you have tofactor in your own as well. We highly suggest you add on a disability income insurance should there be any unforeseen circ*mstances during your disability, such as, when your condition does not warrant you to receive a permanent disability pay-out.

Here is why you should consider disability income insurance.

The criteria for total and permanent disabilityis extremely stringent, not only must you be totally disabled, the condition must be able to last through six months in order for you to make a claim.

In contrast, the disability income plan provides monthly income payout right after a 2/3 months waiting period should the insured be unable to carry out specific duty withinhis/herown occupation, a more lenient definition as opposed to being totally unable to work in anyoccupation (as defined under total and permanent disability) to make a claim. The recommended sum assured for disability income insurance will be the monthly expenses incurred for your household and your own basic expenditures.

With Disability income insurance, you will typically receive:

  • monthly payouts if you are unable to work, usually up to 75% of your existing income until you make a full recovery or when you reach 65 years old.

  • Top-ups on your lowered income if you can eventually resume working yet find a job that pays less than the monthlyincome you used to earn before disability

  • reimbursem*nt for your rehabilitation costs for each disability

  • lump sum payout in the event of catastrophic disability or in the event of death.

Premium for disability income @ $5000/mth for Age 35 Male Non-Smokershould typically costno more than $100/mth

4. Critical Illness Coverage

A common question for critical illness coverage insurance is ifyou have a hospitalisation policy in place, doyou still need one? Simply put it, a hospitalization plan covers your bill while a critical illness insurance plan provides you with a lump sum payout, giving you the time and money to seek treatments not covered by a typical integrated shield plan and spend whatever remaining time you have with your loved ones.

There is a good 30 – 40% chance that one will be diagnosed with a critical illness condition while they are still working, thus the probability to claim is high. Many sources indicate cancer cases rising sharply in Singapore in the last few years, but the good news is that thesurvivor rate is up.Also statistically, the5-year survival rateof women with stage 0 or stage 1 cancer in US is close to 100%. This is where early CI/CI insurance becomes important.

We suggest at least one year of income to be paid out in advance for early-stage critical illness diagnosis and three to four years of income for late-stage critical illness diagnosis. The purpose of the payout is to tide over income losses during this period while not draining all your life’s savings as you recuperate.

Thus, if you earn $6,000 per month. You can consider a minimum coverage of $72,000 for early stage critical illness and $216,000 to be paid out in the event of a late-stage critical illness diagnosis.

The total cost fora 35 years old Male Non-Smoker to be covered forhis early and late stage critical illness coverage should notcost more than $100/mth

Read: Critical Illness Vs Early-Stage Critical Illness Insurance- Do You Need Both?

How Much to Spend on Insurance?

Following our observation, you can see that your coverage requirement is dependent on your monthly expenditure on your family and yourself. As such,the more your financial commitments, the higher the cost of insurance.

For an ideal coverage scenario, let’s use Paul, 35 Male Non-smoker, as an example. Paul is the sole breadwinner of the family earning $6,000 per month with the following expenses and liabilities.

  • Mortgage Liability – $300,000
  • Monthly Expense on Self – $1,000/mth
  • Monthly Expenses on Family – $2,500/mth
  • 2 children with the youngest being 5 years of age.
The breakdown

Hospital CoveragePrivate Ward ($60/mth cash)

Death & Total Permanent Disability Coverage – ([$2,500 x 12 x 25] + 300,000) = $1,050,000(Premium $80/mth)

Disability Income – $2,500 + $1,000 = $3,500/mth(Premium $50/mth)

Early Stage Critical Illness – $6,000 x 12 = $72,000 (Premium $40/mth)

Late Stage Critical Illness– $6,000 x 36 = $216,000 (Premium $40/mth)

Total Monthly insurance cost for Paul (60 + 80 + 50 + 40 + 40) = $270/mth

Percentage of income spent on insurance = 4.5% permonth

As you can see from this example, Paul spends around 5% of his income to provide peace of mind for his whole family during his productive years. We can say that it is perhaps fair for a typical person who is the breadwinner of the family to spend about 5 %- 10% of their income on insurance, the figure wholely depends on your age and the financial situation of your family. Those who do not have dependents or have a dual income family may be able to spend less, but to optimise your spending on insurance, it is always best to speak to a qualified financial consultant to work out your needs and affordability.

OR you have a budget in mind?


  • The older you are, the higher will be the premiums you need to pay.
  • Any health condition(s) you have at the time of your insurance application may be excluded, which means that the policy will not pay on your claim related to the health condition(s).

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How Much Should I Spend On Insurance Per Month? (2024)


How much does the average person spend on health insurance per month? ›

The average national monthly health insurance cost for one person on an Affordable Care Act (ACA) plan without premium tax credits in 2024 is $477.

How much should you budget monthly to cover your insurance? ›

Take your average annual healthcare cost, plus any additional expenses you anticipate, and divide by 12 for an amount to budget per month. If it seems high, you may need to cut back in other areas or consider how you could earn additional income to make sure you won't overspend.”

Is $200 a month good for insurance? ›

If paid on a monthly basis, $200 is around the average for full-coverage car insurance. The national average costs for car insurance are $223 per month for a full-coverage auto insurance policy. If you're looking for minimum coverage, $72 per month is the national average.

How much of your monthly income should go to health insurance? ›

A good rule of thumb for how much you spend on health insurance is 10% of your annual income. However, there are many factors to consider when deciding how much to spend on health insurance, including your income, age, health status, and eligibility restrictions.

Is $200 a month expensive for health insurance? ›

Is $200 a month a lot for health insurance? The value of $200 per month for health insurance can vary based on individual needs and location. For some, especially those with employer-sponsored coverage or receiving subsidies under the ACA, $200 might seem high.

Is health insurance worth it? ›

Financial benefits of health insurance

Without health insurance, we are responsible for covering all of our medical costs, putting us at severe financial risk. For example, a broken leg resulting from an unexpected fall can cost nearly $8,000 in health care expenses.

What is the 50 20 30 rule? ›

The 50-30-20 rule recommends putting 50% of your money toward needs, 30% toward wants, and 20% toward savings.

How do I calculate how much insurance I need? ›

What is the rule of thumb for calculating life insurance? Multiplying your income by 10 is a good place to begin calculating your life insurance needs, though this rule of thumb doesn't work for everyone. Consult a financial advisor if you want help determining how much life insurance coverage you need.

What is a reasonable monthly budget? ›

Allow up to 50% of your income for needs, including debt minimums. Leave 30% of your income for wants. Commit 20% of your income to savings and debt repayment beyond minimums. Track and manage your budget through regular check-ins.

Who typically has the cheapest insurance? ›

USAA, Nationwide, Travelers, Erie, Geico and Progressive are the cheapest car insurance companies nationwide, according to our analysis.

Who has the cheapest full coverage? ›

The cheapest best full coverage car insurance companies
  • American Family: $1,279 per year.
  • Amica: $2,281 per year.
  • Auto-Owners: $1,420 per year.
  • Geico: $1,306 per year.
  • NJM: $1,490 per year.
  • Shelter: $1,569 per year.
  • State Farm: $2,006 per year.
  • Travelers: $1,405 per year.
Jun 27, 2024

What state has the worst insurance rates? ›

Louisiana is the most expensive state for car insurance with average auto insurance premium of $2,883 annually. Maine's average insurance premium for full coverage is $1,175 annually, making this the cheapest state for car insurance in 2024.

How much should I be spending on health insurance? ›

Average annual health insurance premiums in 2023 are $8,435 for single coverage and $23,968 for family coverage. These average premiums each increased 7% in 2023. The average family premium has increased 22% since 2018 and 47% since 2013.

Why is my health insurance so high? ›

Administrative Overhead: Health insurers often have substantial administrative overhead, including marketing, underwriting, and claims processing. These costs are passed on to consumers in the form of higher premiums, which can contribute to overall healthcare expenditure.

How much does the average American pay for health insurance per month? ›

What is the average cost of health insurance? The average cost of health insurance is $539 per month, with a maximum out-of-pocket (MOOP) limit of $6,115 per year.

What is the average cost of healthcare in the US? ›

In 2022, U.S. healthcare spending reached $4.5 trillion, which averages to $13,493 per person. By comparison, the average cost of healthcare per person in other wealthy countries is less than half as much.

What is the most expensive health insurance? ›

Platinum health insurance is the most expensive type of health care coverage you can purchase. You pay low out-of-pocket expenses for appointments and services, but high monthly premiums. Plans typically feature a small deductible or no deductible and cheap copays or coinsurance.

How many Americans have no health insurance? ›

Though the number has improved significantly over the past decade, 26 million Americans remain uninsured. During the pandemic, the number of uninsured Americans remained relatively stable, in part due to increased eligibility for Medicaid.

How much is health insurance in the US for a family of four? ›

BY Carly Plemons Published on June 04, 2024

In 2023, the average cost of health insurance for a family of four was approximately $23,968 per year.

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