How Much Power does it take to Mine a Bitcoin? - Miner Daily (2024)

How much power does it take to mine a bitcoin? In this assessment we find that an average of 143,000 kWh of energy is required to produce one bitcoin. Our method to discover the amount of energy it takes to mine a bitcoin uses data from relevant ASIC models, network size, and current miner profitability.

We also calculate the bitcoin production rate and use it to find how much energy the entire network consumes. We discover that Bitcoin’s network uses an average of 128,248 MWh, or 128 GWh of electricity per day in order to produce 900 bitcoin. But this estimate is always changing alongside hash rate size and other factors.

We sign-off with a note on Bitcoin’s future network growth and energy demand… Find out why we believe Bitcoin is scapegoated for its energy consumption. Further, find out why we believe hash rate growth may be slowing and is not linear.

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1 ASIC Energy Consumption per Bitcoin

1.1 How much power does it take to mine a bitcoin with S19 Pros?

1.2 How much power does it take to mine a bitcoin per ASIC model?

1.2.1 Limitations

2 Bitcoin Production Rate

2.1 Blockchain Dynamics

2.2 Block Discovery Pace and Reward

2.3 Hourly, Daily, and Yearly Bitcoin Production

2.3.1 Extreme Circ*mstances

3 Bitcoin’s Total Energy Consumption Rate

3.1 How Many Bitcoin can a Power Plant Produce?

3.2 Haters Gonna Hate

4 Summary

4.1 Network Growth vs Logistics Growth Model

ASIC Energy Consumption per Bitcoin

The best ASIC miner on the market is currently Bitmain’s Antminer S19 Pro 110 terahash per second (TH/s). This model houses a couple hundred TSMC 7nm microprocessor chips. It consumes 3250 watts (W) power per hour with an efficiency of 29.5 W/TH. But, one machine alone takes about 3 years to produce one bitcoin.

Thus to discover how much power it takes to mine a bitcoin, we need to consider how much energy the entire network uses rather than just one unit. Let’s use a similar method to the one we used in our investigation of ‘how much it costs to mine a bitcoin‘ to achieve this.

How much power does it take to mine a bitcoin with S19 Pros?

According to mining pool data it takes about 122,000 TH/s over twenty-four hours to create ~1 bitcoin at today’s BTC price, network size, and difficulty level.

And, by simple division we find out that 122,000 TH/s is equivalent to 1,109 S19 Pros at 110 TH/s each. So to find out how much energy these 1,109 ASICs require, we multiply the amount of machines by their kilowatt (kW) specification over one day of mining.

1,109 S19s * 3.25 kW * 24 hours = 86,509 kilowatt hours (kWh)

Hence, it requires 86,509 kWh to produce one bitcoin with S19 Pros. This is the same as 86.5 megawatt-hour (MWh) or 0.0865 gigawatt-hour (GWh). Read more about electricity unit conversions here.

But Bitcoin’s network is not only made up of S19 Pros, lesser efficient machines exist. Accordingly, the actual power demand to produce one bitcoin is slightly higher than this first prediction. Let’s try other bitcoin miner models which represent the entire network population.

How much power does it take to mine a bitcoin per ASIC model?

To get a better idea of how much energy is expended per bitcoin, we can make a representation of the hash rate based on ASIC models and manufacturer’s market shares. To achieve this we allocate a number of ASIC models in proportion to each manufacturer’s estimated market share. See below.

Manufacturer# of Models We AssessPercent of Market
Canaan 519%

Now, let’s gather some info on individual bitcoin miner models.

Below we show the model name, terahash, kilowatt, and efficiency specifications for bitcoin mining’s most popular hardware. We also find the number of ASICs required to hash 122,000 TH/s which is equal to one BTC. Lastly, we take the product of the amount of ASICs to mine one BTC and the kW spec over 24 hours. This provides the estimated kWh per BTC for each miner type.

ModelTH/skWEff.# ASICs to mine a BTCkWh/BTC
Antminer S19j Pro1003.05030.51,22089,304
Antminer S19j903.25036.11,356105,733
Antminer S19 Pro1103.25029.51,10986,509
Antminer S19953.25034.21,284100,168
Antminer T19843.15037.51,452109,800
Antminer S17+732.92040.01,671117,120
Antminer S17 Pro532.09439.52,302115,684
Antminer T17+643.20050.01,906146,400
Antminer S15281.59657.04,357166,896
Antminer S913.51.32398.09,037286,944
Whatsminer M30S++1123.47231.01,08990,768
Whatsminer M30S+1003.40034.01,22099,552
Whatsminer M30S863.26838.01,419111,264
Whatsminer M31S+803.36042.01,525122,976
Whatsminer M31S763.22042.41,605124,005
Whatsminer M20S683.36049.41,794144,678
AvalonMiner 1246903.42038.01,356111,264
AvalonMiner 1166 Pro813.40042.01,506122,904
AvalonMiner 1146 Pro633.27652.01,937152,256
AvalonMiner 1066503.25065.02,440190,320
AvalonMiner 1047372.38064.33,297188,342
Innosilicon T3+573.30057.92,140169,516
Innosilicon T3503.10062.02,440181,536
Innosilicon T2T302.40080.04,067234,240
Ebit 12+502.50050.02,440146,400
Ebit 11301.95065.04,067190,320
Averages48.7 W/TH142,498 kWh

We find that with an average network efficiency of 48.7 W/TH it takes about 142,498 kWh to produce a bitcoin. This is equivalent to 142 MWh, or 0.142 GWh. Next we will see how much energy the network uses per day.


It is important to understand that Bitcoin’s variables are volatile. For example, the hash rate was 185 EH/s before the bitcoin mining bans, which is +35% more than today. So this means that in April the network used over a third more electricity to create a bitcoin as it did in August of 2021.

Furthermore, it is difficult to know exactly how many of each ASIC model is currently running, or the accurate market share of manufacturers. So these are assumptions.

But thanks to improvements in the energy profiles of bitcoin miners alongside microprocessor chip advancements, hardware uses less energy per terahash to produce bitcoin over time. Yet manufacturing bottlenecks limit the release of new machines, keeping older generation hardware on the network.

Bitcoin Production Rate

If we want to work out how much energy the entire Bitcoin network consumes each day, we need to do some groundwork. First we must find out the current rate of bitcoin production.

Blockchain Dynamics

Let’s do a quick review of how the Bitcoin blockchain works. Bitcoin nodes receive and organize pending transactions from bitcoin users in the mempool. Transactions awaiting confirmation in the mempool are sorted by priority based on the highest-to-lowest fee set per transaction. So, transactions with very little fees may sit idle in the mempool for some time, whereas transactions with high fees are verified quickly.

When proof-of-work (PoW) miners find a block, a number of transactions are added into that block. The amount of transactions in each block is controlled by the maximum byte-size of the block. When the block is filled with pending transactions, PoW miners verify and timestamp that block.

Once the block is stamped it is added onto the blockchain and appears in the public ledger. Each block added onto the blockchain secures the previous blocks and serves as a ‘confirmation’. For example, most vendors and exchanges only accept a BTC payment once 6 confirmations have been completed, aka six additional blocks following a verified transaction are added to the blockchain. Therefore, the more confirmations, the more secure a transaction is.

Block Discovery Pace and Reward

The block pace is the rate which PoW miners discover new blocks through a hashing puzzle. The amount of time it takes PoW miners to find a block adjusts automatically over time by the difficulty level. The target rate of block discovery is every 10 minutes. Thus, the average block pace is one block per 10 minutes. This is equivalent to 6 blocks per hour, or 144 blocks a day.

When miners find a block they are gifted a block reward which is also the issuance of new bitcoin. The block reward is currently 6.25 bitcoin per block. So, the rate of coin issuance is 6.25 bitcoin every 10 minutes.

Although, keep in mind that the block reward diminishes over time. In the year 2024 the block reward will shrink from 6.25 to 3.125 bitcoin in what is known as a halving event. Halvings occur every four years, read more about miner trends here.

Hourly, Daily, and Yearly Bitcoin Production

Using the variables described above, we find that the rate of bitcoin production is 37.5 BTC per hour for the next three years (until the 2024 halving). This means around 900 bitcoin are produced per day, and 328,500 are created per year. See our calculations below.

6.25 bitcoin reward * 6 blocks per hour = 37.5 BTC per hour37.5 bitcoin hourly * 24 hours = 900 BTC per day900 bitcoin daily * 365 days = 328,500 BTC per year

Extreme Circ*mstances

Bitcoin’s self-auditing difficulty adjustment always reorientates the block pace to 6 per hour. This occurs every 2016 blocks, or about every 2 weeks. This mechanism keeps the system working like clockwork without mediation. It also incentivizes miners to use the most energy efficient machines to keep ahead of their competition. As hash rate grows, bitcoin mining difficulty becomes harder.

However, sudden drops in hash rate between difficulty epochs can cause the block pace to lag, resulting in a temporary decrease in coin production. Likewise, when the hash rate grows between difficulty epochs because more miners join the network, the block pace may temporarily speed up. Then more bitcoin are produced per hour. Regardless, the block pace always averages itself to 6 per hour without fail.

Bitcoin’s Total Energy Consumption Rate

Next we find out how much power the network uses daily. To do this we take the product of the average amount of kWh it takes to mine a bitcoin, and the rate of bitcoin production.

From our previous calculations we know that at an average efficiency of 48.7 it takes around 142,498 kWh to produce one bitcoin. This is equivalent to 142 MWh or 0.142 GWh.

To get the daily amount of energy the network uses, we take the kWh to mine one bitcoin times the daily production rate of 900 coins. Thus, Bitcoin’s network currently consumes 128,248,199 kWh, or 128,248 MWh, or 128 GWh per day.

How Many Bitcoin can a Power Plant Produce?

To put this into perspective a typical nuclear power plant produces 1000 MW electricity. This equals 24,000 MWh per day, or 24 GWh. Whereas a large-scale energy provider like the Three Gorges Dam in China spits out a maximum capacity of 22.5 GW. This amounts to 540,000 MWh per day, or 540 GWh.

So, in theory, a typical power plant could mint up to 171 bitcoin per a day, and Three Gorges Dam could create four times the maximum of 900 bitcoin per day. See how we did this below.

24 GWh smaller power plant per day / 0.14 GWh per BTC = 171 BTC per day540 GWh larger power plant per day / 0.14 GWh per BTC = 3,857 BTC per day

Today the world has around 62,500 power plants. When you consider that one large power plant could run the entire Bitcoin network four times over, Bitcoin’s energy consumption seems less threatening.

Furthermore, the world produces over 460 TWh of energy per day, or 460,000 GWh. Thus, Bitcoin uses 0.03% of the world’s energy per day. We also know that much of the energy bitcoin miners use is stranded, or otherwise wasted energy. So in the big scheme of things, how much power it takes to mine a bitcoin is negligible.

Haters Gonna Hate

Why is Bitcoin scapegoated for its energy consumption? Perhaps because financial institutions and world leaders fear losing their Cantillon privileges. Richard Cantillon’s theory from the 1700s states that the beneficiaries of newly printed money are the wealthy. Eventually money trickles downs to the populace, but working people pay a higher price. This creates inflation and an uneven distribution of purchasing power.

Today things are more extreme than what Cantillon observed. Hedge funds, private equity, and bankers benefit immensely from the ‘brrrrrrr‘ of money printers. Rich rent-seekers live off of the interest paid by lower lying citizens on the money-chain, without bringing any real benefit to society. Bitcoin fixes this by limiting the coin supply to 21 million, and not favoring a certain social class.

But, Bitcoin miners have access to the newly printed money? Yes, but this money is not all profit, miners must use their earnings to stay competitive. This is because the distribution of coins is in the form of miner rewards which is based on game theory. Game theory does not care about your social-class privileges.

Additionally, Bitcoin allows a greater amount of privacy than current financial institutions. Whereas Big Brother must always know what the inferior populace is doing in order to control them.


In conclusion, the amount of energy it takes to mine a bitcoin is estimated to be between 86,000 – 286,000 kWh. And Bitcoin’s network consumes around 128 GWh a day in order to produce 900 bitcoin. But remember that variables like hash rate, BTC price, and miner earnings are dynamic which affect results.

The beauty of Bitcoin’s design is that it has the ability to self-regulate to ensure its block pace stays constant and miner’s earnings are competitive. But will the network grow forever as the BTC price increases and the hashing capabilities of ASICs advance? No, network growth has a limited capacity.

Network Growth vs Logistics Growth Model

Several people cite that Bitcoin’s network will grow linearly year-on-year based on historical data. However, due to negative feedbacks and exogenous limitations this is not the case. Bitcoin trends are nonlinear because it is a complex system.

In fact, despite continuing BTC price increases miner profitability diminishes over time thanks to negative feedbacks. See in green below.

How Much Power does it take to Mine a Bitcoin? - Miner Daily (2)

Also, the amount of energy available to bitcoin miners is scare. This caps network growth. For illustration, we consider the total electricity available to bitcoin miners as the ‘carrying capacity‘ in a logistics growth model below. By definition, the carrying capacity in a biological species model is the total amount of habitat resources like food and shelter available to sustain a limited population size. Similarly, bitcoin miners require electricity to sustain their population size.

How Much Power does it take to Mine a Bitcoin? - Miner Daily (3)

Further, despite microchip advances which lower ASIC efficiency profiles and increase profit margins, the overall cost and energy required to mine a bitcoin will rise over time. This is because of a combination of circ*mstances which can be termed as the ‘limits to growth‘ of the network size.

Limits to growth include network difficulty – as more miners join the network the difficulty increases which makes it harder to mine a bitcoin. This reduces a miner’s profit and increases the cost to mine a bitcoin. Additionally, electricity tariffs will rise over time as fossil-fuels are phased out and the dollar’s value decreases with inflation. Also, regulations add extra fees. For example, from January 2022 Kazakhstan will introduce a miner tariff per kWh, and in Canada bitcoin miners who don’t use clean energy must pay for their carbon footprint. Lastly, diminishing miner rewards due to halvings will cause the base production price of a bitcoin to rise every four years. Although, BTC price increases should compensate in part for rising production costs.

Therefore, we believe that Bitcoin’s network is entering the slowed growth phase shown in the logistics growth model above. In the future we believe that the network size may peak and then reach a relative equilibrium or diminished growth. Of course, we could be wrong. What do you think? Share your thoughts.

How Much Power does it take to Mine a Bitcoin? - Miner Daily (2024)


How much power is needed to mine 1 bitcoin a day? ›

It takes an estimated 1,449 kilowatt hours (kWh) of energy to mine a single bitcoin. That's the same amount of energy an average U.S. household consumes in approximately 13 years.

How much power does bitcoin mining use? ›

As of August 2022, published estimates of the total global electricity usage for crypto-assets are between 120 and 240 billion kilowatt-hours per year, a range that exceeds the total annual electricity usage of many individual countries, such as Argentina or Australia.

How much bitcoin can one rig mine in a day? ›

How Much Bitcoin Can You Mine in a Day? With each bitcoin block taking 10 minutes to mine, 144 blocks are mined each day. This means that at the current rate following the latest bitcoin halving, 900 BTC is available via rewards every day.

How much does the average bitcoin miner make per day? ›

Daily Profit = ($2,250 / Year ) x 365 Days in a year = $727.5 per day. If a mining rig costs around $8,000, then you'll need to invest around $8k in order to mine 1 Bitcoin in one year. Mining will still be very profitable in a few years.

How much can 1 PC make mining bitcoin? ›

Before you purchase your own bitcoin mining rig, really, how much can you make mining Bitcoin in 2022? Generally speaking, if you're mining Bitcoin at home, you can make anywhere from $30 to $450 per mining machine each month.

How long would it take a PC to mine 1 bitcoin? ›

How long does it take to mine one Bitcoin? It takes around 10 minutes to mine just one Bitcoin, though this is with ideal hardware and software, which isn't always affordable and only a few users can boast the luxury of. More commonly and reasonably, most users can mine a Bitcoin in 30 days.

How many miners does it take to mine 1 bitcoin? ›

For example, based on the current hash rate it would take fourteen S19 Pros to mine 1 Bitcoin per month. Or, put differently, one S19 Pro could mine 1 Bitcoin in 14 months (not accounting for a rise in hash rate over time).

How many Bitcoins can you mine 10 minutes? ›

One block is created every ten minutes, equating to about 144 blocks created in a day. About 6.25 BTC coins are issued for every block, creating a rate that reduces by roughly half every four years.

How much Bitcoin can you mine in a day with a 3090? ›

0.59 USD / Day

*Please note that values are only estimates based on past performance - real values can be lower or higher. Exchange rate of 1 BTC = 16817.32 USD was used.

How to earn 1 BTC per day without investment? ›

7 Ways to Get Free Bitcoin Fast and Legit
  1. 7 Ways to Get Free Bitcoin Fast: Cloud mining. ...
  2. 1 – Cloud mining. ...
  3. 2 – Referral program: Earn bonuses by referring friends. ...
  4. 3 – Airdrops. ...
  5. 4 – Coinmarketcap. ...
  6. 5 – Staking.
  7. 6 – Bounty. ...
  8. 7 – Admin Telegram.
Nov 4, 2022

How much does the best bitcoin miner make per day? ›

In February 2022, one Bitcoin mining machine (commonly known as an ASIC), like the Whatsminer M20S, generates around $12 in Bitcoin revenue every day depending on the price of bitcoin.

How much does 1 bitcoin miner make a year? ›

How much does a Crypto Mining make? As of Jan 11, 2023, the average annual pay for a Crypto Mining in the United States is $88,021 a year.

Is running a bitcoin miner profitable? ›

Here's the short answer: yes, bitcoin mining can be profitable if you invest in the right tools and join a bitcoin mining pool. That said, there are a lot of variables, and a high profit isn't guaranteed. Mining isn't for everyone.

How much can 1 GPU make mining? ›

Top-ranked GPUs can each generate up to $7.75 profit in mining cryptocurrency at an electricity cost of 0.1 $/kWh. Combining multiple GPUs in a rig multiplies the profits significantly.

Is mining with normal PC profitable? ›

Yes, mining is profitable in early 2022. Of course, the profit margin depends on the electricity price you are paying. The lower the electricity price, the better the profits. Above you can see current approximate profitability for 6x AMD RX 6800XT with electricity price of $0.15.

Is mining still profitable 2022? ›

“Overall, despite the sharp pullback in BTC spot price, the mining model remains highly profitable for most of the leading miners,” Vafi says.

Do you need a powerful PC to mine Bitcoin? ›

Mining on Desktop PC

There is only one essential requirement: a good graphics card with at least 6GB of RAM. The most affordable graphics cards that meet mining requirements are Nvidia 1060 6GB and AMD RX 480 8GB.

What happens when all BTC is mined? ›

Bitcoin mining fees will disappear when the Bitcoin supply reaches 21 million. Miners will likely earn income only from transaction processing fees, rather than a combination of block rewards and transaction fees. PlanetCrypto. "How Many Bitcoin Are Left in 2022?"

Can I mine Bitcoin on my phone? ›

Mining cryptocurrency on a smartphone is actually possible. There are various crypto mining apps that you can use to mine crypto directly through your smartphone hardware. These apps often allow you to join mining pools that use some of your phone's power in the mining process.

Why does it take 10 minutes to mine a bitcoin? ›

Ten minutes was specifically chosen by Satoshi as a tradeoff between first confirmation time and the amount of work wasted due to chain splits. After a block is mined, it takes time for other miners to find out about it, and until then they are actually competing against the new block instead of adding to it.

How many Bitcoin's are left? ›

As of June 2022, there are about 2 million bitcoins (BTC) left to be mined, which means that there are nearly 19 million currently in existence.

Can you mine Bitcoin with a laptop? ›

While mining bitcoin on an individual computer is no longer viable, there are other cryptocurrencies that you can still mine at home if you're prepared to put in the effort. Updated 25th December 2022.

How much RAM do you need to mine Bitcoin? ›

RAM — Higher RAM does not mean that you get a better mining performance, so we recommend using anywhere between 4GB and 16GB of RAM. When deciding what size RAM best suits your needs, look at the operating system for mining and whether or not virtual memory is used.

How much bitcoin can you mine in a day with a 3060? ›

0.22 USD / Day

*Please note that values are only estimates based on past performance - real values can be lower or higher. Exchange rate of 1 BTC = 17565.20 USD was used.

What is the most profitable crypto to mine? ›

Bitcoin – Most profitable cryptocurrency to mine. Ethereum – Best for smart contracts and corporate miners. Monero – Best for beginner miners. Ravencoin – Best for low investment mining.

Does Bitcoin mining increase electric bill? ›

When that aspect of crypto comes up, it's generally spoken about in terms of its effect on emissions. But according to the results of a recent Senate investigation, crypto mining might also be contributing to larger energy bills around the country.

Does Bitcoin mining use too much energy? ›

In May of 2022, the world's sum total of Bitcoin mining operations had an annual energy budget nearly equal to the entire country of Argentina, or the Czech Republic, or, according to Cambridge University's Bitcoin Electricity Consumption Index, all the tea kettles in England boiling water for 26 years.

Why does Bitcoin mining use so much electricity? ›

To verify transactions, Bitcoin requires computers to solve ever more complex math problems. This proof of work consensus mechanism is drastically more energy-intensive than many people realize.

How much electricity does it take to mine 1 ethereum? ›

Mining profitability can change very quickly.

A ETH mining difficulty of 1.00, a ETH mining hashrate of 6,000.00 MH/s consuming 4,500 watts of power at $0.10 per kWh, and a block reward of 2.00 ETH at $1,576.66 (ETH to USD).

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Author: Laurine Ryan

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Name: Laurine Ryan

Birthday: 1994-12-23

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Introduction: My name is Laurine Ryan, I am a adorable, fair, graceful, spotless, gorgeous, homely, cooperative person who loves writing and wants to share my knowledge and understanding with you.