How Much Money Do You Need To Retire in Canada in 2024? (2024)

In the retirement series, I wrote about the Canada Pension Plan, RRSPs, Old Age Security, and other employment pension plans.

Taking it a step further, I want to address a question I’ve often asked myself (and have been asked by others):

“How much money do I need to have saved up before I retire?”

“How can I retire at age 50, 55, 60, or 65 years old?”

“Do I need $1 million to retire?”

“How much income will I need in retirement?” …

or more specifically: “How much money do I need to retire in Canada?”

These, of course, are important questions!

As you grow older, you start to wonder if you’re putting aside enough money for retirement and if your retirement nest egg will hold up when you finally do retire.

While I do not have all the answers, I’ll take a stab at providing an answer that hopefully gets you started on the road to arriving at the “magic number” or “multiple” that works for you.

Table of Contents Show

How To Calculate Retirement Income in Canada – Rules of Thumb

When it comes to income required in retirement in Canada, there are several rules of thumb or schools of thought out there. If you are looking for a definite answer to put your mind at rest, you may be disappointed.

The one thing everyone readily agrees on is that when it comes to retirement income, it is not “black and white,” and there is no 100% consensus.

Popular rules of thumb include:

Rule 1: 4% Withdrawal Rate

The 4% withdrawal rule infers that you build up a retirement portfolio that provides a certain amount of income per annum at a 4% or so withdrawal rate. A 4% withdrawal rate is often referred to as a “safe” withdrawal rate.

For example, say you have figured out that you need $40,000 per year in retirement. Using a withdrawal rate of 4%, you should have a minimum of $1 million in retirement savings before you retire.

⇒ $40,000 ⁄ 4% = $1,000,000

This rule of thumb works whether you plan to retire early at 35 or go the conventional route and retire at 65 years or later. It’s the strategy often utilized by many “early retirement” enthusiasts or the movement popularly referred to as “FIRE” – Financial Independence/Retire Early.

Note: For earlier retirement plans, consider that you will not be receiving a government pension or retirement benefits until later in life and adjust your income needs accordingly.

The general idea behind the funds lasting you for life is based on historical market returns. If we assume your investment portfolio generates approximately 7% annually in long-term returns, then real returns of approximately 4% are expected after accounting for inflation (assuming an inflation rate of 3%).

Essentially, a 4% withdrawal rate assumes your investment portfolio is not highly conservative (i.e. you are invested in a good proportion of stocks/equities).

How Much Money Do You Need To Retire in Canada in 2024? (1)

Rule 2: Desired Annual Retirement Income x 25

This rule follows the 4% withdrawal rate rule. They are pretty much the same, but this is easier to calculate for those who would rather not dabble in fractional math. It infers that to meet your income needs in retirement, you want to have at least 25 x your desired annual retirement income.

For example, say you estimate that your expenses per year in retirement are $40,000. You would be expected to save up a minimum of $1 million in retirement savings.

⇒ $40,000 x 25 = $1,000,000

Related: The Complete Guide to Retirement Income in Canada

Rule 3: 70% of Working Income (or more)

This rule estimates that you will need between 70% and 100% of your pre-retirement income in retirement: 70% if you are typical and do not have a mortgage and up to 100% if you are still paying a hefty mortgage plus other atypical expenses while retired.

The idea behind this rule is that your expenses are generally expected to be lower in retirement: no mortgage payments, no longer need to save for retirement, kids are financially dependent, etc. After computing this amount, you can then proceed to calculate how much you need (lump sum) by going back to Rule 1 or 2.

For example, assume you earn $100,000 per year before retiring. Using the 70% rule, you will need approximately $70,000 ($100,000 x 70%) in annual income to maintain your lifestyle in retirement. Going back to Rule 2, it implies you need:

⇒ $70,000 x 25 ⇒ $1.75 million in retirement.

I think the 70% rule is a reasonably liberal estimate of retirement income needs (barring exceptional circ*mstances). A survey conducted by Sunlife and released in 2016 shows that Canadian retirees were, on average, living on 62% of their pre-retirement income.

Rule 4: Pre-Retirement Income x Multiples of 10 to 14

This rule suggests that you can calculate how much you need to save for retirement by multiplying your income just before retirement by a number between 10 and 14.

For example, say your income before retirement was $100,000/year. Following this rule, you should accumulate at least (depending on which multiple you’re working with):

  • Multiple of 10: $100,000 x 10 = $1 million
  • Multiple of 11: $100,000 x 11 = $1.1 million
  • Multiple of 12: $100,000 x 12 = $1.2 million
  • Multiple of 13: $100,000 x 13 = $1.3 million
  • Multiple of 14: $100,000 x 14 = $1.4 million … during your working years.

Rules 3 and 4 implicitly assume that you are using the income earned during your highest income-earning years as the basis of your calculation. This means that if you are a younger person in an entry-level position (i.e. low starting salary) looking at retiring early, calculations using these approaches will not work for you in the longer term.

Related: CPP vs. OAS: How Do They Compare?

How Much Money Do You Need To Retire in Canada in 2024? (2)

How To Estimate Your Retirement Income Needs in Canada

The income available to you during your retirement years (distribution phase) will depend largely on how much you were able to set aside during your working years (accumulation phase), plus other available government and employment benefits.

Steps to estimating or calculating your retirement income needs include:

A. How much income do you expect to live on per year?

You can compute this amount using different strategies – for example, by using the 70% pre-retirement income rule or by simplylooking at the lifestyle you envisage living in retirement and estimating what your expenses will add up to (including taxes).

Note: In your calculations, if looking at your current lifestyle and expenses, remember to eliminate expenses that may no longer be relevant in retirement such as mortgage payments, cost of commuting to work, childcare expenses; RRSP, CPP, and EI payments, etc. And remember to add new expenses that may crop up, such as travel expenses, hobbies, health issues, etc.

B. How much government benefit do you expect to receive?

If you have lived and worked in Canada before retirement, you can expect to receive Old Age Security (OAS) and Canada Pension Plan (CPP) benefits.

The amount you receive will generally depend on how long you have lived in Canada (for OAS), how much you have contributed to the plan, and for how long (for CPP).

Using OAS and CPP numbers for 2023. Let’s assume the maximum monthly OAS payable is $707.68for a total of $8,492.16 per year (ages 65 to 74), while the maximum CPP is $1,306.57for a total of $15,678.84 per year.

Most people will get less than the maximum amount. For example, the average monthly CPP benefit paid in 2023 is $772.71 (41% less than the maximum amount payable).

For individuals who immigrated to Canada in their adult years (like me), the total government pension they will be eligible for will be significantly reduced.

Using the 2023 maximum government pension amounts as an example, total payouts from this source to a single senior are:

$8,492.16 (OAS) + $15,678.84 (CPP) = $24,171 per year

Here’s how many years you need to work to get the maximum CPP.

C. How much do you need to save up?

To calculate this amount on an annual basis, you will need to subtract expected government pensions from the annual expenses you calculated in Step A, and then multiply the remainder by 25 (or divide by 4%).

For example, a couple who estimates their annual retirement income needs to be $70,000 will need to save:

Annual expenses in retirement from age 65 (couple)$70,000
Deduct Total Government Pensions expected (couple) a-$33,839.4
Income Withdrawn from Savings/Year b$36,160.6
How Much Do You Need To Save For Retirement? c$904,015

a. Most individuals will not get the full government pension amount from OAS and CPP. The amount here reflects 70% of the maximum CPP & OAS amounts for a couple in 2023, i.e. (70% x $24,171) (x 2) – moderately conservative estimate.
b. Line 1 minus line 2
c. Derived by multiplying the annual income withdrawn by 25 (i.e. $36,160.6 x 25) or dividing by a 4% withdrawal rate (i.e. $36,160.6 / 4%). The result is the same for both formulas.

As shown in the table above, government pensions offset some of the savings required by the couple pre-retirement. The more government pension they qualify for, the less money is required in their investment portfolio.

Additionally, if one or both partners have a defined benefit pension, it will further lower the amount of savings required to meet their desired retirement income.

Overall, to fund their preferred retirement lifestyle, the couple in the scenario above will need about $1 million in their retirement nest egg.

Related: CPP and OAS Benefits for Surviving Spouse and Children

How Much Do You Need To Retire?

How much you need to retire will depend on your needs. Using the couple described above, who needs $70,000 annually, almost half of this is provided through their government pensions.

So, instead of requiring $1.75 million based on the 4% withdrawal rule ($70,000 x 25), they may need less than $1 million in their personal retirement accounts and be able to retire comfortably.

Many Canadians will need even less, with paid-off homes and decreased income requirements when retired. As such, it’s no surprise that the average retirement savings as per Statistics Canada, are much lower.

You can check out various income scenarios using this Canadian Retirement Income Calculator.

What Can Change Your Retirement Income Needs?

Calculating your income needs in retirement is not an exact science. Life happens, and it may leave your retirement plan in tatters. Some possibilities include the following:

  • Health issues that cause you to retire earlier than planned or which result in higher-than-expected medical bills early in retirement
  • Financially dependent kids in retirement
  • Divorce
  • Significant mortgage payments
  • Run-away inflation or a market crash, and much more.

If, for one reason or the other, you are unable to save enough money for retirement at age 60, 65, or earlier, depending on what your plans were initially, the following strategies may be useful in managing your “savings/income gap”:

1. Work for longer and delay government pension till later: Working for a few more years and/or delaying when you start receiving OAS/CPP can significantly increase your eligible payouts down the road.

2. Semi-retire and work part-time: Every year you delay dipping into your retirement nest egg means more money to spend in the future.

3. Start saving aggressively: The earlier you start saving, the better for you. Time is the game-changer regarding the returns you can earn on your investment portfolio. If you are running out of time, you will need to put aside more funds more often.

4. Consider adjusting your retirement lifestyle expectations and spending less: If you have run out of time to build an adequate retirement portfolio to pay for the lifestyle you desire, you may have no choice but to take out less money from your savings and live accordingly.

5. Downsize and sell your home: You can consider beefing up your retirement savings by downsizing and selling your home to utilize the equity you have built up over the years. Alternatively, you may consider taking out a home equity line of credit (HELOC) or a reverse mortgage.

6. Other Government safety nets: If your income in retirement puts you in the low-income bracket (as specified by the government on an annual basis), you may qualify for additional government benefits, including the Guaranteed Income Supplement (GIS) or the Allowance.

Some resources that may come in handy as you plan for retirement include those provided by the Canadian Life and Health Insurance Association and this Retirement Calculator.

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Closing Thoughts

When it comes to your retirement planning in Canada, starting early is the key. Compounding interest is your best friend, and it’s better to be over-prepared than under-prepared.

So, do you feel you are on track with your retirement savings/planning? What amount do you feel you would need in retirement? Leave answers in the comment section below.

Other Retirement Investing Posts:

  • How To Generate Retirement Income From Your RRSP
  • How To Generate Retirement Income From Your LIRA
  • The Ultimate Pre-Retirement Checklist For Canadians
  • 5 Reasons to Delay Collecting CPP
  • How To Save For Retirement in Canada
  • Ideal Retirement Savings By Age
  • How Much RRSP Should I Contribute?
How Much Money Do You Need To Retire in Canada in 2024? (3)

Editorial Disclaimer: The investing information provided here is for informational purposes only and is not intended as individual investment advice or recommendation to invest in any specific security or investment product. Investors should always conduct their own independent research before making investment decisions or executing investment strategies. Savvy New Canadians does not offer advisory or brokerage services. Note that past investment performance does not guarantee future returns.

How Much Money Do You Need To Retire in Canada in 2024? (2024)


How Much Money Do You Need To Retire in Canada in 2024? ›

Aiming for around 80-85% of your pre-retirement spending in retirement is a good starting point. This might translate to $3,000-$5,000 monthly for single individuals, while couples may require $4,000-$6,000 monthly. Remember, these are just benchmarks – your needs may be higher or lower.

How much money do you need to retire comfortably in Canada? ›

The “4% rule” is another popular method for working out how much you need to retire in Canada comfortably. The idea is that you take out 4% of your savings for every year of retirement. For example, to be able to spend $40,000 a year in retirement, using the 4% rule, you would need to save $1,000,000.

How much is needed to retire in 2024? ›

It would take $1.46 million to retire comfortably, according to a recent survey of 4,588 adults released Tuesday by financial-services company Northwestern Mutual. That is up from $1.27 million a year ago. And over $1 million more than the average survey participant's nest egg.

At what age can you retire with $1 million dollars in Canada? ›

Based on this, if you retire at age 65 and live until you turn 84, $1 million will probably be enough retirement savings for you. However, it's important to remember there is no one-size-fits-all amount.

How long will $500 000 last in retirement in Canada? ›

Can you retire off $500,000 in Canada? Based on some of these rules let's calculate what the retirement income would be. The average retirement age in Canada is 65, estimating the $500,000 is to last you 25 years your yearly retirement income would be $20,000.

Can I collect Social Security if I move to Canada? ›

If you are a U.S. citizen, you may receive your Social Security payments outside the U.S. as long as you are eligible for them.

How much money does the average Canadian retire with? ›

The average retirement income for seniors (65+) in Canada is $32,000 per year (Statista). Some retirees may have additional sources of income beyond their retirement plan, such as investments, part-time work, or government benefits like the Canada Pension Plan (CPP).

Do you really need 1.7 million to retire in Canada? ›

The Star reached out to several financial experts and all agreed: you don't need $1.7 million to retire. In fact, that number is “absurd,” said Malcolm Hamilton, a retired actuary. “This survey says all Canadians need to save the same, but we know that's not the case,” said Hamilton.

Can I retire with 300k in Canada? ›

If you want to retire early, you will have to find a way to replace your income during that six-year period. In most cases $300,000 is simply not enough money on which to retire early.

Can I retire with 1 million dollars in Canada? ›

For some, one million dollars might be enough for others it might not be. A general rule of thumb is that you will need an annual retirement income of around 70% of your annual pre-retirement income. If you make $100,000.00 a year, you will need $70,000.00 a year of retirement income for a comfortable retirement.

Can you retire on $350000 in Canada? ›

Retiring on $350,000 is difficult but not impossible. Most investors can deploy a strategy of investing in robust high-yield dividend stocks along with a systematic withdrawal plan to retire on their investments.

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