How Much Does LinkedIn Advertising Cost in 2024? (2024)

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LinkedIn advertising costs, on average, $2.00 – $3.00 per click, $5.01 – $8.00 per 1000 impressions, and $0.26 – $0.50 per send for Sponsored InMail campaigns. Want to learn more about how much it costs to advertise on LinkedIn? Keep reading!

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  • We asked 270 marketers how much their companies spend on LinkedIn advertising campaigns. Keep reading to discover their answers!

An Inside Look atWebFX LinkedIn Advertising Pricing

How Much Does LinkedIn Advertising Cost in 2024? (2)

LinkedIn Advertising Services

Starting at 15% of ad spend/month

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  • WebFX Expertise
    • 500+ award-winning LinkedIn advertising and marketing specialists for on-demand support
    • $16M in social media ad spend managed
  • Highlights

    🔎 Full-funnel ROI tracking
    🎯 Audience targeting
    📈 Campaign performance monitoring and optimization
    📝 Professional ad copywriting and design
    🎥 Video production

  • What Sets WebFX Apart

    Our LinkedIn advertising specialists are ready to help you drive revenue with LinkedIn ads through proven strategies and cutting-edge expertise.

    • Dedicated account manager and LinkedIn advertising team to plan, execute, and manage your LinkedIn ad campaigns
    • In-house marketing technology with tools for precision targeting across devices, call tracking from paid ad campaigns, quick, customizable landing pages, and more
    • Access to over experts in LinkedIn advertising and marketing to consult and support on your strategy
    • Ongoing campaign monitoring and optimizations
    • Frequent, comprehensive reports, ROI tracking, and consultations
    • Engaging ad copy written by experts in over 200+ industries
    • Precision audience targeting and retargeting

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How Much Does LinkedIn Advertising Cost in 2024? (3)

  • How Much Does LinkedIn Advertising Cost?
  • Cost Factors
  • Are LinkedIn Ads Worth It?
  • Optimizing Spend
  • FAQs

How Much Does LinkedIn Advertising Cost in 2024? (4)

Key Takeaways

  • 57% of businesses are happy with the return on investment (ROI) they receive from LinkedIn ads
  • 57% of businesses allocate 0% – 20% of their overall advertising budget to their LinkedIn advertising campaign
  • 49% of businesses spend $2.00 – $4.00 per click on LinkedIn ads
  • 48% of businesses spend $0.00 – $500.00 per month on LinkedIn ads
  • 47% of businesses spend $3.01 – $10.00 per 1000 impressions on LinkedIn ads
  • 41% of businesses spend $0.25 – $0.75 per send for Sponsored InMail campaigns on LinkedIn ads

How much does LinkedIn advertising cost?

LinkedIn advertising costs, on average:

  • $2.00 – $3.00 per click
  • $5.01 – $8.00 per 1000 impressions
  • $0.26 – $0.50 per send for Sponsored InMail campaigns

It’s important to note that LinkedIn requires companies to bid a minimum of $2.00 per click and per 1000 impressions along with a $10.00 minimum daily spend.

[Summary] LinkedIn ad pricing

Get a complete summary of LinkedIn advertising costs with this handy graphic:

How Much Does LinkedIn Advertising Cost in 2024? (5)

What influences LinkedIn advertising costs?

According to LinkedIn, three factors influence your LinkedIn advertising costs:

  1. Target audience:When you advertise on LinkedIn, you compete with other advertisers to get your ad seen. If you target an audience in high demand, you can expect higher costs because of that audience’s value and increased competition for that audience’s attention.
  2. Bid: Your bid will also impact your LinkedIn ad costs. That’s because, while you won’t ever exceed your bid, you will pay a portion of it. That’s because LinkedIn’s ad auction has the auction winner pay one cent more than the next highest bid.
  3. Ad relevance score: When it comes to LinkedIn advertising pricing, ad relevance scores play a tremendous role. A high ad relevance score can lower your expenses because LinkedIn wants to serve users relevant and engaging ads.

Understanding these LinkedIn ad pricing factors can help you lower your overall campaign costs.

Data roundup
Why businesses advertise on social media


To build brand awareness

Source: WebFX


To drive sales

Source: WebFX


To generate leads

Source: WebFX


To increase website traffic

Source: WebFX

Is advertising on LinkedIn worth the cost?

For the majority of businesses, the answer is yes. In fact, 57% of companies say they are happy with the return on investment (ROI) they receive from LinkedIn ads.

How Much Does LinkedIn Advertising Cost in 2024? (6)

Source Data


Businesses that can implement an effective ad campaign with the right messaging and audience targeting will receive a positive return well worth the cost of investing in LinkedIn ads.

What bidding options are available for LinkedIn ads?

There are three different bidding options available for LinkedIn ads:

  1. Cost-per-click (CPC):You pay when people click on yourLinkedIn ad. This is a great option if you want to drive valuable traffic to your page and earn leads.
  2. Cost-per-impression (CPM):With this model, you pay for every 1000 impressions. When people see your ad, you pay for them to view it, but not interact with it. The goal with these types of ads is to drive brand awareness.
  3. Cost-per-send (CPS):CPS is another pricing model available to your business. This model is used when you send information through sponsored InMail. With this form of advertisem*nt, your information goes directly to leads in their LinkedIn mailbox.

These are the different types of pricing models you can use for your LinkedIn campaign. These models will impact the price and the cost of your campaign. When you run a campaign, you must know which model you want to use.

Keep in mind that only some bidding options are available for specific ads. Use this table as a reference:

Source Data

Ad TypeBidding Options
Sponsored ContentCPC, CPM
Text AdsCPC, CPM
Sponsored InMailCPS

How can you control your ad spend on LinkedIn?

There are three ways you can control ad spend on LinkedIn:

  1. Lifetime budget: This is the best model if you want a campaign delivered fast for a specific budget. For a new, inactive campaign, the minimum lifetime budget is $100. Once the campaign begins, the minimum adjusts to $10 times the numbers of days for which the campaign is scheduled.
  2. Daily budget:If you want to set up a campaign that’s always on and running, daily budget is the way to go. You need to spend a minimum of $10 per day for this option.
  3. Setting bids:With this option, you set the amount you’re willing to pay for clicks, impressions, and other options. You never pay more than the bid amount. You can bid a minimum of $2 for each click.

You must decide which ad spend plan you want. The goals of your campaign should align with the pricing model you choose.

For instance, if you’re looking to gain new leads, setting a bid amount will drive the best campaign results for your business. You’ll only pay when people click on your ad, which indicates that they are interested in your business.

Regardless of which ad type you choose, the amount you pay is based on your budget. If you’ve ever run apay-per-click (PPC) campaign, these LinkedIn ads work similarly. You have a set budget and you only spend the amount you budget.

This means that your money is going towards the goal that is most important to your business, whether it’s impressions or clicks.

Data roundup
Effectiveness of social media ads


Very effective

Source: WebFX


Somewhat effective

Source: WebFX


Not very effective

Source: WebFX


Not effective at all

Source: WebFX

Table of Contents

  • WebFX’s Pricing
  • How Much Does LinkedIn Advertising Cost?
  • LinkedIn Ad Pricing
  • What Influences LinkedIn Advertising Costs?
  • Is Advertising on LinkedIn Worth the Cost?
  • What Bidding Options Are Available for LinkedIn Ads?
  • How Can You Control Your Ad Spend on LinkedIn?
  • How Do I Set Up a LinkedIn Ad?
  • Get Professional Help
  • LinkedIn Advertising Packages
  • FAQs

Reviewed by:WebFX Team

How Much Does LinkedIn Advertising Cost in 2024? (7)

The WebFX team is made up of more than 500 subject matter experts in digital marketing, SEO, web design and web development, social media, and more. Together, they’ve helped WebFX’s clients earn more than $6 billion in revenue from the web — and that’s just in the past five years.


Last Updated: September 13, 2024

WebFX helps companies like yours reach their business goals.

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How do I set up a LinkedIn ad?

To start running your LinkedIn advertising campaign, you must go through the Campaign Manager. The Campaign Manager is a self-service advertising platform that you will use to run your advertisem*nts. This platform helps you deliver highly relevant and targeted messages to your unique audience.

Here are the steps you can take to set up your LinkedIn Ad.

1. Choose your ad type

There are three ways you can advertise on LinkedIn:

  • Sponsored content:This is the most common type of content on LinkedIn. These ads appear in your audience’s newsfeed. They blend seamlessly into the newsfeed.
  • Sponsored InMail:When you use InMail advertising, you send a sponsored message to specific leads you think would be interested in your business. Many times, businesses will use this as an opportunity to reach candidates for job openings or event them to industry-related events.
  • Boosted Posts: LinkedIn boosted posts are organic posts that are upgraded to paid ads. These ads appear within users’ normal feeds as a “Promoted” post, and can reach farther than what LinkedIn’s standard post algorithm allows.
  • Text ads:These ads are similar to display ads you run through AdWords. They typically appear on the sidebar of LinkedIn.

To start your campaign, you must decide which advertising style you want to use. Each offers their own unique reach for your business.

Once you choose the type of ad you want to run, you can start setting it up. A LinkedIn account and a credit card are all it takes to run an advertising campaign on LinkedIn.

2. Set your targeting options

Once you know the type of ad you want to run, you must set up your target audience. Ensure that you target the right people so you can create a more effective campaign.

You can have a maximum of 100 selections per targeting option. LinkedIn gives you a plethora of information for you to target valuable leads.

When you set your targeted audience, you can also use matched audiences to generate a list of people to target. This matched audience information allows you to run account-based marketing campaigns.

Matched audiences allow you to match and target a list of contacts. If there are people you know are interested in your business, you can use matched audiences to find people who have similar interests.

This is a great way to match and target your lists of contacts. You can deliver more tailored content that gets them to engage with your business.

3. Set your budget

Once your ad is ready, you’ll want to set your budget. Whenever you run an advertising campaign, you must determine how much you’re willing to spend on that campaign.

With LinkedIn, you only have to meet the minimum amount to run your campaign. Other than that, you choose how much you want to spend to run your ad.

If you have a bigger budget for your ad campaign, you will get more out of it. You’ll obtain more traffic and leads for your business.

4. Track your campaign

Once you set your budget and choose your ad type, you will launch your campaign. As soon as you launch it, you’ll want to monitor your ad’s performance to ensure you get the most out of your budget.

You can see how your overall ad performance looks. It’s an opportunity to monitor social actions to see how your audience interacts with your ad, like how many people see them, click on them, or convert from your ads.

If you’re running multiple campaigns, you can view their performance all in the same place. It can help you compare each ad campaign’s performance and see how you can improve your low-performance campaigns.

All this information will help give insight into how you can edit your ads, adjust your target audience, and refine your budget.

5. Test your ads

If you want to create the best ad campaign for your business, you must test your ads. It is rare that the first version you put out of your ad is the best version. By testing your ad, you’ll ensure that you put out the best version of your ad to drive the most valuable results.

When you test your ads, you can test different parts of your ad. Whether it’s a big or small change, always test different elements to see if they drive better results for your campaign.

As you’re testing your ad, ensure that you only test one element at a time. You don’t want your results to get muddled by testing too many elements. Testing one element at a time will help you see if the changes you are making positively or negatively impact your campaign.

By testing your ad, you’ll put out the best version of your ad and drive valuable results for your business.

Optimize your LinkedIn ad costs

If you’re looking for a way to help your business reach new people and expose them to your brand, LinkedIn is the answer. This social business platform will help you connect with people that are looking for a business like yours. At WebFX, we have years of experience creatingsocial media advertising campaigns.

We’re a full-servicesocial media marketing company that specializes in LinkedIn advertising. Our team of over 500 experts will bring their knowledge and expertise to your campaign. We’ll help you create a campaign that works for your business.

If you’re looking for a social media expert that knows how to drive results, look no further than WebFX. In the past five years, we’ve driven over $10 billion in sales and over 24 million leads for our clients. We focus on creating campaigns that grow your business.

Don’t believe us? Just ask our clients! Check out our 1,100+ client testimonialsthat attest to the awesome work we do!

Get started with LinkedIn advertising today

If you’re ready to start earning valuable leads through LinkedIn advertising, request a free proposal onlineor call us today at888-601-5359to speak with a strategist.

Table of Contents

  • WebFX’s Pricing
  • How Much Does LinkedIn Advertising Cost?
  • LinkedIn Ad Pricing
  • What Influences LinkedIn Advertising Costs?
  • Is Advertising on LinkedIn Worth the Cost?
  • What Bidding Options Are Available for LinkedIn Ads?
  • How Can You Control Your Ad Spend on LinkedIn?
  • How Do I Set Up a LinkedIn Ad?
  • Get Professional Help
  • LinkedIn Advertising Packages
  • FAQs

Reviewed by:WebFX Team

How Much Does LinkedIn Advertising Cost in 2024? (8)

The WebFX team is made up of more than 500 subject matter experts in digital marketing, SEO, web design and web development, social media, and more. Together, they’ve helped WebFX’s clients earn more than $6 billion in revenue from the web — and that’s just in the past five years.


Last Updated: September 13, 2024

How Much Does LinkedIn Advertising Cost in 2024? (9)

Ready to see some real LinkedIn advertising pricing?
View WebFX’s social media advertising plans

Included Networks
Number of additional networks includedPick up to 2 in addition to AdTechFX programmatic campaignsPick up to 3 in addition to AdTechFX programmatic campaigns
Facebook Advertising Campaigns
Instagram Advertising Campaigns
LinkedIn Advertising Campaigns
Twitter Advertising Campaigns
TikTok Advertising CampaignsAvailable with Ongoing FuelFX AssetsAvailable with Ongoing FuelFX Assets
Pinterest Advertising CampaignsAvailable with Ongoing FuelFX Assets
AdTechFX Programmtic Channel Access IncludedAccess Included
Management Deliverables
Dedicated Social Media advertising account manager
500+ SMEs behind campaign driving results
Initial campaign strategy development
Number of advertising campaignsUp to 8Up to 10
Audience analysis
Ad campaign copywriting
Ad copy and design performance testing
Ongoing campaign testing and optimization
Dynamic ad format testing
Consultations per monthUp to 2Up to 4
International campaign management (networks dependent on international policy – addtl. fees may apply)Upon request
All social assets managed through client-owned accounts
Monitoring clicks, conversions and fraud activity
Monitoring of social ad commentsAdd $300/monthAdd $600/month
Social Platform Targeting Capabilities (Specifics Vary By Platform)
– Interests
– Demographics
– Professional Characteristics
– Custom Audiences
– Lookalike Audiences
AdTechFX Programmatic Targeting Capabilities
– 3rd Party Audience Targeting
– Account-Based Retargeting
– CRM Pipeline Retargeting
Social Platform Creative Deliverables
Social Ad Creatives – Copywriting & DesignUp to 2 setsUp to 4 sets
AdTechFX Programmatic Creative Deliverables
Display Ad Creatives (One Time)One Time: Up to 2 sets of rapid display creatives – 16 ads total (8 per set)One Time: Up to 3 Sets of Custom Layout Display Ads – 24 Ads Total (8 images per set)
Connected TV Commercial Ads (One Time)One Time: 1 15-second rapid ConnectedTV adOne Time: 1 Set of Rapid CTV Ads 15 + 30 Seconds (2 videos total)
Ongoing AdTechFX Programmatic Advertising CreativeAdd 1 FuelFX AssetAdd 1 FuelFX Asset
Audio CommercialComing SoonComing Soon
FunnelsFX Landing Pages
Setup of 1 FunnelsFX Landing Page template (One Time)
Performance Reporting
Monthly performance & analysis reporting
Website conversion analysis reporting
IntegrationsFX: Conversion Based Smart BiddingIncluded with MarketingCloudFX LicenseIncluded with MarketingCloudFX License
IntegrationsFX: Automated Lookalike + Custom AudiencesIncluded with MarketingCloudFX LicenseIncluded with MarketingCloudFX License
Initial Campaign Investment (Month 1)$1,975 $4,250
Ongoing Monthly Campaign Investment (Months 2+)$975 or 15% of ad spend, whichever is greater$4,500 or 12% of ad spend, whichever is greater
Required Ad Spend Range$1,000 – $30,000$30,000+

Meet WebFX

A world-class digital marketing agency with thousands of reviews applauding our transparency.

How Much Does LinkedIn Advertising Cost in 2024? (10)

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FAQs on LinkedIn advertising pricing

Get answers to common questions about the cost of LinkedIn ads below!

How much does LinkedIn advertising cost per month?

On average, LinkedIn advertising costs $0.00 – $500.00 (48% of respondents). Several factors can influence how much you spend each month on LinkedIn ads, like your bidding model, bid amount, competition, and more. 17% of businesses spend more than $5000.00 per month on their LinkedIn advertising campaign.

How Much Does LinkedIn Advertising Cost in 2024? (16)

$0.00 – $100.0025.00%
$101.00 – $500.0023.08%
$501.00 – $1000.0018.27%
$1001.00 – $5000.0016.35%
$5001.00 – $10,000.007.69%
More than $10,000.009.62%

How much does LinkedIn advertising cost per click?

On average, LinkedIn advertising costs $2.00 – $4.00 (49% of respondents). Around 13% of businesses spend more than $10.00 per click. LinkedIn requires a minimum spend of $2.00 per click for each ad campaign.

$2.00 – $3.0029.85%
$3.01 – $4.0019.40%
$4.01 – $5.0010.45%
$5.01 – $6.007.46%
$6.01 – $7.0010.45%
$7.01 – $8.004.48%
$8.01 – $10.004.48%
$10.01 – $15.005.97%
More than $15.007.46%

How much does LinkedIn advertising cost per 1000 impressions?

On average, LinkedIn advertising costs $3.01 – $10.00 (47% of respondents). Around 16% of businesses spend less than $3.00, while 26% of businesses pay more than $20.00 per 1000 impressions. LinkedIn also requires a $2.00 minimum spend per 1000 impressions.

$0.00 – $3.0016.39%
$3.01 – $5.0014.75%
$5.01 – $8.0018.03%
$8.01 – $10.0014.75%
$10.01 – $15.004.92%
$15.01 – $20.004.92%
$20.01 – $30.0011.48%
$30.01 – $40.003.28%
$40.01 – $50.003.28%
More than $50.008.20%

How much does LinkedIn advertising cost per send for Sponsored InMail campaigns?

On average, LinkedIn advertising costs $0.25 – $0.75 per send for Sponsored InMail campaigns (41% of respondents). Around 14% of businesses spend more than $2.00 per send.

$0.00 – $0.255.36%
$0.26 – $0.5025.00%
$0.51 – $0.7516.07%
$0.76 – $1.005.36%
$1.01 – $1.2510.71%
$1.26 – $1.503.57%
$1.51 – $1.758.93%
$1.76 – $2.0010.71%
$2.01 – $3.005.36%
More than $3.008.93%

What percentage of your overall advertising budget should you allocate to LinkedIn ads?

On average, businesses typically allocate 0% – 20% of their overall advertising budget to their LinkedIn advertising campaign (57% of respondents). How much you decide to spend on your LinkedIn ad campaign will depend on your company’s unique needs and goals, along with the return you receive from your LinkedIn ads.

How Much Does LinkedIn Advertising Cost in 2024? (17)

0% – 5%19.23%
6% – 10%18.27%
11% – 20%20.19%
21% – 30%7.69%
31% – 40%4.81%
41% – 50%7.69%
51% – 60%5.77%
61% – 70%2.88%
71% – 80%6.73%
More than 80%6.73%
How Much Does LinkedIn Advertising Cost in 2024? (2024)
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Author: Lilliana Bartoletti

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Views: 6791

Rating: 4.2 / 5 (73 voted)

Reviews: 88% of readers found this page helpful

Author information

Name: Lilliana Bartoletti

Birthday: 1999-11-18

Address: 58866 Tricia Spurs, North Melvinberg, HI 91346-3774

Phone: +50616620367928

Job: Real-Estate Liaison

Hobby: Graffiti, Astronomy, Handball, Magic, Origami, Fashion, Foreign language learning

Introduction: My name is Lilliana Bartoletti, I am a adventurous, pleasant, shiny, beautiful, handsome, zealous, tasty person who loves writing and wants to share my knowledge and understanding with you.