How much does it cost to Maintain an App in 2024? (2024)

How much does it cost to Maintain an App in 2024? (1)

It is always crucial to have a budget plan for app maintenance costs before the development process begins. The app development process and the launch are only the first steps in building a successful app. It is the frequent maintenance and updates that keep your app functional and user-friendly for users.

Keep your focus on app upgrades, changes, and mobile app maintenance expenses that may arise after development and launch. Frequent app maintenance leads to better user experience, prevention of crashes/glitches, trendy UI/UX design, fewer or no app uninstallations, and fewer or no downtimes.

Table of Contents

What is Application Maintenance?

How much does it cost to Maintain an App in 2024? (2)

Mobile App maintenance is the continuous process of updating, improving & adjusting your application. Your app requires regular maintenance that includes bug fixes, updates, and OS optimizations. It is essential to prevent app UI/UX errors that could lead to customer defections.

The cost to maintain the app can be 15% – 40% of the app development cost for the first year after the deployment. Typically, an app can require a lot of bug/error fixes, new features, updates, and user feedback implementations in the first year. The app maintenance cost decreases by 15% to 20% of the initial cost.

For example, the App maintenance cost will be around $5,000 a year for an app that costs $1,00,000 to develop.

Benefits of Maintaining an App

  • To deliver the best user experience to your users so that they maintain a long-term relationship with your product or services.
  • To provide safety from cyber-attacks & ensure your app is performing well as per user’s expectations.
  • Regular crashes & bugs move app users away, therefore, to lower app uninstalls, you need to maintain your app.
  • Maintaining an app regularly will increase your number of users, helping you achieve better ROI in the long run.

You must also prepare a strategy and budget plan to maintain the app in the long run.

Look at some statistics below to understand the necessity of mobile app maintenance.

Importance of Mobile App Maintenance

Mobile Application Maintenance is quite necessary for every product irrespective of the business type. The developers sometimes neglect maintaining an app after its release, however, such maintenance is a major factor that comes in every place for the product.

I. Bug Fixing

Many website entrepreneurs, business owners, or developers face bugs, so it is crucial to regularly check & recheck your product for defects. Both the Mobile application development & maintenance processes encounter bugs in many ways, making the application maintenance process a difficult one.

II. Higher Ranking in App Stores

Apple & Google appreciate the regular maintenance of the application. They acknowledge it as a sign of your commitment toward users & lift your app to a better ranking. This results in a higher ranking, higher downloads & higher app revenue.

III. Longer Life to the App

If your app is great along with updated features, it is expected to remain in the market for a longer time. On the other hand, if you have an outdated app, it will soon get rejected.

IV. Upgraded Security

Mobile applications are more prone to be attacked by hackers because the user shares their personal & financial information through the apps. Therefore, keeping an eye on the app maintenance can help you to encounter with security weapons.

V. Better Productivity

With the introduction of new technologies into the existing app functionalities, you can attract more users. Also, you can remain in the minds of the users for longer with such modifications. This way, you can attract more users to your business with a well-maintained application.

VI. Enhance the user interface

If you want to enhance the app, using an app maintenance service can be a good idea. A pleasing & functional interface is required to keep users engaged. Trends in aesthetics & functional designs keep changing, so it’s not surprising that aesthetic trends change, too.

VII. Modify changes in multiple device types

With each new model of mobile & tablet hardware systems, the physical specifications as well as features are not always the same. It becomes outdated if an application is not updated to take advantage of the new OS & hardware.

You need to constantly maintain your apps to stand up to the fast-moving world. But how much does it cost to maintain an app? You are keen to know the answer to this question.

Here is the answer to the app maintenance cost.

How much does it cost to maintain an App?

Consider factors like server costs for apps, push notifications, and payment gateways to determine app maintenance costs. The app maintenance price can be as high as 50% of the total development cost in the first year. It is because you have to add/remove features, deal with bugs/errors, and implement user feedback after the launch. The maintenance costs decrease by 15-20% each year after that.

How much does it cost to Maintain an App in 2024? (4)

The costs of maintaining an app will be reasonably high if it is a native App or iOS app. An app owner must secure $250 -$500 for the monthly maintenance to keep the app running perfectly. You can expect to spend about $20,000 a year to manage your app if the cost to build an app is $100,000.

Determining the actual app maintenance costs involves several factors such as the mobile app hosting costs, technology implemented, location, server maintenance costs, features of the app, and mobile app development company.

Mobile App Maintenance Cost Breakdown

Take a look at these recurring mobile application maintenance service expenses that may influence the cost.

ExpensesCost per month
Push Notification$10
Payment Gateway$149 (depends on % of each commission)
Type of MaintenanceIt depends on the emergency ($50 upwards)
App Store Fee$25-Google play, $99-Apple App

The following are the costs of maintaining an app based on the location:

CountryRate per hour

*Outsource your project with Ailoitte

What Factors Impact the Price of Mobile App Maintenance?

How much does it cost to Maintain an App in 2024? (6)

I. Updating the version of the OS

All OS systems release updates frequently. Developers also need to intervene to implement the changes when app platforms change the guidelines or compile standards. Ignoring the requirements of the app platform can get the app flagged or labeled as obsolete in the store. Testing your apps from time to time on updated OS versions can help in mitigating performance issues and any broken functionality.

II. Updating App technology

App improvements can please the end user due to the increasing importance of user reviews and experience. Technology updates like upgrades can help improve performance. Your app can outperform the competition when you integrate tools like Augmented Reality (AR), Virtual Reality (VR), Artificial Intelligence (AI), and Machine Learning (ML) with it.

III. Integration with external tools/services

You would have chosen a licensed technology at a cost when developing your app. All third-party services charge a monthly cost. Even a version upgrade for a 3rd party tool can be an added cost. You need to consider this cost as part of app maintenance.

IV. Advanced Push Notifications

A large chunk of conversion occurs through push notifications for most e-commerce apps. The push notifications notify the users about things like sales, cart abandonment, and new arrivals. Customized push notifications can simultaneously engage app users and promote your business. You may add advanced push notification features during maintenance/upgrades to make your app more interactive for users.

V. Publishing New Content

App data needs constant tweaks, replacements, and fixes for banners, images, content, and videos. You must personalize all content according to user behavior.

The app admin panel can make simple changes. However technical/complex changes will need a mobile app maintenance team.

VI. Fixing Bugs

Nothing drives the user away faster than constant errors and app crashes. Your app can fail or crash due to accumulated bugs over time. Leaving bugs unaddressed for a long time can lead to more expenses and long-delayed recovery.

Keep technical issues and bugs at bay by taking remedial measures as soon as they are spotted. And keep track of customer feedback and reviews as they help resolve the latest problems or complaints.

VII. Data Backup

Having a regular backup for the mobile app is essential. Any hacker attack can lead to enormous losses and a bad reputation for the business. An app backup can be a savior in such unexpected circ*mstances. App maintenance may involve regular backups manually or by schedule.

VIII. App Analytics Costs

A good analytics tool can help track the app’s performance and user engagement.

It helps gauge essential metrics such as engagement, conversion, retention, in-app per daily user, and % of daily users who purchased.

The mobile app development and maintenance team can develop a customized app analytics tool if the analytics tools in the app are not enough to track usage metrics.

You need to monitor the Daily Active Users (DAU) on the app once you publish it on Google Play or Apple App Store. It provides information on the number of app installations and users who engage with your app.

You can also look at the Monthly Active Users (MAU) reports with the same statistics but on a monthly level. Having a good DAU and MAU is suitable for your app’s success.

*Recommended Latest Article: App Development Cost

Mobile App Maintenance Services

How much does it cost to Maintain an App in 2024? (8)

If you want to outsource your maintenance services requirements, then check out the different types of services that professional Mobile app development companies offer you.

I. Emergency Maintenance

A sudden or unexpected error may occur in your app at any time. In such cases, you need to address these issues immediately to maintain the app’s performance; you need emergency maintenance services. It could be as normal as fixing a bug or a major functional defect. As a result, you can keep a team ready or outsource the maintenance services.

II. Perfective Maintenance

This maintenance service aims to fulfill the flexible needs of app users. In short, you constantly examine user feedback & consider them to maintain your app, either by introducing a new feature or bugs fixing or defects to offer the best customer experience.

III. Corrective Maintenance

You will require this kind of maintenance service when you want to check faults & defects to repair the application. It includes fixing issues related to appearance, code, functionality & UI/UX design.

IV. Adaptive Maintenance

When you want to keep your app up-to-date with new technologies or trends, you need this type of service. Additionally, several other factors change the app’s environment & programming languages such as OS & API updates. Thus, you need adaptive maintenance services regularly to make sure your app is not outdated & relevant for the app user.

V. Preventive Maintenance

This maintenance service makes a regular check on the errors & fixes them immediately. Regularly optimizing the app codes enhances the app performance & improves functionality. Preventive maintenance takes place to ensure that any other app doesn’t face any issues.

How to Reduce Mobile App Maintenance Costs?

After developing an app, need not invest a lot of money in its maintenance. Therefore, we have come up with various tips that you can surely exercise to minimize the app maintenance price.

Tip 1: Select the Right App Development Platform

There are various platforms to choose from to build a mobile application, either you can develop multiple native apps or go for a single cross-platform application that runs on multiple platforms with a single codebase.

Maintaining a lot of native apps will cost you more as compared to maintaining a single cross-platform app. Moreover, cross-platform apps save app development time & costs.

Tip 2: Build an MVP App at first

If you are at an initial stage, it is recommended that you create an MVP product that has adequate or required features. Adding unnecessary features will only result in crashing & increasing loading time after a specific time.

If you obtain valuable feedback from your app users, you can take a chance to implement more features into it. Otherwise, it is completely normal & fine to keep the app as simple as possible.

Tip 3: Follow the Latest Development Trends

This is one of the useful ways to reduce app maintenance costs. Ensure your app fulfills the latest trends. Otherwise, you will constantly need to update your app with the latest trends to compare with the expectations of app users. This will ultimately lead you to pay more for app maintenance.

For example, if you are building a fitness app & plan to incorporate the latest technologies like wearable integration, AI, and gamification. So, always consider the latest trend while estimating the average cost of maintaining an app. Enquiry Now to know the latest Ailoitte offers

Tip 4: Brief your Strategy with the App Development Company

Consult & discuss your ideas with a technical expert who is well-versed in designing a plan & custom app maintenance budget to help you save on expenses. Therefore, explain your budget to the team who will assist you in making informed decisions.

Wrapping Up

App maintenance is always a necessity and not a choice. Keep up with the latest technology trends and consider adding any features, updates, or trends in your app to extend its lifespan. Consider all the app maintenance factors mentioned throughout this article to approach the maintenance process correctly. Ailoitte can also provide app maintenance services that can increase your user base and lead to business growth.

We offer app development services at affordable prices that include mobile app support maintenance, app monitoring, scalability, optimization, version upgrades, and security.

*Reach out to our experts to reduce app maintenance costs & maintain your app at a very affordable & flexible rate.


What is app maintenance?

App maintenance is the re-evaluation and modification of your existing app to keep it up to date and improve its overall functionality.

How much does it cost to maintain an app for a year?

1/5th of your development costs can go for app maintenance. For example, You can expect to spend around $5,000 on maintenance annually if your app costs $100,000 to develop. Enquire now

Do apps need maintenance?

Every app requires ongoing maintenance and constant updates to keep users engaged and keep the app running smoothly.

What does app maintenance include?

Mobile application maintenance and support include bug fixing, enhancing functionality, adding security, improving the design, and monitoring app performance

How much are hosting and maintenance fees for a simple mobile app?

The hosting app server costs for apps can range from $70 to $320 per month. The hosting app server costs for apps can range from $70 to $320 per month.

How much does it cost to keep an app on the Play Store?

Apple App Store charges an annual developer fee of $99 to publish your app. And you are charged a one-time developer fee of $25 on the Google Play Store

How much does it cost to maintain an app per month?

300$ to 500$ are needed monthly on average to keep the app functioning in optimal condition.

Which app has the highest maintenance cost?

App maintenance costs depend on the complexity of an app. The maintenance cost is higher for native apps compared to hybrid apps.
This is because each platform requires an individual app developer.

How much does it cost to Maintain an App in 2024? (2024)


How much does it cost to Maintain an App in 2024? ›

The average cost of mobile app maintenance in 2024 is approximately 20.7% of your initial development cost. To maintain your app efficiently and ensure it is engaging, you need to look at daily and monthly active users.

How much does it cost to maintain an app in 2024? ›

The average cost of mobile app maintenance in 2024 is approximately 20.7% of your initial development cost. To maintain your app efficiently and ensure it is engaging, you need to look at daily and monthly active users.

How much does it cost per year to maintain an app? ›

What is the Cost of App Maintenance Based on Different Factors?
App Maintenance TypeApp Maintenance Charges
Hosting Charges$70 to $320 Per Month
Bug Fixing and Updates$1000 to $2000
Functional Services$4000 Per Year
API Integration$5000 Per Year
4 more rows
Jul 11, 2024

How do you calculate app maintenance cost? ›

Ideally, if your overall app development costs are $50,000, 20% of mobile app maintenance costs will be %10,000. You can estimate 15-20% of the overall development expenses and determine the app maintenance cost. Moving on, let's go to some considerations that can help you to lower the costs.

How much does it cost to maintain a software application? ›

Depending on the software type, the number of users, and the required activities, monthly software maintenance costs may vary from $5,000 to $50,000+*. Below are monthly cost estimates for maintaining two different cloud-based solutions.

How much does the average app cost per month? ›

According to recent app pricing benchmarks from Business of Apps, the average subscription price hovers around $10.20 a month, peaking at $49.65 for a six-month period. Notably, fitness apps lead the charge with the highest average subscription price at $15 per month, while education apps dominate on an annual basis.

Is app maintenance a fixed cost? ›

So, to quickly recap, app maintenance costs can be fixed and variable. Under fixed app maintenance we have: App store fees. Third-party tools & subscription fees.

How often should an app be maintained? ›

How Often Should Mobile Apps Be Updated? Every year, Apple and Google release new versions of their mobile operating systems. This means that all apps should aim to have at least one update or maintenance check every year to work well with these new OS versions.

How much does it cost to run your own app? ›

As you can see, many influencing factors can shift the cost to build a mobile app in either direction. The minimum app development cost is $5,000-$10,000. A more complex mobile application will cost you around $50,000-$75,000 and reach $300,000+.

Do apps need to be maintained? ›

Despite taking a lot of time and effort to develop, you may still have bugs and glitches in your app. Maintaining the app regularly is a way to fix these issues. Even if you have developed an exceptional and well-designed app, errors and glitches can happen when users install the app on diverse mobile devices.

How do you calculate maintenance cost? ›

At a glance, the 1% rule is simple enough to understand. You take the value of a home and calculate 1% of that figure. For example, if your home's appraised value is $250,000, the 1% rule says you need to set aside at least $2,500 for home maintenance every year.

What is the maintenance cost? ›

Maintenance costs are the costs associated with keeping a business running. These include the physical parts of your business and all the people and systems that keep it running.

How do you calculate maintenance charges? ›

Per sq, ft method is extensively used for the calculation of the maintenance charges for the societies. On the basis of this method, a fixed rate is levied per sq ft of the area of the flat. If the rate is 3 per sq ft and you have a flat of 1000 sq ft then you will be charged INR 30000 per month.

How much does it cost to maintain an app? ›

The average cost to maintain an app is around 15% to 20% of the total app development cost. Certain factors affect the expenses which determine the exact cost.

What is software maintenance cost? ›

Software maintenance cost is derived from the changes made to software after it has been delivered to the end user. Software does not “wear out” but it will become less useful as it gets older, plus there WILL always be issues within the software itself. Software maintenance costs will typically form 75% of TCO.

How to maintain an application? ›

7 go-to strategies for mobile app maintenance
  1. Integrate new features. An app maintenance toolkit's most essential part is adding new features over time to keep it relevant for the customers. ...
  2. Bug fixations. ...
  3. Test for compatibility. ...
  4. Monitor the licenses. ...
  5. Update the interface. ...
  6. Security updates. ...
  7. Conduct regular performance tests.
Oct 22, 2023

How much will it cost to run an app? ›

On average, app owners should expect to spend around $2,000 to $2,500 a month initially to keep the app running optimally. A general guideline is to budget 20% of the initial development cost for maintenance.

What is the average lifespan of a mobile app? ›

On average, users delete apps three months after installing them. However, it's a bit more complicated than that. Users tend to get rid of bad looking, slow or difficult to use apps. Good apps tend to stay on phones indefinitely.

How much does AI cost to maintain? ›

The typical price range for AI solutions

Consulting typically comes at a lower cost and varies based on the consultant's hourly rate, which usually falls between $200 and $350. For third-party AI software, like a virtual assistant (which in some cases can even be free), annual expenses could reach up to $40,000.

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Author: Catherine Tremblay

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Name: Catherine Tremblay

Birthday: 1999-09-23

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Introduction: My name is Catherine Tremblay, I am a precious, perfect, tasty, enthusiastic, inexpensive, vast, kind person who loves writing and wants to share my knowledge and understanding with you.