How Many Satoshis Are in a Bitcoin? (1 BTC = 100M Sats) (2024)

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How Many Satoshis Are in a Bitcoin? (1 BTC = 100M Sats) (1)How Many Satoshis Are in a Bitcoin? (1 BTC = 100M Sats) (2)


Like adollar can bebroken down into cent-sized units, 1 BTC = 100M satoshis. Inthis article, welearn why satoshis are important toBitcoin adoption and what the SATS: USD rate isonJuly 26th, 2024.

How Many Satoshis Are in a Bitcoin? (1 BTC = 100M Sats) (3)

How Many Satoshis Are in a Bitcoin? (1 BTC = 100M Sats) (4)How Many Satoshis Are in a Bitcoin? (1 BTC = 100M Sats) (5)


Jun 27, 2024June 27, 20244 min read4 minutes read

In this article

  • How Many Satoshis are in Each Bitcoin?
  • What is a Satoshi?
  • Satoshi Origin
  • Bitcoin's Divisibility: More Than Just Convenience
  • Millisatoshi's: Scaling Bitcoin on Lightning
  • Satoshi Currency Symbol
  • Permanently Lost Satoshi's

It’s acommon misconception that purchasing Bitcoin means buying awholeBitcoin. Infact, some ofthe most enthusiastic Bitcoiners are still trying tobecome a"whole-coiner.”

The smallest unit ofaccount iscalled asatoshi…

How Many Satoshis are inEachBitcoin?

  • Each Bitcoin isdivisible into 100,000,000 satoshis, often abbreviated tosats.

  • Asatoshi isthe atomic unit ofBitcoin.

  • The total number ofsatoshis that will ever exist is2.1 quadrillion.

This extreme divisibility facilitates microtransactions and makes Bitcoin adaptable toeveryone’s economic needs, from nation-states and sovereign wealth funds toindividuals looking for coffee oraslice ofpizza with satoshis.

SATS: USD Conversion

1 SAT = 0.000673 USD
1 USD = 1,486.19 SATS

Last price update for SATS toUSD converter at 12:12 UTC onJuly 26th, 2024.

Example: Ifyou bought a$100 item with one Bitcoin, your charge might ring upas0.0025 BTC (ifBTC equaled $40,000). However, it’s easier tounderstand 250,000satoshis.

What isaSatoshi?

Asatoshi, named after Bitcoin’s anonymous creator, SatoshiNakamoto. AsBitcoin’s value continues toappreciate over the coming years, itwill bedifficult for the average investor toacquire awholeBitcoin.

Satoshi Origin

OnNovember 15, 2010, ribuck proposed that 0.01 BTC, orone-hundredth ofaBitcoin, should benamed a‘Satoshi.’

How Many Satoshis Are in a Bitcoin? (1 BTC = 100M Sats) (6)

How Many Satoshis Are in a Bitcoin? (1 BTC = 100M Sats) (7)How Many Satoshis Are in a Bitcoin? (1 BTC = 100M Sats) (8)

However, four months later, herevised his proposal, suggesting that the term 'Austrian' or'Satoshi' beused.

The term 'Satoshi' won out, gained popularity and became widely accepted byallBitcoiners.

Bitcoin’s Divisibility: More Than Just Convenience

Bitcoin’s divisibility isnot just amatter ofconvenience. It’s acritical feature that enhances Bitcoin’s scalability and accessibility, allowing users from all economic backgrounds toparticipate inthe Bitcoineconomy.

How Many Satoshis Are in a Bitcoin? (1 BTC = 100M Sats) (12)

How Many Satoshis Are in a Bitcoin? (1 BTC = 100M Sats) (13)How Many Satoshis Are in a Bitcoin? (1 BTC = 100M Sats) (14)

Onthe blockchain, all values are initially expressed insatoshis and then converted for displaypurposes. The source code ofBitcoin also refers toamounts interms ofsatoshis, particularly when dealing with small fractions ofaBitcoin, like in:

  • Fee calculations per byte

  • Rewards from afaucet

… where satoshis enhances readability.

Millisatoshi’s: Scaling Bitcoin onLightning

The Lightning Network and other Layer2 scaling solutions utilize even smaller units ofsatoshis— “millisatoshis” or“msats” for short.

InDecember 2017, BIP-176also proposed “Bits” beused asastandard term for 100 (one hundred) satoshis or1/1,000,000 (one one-millionth) ofaBitcoin.

Amillisatoshi isone-thousandth ofasatoshi.

Millisatoshis are used within the Lightning Network tofacilitate microtransactions for more precise accounting and settlement.

This division allows even smaller transactions tobeeffectively represented within the LightningNetwork.

  • 1 satoshi = 0.00000001 BTC

  • 1 millisatoshi (msat) = 0.00000000001 BTC or1/1000th ofasatoshi

NOTE: Millisatoshis are not recognized onthe Bitcoin main chain.

When aLightning transaction isclosed and settled onthe Bitcoin blockchain, the amounts are rounded tothe nearest satoshi, asthe main chain does not support smaller units than asatoshi.

How Many Satoshi’s = Top 10% Bitcoin Holder

AsofJuly 26th, 2024: Tobeinthe top 10% ofBitcoin holders, based onthe data from BitInfoCharts, only requires between 0.01 and 0.1 BTC.

  • Addresses with balances between 0.01 and 0.1 BTC account for about 14.91% ofalladdresses.

    • 8,017,661 individual wallet addresses

  • The next category up, 0.1 to1 BTC, represents about 6.61% ofaddresses.

    • 3,551,653 individual wallet addresses

How Many Satoshis Are in a Bitcoin? (1 BTC = 100M Sats) (15)

How Many Satoshis Are in a Bitcoin? (1 BTC = 100M Sats) (16)How Many Satoshis Are in a Bitcoin? (1 BTC = 100M Sats) (17)

Learn more about how Bitcoin isgaining widespread adoption with fast, super-cheap micropayments that are accessible toeveryone, allowing for worldwide financialinclusion.

Satoshi Currency Symbol

Satoshi isoften abbreviated tosat orsats, although nocurrency symbol has been officiallyadopted.

How Many Satoshis Are in a Bitcoin? (1 BTC = 100M Sats) (18)

How Many Satoshis Are in a Bitcoin? (1 BTC = 100M Sats) (19)How Many Satoshis Are in a Bitcoin? (1 BTC = 100M Sats) (20)

Not too long after, the term 'Stacking Sats' was born.

This finite supply isfundamental toits design, ensuring scarcity and potentially enhancing its value over time.Recent estimates suggest there are approximately 59.4 million millionaires and only 2,781 billionaires worldwide.

Let’s dosome #Bitcoinmath.

Ifthe total supply of21 million Bitcoin were tobeevenly distributed among these millionaires, each millionaire would receive:

ONLY approximately 0.352 BTC

Afork does not affect the 21 million supplylimit. This stark difference highlights the concentration ofwealth and the potential impact onBitcoinownership.

Permanently Lost Satoshi’s

Accordingtothe Investment Manager atCane Island ofDigital Research and Author of“#Bitcoin Spreads Like aVirus” & “The Debauchery ofCurrency, aBloody History ofMoney,” Timothy Peterson, uptoapproximately6 million Bitcoin, constituting about 30% ofthe total Bitcoin supply, are believed tobepermanently lost, equating toavalue of$311.4billion.

How Many Satoshis Are in a Bitcoin? (1 BTC = 100M Sats) (21)

How Many Satoshis Are in a Bitcoin? (1 BTC = 100M Sats) (22)How Many Satoshis Are in a Bitcoin? (1 BTC = 100M Sats) (23)

InJune of2010, username laszlo commented onthe Bitcoin talk forum about ifitmakes sense totry torecover keys for lostcoins. However, the computing power toaccomplish this isunreasonable and unlikely tobepulled off.

Satoshi responded bystating:

How Many Satoshis Are in a Bitcoin? (1 BTC = 100M Sats) (24)

How Many Satoshis Are in a Bitcoin? (1 BTC = 100M Sats) (25)How Many Satoshis Are in a Bitcoin? (1 BTC = 100M Sats) (26)

Looking tothe future, the increasing value ofBitcoin could lead toascenario where pricing insatoshis becomes morepractical. AsBitcoin’s value potentially escalates, using its smallest unit for everyday transactions could become commonplace, similar tohow cents are used inthe dollar system.

Don’t let the high price ofasingle Bitcoin deter you…

Start small.
Think insatoshis.
Stack sats.
Remain humble.
Smash buy Bitcoin with Swantoday.

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How Many Satoshis Are in a Bitcoin? (1 BTC = 100M Sats) (27)

How Many Satoshis Are in a Bitcoin? (1 BTC = 100M Sats) (28)How Many Satoshis Are in a Bitcoin? (1 BTC = 100M Sats) (29)


Drew, aclass of2013 Bitcoiner, isaResearch Analyst for Swan Bitcoin.

Hehas worked ininstitutional VC/PE, FinTech, and DLT consulting for over six years. Healso brings over twelve years ofexperience working with national nonprofits and start-ups ineducation and software development inseveral leadership roles.

In this article

  • How Many Satoshis are in Each Bitcoin?
  • What is a Satoshi?
  • Satoshi Origin
  • Bitcoin's Divisibility: More Than Just Convenience
  • Millisatoshi's: Scaling Bitcoin on Lightning
  • Satoshi Currency Symbol
  • Permanently Lost Satoshi's



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How Many Satoshis Are in a Bitcoin? (1 BTC = 100M Sats) (2024)


How Many Satoshis Are in a Bitcoin? (1 BTC = 100M Sats)? ›

There are 100,000,000 satoshis (sats) in a bitcoin. Each satoshi represents 0.00000001 BTC, making it the smallest possible unit of bitcoin.

How much is 100 million sats in Bitcoin? ›

Satoshi to USD Rates (Live)
Satoshi (sats)BitcoinU.S. Dollar
100,000 Satoshi0.00100000 Bitcoin$56.797
1,000,000 Satoshi0.01000000 Bitcoin$567.967
10,000,000 Satoshi0.10000000 Bitcoin$5679.666
100,000,000 Satoshi1.00000000 Bitcoin$56796.664
5 more rows

How many satoshis is 1 Bitcoin? ›

Satoshis are a tiny subunit of bitcoin. Each bitcoin is made up of 100 million satoshis.

How many satoshis are there in 0.00000001 BTC? ›

A satoshi is the smallest unit of Bitcoin currency. 1 satoshi = 0.00000001 BTC. satoshi is the namesake of the technical author and creator of Bitcoin, satoshi Nakamoto.

How much is 0.001 BTC in SATS? ›

When buying, you can denominate in bitcoin terms, such as buying ₿0.001 bitcoin (aka 100,000 sats), or in cash terms, such as buying $100 USD worth of bitcoin. The total possible supply of bitcoin is 21 million (₿21,000,000), as defined in the Bitcoin software.

How much is 500 satoshi btc in dollars? ›

AmountToday at 5:49 pm
10 SATOSHI$2.23
50 SATOSHI$11.15
100 SATOSHI$22.29
500 SATOSHI$111.45
4 more rows

How much is 10,000 satoshi in BTC? ›

Satoshi to bitcoin conversion
10,000 Satoshi0.00010000 bitcoin
100,000 Satoshi0.00100000 bitcoin
1,000,000 Satoshi0.01000000 bitcoin
10,000,000 Satoshi0.10000000 bitcoin
5 more rows

How much will one satoshi be worth in 2030? ›

SATS (1000SATS) Price Prediction 2030
2025$ 0.000308
2026$ 0.000324
2027$ 0.00034
2030$ 0.000393
1 more row

What is a rare satoshi? ›

Rare sats are satoshis with qualities or origins that distinguish them from other sats. But to understand what makes a sat rare, first you need to look at the underlying concept. A satoshi is the smallest unit of bitcoin.

What is the net worth of Satoshi Nakamoto? ›

Nakamoto owns between 750,000 and 1,100,000 Bitcoin. In November 2021, when Bitcoin reached a value of over $68,000, his net worth would have been up to $73 billion, making him the 15th-richest person in the world at the time.

How to mine satoshi coin? ›

How To Mine Satoshi
  1. Download a Bitcoin mining app. ...
  2. Create an account and log in to begin.
  3. Choose a mining pool. ...
  4. Click “Start Mining”, and your Satoshi mining will begin.
  5. You will have to go through real-name authentication.
  6. Enter your details in the provided space.

What is the lowest denomination of Bitcoin? ›

The satoshi is the lowest denomination of bitcoin—there is 100 million satoshi per bitcoin. The denomination was named after Satoshi Nakamoto, the person or group who invented Bitcoin. It is easier to discuss increments of bitcoin in satoshi because they are numbers people in general understand better.

How many bitcoins are there? ›

How Many Bitcoins Are There Now in Circulation?
Total BTC in Existence19,816,656.25
Bitcoins Left to Be Mined1,183,343.8
% of Bitcoins Issued94.365%
New Bitcoins per Day900
Mined Bitcoin Blocks860,665

What is 100 millionth of a bitcoin? ›

The satoshi is currently the smallest unit of the bitcoin currency recorded on the block chain. It is a one hundred millionth of a single bitcoin (0.00000001 BTC). The unit has been named in collective homage to the original creator of Bitcoin, Satoshi Nakamoto.

How many bitcoin sats per dollar? ›

USD to 1000SATS
AmountToday at 6:07 am
1 USD3,244.45 1000SATS
5 USD16,222.24 1000SATS
10 USD32,444.47 1000SATS
50 USD162,222.35 1000SATS
4 more rows

How many sats does it take to make a bitcoin? ›

There are 100,000,000 satoshis (sats) in a bitcoin. Each satoshi represents 0.00000001 BTC, making it the smallest possible unit of bitcoin. The satoshi, often abbreviated as “sat,” is the smallest unit of Bitcoin. The satoshi is named in honor of Bitcoin's founder, Satoshi Nakamoto.

How many sats is 0.1 bitcoin? ›

Latest BTC to SATS price calculator
0.1 BTC10000525.00 SATS
1 BTC100005250.00 SATS
2 BTC200010500.00 SATS
3 BTC300015750.00 SATS
10 more rows

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Author: Reed Wilderman

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Name: Reed Wilderman

Birthday: 1992-06-14

Address: 998 Estell Village, Lake Oscarberg, SD 48713-6877

Phone: +21813267449721

Job: Technology Engineer

Hobby: Swimming, Do it yourself, Beekeeping, Lapidary, Cosplaying, Hiking, Graffiti

Introduction: My name is Reed Wilderman, I am a faithful, bright, lucky, adventurous, lively, rich, vast person who loves writing and wants to share my knowledge and understanding with you.