How long does it take to transfer Bitcoin between wallets? (2024)

At Edge, we know there are many reasons why users may want to move Bitcoin between their wallets. It could be spreading their money around to reduce risk, maybe they need to move it to a wallet where they can sell some easily and quickly, or maybe they are moving from a hot wallet to a cold wallet. No matter the use case, transferring is an important feature of using your Bitcoin wallet.

In this article, we will distill how long it takes to transfer bitcoin between wallets.

At the outset, it’s important to note that all reliable wallet solutions should show transactions as “pending” or “unconfirmed” effectively immediately after sending a bitcoin transaction. The amount of time it takes to transfer bitcoin between wallets is going to be considered in this article within the context of receiving at least one confirmation on a transaction.

Some Facts About the Bitcoin Blockchain

If users are sending Bitcoin from one wallet to another, then they are using Bitcoin’s blockchain. There are a number of things users should know about this blockchain to help with understanding how long it takes to make a transfer.

Fact #1: Block time is 10 minutes on average

Bitcoin creates a new block every 10 minutes, and it’s been consistent in doing so since inception. There is a difficulty adjustment on Bitcoin’s hash rate every 2 weeks, which ensures that the block time stays consistent no matter how much hash power is behind the network trying to mine the next block.

This means that, assuming a transaction makes it into the next block, 10 minutes is typically the time it takes for a Bitcoin transaction to receive a confirmation in the receiving wallet.

That said, it could take longer than ten minutes, or slightly shorter, if blocks are being mined a little faster or slower than the 10 minute average pace. When sending a bitcoin transaction, the transaction fee that is sent to miners is important. The higher the fee attached to the transaction, the more likely a transaction is to be confirmed in the next block. The lower the fee attached to a transaction, the more likely the transaction is to take multiple blocks for confirmation.

At the time of writing, the image below illustrates the average confirmation times on the Bitcoin network over the last 60 days:

How long does it take to transfer Bitcoin between wallets? (1)

The amount of time it takes for a transaction to receive a confirmation is largely dependent on the size of the bitcoin mempool.

Fact #2: The Mempool Tells The Story

The mempool is the bus station of the bitcoin network. It’s where all Bitcoin transactions go to wait to get confirmed by being added to a block (boarding the bus). Many things affect the size of the mempool including:

  • Transaction fees
  • Hash rate
  • Network traffic

If there’s a big line at the bus station (mempool), the station will be full, with transactions waiting to get added into a block. This congestion means delays for many transactions. Over the last 60 days, aside from a couple of spikes of growth in December, the mempool was pretty consistent.

How long does it take to transfer Bitcoin between wallets? (2)

To jump ahead of other transactions at this congested bus station, one thing users can do is pay a higher transaction fee. The increased transaction fee incentive, which is a primary way miners make revenue, will entice miners to add a transaction into a block more quickly.

Fact #3: ~2000 Transactions per Block (the source for these charts) has some great information on the Bitcoin network. At the time of writing, the average number of transactions included in a block is typically between 1500-2200 transactions.

How long does it take to transfer Bitcoin between wallets? (3)

Fact #4: Exchanges Seem Faster for a Reason

When either buying or selling Bitcoin, sometimes exchange accounts, be they Coinbase, Kraken, or many others, are a little faster than self-custody wallets in terms of transferring bitcoin from one account to the other.

That’s possible because exchanges like Coinbase do not put internal transactions on the blockchain. For example, we hope users never have to sell their Bitcoin, but when asking oneself “how do you sell Bitcoin?The answer sometimes means moving bitcoin from a private wallet like Edge back to Coinbase to sell. This requires an on chain bitcoin transaction.

When transferring between Coinbase users, Coinbase is simply holding bitcoin in their vaults and changing the deposit balances in their servers from one account to another.
Similarly, if Bitcoin is swapped for another asset like Chainlink on an exchange, the exchange only tracks that transaction internally on their servers, since they have both assets in their internal vaults. These transactions don’t get sent on any blockchain until users move their asset off to an external account.

This lack of on-chain transactions within exchanges is why transferring bitcoin between accounts is often faster on centralized exchanges.

Putting the Pieces Together

As shown, there are multiple factors that impact the amount of time it takes to transfer bitcoin between wallets.

Let’s go back to the mempool one more time. We see the average number of transactions in the last 60 days waiting for confirmation is around 10-15k transactions.

How long does it take to transfer Bitcoin between wallets? (4)

Knowing this and our other facts above which show 10 minute block times with ~2000 transactions per block, the natural assumption is that, all else remaining equal, setting a low or average transaction fee (which a user’s wallet software will calculate for them) to move Bitcoin between wallets will result in transactions sitting for a while in the mempool. Ten thousand transactions in the mempool could mean ~4-5 blocks worth of transactions getting filled before a transaction gets added into a block. And we know that that number of blocks means it could take somewhere between 40-50 minutes for the transfer to confirm.

With a higher fee, users can move their transactions up in priority.

Now, this doesn’t mean users will not see any activity in their wallet for nearly an hour. Many wallets will (and should) show transactions as “unconfirmed” or “pending” prior to receiving a confirmation.

A single Bitcoin transaction could be $200, $5 million, or any other arbitrary amount moving at one time. For comparison’s sake, this waiting time is rather quick when stacked up against other base layer settlement systems such as a wire transfer.

With the many intricacies involved with transferring bitcoin between wallets based on current market conditions, users should use software that helps to ease this user experience as much as possible. If users want a wallet that understands and optimizes for these intricacies, eliminating a lot of the worry involved with sending and receiving transactions, give Edge a try today.

How long does it take to transfer Bitcoin between wallets? (2024)


How long does it take to transfer Bitcoin between wallets? ›

This means that, assuming a transaction makes it into the next block, 10 minutes is typically the time it takes for a Bitcoin transaction to receive a confirmation in the receiving wallet.

How long does it take to transfer bitcoins between wallets? ›

In general, Bitcoin transactions usually take from one to one and half hours to complete. On occasion, a high volume of transactions taking place on the Blockchain could lead to transaction delays.

How long should a Bitcoin transfer take? ›

How long does a Bitcoin transaction usually take? All Bitcoin transactions need six confirmations in the blockchain from miners before being processed. In most cases, Bitcoin transactions need 1 to 1.5 hours to complete.

How long does it take to transfer Bitcoin from one account to another? ›

Generally speaking, Bitcoin transactions usually take 1 to 1.5 hours to complete. However, there can be delays in the transaction if there is a high volume of transactions taking place at the same time. You can check if this is the case by viewing the blockchain's volume.

Why is BTC transfer taking so long? ›

One of the primary factors that can cause transaction delays is network congestion. When the network is experiencing high transaction volumes, miners have a larger pool of transactions to process. As a result, it may take some time for your transaction to be included in a block and confirmed.

Can a Bitcoin transaction take 24 hours? ›

Transactions can sometimes be completed in minutes while remaining unconfirmed for more than 24 hours on other occasions. Experiencing a delay in confirmation of a Bitcoin transaction can induce some anxiety, but it's a normal thing to expect on a blockchain network.

How do I send Bitcoins to another wallet instantly? ›

Sending Bitcoin

Open your wallet app and tap the 'Send' button at the top of the Home screen. Copy and paste the recipient's wallet address into your own wallet app. If you're in person, select “Scan QR code” and simply scan it with your app. Choose which wallet you want to send Bitcoin from.

Why do I have to wait 7 days to send Bitcoin? ›

If you've been using Coinbase to buy and sell Bitcoin, you may have noticed that you can't send your coins instantly. You have to wait seven days. This is because of Coinbase's new policy of holding onto user funds for seven days.

How do I know if my Bitcoin was sent? ›

Go to or and type or paste the transaction ID into the search field.

Why do I have to wait 5 days to send Bitcoin? ›

This process is called the "confirmations" and is used to prevent fraud. The more confirmations a transaction has, the more secure it is. In order to send your Bitcoin, Coinbase needs to verify your transaction.

Can I buy and transfer Bitcoin instantly? ›

You can buy crypto instantly in the BitPay app or through the BitPay website online. Select the amount you want to convert to crypto and the cryptocurrency you'd like to buy. Enter your wallet information to confirm where you'd like to receive your crypto.

How long does transfer to wallet take? ›

This means that, assuming a transaction makes it into the next block, 10 minutes is typically the time it takes for a Bitcoin transaction to receive a confirmation in the receiving wallet.

What is the fastest cryptocurrency to transfer? ›

XRP, SOL, ATOM, and XLM are some of the fastest cryptocurrencies available, with instant transfer times. Factors affecting crypto transfer speeds include network congestion, transaction fees, block time, and cryptocurrency protocols/algorithms.To optimize crypto transfers ...

Can a BTC transfer fail? ›

In most cases, your cryptocurrency transactions should proceed smoothly without any issues. However, there are instances where a transaction may fail to be successful, resulting in rejection. Transaction fees are essential for incentivizing miners, the entities responsible for validating transactions on the network.

Why is my Bitcoin not transferring? ›

If the recipient states that they did not receive the bitcoins, please ask them to confirm the receiving address. If you have sent to the correct address but the recipient cannot see the bitcoins in their wallet, then it is possible you have mistakenly sent BCH to a BTC address (or vice-versa).

Why is transfer taking so long? ›

The time it takes for a bank transfer to be successful depends on a number of factors, and some of these factors could cause a delay. These factors include the timing of the transfer, where the transfer is being made, the currencies involved, security checks, bank holidays, and the reasons for the transaction.

What is the longest a Bitcoin transaction can take? ›

Bitcoin's transaction speed can vary between 10 minutes up to 1 hour depending on the number of confirmations required to validate every single block on the network. The average time to complete a single Bitcoin confirmation is approximately 11 minutes based on the current median confirmation time.

Can a Bitcoin transaction get stuck? ›

It happens because of two main reasons: The transaction volume spikes, meaning that some of them will have to wait for others to be processed first. The hashrate suddenly drops, which means the processing power for approving transactions reduces until mining difficulty corrects itself accordingly.

How can I speed up a stuck Bitcoin transaction? ›

If you have sent a transaction that is taking a long time to confirm, you can speed it up by using our increase fee feature. This resends your unconfirmed transaction with a higher fee. Bitcoin miners prioritize transactions with higher fees when selecting transactions to include in a block.

Can you send Bitcoin between wallets? ›

Can you move bitcoin from one wallet to another? Yes, you can.

How long does it take to receive Bitcoin on Coinbase from another wallet? ›

Wait at least 30 minutes. Blockchain transactions take time to complete. Most transactions will be completed within 30 minutes. Check the number of confirmations.

Can you send Bitcoin to the same wallet? ›

You can do so in four ways: Input the wallet address: Copy and paste the recipient's wallet address into the field. Scan a QR code: Scan the recipient's QR code. My Wallets: Choose a wallet from the list. Shareable Links: This only works when sending Bitcoin Cash.

Can a Bitcoin transaction take a week? ›

Bitcoin transactions can take a minimum of 10 minutes to hours, days, and also a week. This is because the miners need to verify the transactions, and the network might be slow at times.

Does sending more Bitcoin take longer? ›

Block validation and size

Occasionally the block size of a cryptocurrency can be increased to include more transactions. However, this can also make it slower and is a big reason why the Bitcoin community resisted calls from the Bitcoin Cash crowd to increase BTC's block size from 1MB to 8MB.

How do you know if someone is scamming you with Bitcoin? ›

To protect against cryptocurrency scams, here are some of the common red flags:
  • promises for large gains or double the investment;
  • only accepting cryptocurrency as payment;
  • contractual obligations;
  • misspellings and grammatical errors in emails, social media posts or any other communication;
6 days ago

Can the FBI trace Bitcoin? ›

Yes. How did FBI trace Bitcoin? Court documents indicated that investigators traced bitcoin transaction records to a digital wallet, which they subsequently seized under court order. Officials were then able to access that wallet with something called a "private key," or password.

Why isn't my Bitcoin showing up in my wallet? ›

Normally, Bitcoin and Ethereum transactions won't appear in your wallet until the blockchain has processed at least one confirmation, this can take ten minutes or longer. BTC and BCH require 1 confirmation and ETH require 12 confirmations.

Why is my bitcoin transaction taking too long to confirm? ›

It is normal for bitcoin transactions to be delayed from time to time, especially when the network is experiencing high traffic or a transaction has been sent with low fees. Bitcoin transactions are considered confirmed when a bitcoin miner includes your transaction in a block.

How many confirmations does a BTC transfer need? ›

Six confirmations are widely considered to be safe and secure enough to prove your transaction will be valid and permanent. The initial transaction block represents the first confirmation, and you're advised to wait until five additional blocks are added, resulting in a six-link blockchain.

Can I cancel a pending Bitcoin transaction? ›

Due to the nature of digital currency protocols, transactions cannot be cancelled or altered once they are initiated. This is what allows merchants to accept digital currency without the risk of chargebacks.

Can I buy Bitcoin at Walmart? ›

Purchasing Bitcoin at Walmart

If you're wondering where to buy bitcoin when you arrive, head to the Walmart Money Center or Customer Service counter. They're usually located at the front of the store. Once there, give the teller the information you copied from your P2P. Then pay the cashier and keep the receipt.

How easy is it to transfer Bitcoin? ›

Once you have the wallet address, you just need to open your crypto wallet, enter the wallet address, select how much crypto you want to send, and you're done. There's usually a small fee to send crypto, called the “gas fee”, but this fee is often much lower than other methods like wire transfers or Western Union.

Can I buy Bitcoin and sell it the same day? ›

Crypto day trading is a short-term trading strategy based on the purchase and sale of crypto assets on the same day. Day trading crypto is a high-risk venture made possible by the distinct volatility and liquidity in the cryptocurrency markets.

How long should a transfer take? ›

Transfers typically happen quickly. Generally, domestic bank wires are completed in three days, at most. If transfers occur between accounts at the same financial institution, they can take less than 24 hours. Wire transfers via a non-bank money transfer service may happen within minutes.

How long does a transfer take to go through? ›

Transferring money between banks can take one to five days, depending on if you're doing a wire transfer or ACH transfer or using a peer-to-peer app or check.

What is the fastest crypto to transfer from Coinbase? ›

Polkadot. Polkadot is one of the top cryptocurrencies to offer 1,000 transactions per second and confirmation within 4-5 seconds for crypto transactions.

Which crypto is growing faster than Bitcoin? ›

Some of the fastest-growing cryptocurrencies are: -Solana. -Cardano. -Polkadot.

What blockchain has the fastest transactions? ›

The Hedera network can process up to 10,000 TPS, which makes it one of the fastest blockchain platforms in the market. In addition to its high transaction speed, Hedera Hashgraph offers a number of other benefits, including low latency, high throughput, and increased security and stability.

What happens if you send Bitcoin to the wrong wallet? ›

Due to the irreversible nature of cryptocurrency protocols, transactions can't be cancelled or reversed once initiated. If you sent funds to the wrong address, you'll need to contact the receiving party and ask for their cooperation in returning the funds.

How long will a transfer be pending? ›

Most pending transactions clear in 1 to 2 days, but some take up to a week.

Why does it take 3 days to transfer? ›

This is because the funds are staying within the same financial organization. Bank transfers between banks will take longer, up to three business days for some transactions, because they have to go through intermediary banks that help facilitate the transfer.

Can a transfer be delayed? ›

One of the most common reasons for a bank transfer delay is a weekend or holiday. Transfers are typically processed during working days and hours, so if your sender has made a payment on Friday afternoon, it won't be processed until Monday morning.

How long does it take for Coinbase to transfer Bitcoin? ›

For US customers, Coinbase uses the ACH bank transfer system for transfers to your bank account. The ACH bank transfer system typically takes 3-5 business days to complete after initiating a sell or withdrawal. Coinbase will deduct the balance from your source of funds and begin the bank transfer immediately.

How long does it take to send crypto to another wallet? ›

Wait at least 30 minutes. Blockchain transactions take time to complete. Most transactions will be completed within 30 minutes. Check the number of confirmations.

Why do I have to wait 6 days to send Bitcoin? ›

This delay is known as a "holding period" or "cooling-off period," and it is intended to protect both the exchange and its users from fraud, theft, and other security risks.

Can I transfer my Bitcoin from Coinbase to another wallet? ›

Transfer crypto from Coinbase
  1. On the Assets tab, tap Buy or transfer > Buy or transfer from Coinbase.
  2. Tap the asset balance by the crypto you'd to transfer.
  3. Enter the amount you'd like to transfer.
  4. Tap Continue. (You'll see Coinbase balance under From.)
  5. Tap Confirm, and follow the remaining prompts.

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Name: Mrs. Angelic Larkin

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