How Good Is Career in Content Writing in 2024? (Updated) (2024)

Thinking About Content Writing as a Career? Technology has literally brought information to our fingertips and access to information has become way easier, being the reason why we Google every time we want to know about something. It is very clear that in order to make information reach a crowd of millions and billions of people, it has to appear on the internet. Years ago, content writing as a career was not something people would consider as a mainstream option for their careers. Even our education system very lately recognized it as a formal educational course, but now that our world has advanced so much with the internet, awareness for content writing as a career option has increased tremendously.

How Good Is Career in Content Writing in 2024? (Updated) (1)

As this has turned out to be a major medium for presenting information, almost all industries or businesses are closely associated with content writing. This creates massive space and opportunities for content writers.

Every blog, article, post, journal, and even advertisem*nt result from someone making effort to write an organized piece of content.

A career in content writing comes with a lot of responsibilities as one has to have a clear understanding of the depths of writing and how a variety of content is consumed by the readers.

Depending upon the skills and experience, a career in content writing could be very smooth, but there are chances when a career in content writing could be precarious because of a lack of vision and understanding.

There are numerous options for people trying to build their careers in content writing. Every career option in content writing demands a different set of skills and an understanding of content writing.

The basic requirement for one to pursue a career in content writing is having the ability to express ideas in words, a strong vocabulary, and a thorough understanding of the language they are going to write. Apart from these, qualifications in literature or journalism would make it a little easier to grab opportunities quickly, but there is no such specific demand in terms of qualification for a career in content writing.

Career Options in Content Writing

Content writing as a career is very diverse and has numerous opportunities for students and aspiring content writers. Below are some of the most popular and recommended professions that could be pursued to build a stable career in content writing.

These careers also come with risks of failure and demand hard work and dedication as much as any other profession. This is for people who want to learn about opportunities and genuinely want to build a career as a content writer.

Social Media Writing:

A social media writer is someone who optimizes the content on social media handles to reach a larger audience. Writing for social media is one of the most popular content writing careers. This has a lot of marketing strategies involved in order to influence consumers.

This kind of content writing career demands good writing and research skills. Creative writing and generating appropriate content for the targeted audience are most needed in such a writing-based career.

Almost all the companies having social media handles require these kinds of writers, making enough opportunities for writers to pursue a content writing career as social media writers.

Companies usually require them for promoting a product or any particular service they provide. Social media content not only influences the audience but also proves to be really helpful in generating traffic to their websites.

The tasks for a social media writer have their own set of challenges and levels of difficulty. Sometimes the social media writers are required to post product descriptions while the other times some require them to write posts that generate traffic.

Depending on their skills and performance, social media writers are paid good money. A content writing career as a social media writer can be a good choice for one looking for opportunities in content writing but making it a stable career depends on the level of expertise. Social media platforms have turned out to be the best places to strategize and publicize content.

As social media platforms are crowded with millions of daily active users, companies find it easier to reach the audience and gain traffic to their websites. Therefore, there is plenty much scope if one chooses to be a social media writer as his content writing career.

News Writing:

News writers are those who turn ground reports into news articles. These articles could either be published online or as newspaper articles.

People looking for a Content writing career as a News writer are recommended to have a graduation degree in journalism. Such content writing careers require writers to create highly detailed and expressive articles that are easy to understand.

Skills like creative writing are one of the most demanded qualities for people looking forward to establishing a stable content writing career as a news writer. To be a news writer, one must have an unbiased vision and should be able to write rational endings to the articles.

This is a highly-paid job and extremely professional skills are needed to sustain a stable life in this career. To have a content writing career as a news writer would require one to have a strong vocabulary and should be able to make quality content out of raw facts and figures.

Overall the career in content writing as a news writer is a highly dignified post for a content writer and well paid. There is enough scope for students and aspiring writers to become news writers who have professional writing skills, good vision, and strong vocabulary.

People with a graduation degree in journalism are more likely to be hired as news writers as compared to those without a degree.

Having an educational background in English and literature could also help one grab these opportunities quickly. Working as a news writer, one may find opportunities to work with reputed media companies.

SEO Writing:

SEO refers to “search engine optimization” which is a technique developed according to the algorithm believed to be used by search engines like Google to rank content.

This technique is the result of a tremendous amount of research, study, and analysis. A career in content writing as an SEO writer needs a thorough knowledge of keyword research, keyword demand, and a lot of other factors.

People aspiring to become SEO writers or those who want to build their career in content writing as an SEO writer are advised to learn SEO courses provided by many institutes for content writing in India. SEO writer has to mainly deal with blogs, websites, targeted articles, and journals.

There is vast scope for students and aspiring content writers to become SEO writers, as there are many companies and website which are totally content-based, for example, news and entertainment sites.

These sites want to rank their content on search engines. Good SEO skills help websites rank their content even with heavy competition.

A content writing career as an SEO writer is a good choice and has lots of opportunities. Learning SEO could help one have a more precise understanding of how it functions. This kind of career in content writing also comes with a set of challenges and difficulties depending upon the type of SEO tasks.

This is one of the highest-paid jobs in content writing and has plenty of scope for newcomers, students, and aspiring content writers. Going for a content writing career as an SEO writer is quite tough without learning the technique at its fundamental and professional level.

Companies prefer highly trained SEO writers to rank their blog articles on search engines like Google. Overall, it can be considered as a job that requires good technical knowledge and holds over keyword analysis.

This could prove to be one of the best jobs for those who can invest some time training themselves about this.


Blogging could possibly be one of the most interesting jobs in content writing career one can pursue as a profession. Blogging is writing about a particular niche in a blog.

This is a content writing career is exercised by many people. Almost all the content writers must have been through blogging at some point in their content writing career.

There are tremendous opportunities in the content writing industry for people to become bloggers. One can start an independent blog and earn from it.

A career in content writing as a blogger requires some extraordinary research, writing, and SEO skills in order to build a stable career. There is hefty competition in blogging. 2 million blog posts are published every day, and it is really tough to rank a particular niche article.

The career in content writing as a blogger is quite interesting as well as tough in terms of competition. It is recommended to have a strong vocabulary, writing skills, and SEO skills to become a good blogger.

There is enough scope for writers to become bloggers and build a stable career with blogging.

There are plenty of websites that look for bloggers who could write 1-2 articles a day for their websites. Depending upon the experience and expertise, one can make a good amount of money as a blogger.

One can create a popular blog to find sponsorships and endorsem*nts that propel the blogging business with good money as well.


Copywriting is usually writing taglines and advertisem*nts. The primary focus of a copywriter is to pull the audience’s attention and influence them to take action. The purpose could be making them visit a link, or purchase a product or maybe a service. This is one of the highest-paid jobs in my content writing career.

Copywriting is possibly one of the most interesting jobs in a content writing career. This kind of profession in a content writing career requires a thorough understanding of creative writing skills and vision about what would people find convincing enough to take the targeted action.

Copywriting is one of the most creative and dignified professions in a content writing career.

Choosing to Copywrite as a job can be considered a wise decision in a content writing career. Copywriting is also one of the highest-paid jobs amongst all other jobs in the content writing career, depending upon creative and writing skills.

The merit of choosing a copywriter over other professions in the content writing career is that one gets to write for brands and endorsem*nt projects. Working with reputed brands and companies could help one upgrade the career score as a content writer.

People with creative minds and good writing skills are recommended to pursue copywriting as their content writing career.

Copywriting specifically needs no particular qualifications but a degree in journalism or graduating with a degree in literature would actually help one grab this as a content writing career real quick.


Freelancing is taking virtual content writing assignments and getting paid for completing them. Freelancing is a very much appropriate option for a content writing career especially for the students and aspiring content writers who want to begin their content writing career.

People interested in starting their writing career can also start and gain experience as well before trying for bigger opportunities in their content writing career. Freelancing is mainly for those who work at home or consistently travel.

People who want to do it part-time can also start freelancing; this helps them work according to their flexible hours. Freelancing has its own set of merits and demerits as well.

While you can stay focused and work according to your comfortable time slot, there is no particular number of assignments you may get. Freelancing opportunities are not as good as the assignments at the desk job.

Starting a content writing career as a freelance writer is good but one needs to pay attention to the profile, bio, and ratings to attract customers. Unless one becomes a very popular or highly rated freelancer, getting new assignments is difficult initially.

For a successful content writing career as a freelance writer, one has to convey what areas they are good at. Categorically Indian writers can perform well if they start their content writing career from freelancing.

This is because the revolutionary increase in interest of Indian students and aspiring writers to become content writers has made abroad companies and small start-ups outsource their projects in India.


Editing is highly demanded by almost all content-based companies such as news and entertainment sites. Choosing to edit as a profession in a content writing career is considered a wise choice. Such content writing careers come with great responsibility as editing is the last process before publishing content.

One needs a thorough understanding of writing, presentation, grammar, and vocabulary. Depending on skills and experience, editors are paid a good amount.

People with prior experience in proofreading and editing are mostly preferred for this job. It is definitely the job that requires less effort and more concentration than any other job one could pursue in their content writing career.

Editing as a profession can prove to be really helpful in building relations with reputed brands, magazines, and media organizations.

Sketch and Script Writers:

Apart from all the jobs mentioned above in a content writing career, one can independently start writing sketches and scripts. Sketch writing and scriptwriting is the most independent job as a profession in a content writing career.

In such a profession, writers either take projects where they make scripts based on ideas of the production team or they write scripts on their own and pitch them to the production team.

These are highly creative career and demands creative mindsets with good writing skills. Writing good sketches and scripts could help one get more projects and build relations with major reputed media organizations.

Content Writing Career as a scriptwriter opens the door to many bigger opportunities like writing sketches and scripts for award shows, movie projects, and a lot more. For such a content writing career, vision is the most important factor.

Perception and vision, about the presentation of content and how it is consumed by the audience, plays a big role in such a content writing career. As a sketch writer, one can make a good amount of money, but it should be kept in mind that writing content and making it better enough to get market attention is very much important.

As this is a very independent content writing career, this has its own set of challenges. Such content writing careers involve marketing strategies to grow to their best.

There are clear scopes of immense achievements and success as well as failures also, depending upon the depth to which such content writing career is understood and how the creative writing skills are exercised. Overall this is a wonderful career to pursue as a content writer.

This profession itself welcomes a lot more opportunities and scopes in the field of content writing. In content writing careers like sketch and scriptwriting, a few points like, creative writing, vision, and presentation should be taken care of to be a successful writer.

How Good Is a Career In Content Writing?

Content writing career itself is very diverse and therefore offers a huge number of opportunities to aspiring writers and students. A content writing career can be very stable for some at the same time could possibly be highly unstable for others depending upon how precisely one understands the opportunities and responsibilities in this career.

It is just like any other profession with the same amount of risks of failing, dedication, and hard work required and the hustle is as much as any other job.

To build a stable content writing career one should have the capacity to learn from failures, as this industry could be very uncertain. One may find great opportunities real soon whereas others may have to go through experiences and learning phases by working with a smaller organization.

One of the most important factors that help one boost their career score is an experience in a content writing career. With every passing day, there is always something new to learn. A content writing career is definitely for those who are passionate about writing and want to make a career in the writing and the creative industry. For better hold over opportunities, internships, placements, and more, pursuing a certified course for content writing is recommended.

Many institutes have come up across the country which offers content writing courses. These courses prove to be very useful in content writing careers as these institutes have dedicated placement cells that allow students to find good placement opportunities in content writing.

Now that people are actually interested in making their career in content writing, the industry is definitely less crowded than others but has a number of potential candidates making competition high. People without any interest in writing would never opt for a career in content writing, and even if some take it as a career option without any interest or purpose, they cannot hold this in the long run.

When it comes to rating how good or bad is content writing as a career, this question has to be answered in detailed layers. In terms of money, some writers are making 2lakhs or even more from their content writing career, giving clear evidence that just like any other job this industry has enough money and opportunity.

In terms of scope and competition, it could be considered as a less crowded career option with a gigantic capacity to allow innumerable writers to work and earn. A content writing career is as good or bad as any other industry, with its awareness booming here in India.

People are becoming aware of this industry and the awareness is spreading too fast. So far as opportunities in a content writing career are concerned, almost all major industries like marketing, the entertainment industry, and corporate industries require content writers. A content writing career requires patience and continuous engagement in writing and creative activities.

The terms of writing a piece of content are changing every day with the requirements of the market. So long as one can write good content and express ideas in words, they can sustain this career. Content writing career itself is very much interesting and allows writers to learn continuously.


Content writing requires a creative mind who also knows to use digital platform to showcase. One needs to have a good communication skills in both writing and speaking who very well knows to capture the attention of its readers or customers. To have a successfull career in content writing one needs to keep learning and stay updated with the digital world. Hope the above article proves useful to guide you well while you are seeking to have a career in content writing. There are many online learning programs that will train you well and support you in building a successful career in content writing. IIM SKILLS is the globally prefered ed-tech company which offers best content learning course which is certified and also government approved.

Frequently Asked Questions- FAQs

Q1. What is the scope of content writer as a career?

Content writing needs a creative mind along with digital knowledge. As long as you know how to be creative and use technology to showcase your creativity you have a successful career a content writer.

Q2. Which is the best online content writing program?

IIM SKILLS offer the best online skill development courses. Their online content writing program is the most recommended course globally. The course is fully government authorized and approved.

Q3. Can I take the course along with my college?

Yes, content writing is a course for everyone who is passionate about writing and has basic knowledge about technology and also has decent communication skills in speaking and writing.

How Good Is Career in Content Writing in 2024? (Updated) (2024)
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Author: Reed Wilderman

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Name: Reed Wilderman

Birthday: 1992-06-14

Address: 998 Estell Village, Lake Oscarberg, SD 48713-6877

Phone: +21813267449721

Job: Technology Engineer

Hobby: Swimming, Do it yourself, Beekeeping, Lapidary, Cosplaying, Hiking, Graffiti

Introduction: My name is Reed Wilderman, I am a faithful, bright, lucky, adventurous, lively, rich, vast person who loves writing and wants to share my knowledge and understanding with you.